PAGE 8EVEW tt ? THE CAPITAL JOURNAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FINDING A SITUATION It is possible to secure employment by calling personally upon those 70a hear need help. It U a long, tedious task, however. The classified way bring your application before those who need help, quickly and easily. RATES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS TWO CENTS per word for the first insertion. ONE CENT per word for each succeeding subsequent inser THE CAPITAL JOURNAL WANT ADS work continually they never cease nntil their tasks are) sue eesefully performed. Each day those little wonder workers faithfully de liver their message to the people of Salem and nearby towns who hare learned their value. tion. JOURNAL WANT ADS GET RESULTS. DONT WALK THE STREETS SEARCHING FOR A POSITION OR A ROOM TRY THE CLASSIFIED WAY. JOURNAL WANT ADS GET RESULTS. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. MOiTOAT, MAT 18, 1914. Capital Journal Want Ad Bring; Quick Results Two cents a word for first Insertion. One rent a word for eera Insertion thereafter. Mo silvertlsramt taken for im than ISe. Count six words to the line. ABSTRACTS. ONION ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts that Protect." Our books posted up to date each morning. Call Main 1219 I and a messenger will call for your abstract. J. C. Blegmund, president; Mas Qehlhar, secretary, 345 State Street. AUCTIONEER. AUCTIONEER Snlem 's reliableseller. Farm sales solicited. Terms 1 per cent; satisfaction guaranteed or no : pay. Henry E. Voorhies, Michigan avenue, first street east of the state fair grounds. CHIROPRACTIO-SPINOLOGIST. DR. O.'L. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro practic's Fountain Head, Davenport, Iowa. If you have tried everything and have got no relief, try Ckiroprac- , tio spinal adjustments and get well. Offico 400-7-8 U. 8. National Bank Building. Phone Main 87. Residence Main 828R. LAUNDRY. CLOTHES LAST LONGER With our all-hand work; established 20 years. 430 Ferry street, South sido, between LiDerty and nigh. Hop Lee, NEW AND SECOND-HAND GOODS. H. M. BAKER New and second-hand furniture, hardware and general gup plies. Best cash prices paid for sec ond-hand goods. Call and see us and look over our goods. 373 Court streot, ruone HIGHEST price paid for second-hand furniture, ranges, hardware, tents, etc. We carry the most complete stock 01 aoove articles in town at the lowest price. O. L. McPeok. 271 North Commercial St., Phone Main i 1 OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR3. B. H. WHITE AND R. W. W AL IGN. Osteopathic physicians and nerve specialists. Graduates of Amer ican School of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo. Post graduate and specialized in nervous diseases at Los Angeles college. Treat ocute and chronic dis eases. Consultation free. Lady at- lenuant. urnce ouo-ouu u. B. .Na tional Bank building. Phone 859. Residenco 340 North, Capitol street. rnone 4a. PLUMBIUO. THEO. M. BARR numbing, hot water and steam heating and tinning. 104 Commercial St., Phone Main 192. SCAVENGER. SALEM SCAVENGER Charles 800s, proprietor.' Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly contracts at reasonable rates. Yards and cess pools cleaned. Office 848 State St Office phone Main 2247. Jlesidonce Main 2272. SAND AND GRAVEL. BALEM CONSTRUCTION CO. Can supply you with sand and gravel. Of fice 4G4 Court street. Phone Main 790. Gravel bed on Front street and North Mill Creek THERESKA nAT WORKS. HATS MADE TO ORDER All work guaranteed. Thereska Hot Works. Hats of all kinds rcnovatod into any or styie; gooa quality trimmings. zi ooutn High street. Phone 251 Salem, Oregon. TAXICAB SERVICE. TAXI CAB SERVICE It will pay you to see or phone to J. B. Underwood, Manager of the West Side Transfer ; Ci when you want a taxicab. Terms Reasonable. Phone Main 1Z7. Stand 350 State street. Orders for early Morning trains phono night before. TJNDERTAKXRB. LEHMAN k CLOUGE.--C. B. Webb A. M. Clough, morticians and funeral directors. Latest modern methods known to the profession enmloved 445 Court street. Main 120, Main 988, UNDERTAKERS. HIG DON-RICHARDSON CO. Funeral directors and undertakers, 252 North xiign street, uttice rhone Main 183, Rigdon residence Main 111. WOOD AND COAL. BALEM FUEL YARDS The place of quality. All kinds of dry wood, four foot, or cut in stove lengths to suit, Prompt delivery. Wo handle the best coals on the market. Try our King eoai; it is the best; 752 Trnde street Phone Main 529. Mark Siddnl. pTop, WATCHMAKER. V. 8. MILLER, the WATCHMAKER Over 20 years' experience asawatc maker at Beatrice, Nebr. High grade work at eastern prices. Opera House oiocx. 44 I onrt street. WATKg COMPANY. BALEM WATER COMPANY Office corner Commercial and Trade streets, For water service apply at office, Bilis payable monthly in advance. JOURNAL WAST ADS. ing results. LODGE DIRECTORY. , O. U. W. Protection Lodge No. 2. Meets every Mondny eveniug at 7:30 in the McCornnck hall, corner Court and Liberty streets, Leonard Mason, M. W.; S. A. McFadden, recorder; B. B. Duncan" F. CENTRAL LODOK No. IS, K. of P. McCornack building, Tuesday even ing of each week at 7:30; W..B. Sumervillc, C. C, James W. Cox, K. of K. and 8. SALEM LODGE NO 4, A. F. A. M. Mated communication first r riday in each month at 7 '.3D p. m., In the Mason io Temple. David A. Wright, W. M.; 8. Z. Culver, secretary. PACIFIC LODGE No. 50, A. F.4 A. M. Mateii communication third Iriday in each month at 7 :30 p. m., in the Masouio Temple. J. S. Wyant, W. M.; Ernest H. Ckoate, secretary. MULTNOMAH ROYAL ARCH CHAP TER NO. 1 R. A. M. Regular meet ing second Friday in each month at 8 o. m.. in the Masonio Temule. J. T. Welch, Ex. High Priest; Lot L. i'carce, secretary. HODSQN COUNCIL NO. 1, R. ft 8. M. stated assembly first Monday in each month, Masonio Temple, L. a. - t 1 1 mL -rii..i .r 1 nuwmuu, 1 unce .uiusinoua master; Glenn C. Nilcs, Recorder. DE MOLAY COMMANDRY, NO. 6, ft. 1. Megulur conclave fourth iri- day in each month, at 8 o'clock p. m., in Masonio Temple. Sojourning Sir Knights are courteously invited to meet with us. Frank A. Turner, re corder. CHADWICK CHAPTER NO. 37, O. E. 0. Kegular meeting every first and third Tuesday at 8 p. m., in the Ma souio Temple. Mrs. Ida B. Godfrey, w. ju., Ida ai. uaDcocJt; secretary, E. N. of A. "Oregon Grape Camp" no. iduu, meets every Thursday ev ening in McCornack building, Court and Liberty streets. Elevator. Sn- sie Parmenter, 781 North Front St., uracie; Hazel 1'rice, imperial rurni ture Co., recorder. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. uregon cedar uamp no. 6240. Meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in Masonio hall, corner Court and Liberty streets. Elevator service H. L. Born, V. C.; ,Bay A. Grant, Clone. UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assem Diy xso. 04, meets every Wednesday at 3 p. m., in Moose nail. w. u. As seln, M. A., Ivan G. Martin, sccre tary, Masonio Temple. SALEM HUMANE SOCIETY D. D. Kecler, president; Mrs. Lou Tillsoh secretary. All cases of cruelty or neglect of dumb animals should be reported to the socioty for investi gation. WOODMEN OF WORLD Moet every Friday night at 8:00 o'clock in Mc Cornack block. L. H. Fletcher. C. C; C. G. McElroy, clerk, 519 Court street. REAL ESTATE. WANTED Reliable man to buy new nouse and do general work as part payment on first rear's instalments. German Investment Co., 204 Steeves ouuuing. FOR SALE Five room house, barn gooa well, corner lot, 150x150, all in bearing iruit; by owner. Io9o, cor ner Haginaw and Lincoln (treat. FOR SALE 10.7 acres, 3 miles south of Salom; 3 acres cleared; one acre in loganberries. Some limber; 5 room cottage and outbuildings. Prico (2,800. Theresa Datzman, R, 0, box us. FOR SALE This offers you twenty acres 01 line lana lor grain or fruit within five miles of Salem, south near a roek road, all in cultivation Price (100 per acre, one half cash. balance within 8 months. Phone Main 470. ACRE tracts just outside of the city limits, an in orchurd just coming in to bearing, good location; price (800 per acre, $30 cash, balance $5.00 per montn, interest 0 per cent. W. li Graoennorst & Co., Room 2, Bush Bank bldg. Phone 2315. FOR SALE. FOR SALE 1450.00 piano for (125.00, Inquire 10 N. Zlst street. FOR SALE Cement block machine, (20.00. 910 N. 21st street. FOR SALE Cheap; 200 cords second growth fir wood on the ground 8 miles on Silverton .road. Main 2204. FOR SALE Ranch one and one-half mile from Shedds, Oregon; 180 acres of good farming land. A bargain. Address box 535, Red Bluff, Calif. FOR SALE Modern six-room house, paved street and ear line, close to good business eorner, convenient to school. Price (2,500. Two hundred dollars down, balance in rental in stalments. Phone Main 470. The Journal Want Ad way ig right nnd quick way to sell. the H J Siubv iar Si ihwmii If uwkm, H 1 IIVCII MCWSTIfAll. s.his.lSpi, H BE tft.:lnQ UWMWri or M.ovr Rfnn4-4. feval frtii SH BR tor1.0t 9t toi. Will ks4 tftea b trial. u bt pail fa. M Vbra r;,.-M. 8ajBp!a Vrm. I r Jvmt dr( ., J m m a B ten tbaa mmS Jmu aroao u lb. B P UHTteHIOICiCO.,ajWT. UlKKtrm, P. Ij "H fr K TOR RENT. C00-ACRE farm for rent. Inquire 8. G. Holt, Jt)4S court. FOR RENT Furnished modern house. Phone 1737-J, or call 805 8. Liberty. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, close in, desirable location. 3C5 High street. FOR RENT Two well-furnished rooms for housekeeping. Inquire, 332 N. Church. FOR RENT CHEAP House and barn, xVi acres of oats, fruit of all kinds. 2090 Elm streot. FOR RENT Seven-room house, fur nished or unfurnished, 632 North Seventeenth street. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, walking distance. Phone ZOslM, or call 123 North Liberty street. FOR RENT Four wen-furnished downstairs front rooms for house keeping. Inquire, 491 North Cottage. FOR RENT 8 room house on Fif teenth St., between, Court and Cbem sketa. Apply to 1417 Court st. Phone 1431. OR RENT New five room bungalow; bath, toilet, electric light, woodhouse, east front, all modern. Call at 775 - north Twenty-first. Phone Mrs. Hales, Main 1257. CONSULT THE Wants frequently and, if you don't find just what you are most in search of listed under any jot the various headings, run a want aid of your own. FOR RENT Corner Twelfth and Mill streets, first-class room for grocery or feed store. Good living rooms socond floor. Cheap at (15.00 per month. Call at 413 Salem Bank ft Trust building. A man does nothing original when he makes mistakes. Relieves Bladder Distress and Weak ness. Painful blndder weaknesses and ir regular, sleep-Jisttirling action soon disappear when the kidneys are strong ami healthfully active. Take ioley Kidney 1'ills for that burning, scald ing sensation irregular, painful ac tion heavy, sore feeling and distress. you will soon be rid of the irritating acids that inflame aud scald the blad dor, and will like the prompt tonic and restorative effect the quick relief from pain and distress and the de cided good results. No others work so well and so quickly. J. C. Perry, Sa lem. St. Johns will reorganize its volun teer fire department. Tired Feeling Swollen Hands and ' Feet Due to Kidney Trouble. Your kidneys surely need help and quickly when your hands and feet thicken, swell up, and you feel dull, sluggish, lost your energy and appe tite, and there is a puffy look under the eyes. Take Foley Kidney Pills at onee. They act directly and quickly, and tho result is a regular normal ac tion that keeps the irritating poison ous acids out of your system. Use no substitute. J. C. Perry, druggist, Sa lem. Somo men Tegulariy use kindness if unable to find a club. Very Remarkable Cure of Liver Com plaint Mr. Albert Walker, of Procious, W Vs., suffered intense pain in the atom ach and right side at intervals for fif teen years. He had consulted eight or ten physicians and while they all agreed that he had liver trouble, they failed to relieve him. He was even tually cured by Chamberlain's Tablets, If you have any trouble with your stomach or liver, these tablets will cer tainly do you good. For sale by all dealers. Why, the very ' lambs are bleating merrily and skipping joyfully this spring over free wool. It "beats all how quickly Foley Ca thartio Tablets liven up ytur liver, ovorcome constipation, and make you feel lively and active again. They are so pleasant to take, and they never gripe or make you feel at all sick, They are thoroughly cleansing. J, Mc Knight, Ft. Worth, Texas, says: "My disagreeable symptoms were en tirely removed by the thorough cleans ing Foley Cathartic Tablets gave me." They're a wonder, and cost only 25c. J. C. Perry, balem. Mrs. Eliza Morris, an Oregon pioneer of ls51, died at her home in Palnuse, Wednesday. She was 80 years old. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR! A The oratorical contest between the universities of Washington and OTegon held nt Seattle Thursday night was won by Washington. Whooping Cough! Oh I Oh! Give Foley Houcy and Tar Compound! It Helps. A child that is feverish and rest less, with an inflamed throat and spas modic coufrli, needs special rare and attention for whooi mg congh starts that way. Give Foley's Honey an Tar Compound for the distressin wearing cough it helps wonderfully. Mrs. Bliipps, Kaymor.dsville, Mo., says "1 got fine results from Foley Honey and Tar and it is a great medi cine for whooping csngb. J. C. Perry, THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Business Telephone Directory A Quick, handy reference for busy people ABSTRACTS Salem Abstract Company, 212-222 Bale m BATH AND MASSAGE Sanitorla Bath ft Treatment Parlors, Inc., 213 Hubbard Bldg Main 805 CLEANING AND PRESSING B. F. Spanlding, 495 Court street Main 1992 CHIROPRACTOR AND NERVE SPECIALIST Dr. P. H. May, 201-3 Masonio Temple r 805 DRUGS Opera House Pharmacy, eorner Court and Perry's Bexall Store, lis Mouth Commercial EVERYTHING Salem Electrie Co., Masonic Temple, 127 ELECTRIC WIRING Geo. Pettingill, 135 North Liberty street Main 1H7 FISH. CLAMS. OYSTERS. CRABS Salem Fish eV Poultry Market, 173 South FURNITURE. CARPETS. DRAPERIES Calef Bsos., corner Court and High streets GROCERIES M. Boggs ft Co., 197 South Commercial Main 811 HARDWARE AND PAINTS Salem Hardware Co., Inc., 120 North Commercial Main 172 JEWELRY AND WATCH REPAIRING John G. Barr Company, eorner State and . LAUNDRIES Salem Steam Laundry, 130 Sonth Liberty MILK AND Cedar Bend Dairy, C.W. Dixon k Co MILLINERY Millinery ft Fur Shop 2nd floor Hubbard MEATS FRESH Capital Meat Market, 121 South Commercial Main 247 MASSAGE Sanitoria Bath ft Treatment Parlors, 213 PHOTOGRAPHERS Bullock's Studio, 418-23 Hubbard bldg PRINTING AND Ross E. Moores ft Co., 191 South Commercial Btreet Main 218 PLUMBING." STEAM FITTING AND TINNING M. Barr, 104 South Commercial street UNDERTAKERS Rigdon-Bichardson Co. 254 North High REAL ESTATE Jim Willson, 141 North High street .1 REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOANS ' Geo. B. Jacob Co., 207 Hubbard building REAL ESTATE, LOANS AND JEWELRY National Brokers, 135 South Commercial STORAGE. TRANSFER AND DRAYAGE Salom Truck ft Dray Co., corner State STOVES AND Calef Bros., corner Court and High streets Main 093 SHOES REPAIRED M. Dolan, 130 North Liberty street SUITS MADE B. F. Spaulding, 495 Court street TOILET SHOP AND Mrs. D. Cox, 228 Hubbard building WALL PAPER. PAINTS AND OILS W. J. Porter. 455 Court street Somo men waste a lot of their time looking for words of encourngemcnt. CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. The Kind YouRw Always Bought Bears tho Signature The Journal Want Ads are an index of what is most sought after in busi ness and household life. Yon Can Cure That Backache Pain along the back, dizziness, head ache, and general languor. Get a pack ago of Mether Gray 'a Arematlc Leaf , the pleasant reet and herb curs fer all Kidney, Bladder and Urinary trenbles. When yen feel all run down, tired, weak and without energy use this re markable combination of satire's herbs and reets. As a tonic laxative it has ne equal. Mother Gray's Aro matic Leaf is sold by Druggists sr seat by mail fer 5 cents. Sample sent free. Address, the Mother Oray Co., Ls Bey, N. Y. Astoria stores will all be closed all day June 3, that being the day when Hill begins worl on the construction of the Hill terminal docks at Warren- ton. . Surprising Cure of Stomach Trouble Jacob Hindelang, of Chelsea, Mich., was ill with stomach trouble and in such bad shape that he lived for two months on limewater and milk. He then beean using Chamberlain's Tablets. He says: "I am seventy-six years of age, but never in my life used medi cine that cured in such a short time as Chamberlain's Tblets." For sale by all dealers. Professor Clarence ' Melville McKel lips hae resigned from the faeulty of the O. A. C. He was professor of phar macy and had held the position for 16 yean. , A Reliable Hair Tonic It is an easy matter to prevent dis eases of the scalp by using Meritol Hair Tonic It should be used regu larly to keep the scalp free of germs, as these germs are the cause of the majority of eases of dandruff and later, baldness. We are authorized to guarantee Meritol Hair Tonie. Cap ital Drug Store, exclusive agency. Telephone 635 OF TITLE Bank and Trust Bldg., High streets .'. Main 1459 oiuiu win ELECTRICAL North High , Main 1200 AND FIXTURES Commercial strett Main 2125 Main 693 Liberty Main 1255 Main 25 CREAM . Farmers 74 F-3 AND FURS building Main 881 AND CUBED AND BATH. - 21 Hubbard bldg Main 805 Main 2303 LEGAL BLANKS Main 192 street Day and night, Main 183 AND INSURANCE Main 474 Main 2424 street and Front stroets Main 74 BEDDING WHILE YOU WAIT TO ORDER ... Main 100 TAILORED CORSETS Main 1021 : Main 485 The high price of eggs has much to reduce stage fright. done Imaginary ireart Trouble, Do you have pains in the region of the heartf Does your heart thump! Its terrible pounding alarms you! What Is wrongt Do you" believe these symptoms mean heart trouble Or ganic diseases of the heart very sel dom occasion much pain. Nearly all of these pains are caused by some de rangement of the stomach. Meritol Tonit Digestive is especially recom mended fer indigestion sad dyspepsia. and for restoring the stomach to its aormal functions and mere "heart disease." Capital Drug Store, ex elusive agents. When a man is cornered he 1m agines that he did not get a sqnare deal. OhiiareiTCry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA If most of the reports about ITiierta are true, the man must be simply crazy. A fire at Astoria on the water front Thursday did damage- estimated at 75,000. Two men cught In the burn ing building were critically injured, and four others were severely burned. The Journal want ad way is the up-to-date business method, and it never fails to work. Try it now. The Journal Wants are brimful of vital facts, telling of chances for sale, for exchange, for nt, for work, for securing employes nd many other es sentials. The Wants are definite, pointed and explicit each is aimed at tho accomplishment of something that is essential. 1 There are lots of ways to save mo ney, such as polishing your own shoes, shaving yourself, getting up an hour earlier and walking to work, but there is anothor way; use a Journal want Ad if you want to save time and money and get in touch with the right worn JAPANESE LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING WOHKS. No machinery to tear and wear out delicate fabrics Work called for and delivered promptly. -145 Ferry Street. Phonl Mala 653 NEW BOOKS ADDED TO SA LEM PUBLIC LIBRARY Adams, E, C. Heroines of Modern Progress. Kahbitt, Irving Masters of Modern French Criticism. Brisco, N. A. Economics of Busi ness. Hryce, James University and His torical Addresses. Burrcll, Mrs. C. B. Woman's Club Work and Programs. Commons, J. R. Labor and Adminis tration. Davis, H. C. Commencement Parts. Ornvson, David The Friendly Road. Hill', F. T. The Thirteenth Juror. Jopson, Edgar The Torrible Twins. Lane, R. N. A. The (treat Illusiou. LeUallienne, Riehard October Vag abonds. Morton, M. M. Ideal Drills. Kavindranutha Tiinkura Tho Cres cent Moon. Tompkins, E. W. The Egotistical I. 'Van Dyke, Henry Fisherman's Luck and Some Other Uncertain Things. Watson, William -Poohis. Unenualed for a Bad Cold. Ask anyone who has tried it and he will tell you that Chamberlain 's Cough Keinedv has never beeiroqualnd. Miss Clara Ostcr, House Springs, Mo., when sneaking of tins remedy, said: "I feel sure that Chamberlain's Cough Bemody the best on the market to cure cough or a bad cold on the lungs. I am only too pleasod to say a few words in i ttrina Vn. aoln 'nil nnlrir-a HAS SPEED AND VIM. At the Thirty-ninth Street theater, "Too Many Cooks" has reeordod its 100th representation with wholly unim paired vitality and no end of vim and speed. The unusually large measure of success recorded for Mr. Craven s com edy has brouL'ht to the author a mint ber of propositions for now plays, and has decided him to follow this brnnch of occupation for tho future. Thus, when "Too Many Cooks" shall have run its course here and elsewhere, Mr. Craven will cense to be an actor and become what Albert Bennett, the prin cipal male character in this pieco, would describe as U "literary guy." Tho change, however, is not imminent, inasmuch as tho play's career will un doubtedly extend over the next two or throe seasons. Mr. Brady considers Too Many Cooks ' quite the moBt valuable humorous composition he evor owned, not excepting the amazingly profitable "Iiaby Mine." An Excellent Cough Medicine. The soothing ami healing properties of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy make it especially valuable for coughs and colds. It is pleasant and safe to take and contains no narcotic. For sale by all dealers. A good rook mny be one who at tends church regularly. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA tH TRAVELERS' GUIDE .T RAILROADS SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. Tine Table, Portland Dlvlsien. . Northbtund. 16 Oregea Expres 8:00 a.m. 10 Albaiy Passenger 7:24 a.m. 29 Willamette Limited ....9:27 a.m. 12 Hhasta Limited 12i35 p.m. IS Portlaad Passenger. ...2:M 2 Portlaid Passesger 9:47 f.n. 14 Pertlasd Express 1:11 .. 22 Local Way Freight. ,.H:3S a.m. 222 Portlasd Through Frs't l:3g p.m. Southland. 11! California Express 3:32 a.m. 17 Reseburg Passenger ...11;1 a.m. 19 Cottage Oreve Pass'ger 4:43 p.m. 27 Willamette Limited ...:11 p.m. 11 tihasts Limited 7:31 p.m. 9 Albany Passenger 8:45 13 Has Francises tlx press 14:38 226 Leeal Way Freight.... :27 a.m. 221 Ban Fran. Thre' 'r't..i2:Sl a.m. Salem Gear Branca. 73 Passesger arr. Salem ...9:23 a.m. 76 Pass. mi. leave Salem 11 :M a.m. 75 Pass. mxd. arr. Salens . .3:40 p.m. 74 Pass, leaves Salem . ...5: p.m. Balssa, Falls City k Western. 130 Arrives Balem 8:10 a.m. 152- Arrives Salem 11:25 a.m. 154 Arrives Salem 8:19 p.m. 150 Arrives Salem 6:30 p.m. 158 Arrives Salem 7:45 p.m. 100 Local freight arr. Snlem 1:33 p.m. 151 Leaves for Falls City 6:33 a.m. 153 Leaves for Black Rock 9:43 a.m. 155 Leaves for Falls City 1:40 p.m. 157 Leaves for Falls City.. 3:25 p.m. 159 Leaves for Dallas 6:15 p.m. 101 Loe. Frt. for Black Rock 6:00 a.m. OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. Northbound. Leaves Salem Arrives Portland Train No. 4:25 a.m.., 6:30 a.m... 8:00 a.m... 9:45 a.m... 1:50 p.m... 11:20 a.m. . 1:50 p.m... 4:00 p.m... 4:15 p.m. 8:50 p.m... 7:50 p.m... ..2 Owl..., , ,8, Local ., 10 Limited. ....14 12 .. . 6:55 a.m. . 8:43 a.m. .10:20 a.m. .11:33 a.m. .4:10 p.m. . .1:45 p.m. ..4:20 p.m. . 6:50 p.m. . .0:40 p.m. . 8:13 p.m. ,.10:00 p.m. .14 .13 Limited . 18 ... 20 . . . . . 22. . . . . At least the Americans will stay, long enough in Mexico to make a few spots of it cleaner and healthier. Machinery hat been rightly said to be the soul of manufacturing, and the Journal Want Ad Column, over in the Want Ad sec tion of this paper, is the heart of the machinery market. DR. STONES Heave Drops For the enrs of heaves) a ' liquid medicine given la the feed, which the most fastidlon horse will not re--. fuse. From one to six bottles wi'.l cure the most stubborn rase. Price $1.00 per bottle, or 6 bot tles for 5. For ' sale by all drug gists and at DR. STONE'S Drug Store The only cash drug store in Oregon, owes no one, and no one owes it; car ries large stock; its shelves, counters and show cases are loaded with drugs, medicines, notions, toilot articles, wines and liquors of all kinds for medicinal purposes. Dr. Stone Is a regular gradu ate in medicine and has had many years of experience in the practice. Consultations are free. Prescription are free and only regular price foT medicine. Dr. Stone can be found at his drug store, Snlem, Oregon, from 6:40 In the morning until 8 at night. Free delivery to all parts of the city and within a radius of 100 miles. It makes no difference ' what kind of efficient help you must have, clerks, bookkeepers, stenograph ers, collecors, or any one of the thousand other oc cupants, a Want Ad in this paper will find the proper person for the place. tt - Southbound. Lv. Portland 6:16 a.m... 7:36 a.m... 8:26 a.m... 16:46 a.m... 2:10 Ar. Salens .....1 8:32 ejn. 3 9:57 a.m. .5 Limited.... 10: 10 a.m. 7 12:53 p.m- .9 4:33 p.m. 11 6:03 pjaw 3:43 p.m..... 4:45 p.m. :9 p.m. 9:13 p.m. 11:43 p.m. 13 Limited ... . 6:35 p.m. 17 Local..... 8:18 p.m. ...19 11:23 pjs. 21 OwL2:U3 1 Northbound. Lv. Oervallis Ar. Salens 6:38 a.m. . ... 8: 00 a.. 4:43 s.i .20 8:50 p.m. Ar. 8alena ... 10 Ltd .9:45 a.m. .14........ 1:80 pjnv .16 Ltd.--4i00 p.ns. Lv. Bujese 7:35 a.m. 11:16 am 1:5 .m 5:M p.m.., 12:65 a.m.. Lv. Salem 4:35 p.m.. 2i 7:80 p.m. ...2 Owl 3:10 son, Southbound. -; Ar. Albany .....9........ 6:38 pjn. Ar. Eugene? 7:05 p.ns. Lv. Salem Ar. Albany 8:20 p.m 17 9:15 pjn. etops at Aioany Lv. Salem 2:15 m. 8:33 a.m.... 10:15 a.m Lv. Salem 1:00 p.m..., Ar. Eugene 21 Owl 7:50 a.m. ...1 11:03 a-m. 6 Ltd 12:25 p.m. Ar. Albany ...7........ 2:08 p.m. Stops at Corvallia 2:30 p..n. Ar. Eugene ...13 8:45 pja. Lv. Salem 6:40 p.m.. CORVALLIS CONNECTIONS. Northbound. Lv. Corvallia Ar. Sa!m 6.30 a.m. 8:00 a.a, 9:43 1:50 p.ns, 4:00 p.m. 6:50 p.m. 7:50 p.m. 8:27 a.m 12:12 p.m 2:36 p.m. 4:25 p.m. 6:05 p.m Southbound. Lv. Salem 8:35 a.m.., 10:15 a.m.. 4:33 p.m.., 1:00 p.m.., 6:40 p.m.., Ar. Corvallia 10:05 a-m. 11:34 a-m. 6:02 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 7:67 p-av V i