." -.'i ?-ixtv,,' -.-s.' .. ' j ! ! i i PAGE TWO THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, ' OREGON1, THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1014. T 'it i i 5 f i TEN EKHORN VOTES ' ri nets where there wore ' constables, justices of the peace and precinct cum- TACT rAITIITV em mitteemcu to be eitctai, n m-en IUM lUUIui 50U neeemary to write in the names of at , least' M men on a single sheet. As a result the work of making tho final Warrants for Stlarlu of Judge and -fount Is slow and will not bo finished Clerk. Th-.nm TH9P.M for boll two weeks. . ENGINEER CONFERS WITH GOV. WEST log Over Returns. Votes of 0 each are expensive, but this i sthe price that tho count v will pay to hear the expression of tho elc. tors of the r.lkhorn precinct. judges and clerks wwl receive ,$ P. fi.. L. ft P. O. Offers to Give Proper Custodians Bight. of Common-User Over Portland Vancouver Bridge. Air. Howard, of the engineering firm of Ward.'ll & Ilarriijctnn. is iu the cion of being connected with the rob-, city having a conference with the gov- berv of the Mate bank at Spangle, ."nor ami Kailrnad t oiummsioner At- ARRESTED ON SUSPICION. Spokane, Wash., liny 21. On suspi- Th, Wash., Tuesday, in which three bandit. oZZ, for secured approximately n,.iuo, n j It seems the I'. !(.. 1'. & L. I'. 1,1s a their services, the runt of tho polling jIart wus arrested in a ripoknno suburb I right of wav ,ti) feet wide over the place cost 2.30 and it will require an , , f iU.g r()m ni10r0 the! street leadrfTg to the brid-, and It adN'ional $2.50 lo pay for the trans-: , , .. offers to uive the citv statu or whn portation of the ballot boxes over the ' highwaymen were ast seen He was he rrt, .tot or who route twice, as thev had to tie returned armed with a revolver, and a Inrge , , ,', ' . ... . . - route twice, as they had to be returned armed with a revolver, and a lnrge . - . , . . , . - to bo properly sealed, and for the sup- amount of ammunition wan found on ; ,1((t,r Qy;r ofvav Tao city plies, postage and other incidental ! his person. j i condemning ntrip 25 feet wido on There were ten votes cast at a total! Hlmriffs, deputies and detective eon- , J " cel f ! 1C w'nr, h for ,mn,li,,a nlVn, I wairts ho-alL 0 ti tie t.iri.K7ov t. flrcitcnbsh.,ast iiS votes for ",.r,0, ' Hangman creek, near Waver.y but lt; w ' "Y ,' v Tsl or a rate of ti per vote, and from that, tho be hef was expresscii ma, ... lln 0V(.r ,nc ,)rii ;e u : f tuita VL nillU CIUJrr IIULII SOIIIU Ul nui.l.i;i i" ....... - the Salem precincts in which were j 1 1 " rat 4D0 votes for about "0, as there J REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. was no mileage to lie paid. Tho total cost of the election for iiiilfca mid clerks was .'1.12ll 2n. whi.di won ill. ! nnrt H 12 I'niversitv Add. !. I r4-4- f---T-T4 HEAR! OF II COURT! Nifty Lifter Attempts to Get Away With Stick Pins But Is Caught i in the Act by Pomeroy. I COLD FACTS REFLECTION IN MIRROR REVEALS PALMING OP JEWEL When Haled Before udce Webster, ! and Told Pitiful Story. viilcd among 70S citizens of tho countv. H llrubaker ct ux Tho warrants for tiie salaries of tho i et ux. 2) AT 7 S It is not often that the expert crook, ' the men and women who get away ' with the frunin hefn tlu nveu nf tliA ' built, and this right of way it offers 1 keonest detectives, "make" the cities to give absolutely to the state or ; of the size of Hulem, but such was the 1 proper niunoniics. in tne meanwiiilo 1 enso yesterday afternoon when one of , , . .. . r-...:.. 7r..i, '"t to eiioin tne imi 1 1 1 of the those clever persons tr ed. but fn ed. j. j;. iinroer et i.i 11 ..y....,.,, , t, ;Ha-.,u, n, lha . , . . ,ift ,.,,;, -. ,.,,, . , , .... ,Il.!i,nrt H 12 Tniversitv Add. ?1. I r..ii......i. ' ...1.. i' . i . 7 "V1" l1"'"""" ; (i T 'llriil)ikoriMH""0"lal1 f0""t.v. yt o be heard, 'jowelry v 1 0"e good lawyrrs imist that theltiite si n 111 nut lit? lnut'U, storo of Gardner street. Ho would tiie are & Keeue on 1 have gone not Charley ; rov spotted him wlien Jlr. Crook lem of the supremo court, but ! attempted to carelessly handle some' going aheail lust as though the ' jewelry in his storo. Result, the smooth : matter was settled. judges and clerks were drawn today .1 k to W A iIhoii, L A (..ral.cn- yhMgef h(tveVft ftre not nnllipating ro..,?roy spotted him i ing mailed out to tho officials. Tiie! Jno .Seliiiupp to .1 ' Pciiatipp, LO, totnl cost of tho cle. tion has not been 10, II ami 12 II :10 Kcsedale Add. I0. computed asyet, as all of the expense, O O Steen et ux to L Robinson et accounts have not been sent in. ux, part L 23 Alden Add Milverton. The election board is still checking ' .t22.". , over the returns for tho official count! KM Afford et vir to S K Wolfe, and with the exception of 0110 case X, 7 and I! 1 Fnimnunt Add. $10. have found no flagrant errors, though j Quit Claim Deeds, many small ones of two to fivo votes B II Hi riiek .lr to J A Merrick, L have been found. In boiiio of t'no pro- 2 ll 4 Ilepot Add. $1. CHILD HAS THROAT SLASHED BY MAN Canning IS ON Season GOOSEBERRIES are at their beat. Would advise you to secure your wants now: WE HAVE SOME GOOD ONES. 20c Per Gallon GOLD DOLLAR BERIMES Good fresh fruit 4 and 5 boxes for 25c OREGONS .-- - 4 for 25c Leave your order for CLARK SEEDLLING BER RIES for canning. This hot spell will greatly shor ten the season, so leave your order now. Firstcome, first ssrved. v ' CANNING SUGAR The market is advancing. Will fill orders today for C. & H. Berry Sugar, $5.00. Beet, $4.50 All our fruit is dustless and not exposed to the fly. Roth Grocery Co. eiiMtntilaiP uno Ar-mufrml tntmn .............. ..HO hiiidiiu, iuni;ii uiiuiu. tho justice of the pence, and, after f V.nt..lln. ....f 1.A ..1.1 ..1.1 ... l . I t .v. nn wufc umi Villi, UIU DllM UUUUl high-strung relatives and "my first of- j feiiBe," otc, tho nnfortunuto (f) man was fined $25 nud turned loose. Crookedness His Business. In the opinion ot the chief of police ! f Harolj Lawlor, Photographer, Found nm' Officer Gaines, the hitter making ; t ueaa Wltn Bottle of FoiBOn Besiege ! . nrresi, jacK iteagan, as no gavo I Him Police Believe Murder and i ,,is nnme s about the noothest little f Suicide. light-fingered gentleman that bus come j this wny in many months. liengnn first j Vk'in, III., May 21. With tho throat cllllt'11 ' 'he C. T. l'omeroy storo and. 'nshed from ear to ear, the body 0f i riskoil to be shown sumo pins. After 5 Orville Magnus, 7 veara old, was found 1 fll8!,inK around considerably like this! today in the homc"ot Charles Redennz. 'lll!,s Sc""'y lo, t attempted to i In an adjoining: "room. Harold Lawler ',u'in n AIr l'omeroy had his eyes! aged 3.1, a photographer, was also fouiKl; "'"'.n for the 8nme, and saw Reagan j lean. An empty hnttle which had con- f1"1" r Ju"el ,n lna reriection in a back show case, l'omeroy said ! nothing and Reagan, with that second I sense which tells the expert that ho is! going too far, qrfietly r-M the- pin back in tho tray. l'omeroy did not make any accusations nt tho tinio despite the tnined poi'on was found near Lawler's body. The crime v;as discovered bv A'ictor Magnus. Orville 's fa.her. Orvillo went to the home of Harold Redennz, a plny nttitc. late vesterilnv ui,m..l ti.A 'night, l-nwler was caring for tho i f!let tlint lu) snw Kg"n attempt the house durimr Hm nlw. ,.p I,-.. thett of the pin, and the fellow soon Mr. Roili anz. ' ' I loft llft"r making a few more remarks , The police think T.awler murdered j nbollt llis ln"T't,'l purchase, the lad and then committed suicide. I Pinally Lands One. . Harold lledenuz wns still asleep when ! Hengun stepped into tho iiuith jew iIiii;iiiis entered the house this morn-1 llry store on IStato street, but would ing. 11 esni.l ho knew nothing of the iMinie. PENDLETON TO HAVE A j SEPARATE JAIL FOR WOMEN ! Pendleton, Ore., May 21. Tiecnuse of startling revelations of conditions re sulting from the lack of a private jail for women, the house committee of the city council todny decided to recom mend tho construction of another jail. The action follows an Investigation by the local ministerial association. inn uiiciupi ine iricx more Dectiuse Mr. Smith gave him no opportunity. He theu dropped in on Gardner & Keene a few doors below and soon had a nice tray of stick pins out before him with in easy reach. He naked for something which ho knew was in tho rear of the store, and as Mr. Gardner went back to get the article, Keagiin slipped two pins worth $25 into hia trousers pocket. Making the excuse thut ho wanted to get, buck to tho 'hotel for 11 sample i chain, of which pattern ho said he j would havo some ordered through the jewelryman, Reagan walked out and up j to tho Oregon Klectric depot. In tho meantime, Mr. l'omeroy was watching Keagnn all tho time, and no tified Gardner thut he (Gardner) had j been robbed. The jewelryman called were is.ned here todnv for the arrest '"i " T of Dr. .1. O. Xiblev. Dr. Kenneth T. " depot on a John Doe war- l.ou, 1 a brotheroV Dr Lo. who. ' f? nt- "i0 "'!". kr'!.to.!"' PVliM :....' ., 1 a . . . , , tion and iriauea."- The .... .. .. .. .,. v.. i.i-c.iu,n.ll, f(,uil)) U)j I'll tne eiiiir'-e 01 cam nuui I nfi 10 tne As a BUSINESS MAN you would not think of working yourself or your em ployes in office, store or factory where the temperature was excessively hot. You would take such measures neces sary to make the surroundings com fortable and give the best working conditions. :: Then why do you ex pect your wife to work in a tempera ture you would not tolerate, when you can make her surroundings comforta ble by buying a Gas Range and COOK -WITH GAS Salem Gas Works LINEUP OF WILLAMETTE NINE ANNOUNCED BY SWEETLAND Aggregation of Balltosaers Has Several Now Men Will Meet Pacific U. Next Saturday. (Continued from page one.) .1 Slab Wood ilehiupiency of minors) in connection with the crusade being made here against road houses and which result ed in Governor West ordering militia- ! men to again close the iViars club at I Milwnukie. It is alleged that Pr. Long and his companions recently visited road houses in company with minor girls, later taking them -to the home of Dr. Long's brother. Pr. C. J. Sweet land, coach of tlio Willamette university baseball team, announced this afternoon tho lineup that will bo used against I'acifie uni versity Saturday. Sev.eral new men will appear on tho nine for the first time, according to statements nindo by the doctor. Karl Flegel, tho doctor's latest pro tege, has rapidly advanced the past few days troiu the uutnuid on tuc sec PROPOSALS INVITED. the date of first publication being May 20, 11m. CHAS. f. ELGIN'. ! 1 . City Recorder. Journal W3?it Ads crz el- block i in the City of Salem, Oregon, , Ways on the job. Cent a Word f rom Chemeketa Street to Center 1; lIic - Notice is hereby given that the Com mon Council, of the City of Salem, .Ore ') gon, invites sealed bids for the mak ing of ah improvement of tho alley in Street with 0" Portland cement gra- ; vol concreto pavement, ti" crushed j rock Portland cement' concrete pave-1 ment or El Oso No. 2, consisting of 1" hydraulic, cement concrete base and Ha" El Oso nsplialtic concrete wear ing surface, in accordance with tho plans, specifications and estimates on file in the office of the Citv Recorder of said City, which nrc hereby refer- i oud team to the initial bug on tho first j red to and made a part of this notice. ! nine. He is improving faster than any 1 Said bids will be opene pins were Reugan admitted nt once that ho took tho nrtkvs. Good Sob Artist, When taken before Justice Webster, ' nine, lie is improving faster than any 1 Said bids will be opened on or after Keagnn began his fine work in earnest! 1 man who has been on tho sqund for the first day of June, 1911, at or about He wept, wrung his hands and acted ! seasons past ujil shows promise of be- j 7:30 o'clock p. m., in open council for nil the world like he was sorry for 1 coming ono of tho best men on the j meeting in the City Hall in Salem, Oro wliat he did, while nil tho time ho was ! squad. ' j gon. Each bid submitted must be ac- stalling to keep out of tho penitentiary. ! The seeond bag will still be covered i companied by a certified check equal Ho told a woeful tale about having a I by Captain llomnn. lie is tioluing in siHter in Portland nud how they were ! nice form and his hitting and baso run " touring" the west, and that his par- j ning are right up to snuff, cuts were rich and lived in New York. Grover Gates is holding down tho first insertion, half cent there at ter. LOOK AHEAD Pros forward make life a success, but tho iiibt essential is good health. This can only be obtained by keeping tho stomach, liver and bowels active and regular. To this end. TRY Special Price for Ten Days 4-ft Slabs, cord, $2.65 ORDER NOW SPAULDifiG LOGGING CO., Front and Ferry Phone 1830 ftivld A re I fuMJii r l ' i.i ... iiMany other tales were related to tho ! third sack and is doing excellent work three under" that age. lire in the ens- ur,V,t n,nd 1,i8 intended victims, and fi-j His fielding ability is constantly im .,.i,. ..f ii... ,i ..V...... t ....i.i:.. linlly the court, evidently touched bv proving and Ins batting and baso run- etv' for women rth.l .nr.. I.,.:..,, hold ,ltllc '"nesome and pitiful yarn, let Rea- ning are also on tho up grade. jj.iii uuivn i-usy wun a lino. Keagnn had $15, which he turned being witnesses against tho men for whom warrants were issued. According to the authorities the girls admitted that they visited road houses in eoinnnnv w ith Portland busi ness and professional men and were served liquor. I'.razier Small, of track and football fame, continues to work nt tho short- over, una .Messrs. Pomeroy and Keene stop position. , Although his double gave their friend 10 on tho latter 's ' work, carrying baseball and track at gold watch and a brass stick pin, j the same time, is somewhat of a hnndi PnmArnv Tmraatlimtaa cap. bo is delivering the goods in pleas- C. T. Pomeroy then made an investi- I nK )'! His ability with the stick nj a: j At.-. t I nmt hi Rnnsntiounl base runmnff are ti... ..:.i. i. !... i...;. i .. imtl.in nnrl ,1 i y,..,. tt,. p .,., 1 ana nis sonsatioiinl Daso running are iiiw Kins ueing uemineu are snui 10 o- . ..... .U..KUU "no 4 , ,.-,. be members of well-known Portland ! K'terod at the Benson Hotel in Port-! th inures of many of tho practice families, but their names have not ! ll,nJ. nd that there was a woman there ! contests. been nindo public because of their I roRistercd at the Benson hotel in Port- . B'n tho "v ld hcd. i ! li ' with him n..... ... ..i, i, i in the earden. He is working in nice " Although Governor West stated at'f,:r' 'llth" A- Moore and questioned I form d the Pacific pill tossers wilT Salem todny that he had ordered Ad-l"0'0,'" ,Rtner Moore wncre he at" : a k- 7 n H'. h t ini. t n juunt Einzer to establish a guard of t0d!fd coll(Ke- He said he is the son i?own in his field. His batting is also militiamen over the Eriars club nt I 01 rl;'n Prents and could not explain ,,,ralJrw"uB' Xlilwankie. the militia officer stated i now ne c0 o take the stick pins, la this afternoon that no orders to this ! thor Moore Jvnneed Reagan enough money 10 get to 1'ortland, and the fel low went ns fast as he could go. Would Hold Reagan. Keagnn was dressed up fit to kill effect had yet been received. REBEL LEADER (Continued from page one.) "I'm not sore," said Kerr. "My re. moval wns not political." i Mon familiar with conditions at the front estimated that the Saltillo gar rison numbered about 15.000. On their retreat it was considered certain that they would be constantly Grnylopp, a second team recruit, is working in right field. .While ho is young at the game, yet he is getting along fairly well. Adams and Shisler are alternating between left field and tho box. Shis- aud carried a fancy walking stick. Had ! , " ' , ; th.. police had their wav, Reagan would tVr,r'" Bnd 13, "TV8 h. ,"f: now be located behind the bars and eod 8bapf- tAm,thver find the wires would have been hot sendg i b.,m a f 0(1 ,,.w.',w nnl U thow out his description. The officers be- inuel' t0 ?'ork ,n ,hCfbX and 19 shW" liove the man is a professional crook I ng ome impreveraent and should have been detained l oan who is doing the receiving most , - . j of the season is still on the job und is RECORD BREAKING SALE. ; holding up the pitchers m very good form. His "peg" to second has im- stealing the HOSTETTER'S STOMACH TTERS in amount to ten per cent of tho I amount of the bid. Tho City reserves' tho right to reject any and all bids. This notice is published for five sue- j cessivo dnvs in a daily newspaper pub-1 lishod in the City of riuleni, Oregon, Y&mWAmMikMmMiim ?05i" -rv', y u iN, FfW I- n '4 ' ' Walking Shoes should bo particularly sturdy aa well as perfectly comfortable. All the enjoyment of walking shoes will be lost otherwise. We have prepared a display of walk ing shoes for men aud women which is simply ideal. Have a look nt it and you will see nt once how well adapted to streuu ous service tho footwear is. Jacob Vogt 230 North Commercial St. The Wednesilav snrnrise wiln nf ! proved remarkably and harassed by tho rebels under General aprons at the Meyers department store i second bag has now become a very dif- ilia ,nbout 20,000 strong and with , yesterday proved to be one of the most Ilcu" 11 . three-quarters of the number mounted ! successful sale events in their thirty-1 As whole, tho team are in tho best ft ml rrtniwitiAhtv wit 11 ft hln i( k-ot) nn i four veara of merrhandisinir in Snl.-m ! shape thev have been tnis season and with the fleeing army. Federals in Bad Way. At the same time, local constitution nlists said, the fivo thousand rebels un According to the mannpement. it hn ! the game Saturday should witness somc ' takea several years to establish this j vcrv good bull ploying. j Wednesday event, to which hundreds ! of persons look forward each week. i ORDERED TO ARCTIC CrRCLE TO !der General Torres, who have been be- Over 000 women's aprons were sold j ituax tu MUUJJtK-iia i sieging tnn I.uis Potosi. certainly will during the sale yesterday, and it clear- ' do their utmost to prevent the fugi-! ly shows that women will respond , Vancouver, P. C.. May 21. Tuspeet-j j lives irom entering tne place. While i""en mey recognize enraoroinary or Hotts, of tho nortnwest niounttM po-1 i Torres' force will be outnumbered, it 1 value giving. lice, iias been ordered to the Arctic j was pointed out. too. that with Villa! The Journal columns and the show ' circle! to s arch for the murderers ot 1 , ; hammering at their reur, the federals window were used m exploiting the may have to abandon their attempt. ; event, and the Tesults attained again 'make a detour and attempt to make demonstrate the valuo of these niedi- ' the capital. ; unis in advertising. Kepoits were also current hero that j ! west const rebel force was marching . Let th Journal classified ad i tttHrHHTTHH t on Gundalnjarn and many predictions make known your Wants. First were made that both that place und . , sn I.uis Potosi would be abandoned '"ertton, one cent per Word. without a fight, in favor of n f Subsequent insertions, half cent. ; concentration and doeperate last stand i per Word. I in Mexico City. j Explorers Bedford and Street, Killed two years ago by savage eskimes. j Petts and his party plan to be gone! at -a three years. The most northeily statin:' of the; northwest mcinted police is at tape Fidlorton. This station will be tran fe red to Chcstcrt'ieM inlet which In speitor Petts will make his base. " Iff'fji. r l - n 1 f AI-'. uoi. :i plh viyr" t'"!i.,:-:f-!'!t!:'i!;..:1'... l!.:,l!',i'S'i'-- :' '.;.';. Pi A an i mum Tot Infants aad Children. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought Bcarc tho A May wedding may be just as pret ty as one in Juue. OS ; or-' -.jlfl At; 6 k. fc-' tr r ) I: t ic;: , Sour Mojus-iV . tutw Viarr.a.fcuT-aiiion'i.i"dsu- ucss m!L0SSP?'g:jXP. Tlt Ccntavh Co:iTi33; i tit 14 ' ! 5 ' In- use l-or Over Thirl1 Years !NrvtirifTr5cN-''rf "';i Exact "opy of Wrapper, Tms cinTAun coutttr, tt m ten errr.