Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 28, 1914, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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4f t 4
t- tit t
This store will be closed
all day Saturday, but will
be open Friday evening.
News of Marion County I
fiSAXXM HEIGHT'S HAPPENTNQk.' reading wns very touching.
crowd attended the concert
; The June White Sale be-::
: gins today. Don't (ail to
;: take advantage of this sale
Mr. Kingsley is making extensive
improvements on hib house.
The boy scouts hart put a new porch
on their cabin.
Mrs. Will, who has visited with her
daughter, Mrs. Sanders, the past two
summers, passed away a short time ago
All the friends and neighbors sympath
ize with Mrs. Sanders in her bereave
ment. The Ladies' Aid held a delightful
meeting with Mrs. C. W. Sawyer at her
attractive home, Wednesday afternoon.
Seventeen members and three visitors
spent the afternoon in sewing. After
a profitable business hour a delightful
lunch was served by the hostess, assisv
ed by her sister, Mrs. Will Sawyer. The
visitors were Mrs. Alice Coolridgo,
Mrs. Carrie Trudgen, Mrs. Jenme
Brown and baby Zelma.
Last Monday evening the boy scouts
had an exciting timo at their business
meeting when it was reported tho cab
in was afire. Investigation proved to
be only the chimney burning out, whicn
was put out with only slight damage.
Friday afternoon at 2:00 p. m., a
memorial program will be given at th
hall by the school children. A num
ber of the old soldiers will bo present
to give short talks. Everybody com.
f-f -
Madear, Ore., May 27, 1914. Mr.
John Tekenburg and Mr. D. J. Miller,
who both have large strawberry
patches, say that they never have seen
their berries any better than they nre
tins venr. Mr. Miller savs he will have
double the amount he had last year.
Mr. and Mrs. I K. Goodoll were Sa
lem visitors yesterday. They report
the roads are fine.
Tho Macleay peoplo as a whole do
not like tho looks of that new pill witn
its sugar-coating in the shape of the
new road bond that somo of the boost
ers are preparing for the farmers to
tako. They are afraid it is bitter after
the sugar is nil off.
Mr. II. E. Martin iins his usual field
of corn, and it is looking fine. He
says this rain in a fino thing for the
Waldo Hill farmers.
Maclenv has
CJuite a
Mr. T. J. Clark has commenced Hi riv
ing his Clark strawberries from his
Elaborate Ceremonies Attended by ViLV
itOTs From All Parti of the Word
Pop Is Vigorous. j
Rome, May 28. The red hi, sym;
holie of tho highest t.ffiee in tho Cath
olic church, with the eireption'of time
of pope, was this morning conferred
patch in Keiser. Over 40 crates of dw- j 011 14 new "rdinals The ceremony
licious berries were harvested at tho
first picking. '
Ivan Martin, a prominent attorney
of this city, spoke before the Commer
cial Law class, under K. C. Cochran,
yesterday morning.
Mr. Martin spoke on "Real Prop
erty" giving the class many pointers
took place at a public consistory of
the Sacred college, held at the Vatican,
'and the new piinces of t'.ie church con-,
'sisted of the 13 prelates who were'
l created cardinals last Mondav ami !
Monsigner llornig, arch bishop of Vosz-1
prima, Hungary, who was elevated to:
the purple last December but who hat? I
not as jet received the hat. !
The ceremony thi morning was the!
most elaborate which has been held
. - ai 1. .1: - .1 : - . t.t Vntipnn intA tit Knrnmhiir hah. '
He also traced down through the ages !tory of 1911, when amongst the 18,
how title was passed from one person to '"linals created at that time, therej
auother, the first way being by giving wre lBr" Americans. The presence,
a clod .of dirt or a stone until nn it I of all threo of the latter, namely Oar-,
must pass through many legal process- U'nals Farley, Falconio and OVonncl,
es before a person can secure a clear
title. Mr. Martin also answered
numerous questions asked by the pupils
who are now preparing for the final
exam. As a finishing word he told the
class if they did not know the eiaet
answer to give a strong argument of
what your opinion was and you would
bf given credit.
The Physiology classes nnder Miss
Theodosia Bennett are just finishing
up the disceting of the humau brain.
The class has been doing a great deal
of disecting work and studying the
as well as Cardinal Gibbons of Haiti
more, contributed much toward ntnk- j
ing today's consistory notable, 'as the,
presence of American cardinals at I
Rome has at nil times aroused an in- j
terest and enthusiasm which that of j
other cardinals fails to engender.
The attendance today was 'also most'
unusual, this being the season of the I
year, just following Laster, when Rome
is filled with pilgrims and tourists
from all parts of the world. Tho lim
ited number of tickets alloted to the
public was exhausted several weeks ago
and thousands of requests had to be
various l.arts of the hndv" fnmi the
actual narts instead of lenriiiiiir the i refused
names and description out of the book. Nrble Pamilies Present j
Among the parts studied havo been In pursuance with the custom of een-j
"The body of the Rabbit" in which : turie P,'i"l tribunes wero set aside j
they traced the various processes of Rt tnc consistory for those who havo a '
digestion and the course of the blood, 1 sl'eiia' riKnt attend. These included '
etc. They also studied the human I diplomats accredited to the Vatt-i
skeleton naming all of the bones, r(,ftn w" attended in full uniform mid'
oints. etc. The eve. ear. nose, heart, "e.'ornuons; tno ncniis or the vurion
kidneys, lungs, stomach, legs and
other .parts of both humans and animals
wero disected and studied.
Tho members of the senior class of
religious orders such as tho Knights of,
Mnita, the Franciscans, Hem dieti lies1
and Jesuits; the officers of the pope's.
nonie guards, I'aluliuo guards, Swiss
the Salem High school began taking : R"rds and gendarmes, and high: Vat
and a good church servieo after. Rev.
Winters, of Salem, spoke to the people
last Siindnv. Everybody enjoved his
Dr. F. T. Nash has on his farm iiOn
sheep he has taken to pasture his firs;
crop of clover off, and thev look ver
The Markets
The wlieat market is quiet and the
prices steadily declining. The slack
demand from California, nnd tho rush
of millers with a surplus to sell has
weakened the market and it is prob
able prices will go still lower. Club is
Hield-at'85 to 86 cents, nd -ew-delivety
is contracted for at 80. The hop mar
ket shows no change. Catlin & Linn
bought tho Hovendon lot of 175 bales
at Hubbard recently at 14 cents.
Photographs of tho yards at Sonoma
show the vines in bad condition and
the ground practically bare. At Sacra
mento the conditions were much bet
ter. Here in Oregon it is too early to
mako any intelligent estimnto of the
crop, as there are too many possibilities
of damage yet to face.
Sugar took another 10-ccnt raise yes
torrhiy, and beans also went up a few
cents on the hundred. Eggs and dairy
products remain' unchanged, with the
demand strong. Lima beuns arc quot
ed at 8 cents, the highest price in many
years. Portland dealers think an ef
fort is being mado to start a banana
war, but sny nothing is doing unless
tho banana shippers do the fighting
and stand the expense.
Hay, timothy .'. 1 5.00
Clover, per ton $910
Oats ami vetch fir
Wheat, per bushel f 90c
Bran, per ton $27.00
Shorts, per ton $29.00
Oats, per bushel 32c
Chittim bark, per lb.- 4',5e
Cheat, per ton ."...$ls
Potatoes, per cwt 4050c
. . . SBtter' anj "-figgs. ' "'
Butterfat, per lb., f.o.b. Salem ...25c
Creamery buttar, per lb..-. 27 Yjc
Eggs ...iyc
Hens, per lb ic
Roosters, per lb jjC
Steers 78e
Cows, per cwt. 5(6c
Hogs, fat, per lb 78c
Stock hogs, per lb 6'ij7c
Ewes, por lb 5C
Spring lambs, per lb o'c
Veal, according to quality Il(g-12y.e
Dry, per lb 8C
their final examinations today. There
are now about 85 candidates for
graduation and It is probable that Hi
most all of them will pass the ex
aminations and rescive their diplomas
on dune 6th.
The Physiography class under Miss
Bennett have completed the study of
a fine Sunday schoor.tne trees or tne. state notise grounds.
kvery pupil must . be aiile to give the
nnme and describe every tree on the
Tho library of the Salem High school
.Oiows a great growth over the past
year's and especially during the month
of May.
The admit Blips show that the aver
age daily attendance was 210 and the
circulation was 62 volumes a dnv. .
There are now 1873 volumes in the
sheep in one band in these parts of Ore
gon. Miss Minnie E. Trnlinger, who hns
taught in Macleny three years, will
give her annual school fair next Fri
day morning, April 29. Everybody Is
invited " to attcnVl. There will be a'
short program, aftor which the prizen
will be awarded to those who havo done
the best work in Hewing, fancy work,
bird houses and gardening.
Mr. Theron and Homer Enssel are
icau prelates. There was also tho spo
cial tribune which for centuries hns
been reserved for tho noblo families
of the Roman nristot racy, and next to
this, at Cue Fpecinl orders of Pope 1'ius,
a special trilmrto was placed for his
two sister anil niece who Keep him
company in Rome. The standing room
left for the public nt largo wns occu
pied to tho lust inch.
Th greater portion of tho morning's
ceremony consisted in the figurative
bestowing' on tho new cardinals of the
red hat. As the name of each was call
ed, ho advanced tonaids the pupal
throne dropping to his knes three
times before finally reaching tho feet
of I'opa 1'ius.
The lntter for a brief instant tlion
placed on the head of each a huge,
Every day of our sale our store has been crowded with people who
came to take advnntago of the BIO BARGAINS IN CLOTHING that
we are offering
They Were Delighted
With the quality of our goods and tho prices that wo are making on
them. They went away with their arms full of the best values that D
have ever been carried out of a store la Salem. They were pleased, and
they went out and
Told Their Friends
And now they are all coming to shnro in the TRICE-SAVING OPPOR
TUNITY that W6 aro giving them. Consequently wo will have
A Big Rush Tomorrow
In order to take enro of them properly, in order to disappoint nono and
to give everyone a chance, wo have put on AN EXTRA LOT OF HELP
Friday's Big Sale
Therefore, don't hesitate. Come. Wo cua wait on you. And you'll be
glad you came.
The Plymouth Clothing Company,
Corner Liberty and State
tiyii.iLiiiuwmu.n uamijm j
school library and a great number of , hC(' hat, the same one being used for
periodicals such as the Literary litret.l clu'h cardinal, and recited the ritual
Atlantic Monthly, Independent Out-1 preteribrd for the occasion'. Follow
look, Popular Mechanics, Boston Cook-'K tho removal of tho hat, his holiness
ing School Magazine, Educational Jte-1 1'lneeil on the. finger of each enrdinnl
view, National Geographer, Oregon i a ningnificen't gold ring, set with tho
Teachers' Monthly, Review of Reviews,! "P0'''"' jewels belonging to the pnrticn
Sohool Review, Technical Review. '"" order of cardinals to which each
Miss Case, the librarian, Is now pro,1""' I""" created ami closed with the
A new line of Mule Skin Shoes for Summer Wear
We have Calf Shoes in Tan and Black
First-class Quality
very busy these days cultivating thoirjj. oaf
hpnns. Thpv hnvA ohntif oiirlif mi-na alii
looking fine.
Mr. Ben Chamberlain is very busy f ,
replanting his sweet corn. Ho reports 1 I
paring to order a largojumlier of new
I volumes which wil. be needed for the
tho. graydiggers very thick in that vl
cinity, they having taken the first
Mr. B. H. Kaiser has several men
employed on tho Waldo farm "repairing
fences, which is making a great im-
S TtrLleitS Cacb -fl5e!1il Mbr Morris took the first
wuu.w ll-IVO, CdtU ZiiC , j. ...
the Waldo Hills to ttalem, Tuesday,
May 20, receiving a good price for
late Yesferdav
J :
At Colon. For 30 seconds the town
them. man
Mr. George Hahnsen is building nlinm
apostolic, benediction.
Delivers Bed Hat.
Later in the day, special emmissnr
ies from the Vntienn, driving in the
state carriages of tho pope, visited the
hotel of each curdimil and delivered
personally the red hat that becomes a
;art of the permanent regnlia of ench
new cardinal prince of (ho church. This
hnt is retained until the death of tho
cardinal, when it is then suspended for
wns rocked by an enrthquuke, but no -l'-n, 10 ''"'"c ' tho cnuicli of which
serious damage to town or canal whs i "" h,en thp particular cardinal
reported. 1 1""''0'- t
I Ihroughotit the entire ceremony, lnst-
At San Francisco. Mayor Rolph np- "j'"' 'whoius, Pope Pius ap
pointed Chillies T. Spader, real estate r" .' "l l"ms ln "' o
220 North Commercial Street
E. B. FLEMING, Prop.
Headquarters American Wire
Fence, Morley's Patent Hop Bas
ket. Send your orders in now.
Big stock of bop and loganbery
wire. Bnbber roofing, 11.50 np
per square. Elastic roof paint,
cant' be beat Stock of paints
and Tarnishes at 20 per cent -
duction, three brands. Cedar
fence posts and wood and iron
walk and drive gates,
250 Court St Phone 124
P. O. Bo 355.
Back of Chlcaji 8tct.
Portland, Ore., May 28. Wheat
fiiat8KT:?0v.i1 WllitB fC1' "'30' gray,! 11CW barn on th(! forty-iiTO tract h
Aoirn ' purcnased from 11. K. .Martin,
Barlely Brewing, $21; feed, $20
Hogs Best live, S.10fflS.lo.
Prime steers, 7.75$S8; fancy cows,
fire commissioner, succeeding Wil-1 1"'!llit,1 ", t it" ' lose there was m.
II. Hammer, removed. evidem-c whatever either of tho fatigue
I or collapse which invariably followed
At Yakutz. .Siberia. Fragments were ! , '"'" '".''n'oiiies townr.ls the close
ound of a balloon, supposedly the oucl,'" I'""' ' '-nto ol Pope Leo .Mil.
n which Explorer Andree and two ' Pope Cms ' whole aspect, as
j in which Fxpl
I ocmpanions tried to reach the north
ivim i:h mis strong resonant voice, in
dicated that tlicro vr.z every ronton
I to hoie that it will lie n number of
Antonio Maura, son of .T" l. n'""p '"'rnnais ereated
Despite tho rainy" weather, the lee I pole.
cream and strawebrrv social was fairlv!
47: best calves. SO: nurinir lnmlia iHfios. ! well nttended Inst Fiiilnv uvoninn ln' I A f Ifn.lrM
yearling lambs, $.). j 22. A short program was rendered, us ' a former conservative premier, n ul !1,iH will iie called together
Butter City creamery, 27c. (follows: I Rodcriguei rfiirisno, a ropublien.n, clash-. " l."''nve 10 cll"'t s'.ieecosor to the
Kggs Selected local extras, 2122c. : Instrumental solo Irmia Kecfer ' ed in the lobby of parliament and Hoti- hol-v Rc0'
riens, iuc; Broilers, H;)(aiic. I vocal solo Miss l,cnore Thompson ! ano's nose uus bloodied
Wool 1014 clip, Willamette valley, Trio....Misscs Knuth, McCall, Thompson i
(U-Oc; eastern Oregon, 1319c. . Vocal solo Mr. Win. Jackson' A
Hops Choice, Uloc.
Made by the
Sydney, Oregon
Made for Family mt.
T Ask yonr grocer for it Bian
ana snorts aiways u uuiu.
i P. B. WALLACE, Agent
At Xopiilcs. Snnorn. Word wns re-
insiriimeiitaL solo.....iiss Irnna Keeter ! ceived of the execution of six Mexican
Most of tho numbers .were encores. cattle thieves between Not'nlis and
Ksiiecial mention may be given Irmia ! Canndea.
Keefer, while but a youngster she j
shows remarkable talent. At Redlunds. Cal. -Sixteen hundred
After the program the ice cream, persons heard political speeches by
San Francisco, May 23. Eggs Ex
tras, 23c: firsts, 21 pullets, 21c.
Butter Extras, 24c; prime firsts, ! caku and strawberries .were sold, also ' Governor Johnson and Railroad Com
23'.c; firsts, 23ijC. , j home-made candy and fruit punch, -missioner Eshlcninn.
Cheese California firsts, 13'ic; ! Miss Lois Keefer and Miss Alta Haii I
nrsts, uc; socontts, izc. presiileil over tho punch bowls, while
St. Louis, May 2S. Thousands of
persons gathered today in the natural
amphitheater in Forest park and wit
nessed tho portrayal of the pictures
tie history of the city of .St. Louis
by "fl(10 St. Louisiana in what is snid
to be tne largest pageant ever pro
duced. The pageant and musk will lis
At Kn Frnncisco.-Mavor Boll said MRC' ev"v "!l rpr lnn rvmanmoi or
whence they camo whilo tho Indian life
continues undisturbed. Then Joliot and
I'ero Marquette pass down tho river in
their canoes marking the coming of the
I French, :
Lnclode and his strpson Aguste Creu
l teau at the beginning of the second
: movement of the pngennt arrive,
liiiclodfl plans tho town and Chcutenii
builds the first house with the aid of
; his men and Indian :-quaws. Then fol
lows the coming of the settlers and:
tho troops under St. Ango and u town
j begins to grow, tiovernor I'icrnns ;
'conies with tho Spanish troops amir
I (lags establishing tim Spanish re
gime. An Indian and British attack is
j successfully resisted. Singing of
French revolutionary songs in the1
jrtrccts by tho "Sans Cultotlng" is tho
j next episode reflot ting the struggle in '
France. Tho second movement end.:
I witfi tiie transfer of the Louisiana I'm
i chase, tho dnv of three flags. The
Spanish governor proclaims the rulo ot
Spain at an end, Mnjor Stoddard takes
over tho post for France, and then prfr
claims tho pnrclia-c, hoisting tho Am
erican flag. Then, in the coming twi
light is shown the at rival of the pii.
ncerH, Lewis anil Clark nnd Dnuit-I
I'.oono, followed by tho coming of tiie
lirst steamboat, the (lenernl Pike. Tho
ilnrk years of the civil war nro showed,
the pugeiint closing with tho news of
Wheat Club, $1.G0; Russian red. Mrs. Cooper had charge of the candv'if froi,lnt l iiienthul i',f tlm fnited i-ho month in order that all St. Uuis
l.oij(al.t)o; forty-fold, $l.Co1.67i2; ! booth. We hope that the next time 1 Railroads was sincere in suggesting the
iuf.oj. reu, i.uMt; oiuesiem, fi.i2ttwe nave a social tne weather man will ' system's municipalization, he would
! postpone the rain a few hours.
Barley Ordinary lo No. 1, 95(a97?.c. I . But we needed the rain. Even-thing 'him
1A-A n..-i i. :ii. !. ..... .-
l uwiiora uregon curoanKs, ji per t ioors line as a result ot the showers
sacK to per cental; sweets, $2.25; or the last few days,
on street per ctl; Seattle potatoes, 65c
inns and the thousands of out-of-town
visitors mav see it. Its production next
' ' cj .1 : a ak
appoint a committee to confer with ; "''"' y ' '" ' " ' "
i $36.00
Lou Angeles, Cal., May 2S. Louise
McKlnaiiie, n pretty American girl, of
Unite, Mont,, who was married at sen
off San IHcgo several months ngo to
Mann (into, a .InnmicsAi. is nu hpr wv
to Man rranciseo to accompany her
norted husband to Julian. Onto
notified imm'iL'rnt ion officials here
liis wife's ileteriniiiHtioii to neciimniinv
him, an act by which she automatically
becomes a subject of tho J.ipaueBo emperor.
li a
per ctl; new potatoes, VA2c per lb;
garnets, 1Vi1VjC.
Onions New red, $2(52.50 per ctl;
Bermuda, $2 per crate.
Oranges, per box New navels, fancy,
$2.502.75i4 choice, lfS1.50; tanger
ines, 75c$1.25; Valencia, fancy, 1.50
(Ul.75. ,
Portland, May 28. Sugar advanced
another 10 cents a hundred pounds on
all grades today, the increase being
general throughout the Pacific Coast,
and followed th boost in New York
yesterday of raws. Wholesalers are of
the "opinion that still further advances
will be made during the next few
cannot see it on workdays.
Time and money was not spared in
Five hundred bus- maKI"K 11 lne '"""t pretentions presen-
Mrs. Jamisch was down from Port
land week and looked over her ranch,
now rented to O. E. Cooper.
D. C. Weaver is clearing his piece
north of the school house. It will be
an improvement to the property to have
all the brush cut down so one can see
on both sides of tiie bridge at om
iness men diseased opportunities for I 't'on "'1 ever attempted in
commerce abroad at a national foreign
trade convention.
this country. Teri-y Mai-Kay and
Thomas Woods Stevens, pageant mas
ters, 'have devoted more than six
months to the mammoth production.!
11 r.,,..llr,,l C-,1 iftr.r or, .. t .
tempt at a reconciliation with his wife, ' "."" .,
ami a movement wns start"d to intro
(luce a study of historic St. Louis in
the schools.
Mm r nni.1 hnwcml.l not ,.,.,e "ccamo inicresie.i in us own n. story,
w-J -HFS- - -
the divorce suit she had brought
against him, on cruolty charges.
Mr. Lou Thornton, wife and son are
here from California, perhaps to locate.
TheV S fit tha tinrnn a Tl f 1
"LJ , " " "T. 1 V. ""A", fingers.
...... uu, iivu a uiuiuri, Ara.
Albertson, also a sister of Mr. Weaver,
is visiting from the east.
At Fullcrton, Cal. W. H. C. Walker,
78 years old, suffered tho amputation
of both hands because of burns receiv
ed when a windlass broke and tore his
We have received an unusual reduction on the
price of these high-grade cleaners, and we are glad
to give you the benefit of it.
Come in and see them demonstrated.
Chicago, Mr 28. The Presbyterian
Address a postal eard to OUT Z
OF THE BUT. Salem, Ore, and t
i get a free copy of the magazine i ! general assembly, in session here, to
a tht hrinira the buyer sad seller 4 ! Hut authorized the moderator to ap-
t of real estate together witnont t 10"int a committee of ten to devise
T CMnmisslon. 4 ways and means of meeting the 1430,-
. . . ..aaaaC 000 deficit in mission funds.
An excellent sacred concert was ren
dered at the school house May 24. Tho
following numbers were given:
Vocal solo - Lenore Thompson
Piano solo ..Mrs. Frickey
French horn solo Mr. Cochran
Piano and violin duet
Mr. Frickey and Mr. Cochran
Vocal solo Mr. Wm. Jackson
Veal duet
Mr. Jackson and Miss Thompson
Readings Mrs. Edith Kellogg Bartlett
The soft music accompanying the ket closed heavy,
New York, May 28. Reflecting a
lower London level, trading in stocks
here today wns on a downward scale,
but no important losses were recorded.
Dealings were in very small volume,
traders generally preparing for the
coming double holiday. General Motors1
dropped 2. Toward noon trading be
came more active, but no extensive new
Peace Plpo I3 Smoked.
The opening scene represents the site
of St. Louis as wen from the Illinois
shore with the water between the and
iencn and the stage on whirh mound
builders are constructing a miiund. They ,
nre interrupted bv tho arrival of hunt-'
i-.. ! a-a- i I
i crs v. lltj ilKil.v milium nnmit nun run
tni men to tne minting, iiespno tne
pleas of the priests the men left the
mound unfinished and join the hunt,
tho women following. Next appear
the Indians, who ret up their own
wigwams. Rumors of war stir the vil
lage and the corn dance changes to a
war dance. Tho village is attacked nnd
after being successfully defended th
nine of peace is smoked. In the dm
alem Electric Co.
PHONE 1200
lines were put out. most traders being
unwilling to commit themselves ontilltance appears cavalcade of De Soto
something more definite concerning the and his gold-seekers of Spain in the
Mexican situation is learned. Toe mar- sixteenth century. Tney set up a
j cross on the mound and return from
If It's Electric, Come to Us