PAOS TWO TUB DATLT CAPITAL JOPUNAL, BAXHM, OREQOW, TUESDAY, JUKE 2, 1914. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM M t ltl(tMMMMMMMMMMtMMMM)MtMMMMMMM tMtMMtMmmtmmtm lJunex White and Geweral Clearance contribute to the June offerings. Dainty, filmy, white goods for the sweet girl graduate, the June bride, and for all of the wo men who will delight in the myriad of lovely white merchandise that will be on sale. The General Clearance Sale includes many it usejul and practical articles, and the prices mean a big saving to you. Buy nowit is greatly to your advantage to do so. Sale Cherry Fair June25,26,27 Exceptional preparations for an extraordinary June White Sale. Come and revel in the dainty merchandise that enters this great event. Just so it s white, the price is reduced. We have been preparing for this sale for months- the world itself has been called upon to Cherry Fair June 25, 26, 27 $1.50 Muslin Night Gowns, 98 cents each Pretty, desirable, snowy-white muslin and nainsook Night Gowns, made by the best manufacturers of muslin underwear in America. These gowns are daintily, trim med with lace or embroidery, high or low neck, long or short sleeves; exceedingly well made, and are long and full, not scant in any particular. Values to $1.50, now. 98c ien s Womi Muslin Drawers Five pairs for $1.00 Regular 35c Drawers or one pair for 24c. These are neat ly trimmed with embroidery or lace; the material is strong and durable. JUNE WHITE SALE Five pairs for... ...... $1.00 One pair 24c Bonlbn corsets; and also the Royal Worcester are included in this sale. These are considered the best medium priced Corset in the world by millions of careful dressers. They are always absolutely correct and need to be advertised only to those who have not worn them. ' Mercerized Damask We made a special buy for our JUNE WHITE DAYS, and bought in large quanti ties in order to be able to secure this wonderful value for you. Many pretty pat terns to choose from. 60c to 65c quality, yard. .49c June White Days Values up to $2 in Q Lingerie Waists at Many appear to be worth from $3.00 to $3.50 each. These waists are nothing less than wonderful at the price. They are of voile, crepe and lawns, carefully made in the season's latest and most approved styles. Come and get your share of these lovely waists. Values to $2.00, now. 98c $50.00 Suits Now at $25.00 Clearance of 1914 s Most Attractive Crea tions, Women 's Ready-to- Wear Garments The most distinctive and beautiful models in women's Suits of the present mode are on display in our Suit department. All of our early purchase has been sold, but we have had new ar rivals as late as two weeks ago. As these are rather late in coming, we feel that we had better clear off all our racks By Deep Price-Cutting WOMEN'S FANCY AND TAILORED SUITS CAN BE BOUGHT HERE NOW BELOW COST. , . Sale prices, $7.50 to $25.00 Dresses on Sale These are afternoon and evening as well as tailored dresses for the street, in Copenha gen, navy blue, rosida, tango, mahogany, wisteria and white. $16.50 to $17.50 New Dresses, now. . .$13.50 $20.00 to $22.50 New Dresses, now. . .$15.00 $25.00 to $27.50 New Dresses, now. . .$20.00 $35.00 New Dresses, now $27.50 Women's and Misses' New Coats At Reduced Prices A few lucky purchases has placed us in a position to offer you some remarkable values in new Coats and also to show you a most comprehensive assortment of the latest fashion ideas the new capes with white or colored vests if you desire them. $6.00 Coats $3.75 $12.00 U $15.00 Coats $8.00 it ITmA-;..irA.M;n ni if u and w.uw ilea &preaas w-w U Embroidery tlOUnCing Children sDreSS' $2.50 and $2.25 Bed Spreads . -..$1.91 iff fnr th C.f'rl (Irnrlrfnfn $1.75 Bed Spreads $1.49 High-Class All-Wool Suits for Men Every suit is the product of a real artist the tailoring is A 1, the fabrics all that is best and newest in pattern and color is reflected. There is superb style and exacting fit in every line of our suits, and you'll took a long way before you find better clothes. DO YOU NEED A NEW SUIT OR OVERCOAT? If so, stop in and have a "try-on" otyour particular style of a summer suit. Every inch of every fabric guaranteed all wool.,': Priced $10.00 to $30,00 See Our Great $15.00 Special The best of Good Shirts You want the best for the money. Compare the shirts we of fer with others and you'll buy ours. Mere words cannot give you an idea of the extensiveness of our stock. Not only will you find more variety of styles, but more attractive patterns, more colorings, and shirts that GIVE BETTER SATISFAC TION than you'll find at other stores at similar prices. $ .75 Golf and Negligee Shirts 49c $1 Golf Shirts, 79c June White Days Economy Men's Elastic Leather Belts $1.00 value, 75c on Bedsnreads Brighton Pad Garters, 25c values, now 15c Men's 15c White Handkerchiefs - - 9c $4.75 Ind $4.50 Bel iSreadS . 1 1 " I . " I ' . ". $398 Men's 10c White Handkerchiefs - - 6c $4.00 and $3.75 Bed Spreads P $3.18 Men's Sn White Han dhprrhiefs - - - 3r $3.25 and $3.00 Bed Spreads . $2.37 w ' Mm w-bto w-- ig liP mimmi for the Girl Graduate A great variety of patterns are shown in our embroidery de partment, on Crepe, Voile, Swiss and Cambrics anything you de sire, both as to quality and de sign. 45- and 27-inch (for full length skirt and tunic), pretty floral and conventional patterns, also some with the new punch work. $ .75 Flouncing $ .59 $ .85 Flouncing ..........$ .61 $1.00 Flouncing $ .79 $1.50 Flouncing $1.00 $2.00 Flouncing es An Extra Special Offering $1.50 Bed Spreads .$1.19 Table Linens in white and colored summer Dresses for children from 2 to 14 years; many of them are in the new long-waisted effects, trimmed with plain bandings, pipings, embroideries or laces. The prettiest assortment we have ever shown at so small a cost. $ .73 Dresses $ .56 $1.60-51.00 Dresses $ .84 $2.23 values ..$1.87 $2.00 values $1.74 $1.75 values $1.49 $1.50 values .$1.19 $1.25 values $1.09 $1.08 values.. $ .88 Pongee Silks $2.25 values $193 $2.00 values .$1.65 $1.75 values $149 $1.25 .$ .85 .$ .65 .$ .59 $1.50 values $1.00 values 5 .75 values $ .65 values I J $3.00 Flouncing $2.40 $1.75 Dresses ...$1.49 $3.50 Flouncing $2.80 $1.25 Dresses $1.00 $4.00 Flouncing $3.20 $1.50 Dresses ......$1.19 $5.00 Flouncing $4.00 $2.50 Dresses .-...$2.12 $6.00 Flouncing $4.80 $2.75 Dresses ...$2.29 $2.75 Flouncing $2.20 $3.00 Dresses ...$2.49 The Koverall Girl Kovefalla are the ideal playtime garments. KoveralU keep kiJs klcen save the tood clothes save mothers work and worry. Koverall children are healthy and happy. Koverall have no tipht elastic, circulation stopping bands. They are scientifically cut to lit well, yet give entire freedom of motion. Made of sightly fabrics in light and heavy weights, they are sold with the guarantee of A New Suit FREE if they rip There are many inferior imitations.- Wc sell the original Levi Strauss & Co. Kovcr&Hs 75c Suit White Satin and Kid Slippers are It. included in June White Days Sale 11 - " 11 i MMMMtMMMMMMMttMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM