Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 21, 1914, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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The Mystery of the Ranch, or
Who Gets the Farmer's Crop?
By J. H. Crdlebaugh.
The se.-ies of articles which will 80-
I pear in the Capital Journal from time
to time upon what might be called
j "The Farmer and Who Get His Crop"
are not expected to te highly educa-
Subjectl of State-wide Interest to Be
Discussed Invitation to Attend Is
The spirit and purpose of the confer-
with a picnic excursion to 8
As the Peerless orchestra played the
overture "Northern Lights," the six
graduating nurses of the Salem hos
pital wearing their snowy caps and uni
forms, accompanied by their superin
tendent, Miss Lillian Ate Nary, entered
the First Presbyterian church last
night and 'took their places at ths
front of the auditorium, where they
were presented their diplomas before
a large audience, coinpoed of personal
friends and friends of the institution
from which they were graduating.
Dr. W. Carlton Smith introduced the
speakers, presenting Hon. Lawrence T.
Harris, of Kugene, who made the prin
cipal address, condensing a usually long
speech into a few appropriate and well
received remarks, lie eulogized Flor
ence Nightingale; emphasized the no
bility of the nurses' profession, and
assured them that with their prepara
tion, enthusiasm and love for their
wo'k success would necessarily follow.
iouu i mire aioniemt. or I'oriianii, , iri..,in,. t.-:
was scheduled for two numbers, a solo,! '
.Prologue to Paglincci, and a double) Sa)cm mitnrv bnnil wiu' give thpir
ii-'Ik'0! Lnli' i1 i .8n,'! T,etLf1"s: second concert this season tomorrow
Villi the Dehcato Air," but at the:nil,nt in wilson Rrk at 8 O.cock H.
conclusion of both, the audience was so ; N- stoudenmeyer directing.
enthns astic initsapplni.se that he was! The proeram follows:
eompel ed to respond, which he ai. j March-" Stars and Stripes For-
very graciously, g.y.i,g "Mother o' ever,. SotlsR
m .rrN B Lor, w. m a Overture " Morning. Noon and
doing something for the other, and it is
the farmer's task to reed and clothe
them all. Tho miner furnishes fuel for
the cooking of food and the creation
of energy, the iron ror railroads, etc.,
and tne luiuoerman provides tae na- : l,i,.h will l nM of v.
itional, nor does the writer imagine he terial for houses and shelter. On these May 27, 2, 21), are such that every
us to ten anything new. is not tne ; " " '"' two-talent and every live uilcnt citizen
nier O. A. C. student, spent the week- j intention to do anyone's thinking f or y ',y ' explanation. Now let us 0, Oregon will wish to be identified
end in Corvallis visiting former class- them, but is intended solely to throw , examine into tin workings of the com- : ith its activities. Come this vear.
mates. Corvallis Times. some light on a really trite subject and plicatod system of the business affairs 'v Community service nnd common-
cause, if possible, others to do some j of the world and see wno pays the bills wealth service, with all working to-
The Ladies' Aid society of the First thinking for themselves. It is difficult i wlieto.the money comes from. 1 gether all of the time, using the best
r..i. -.;., .k..,i, :n 1.. (,.(;. 1 nlnnva to trace anv matter hack' The department of agriculture shows j instrumentalities nf ai..iii nn.l i
cd by Mrs J A. Carson' tomorrow aft-, through cause and effect which in turn that the average income of tho farmer wisest expert counsel the state affords, !
ernoon at 2:30 o'clock. becomes a cause, to tne original first , 'e original producer, is about six hun-1 characterize this movement that has
Assisting Mrs. Careen will be Mrs. ' cause, the foundation so to speak on.ureu uuuurn jiur. gradually been gaining strength during
W. O Allen, Mrs. A. L. Brown Mrs. ; wnicn tne uiumnie creation or conui- '" , " i'v ,ne iasl Ilvo years,
tion depends.
Four Source of Wealth.
the average working m:in is about six; The bars to the unit rnni.l nn.l !,.
j hundred Collars a year, and this class, ; progress in Oregon are to bo removed
C. 8. Biirdsall, Mrs. J. B Craig, Mrs.
0. J Gould, and Mrs. Antony Klein.
The Merrv go-roiind club will close 1 inal wealth. .They ar the products of Prt. f the "Mumer of the farmer s , iled The heads and hearts of all ley
their season's social activity shortly the soil grown through the efforts and . prT?u"J; v . ... ... al Orogoniana striving together nlnne
lilver Creek' under the direction of man; the prod- ' , ""' ... can mnae ineir scuoois nmi roads more
The Best Goods at the Least Price.
There are but four sources of orig- ilt VM bLe remembered i the larger nml tha niost abundant lief for all real-
ucts of the soil as grown by nature,
the primeval forests: the mrnes and the
' Miss Trcssa Fowle entertained a products of the sea, in its food fishes
party of young people informally Mon-' and some other things of a minor na
dav night, honoring her sister Cathcr-! ture.
ine's birthday. I 0 lie8e our th'nK every other in-
Ouests were: Evangeline Carver, ' dust,7 depends, and of these the prod
Jennie MeVicker. Bortha Clark, Carl Ul:t ot the farm U Inimeasurably the
Kmmons, T.yle Bartholomew, Victor graicr,
Bradisou, Harold Eakin, Lloyd Holdi-1
short explanation of tho latter making
Every other pursuit or occupation is
to mnke it understandable, by saying
I that there are occupations that appar-1 p p
1 ently have little or nothing to do w'aiflft
. tlifl fnrm. snc.h for instance as the lnw. i
j medicine, amusements, etc., nnd these
I will be taken up later nnd the effort Marvelous Home
1 made to show that for these things, as .
well as most others, ine farmer pays i HEADACHES
nothing. This is where bo gets the
first discrimination against him.
That this is the least of the injus
tices done him will be our effort to
,o doing something to or with these,1"" " m wl " "e
iginnl products. I would qualify this ll0w ln "nother article.
Treatment Does It.
it doubly interesting. , w-ai,, fVV'7v'o ""VnewS " j upon the farmer, when traced back .to , TRY THIS TREE PRESCRIPTION
s Selections from Aida were rendered ' ,rw' vr";"r. .. 1 tho cause of their existence. I
i . . w , ... . iiui.muu
by Louis C. Meier at the pipe organ, ; Colm opem selection-" Rose of Al-
thc bill, and that they are a direct tax
n nien i i ... i M t
Dr. B. L. Steeves read' tho charge Description
' ciass, anu nev. a. i. iscnroeK, Saom(," Tamnft
fantasia ' 1 Visions of
Does Something to or Wltn it. Do your eves ncliel Do they itch and
It will be conceded thnt outside of: burnt AVouid you like to dispenso with
tho sources named there is nothing that 1 your glasses! Are you troubled with
can be manufactured, moved or traded headachesf If so, here's a freo prescrip-
of the First Congregational church. T .ir.....V""."V Lamr : in, for there are no other material prod-1 tion for you. ,
gave the opening prayer and benedic- Rioninn t Hnt, "iT.'l t uct8 aod nothing as a Taw material is I A New York physician comes forth
tion. 'Mfc!3?f? rt Aim. mpe.anth,tu toft outriJc them. The man- I with the edict that glasses must go.
The Teerless orchestra pleased with' ouuie Jvirgie ufneturer does something to the farm- j These windows are, in many cases,
tho "September Morn" waltz and also I Wagner erg products in the way of preparing merely crutches, and you might just as
played again as the audience left the 1 q ai i ,! i i thpm loT use- Wncat is turned into , well expect crutches to euro rheumatism
church. I 70rM ,f. Sa,(,m rci,,e r,e.!,,p flo,,r and Th tLo buker m,lke8 int0 1 "iipct a trul)le to be cu"d by
Diplomas were awarded By George h -..T i u . V- . 1 bread- 1 ho fleece shorn trom the tnrm- glasses. Many wear glasses who would
ide.lt of the hoard of wpek ac"d lhfi conventions of fks and the cotton picked from
spitnl to the follow 'l?6. V'T'l K0,,W f h ' - F' 8,1,1 his fields are made into garments, blnn-
Clara Bertha Xr jKfMiah hpll tn"-c "' wk- Ikets and clothing for man's use. The
not requiro them if they took proper
caro of their eycB.
This simple home remedy will aston-
nrnrlA RVrnn nf tliM cnnA in refined nnd f isli von nftop a few nnnHpfitiiina Tf i.
Um. H. Bonn, who has been mak- 1 mmln ntt.rnc.rive nn.v nnlntnltle. All ! nhsiiliitelv hnrmlexs in verv wn v Ynn
Friekson and i in1 her homP in 8alom with llcr da"dl'-i these do something to tho products of j may ubo it in a baby's eyes without
i tor, Mrs. Bennett, for the past two the fnrm. Tho merrnnnt sets nn a the slightest fear of iniurv. The eves
' This Is the fourteenth graduating ! ,oft t(,a.v for n" home in Den-1 store and brings the product in touch need a bath just as do other organs,
class of this institution "wh.ch was! Ver' C'0,ora,,- ... . with the consumer, making a mnrket j The eyes are constantly throwing off
P. Litchfield, president
trustees of the ho-
ing young women
cher. Ruth Isabel Watson. Laura Mn.
tililn ITumnhrnv Itina Vranitaa Ifiim. I
pnrey, beda Carolina
Elinor Martha Hearing.
founded in lHOtt, and which has with
this class graduate'! 50 trained nurses.
Mrs. T. Roth will leave Saturday
for Belverdere, Til., where she
Mrs. Frederick W. Stusloff, Mrs.
Douglas (,'. Minto, Mis. Carey F. Ma
tin, will be hostesses at an auction
bridge next Tuesday, entertaining lien(1 mrt 0f the Mimnier.
Both affairs will be given at the Btus-' PC-REST FIRES HARM
loff residence on North Commercial SOIL FERTILITY
street. j
A definite relation between the
for nnd sellinir the orieinnl product
f'harles Zielnslii and daughter have of the farm, perhaps in its changed
left on an extended trip to Chicago ' form, and the railroads carry the crude
ami otner eastern points.
product from tho farmer to the factory
and back to the merchant, they both
doing something with the farmer's
will ' original product.
The Drink Cut Out.
Tf la iha snma with iha minA Tim
.,n. v,i,i. !, it,, bc greatly improved after a reasonable
the toiling miner a wealth of fuel for trial of 'jis remarkable remedy,
man's comfort, iron for his absolute ' Do "0ccomo a victim of neglect.
,i ,i ,,i j :i. i.; Cut out this prescription and go to your
The Cherry City Thimblo club was amount of humus, or vegotable matte. ' ..' i.. .i ...:n. :... . nearest drug store and get a box of Op-
delightfully entertained at tho home, in the soil, and ils crop-producing f0T adornment Thcso in turn are tona Tablets; dissolve one in a two
of Mrs. .1. K. Trunk on Thursday after- power as shown by yields of corn, is ! carrieii to the factory bv the railroads ; ounce DOttl of Pure water and apply
noon of last week. - given in fisures just i sailed" by the de-!.,i v.i, mrihit tr ji;. i four times daily. Note how your eyes
The time was pleasantly spent witli partment of agriculture. The depart- j tn tn itimnte consumer So it in with wl" celftr "P aml how refreshed they
ment therefore advocates the use of
various methods to introduce tho re
quired humus into the soil.
Experts of the forest service state
that the soils of tho whole country, and
p;tictilarly of the south, have lost nnd
are losing immense amolints of this
the products of the sea and forest.
The four grcnt requisites of human
life arc food, clothing, shelter and fuel,
work. His wants were row and were
needlework and informal entertainment,
Later refreshments were served by the
hostess, assisted by Mrs. Britsky.
The next meeting of the club will be
With Mrs. Elmer Dane.
Those present were: Mrs. Britsky,
Mrs. Dane, Mrs. Oleason, Mrs. Lund-
burg, Mrs. Marsh, Mrs. Donaldson, source of soil fertility through forest j supplied by the wild creatures of the
Mrs. Flake, Mrs. McCalvin, Doris and j fires which" apparently do little imnie-'. woods and tho things nature grew for
Maxine Marsh, Lougcne Britsky, Max- diate damage but rob the soil of ao-, him without effort on his part. As
ine Donaldson and Master Charley cumulations of humus. man became civilized this changed, and
Lmidberg. In many parts of the south, land is now we have reached that stage where
! being cleared for fanning, and where , man is compelled to work for all that
Mrs. V. H. Burghardt, Jr., pianiste, I such forest land has not been burned, he Re", unless he can get some kind of
accompanied John Claire Mouteith at : there is a large perconage of vegetable a cinch on gome industry or product,
the graduating exercises of nurses at j matter, which provides considerable either material or labor, and mako it
tha First Presbyterian church last fertility, and a good texture. More- j work for him.
night. Her work was especially artis- over, this soil has a greater capacity j No Longer Savage, Must Work,
tic, blending with the voice so perfect-i to absorb 'and retain moisture, and! r;vii;7ntinn nml tho rnmnn.i,,I i.
ly as to be barely discernnblo as an thus is less likely to be washed and crease in population have changed the
instrumental accompaniment. j gullied under heavy rains. or thesn free savage into an Industrial slave.
i reasons, leaving out. or account tne
Everett May and Miss Marie Hofer ' damage to standing timber, the depart
were elected king and queen for the ment's authorities are agreed that fire
Orange 0 carnival to be held this week - should be rigidly kept out of wooa
at the Oregon Agricultural college. .lands.
balance seems to Do a tolerably equit-; satisfactory, and the affairs of their
able one. The income of the one is cities, counties nml nf t)m .tut., mn...
about the same as the other, with the economically and efficiently adiuiiiis
balance rather against the farmer since ' tered.
ho also has capita) invested in his j Come and take a more active purt in '
farm, which in comparison with the , constructive state building, thus mak-
wnrlf ini man'. innma n.mliinii. Iilm 11, .....
..5 piUUUD ...... your own lire moro worm living
and at the same time prepare larger
opportunities for nil that follow.
Results of Former Years.
II. Achievements of commonwealth
conferences of former years:
1. Water-power development. A
group of experts as volunteers, the
Oregon hydro-electric commission, has
been investigating tho problem of se-,
curing the best and earliest develop
ment of tho water powers of the state !
so that electricity in Oregon shall bo .
cheaper than anywhere else in this;
country, nnd tho best form of energy
nnilable for every uso on tho farm and
in the factory.
2. Tho public expenditures of cities, !
counties and tho state are being re-
duced through better systems of busi- j
ness management by expert service
freely given by tho university depart-!
ment of economics nnd sociology.
3. The problem of marketing Oregon i
products is receiving scientific investi-!
gntion. An industrial and commercial
survey has been organized thnt will
discloso the best markets and methods
of marketing for products of the Ore-1
gon farm and" factory nnd will thus
free tho Oregon producer from exploi
tation by tho middleman and tho spec
ulator. Grave Problems Challenge.
III. (iravo problems to cluillengo the
citizenship of Oregon to a united and
systematic effort for release from the
retarding effects of these upon Oregon
The conference discussions will lead
to organization for:
1. Readjustment of stnto nnd lnenl
finances with tho view of lightening
tho burden of taxation. There will be
planned: (a) An up-to-date system of
state und local taxation, (b) Reorgan
ization of our administrative ngencies
to secure economy and efficiency, (c)
Development of a scientific budgetary
2. Elimination of the evils of un
employment. 3. Improvement of tho schools nnd
tho roads of the rural communities to
me pinnc or best Jiving,
poisonous matter, and, unless it is wash
cd away, weak, inflamed eyes are apt
to result.
We publish this prescription so the
readers of this paper may reap benefit.
Persons having granulated lids will ap
preciate the comfort and relief this pro
scription gives. Inflamed, watery eyes,
or eyes whien looK rul and glassy, will
Sniitirinn ....lit f .. .. ! 1 : . : .. J. .
will feci. Headaches due to tired eyes , f,mm.r nt mtn but , , M .
quickly dwappear. ; ,hBC pili(I by ,-,,, nm M ;
You will then thnnlc us for cullinc:, k nil,i " ff . lv, . ' .
for, although not a prohibitionist, the j f.nl'r "!"'" '"" " v"f I.TCV'n' i 0r,,Kon wi,l""lt WiB tolls to ti e
drink can safely be "cut out." l,i . H v? V .1 S hor,,M of "P'lators and real estate
Man in a state of nature did aot KBJBb'V.? virtun"y ftitum surplus
Mankind has divided Into classes each
gives a vast amount of interesting in
formation pertaining to eye disorders.
It should be in every home. Many who
are hopelessly blind put off eye protec
tion unlit it was too lute.
"""me secured ny tne cultivator.
1. Such political reorganization ns
will make certain the swny of enlight
ened public opinion and public will in :
7. Policies for eliciting highest re
sults from the tiner civic sentiment of
Miss Tomine Fety, of Salem, a for-
What's the Score?
When you -want to
know, you turn to your .,
You follow the same
rule when the question
"Where shall I get it?"
flashes through your
mind. ,
The advertising col
umns answer this latter
and most Important
question as fully as the
box score does your
question as to the game.
Each day your news
paper comes to you it
comes as a messenger
of service to keep you
posted on the things
you want to know.
Jou wouldn't get the
full use of its service if
you didn't let its adver
tising help you.
And you always find
it as interesting as it is
Daddy's Bedtime
Refused to Eat With
: out a Napkin.
The Dog With
The Perfect
Pursuant to the instruction of the
Common Council, the undersigned calls j
to the attention fit the public the pro-1
vision of Section 35 of Ordinance No. !
203 of the City of Salem, to the atten-:
tion of tire public gonerally for the pur-.
pose of asking the co-operation in keep
ing the streets and public places of the.
city clean and free from refuse. The
provisionof this section is as follows:
Section 35. (Throwing or Sweeping
Refuse in Streets) Any person who '
shall throw or deposit in any street, ;
sidewalk or footpath of the City of Sa- j
lem, any broken glass, bottles, crock- i
ery, nails or other substance whatever, !
whereby the feet of horses, pedestrians
or any beast of burden may be injured, I
or throw, deposit or sweep into or upon !
any street, sidewalk or footpath of the
City of Salem, any paper or other sub
stance whatever, except snow or the
dirt resulting from travel, shall upon
conviction thereof before the recorder,
be fined not less than $5.00 nor more
than 50.00. .
Notice is also given that it is un
lawful to build fires upon any hard- bouse. The dog was a very big one. He wag black and -white and looked
North Yakima, Wash., Mav 21. i e recently enfranchised
Five indictments charging violations Til "2,.
on tho interstate commerce Inw are re- L lt,,',ss o ho Oregon citizen
turned today by tho federal grand jury for r('K"n system insured through
against the Pntlateh Lumber company Pn"1'll'ition in these commonwealth
of Toulouse, ash.; tho Idaho & Mon- conferences and in the year-round and
tana Railway company, and individ-"nte-wide scientifically guided move
vnls whose names are not disclosed. ' m,"I, there orgnnizew. The Oregon
The charges relate to alleged rebates. ! "yH.l,'.m Wl" y,'1'1 finest fruit of so-
. Clnl justice and general hnppincxs nnlv
I as every two-talent nv. rive-tnlent man
j nnd woman joins in tho "Oregon
j 1920" movement that combines the
best science, sentiment and practical
judgment extant in Oregon.
Use Allen's Foot-Ease.
The antiseptic nowder to bn slmken
j into tho shoes. If you want rest and I
! comfort for tired, aching, swollen, and
. . . . ; swearing reet, uso Allen r'oot-Kuse. It I
1 aoic ivianuei s. relieves corns and r-unions of all pain
i and prevents blister, sore and callous
ADDY had heard of a dog who bad perfect table manners. spots. Just tho thing for Dnncing
"Now -what would you think of u dog who InslsteU upon aiwnys :ariies, i aient i.eatner Mioes, and for
having a table napkin?" be asked Jack and Evelyn. ?"a,Wnt. in,Nfw,- K,'0S- .UJS ",0
"I wouldn't like that kind of a dog." snld Jack. "I don't like ; Kr.atet comfort discovery of the age.
- . . . . ' irv ll looav. ttnid evervwhro '.Tn.
.i .,.,. fa niu nvo ti.ii.i-u f i ism ns iioinir Drove anil nuove - .. .- . . y
UUga nUU BIO BU lunnji Vile ..... ujo .. vm. . - ra
such things ns table napkins."
-"Well," continued daddy,. "I do not really think It was the fault of thin
dog that he was fussy.
"You see, be belonged to a funny old Indy. Tills old ludy hud the strange
Idea that a flog should behave Just like a person, which Is really very absnr'I.
because It stands to reason that a dog should behnve like n dog nnd n person
like a person."
At this Jack ond Evelyn laughed, and duddy Joined In too.
"This old lady lived all nlono ln a very small house. The house had only
one floor, nnd It looked so small yon wondered how any one could ever get
In It. But then,' when you looked nt the old Indy, you were not a bit sur
prised, for she was the tiniest person.
"Now her dog was n great contrast to toth tne om imiy mm me iimc
Don't accept any substitute. For Free
trial package, address Allen S. Olm
stead, Le Roy, N. Y. i
Children's Children's Oxfords
Rompers Good Quality
25c $1.00 Pair
Children's Dresses Ladies' Oxfords
Very Neat Good Quality
65c $1.25 Pair
Ladies' Long Ladies' Sleeveless .
Gloves Vests, Good Value
50c and 38c Pr. 10c
Wide 43-in. Embroidery
Embroidery Flouncing
At 15c yd. 75c, 65c, 50c yd
Nice White Aprons
Corset Covers . Very Neat
25c 25c
Strictly up to date.
. Reduced Prices.
Low Round Trip Fares
Roseburg Strawberry Carnival
May 21, 22,23
A U -
"Better than ever" will be the big event at Rose
burg on the above dates. New features, including
an endurance motorcycle race, Portland to Roseburg
and return. Twenty-five mile motorcycle race
starting from Roseburg. 0. A. C. band, 25 pieces.
Riddle military band.
Sale Dates and Limits
Tickets will be sold from all points on the main
line, Portland to Ashland inclusive, May 21-22-23,
with final return limit May 25th.
Call on nearest S. P. agent for further particulars,
train schedules, etc.
JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agt, Portland
ADVERTISING brushes away cobwebs
and dust, smartens up shop windows,
quickens the intelligence of salesmen, and
lets in the sunlight.
si'tfaco streets, including concrete. The
public is advised thatv prosecution for
violation will be vigorously made.
CIIAS. F. ELGIN, City Recorder.
lust twice ns buce ns the old lady.
"But the funniest thing wns that the old lady would never let this dun
go out by himself. She always went out with him, and ho was on n short
-"When mealtime cam the old lady would put a napkin nround her dojrY
iweU. nnd thev would both sit nt a low table and eat together. And the do?
Galveston, Texas, May' 21. News! would never try to eat, even If he saw food In front of him. until his napkin
was anxiously availed today from the wag put around his neck.''
'That does sound funny, certainly," said Evelyn. "And to think tlint the
dog liked It seems very funny Indeed."
"Well, you see, he Just got In the habit of lu'lnc fussy like the old Indy
And then, though be was so bift, be was finite old himself.
"At nijjht he would sleep on a sofa nt the foot of the old lady's bed, nnd
If nny one should ring the doorbell of their llttlo house at ldcht-wcH, you
should have heard the Imrkiiifr. Po he did have some spirit, after nil, nnd
would not have let anything happen to the old lady for flnylhliiK In the world."
"Well." said Jack. "I am plad yon told us one Kod IhiIiiI the big do lind
for I wouldn't have liked him much, Just hearing alsuit bis fusslness. Aftei
all, I don't believe there Is ever a dog. no matter how strangely be Is brought
op. thnt hasn't something nice about him." -
wrecking tugs sent to aid the Norweg
ian steamship Atlaulis, which went
sshoje 100 miles nortn of Tampico with
HS refugees from tae port on board
Besides its regular crew. Wireless
messages said the American warship
Connecticut had taken the passengers
on uui ine crew reiitauieti un ine snip,!
and wireless intimatiins were that they
were in considerable danger. I
- I
The reason a woman is afraid of a 1
mouse is t'-iat she knows it can't hurt
Otympia, Wnsh., Mny 21. Dcdariuir
that the 4,0H0 apportioned by the
Washington state exposition commis
sion for an educational exhibit at the
I'anama-l'acific exposition is inade
quate, Mrs. Josephine Preston, state
superintendent of schools, Btated today
that no display will be made unless
sufficient funds are forthcoming from
outside sources- 1
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local application, as they cannot reach
ths dlieased portion ol the ear. Thi-ru It
only one way to cure drafneaa, and that la"
by conatltutlonal remidlei. beafmia la
caused by an inflamed condition oC the mu
cous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When
this tube la Inflamed you have a rumblln
sound or Imperfect hrarlnu. and when It Is
entirely closed,- Deafness It the result, snd ,
unlut the Inflammation can be taken out
and this tub restored to Its normal condi
tion, hearlns; will be destroyed forever; nlns
cams out of tea are cauied by Catarrh,
which Is notblnc but tn Inflamed condition
of the mucous surfaces.
Wt will (Ive One Hundred Dollars for any
case of Deafness (caused by catarrh! that
cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Bend for circular, free.
r. J. CHENEY. CO., Toledo. Ohio.
Sold by Druusltts, 76c.
2a Hall's Family rilli for constipation.
liuie Wing Sang Co.
ig Stock of Fancy and Dry Goods
Journal "New Today" adver-
tianig costs you only one cent
a word. '
We make up all kinds of White Underwear, Waists,
Wrappers, Kimonas and Dresses, Gents'
and Ladies' Goods.
Wrappers 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and up
$1.75 Waists, sale price $1.25
$5.75 Ladies' Dress, now $3.50
Children's Dresses 50c, 75c, $1.25, $2.00
$1.25 good Pongee Silk, sale price 75c yard
'Gentlemen's Pants . . $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 and up
Ladies' Gents' and Children's Hose, 10c up to 50c pr.
$1.25, $1.50, $1.75 Night Gowns, sale price .... $1.00
Remember this is the store that saves you money.