Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 29, 1914, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Things We Never See
Ye? gchT
-1 ?3 . toT ;Q, i.-'--: PSTS1 IT yWm
JBiL 1 J gog
iW !
I :
Late Yesterday
At Los Angeles, Cal. Eighteen Chi-
l.,u;.,l.la unt in Kan
lll'SU iiiui'lia"irn uu..v w
Francisco to bo deported.
At Loh Angeles, Cal. Extraordinary
rose ulantini; was begun to beautify
the city for the 'visitors expected here
Lightweight Ritchie Bald to Have Been
Given Wallop to Jaw That Put
Him in Distress.
brazier ('. Small, of Willamette uni
versity, the midged athletic wonder,
nnallost t-ollogo half back in the 'in 1915,
northwest, hard hitting, efficient!
shoitstop, and exceedingly fast sprint-! At San Ilernardino, Cal.- Louise
er, hu been electee', captain of track 'Turner, It, and Zeilu King, l(i, of Los
lor next year. I Angoles, were tnkcu from a box car
. Small earned his track award during In which they were beating their way
columns in I'ortlaml papers duriiiK the cast, and lodged in the detention hopio.
a k a i n this season. He earned his foot-
ball letter last fall, occupying several Onklnnd, Col. "Bed Delight," high
columns of space in the I'ortland papers bred black horse, ownod by Mrs. J. S.
season. His phcnomuial work diil much I Anderson and valued at $5,000, was
at different times during the iootball ! killed by a streetcar.
Mediators Are Confident of Their Abll
. ity to Settle Differences Between the
United States and Mexico, '
net, the foreign minister being first in PROPOSES A WORLD COURT
This post is now vacant, Senor Buise ;
holding it only as acting foreign min-! . ,
ister. That the mediator, would sag-, MAY BE SITTINQ AT THE HAGUE
Best an appointee was expected, as a .
natural development in connection with j Tribunal, When Tormed, Win Bender
the peace negotiations, and if a strong Regular Judicial Decisions. Establish
Lesson in Encounter With White
Held Chlcagoan Cheap.
Itv Hal Sheridan.
-IS OPINION OF EXPERTS lo n,,lP Willnmctte througn a season
without losing a single gumo. Ho has ( 'W ashington. Resolutions providing
I' 3 ?:US l,u,d hi" letter in buseball this spring,! fHr minting special gold and silver
,, , , . . . T . , j besides doing steady work with the i C(lin) ,0 cummemorate the Panama I'n-
x-iiiBi is iuui viiuiv. track team. !:;,. .,..;h itrn,lnno,l hv
Small is a populnr man, who has j iM.rescntntive Kahn.
shown his worth to the institution, his
gonial smile ami good-natured pranks I Albnny, N. Y. Adeline I.aFrance,
Imving won him iirnny friends, who arB weighing (100 pounds, and Peter Uobin
well pleased at tho honor which has ; R dwlr w,,igning 4!) pounds, ae
lutiMi cnnrirrnil iinnn htm. With KniRll ' i ? u i i
V.w Vnrk M.iv ''il.-dothiim's f iuht ! " " . : .. . " " u " . . .u.. ' ' 1 mn" "K" " wre
f:tns. are taking Chnrlio Whites ro- l0(.tl( wlil.1 lmvo shown ,, tnil, ymt
ported victory, over Champion Willie Willamette should have a very good
Ifiti'hie, in Milwaukee Tuesday night1 mi' It tiMim HDvt Hit rl iter in Hliitrt nf thn
with a few grnius of salt. Kit.hie isfu,,t ,lllt Hycm 0f thu ,,0it winners
murried at Troy.
regarded, hern as the shrewdest light-; urRlillnu ii,;,, v.,.lr
......i.i : ...... ..i. " J
1 tip (lame hus ever known. . j RITCHIE IS RESTING.
I'nbiased reports indicate that White i ' - , : J. "
had the chain iiiou ' In 'VliHtiess tiV the j ( hicago,r Miy W. With his eves,
first round when he sllpi cl over a M()M, an, i)ls j.uffoa and his voice
wicked lelt to the jaw. H.tchie's knees , Wl,llk from ptlni.B 0) his A(B111H ,,.
lagged Bint ono more solid wallop to p,1( WMio Kitchie, lightweight chain
the same place tind the title would have; liH1 of (h(, voM Parted today for
(hanged hands. I Indianapolis to witneess tho 500 mile
. "The blow was a lucky one, said : Ht(),m),i;0 rl.p there tomorrow. He
one of New York ' expert, sport ( ritics. ; ( i,,,,,,,, to n,tlll.n to Chicago Hundnv,
"The chances ore that White will not j r,t llllti Wednesdny and then
be able to put over a like it when he ,.aVl. f,)r ,.w Vork, sailing for Knglnnd
meets Ritchie again. The a units of ,,, ,j f()r ,is u j tl MVIbn OM the
Hie ngni aiso sn.v mat unci .e i ,-. u.. r-, nKlt of jMu, yteM-ie Welsh
I'.lCtl ril l I J IV UUll lil llic mini ruini'l
fouiiht the ( hii imonii off his feet.
"It is my firm belief that Kit hie
will knock nut While when they meet
nuniii, Willie is one of the most gen
tlemanly tightens in the game, ami 1 tlf tc itiomi bv a
Washington, May 20. Tho rovenue
cutters Vnmncraw and Seminole wero
ordered today to search for tho steamer
I.ukenbach, believed to have flounder
ed vestcHiiv off the Florida const.
Washington, May 29. That the "A.
B. C." mediators expect an immense
amount of troublo in connection with
foreign damage claims against Mexico
was admitted here today.
It was known that they were confi
dent of their ability to settle the dif
ferences between the Washington and
Mexico City governments very speed
ily and that they expect ultimately to
reconcile the warring Mexican factions.
When the factions are brought to
gether, however, tha. foreigners wno
have suffered losses in Mexico will be
heard from, and the mediators were
quoted as having admitted that they
expected the work of settling with
them would take months. Kngland, it
was learned, has not dropped the Ben
ton case, and Germany, France, China
and Jnpan, among other nations, wero
said to have enormous claims to file.
The choice of a provisional president
to succeed General Hucrta was the sub
ject of much discussion in official cir
cles hero today.
He will really be only the head of
tho commission which will govern Mex
ico between the date of Hucrta 's re
tirement and a national election. Nom
inally, however, he will figure as pres
ident and under the Jrfexican constitu
tion a provisional president can enter
man of neutral political beliefs were
named, it was the impression here that
he would be accepted by all factions
and the ground cleared for a definite
solution of the entire Mexican problem.
Precedents and Create Code of Law.
Fred Doney and family will start
Sunday for their new home noar Drain.
We regret to lose our good neighbors.
Buford, a son of Mr. and Mrs. H. N.
Bronson, is expected home soon. His , although at this time I cannot give my
Lake Mohonk, N. Y, May 28. That
the Biipreme court of tho world an
international tribunal of arbitral jus
tice will be sitting in the peace pal
ace at The Hague by 1916 was assorted
by H. B. F. MaeKarland of Washing
ton today before the Lake Mohonk con
ference of international arbitration in
session here.
It is possible to state positively,
terra of enlistment in the regular army
expired a few weeks ago and he was
discharged at Galveston, Texas.
Albert Ruef will soon return perma
nently to his old home in Switzerland.
Mrs. Ruef died a few months ago,
which left the old gentleman quite
Road Supervisors Clark and Kapling
er are doing some road work south of
the church.
Quite a frost here last night.
Redondo Beach, Cai., May 29. Ed
ward Utloy, said to be a former busi
ness agent of the Los Angeles local
authority," he continued, "that tne
proposition was recently made to start
this court with a bench of nine judges
one each from the United States,
England, France, Germany, Austria,
Russia, Italy, Japan and The Nether
lands. This proposition promises to be
favorably considered by the govern
ments to which it was communicated.
"The court, when formed, will ren
der regular judicial decisions, estab
lish binding precedents and create a
code of real international law under
the sanction of the regnant public
opinion of the world."
R. H. E.
jrhilndolpliia 2 5 2
Pittsburg " o
Mayer and Burns; juarmon ana uio
son, American.
R. H. E.
Cleveland 5 8 0
Boston 2 0 4
Hngermnn, Basslor and Carisch; Bo
dient and Thomas.
R. II. E.
Dotroit 8 10 1
Washington 5 8 2
Dauss and Stanage; Shaw and Hen-
R. H. E.
Chicago 1 6 4
New York 6 5 0
Cicotte and Schalk; Fisher and Nun
amakor. R. H. E.
St. Louis 0 6 1
Philadelphia 3 7 1
Baumgardner and Agncw; Plank and
R. H. E.
Brooklyn 2 7 1
Buffalo 7 13 1
Tokio. May 29. Vice Admiral Mat- Heaton and Land; Ford and Blair. -
sumoto was sentenced today to three R. H. E.
Pittsburg . . ,
of the carpenters union, leaped or fell yoars imprisonment for eomplieity in 1 lttsburg O 1U U
into the ocean here today and was the navy graft conspiracy. A sentence Baltimore 2 5 0
drowned. Ha is survived, bv a widow of one year's imprisonment was im-1 Camnitz and Roberts; Conlcy and
office legally tinlr through the cabi- and daughter. The body was recovered, posed upon Captaia Sawaamki. Jacklitach. . .,
j Pacific I'niveisity won the first of
the two baseliiill contests yesterdav
..f i; tn I. Wil.
don't believe he would throw n figlil. , nm,.ltl, UW1., fivo runs in tho third
'. 'In fact I nni sure he would not. ,,, wh(,n tlm0 (,rr(lrs fiUlll the
liut White ninl Ritchie back in f-un i,,, ,1(l Welibe drove ono over tho
r'rniiciseo, would draw a record itowiI. 8rttii,t.iiiiil for a home run.
If liitehio had disposed of White m ; T, Willamette tnllv was acquired
lll . I .L II 4 I I... . . 1 1 . . ' 1 .
mtiwiiiiaee, woo wumii nu uv "mi , ,unh(, their last time lit the bat, when
for the champion to meet should he )o.ll(, , (all. i ,,., n um Bin
dispose of Kredie Welsh in London . ,, on single,
next, montht There, is not a liK''t-i Adams pitched for Williimette. i
weight in sight, with the possible ex-i
ception of White, who could give him! RACQUETERS COMPETE,
a battle. I
"Ritchie learned a Hessrti in Jiiaj i,(m Angeles, Ctil., May 29. Mnny of
scrap with White, lie held the Chica- tho (.n.k rlu.,,mters of southern Call
g.mn too cheaply, lie will receive friliu c,1Inlll.ted today in the first
10,000 for fighting Welsh. And if he : roulul of ,lu, ai,mmi y.M. V. A. tourna
wins, he will be in a position to do-1 )t 1(rili Tum Hllll(Vi national
niiiiid I..,II0I) for his bit In a return ,.,(,,,, -t,,! mion, with Maurice Mc
match on the cnast with White. W ith ; ,,,,,,,,1,1 nm,u, lia fir!tt ,.mlrt a,,1K.nr.
Hie guarantee he is to receive from the; lm,u ,n ft Wayne, Rogers and
London promoters, the champion hus , Ml.,.rnlil.k w,,ri, mi)m, the othlr tl(r8
irade. ili;i,000 since he trimmed 1",1',,,n I entered
Tommy Murphy in Sun Francisco. He. t ,
(ot ir..000 for beating Murphy, 10,- j!MMY COULON GOES INTO
mm lor 111s ooiii wnn nno himi ne 11 TRAINING FOR BOUTi
to receive $10,000 for the London!
,(, !. Should he mcet White on July j Us A , Mlv 29. - Johnnv
4 and receive $1.,0( 0 for his end, it . ,. , , , , r.-tumed'
..Ml ......... iknl tl... ..1. n ... 11 .,11 will hnl'N '
min .mi mi '"" , " 1 ., , . i toilitv from a two weeks mountain
cleaned up $80,000 in four months. It'
looks to me like Ritchie's defeat by! . :
and at once went into training
t.. 1.:.. 1 1 1 ik ...:ik i.-:.i v:n:
... , 1 . f 41 . 'I'l "m i'imii i'iiiii' I' nun ixm 11 uimnm
.XMUie win lie a goon ...... k or v.,-1 of IlH,timnro for ( worril bantBm.
rl.aiiip.on an far as the financial end is . woi(,llt UtU (, ,,,,..,, K,roll(, nm,
conceincil. . j runjiotl, and was eager for work.
Oakland. Cal., May 29. A flat of-
San Francisco, Mav 29. Leach Cross' r'r 01 ..i.mi ami iwo rouiuiinp:
nnd Hcd Watson, both pronounced fit j tickets, with all training expenses, to',
to put up the battle of their lives, to-1 ' " " ' " ..".
dav awuited the sound of the gong et to Charlie White of Chicago to
wh'i.h will fomh them 011 their "0-: day by nn Onkland tight promoter. If
Touiid journaV hero tonight at Cof-i the otter is accepted, the bout will be
froth's Sth street arena. The betting! for fifteen rounds
iiublic has installed Cross a 2 to 1 , ' '
jf-ivorite 1 racmc torsi iieague oiauumgs.
- !
1m.iIi Aiuirl finneAila Wutsill. H COUil W. ij.
outside chance over his more experi- San Francisco .Tl 2:1
enced opponent. While Watson is by i Venice 31 22
no means a clever boxer, he is one of , Los Angeles 28 27
the hardest hitting lightweights in the Sacito 24 2S
game, and his swings are apt to con-: Portland 21 20
t nnv time. 1 Oakland 20 31
Cross savs lie will defeat Watson by j Yesterday's Results,
boating him to the punch. j At Portland Los Angeles 8, Tort-
"J don't see where Watson bus Buy land 0.
.iaii.m." said Cross. " 1 don't believe ' At San Francisco-Sacramento !i,
be will be able to land any of his wild San Francisco .
ewings and as he is a wide open boxer, At Venice Venice 2, Oakland 1.
J expect to put over the wallop early; C0NSTITOTI0NALIST ABrIVES.
111 the fight." j
Three six round preliminaries will, ,. T
ill 1. ...4 ' ?Migiira rails. Out., Miiv 29. Juan
vrecei e the main bout. ,. .7 '. . .. ...
' , , , il npndo, a member of tho constitu-
., . 1 1 41. tionalist junta at Washington, arrived
The evidence that Peary readied the h,r(1 t0)UJv ,u t once nt his rRrd
Pole is not very convincing to many, ,0 Am,,n;,n,,or D, Gama, chief of the
but it seems to have more weight than ,.;., hllt i-miiatolv re.
! I 1
(J As' i
20 for T M
' I'i It 1 MtmT bo For pramami II 1
VI 10 cents im m
J Wm
To cigarette sniokers of
America who smoke 5c,
10c, 15c, 20c or 25c ciga-,'
Here are Camels 20 cigarettes for JO
cents a choice blend of specially selected
Turkish and domestic tobaccos 1
No man's money can buy a more de
lightful cigarette at any price.
High grade tobacco and expert blending
gives you a cigarette that will not bite the
tongue and leaves no cigarelly taste (you
know what that means I) in the mouth.
Every time you buy another brand you're
simply wasting money and pleasure.
On sale all along the line 20 for 10c.
If yoar dtaltr can 't 'apply yoa. Mend IOc for onm
pachagt or fl.00 for a carton of ttn package
(200 ci$artlt) , pottag prepaid. After imoA
ing ono packagm, if you don't find CAMELS
M nprtuntod, return the other nine packages
and we will refund your money.
Cook's pretensions.