PAGE EIGHT " yrgyyiwr the daily capital journal, baxem, obegok, thursd'ay, may si. in. Ribbons Ribbons Beautiful New Ribbons in this, the Greatest Event of its kind this season A GREAT PURCHASE $1000 WORTH of high-grade, foreign and domestic warp-printed and jaquard Ribbons of our usual unexcelled standard enables us to offer these at an astonishin gly low price. These, as a rule, go only to the big cities, but through our New York buyer we were able to procure these. They're unusually wide in new, rich designs and colorings; splendid for girdles, hair and hat trimming; not a piece has heretofore sold for less than Goc a yard, and many pieces would bring in the usual way up to $1.75 a yard. While they last, they are offered in two immense assortments. Take your pick One Lot 59c yd. One Lot 48c yd. (See the big double window display of these on Court street.) CHOIR CONCERT WAS ! OREGON BERRIES ARE UNQUALIFIED SUCCESS CROWDING CALIFORNIA The concert Riven nt the First Me- Rj,inirl!, semen T Launched at Salem thodist church lust evening by the; Tit UBion Cherries and Logan choir, attainted by the lailies' musical berrleg At0 Next club and the glee club or illnmette j .iniverm.y, was one mui win hoi noun i T)0 gt,aberrv phlnninff season bo forgotten by Salem music lovers. , irl lami(.i at the Salem me enure program, wmen inriuuvu , ; ,. ,, inn l.n nnU or.. solos trios, quartets and numbers by ; bpi ghj.,,,,.,1 .inilv. Bv the last of - npxl wePK ine nnton wm oe snipping FIRE CAUSES LOSS AT MILL CITY MONEY TO LOAN On Good Real Estate Security, THOS K. ror.D Over Ladd & Buh Bank, Salem, Oregon showed planily the careful supervision ,)V e.Toa, ots. Tno flrst strawberries of Dean Mondunhnll of tho Willamette ,:pr 8ni.)reil this vear on Mnv l.i Albany, Ore., May 21. Fire of un-, known origin completely destioyed the I south side of Mill City, a lumber town j of four hundred inhabitants 3S miles j northei'.st of here, hint night, doing jrllit Wlamnge estimated at $15,000, according! to news rescuing ucru mua. .nm were no casualties. Bucket brigades I were powerless. The fire burned itself out when it reached tho Sautiaiu river which divides tho town. university Lqllcgo of Music, under wlli(,h ;s al)out ln ,,avs aheaii of the whoso direction the concert was pre-: , t .-., v0 th. first BCnted. I hcrri.M wpre shinned on Mav 2tf nnd The singing of the choir, which is .ri:0j, i,i h,,iM'Wn,. ,., .hln- one of tho largest and most carefully pei, -befure wn9 ; u10i whpll the first trained in tho city, was very exception- sni,mpllt wa9 m,lp on Jav 20. nl. The ensemble work was of Bn ex-, a(.,.0Hllt 0f the early "season this tremely high order nnd the manner in VPa, (Won 'strawberries have inter- if ii . . i .i- 1 i: : berries, which havo liM n monopolv of ' . ' """" ' which the different sections handled their parts left little to be desired. The ladies' musical club, which ap peared in two numbers, received con tinued applause and completely capti vated the nudienco with their number "Looks and Kyes." it remained, However, for tne l ni-1 i.n,k,i ...,1 ..horrid will hp versity (ileo club to cnll forth applause ,he next crop handled, and the Fruit that bid fair to interfere with the con- ',, ui cnn.mnnp the shinn.ent nf these fruits about tvj middle of June, THREE GIRLS HURT IN RUSH AT TRIAL Seattle, Wash., May 21. Threo girls were hurt in a mad rush of spectators the early market heretofore. The ber ries grown in Marion county find a ready rale, and the local consumption of strawberries is inadequate to reduce i the shipments to otner markets. The House of Quality ilCOODlOOOD S The Home of Satisfaction All Around T own Ask for Zlnn'a ice cream when you want the best. o Judge L. T. Harris, of Eugene, re publican uoiiiiiion for Miipreino court justico, is in the city today. Tour expert watciimniccrs. Best of work. No deluys. Barr's. o Tho railroad commission is moving today, nud when this is completed, it will be found in tho rooms formerly oc copied by the supreme court, which have been remodeled lor its use. The superintendent of public instruction will be given part of the rooms va cated by tho commission. 0. B. Hammond, machinist. Electri cal appliances repaired and nutinnobilc work done, l'liono Main 210!). 200 N. High st. A referendum petition having already j over .Mill signatures is being circulatcit in Snlom which is intended to ' to the voters nt the next Whatover you want in leather Sha fer either Ims it or will mako it for 4- We guarantee safa return of watcnes i for repair sent us bv mail, quality l . - I T counts in juweiury. uurr n. 0 Had it not been for tho fact that tho I people of .Salem failed to take more than casual interest in tne sportsmen who held a tournament here Inst Holi day, Monday nn,l Tuesday, the Cap ital City could have easily been named a h the i.ext meeting place of the Ore gon Stato Sportsmen's association, ac cording to Henry Vcnt"ii, the field you. Tim high quality nf his work has manager of the recent sliool, and the Hindu him famous. For many years at I father nf the Capital City Hod & dun 1S7 South Commercial. lelulv Mr. Veutch said today that Sa- o i lem could hnvc ea.iily been honored Visit Gllson'8 attractive new barber' nin w'th the presence of the 50 or shop in llligh building, Stato street. Is0 mr" of tl,,c nf'lntl0n .,,ext 1 p iear had tho peoplo of Salem saown According to the residents on Court u; I'ropor spirit by .coming out and ,.t,eet near Wilson avenue, there are aj"tu""ll" tho '"K contests. good main' voung niotorcyclists in Sa- tv lem who'ha'vo an utter disregard for! Moose attention. Big picnic and ex- both he efforts of the members of tho cursion next Sunday over Snlem, Falls Salem military baud and those who en- 't.v railroad to lilaclt Koek. Irani oy the conceits given by the organizn. : leaves Commercial street at 0 a. m. tion. It is said that the band mimic 1 Hoimd trip, 05 cents. Fill your baskets cannot l heard through tho din and "u j"'11 t'10 ll(!rd roar of a dozen or so machines which j 0 speed by with open mufflers during i Holding that there was not sufficient the concerts. A popping, snapping, I evidence to hold him to tiie grnnd jury, jangling motorcycle can mako more Justice of the i'eace Webster this nft nuise than a tiro truck and a boiler ermiou dismissed tho case of tho state tinunnce of the concert had not tho hoys returned for a second nnd then a third encore at their first appear nacc. Their second number, "The Oar den of Dreams," by Mr. Schramm and the club, was tho crowning offort of the evening. The rich tenor of Mr. Schramm and tho ease with which it retained its volume nnd nt the same time took the high notes, displayed ex traordinary musical ability. His Tendering of the solo part, back ed by the perfect harmony of the club, made the number one that could havo boon repented teveral times without r. loss of interest and enthusiasm. Vhilo the numbers presented by the choir were of a very pleasing nature, tho selection "The Alps," five settings of Alpine poems by Kngelsberg, is do serving of special notice. The number, "Cuius Anincnm," from "Stnbnt Ma tor," by the quartet and choir was also especially well received. The solos by the Miss McMuhon and Mr. Jones nnd the work of the ladies' trio were all of a very high type and were pleasingly rendered. Too much praise cannot Vie given to Pean Mendenhnll for his work with the choir, the clubs nnd the soloists. It is a rare artist indeed that could dupli cate the offerings nf Inst evening. UNDERWORLD WOMEN HELP RAISE FUNDS which is also about than previous years. 10 days earlier BASEBALL TODAY. San Francisco, May 21. Women of San Francisco s underworld were con tributing liberally today to a fund to bo used in an effort to secure a new trial for Hazel I.ux of Oakland, recent ly sentenced to life imprisonment' at San Qnentiii. for the murder of Wil-. linm Garland. Vp to date $'!S, had been contributed. Tho T.iix woiuan killed Garland when he failed to keep nn alleged promise to make her his wife. Sho formerly con ducted an Oakland resort. Tederal. R. H. E. Kansas City 8 13 5 Brooklyn 2 3 1 Fackard and Easterly; I.atitte and Land. R. H. E. S t. Louis 5 14 3 Pittsburg 10 15 2 Kuepper nnd Chapman; Adams and Kerr. R. H. E. Tndinnnpolis 5 11 4 Buffalo 6 10 1 Moseley nnd Raridan; Moran, Ander son nnd Blair. R. H. E. Chicago 2 7 4 Baltimore 3 12 1 Hendrix and Wilson; Quinn and Russell. Mackintosh's -court were opened tor tho final day in tho trial of Mrs. Mng daliaa Werner, charged with murder ing her husband. Curiosity seekers stood in lino from 7 o'clock this morning and fought for seats when tho doors were opened. DUAL TRACK AND FIELD MEET TO BE HELD American. Event Is To Keep Up Interest in Athletics and Provide Health ful Exercise. It was decided at a recent conference of tho representatives Oi tho Cheinawa Indian training school nnd tho Salem V. M. C. A. to hold a dual track meet between theso two Institutions either j EB2ES3SS I just before the Salem to Portland relay ' race or just after this event. The ; meet will bo staged on Willamette field I ! which will bo under control oT the : I local Y.. M. O. A. during tho summer I vacation months, and will be held dur- j hng this time if it is impossible to j Keen re the tielil Oetoro tne sciiool closes. j The meet will include the full pro gram of track and field events and I each team will be allowed to cuter ! three men in each event. While the ! V. M. C. A. docs not expect to appear particularly strong in tho sprints and rich! events they have a number of good distance men and expect to make a showing in these events. As llin V M. C. A. has no athletic'' Modern Home Cheap . Beautiful modern r room house, built Cor a home on one of tho main streets. Price .'jU; terms. Well worth i0O. 40 ACRES SNAP. For ten davs only, I will sell my hoic :o acre farm on tho Tamous How. ell Piairie, with stcck, crop and all implements. Price 0OO0; terms to suit. 'I bis farm is well worth !M)J). Old ago only reason for selling. See n y agents, Bectcl & Bynon. LOTS. Somj choice vacant lots, $200 anH up; easy terms. TRACTS. We have n choice 10-acre tract for $1100; easy terms. WE WRITE INSURANCE. MONEY TO LOAN. For rent Houses and store buildings. EXCHANGES. Wo can cichango your . property. List your bargains with us. Bechtel & Bynon 347 State Street. CONSIDER THESE 2tiV-. acres, Liberty, all culti vatedl.25 per acre. Take good Salem property. 2 acres bearing fruit, 7 room house, one mile out, $2,300; terms. 40 acres 5 miles out, improved, $4,300. Waut income property. 5 room bungalow modern, $1,300.' 210 head of stock, 4 year lease on 21MI0 acres paid, good buildings; fine opening for stock man. field at its disposal now it is impossible , to train for the hurdles, too weight! We are agents tor Canadian No Inducement. maker put together, declare those who against F. H. liensoner, who was charg cumplain iibont the racket, and they ed with a statutory crime. Anna Heed ti :i ,.i I I ...i... ., H, I.. f.. ,..! T H Tfon.l r,''er. . . . ....... . . .-.. ,tu l,l,,,, f tl, ,.n.,W.ln,,t ni.. ..I ...i'.a.. '" ' ,n' ' "'"iuii w 'in. H oiuii lu mint '"v w ..... .......... I t.v election'., . ... .,. ., i i. ,.,.; . er.lii.anee passed by tho council , '""" "u 1 ""lsu,UT ul 1,0 ' ' ' " ..,.i.ii.u;..,. i...' ... nr. i..... W(,r,,t ehiiracter. o !t,iv':,,l',.v,,l, t,U' fir,',1,l,lt",;.,! 'J'i Piano tuning, first-class work. Phone pet ho, nave oxpericnccU.o difficulty I , ,01lV(, o(lrs with t a w. of ... m,, .i; ..'..-! U F. Peters. J. E. llockett. that tho ordinance will be placed on 1 I The William Browns ''are spending a delightful two weeks nt their cottage n. u..... ii...:.. .1..... 1 I. I w ; i ill- m-iu iiiii ir, ini iin-ir ;ui'nii iiif Trover-Woicel Slu.Uo. opposite IlllcUV 1 l"lV0 .M r-. " ",1 M''9' .? P. 1,'' 1Um I ,lim,1,-v w lot to ri" ' '' " ' '' " j Meat nee iniiy ami (linn. ller urown It is wondorf ul to what extent some folks will go in order to cntcii a mess of trout. At least this is what John ' orilinance will be pi: tho ballot without question. Moshor not only makes the suit, nut ho makes tho prices. Just look at this: All $:15 suits now $25; $.15 to $40 suits now $30; $10 to $50 suits cut to $35. ThiB week only. o- The contract lor the erection of a modern two-story sciiool building nt i wcrh. ennrrftctnra nud builders nf this .Mrs. Eugene Breymnn left Mondny ; citv, at a meeting of the school board tor Meal lfock and for the next few ; last nicht. The bid of Enustrom and weeks will bo domiciled at the Brey- Sicwert was for $2,0110, being the low- Savage, the bookkeeper at the Salem "'" ., "'7 ""m oners ranging up to m w. brewery believes. Mr. Savnge, in com- i "' J101''9 ,1,,n" t,,e,r Btn-V nt the Jhe school building is to be up to date ...... ... I,, ,, ii n iit-tiiiin null mil su'j".r itic o : needs of the district for some time to Hot weather is hard on clothing, R. H. E. I St. Louis ; 4 7 1 i """""'B'"11 " ... : ..i. I... u. i jT ft1 . Weilmnn and Agnew; Boehling and jumpn, am. ,.u .-. u.n racinc lanus, pci oc. Henry. l'tance men are working for the re- 2Q t R H E 15 v ra,'e aml W1" 1)6 1,1 K011 s,ml'c- I J Cleveland 2 8 11 u ia ll0t "l'ted that the meet will ; ( los,0 -M h0tel, 30 rooms, $1,."00, snap. iev York .' 5 8 ol"'111 materially to the coffers of either -0 aetcSj 50 acres fruit, house, barn Collamore' ami" Massie'r;' Fisher and I '"stitiitiou but it is to be staged sim-; auj ()l.ver) 7 miies out $18,500. "jo'f'tt il''y ' keel' 11 P a" 'll'orf'8t 111 athletics! t R. H. E. Ia"'l healthful outdoor exercise during j 15 acres, Roscdalc, 7 acres fruit, k(.,0it (i 15 V I tho Slimmer months as well as during , buildings, $3,000;' tarns. i'.iilndelpuirt'.' '.' ... 4.9 1 i the winter time. It is not expected j Covnleskie, Cavit . iuul S'hnnge; i ulul l"v ' (""' ' sistently as 11 they were 111 some col lege fighting for a place on the team, but they will derive "some excellent ox- TJ TT V. iereise nil. I real oenci.t irom tne irain- Philadelphia 2 10 6 'S wi" ,iavo 110110 ' t,,l) Sr"lJ ' Pittsburg (i 15 0of a long, hard training season. j I lank, Shawkey hnnge; Bressler and Schang. National Acme Investment Company i Phone: Office, Main 477. i Onoosite Court House. 540 State St. -imployment Bureau in vouuetuuu. Mayer and Dooin; Harmon and Gib son. & R. H. E. Brooklyn 4 7 2 Cincinnati S 8 0, Ragon and Miller; Erwin and Clark. Boston 3 8 2 Chicago .-. 1 7 1 Tyler and Gowdy; Cheney and Brcs nnhan. ! NEW TODAY pnny with others, went fishing up past Scolts Mills last Sunday. Todav thc bookkeeper is as lnine ns a work horse ' "UV.W"" " u , .- . 8.' after pul'ing a load all .lav in a cold ! w, .,,!"t 8mt rnul'l,."K n"11 fot l 1 un,.n. ..... ...... ... i.!'u" m'iks iircsse.i mil in 11. 11 ,1,111, .111. "ntut;" r'.i.iin iiiiiv I'U Vf.liuiib , , , . , ... ,.. ... , h , made a success by knowing how, come. some nice fish, however. Alaska Tours Persons interested can obtain full particulars by calling on Mrs. A. II. Carlisle, Hotel Marion, Salem, Oregon, May 20th until May 23rd. -o Court, near High. He has Initiation and banquet tonight. B. P. 4SI5 . 0. Elks. Wiilia Shafcr, the cigar-store man, will leave for A'nska on the steamer About 10 o'clock this morning one of the Star Wood company's wagons in tow of another wagon on the east "If you will inn try me I will shower you with kisses." "Tbuuk you, but I prefer to keep In out of tho wef '-St Louis Post-Dispatch. Her Logic. DR. JORDAN TAKES ISSUE WITH ! ROOSEVELT REGARDING PEACE One cent per woid each inser tion. Copy for advertisements un der this heading should be in by 2 p. m. NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY j BURGHARDT & MEREDIT3 Resident Agents. 385 SlUo Star PHONE MAIN 81. -Good work maro. Phono ! FOB SALE i 2125. GOOD PAYING CIGAR Store for sale. M. D., care Journal. San Francisco, May 21. Writing from Aden, Arabia, Dr. David Starr Jordon, chancellor of Stanford univer sity, has taken issue with Colonel Theo dore Roosevelt's recent criticism of distinguished peace advocates. Dr. Jor dan is studying the effects of the re cent Balkan war in southern Europe. Dr. Jordan said: "The surest euarantce of nence is to want pence, to cultivate interna- FOR RENT Two furnished house tional understanding, to use every! keeping rooms; $8 per month; 555 means to 'take off -the fighting edge' I Center. ivhnrnvA. fl.A 1 tif ..i..utD nt ' . infringe on those of another. As to i F0R SALE-Yonng milk cow, gives a men in SALEM, OREGON, stop at BLIGH HOTEL Strictly Modern. Free and Private Baths. Both Phones. Tree Auto Bus. RATES 75c, $1.00, S1.50 PER DAY The only hotel in the business district. Nearest to all Depots. Theatres and FOR SALE Man's bievcle. Call at! Capitol Buildings. 1111 Sncinuw street or phone 122G-R. i A Home Away irom none, G. BLIGH, Prop. good flow. Price $00.00. 555 South 15th. sailing from Portland Saturday. " n j approach of tho steel bridge broke go;s witu the expectation of staying, j loose and backed down the incline in but that part of it remains to he dem-1 to tho tenm of the Huren & Hamilton John H. Labahn and Frod Sweuson i omtru,0,l- A severe gash wns cut in one of i-nd their families me in Salem today1 41 , t 'he hind legs of cio of the horses, from Faribault Minnesota. Their lh3 'teiltlon. Initiation ana han-( tnoug.i the team was not frightened, household goods' arrived this morning! I"0 omKt. and as the wau'on s-.ormed .after strik- Pacific, fnm-1 0 I K the team the wreckage was un- ilies intend to locate in this citv audi Sliaw Brothers, who have for a long i tangled without any further damage. will make their homes here. time conducted n pressing and cleaning j Notice All creditors of the Associ ated Student Body of Salem, high school must have bill in by May 25, as no bills will bo allowed after June 2nd. A. M. Carver, secretory. As an accommodation to the large number of Salem citizens who attend tho annual reunion of Linn county pioneerB at Brownsville each year, spe cial reduced rutcs will be offered over the Southern Pucific. Tho picnic is to be hold from Juno 24 to tho 27th. 0 Try Scott's 15c meals. o Circuit Judge Lawrence T. Harris, Republican nominee for the supreme bench, left today for Eugene after spending the night in Salem. Last night he delivered an address to tho graduat ing nurses class of the Salem hospital. Dr. F. H. May desires to Inform his patients that he has moved his offices from tho Masonic lomfrw nn.i is now locnted in rooms 30(1 and 307, Hubbard building. Phone Main 881. The Christian Endeavor Union picnic will be held tomorrow evening (Friday) in Bush's pasture. The crowd will ga ther at the city library at 5 o'clock and go in a body. All young people are cordially invited. Ruth Hansbro, .704 Statesman street. establishment on High street near the Initiation and banquet tonight, B. P. corner of Kerry, have sold out their O. Kiss. business to the Standard Cleaners it Pvers. of 312 North Cnmmercinl street, who have enlarged their plant to tako care of the increased pntronnge. We satisfy your music wants. We know how nnd wo can deliver the goods. We have been nt it for over forty years Tho Wiley B. Allen Co., H F. Peters, mniniger, 521 Court. The city recently purchased a patch ing outfit for repairing paving, and it was given its first trv-out Wednesday. This morning it was inovcT" onto South Special meeting of Pacific Lodge No. 50, A. F. & A. M., tomorrow nt 1:30 p. m., to attend the funeral of our late Brother V. V. Martin. Vis iting brothers welcome. o SOLDIER IS ASPHYXIATED. Sun Francisco, Mav 21. necause n voung woman to whom hp wns ntten tive refused to go out with him, Daniel T. Landers, private in the Twenty-sev enth coast artillerv, rented a room Commercial near Mission and put at jWrBf Wkea nilllg,.i( j iti tor out the ja fixtures and was asphyxiated, his corpse being found todav when the Iror was broken in. WOMAN FOUND WOUNDED. work filling some of the big holes in the concrete. The patching Is done with an asphalt mixture, the work be ing done quickly once the old concrete :s dug up. Only the worst of the chucks in that "permanent" piece of paving ill be repaired nt present.. but bv the 'imp some" other needed patching is lone the smaller chucks will have grown. o The W. O. W. are making plans to hold a street carnival from June 10th to 13th inclusive. The Browning Amu sement company will be lore, and re duced rates will be given on all lines. ' penco-at any-price,' again we say let I us see your price lists first. Let us ; mm u.u wnur, we warn ana count tne ; rni) uitv Ar.,trnmi Tfi.rW.TVi. Tho peace that Europe enjoys j .,'' ';, cvlin(w c' ., H. B cost. today, the peace of 'proper armnme is not for us. It costs too much a waste of human effort and of human life that civilization cannot long endure." care Journal. Outlook is Brighter. Niagara Falls, Out., May 21. "The clouds are breaking; the outlook is much brighter," was the announcement I this afternoon by Brazilian Ambassa dor Da Gama of the American-Mexican mediation board. It was said Da Gama's optimism re flected thnt of his two fellow commis sioners. He was not hopeful nt the beginning of the negotiations. Justice Lamar and Frederick Leh mnnn, the American envoys, arrived unexpectedly nt the Clifton, hotel this Mrs. Newlvwod Now, Johu. only for : afternoon and went nt oiiee to tho suite nie you would bnve tipped the florist's wcupteu Dy tuo .Mexican represeuta- UU.V, U.U U..l C'lHll.l.ii. .' ."v ......v.. FOR SALE Good second-hand leather top buggy in good condition, $30.00. Inquire 070 Mill street. HIGHEST Cash priee paid for eggs. Marion Creamery & Produce Co., Liberty nnd Ferry streets. FOR SALE Four-year-old Zom Norte colt. Inquire Rama Hunter, market, or 505 South Liberty. Cross A FEW SPECIAL bargains in house furnishings; good ns new; fine qual ity. Call at 535 North Winter. 44 H4 TELL YOTJP. WANT t Whether you are a buyer, or a seller whether you have some- t thing to market, or a need to be I supplied you can accomplish j your desire- quickly, cheaply and T with astonishingly little trouble by means of the Want Ads in the T Want Columns of this paper. I If you want anything irom an f .....A..V...l.:ln ... r. I..!. fvrt"! Q tlntlXA T and lot to a canilry bird, the 4 economical, expeditious method is to use the Journal Want Columns first by reading them carefully day by day and second by placing Want" Ads of your own. ! WANTED To buy a light horse and j wagon for delivery, new or second ! hand. Address 400 Ferry street. You nre u dollar richer than you would have been If you were single. New York Globe. A College Eduoation. SHOOTING WAS JTJSTiriED. El1 attention, quot tonight, v Inttj.uvt ar.1 b.'D- Are?zo, Italy, May 21. X young Am ewcan woman, who gave her name as Miss A. R. Faville. was found today in compartment ill a train which arrived from Florence, with a serious bullet wound in her head. She paid the wns shot by a strango man. Journal Want Ads pay best. Now only on cent per word first insertion, half cent thereafter. I Los Angeles, Cnl., May 21. Varney O 'Council, 19, who shot and killed his father, ..Valcntnie O'Connell, who had threatened to kill his wife, was re leased today by Justice of the Peace Truitt nt Norwalk where the shooting occurred. The court held . that the shooting was justified. SENTENCE IS POSTPONED. Los Angeles, Cul., liny 21. Sentenc ing of Wilson E. Davis, convicted mur derer of William G. Wheeler, was post- j poned today until next Tuesday to pcr i mit Davis' attorneys to prepare a mo- I til... for n npiv trinl ONE HUNDRED dollars per acre buys first-class fruit land four miles out. See Ganiard, 275 State; phone 10. SACRIFICE Six-room modern house; sonio fruit; close to trolley nnd school; 1225 Shiping street; owner. WANTED To rent, house furnished or partly furnished. Modern conven iences. Address P. J., care Journal. W. G. MOREHOUSE, D. V. M. Coun ty veterinarian. Prompt attention, day or night. Office, Jack Darr's feed barn, 544 Ferry street. Thone 2199. f WORTH MONEY. COMPLAINT IS DISMISSED. Los Angeles, Cnl., Mav 21. Com- plaint against R. C. Frayne, a Pasa dena club man, involving charges by Nellie Blette, 18, was dismissed today by Justice Suinmerfield, upon motion of the district attorney's office. ""V Journal Want Ads do the "JJell, dadf ... business. A cent a word for "Did you pick out that suit of clothes . j.L of your own accord, or Is It a part o A insertion, and then . ie hating yon have to go through I "a" a c'n Pr word. with!" Philadelphia Press. WHY PAY RENT? Six-room house, bam, well, shade nnd fruit trees; n large lot; on car line; $000. $25 cash. $10 per month. See Ganiard, 273 Stato. Phone 16. SEWING MACHINES are going to be sold at once; geod drop-head ma chines from $10.00 up; you will miss a big bargain if you don't come at once as they must go at once. 640 State street. HOUSE FRENCH HAND LAUNDRY will open on or about May 25. First class, exclusive hand work guaran teed; work called for and delivered. 400 Ferry street. Phone 440. Ma dam F. Bezamat, proprietor. Some rumors are worth money, but they are spelled "roomers" and they are indeed worth money . . to those who give good service " and keep their apartments oc- copied. An empty, rentable room is a liability, a tax upon your income. Don't allow it and, just as soon . -as a lodger gives notice of leav- ' ing, repare for his successor. . . . You wil find him, or her among the great throng of ' Journal Want Ad readers. Offer. . . your vacant room to them through a little Want Ad. It will serve vou well. PUBLIC LIBRARY LECTURE. "Oregon Wild Flowers" will be the subject of the lecture by Professor A. R. Swcetser in the auditorium of the public library Friday evening at eight o'clock. The lecture will be illustrat ed by slides which Professor Sweetser has prepared. If you have found any wild flowers you have Teen unable to identify, bring them to the lecture and Professor Sweetser will be glad to iden tify them for you if possible. The lec ture is free. The Journal Wnnt Ad way is the right and quick way to sell.