Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 19, 1914, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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All Around Town
Ask for Zlnn's Ice cream when you
want the best.
Grover Dixon of Portland was among
the logal beads at tho state house yes
terday. Four expert watchmakers. Best of
work. No delays. Barr's.
, o
Wiley Moorea, former city recorder
of Salem, now of Portland, was in Sa
loin yesterday on business.
We guarantee gaf return of watches
for repair sent us by mail. Quality
counts in jowelery. Burr's.
Attorney Grant Corby was In Port
-land yesterday looking after legal mat
tors. He returned this morning.
Kodak films left before 8 p. m. fin
ished next morning. Open ovonliigs.
Trover-Weigol Studio, opposite) Itligh's.
The Western Union Telegraph com
pany, a corporation, filed a suit today
against A. C Hohrnstedt Orchard Co.,
a corporation, and Waldo Hills Orchard
Co., a corporation, for tho collection of
a noto fr $1(0.1U alleged duo (or serv
ices rendered the defendant companies.
H. Pohle & Son, at 240 South Liber
ty, are now iigents for tho MeC'orinick
line of harvesting machinery. They
carry a full lino of mowers, rukes,
reapers, binders and extras.
Sam Foster, who wag arrested Inst
Saturday for being overloaded with
lioo.e, received a treat this morning
when tho White House restaurant until
brought over his breakfast to the jail.
The goneral rations nerved put to pris
oners consist of bread, bacou or ham,
and a cup cf coffeo. A nice piece of
shortcake was found in the basket
when Sam uncovered this morning, a
friend having "set 'em up" to the un.
fortunate prisoner.
Alaska Tours Porsons interested
can obtain full particulars by culling
on Mrs. A. H. Carlisle, Hotel Marion,
Hnlnm, Oregon, May 20th until May
Ed Landers, who resides in Mission
bottoms, reports that two horses be
longing to him have strayed away and
haave been lost or stolen. One is a
dark brown ninro weighing about 100O
pounds and the other a dark brown
horse weighing about 859 pounds. Tho
horses left on May 8, and ns the ninre
is 30 years old aiid tho horse 15 Mr,
Landers said he thought both of them
were old enough to know where they
belonged and would return to their bed
and board but both have failed to do
Opera House
May 21
The New York Grand Opera Company
presents Gounod's immortal
(In English)
Chevalier Salvatoro Giordano, Richard
:B. ParkB, Eo;eo Mttlpica, Marguorite
Hobert, Ethvl M. Peters, Nora D'Argol,
Karl W. Schub,
Musical Director.
PRICES W CM, 11-50 and $2.00.
Worth of New Beautiful Ribbons
Today The Ribbon Event of the Year
A great purchase of high-grade, foreign and domestic warp-printed
and jaquard Ribbons of our usual unexcelled standard enables
us to offer these at an astonishingly low price. These, as a rule, go
only to the big cities, but through our New York buyer we were
able to procure these. They're unusually wide in new, rich designs
and colorings; splendid for girdles, hair and hat trimming; not a
piece has heretofore sold for less than 65c a yard, and many pieces
would bring in the usual way up to $1.75 a yard. While they last,
they are offered in two immense assortments. Take your pick
One Lot 59c yd. One Lot 48c yd.
(See the big double window display of these on Court street.)
so. Mr. Landers reported his lost to
Sheriff Escb.
Try Scott's 15c meals.
The visiting shotgun experts have
been putting in tho evening in shooting
large billiard balls around the groun
tables at tho Marion billiard parlors.
Thoy say thnt knocking the ivories
around the tnble helps to brighten up
tho eyoB and enabtcB them to "get a
bead" ou tho littlo flying bluo-rocks.
Go to Dr. Stone's for trusses.
Fat at St.
3 to 8 p. m.
Joseph's Hall, Thursday,
The Salem school board held Its an
nual meeting in the high school last
night, and, besides passing upon sev
eral bills, elected two teachers and ap
pointed a couple of new janitors. Tho
teachers elected were Miss Kdith West
and Miss V. Kennedy. Doth aro grade
teachers and have net been assigned to
their schools. J. T. Hobs and A. J.
Comer were appointed janitors without
present assignment. Other than, trans
acting this business the board took no
further action.
Dr. Asseln, Zahnarti, Bteeves Bldg.
' o
Blaine Hubbard, who manipulates the
business end of tho Hubbard building
on the corner of Stale and High strets,
didn't go to T'oos Bay on a fishing
trip as was announced through the
press recently. While Mr. Hubbard had
every intention of iroing to the fish
and game country, he failed to make
tho proper connections anil finally
landed in the Rose City. He has re
turned and was 'out at the shooting
grounds tndav making small blue
rocks out of large oi.es. Mr. Hubbard
u.... i ..:.. 1.'... :.-.!... i ... ... i
j una mri ;i('ii ii mi iiniiiiit; ifiiir miu
hopes to get awnv by tho first of tho
Visit Ollson's attractive now barber
shop in Hligh building, State street.
"Woof, but ain't it hot," said Rob
ert L. Corev, an Aliiskan, who nrrived
in Salem tiiis morning from Portland.
Mr. Corey is a native of Nome, or at
least, has been living there for tho past
12 years, and is just taking a little
jaunt down through tho Willamette
valley to look at tho green grass and
pick a few flowers. . Ife is the pro
prietor of "The Nome," one of the
leading restaurants in Nome, and he
will remain in this cit- several davs.
Piano tuning, first-class work. Phone
1105, leave orders with O. C. Will or
B. P. Peters. J. E. Hockett.
The board of control has just com
pleted o, list of things needed for car
rying on the stato institutions, and
Secretory floodin is busy getting fliem
in snnpe. l ne ijsts nave jiisi como uacK
from the state printer and these come
under 28 separate and distinct classi
fications. These are prepared for
prospective bidders aniT advertisements
for bids aro being mado in many pa
pers of the state.
You can't stop Mosher, the tailor,
from rutting prices. All $.15 suits now
$25; $35 to $40 suits now $30; $10 to
30 suits cut to $35. This week only.
Mr. J. Goode and daugnter, Mrs.
Joseph A. Walsh, motored to the
floode'a country place at Scotts Mills,
0. R. Hammond, machinist Electri
cal appliances repaired and automobile
work done. Phone Main 409. 260 N.
High St.
"Demonstration luncheon," St Jo
seph's hall, Thursday afternoon, 3 to 8.
It At Meyers
Over 34 Years of Successful j
Merchandising in
The choir concert Wednesday evening
is given in tho interest of tho "Grand
sjiano fund" Great effort is being
made to make this equal if not excel!
all other concerts given by Una organ-j
ization heretofore. The concert begins
at 8:30 p. in. I
0 I
Cafeteria style, "demonstration lun
cheon," St. Joseph's hull, Thursday, 3'
to 8 p. m. .
The posters advertising First Metho
dist Kpiscopal choir concert Wednes
day evening, wero mirdo by high school
art students in coruso of their regular j
work. They show great effort and dis
play a no mean amount of ability, i
Prizes were awarded by a disinterested 1
board of judges.
Don't fall to secure tickets for tho ,
choir concert Wednesday evening. They
may be and at either book store or of
one of tho canvassers. Twenty-five
cents, the price of admission, is so
small that at least 1000 should avail
themselves of the opportunity to enjoy
this excellent program. ..
o j
Notice All creditors of the Associ
ated Student Body of Snlem high
school must have bill in by May 25, as
no bills will bo allowed after June 2nd.
A. M. Curvcr, secretary.
J. C, A. Lcggetr, the owner of the
well known old race horse, "Francis
J., " is in tho city again after travel
ing around the country for a few
months. Mr, Lcggett states that the
veteran horsemen all over the country
tay that busincss.in their line is quiet
nt present.
Dr. P. H. May desires to inform his
patients that he hns moved his offices
from the Alasomo Temps) and is now
located in rooms 30H and 307; Hubbard
building. Phono Main 881.
Mr. and Mrs. Eber Lafore received a
pleasant surprise this morning when
Mrs. Lafore 'slirother, I. IX Brown and
wife, of Los Angeles, Cal., drove into
tho auto lane by the Lafore home on
North High street and proceeded to
inaKo preparations to come in the house
and visit. Mr. Lafore and wife had no:
inkling thnt Mr. and Mrs. lirown were
coming to Oregon and the Los Angeles
couple completely surprised the Salem
people when they an toed intolhe yard.
Mr. and Mrs. Brown traveled all the
way from Los Angeles to Sulmn in a
littlo Ford onto. They camped along
the road and had a splendid trip. They
will visit at the Lafore home tor sev
eral davs.
Wade, Pearce & Co. Slg.i Disappears
From Window Lot L. Peace Sn
Is New Businoss HouM.
Lot L. Pearce & Son is the name
that will henceforth appear at tie en
trance to the widely known business
house at 22d-2.'ll North Commercial
street, which for years has carried on
its windows the name of Waile, Tearce
& Co. The members of the new firm
are Lot L. Pearce and his son, Mem
Pearce, who lias been associated with
him in the conduct of tho latter firm.
Thev will continue the sale of agri
cultural implements, vehicles and auto
mobile supplies. --Lot L. Pearce has
been actively engaged in tho same line
jf business in Snlem for 31 years and
is known among business men, farmers
and lodge meu throughout the entire
With the present change oT manage
ment, for tho first time in almost a
half century the name of Wade has
disappeared from the list of business
houses in Sj'em. In 1565 the firm of
H. M. Wade A Co. begau business her
and soon took an important place in
the commercial J fairs of the city. In
1906 the name was changed To Wade,
Pett.Jb Co. -
Tomorrow's Special Event,
Our 091st Wednesday
None sold
display., j
Where Ton Always See the
Presenting today, as always, the
best pictures, "personally selected
- from the licensed output.
in a beautiful Vitlgraph, two
part production.
Mary Charleson as the reporter,
and her "scoop" is truly a big
.' .one.
Both real ones, not slapstick
The Beat Entertainer, with the
Wonderful voice.
Always something worth while at
John Bunny in
"Tangled TangoiBtu"
May 28-7-8
"Goodness Gracious."
Seattlo, Wash.r May 19. The divorc
ed wife of John R. liarly, the leper,
is in terror today at her homo in Ta
coma, for Karly has escaped. And
Georgo N. Tausau, tho man who won
Mrs. Early from her husband and mar
ried her, fears for his life.
Once before, the Tausau family was
thrown into a state of turmoil the
time Dominic Batori was at large. Ba
ton was a leper friend of Early's in
the quarantine station, at Diamond
Head. Ho escaped and It was reported
i, ., nn i,;, ... i-nrnm. t n wreak
hi. f,i,,,i i',,i,,v.,Mm. Rt
Tausau was a soldier in the Philip
pines, the same at Early, but did not
contract leprosy. '
Early discovered thot he was a lop cr
ofter mnrrving a Salvation Army girl
in Plattsburg, N. Y.
They were driven from town to town
and state to stntej ad finally came to
Tacomn from Cos Angeles. . Eftrly
bought a five-acre tract where lie liyed
with his family. :-.
Filially Tuusau appeared on
scene, and eventunlly Mrs. Early
cured a divorce and married Tausnn
so -
Early was sent to the. diamond Head
quarantine station, where no was paid
$30 a month ns an attendant on other
lepers, besides a pension of $Gf a
Early last Friday escaped from the
detention station and ticaded for Cana
da. I
It is not known how he got away,
but Saturday a Diamond Head attend
ant received a letter from him dated
Victoria, directing disposal of his
Used Cars for Less Than
They Are Worth
Mti Runabout
Maxwell Runabout
Knox 5-iassenger ,:. .
American 5-passenger ....
Stoddard Dayton. 5-passcuger
Overland 5-passenger
Michigan 5-pansenger
' t-123
Carter car 5-passeugor ,
Regal 2 ton truck .
Capitol and Union Streets.
Go on Sale
Women's Bungalow Aprons, Spe
cial, Each, Only - - 39 cts.
Here's an apron sale of unusual merit.
Well-made garments generously fash
ioned in an excellent style just the
apron thai women have been looking
for a cover-all apron, belted back,
good quality fabric in light, medium
and dark colors. Take your pick next
39c Each
before 8:30.
See window
Municipal Theatre Would Provide Clean
Amusement and Would Be Self
' Supporting Says Minton.
Part of the Time to be Given Over
to the Feature Films for the En
tertainment of Elders.
A municipal moving picturo show in
the city of Salem is a distinct possi
bility if the resolution introduced at
the meeting of the city council last
night by Councilman Minton institutes
a successful movement. In introducing
his resolution last night Mr. . Minton
stated that his purpose in favoring the
establishment of a municipal moving
picture house was that the eminent suc
cess of the moving picture as a source
of entertainment had already been
established by its wonderful growth in
popularity. It has been used in addi
tion for educational and scientific pur
poses but as an educational feature
Mr. Minton stated his belief that ii
would become equal to its entertainment
In speaking of the proposition today
Mr. Minton stated that tho idea first
came to his mind when the proposal to
raise the licenses of (.oine of tho picture
houses already established was recom
mended! and met with objection on the
part of the managers of the picture
houses who claimed thnt with tho four
already established the competition was
so keen that it was impossible to pay
higher licenses and 'to make profits and
that there were alreadv enouirh movintr
picture houses in this city. Ho rea -
soned that if there was money to be
made in the venture that a municipal
moving picture show would at least be
self supporting and in addition would
provide clean instructive amusement for
the citizens of the town and the pupils
of the schools.
To Provide Clean Amusement
The main purposo of the municipal
show house would be to provido edu
cational films to be run for the school
children at such hours as they could
attend most conveniently and to have
each film rigidly censored by a board
of educators who were familiar with the
education of children.
"It is well known," said Mr. Min
ton, "thnt pictures, especially of travel,
make a vastly greater impression on the
' mind of the child than any amount of
1 reading would. If the pictures are bad
they make just as grent an impression
as if they have a good influence but if
these pictures were shown under the,
supervision of competent educators all
bad features would be eliminated." j
It has been suggested that a building :
bo erected by the city lor the purpose
of -establishing a municipal theater but
none of the details of tho plan are
worked out at present. It is planned'
to have the officers ot the Playground
Association and the otficers of the vari
ous Parent-Teachers associations in the
comity meet in the near future and dis
cuss the proposition from all angles and
make recommendations to the proper
authorities "in the citv council.
jverican. I
R. It E.
Detroit 4 7 2
Boston 6 10 3
Pubac. and Stanagc; Bedieut and ;
Thomas. . '
. R.H.E.
St. Louis ............ 3 8 1
New York 0 5 3
Hamilton and Anew; eKating and
R. n. E.
Cliieaso 3 12 0
Philadelphia 0 10
Cicotte and Schaik; Shawkey and
' " R.H.E.
Cleveland 2 5 5
Washington 4 3 0
ti.:.: ... i,i on ,1 innrned
term of the circuit court for Marion j.
county will be held with Judge Percy,
R. Kelly presiding. ,No caseB or par
ticular local interest are on docket
and tho usual run of routine court busi
ness will be disposed of at this session.
Judge William Galloway has gone to
day to attend the convention of tho
Grand lodge of the I. O. O. F., which
is to be held in McMinnvillo and as a
consequence no court will bo held in
Department No. 2 until the return of
His Honor next Saturday when tho
usual run of legal grist will Be ground
An answer and cross complaint was
filed in the circuit court today in tho
case of Ruth A. Byrne against James
A. Bayne for divorce on the ground of
Two marriage licenses wer.i issued
yesterday afternoon. One to C. Nurd
Holford, a teamster of Staytou, and
Grace Crabtree, a teacher also from
the same city. The other was issued to
Edward -0. Quinn, a cannery superin
tendent, and Anna Broitcnstein, a clerk,
both of Salem.
A big delegation of railroad officials
drifted into the city today, a welcome
visit indeed, for it made some of those
worrying over the political situation
forget for a few minutes their troubles
and think about the big crops, possible
railroad extensions, and all that kind
of thing. In the party wore President
W. M. Sproule of the Southern Pacific,
President Strahorn of the Portland, Eu
gene & Eastern, John M. Scott, General
rasscngor Agent, 11. A. llinshaw, gen
eral Froight Agent Superintendent
Burckholter, amd several others, whose
names owing to their sudden flitting
could not be procured. They visited the
state house and other points of historic
interest, among them the Capital
Journal office.
JOHNSON At a local hospital, Tues
day, May 10, 1914, Angelino J. John
son, aged 70 years.
Funeral announcements will appear
SHENEMAN At the Salem hospital,
Tuesday May 19, 1914, Alice B.
Sheneman. .
The deceased was 29 years of age.
The remains aro being held at the home
of W. B. Summerville, at 987 South
High street. The funeral will take
place some time tomorrow afternoon
from the Summerville home.
WANTED Children to care for at my
homo. Best references. Phone M.
FOR SALE Cheap, second-hand bug
gy in good condition. Call at 070,
Mill strcot.
FOR SALE Thoroughbred Airdnlo
pups. C. H. Stevenson, Phone 65-S-4.
Call evenings.
HIGHEST Cash price paid for eggs.
Marion Creamery & Produce Co.,
Liberty and Ferry streots.
SACRIFICE Six-room modern house;
some fruit; close to trolley and
school; 1225 Shipping street; owner.
FOR RENT Furnished modern six
room house, chenp. See Mr. Lynch,
Salem Bank, and Trust building.
Phono 1844.
SEWING MACHINES are going to be
sold at once; good drop-head ma
chines from $10.00 up; you will miss
a big bargain if you don't come at
once as they must go at once. 640
State street.
with no
.,n .:ij. . i.
ranch; lady to do tho cooking and
the man to work on the place. Ap-
ply at T. A. I.ivcsley's ottice, lith
floor Stecves building, Thursday af
ternoon, May 21.
Gerdardt Sisters
Direct from
Pantages Theatre,
4 Unequaled Photoplays 4
Wednesday and Thursday
3rd installment of
"The Girl of Mystery",
most talked of series in the
world today. Watch for
full story in ach Sunday
Morning's paper.
Always 10c, worth more
i 1 .. - -
j Today
I Ann I C lU.fc'l UkmIt . KMw
tMV V. S. 41H "'"
Salem, Oregon.
On Good Seal Estate Security,
Over Ladd Bush Bank, Salem, Oregon
Farm Bargains
860 acre stock farm, $25 per acre. .
320 acre slock farm, $60 per acre.
100 aero famous Howoll prairie, $125
per acre.
81 acres well improved, $10,250.
50 aires Howell Prairie $115 per aero.
30 acres improved Howell Prairie,
40 acres improved Howell Prairie,
20 acres improved only $4,000.
10 acres all under the plow $123 pel
acre; on easy terms.
$1,500 modern bungalow, 5-rooms,
good location small payment down, bal
ance like rent.
We have choice vacant lots in all
parts of tho city $200 and up.
Houses and store buildings for rent.
Wo write insurance, best old lire
Bechtel & Bynon
S47 State Street
i ir ir
26 acres, near Liberty, all culti
vated, $1.25 per acre. Take good Salem
2 acres bearing fruit, 7 room house,
one mile out, $2,300; terms.
40 acres 5 miles out, improved, $4,500.
Want incomo property.
5 room bungalow modern, $1,300.
210 head of stock, 4 year lease on
2000 acres paid, good buildings; fine
opening for stock man.
We are agents for Canadian
Pacific lands, $11 per acre up,
20 years to pay.
(lose in hotel, 30 rooms, $1,500, snap.
70 acres, 50 acres fruit, house, baia
and dryer, 7 miles out $18,500.
15 acres, Roscdale, 7 acres fruit,
buildings, $3,000;' terms.
Acme Investment Company
Phone: Office, Main 477.
Opposite Court House. 540 State St
Employment Bureau in Connection.
Good Buys in
Real Estate
107 acres of timber land, close to
Oregon Electrie lin?. Will take city
property as part payment. Price $60.00
per acre.
5 acres of good land all under culti-
vntion. rour mnej irora cuii-m
1 -lose to railroad station, l rice $.o0,
i $25.00 down and $ J per month.
22V4 acres; 13 acres under cultivation,
balance timber and pasture; 4 acres
! young pruno orcha'rd set out this yea';
1 aero bearing loganberries and some
strawberries and raspberries, and some
young fruit trees just coming into bear
ing. Good new G room house, barn,
chicken-house, and other out buildings,
31-'. miles from Salem on macadam road.
Price $5,300.
5 acres of bearing cherry orchard,
best of varieties, 3',.j mil s from Salem,
good road. This is a good buy. Knee
$1,230, one-half cash, balance to suit.
Two pood residence properties in Cor
vallis. Will exchange for acreage close
to Salem. What have you I '
40 acres of land, 20 acres under culti
vation. 10 of which is planted to two
year old prunes, balance in timber and
pasture; small house, good barn, run
ning water, fino spring. Price $3,730.
10 acres of good rich black soil all
under cultivation. Price $1,000; $100
cash, balance $100 per year, at 6 pcf
cent interest.
Aero tracts just outside of the city
! limit, nil in nrehnrd inst enmintr into
bearing, good location. Price $800 Tpr
acre, $25 cash, balance $5 jcr month,
, 6 per cent interest.
10 acres of good land all under culti
vation; small housebarn, chicken-house
and well, some fruit; located 3'j miles
from Salem. Price $2,300, $850 down,
' balance 2 years at 6 per cent interest.
If you want to buy, trade or soil,
see ns. .
Eoom 2, Eush BmSt Elds.
Eesidcnt Agents. S85 Etno tstrao.