PACES 9 to 2 SECOND . SECTION 8ALEM, OEEGON. SATURDAY, MAT i3 1914. , PRICE TWOXENTS. SIicS THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR. .1 il if. f TAe Mystery of ' Who Gets the Farmer's Crop? In the first installment of this little ttory it was shown that the average . I armor cats about t)00 a year an.l that the average consumer, the working n an, (?cts about the wme ineom's- J is not contended that the worker gets too much, for, like the farmer, he ac cumulates but little, and compared t-J ethers of the intermediary busines class, who levy toll on the farmer's products, h s may be said to accumulate practically nothing. Between the two there is the merchant, the manufacturer ami the transportation com) anie There U the" commission merchant, the wholesaler, the drav.ncn andthe retail or. Xow it is easily shown that most of these earn all they get, for they do (iDt accumulate more than a modest competence as a jjenoral thing. Of course th re are exceptions to this, but it is the general rule. The transpo tat'ou companies say they cam only sufficient to "pay dividends." This s not true. Ilarriman accumulated frl 0,000,000 in a few years from rah oad transactions, and ne was but ono if hundreds who suddenly accumulated n il ions through the railroads. Here also is the ereat absorber of the farm er's crops. It is not the only one,, but the greatest single one, and it will con tinue to Do bo until a physical valua tion of all tho railroads can be made mid rnt"s established therefrom. , The railroads do not perhaps maT;e too great a profit measured on their supposed valuation, but the nigger in the woodpile is cleverly concealed In the watering of stocks and tho lifting of valuations. A railroad whose stoc U two-thirds water, and there are many such, insists on paving dividends of six or seven per cent on this falso valuation, an, so ioing really collects a revenue equal to f:om 12 to 25 per cent. This, or most of it, the farmer pays. There is but two places the railroad can colloct from. One is the consumer and the other the farmer, so far as its to Is on farm products are concerned. It is compelled to take it from the fnrmer if it gets it at all, because the consumer cannot pay more thnn a stated sum. When prices go above that, the consumer refuses to buy. He has not the money. The rir result is that the prioepaid the farm er is held down. The farmer's price Is fixed for him. When ho goes to town Everybody Admires a tts amcvcB nrCrt For Taj rWusrumia V.otwI j r Cpl5 H 37GRMTJcmsST, - Nrw Yoim. f Gouraucrs tjriemai t.ream cures num Plsenses and relieves Sunburn. Removes Tan, Pimples, Blackheads, Moth Patches. Rash. Freckles and Vulgar Redness. Yellow and Muddy Skin, giving a delicately clear and refined complexion whlch every woman desires. No. 11 For sale by Druggists and Fancy Qoods Dealers. Ferd. T. Hopkins, Prop., 37 THE.EXPRESS.IS IN THIS TOWN AND IN TO STAY FOR seventy-five years three quarters of a century the express has been the right-hand of the shippers of commercial America. The express came to Salem in 1854, and it came to stay. For. sixty years it has been the right-hand of commer cial Salem. It is here to stay. The ether day when reports 'went out that tho express companies might re tire from business, a protest went up. From whom this prc- PERS0NAL Wells 453 Court St. the Ranch, or with 1 is cro;. lie asks the dealer: "now much are vou paying for wher.t?" or whatever it is he has to sell. He does not fix the price. That is done for him, and it is fixed by the limit the consumer can pay, from which is de !uitnd the iiitorme liarie's and the rail road's charges. This is the great rake, off, but ther others. Tnere are too many between the producer and the consumer who levy toll on the farm product on iti way to the cor, srmer. The first nurchaer takes a iaVe-off. The truckmen got another. The commission house gets anothec he wholesaler gets another. The city truckman ttill another; the retnil deal er another, and the consumer paying two, three, five or ?ven a dozen times what the farmer gets, contributes to all these, paying a big price of which the fnrmer. the original producer, gets only from 50 down to 10 per ;ent. The dealer, the first Inner, adds say 10 to 20 per cent to the cost price for his Profits. The denier at the market place to whom it is sent pays tho railrOaa its freight and adds 10 to 20 per cent to the first cost and profits. The commission merchant adds 10 ro 50 per cent to all tl(ese charges and profits and passes tho stuff along to the ro t"i'er who L.iving pnid all these profits to those through whose hands the stuff has passed, adds 30 per cent to 100 on sonic things to the whole sum, both first cost and profits, and thus a sys tem of rapidly compounded charges nnd interest assumes such large propor tions that the consumer is barely able to snydv the necessaries of life for bin family, bnt the farmer does not gc it. Tt is nbsorbod a little here and a whole lot ' there; interest is charged on interest, and pnfit charged on profit until the first cost, the amount the farmer receives, is doubled and fMiadrupled. T'ndcr our present system it seems this cannot bo avoidid for the work of merchant, commission man and dealer are all necessary. It may well be doubted, however, if the present sys tem is the best, or for that matter is e.-en excusable. Stated briefly, the whole world lives off the farmer. The railroads tako his stuff to market, the I merchants handle it. anrt after It has reached tho consumor who paid for it, all that the intermediaries have not taken ns their legitimate profits is handed back to the farmer. The rail road fixes the amount of income it must earn and taxes the farmer with it. The merchant fixe the amount of prof it he must make and charges it up against the farmer's product. The commission man, and every other, fixes the amount of profit he must make and Beautiful Complexion. DR. T. FELIX GOURAUD'S Oriental Cream OR MAGICAL BEAUTIFIER Jin Indispensable and Delightful Toilet Requisite for Fashionable Women. A dally necessity for the ladles' toilet whether at home or while traveling. It protects the skin from Injurious effects of the elements, gives a wonderfully ef fective beauty to the complexion. It Is a perfect non-greasy Toilet Cream and pos itively will not cause or encourage the growth of hair which all ladles should guard against when selecting a toilet pre paration. When dancing, bowling or oth er exertions heat the skin, it prevents a greasy appearance. Gouraud's Oriental Cream has been highly recommended by physicians, act resses, singers and women of fashion for over ha!" a century and cannot be sur passed when preparing for dally or even ing attire. Great Jones Street, New York. test the express companies? No ! The merchants of the coun try shippers everywhere petitioned Congress that no ac tion be taken that might have the effect of forcing the express companies to retire. Commer cial organizations all over "the land have joined in this appeal to "Washington. For seventy-five years in the past and for a good many more years in the future Express Ser vice will mean . SERVICE FULL RESPONSIBILITY Fargo & Co., Express O. J. .Gould, Agent Phone 43 .-tinrrtn. it ii n in the producer. Fieur ing on the price the consumer will pay, all these charges are added to gether, sbstracted from the selling price, and the farmer's .price is fixed at the sum that wil! permit all these, ot'ier charges to be paid. He gets what is loft, an,l he also gets left. He is not troubled about figuring out how much profit he must make to keep even, or to lay up a fair return for his invest ment and his labor. He takes what he can get and he takes it whether the prico will pay the cost of production or not. He cannot say my profit must be so much as does every other who Undies his stuff. All he has to do is to go to town and ask what the deal ers are going to allow him for his crop. That's all he has to do with it. if there is a big crop of potatoes, the railroad charges are unchanged, are the same as when the crop is small. The profits of every dealer and person who : andles the stuff is the same per cent. The result is that the farmer, having to take what is left after all the oth ers have l"vied toll on it, gets prac tically nothing. Last year potatots became a drug. The farmer could net sell them at any price. Why? Because the sale price in the cities, or the ultimate market, was ?o low that after all commissions and freight was paid there wiis nothing left. The intordomiaries had to have their profit, so mmh per cent, and there was onlv enough for them. In such cases the farmer stands the entire loss. He -does uot even "get his seed back." So if prieeB are low he stands all the loss, and the higher tnoy are the greater percentage of profit ho has to ay the interduiiinries, for they work on a percentage basis. This is the second discrimination against him. OPEN FORUM. Editor Capital Journal: Shall the present statute authorizing counties to bond themselves for constructing roads be repealed? , That is a question being seriously considered by many since the vicious nature of the law has been exposed through the columns of the Capital Journal. The minds of some are still open to argument. For the information of these and others we should like to have Judge John H. Scott, chairman of the good roads ' committee, to answer the following question through your valu able Taper: "Does the statute, authorizing coun ties to isse bonds lo construct high ways, compel the county treasurer to loan the redemption fund to borrowers qji real estate security so long as ap proved applications are on file; or is the law so worded as, in fact, to leave Mich loans o tiounl with that official!" In construing this portion of the statute. Judge Scott, we shall not be sntisfeid with your private opinion only. Kverv position assumed should be forfeited bv sound reasoning and recognized authority. As a judge and attorney, vnu will see the importance of this, knowing thnt whatever stato " cuts yon mav make and whatever cov elusions you may reach will be sui, e'ted to the acid that of Qualified ro search on the part ot voters vitally in terested. You have kindly offered to answer e-.-cstions touching the various phases of constructing permanent highways. We think the one here submitted is nuite pertinent to the issue. SEVERAL ArOTERS. Saiem, ;fnv 21. AMERICAN 18 SHOT. Washington, May 22 United States Consul Montague reported today from Cannnea. state of Sonorn, Mexico, that Dick Urban, an American had been killed bv Mexicans 18 miles west of Xacorzari. J.fontngue added that Oeo rge Cooper I'rbsn's partner, who es caped, eaid the latter was shot, from ambush without provocation. Details of the affair were lackiu. An in vestigation, however, was bcsiuii im mediaately. Sonora is constit ilioiuil ist territory. Maxwell Car Big Success of Past Year Maxwell Company, Detroit, Puts Out the World's Big gest Auto Adv. Enormous Production of Maxwell "25s" Planned tot Coining Year 60,000 Cars to Be the Output. The Journal is printing iu another Bection ofv today's edition, the largest automobile advertisement that has ever appeared in a newspaper. This adver tisement of tho Maxwell "25'' 1750 car, is known in newspaper parlance as a "double-truck" and is seldom used except by tho biggest motor car manu facturers, t'oiiie idea of tho tremend ous cost of the Maxwell advertising campaign can be gained when it is known that 2,000 news papers or a total of 4,000 full pngus of newspaper space are being used at one time. Tho success of the iUaXwcll "2o" $730 in the past year has been one of the loading topics of conversation iu the automobile world in the past few j months. No other motor car concern j has ever before built and shipped 30,000 ears in the first year of its ex- I istence. As will be remembered, tho present Maxwell Company took over, the assets of the old I'nited states Motor Company over a year ago. Cars were first turned out in small quanti- j ties iu July 1913, and the production has jumped ahead until Maxwell fac tories are now shipping 200 cars per day. A Trained Organization. Urobably tho best reason fur the phenomenal success of the Maxwell product beyond the wonderful value offered in the $730 car, is the organ ization and factories of the concern. Five big factories in the cities of De troit, Dayton and Newcastle, form the chain of manufacturing units where every part of the Maxwell "25'' is built. Tho combined floor space in ail MaxwSll plants amounts to 2,684,(148 square foet and the land occupied by buildings is 241.5 acres. The total number of mon employed when the fac tories are running full tilt is 15,000. To appreciate the huge scale on which Maxwell cars atf manufactured it is necessary to personally visit. one of the factories, where the cars are being turned out. Solid trainload ship ments of motor cars some of them 30 and 40 freight cars in length to a s'wigle dealer are common sights at the Detroit plant of the Maxwell Com pany. To accommodate this ' heavy shipping, an immense Ion. ling platform rmis the full length of the factory building and cars are shipped at all hours of the day. One of the inter esting features of quantity shipments is the manner in which freight car space is economized by the "double decking operations." lly removing the wheels from the automobiles, and build ing sub-p!ntforms in tho cars, it is possiblo to ship six automobiles in a 30 foot car and oipht in a 40 foot car. "Safety First." As a measure to prevent accidents and the safe guarding of human lives, the Maxwell Company has built testing tracks on its grounds at Dayton nnd Detroit, and no car is allowed to leave the factory precincts. This docs away with reckless driving through the city Height Is Required In the Ultra Chic Hat of the Season. The very sunlit lint hIiowii here was of nilliin Ftrnw. The crown was very much elevated and lt(4 height made more obvious by the use of the oHtrlcb tips In front. A wide bund of moire W ft i iJ- 3 by Amerlenn ln s Association M.W BIKAW HAT. i-ll lmii ti!l p.-d n Jet bm-kli- encircled tin' rniw ii. Tl:e ribbon ti"s mhikhI.V kliotti-d under tile Willi nnd givi-n u viT. rlilr I'HIi II. Stla Notes. I.lltiHhi-11 :ri.- i-i-l out uf c-nliiii-d liu i ii Ii.-IVh !! i f . i . I-v of il ciili-;istili olnr ii'niy (.'Iocs i .r iiinli' or non-lin. with l-ty. wnrm :M'-M;ie's, ;e nuiliilile fur j 1 1 1 i ;i : ii i ii-.: . IlllWlini. i-f :. I Mllrx S! nil llil'lu-lis of jih'lw iiW w n f ini-y hi.- ii--'. or of t-nri'd lot. of "-I'll nnd I'l'i'ii i:i. for t )-) tun; ilij; th Insi.lf-n of i ol lii ex iiiul w Isl ha ii.U. m i' !iiiu ii, Vnt t'.'v wu;:i;'ii who M f"inl i f fun WuHfUlM llU'l'C lirv Mttllll Ulg llOI-ll streets and at the same time affords an equally severe test to the car. "Safety First" methods are carried out to the last degree in the factory buildings. All dangerous machinery is provided with safety guards and very precaution is taken to protect the lives of workmen. Prevention against fire loss is obtained by the installation of an automatic sprinkling system cover- j ing all plants. In addition to the safety devices, every care is taken to provide health ful working conditions for the thous ands of Maxwell workmen. At the big Deto'rit plant, a finely lighted restaur ant covering 8,000 square feet of floor space affords excellent food, at a price slightly above cost. Facilities for tak ing care of 1,000 men are provided in the restaurant. Rigid Inspection. One of the greatest surprises to the average layman who is visiting a big automobile' factory for the first time is the amount of care used in the con struction of cats. To the average man, quantity and quality do not seem to belong "together. Yet when .he. visits the big Detroit plant of tho Maxwell Motor Company he finds one of tho biggest departments turned over entire ly to-the Chief Metallurgist and his staff. Here every particle of material that goes into the makeup of tno Max- well is carefully tested out be fore bointr approved for production pur poses. Special tests are provided for both the raw material and the finished products such as axles and springs. Finished pnrts are allowed to pass only nfter the most rigid inspection. With these unsurpassed facilities it is not surprising thnt the Maxwell Com pany, has jumped from sixteenth place in the automobile' industry in 1013 to fifth place in 1914. It is confidently predicted by men in close touch with industriaUconditions that the Maxwell Company will be in second position when the 11)13 campaign is under way. It is ouite eenerallv known that the Maxwell Company has planned a prod uction of 00,000 cars for 1015. Tho men behind tho Maxwell production are thus early preparing the field for next year's business and it ranks ns a cer tainty that the Maxwell car -will lead the field during the coming season. The Bees & Elgin Auto Co. is the. local representatives, of the Maxwell. THY SKIN ABSORPTION INSTEAD OF COSMETICS Tho constant use of rouge and pow dor invites a coarsened, roughened con dition of the skin, eruptions, onlarged pores nnd wrinkles. If you've learned this from experience, suppose you quit cosmetics nnd try the following: Ask your druggist for an ounce of ordinary mercoli.ed wax and begin us ing this tonight. Apply like cold cream, washing it off in the morning. Keep this up for a week or two. The wax will literally absorb the coarse, colorless or blemished top skin, but so gradually as not to discommode you at all. Just as gradually the clear, velvety, naturally-tinted undersell comes to tho surface. And mercoli.i -. wax becomes your everlasting friend. For those wrinkles nnd largo pores, make a face wash by dissolving nn ounce of powdered snxolite in a hnlf pint witch hazel. This hiis reimirkuble astringent nnd tonic properties, nnd beneficiul results coino quickly. BECKER GUILTY OF FIRST DEGREE MURDER New York, May 22. Former Police Lieutenant Charles F. Decker was found guilty as charged here today of the murder of lltrinnn Rosenthal, a New York gambler, for whose death four J A DAILY THOUGHT. Sf'NDA V. Try to see the good in ott)ern . and let t In-in Know Unit you see It. X' MOMMV. J If one could rlioose for oneMi'lf the ipinllty th;ii would iirlng .- t most liiippliicsM to otlioi'M It . y. would tie (lie ilhlllty to look ill- ways on the lirlKlit Hide of I tiling!. We limy not lie able to obtain such u quality us n gift. I but we can do our best to cultl- vute It. 1 TIKSDAV. J Next time yon feel Inclined to refiwe n kindness because to do T so a'III place you under uu obli- g..tlon try uud put yourself for I u moment In the other person'M ? place. It Im often far lietter I ni.iniieiM to snrrlllce one's pride f than to Mtnud on line's dignity. J vi:i).i:si).Y. I For every word of, oiicourugc- I incut tlmt riuiifs to use ue ought 4 In liniid ou a wind of encourage- i J incut to some oilier person. j t TIjriiMiAY. 3 1 Pun t tri'.it your people to ii ' f i-ci j in ni diet of siniliM nnd IiiiiW; X in,.:,- it vnu Uu. limi t lie Miir- j J irici il j'ni lind your fili'iul. . f me ill drilling nv.'ii.v from Villi i-::i n. Y. '. .j. A week nt worry mid fretful ' - 1 1 1 1 -1 il : i 1 1 "i!l illu' deeper mid . ng'it'i nriuMi'M iii-'iitli of vi.ik I'nilliliiily mid cheerfully d'lin'. ' SATI'ltMAY. ; j II Nu t pli'.ismit to he found . . f.iu:i with. "I i onise, hut If the J fiiol liii-ltng lliiikes us nineliil iiiii . way It hn't h thing to be tv- ) X vrivtti'd. . Tho Dcsf Food-Drink Lunch at Fountains KT Ash For ORIGINAL GENUINE A void Imitations Rich Milk, malted grain, in powder form. Fo'r infants, invalids and growing children. Pure nutrition, upbuildin g the whole body. Invigorates nursing mothers and the aged. SISTER: Read my Free Offer! I! " ' jt vM 1 V'N; V ; depressed spirits, melancholy, deslrs to cry, fear of something evil about to happen, creeping feeling along the spine, palpitation, hot flashes, weariness, sallow complexion with dark circles under the eyes, pain lis the left breast, or a general feeling that life Is not worth living, . I INVITE YOU TO SEND TODAY FOR NT FREE TEN DAYS' TREATMENT and learn how these aliments can be easily and surely conquered at home without the dangers and expense of an operation. When you are cured, and able to enjoy life ainiln, you can pass the good word along to ennie other sufferer. My home treat ment Is for young or old. To Mothers of Daughters, I will explain how to overcome green sickness (chlorosis), Irregularities, headaches, and lassitude In young .women and restore them to plumpness and health. Tell me If you are worried about your daughter. Remember, It costs you nothing to give my home treatment a ten days' trial, and does not Interfere with dally work. If health Is worth asking for, then accept my generous offer nnd write for the free treatment, Including my Illustrate booklet, "Woman's Own Medical Adviser." I will send all In plain wrnppers post paid. To save time, you can cut out this offer, mark your feelings, and return to me. Send today, as you may not sea this offer again. Address, ' MR$.M. SUMMERS, Boa H, SOUTH BEND, INO. gunmen, were executed lu Sing Sing a few weeks ago. The jury delibzcrate, exactly four hours, returning its verdict at 4:20 p. in. It held tle ex-police lieutenant guilty of murder in the first degree., t late Yesterday j At 8nn Francisco. State Senator John J. Cnssidy died, following a stroke of paralysis. ' I.os Angeles, Calif. A playground for newsboys in the heart of tho busi ness district is dedicated. At Ann Arbor, Mich. The Michigan university management Refused to let t'larouco Darrow mako tho memorial day speech. At South rnsndenn, Cnlif. Andrew J. l'nrker, of Monrovia, wns killed when his automobile wns Btruck by an interurbnn car. At Now York. Judge Clnry, address ing tho American Iron nnd Steel insti tute, expressed the opinion that ".when is a well developed sentiment in favor f Woman's Banger Signa!sn Hot flashes dizziness, fainting spells, headache, bearing-down feeling and ills of a kindred nature are nature's danger signals. Tho fem'alo disturbance or irregularity back of these calls for help, should have immediate care and attention. Otherwise the delicate female constitution soon breaks down. JR nr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription ' for mora than 40 years has been lending Its health restoring aid to thou- 15 . sands of women year alir year throughout iu long life. - i This wonderfully succesful remedy Imparts strength to the entire system particularly to the organs distinctly feminine. Nerves are refreshed. The "stale", overworked business woman, the run-down house-wife, and the weary care-worn mother of a family all will gain strength from this fumo'is prescription which 40 years has demonstrated its effectiveness in liquid or tablet form. SOLD BY DEALERS PT r.TmCIMKq. Writ Dr. R. V. Plrrei't .W'''''" Irnalitll' Haiti Carrnpandvnc Sttlrtly LonlitUntinlanit no eior. Dr. Pleroe'l Pleasant Poilets rvitatH "nil invV;orte s'omaoh, live and bowels. Saeap-coatod tiny rriiculo-tiusy to ta ts as Gaudy. Those Who Rely on the great homo remedy which has proved its power to relieve safely c.rA speedily the minor ailments arising; from defective cr irregular action of the organs of digestion, finl Ccclvcs spared hours of suffering and abb t ) vc.rJ c'.f th3 attacks cf soriou3 sicknesss. m&Ems fills never disappoint t.c3 who bka them. They help tha digestion, stinrihtj t!;o liver, clear the kidneys and regu late the bowels. Ly purifying tho blood they increase cheerfulness f.nd cre:uj confidence. A3 actions depend on health and EtrenC"!, those vho l;r r. Teecham'a Pills Sold tvery where. Bcchfni Pill have the lariteit Tako No Substitute More healthful than lea or coffee. Agrees with the weakest digestion. Keep it on your sideboard at home, A quick lunch Dreoared in a minut?. I am a woman. I Know a woman's- trials. I know her need of sympathy and help. If you, my sister, ara unhappy becaiwa of 111. health. If you feel unlit for household duties, aocittl pleasures, or dully employment, - write and tell nio just how you suffer, and ask for my free ten days' trial of a home treatment auitett to your needs. Men cannot understand women's sufferings. What we women know from ex perience, we know better than any man. I want u tell you how to cure yourself at home at a cost of about 13 centa a week. If you suffer from women's peculiar ailments causing; pain In the head, tack, or bowel, feel. Ing of weight and dragging. down sensation, falling or displacement of pelvlo organs, causing kidney and bladder weakness or constipation and piles, painful or Irregular periods, catarrhal conditions and discharges, extreme nervouenese. of giving 'big business a fair chance." At Hoboken, N. Y. Tho steamship Frederik ViU's gangplank broke, many people falling into the rtudson river. Three wore drowned, two were missing and ton were injured. 1 At I.os Angeles, Calif. The Citrus Protective lougue issued a bulletin stat ing that the recent refund to citrus growers resulting from the lemon case aggregated $S45,000. REAL ESTATE TBANSfERS. Warranty Deeds. J M. Wadsworth et ux to II F Mason, 140x1 IS ft in 8eo 30 T 9 S R 3 E. 10. I) V Fishor ot nx to John Oueffory, L 2 B 0 Boise 2nd Add. $10. Anton Fishor to T M Hicks, part B 22 Nob Hill annox. $1. Esther M C'hatton rt vir to Mutual Ronlty Co, land on E Btate street. $10. Journal Want Ads pay best. Now only one cent per word first insertion, half cent there' after. Woman suffrage might gain ground faster if more women in suffrage states would vote. la boici Hie., 25a. tale ol any tneUicina tn ttta Worlds