PAGE TWO THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 1014. i i UK 1! i , 3. i i i I i I f 1 A ! IS i t I: I &1 i! t 'ft 'J K t i 5 1 41 News of Marion County NEWS OF TUENEB. Turner, May 19. (ieorgo Mooru, who has been conf ineil to his homo for ov era! weeks, with ai. attack of pneu monia, is reported much improved ami a speedy recovery is hoped for, especial-' ly by the city council, where ho i,('onl Creek where they will spend sev needed to help complete the plans for oral. days fishing. tho proposed wator system. W. C. Unesel of the !5 10, 15 aaid 23 Several Htndents from Turner went; cent stor, was surprised Thursday by to Corvallia Saturday to visit the Stat i his brother H. C (iriesel, of Seattle Agricultural School and attend tho .dropping iu on him for a visit of a few track meet. Arthur Kdwnnls and days. family, (leo. P. Booth and family, Mrs. j Miss K. N'. Hall returned after speud 'ora IJtirk, John Schaffer and family, : lug several days with friends at Port Grace and Clarence Kobertson, (ilenjlnnd. Miller and Eddie and Clara Ahrens! . T,. Magnusen left this weok for were ineludco. in the, party, who motored! Nebraska where ho will visit several over Saturday morning. Mrs. .1. M. Heck went to Kugeiio Woluesday evening to spend a week irith her son and wife Mr. and Mrs.! J.dwin Dock, who spent tho week end : or last week with their parents at Turner. The Turner school will close next Friday with a picnic for tho teachers and pupils. 1'nrcnts are requested to come with filled baskets and help to make the day a pleasant one. I'reoed; ing the picnic, an entertainment will be given by tho school on Thursday night in tho Masonic hall. j The rresbytenan Missionary society, will meet on Thursday afcrnoon May. 21st, at the home of Mrs. Geo tMlooth. I All mmbcrs are requested to bo proseut. j . r . "T ' .1117 Miaiu jininiu miivuif nMii,, nil; Week-end with, her parents. Cecil Kodgors was culled to tho Train ing school Sunday morning to aid in the earch for the runaway boys. Mrs. Mickey, Mis. Henry Karl aniajtho am0 for Mrr. Gunning, Sr., wero appointed dele . gnttu to tho county convention of tho .W. P. T. U. to bo nold at Salem Tues day and Wednesday cf this week. The city of Turner continues to mi prove whic h is snowu by the appearance Ki(lll(,v Vin nre n fine ki(, modi. of cement walk In front of tho It. O. cin0 ;1(1 i willingly recommend them." Thomas residence; also In front nnd, 1ri(,u fioo, at all dealers. Don't along one side of tho Masonic, hull. I his Hi ,v k for a kl(lnpv TOme,iyK(,t Improvement adds greatly to the al-'Doan's Kidney Tills tlio snme that ready beautiful home of It. O. Thomas. Mr wint lluU Foster-Milburn Co., ".. ,M..Kiii. M.t iu B Overland Sunday, from Sulein. This, means no mora work for Hen. Mrs. Hriggs went to Marysvillo. Culi fornia to visit her little girl, who is attending school at that place. Mrs. Henry Karl cxpoctfi to leave for the cast on Sunday, May .With, where she expects to visit her old home at Philadelphia, I'll., nlso a friend nt Washington, 1). P. Mrs. J. F. Lylo enme up from Spring field and spent. Sunday with her hus fand who is clerking in Moore Ilro.'s tore. WOODBURN NOTES. Nollio Hunt and lletn McCol-iiiick took in tho Hulls-Kioto circus in 'Salem Thursday. Fred t'uytoii returned alter spending a week in Silvei'toii. ' Glen Mc(!onigal, Harold Miller nnd Raymond Nehl loft Friday for a f.w days' li"liiiiir (rip. They will return, the first of the week, Mr. R. I''. Hill spent Thursday with, irieniis in iiiiiem, mm wnno mere, iney I took in the circus. Mr. Kcnatcad has been in Kasteru Oregon on business this week. Cleive Gall.ruilh has accepted a posi ;! tion in tMlvoi'tou and expects to remain during the immnior. Mr. and Mrs. . (.'. Althnns and daugh ter Helen lelt Saturdiiy for I'ortlnnd where they will visit a few days with Mrs. Althiius' parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Wilson. Thev expect, to return the first of tho week In Mr. Wilson's j cnr. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson will return with Mr. and Mrs. Althaus and make them a few days' visit. . Misses Avon Mr Kinney, Xellie nnd Gladys Hinklev Mrs. H. Alleinnu and Mrs. W. T. Jenkins, of Woodlnirn, i visited friends in Salem Thursday audi whilo there took iji tho Sells-Kioto eir-! cus. Miss May Hequire of Gervais visited, friends here Friday. I Mrs. F. W. Sett lender anil Mrs. G. H. Beebn presided at a very delightful f gathering ut tho homo of the former. from Multnomah; suit for damages for Tho affair was given in honor of the j injury sustained by plaintiff's tugboat hostesses' birthday. Tho hall was from striking submerged piling, re decorated in pink roses arid ivy, the j versed, reception room in white roses and snow The court held thnt it is the dutv of balls. The den was decked iu red roses and the dining room in yellow marigolds and California popppies. Twelve tables of Bridge were played. Prizes were won by Mrs. Hlaitio McCord nd Mrs. Olin IOVfl. The consolation fell to Miss Kleanor Wright. A delici ous lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. A. A. Dudley. Little Margalret Poornuin received the guests. i HAVE GOOD HEALTH Tk Hood' SarMparllla. tha Old Reliable Spring Tonlo. Don't let tbo idea that you may Joel better in a day or two prevent you from potting a bottlo of Hood's Sarsapnrilla today from any drug store and starting at once on tho road to health and strength. - When your blood ia impure nnd impoverished it lacks vitality, your .digestion is poor, nnd all the func tions of your body are impaired. Ilood's Snrsnpnrilla is tho great est known blood tonic. It will build you up quicker than any other medi cine. Jt gives strength to do nnd power to endure. It is the old standard tried and true all-thc-year-round blood purilier nnd enrielior, tonic and appetizer. Nothing else arts like it, for nothing else has the same formula or ingredients. Be nre to ask for Hood 's, get it today, and begin taking it at once. A number of out of town guests wore present. Mm. O. A. Xemlli, who was oper ated upon several weeks ago in I'ort lnnd, returned homo Saturday. Mr. H. K. Uruiie, Mr. V., (1. Kminett ami K 1. Stnnard left Thurslav for' weeks with friends and relatives, C C. ('oninuuk, Lyman Shorey and Clyde! Thomas aro spending a pleasant week fishing ou tho north fork of the Columbia HEARD IN SALEM. How Bad Backs Ilavo Been Made Strong Kidney Ills Corrected. An ov,,r Sulem you hear it. Donn's Killll),y iiu Bre koPI,lnB up the good work Hllira people are telling about it tulliiiR of bad backs mado sound jn Yot c(in t)(,,i(.vc , tMtirflony ()f townHpU()I,ic. They tell ,t fot tho of who ttr mf. orig. If your back aches, if you feel lame, sore and misemble, if the kidneys act too frequently, or passages are painful, scanty and off color, uso Uoan's Kidney Tills, the remedy that has helped so many of our friends nnd neighbors. Follow this Salem citizen's advice and givo Doan's a c bunco to do you. Joseph Whit, fi(iS High street, Sulem, Ore., says: "My kidneys wero disor dered and my back seemed to lose its strength. Dean's Kidney Tills soon fix- id mil tin nil rtirhf. T kimw thuf Tlnsn'i I'iDiis.. Hurra o. JN. Y. ore:; on supreme court hands down decisions Petition lor Rehoaiins In Case cf Wal lace & Co. Against J. W. r erg neon, Is Sustained. Fifteen opinions were handed down i this morning by the supreme court but none of them of jircnt public importance. They were as follows: Guy i. Wnllu'ce & Company against J. W. Ferguson, Insurance CoinniiKsioner for Oregon, petition lor a rehearing, former opinion sustained. Justice Bur nett writing the opinion. .1. H. Klwert, appellant vs. William lieid et ill.; appealed from Multnomah; petition for rehearing, denied. Cornelius Tnnseth, appellant vs. Tort- bind linilwuy, iiight, (i l'owcr Company; appealed from Multnomah; action to recover damages for personal injuries, reversed. J'nnl 1inliier et nl., vs. Klwood Wiles, nppe:iitur; nppenle t trom .Multnomah; action to recover damage for persoanl injuries, reversed. State of Oregon vs. John M. Mel'hor son, appellant: appealer from Crook: charged with larceny of a mare, re- j versed. , A. Itettencourt, appellant vs. Enosl Tlettercourt; appealed from Multnomah; ! suit for nit accounting, modified. I State of Oregon vs. Dick (Inrrett. et nl., appellants; appealed from Crook; charged with the larceny of a steor, attirmed. H. G. Lane vs. W. O. Myers, et a!., ap pellants; appealed from Jackson; suit to cancel a deed, modified. In the matter of the application of R. tl. Case for a writ of habeas corpus, tho supreme court adhered to a former decision sustaining the low providing for licensing peddlers. O. K. Ilaskin vs. Marion county, ap pellant; petition for rehearing, denied. tlostord transportation Company, ni pollnnt vs. Citv of I'ortlnnd: appealed the city to keep tho river free from oh Htructions. Andrew Heckela, appepllant vs. Coos Hay Liquor Company; appealed from Coos; action for replevin, affirmed. Pacific ltriclge Company vs. Hiver side Hock Company; appellant; appealed from Multnomah; action to recover rent for a steam shovel, affirmed. John Y. Richardson vs. I'ortlnnd Rail way, Light & Tower Company, appel lant; appealed from Multnomah; unit to recover damages fur the death of B. S. Sereven, reversed. A. M. Stewart, et al., Appellant vs. H. J. Fisher, et al.; appealed from Mult nomah; suit to foreclose lien for labor and material reversed. STAMP COLLECTORS MEET. London, May 20, Nearly five hun dred enthusiastic collectors of postage stamps assembled heie todav under the presidency of M. I'. Castle, for the British Philatelists' congress, and for three days the wonders of the pictorial efforts of the I'niversal Postal union will be discussed, classified and catal ogued. King George, who is a keen collector, and who possesses one of the finest collections in the world, will not attend, but ho has invited his brother philateliats to visit Windsor Castle to morrow. To the it nernl regret, the royal collection, which is now being catalogued at Huckiiigham palace, will not be on view, but the king has prom ised to publish his catalogue ns soon as it is finished. A reception tonight, a banquet tomorrow night at the Aro cadero restaurant, ami a garden party on Friday at the Sevenoaks resilience of President Castle, are included iu the program. The house plans to adjourn by July 10. Memorial Services To Be Held Sunday at the Armory !''-'' '--- . . ...i . . ...... DR. 0. E. CLINE, Memorial day will be celebrated by ' Sedgwick post, 0. A. R., tho Ladies of the G. A. K., and Women's Relief corps ! Sunday afternoon at the armorv, when an address will be given by Eev. Dr. C. K. Clinc, of Portland. Tho services :11 begin nt nnd Dr. James Lisle,' chaplain of tho local post, will ope it the meeting. Dean Mendenhnli, of the Willamette university school of music; will havea special program for tho occasion nnd tiic Sabm militia company will occupy tho front Beats. I It is expected that a large crowd will be present to hear Dr. ('line, as ho is well known personally in this city and was formerly a member of the Sedgwick post. As usual this year a JUSTIFICATION WILL BE FINANCIER'S PLEA Mellen'g Judgment Will Be Criticized Regrading Value of Westchester Road Nothing Criminal Revealed Yet. Washington, Mnv 20. Justification will bo tho plea voiced by Willinm O. Rockefeller nnd otlur financiers to charges by Charles S. Mellen, former; president of the New York, .New Ha-; ven & Hartford railroad, before the in-j teistuto commerce commission, that the New Haven paid uiiliions for tho West- j Chester line when in reality tho stock, according to Mellen, was not worth more than "ten cents a pound." I Mellen 's judgment' will be criticized by the financiers, who will nlso assert, the Westeheslir road is a six truck, hiyh power line nnd eventually j will be worth three times its original co-t. j Attorneys for the financiers insist; that no act on which criminal proced ings could be based has been divulged. , They any it is solely a question of! whether the New Haven company paid , too much for the Westchester road. Joseph W, Folk, chief counsel fori the commission, questioned Mellen nt length when today's session opened, : regarding ;iK),ntH) in notes given by ; tho Boston Herald, a newspaper, to the New Knglnnd Navigation company aud ; later turned over to the Billard com-; pany. Folk tried to show a connection J between tho lonn nnd the passage by tho state legislature of a bill author-! izing the New Ha,ven system to take1 over the Boston and Mnine road. Mel-i len, however, flatly denied that the1! New Haven rotnpnny forced the pass- age of the bill. Melleu said the teal trouble in the; New Haven-Boston and Maine merger! was the latter 's ownership of trolly lines. This, he said, started the orig- inal criticism of the amalgamation. The witness also denied that the profits resulting from the dinl exceeded $2,00,-1 000. 1 WOMAN AND SON DIE ' i IN BLAZING HOUSE Four-Year-Old Daughter Trapped on Third Floor and Burned Little Hopo fcr Recovery. ! St. I ""is, Mo., May 20. Mrs. ttcbee cn, SU.-, aged 24, and her ii-year-olc son Mori is met death today in a fire which destroyed a three-story frame building here. A 4-year-old daughter, who was trapped with iier mother nun ! brother ou the third tloor, was ro bndlv burned that physicians hold out little hope for her recovery. The building was occupied by three families ami sev eral other persons were serionslv burn ed. Use the most efficient busi ness methods to supply your wants and that method is a Want Ad in this paper. Cut the cornersdeal direct. Slaves to fashion iu dress are to be pitied rather than enviefl. QT PORTLAND. number of the local members of the G. A. R. will address the pupils of the public schools, and the exercises in ob servation of Memornl day will be brought to a fitting close by the ad dles at the armory. Dr. ('line was a n. ember of Company D, Seventh llfViis infantry; Company E, First Illinois cavalry, and of tho First Minnesota baUery during the re bellion. Ho is known to bo an inter esting mid entertain in:; speaker and can bo counted upon to do justice to the occasion of honoring the d.nd who served tho flag and to instill a whole some respect into the hearts of the younger generations for the colors of the Union. ALBANIA'S NEW KING MAY FACE UPRISING Turks Want Their Languago Spoken in ! Albanian Sch?bls, Which Would be Unpopular With Christians. Durazzo, Albania, May 20. Backed by the !5(UI Austrian nnd Italian ma rines landed here at his request, King William, Albania's new ruler, was in control of tho situation in Durazzo to day. There were grive fears, however, of en uprising throughout the entire country, which it would require a large foreign army to quell. Tho immediate cause of the trouble in Durazzo was a demand made on King William through Kssad Pasha, who was instrumental in placing the new moiinrch'on tho throne, that the Turkish language be 'the talk in the Albanian schools. This would hnvo been so unpopular with tho Albanian Christians tliat William refused. The result was a revolt by tho 5,000 Mohammedans in Durazzo and an at tack on William's palace, Kssad firing the first shot. Willinm asked the com manders of the Italian nnd Austrian warships in the harbor for aid, ma, rines were landed nnd Kssad was ar rested and was held prisoner today on the Austrinn cruiser Szigetvar. . Berry Hallocks Have a limited stock of the old style hallocks la stock today and expect more tomorrow. Also crates. Seed Corn Xow is the time toV'nt DBt see I corn and we can still offer a good selection of both Oregon J grown and eastern corn. Ail tested for germination. t x : .'4 Garden Plants J A conn lete titoek of Tomatoes, 4 X Cabbage, Cauliflower, Kale, Cei- J 4 cry, Sweet I'etatoes, Peppers, etc., now on hand. Tlants aro X $t own especially for us and are verv fine. D. A. White & Sons : 4 231 Sol State 'St.' Phone 31. 100. 4 4 4 4 4 Sa'.e-u. Otigou. t44 4444444444444444444444 Rod and Gun Club Hold Successful Tournament Officers Elected at Marion Hotel Yesterday. The final tlioot of the annual tour nauient which was held Here tins neeii I y the ii.embtrs of the Uregun State sportsmen a u.-sociation, finished up i with a great deal et cxeiteuicut yes- : tenlny uiternoon, halein eliiniun; one! imdal, Kugeuj three, Portland one and 1 llroliain one. Henry Vcatrii, who whs niiiuaeer of tile toiiriiuinent, and a Sa lem "yuu inuii," w in lionora lor the Capital City. A meeting was held at the Hotel; -Marion by the members of the asso ciation lust niht, amf the.iidlowiug i officers wero elected to servo for the 1 ensuing vear: 11. I'. Wihlen of ti res-1 ham, president; Henry Veatch, of S.v 1 Icin, viee-pre.-'idcut, and K. A. ui r.uuene, secreiiirv-treasuier. The ! Kfi .VL Ai. Hull, liugenej Hr. 8eeley, iled torn; u. Hallott, Albany; Win. tainwell, rortland, and V. Lewis. La-1 Grau'de. Tho matter of selecting tho next 1 Material Uscd Show Variety and Beau place for the annual tournament was ! ty Can Be Secured By U3iug Nativo lett in the i.ands ot the members of I too uoanl of direetois to decide. The Scores Yesterd.-.v. Amateurs sf. -d j , ' day day Total j J. fceayoy, Lunette l;l) 112 2X1 ; ii u hingrcn. Spokane Ml 142 '2S3 ! .'." "'oa'is f iu Hi; L'S2: H. Whiloll. Utcshnm U.l I lil oii. Don Morrison, I'ortlnnd 113 141 2m l'- 11 O'lirien, l'ort land 137 133 L', i) t. li, Morris, J'ortland l,'!j 12S 2(i3 W. A. Dnlrymple, Saicm 120 131 2o'0 D. W. Fleet, .lontesnno....l2.) 123 24S Frank Van Atta, Vane 'ver.. 134 l.'lj 211!) Gregory, Vancouver, Vn...123 12!l 2o2 Fiank Troch, Vancouver....l3i) I U "so Ben Hell, Vaeolt Wn 131 132 263 iv. t aniwe II. l'ort ami iu i-.t . t. vi . " -"''Dime ny ruieiu com rHciors, rue iinii li n I" ! lot i.U -'t)l- II. it. AVUrdinL'. Portland 1'Tl loo 01- Al S.'quin, I'ortlnnd....... 120 lHiinc P. J. Baltimore,. Albany 105 123 22s H. O. He. kart, Eugene 115 10!) "'4 u-1"' ,,M- "gene....1!) 133 259 w. V. MeCornack, K.igcne..l37 130 273 h. A. Bean, Kugeno 1 in 137 250 thns. Deierling, Eugene 123 127 25o O. D. Thornton, I'ortland..l2!) 132 "Bl r V.Xls0"' Vat'olt- Was''..l23 134 2tiS W. (J. linllock, Albany 122 117 2;!n K. A. Leininger, Albany 112 121 :!;; K A. Hackelman, Albanv.,135 127 252 Jack Converse, Portland...!) 119 24S C. Ii, Thacker, Chehalis 11!) 3l o0 Mark Siddall, Salem 12S 132 2(i0 H. 1L Veatch, Salem 139 i;;o o-t C. K. Feller, Hubbard 112 121 233 Professionals j- '.V J;0"1' battle.... 117 Fill 293 r r i"- ' m HO -9H 24, for tlio Moose and their families. w a iVm- ' t!cntMo 1:12 1-P- 274 A s.ecinl train will leavo I'uion street i ' pi. i ' lortlan(1 11:1 HO 2S3 at 9 o'clock in tho morning nnd the J. f-beid, Portland 133 122 255 entiro day will be spent in the picnic , Ar,mi11. Portland.. 11!) 133 252 grovo which will be given over to the p i ,lon"" L'W 135 273 ! keenest enjovment of the part v. It is V r I,lVll'" 1,urt,a,"l J-2 113 285 expected that tAout MO will uttend the " Ru'"'i Taeoma.. ....... ...lit) M0.2SU joilificntion and an impromteu prog Scores Of lllell. eoilllli.tii... l.. r,.m Tvill V,n mmlr.,-,.,1 fnr o,i..r. dm. ( i. 1 "V iaai t-'. P. Trocii, Vancouver. ..127 CHICAGO SWELTERS IN FIERCE HEAT ( hicago, May 20.-Chicago sweltered today in one of the hottest Mav dav3 in years. The thermometer on top "of the federal buildin? registered SO de grees, whilo instruments on the street level mounted to S.I. The weather lm reau held out no promise of immediate relief. The first heat victim of the vear was reported here today when Tin. ,,,,, p;. minghnm, aged fiD "years, dropped dead in Ins office in tho C)ii..n,r,i t,:i ..... iiiuiuit ouiiduig. Heart failure. sunerinilnccH by the intensely hot weather, was ro- sponsible. REPUBLICANS MEET IN WEST VIRGINIA Charleston, W. Va., May 20. With several hundred delegates in attend ance, the Republican State convention was called in this city today bv Chair man Thomas J. Sherrard. "Changes in rules coverniniT nioi.finn e ji vx ui-U-.llCS to the next national convention nnd changes in tho basis of representation i were matters scheduled for discussion I In connection with tho apportion jincnt of delegates to the present con I veution. it wns untied thnt i. j: ... viuu Ills- tnci was represented Dv one delegate for each 250 voters contributing to the combined vote of the Republicans nnd 1 rogressivcs in the last general elec tion. , MANUFACTURERS DISCUSS LEGISLATIVE ISSUES New York, May 20. Discussion of legislative issues affecting industries, with James A. Emmery as the princi pal speaker, wns theimportant business before the second and closing sessions of the nineteenth annual convention of the National Association of Manufac turers here today. ReportB on legisla tive issues were inn.ln ,v :w- t t ......... , uilllll l n ,-f on immigration, uniform stato laws patents, etc. I ( J. Modzikhovjky. commercial at jtaehe to the Imperial Russian embassy ,at. Washington. Manuel Gonzales. Y i consul general for Costra Rica in Xew ork, and other prominent men, spoke ;on expert trade opportunities in KnS. 8ia. South America and West Africa, i ""novation has been planned for .... . .nUSu,-t luuiKiii w i:cn tho wives ' ,80.1 daughters of the attending dele-'' ".'in vifirnrr will he seated at the regular tables instead ef in the galleries as heretofore. Among the speakers at the bajxpiot will be Curtis i Guild, formerly governor of Massachus etts, ami later ambassador to KrssiaJ One of the interesting side features : diimig the crinentiin tins been an : elaborate exhibit devoted to the var ious phases ef fire protcetiin in Tae-1 . tories and all industrial plants. j ' ' . j j Journal Want Ads are a-' ; ways on the job. Cent a word , first insertion, half cent there: ! after. ! Woman Is She No woman wnntt tnlonk old. Many i.i ttirr ffort to lock yoi;Ui!ul resort loli3"b.aulyiKwl. ii'Bh.-ri.lw.u.l ..r.i..J lake in Ih v vuit llie wrong department in the dru -iter'. Biuiy ticpt-nds nn health. Worry, rlwplcat night. hc:iilnln'j. d sonUif. i-r '-ra-laritiM nnd wistknc of a uisum-lly feminine cwrict: i a h,irt lime bria thortuli eye tho "crow's feet,' the hatsarj look, droopin nh. ul'IeH. anJ thu falMina ti p. To retain ihea'ne:iran"A i t youth oJ mutl retilr. hca'th. Instead of Ijtk'nj, powdorn u:U paiun, aek your druunut f J BfflESSKSii BE, FiEEEJS Favorite Prescription This far.ioul nipdie'ne strik.l nt tho very mot cf tl'.cso rnemiea of ycur youthful npconranee. It niaVca jca not only took, but fct ycui.j. Vur dru?irlt can 3op,'iy you In ll-j-'ldortohlet lanrarrul BUMit-centfllnmrt tar r. InilOi KcUl rd LizT- Steal liutltuM. Bullato, M.Y. a0 ri b will ba mailud o ' JSC2S3ta8SZ:3Bnia!EaE BROS. WINDOW IS "OREGON MADE' n Products, Owinir to the election and other ithines the new store window and front at the l'atton broflirrs' bookstore has m)t he'en mentioned in this family .iour-jof yet it is well worth more than nnssiiiL' mention, for it is not only a beautiful window out it is (.irrgon-1 tore with ingestion is an excess or acid, made by Oregon pet.ple. The ratton i usually eaused by food fermentation, boys have been in business i:i Salem j Food fermentation is due to chemical for 2(i years and all that time in the action in the food itself. This fcrmen bulding' at present occupied by them, tntinn causes tho formation of gns. or and Hal remarked that he thought the wind, as well a acid, resulting in the faithful old window needed and had earned tho very latest and best in th - wnv of stylo and dress. The winilow was designed by Salem architects, ....... ..'.... ' ... . .... ...: work being done by Salem shops, the marblo coming from tiie famous black niarblo quarries of Wallowa, county, and the first book to be displayed in it was written in Salem by a Salem man, printed and bound in Oregon, and is mostly about Oregon and Oregon people, even its title being in tho Ore gon jargon. It was Mr. Crndlebaugh's little book of poenia entitled "Xyeona Klosho lllnhee." LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE WILL GIVE PICNIC Trip to Black Rock for Day Closo to to Naturo Will Be Taken Sunday. Tho Salem lodge of tho I.ovnl Order I of Moose will givo an excursion nnd ! picnic to Black Rock on Sunday, May tninmeiit. The committee in charge of the affair consists of Fred Day, B. F. West, Thomas Brown, Hoy Wassom, Frank MeGce, Lloyd Bubington, Geo. Orey, Leo Ateheson and Chris Schuninn. A special rate for the round trip will be offered on this occasion and the train will stop nt tho convenience of the picnickers. The return trip will be started at 6 o'clock p. m. JAP ROMANCE SQUELCHED. Los Angclrs, Cab, May 20. Tha ro mance of J. Tah'ula, Japanese, enme to an abrupt ond today when Miss Mil dred Ryan, a pretty cashier at a motion picture house here, tile object of his dovotioii) secured his arrest. f?ho comi p'ained that he blocked tho line be i fore her wicket bv haltine to protect. - r:--,-.'-- ! amorous glnnces and throw kisses "trough the glass. Tjhaida was fined if 10 with a jail alternative.' PROPOSALS INVITED. Notice is hereby given that tho Com mon Council of the City of Salem, Uro gon, invites sealed bids for tho mak ing of nn improvement of the alley in block -1 in the City of Salem, Oregon, from Chemeketn street to Center Street with 6" Portland cement gra vel concreto pavement, C crushed rock Portland cement concrete pave ment or El Oso No. 2, consisting of i" hydraulic cement concreto base and El Oso nsphultic concrete wear ing surface, in accordance with the plans, specifications and estimutes on file in the office of the Citv Recorder of said City, which are hereby refer red to and made a part of this notice. Said bids will be opened on or after the first day of June, 1914, at or about 7:30 o'clock p. m., in open council meeting in the City Hall in Salem, Ore gon. Each bid submitted must bo ac companied by a certified check equal in amount to ten per cent o-f the amount of the bid. The City reserves the right to reject any and nil bids. This notice is published for five suc cessive days in a daily newspaper pub lished in the City of Salem, Oregon, the date of first publication being May 20, 1914. CIIAS. r. ELGIN, ' City Recorder. The Best Food-Drink UsncSi at Fountains GENlHHjE li d A void lisiUaismts Tako jVro Suusditiia RidiMuk.rnaltcdpam.inpowacrfoi'ri. More healthful than tea ot coPec. Forinfar.ts,invaui sad crowing children. Agrees with the wcaLcjt di-ciiioo. Pure nutrition, upWdin g the whole body. Keep it oa your sideboard at home. Invigc:;tc3 nuriius mothers cad the aged. A quid lunch Dieoc:ed ia a minute. As Old As Looks ' . , INSURING GOOD DIGESTION. Importanceof Prevcniing Food Fermen tation in the Stomach. Good digestion usually means gi.nd health. So long ns tlio stomach. iI.hh its work properly, diseases can find mi lodgment iu the human system; the li ver, kidnevs nnd intestines will inr- : form their work perfectly nnd remain in nerfect henlth: but lcrmit nnvtliinsr , to interfere with the pruper digestion, food, an unending trniu of troublen . is set in motion. About tho only thing I that will unset the stomach ami nitor- I unnatural distention of tlio stomach !and the burning by tho acid of tho I ueiicnio lining ot toe bioiuiich. .Medicine and tonics cannot relievo this condition they usually make it worse. The fermentation nnd acid aro to blnmc and these must be overcome and prevented by taking after meals a' tenspoonful of bisurated magnesia in a little hot or cold water. Physicians recommend bisurated magnesia espe cially because it stops and prevents fermentation of food nnd neutralizes the acid instantly, making it bland nnd harmless, without irritating the stom ach in any way. Get n tittle bisurated magnesia from your druggist nnd try it the next timo your food ferments and upsets your stomach. Note how quickly tho acid is neutralized nnd how soon you forget that you hnvo such a thing as a stomach. BELIEVED MEI-r ESCAPED. Spokane, Wash., M;iv 20. Three men I were nrre-tod here today in connection with the robbery of the Bank of Spnn l i.'lc yisterdny in which nearly (jOlnO iwes secured. No considerable amount ! of money was found on tlieif persons. The belief prevailed bore that one of ; t'oe robbers, mounted on a spelling i;io- tovi yele, has escaped with the stolen nionev. - ' Let the Journal classified ads make known your wants. Fisst insertion, one cent per wotd. Subsequent insertions, half cent per word. e from headaches, dull feelings, and fatiguo of biliousness, cornea quickly and permanent improvement in bodily condition follows after your stomach, liver and bowels nave been toned and regulated by Soi i cverrwher. b box, 10e., 2Bc REM FJDYfokMENI AT DRUGSISTa.OH TRIAL BOX BY MAILBOt j I-..1M PIANTEN 93 H ENRYSr. BROOKLYN. NY. . iltWBSt Ul I ivt n AT IONS Your tea troubles & arenvernnee vnti get acquainted with Sold in air-tight packages only MTML3:py Wt- OEEOMi "THE OLD RELIABLE" 1 xe IK' S2 i t 3 Ask For i343 5! 3 . A