si C i H' t. '6 O 4V O o .-'. v. k'O) o V) Check the Measurements Leg room, depth and width of seats with those of any car selling from $1000 up to $1400 you'll find this is a "big" car in inches as well as "immense" in efficiency. Note up-to-date streamline body design, left hand steer, center control and other features of the highest priced cars. NLlwrH,.. v .'r '... I I I 1 l" J: j5L 11 it M Car that i IT IS predicted by shrewd judges that the Maxwell "25" $750 car made by the Maxwell Motor Company, Detroit, Mich., will within a year be the fastest selling automobile in the world And this isn't such an extraordinary prediction when you consider the many very remarkably good points of the Maxwell 25" and the present phenomenal demand. A prominent writer who has intelligently studied the subject said recently that the time is coming when most families in the United States will own an automobile. In many places Maxwell u 25$" are used not only for pleasure purposes, but for business reasons as well, thus rendering a highly efficient double service. etti: 1C ace i&verywuere The Maxwell "25" Car is unique. It occupies a di. ) tive position. It is in a class by itself. It hasn't a real compfv because it gives what other cars do not give. It pos3 more advantages that benefit you, price considered, of cc.4 The Maxwell "25" Car has all the fine points of If priced cars and none of their weaknesses. It is truly a marvel of engineering genius. It is thoro trustworthy in every detail of construction and equipC It is made from the best materials that brains can devisJ money buy. The Maxwell "25" is a light, practically indestrue car of extraordinary capacity, power and'performancit symbolizes speed, power and economy. The cost of oil, gasoline and tire maintenance is J& as to be positively amazing. This has been proved repef The Maxwell "25" is more than just merely a rft is a superbly constructed, roomy 5-passenger autom It is a real full grown car, a beautiful, smooth', swiftd eminently satisfactory streamline automobile. i The Maxwell "25" is unfailingly responsive. It at once attracts favorable attention and flattering comment. When you buy a Maxwell "25" you do not have to be ashamed of it; you do not have to apologize for it; it isn't a car that's perpetually joked about. When you buy a Maxwell "25" you get a car that looks like one that costs double the money, and acts like a car that sells at twice its price. Its operation is easy and economical. You are not com pelled to dig constantly into your purse. It isn't a car that's a source of worry. It minimizes cost saves you money. The Maxwell "25" is a real joy. It is a car that stands up and delivers at all times and under all conditions, no matter how trying. It is always right there at the right time. It gets you to your destination and back in the shortest possible time and at least cost. It has plenty of smart style; it is a fast and sure hill . climber; in fact, its hill climbing performances are marvel ous, as records prove. The Maxwell "25" $750 is the car that you should own. Our object in running this, the world's largest automo bile advertisement, is to vividly impress you, to try and convey to you at a glance what a truly remarkable car the Maxwell "25" is I We could have compressed this advertisement into half the space, but that wouldn't have satisfied us, nor would it have impressed you in a big way. Big. things should make big impressions. And as the Maxwell "25" is a big thing in automobile advancement the very biggest in its class we want your attention now at once! But after all, perhaps the best and most convincing way to impress you is to show you the Maxwell "25" it self! A shipment has just arrived, and we are very eagerf indeed, to show you these beautiful cars, to demon strate to you their many points of superiority. Come and let us take you for a ride in a car that runs swiftly, beautifully and ideally as an exquisitely made watcht These Detailed Specifications Prove Positively rfy Much Big Value You Get in the Maxwell "25" at $750 ; ' The Maxwell "25" has absolutely every essential quality, and abso lutely every necessary feature found in the very highest priced cars. In actual economy cf operation, in real ability to keep out of the repair shop, it not only equals but surpasses most cars which cost five times its price. The Maxwell "25" weighs 1685 pounds. A wonderful "tire economy car." Has 30" x 34" tires, front and rear, permitting rear tires to be shifted to front wheels to give extra long service. The motor is cast enbloc; 3f" bore; 4H" stroke; adjustable valves completely inclosed. Extra large crank shaft; bearings of bronze with babbit; lining. , Motor water cooled, viU not overheat. More Power for Its Weight Than All Higher Priced Cars The Maxwell "25" has a real "25". horsepower motor which develops more power in proportion to the weight of the car than the engines of most $5,000 automo'oilc3. The Maxwell "25" can pass uicst any car on hills "ia high." It is a phenomenal hill climber. Costly High Tension. Magneto Like 3 Highest Priced Cars j The Maxwell "25" has a Simms high-tension magneto, whic!y delivers the spark direct to the spark plugs in correct titfhU means no coils no make-shift master vibrators no 1 lsm that requires frequent delicate adjustments. The rto works right, and stays right. M Transmission 4 Speed Selective Sliding! Gear, Center Control f The Maxwell "25" has a 4-speed selective type traramissiofc 3fds forward and 1 reverse. The main shaft has Hyatt Roller ings at front end bronze bushing babbitt lined at rear. Bst cble cone clutch lined with motobestos. It takes holnly without sudden gripping, and without undue noise. Control Brakes of Extra Strength J The Maxwell "25" has left-side, 16'' steering wheel. There Lty of room for a big man to drive without being cramped-11 and throttle control rods are inclosed ia steering column. There is a foot throttle or accelerator pedal with foot rest. Trans- . . . . i i i i mission (Control lever IS in center or car uu is opvraicu bj the right hand. The service brake Is contracting and the emergency brake ex panding. They act on 12" brake drums bolted to rear wheels. Unfailing, Economical, Springless Atomizer Type Carburetor , The Maxwell "25" has a Zephyr Carburetor Atomizer Type. This gives unusual high mileage per gallon of gasoline without con stant carburetor trouble. Starts and runs right in any weather, and controlled from the dash. Lubrication Improved Splash System with Oil Saving Pump The Maxwell "25" has splash lubrication with a sturdy, slow-moving plunger pump. This saves oil. Capacity A Real 5-Passenger Car of Comfort The Maxwell "25" is a real 5-passenger car. It carries S grown people comfortably. There is plenty of leg room. Phenomenal Easy Riding Qualities The Maxwell "25" has 4 semi-elliptic type springs. The front springs are 32" long. The rear springs are 40" long, fixed at front, shackled at rear, and mounted on a rocking seat. Abso lutely no expensive shock absorbers or auxiliary springs re needed. . Fullest Equipment Complete and of Unusual Quality The Maxwell "25" has a perfectly fitted top with envelope. The top has the famous "Jiffy Curtains," which fold back in the top and can be let down in an instant without getting out of the car. Full equipment of handsome lamps, Prest-O-Lite tank, full set of tools, jack, pump, Stewart speedometer, etc. At the rear of the car there is a strong, good-looking tire-carrier. You have no extras to buy. with the car. Everything comes FFRRY AND1H1GM REES F GSM CO r Salem, (fWp"On PHONEf MAIN2959 rT,rT Maxwell "25-4" Town Car, $950 These sturdy Town Cars have a seating capacity for 6 persons-2 in the driver's seat and 4 in the rear. Landaulette type. This is the ideal car for hundreds of kinds of steady daily service. These Maxwell Town Cars are light, flexible and strongly constructed in fact, indestructible. They keep maintenance cost down to the mini-' mum mark. If you want a car for hire purposes, for taxi uses a car that will stand up and deliver a car that will make money for you day in and day out this is the car that you should buy without hesitation. In thousands of sections throughout the United States, particularly in the rural regions, there are many splendid opportunities to profitably operate a public hack or taxi. This is the car that renders real ideal ser vice because of its durability and low upkeep cost. ' Ask us about this Maxwell "25" Town; Car. Price $950, plus the freight. Maxwell "25" Roadster, $725 A two-passenger car of imposing appearance, same specifications a the touring car. Just the car for the doctor or man whose business demands a car for quick and constant use. An ideal equipage for the family of two or for the larger family to) supplement the big high-priced car for handy runabout purposes. Turtle deck is removable and express deck as shown can be fitted,, making a splendid car for the business or man who wants a light delivery conveyance. Price of Roadster with either deck $725 plus freight, or $750 with, the two decks. 1 . 'fft'lWP I "'I'" ' " I 1 'I"! ill Hi issa.t y :'? . :-Ml wmm Maxwell "25" Roadster with Express Deck, $725 See Description under the Roadster AUD