t f'i III PAGE EIOHT TlLb DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OKiaON. BATTJUDAY, MAY 18, 10U. HENRY PECK'S COUSIN SALLY - - - - By Gross Things We Never Sec Inert I )EM3) Te OS THE WTrf ABffoOd OH.1 vti FEED Th SAI?uC - I P-heke comes- I " ' VJttof& cohe I I ' ' w I i I ...,,. v r I . 11 ' ' r II v " 1 dMi ' s ; I ..AAAAAAAAA AAA I . UUfl lAbi Willi XjAJTRbaiS AlAjV B " " II iOJ BECOME Ml .......A. . .... A . A A A A A A A A A AAA I AA44iimU jij Late Yesterday j NEWS CROWD AT TIGHT YELLS FOR TEN MINUTES YESTERDAY, I OF WHIPPING ffl . At New York. Tie Lusitnnia was held u short time in quarantine an a result uf a steerage passenger's illness. At Sun Frnnrisco. It was announced that A. K. Boynton would bo a candi date for the republican governorship other candidates Burly Black Not In It When It Comes to spreading Flowery Language. J0HNS0N'8 PRIME PAST AND GONE Tighter Says He Has Led Clean.. Life and Is In Prime Con. dltljn. By Hal Sheridan. New York, May 1G. Frank Monin, college ginduato and pugilift, whs con fident when ho sailed recently from Now York for I'nris that ho would re turn to his native loud as tho world's heavyweight champion, Morau is sched uled to clash with Jack Johnson the latter part of June ami tho red-.ieaded I'ittsburgor is so confident of victory that he already has pinna mupped out lor (fathering in tho coin when ho takes the titlo. Duo thing is certain and that is this, wlic n it comes to language Mor ii n lays all over tho burly black. "I have suspected for several years," (.aid Mornii before pulling, "that Johnson 'j best dnvs are over. And if you subject the matter to a i luse analysiK, yuu will see that I am i Direct. Johnson is the gentleman who should worry about the coining MTair. Johnum has been at the top of the ladder and now he has started sliding down. I nm just coming up to- wnrds the top and 1 seo no reason why Han Francisco, May 10. Off-color decisions, by Referee Jack Urneo left a nomination if all bad tasto today with fight fans who ,vou,i withdraw. v attended Inst night 's tour-round show here, in which the main event verdict u Kll1 FnlIiriSC0.A building occu was given to Johnny McCarthy over i u thc Wmon(lg Machinery com liar Campbell. Had it not been f or , ARn ,, iu. n,inn. several decisions by Uraco before this, however, there probably would not have been such nn outcry of this one, puny, burned Willi ifoo.owu ions, cuuuu- gering the entiro neigiioornoou. nave ncen sucn mi uin ui nun ..iv, . ... , ... . i . as McCarthy, while lacking speed, had . At Naples.-Mnt A esuv.us bur t a slight advantage on poiuts! Into nct.ivty ;?d.I,0rt' f " When draco gave Hoy Moore the were to the effect that Una continued verdict over riddle Miller in the spa- i er.tiun. with Continued earth cial event, however, the crowd stood up and yelled for ten minutes. - For a time it seemed Grace would not be permitted to stay in tho ring to referee the next boi-.t. Tho majority of tho spectators were suro that tho worst Miller should have had was a drnw, and many were convinced that ho won. Another unpopular decision was that in which llruce gave Tommy McFnr hind a draw with Hnlly Salvatore of Sncrninento. Many spectators left the pavilion after this bout. RITCHIE HAS NEW MANAGER IS REPORT WIDELY CIRCULATED Chicago, May 111. That Willie Rit chie, lightweight champion of tho world, has selected Emil Thiry to suc ceed Foley as his manager, was a re port widely circulated in sporting cir cles hero today. Color ras lent to the rumor by the fnot tha: soon ufter his arrival hero Hitchio announced that Thiry would whip him into condition for his nmtcli in .Milwaukee on tno ev shocks which had overthrown several more buildings. At Christiana. Out of compliment to the many Americans present, "The .star Spangled lianner" was sung at a bnniin't which followed King Haakon's opening of the exposition marking thc ecnteninry of Norway's independence. At San Francisco. Mrs. IT. H. Grant, Jr., n guest at the I'alnce hotel, said she und her husband were nbout ot change their homo from Snn Diogo to New York City. At San Francisco. For somo un known reason, Mrs. Charles Alexander, a grocer's wife, jumped from a 1!)0 femt cliff at Bakers Point into the ocean, but was saved by a man who saw her leap. PRESIDENT'S WIPE WINS. I.os Angeles, Cal., May 10. Mrs. w..,..l..r,.., U'ilunn luifit nf tlin nreqi- enmg or Muy Zi with l nnr no viiite. . . vi,,t()rioU8 t()dn jn her fi ,lt Uitchie denied, however, that Thiry had been permanently engaged to look after his interests. BATTLE 17 INNINCS BE FORE SCORES ARE MADE Stockton, Cal., May 10, game in tho history ot tho ( alitoruin nft- my mental state should bo. anvthing' llllKo was played hero yesterday nft I, nt ,.,iin. I. Ir. ' ; ei noon when Stockton and Modesto bat " Frank Moran will come home ehnm- tl'-d for 17 innings before either side piou of the world. Nothing can stop! '"'dd score. Modesto won, 1 to 0. me, und when the first round starts Touch for Modesto and Andrndn for I am going to tear into mv negro op- 'Stockton 'ilche, t.ie cut. re game. Mo i.onent until he cracks. Johnsou muv Bt '''' I'"" '""1 HtoekUm seven. give mo a littlo trouble for the first ioven or eight rounds und then he will begin to weaken and lose his speed. ' I have several advantages over BOUT IS A DRAW, Kansas City, Mo., May Ifi. Al Nor- to retain possession of sixty acres ot valuable date land in tho Coachella val ley, east of l.os Angeles. A decision in the case hns been drafted by Regis ter Frank Huron of tho land office here, but it will not Te promulgated , , . formally until the return to i.os inge The longest N npxt w()t,k of lleCwVor Robinson. The history of tho land in question is complicated, and includes the tiling upon it of homestead rights arter it had been disposed ot to Miss Margaret Axson, sister of Mrs. Wilson, by John T. King, who obtained it through the execution of state lieu land scrip. Mrs. ' Wilson purchased it from her sister ! dr 'A nnn Other tiersons. however. Why Women Are Shrewd Buyers Any man will tell you that his wife can get more out of a dollar than he can. Women have the natur al value aentethey know what their money's worth mans. One reason for this is that women are great readers of advertising. No part of a newspaper is of greater interest to them than the advertising col umns. They study them daily and they shop as carefully through the newspapers as they do when they go to the store themselves. Without the advertising, the newspapers would lose half of their women read ers. Incidentally, local merchants would lose more than half of their business. CHURCH SERVICES. ' . CONTACT WITH EXPRESS NEC ESSARY GAINING EXPERIENCE Oregon Agricultural College, C'orvnl lis, Ore., May 10. To aid Oregon teachers in equipping themselves in teachers in equipping themselves to re spond to the demand for more and efficient teaching in industrial subjects will be the principal feature of the summer session of the Oregon Agricul tural college. State-wido interest in garden and household contosts of pub lic schools as shown by the fact that more than 10,000 are registered in tho industrial courses shows the absolute necessity for teachers to equip them selves wjth additional Information in this work. The summer school Bulle- ; tin No. 140, makes the following an ' nouiicement concerning tho character I of the work. I "The summer courses will not only provide specific and detailed instruc tion for conducting these contests but will show tho teacher how to uso tho state-adopted text in elementary agri culture and supplement it with simple and interesting experiments both in doors and outdoors. Tn tho samo way, ' the direct and practical instruction in cooking and sewing will furnVa the essentials for assisting the girl pupils. Any teacher who has the advantage of ) bU weeks' contact with export in- j struetorB and practical demonstrations in the work in which he is to direct ! his pupils, will vastly multiply his , efficiency and usefulness in his com- j niunity. j ' ' The courses are organized to meet i the needs of both general and special students. Young men and womon who : have had no systematic instruction in the branches -taught at this institution , will find elementary courses adapted : to their needs. Students and graduates of high schools where no industrial training is given, and others who have comploted tholr schooling, may spend a delightful six weeks in Corvallis at modorato expenso, obtaining useful, 301 'smj zo z ?q3i3A jirtj oxrcqoj, Sapiotng jssqioomg eqi XaA13A snoprajjpads ,1 araqpu tvm L3A13A UOfPBJSfllJS ODOBqOJ fl Jn4 SSIIM. J.UIB JSBJ 8Ip J! 3UJ map .raToq ,o amjxjrn n tua sja Saaxn aqj bas. jqSfJ auj j sSujqi ,ujop fi s&BJtL 33JHJ SHVHWJM D D 1UL 2L .td AND CRATES The T. B. 8. A. International Bible Students practical information and at the same will hold their regular weekly study at 435 Court street, upstairs, Hundny, 10 a. m. All Bible students welcome. No collections. : 'purchased the homesteader's relin quishment, further complicating tao title. The decision tor Mrs. vnson win .lohusun. Ho hns been dissipating for j nalitornia heavyweight, stands i,M, ,,n!(l,d ()n f ;,;,, showing good years while- 1 have ulwnvs led a clean'""1 """ "" ''" i : fllitU ,m tho Tho negro hns had only one fight''18 a nI,"lt "f,l,,l" ;' ;,0"t.nerc ml, infill Mini nun .ilium in iiiiniuvi- kee, The newspaper critics were unan imous in culling the bout a draw, and nlliwerc agreed that Norton would bear .watching. life. mucn his clash at Keno with .Mr. Jet fries, and since then has loafed and grown t'at and then trained a little and loafed again. That sort of a life will nip the vitality of any athlete. "I used to fight nronnd ISO pounds. I now weigh "07 pounds stripped and 1 hnven't an ounce of superfluous I , - , ... . . ilesh. 1 shall work every daV in the l'rtlm., Or.. May l(l.-ord was and as I have "'ccivcd nere loiiny irom .Miinager .uc- l reilie or tn.i i ortianu i oast league part of her and her pre- ueeessors. FRUIT UNION BEGINS WORK. M'CREDIE SENDS MEN HOME. The Salem Fruit union is just itart ing the fruit packing season with the ' gooseberries and strawberries. There is a full crop of gooseberries and it is i estimated that between 10,000 and 50, iOOO pounds will bo shipped from the i Salem plant. Tho strnwberry crop was 10, ........ ... ..... ... " iiamageu uy ine inie iiomi mm nm Isntrer that 111 train invsclf Ktnle. '''am mac ne nan em . u u.t , tw0.ti,ird of a crop will be will bo fit when 1 meet Johnson and 1 11"1'''1 "d (a el.er llawortli home, iney hllrV(ls,c,lv thoU(,, t!l (imiity of the don't believe there is anything on earth "y0 ; M''"ci o J""' v" j ........ ll(rrils ;s pronounced first grade. " The Gold Dollar ami the Oregon win I be the first varieties of strnwtoerr.es in hteniner s gymnasium studied myself carefully there is no Northwestern league squad. Saton Mission. Corner Center and Commercial. Preaching and ' great meetings every night except Monday. On Sunday there will bo two good meetings at 3 and 8. Every one ts invited. You will find these meetings up to dato, full of power, and n blessing to all. D. V. Mclnturff, pastor. Presbyterian Church. "Swords and -Spears vs. Plowshares and Pruninir Hooks," will be tho sub ject of the morning sermon celebrating Pence Sunday m nccorunnce wuu me request of the Federal Council of Churches. Tho evening topic is "A Conversation at a Well.'! Morning mu sic by the quartet, "Tho Lord is My Hock." In tho evening, Prof. -Walsh -will sing a solo and the htlo of the anthem is "The way is insi unu Over." FIGHT IS POSTPONED. time perhaps discover unexpected ca pacities, heretofore dormant. Others, who have a trade or profession, want a sido line in fruit raising, vegetable gardening, poultry and. th,e like, tstill others are interested in beautifying their lawns with flowers and shrubbery and in planting and arranging' thorn in the most artistic way. - Many public school and collego teachers are provid ing old ago pensions by acquiring land. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. that, cnu keep me from winning. "This talk of trouble with n.y ninn nger, Dan McKetrick, is all bosh. I've ......... B ...i,.,.i n-;i, M.-K" .1 and he knows that he does not need ! . ;k'",l, (al, Muy 10.-111 with a nev He's the best friend 1 have, W. I Nh , "7 "V'0 '.V "V" " v ? , i " ... t Moo Uiivley. the northwestern lig.it jihvp i.eeii uuiiiv ui..ik .- .vm , , ,. , . .ir I- .(rt nn.l we'll be together after .welKht "-lV was torced to ca t otf .this fight." BOUT CALLED OFF. .Tot down your list of odd household articles and then tell tho public all about them through s Journal want ad, &ud you'll soon sell them to advantage. his scheduled ten-round bout with Joo A.evedo scheduled for next week be lore the Oakland Wheelmen club. STEAMER ON MUD FLATS. SalemFence Works R. B. FLEMING, Prop. Headquarters American Wlx Fence, Morley's Patent Hop Bas ket Send your orders In now. Big stock of bop and loganbery wire. Buuber roofing, 1.50 op per square. Elastic roof paint, cant be beat. Stock of paints and TarnlBhee at 20 per cen i dnctlon, three brands. Cedar fence postt and wood and iron valk and drive fate. 250 Court St W'M 24 , P. O. Bo S53. Back of cn(ci Stota MnrshfieU, Ore., May 10. The steamer schooner Tiverton, lumber la den, is on the mud flats in North a, ' Slough, having been oeached when she j begun to list so unu ly tnat sne was in (lunger of turning over, mo vessel I rests almost on uer pnn sine, ii t j found necessary to release her deck ! lead and the bay is filled with floating 1 lumber. MUST BE VACCINATED. Portland. Ore., May 1(1. Taken as the market and about 100 tons will be shipped from the plant this season. ROSE MAY BE CHOSEN A3 REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE Los Angeles, Cal., May 10. Friends of Mayor 11. H. Rose are urging today his t niididney for tho republican nova-1 inntion-fur governor. The mayor ro fused to say whether he will run. Reports lire current (tint Rose will be chosen by southern California re publican leaders us their candidate as the result of the situation that has arisen out of the possible candidacies of Pistrict Attorney John D. Freder icks of I.os Angeles. Chnrles O. Chap man of Fullerton, and State Treasurer Roberts of San Bernardino. MARSHFIELD HAS A "LADY RAFFLES;" JEWELS MISSED Oakland, Cal., May 10. The Oakland Whcelniens' club announced today the postponement of .the scheduled 10-round l.... l.,n At.ivp.Ia nt Sacra- ' inento and Joo Baylcy, the Canadian lightweight, set for jicxt Wednesday night, until May 20. A painful ear ab scess caused Baylcy to notify the club that he would be unablo to go on for the original date. Both lightweights j al, land Salom trust Co to C K Marshall, I, 10 and 11 B 28 Sub B 26, 27 and 28 Capital Park Add. $11,000. A S Johnson to School Dist No 134 3 A in Sec 13 T 6 S R 3 W. $000. W J Fitzgerald to Edw Fitzgerald, Park L 2 and 3 Dalrymphj Add. $1. (! K Marshall et .ix to Salem Trust Co 233 A Sec 15 T 9 8 R 3 W. $10. GeqClark ct ux to Ida M Corn, L 2 B 4 Mvers Add. 10. Win McCilchrist Jr et ux to C K Marshall, 60x100. feet B 26 Nob Hill Annex. $S00. E E Dennison to A J Anderson et ux, Vj interest L 7 and 8 B 21 N Sa lem. $10. W W Hall et ux to C D Corbit, L 1 and 2 B 2 Ben Hall Add Woodburn $250. W W Hall ot nx to Oscar Partlow, I, 38 and 43 Halls Home Tracts. $450.. Quit Claim Deed. Willis Caldwell to II N Huntley et n Sec 10 X it t w. ?i. We Manufacture All Kinds of Boxes and Crates. Get Our Prices Spaulding Front and Ferry Logging Co. Phone 1830 have agreo.l lo the new date. Tho Journal Want Ad way is the right and quick way to sell. E R Adams ct ux to Henry Schroe- der ct ux, 54x105 feet in Silvcrton. $100. J. G Voget ct nv to A Becman et nx Multifield, Ore., May 10. The local an important development in thv Mex- " f ur huudred" is grently perturbed !ican situation, an order is issued today today over tho activities of a "lady bv the division of militia affairs of the Kettles,-' me latest taett oeing a -vu : n,.p .Irnitriment. nrnvidinir for the vac-! diamond ring, ror several months a icinatioa against typhoid fever of every I number of those attending society func- member of the Third regiment of the tions have been missing money, jewel ry and other valuables. INVESTIGATING EXPLOSION. noiniustr.1 today to be assistant secre- f the , ...tenor. O. N. O., who has not seen vaccinated since May 1, HU2, LAWYER IS NOMINATED. Mroit, Mien., aiav hi.- Washington, May 10. Bo Sweeney, Bothacher today was investigating yes- . . a ... - . I . 1 1 f. . ..... a prominent lawver or tseatue, was-umiav rxp.wiuu uu i.rr m ..u for the Mexican Crude Rublr company which caused the death of ten persons. Fi Put Your Signs Where People See Them Merchants ar.d manufacturers can read this message with equal advantage. When you advertise you want to reach the public. What do they, the people, read evey day? What do you yourself read every day? Any way you look at this question the answer is always the same THE NEWSPAPERS. The modern dally newspaper with its definite, con centrated circulation is the best medium in the world today for getting news of goods or service before the buying public Nothing takes its placeas the world's most success ful business men have already proved for themselves. I Others Imitate and Make Similar Claims, Bat the "Genu ine and Original Dandruff .Germ Destroyer is Newbro's Herpicide. The discovery of the dandruff germ ' prophylactic. It does as promised. For as the cause of all hair trouble, is not reason it h8.lon8 k"0.wn " ... .. the original remedy and the only one a recent event. - Prof. I nna gave the thRt ig naiMt germ theory to the world in 1S87 and I Don't be fooled by preparations two years later Pabouraud by his ex-1 which are trading upon the marvelous periments with a rabbit proved beyond J success of Herpicide. Remember you . .. :a M .t.:. ...... - L. X., ... K tl..r,.; . a UOUDl IQe SCtUai tlAiaicuvc VI ...IB Itim- ou iruuu.c-a nun a.cituiv o a.v.'a germ. icide. It is absolutely guaranteed. On the heels of this establishment of i Newbro's Herpicide in 50e and $1.00 the germ theory came the discovery of sites is sold by all dealers, who guar N'ewhro's Herpicide. This was the first antee it to do all that is claimed. If and only remedy ever prepared in har- j you are not satisfied, your money will mony with this" theory. be refunded. There are other preparations for Applications at good barber shops, which the same claims arc made as for The Herpicide Company, of Detroit, Herpicide. But the thousands of en- j Mich., Dept. R., will send a sample bot thusiastio users testify to the genuine j tie and booklet upon receipt of 10a in merit of Newbro's Herpicide as a scalp postage. L 1 B 1 J Myers Add Salem. $10. It K Coffmaa etutiYC Balch, L 1 Hollywood. $10. Fred Tompkins to J W Cave et ux, part B 3 Piearr add Marios. $100. August Sehafer rt nti John Adel man, L 1 B 53 Ocrnus. $109. Sproed et ux, L. Martin Murphy et n to Herman Sproed et ot, part B 1 sad S Brooks add Salem. $550. C D Brown et it tt H D Brown et nv, L I and S Touts add Weoalmrm. $1. M E Brown et vir ttCD Brown, et nv, L 1 and t Touts add Woodburn. 1. Geo Berncr et ux U A P Jens et nx, 95-100 A ia 8ilvrta. clO. O J Vormtfe et ax to Jamb Wanner, 66.81 A Claim 57 T 8 K 1 W. $10. Rcgina Becker to Ja Becker, 20 A TI8B1 K $1000. Bead and aae U Jonaal tnat ads and forget you trouble. A man does nothing oritrinal when he makes mistakes. MM SPRING CLEANING. . ', With the advent of this month 'r of May every good housewife looks about her for a good woman " ' to help her do the Spring clean- ing and ou the-efficiency of the woman she gets largely depends " ' whether, or not, this annual ne- ' cessity becomes a hardship, or a joy- : ; The best workers in all lines -are to be found among the read- ' ' ers and users ot" the Journal '. Want Columns and the universal " testimony is that Want Ad Spring cleaners are the best. Let the Journal Want Ads get your " help for you this Spring. "