PAGE TWO THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL,' 8ALSM, OREOON, TPE8DAY, MAT 26, 1914. 39C BE ROE DRESS GOODS, DOUBLE WIDTH, YD. LETT 75c BED SHEETS EXTRA LARGE NOW ONLY 23 l-2c 48c fl.25 PONGEE SILK, YARD WIDE YARD AND MERCHANDISE OF THE HIGHEST STANDARD QUALITY OFFERED AT BARGAIN PRICES IS WHAT KEEPS THE CHICAGO STORE ALWAYS BOOMING. WE ARE MANUFACTURERS' BUYERS. and can always give-you the lowest prices. 18c STANDARD SIZE PILLOW CASES GOOD AND HEAVY LE PRICES 1". y2f 1 I 69c 10c 77 r tf f If Millinery Bargains 78c PONGEE SILK 27 INCHES WIDE YARD 45c i8c$1.49$1.98 12v.,c DRESS OINOHAMS 30-IN. WIDE, YARD 81-3c Oc PERCALES. DARK and FANCY SHADES NOW, YAB.D 5c Now placed on sale for this week's selling. Choice lots just received from our New York buyer. Panama Hats in all the latest shapes. Trimmed hats, all new and fresh. Girls' hats, children's hats, shapes, flowers and fancy plumes. Little prices for this week's selling1. GIRLS' HATS 45c, 79c and 98c Ladies' Trimmed Hal 98c,$1.49,$2.50up 15c CURTAIN SWIS3 36 INCHES WIDE NOW, YARD 9c are the rrices we are now offering shoes that are worth 32.50,' $2.95, $3.50 and $4.00. Cash toying enable ns to give to our customers . shoe values that you cannot touch elsewhere In Salem. Come here and see for yourself. We make the low prices for Salem. Nemo and Warner's Rust Proof Corsets on sale this week. Odd sizes and odd lots offered at less than manufacturers' prices. 500 pairs to choose from at bargain prices. Fair -19c, 75c, 98c and up. mm) If 8 1 3c BLEACHED NAPKINS NOW ON SALE. 100 DOZ. TO CHOOSE PROM; PRICES ONLY 5c BLUE STRIPED TICKING, NOW ON SALE, YARD 9c 25c SWIMMING TIGHTS TOR BOYS .NOW ONLY 10c SPOOL SILK 3c OUR WINDOW BARGAINS ARE THE TALK OF SALEM. Come and see the Values we can give you a5i Dress Goods and Silks 20,000 yards of the latest Silks and Dress Goods now on sale. As always, we are leaders. Come here and choose your Dress Goods and Silk materials from the greatest stock in Salem. All at little prices. Yard 19c 25c 35c 9c 65c 69c and up iht D A vc nrr td 'a r.r at the big Chicago store - that makes the LITTLE PRICES for Salem Summer Hosiery AT BARGAIN PRICES 15c Hose ; 9c 15c Vests Oo Union Suits...... 10c and 25c MOUNTAINS of lacos, emliroldories and dress trimmings now on sale at little prices. Also nice voile flouncings, all-over nets, cameasole laces, linen laces, silk laces, gold laces, escurial black laces, and hundreds 'of others. Our prices are little. Yard, -, 2c, 3c, 4c, 5c, 8 l-3c, 10c, 1 2 l-2c and up - SAl-M ORE COM $1.98 $2.50 are the little prices we are now selling Boys' Clothing for. hero and compare our suits with what you can find else where. Kemember, we make the small prices for Salem. ' Si' New Coats, Suits and Dresses Just received by express from our New York buyer. They are the best values offered in Salem. A lucky purchase enables us to give our cus tomers up to the hour styles in Coats, Suits and Dresses at little prices. $15.00 SERGE SUITS. $4.95 $25.00 FANCY AND SERGE ; SUITS for $0.90 and $12.50 BALMACAAN COATS for ........ . $4.95, $7.90 and $9.90 $15.00 CREPE SILK DRESSES Now on sale for. .?8.a0 $9.50 WOOL DRESSES. . . ... . .$4.95 WASH DRESSES. . .75c, 98c. and up ThelMystery of the Ranch , or i Who Gets the Farmer's Crop? HINTS TO.S TREATMENT OP LAWN FOR DANDELIONS 1 Government Tells How to Reniovo Weed Before it Destroys Grass Is Not a Native. By J. II, Cradlobaugh. I imi.lo us workf 'What change lias it: It ib unnecessary to go into detail mused other tlinii to turn the free snv- " nwhmntoii, I). ('., May 2(1. The niul follow each individual business. , ago into tlm imltistiinl slave? What ' l"'st ,vnv ,0 "'l vUIuh! ilnndolion It is enough to show the results in onej more has civilization ilone for us than t l,""t! ' rut of their tops and put ami ..then anyone Interested can lo the I create greater nml more desires and 1 a l'i,u',, 0 w,,t (nl,out thimbleful) on tracing of oach other indilBtrv. It ! wants, nml coimcmicnl lv enpRoil nil ! the snrtii"e ot oneh exposed root. This limy lio broadly Btnted that in every j mankind to labor! , case buck of every buSi'. and every All these desires, nil these wants, industry stands the farmer, unci on numerous and (rrowinir ns thev are, Ins erop every other business depends. , must be paid for with the limner's ouniownoro una somtnow nil (l.'peml on products in some shane. 1'nless then! PROPOSE TO INVADE VAST WILD DOMAIN I win Kin most or tlieiu. as snlt u nen I erally applied ruins soil, the salt should be used sparingly and applied only to tho root-tops of the dandelion. The I V. 8. Department of Agriculture has 1 for som time been testini; various the tooth shaped edges of the leaf of the plant. How to Get Rid of Plantains. Another weed that injures the beau ty of ninny lawns is the plantain, of which there are two varieties; the biickhorn, or rib grass; ami the com mon, or broad leaf. The tamo methods that apnply to eradicating the dandelion apply to tbor-D-i dji.i-.t- , -plantain the method of poison- Ecglon Rkh 111 Muieral t0 Bc Penetrat ing the iiidiviiUWil plant. Instead of MAY ASCEND CEOOKED SNAKE. ' I'lin be n morn pnnitnblA nf The laborer in every occupation la- both bibnr nn,l h ii,.,-np I'oisons to discover the most efficient bors only for the purpose of buying the! farmer's burden will become heavier ' "u'a"s of fmlicnting this troublesome tanner's products in tho shape of fooi! j instead of lighter as civilization creates w,'' from lnw"at '"' although others or as they rouin from the niauiifnetuf stiil more demands. Ue and his erop h"vp '""'"I sntisfnetory, tho eom er's hands in the shape of clothing, pay tlio bills of the world. Por the!"""1 is ,,l'Ht ,or Kom'r1 ll!,e Home of the earnings may go few j world takes his erop, pnvs him what the ' 110 dai'S'-r accompanying its i musonipiits, but these in turn are fu- it plen-es therefor, and 'nobis out tho RIM't't-ntioti. nished bv others who furnish them foi j cheerful advice to other folks r'10 ,,,M"rtll'It specialists say that tho purpose of getting money to puv-i"Back to tho farm." much effort is wasted in merely eut- chase food and clothing. The ricli ' i ting off the dandelion top without ap-1 merchant who visits Kurone has his ! PROBLEM OP '. " i plying some poison to tho root that re-' COMES BEFORE EXPERTS II1,UI"'" 1 1,0 daudeliou has a tap root i that grows deep into the soil and eut- 19H Commonwealth Conference Also to ! li,"K ,ff, l'10 'l'1"" Bwr,y. '""r.F ! , . ki (i,e daiulebou to com up in. a thicker t Discusa Kindred Topic of Im- growth. migration. This Week. j Ramove Dandelion Before It Goes to ' Seed. j A serious effort to get at eanses and ; The time to eradicato dandelions is ' lirice wo pay for rivili.ation is not I remedy for unemidovmeiit in Oretron : in the mmna before the nlunt has had1 too high. But a Bhort time ago it was , will b made at the Commonwealth time to form seed. Tho Bed spreads possible for a man to earn a living for j conference at the l!niversity of Oro- rapidly, blown by the wind. The blos liis family, ami a largo family, too. ; tr". Kime-ne, May -27, H and .!). Tho soma should be e'lose mown before they Whether from higher cost of liviug or) object lesson of last winter is respon-ihave gone to seed and salt should then higher living, this can hardly bo done ! aihle. Along with the iinemploynient he applied to each root. A man may now. as a result we nave commercial-! prooiem win he considered tho mm!, bo very dilmant in riiruicr for his own grntion jiroblem, because the opening lawn and yet have seeds blown in of the Tannnm canal is not unlikely to from neighboring lawns. This is of innKC a close connection between the such importance to those desinng fine cutting off the top and sprinkling tho root with salt as is done in the case ol the dandelion, the individual plantain may best bo removed by pulling up by tho root after a heavy rain when the ground is wet. The plantation does not Offer a difficult problem as, tho roots aro pulled up readily, even from clay soil, ui'ter n heavy rnin. ed Trip Will Bo Second Attompt to Navigate Turbulent Stream. rromiiient citizer.s of Lcwiston. I Tdaho, promises to charter the boat t lospector for a secoiil attempt to as cend Snake river to Popperfiel.l during the high water stage, if sufficient pas sengers can be secured to cover tho ex- pensa, according to State Engineer I Lewis, who has .just returned from this I section. The object of the trin is to IWena, Cal., Hay 20-Circular lot- j K" Wi,th.?he Wn ters were .'ent todnto every Central I '7 ?W I'-T", -J"!'1 'er Tr"reea labor body in the United States by the Pasadena board of labor, endorsing the LABOR BODY ENDORSES NATIONAL PROHIBITION e.pckses paid in boiiio way by tho fanner, for it was from the profits of handling the farmer ' products tho money was accumulated. Tho brilliant .paities and social functions of the up per tea are luiid for in the lajt resort by the farmer. It may well bo asked whether tho national prohibition measure now be tore congress. Citing the experience of working men in Pasadena, where saloons were abol ished more than SO years ago, the local I Hoard contends that liquor is an enemy of prosperity. In reply to the argument that brew ery workers will be thrown out of em ployment by prohibition, the letter says: Ized our women and are rapidly doing the mime thing witiiour children. The children of the poor, in the cit ies, no longer have a childhood. They re made a part of tho great commer cial machine. Commerce is doing to tham what it is doing to the farmer, so arranging things that a bare exis tence is all that is left in return for life of work, t "l The favage worked but littlo. If wantod meat his bow or his spear pro curt'il it, aud if ho wanted a change of diet and longed for the succulent eouse or such vegetable as Nature pro duccd without labor on his part, he sent hi squaw after them, using a club if necessary to make her move lively. Tho young savage had no clothes to speak of to worry about, lie twanged his little bow in play and dashed over the praries on t;ie hurricane deck of a cay ii so whose tail swept the grass and whose maue was a piiate's black ban ner, llo slipped his little copper-colored body juto the streams just as his fellow animals did, and he was free a all the other wild things of field or forest. Was his condition worse than that of the children of the slums cf these civilized daysf We have advanced in civilization but it Is doubtful if we have in race hap Tiiness. We would not change Lack to the eavago Btnte, but is that not be causa our tates have been ;vrvertc nd our desires changed After al' what has civilizatiou done for us but of this region which is not only unsur veyed but is whopy inaccessible except by pack trains, or by boats of suffi cient size and power to overcome the swilt and turbulent waters. Snake river between Huntington aud Lewiston flows almost the entire dis tance in a deep rock-waited canvon, with a fall of 1200 feet. It has "cut its way between the Wallowa range in Oregon and tin Seven Devils in Idaho, which are considered among tho high est of this section. In. addition to tho MONODRAMIST NEAR DEATH AT XMAS ENTERTAINMENT ilrs. William Calvin Chilton, the inonodianiist, who appears hero (li "Woman's Hay of Cliinitauqua," can o near meeting death by fire n few yeurj ago while endeavoring to save another from tho same fat'?. It was a Christ inns tree entertain ment. A gentleman gave the. usual im personation of Sinta Clans, and all was going mcrrilv when as too often bap pens the flimsy mutcrinl of Santa ( laus' rlntnes caught fire. .Nearly cv eryo'i.' run screaming from the spot, but not Mr. Chilton. She s,iran'; to ward th'? hl.v.iug man and battled with the flames successfully. The heroic wo man was badly binned in her fight with the fire, but she succeeded in sav ing the lifo of the imperiled man, who recovered, although he was confined to a hospital for some weeks, LOOK AHEAD Press forward make life a success, but the i i rut essential is good health. This can only be obtained by keeping the stomach, liver- and bowels actae and reguhir. To this end. TRY HOSTETTER S STOMACH BTTERS 1 &SIOa3aQ3l3!3I12 GREEK COFFEE HOUSES NOT TO EMPLOY WOMEN Portland, Ore., May 26. Representa tives of every Greek coffee houso in Portland have today signed an agree ment not to hiro women in their estab lishments. Mrs. I.oln O. Baldwin of tho department of public safety for women, believing that coffee houses wore not the proper surroundings for girls or women, brought about the signing of tho agreement. TUBERCULOSIS In addition to plenty of fresh air and proper diet, those suffering frois or who are predisposed to Tuberculo sis are recommsnded to use Eckman's Alterative to stop night sweats, banish fever aud hasten recovery. This medi cino, by reason of its successful use dur ing tho past, warrants the fullest inves tisatiou possiblo by every sufferer. Eckman's Alterativo is most effica cious iu bronchial catarrh and severo throat aud lung affections, and iu up building the system. It contains no narcotics, nor harmful or habit-forming drugs. Accept no substitutes. Sold by leading druggists. Write to the Eckman Laboratory, Philadelphia, Pa., for booklet telling of recoveries. two, in Oregon, Washington and Cali- loruia. aiiKo. Three thousand miles, from Xew lawns, that it might bo made a matter for community action. If the lawn is very full of tho weed York, will come H. II. Wlionton to b j it is too tedious a process to treat each nua.-Aii. nl .I.!.. . . ... I -."(-, i, i. tin-, niuii'iviii'f) null TO IVip discuss unemployment. II. H. Whonton is field worker or the North American Civie League for Immigrants, and this league has suggested that it unite with the l mvorsitv of Oregon and the Vnl versify of Washington in an unemploy ment and immigration survey, of the aeiiie iNortliwet. Me will meet next Friday, at Kugene, Professor Joseph K. Mart, of the t'niversitv of Washing ton, nml Dr Charleton IT. Parker, of the t'nivervitv of Cnlifornia. The North A'ori("u Civie League for Im niigrantS'luis headquarters at !.- Mndi nn avenue. New Yoik. and Prauccs A. Kellor is managing director. Other Commonwealth conference top ics will be taxation, rural life, eticaper 'nil better roverninent for towns, cheaper administration for counties am" 'or the state, credit facilities for farm ers, an Oregon land exchange, and -onmn in politic. KiTtv persons, made apable by experience of speaking on diases o' these subjects, are on the pro gram. General attendance is Invited. ''educed rates are available ou the rail ways. Tho Jeurnnl Want Ad way is the igbt and quick way to sell. "It is argued against national pro- . m ? ro,'B'' wateT navigation, hibition that mnnv thousands of men1 , 09 oener."' wn,,'h will be thrown out of work, but we I i8 mc' by traveling men to surpass honestly believe that those men will lny,t'1,n? '". t',P-wos'', A the re1"P8t he lwii i !, ! or 'he Lewiston people. Mr. Lewis in- of the munv household necessities and I teTfWOi Mr: P!p,r of tnp Oregonian the building of better t.omes, of which !an , Trowb"ilR of tho Journal and tho wives and children of labor arc : see"nii Promise that if possible able now denrived and n wlii.-h thv I writers from both papers would be de- entitled." Jailed so that an accurate word-picturo or mis district could be presented to plant by the salt process. In this ease two possible mothods of eradication inny be recommended. The first method is to thicken tho stand of grnss to tend to crowd out the dandelion. The crass should be put into a vigorous condition by top dressing with well rotted manure or fertilizer iu the fall, and by reseeding' in thin places. Tho second method, advised in extreme in stances, is to start all over again. Spraying with iron sulpliatae solution to kill dandelions without killing tho grass is not recommended by the de partment, although it has been tried by seme who consider it successful. Ex periments do not seem to establish it as a praretical method. This Woel Not a Native of America. The dandelion is not a native Amer ican plant, having been introduced from Europe several centuries ago. It was first introduced in the Knst and has spread westward with our emigra tion. The weed is common all over ''nrope and has gone into other lands with settlers from the older country, always being found near the com munities of man. The name "dandelion" is said to come from the French. "Pent le Lion", which means tooth of lion anl refers to the public if a second attemnt to - cend the river is made. MEETING OF EMERGENCY BOARD CALLED FOR SATURDAY At a meeting of the state printing; SENATORS TO MEET ROOSEVELT. Washington, May 26. Senators Cliipp and Poindexter left early today for Philadelphia to meet Colonel Roose velt, who was scheduled to reach W .,.!,;.. .r ... -. o '..!..., . V. : .. --U--UUIKIWH tti u v v;u i min unit ill 11. i , , . -- " I'minuj, . Most of the progressive members of , ari' tiirdny afternoon it was -onifress will confer with the former ,lcem(,,i necessary to call a meeting of president after his lecture tonight bo-1 10 emergency board on account of for tho National Geographical societv. thf f"i''ial condition of the state Coloml Roosevelt will remain in I11""'"1 b'l'nrtment, X'nder the pres Washinston but nine hours, lie plan-;fnt inw thp ""lines of the department ; ned to visit the Smithsonian institute I avo ,0 be turned over to the state and the White House this afternoon. MILITANTS GET SIX MONTHS. London, May 2tt. Freda Graham and Mary Spencer, the militant suffraget tes who mutilated paintings in the Na tional museum and Royal .icademy, nere sentenced today to six months' imprisonment. . JAPANESE CRUISER SAILS. treasurer and cannot be used bv the department. There is now in tae treas-, ury about 21,000 cf such earnings, wheih, if they could bo used, would carry the office over until the meet-, iug of the legisbtuie. Owing to the enfranchisement of women l!io state printing, or rather the election print-' i "' "huv incrcBsc.1, and the appro jpriation was not huge enough to cover this uur-rovided-for contingency, j Acting on the advice of the 'printing "o.irn, oteretary Uleott has tailed a. On Board 'V. S. S. California, Ma-1 meeting of Cue emergency beard to zatlnn. Mcx., May 25. The Japanese ; provide for this seeming shorugo. as! cruiser Idzumo tailed today for Man-. without the action of the board no do- i zanillo. Conditions ot Mazntlnn were ; ficiency inn be eicati'd. and conse quiet. General Obregon, the rebel quwitly the printing cf election stuff; commander, was directing bis attention of which there is surely a plentv, would to Guadalajara. jhave to stop. ' ", Vegetable Planfe , Early and Late Cabbage Tomato, Celery, Sweet Potato, Kale, Sweet Mango Sweet Pepper amiviuiifrUiTia D. A. White & Sons Salem, Oregon Phone Main 160 Plants grown hy N. V. Van Bibber, two miles southeast of Sa lem, at Garden Home. Phone 71-F-ll. ....l.iar'.Bfiii U i n