Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 16, 1914, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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ft 6 immMMmri
t fail h .wf-'i''i .- v;iai)i' (' W
The AH
Wool Suit
That Was
Made Just
For You
Is easy to find in
our large and com
plete assortment of
up-to-d ateMen'i
Clothing. The rea
son that it will look
at though it was
made for you -is
that our clothing is
so splendidly tail
ored, especially
about the collar
and shoulders. If
you appreciate &
p er f e c t fitting,
handsomely styled
and highly qual
ified suit at a price
well within your
means, come in for
a "try on" of any
of our smart spring
For Well Dressed Man Shoes j
that Look Well, Wear Well
and Feel comfortable. All
moderately priced.
10c Percales,
Mill Ends,
7 c
Sun Bonnets
All Colors
Ginghams and
Big Reductions
Pongee Silks
R. II. E.
Philadelphia 0 4 3
St. Louis - 14 0
Alexander and Dooin; Doak and
- K. It. E.
Kew York 2 8 0
Pittsburg .. 0 1 2
Teweau and Meyers; Cooler and din-
; ; R. II. E.
Boston , 0 2 0
Cincinnati - 13 0
Rudolph aui Uowdy; Denton and
Brooklyn -' 2 8 3
Chicago 17 1
Allen and Miller; Pierce and Kresna
han. American.
E. II. E.
Chicago 3 3 4
Philadelphia 4 7 3
Bens and Sehalkj Wyckoff and
R. H. E.
Cleveland 1 0
Washington 2 3 1
Blanding, Collnmoro and Carisch;
Johnson and Williams.
" R. II. E.
Detroit .. ) 0 (1 3
Boston 3 7 2
Covaleskio and Stnnage; Collins and
R. H. E.
St. I.oui 1 5 2
New York 2 7 1
Mitchell and Kumler; Fisher and
On Page Three
Biggest Clothing and Fur
nishing Sale Ever Present
ed to the Good People of
Salem and vicinity :-: ::
Sale Starts Tuesday Morning
The Plymouth Clothing Store
- Corner State and Liberty
R. II. E.
5 14 1
Ci T ' .
ci, iuuia - it
Brooklyn 3 10 1
Kuepher and Hartley; Maxwell and
T n ml
R. II. E.
Indianapolis 4 10 1
! Baltimore 1 7 0
Mosely and Raridan; Wilholm and
R. H. E.
Kansas City , 7 10 1
Pittsburg 0 14 5
Harris and Easterly; Camnitz and
R. H. E.
Chicago 3 7 3
Buffalo 8 8 3
Brennnn and Wilson; 1'ord and
The Markets
4 1 Australian, 5c; Texas Bermudas,
T ; $2.25 per 50 pounds
X Potatoes Local, 14lGc; Yakima
Cems, "tic; California new, per pound,
4 cents.
Hav, timothy - $15.00
Clover, per ton $10(&U
Oats and vetch $13.50
Wheat, per bushel 90e
Bran, per ton $27.00
Shorts, per ton $29.00
Oats, per bushel 32c
Chittim bark, per lb 4H.fif5c
Choat, per ton $13.00
Potatoes, per cwt - 4050c
Onions, sack $3.25
Butter and Eggs.
Bntterfat, per lb., f.o.b. Salem 23c
Creamery butter, per lb. 25c
Eggs '
Hens, per lb 12',-ie
UooEters, per lb Sc
Steers. .
Steers (f$
Cows,, per cwt 5(ffitie
Hogs, fat, per lb 78u
Stock hogs, per lb. .... 6!-j7c
Ewes, per lb - 5c
Spring lambs, per lb tie
Vesl, according to quality .ll(fi;12i.c
Pelts. ,
Dry, per lb .'. 8e
Baited country pelts, each C5c(g$l
Lamb pelts, each 25c
San Francisco, Hay 10. Wheat, per
etl., Club, $1.62; Northern bluestem,
1.70ffl.72; Turkey Red, $1.64(51.70;
Bed Russian, $1.62; Forty Fold,
Barley Per ctl., choice feed, $1.02
(a 1.03; fair to number .one, $1.00
1.01 yti.
Potatoes Per ctl. Oregon Burbnnks
75e(S$1.00; Washington stock, 6070c;
Delta stock, whites, 40(ali0c; sweets,
$2.50 per pound; new potatoes, 1
2c; gnrnots, 2c.
Onions Per ctl. Oregon, $4.00
1.25 per crate; Bermuda, $2.00(2.50';
Australian, $4.00((T 4.25; new crop
onions, per box, 40(i0c.
Butter Extras, 21c; prime firsts,
?3c; firsts, 23c.N
Eggs Extras, '23c; rirsts, 21e; scleet
pullets, 21 c
Cheese Oregon twins, lilc; triplets,
lflc; Young America, 16c; new Cali
fornia flats, 1214c; Young America,
15(g 15c eastern, lS(7T20c.
Oranges per box.. New Navels, $1.
$((T1.5o; Valenciss, fancy, $2.00(5 2.75.
Seattle, Wash., May 10. Eggs, select
ranch, 2ce; Chinese, 18c.
Butter Washington creamery, firsts,
cubes, 26c; bricks, 27c; city creamery,
bricks, 27c; Oregon, 26c.
Cheese Oregon tilplets, ISc; limbur
ger, 20c; Young Americas, 2021c; lo
cal cream bricks, 19c; Wisconsin Twins
16(f7 lflc; Wisconsin Triplets, 16(ul8c;
California, 16c; Washington twins and
triplets, 17c.
Onions Green, 2530c per dozen;
Portland, Ore., May 16. Wheat
Club, 88c; Bluestem, 92c.
Oats No. 1 white feed, $22; gray,
Barloy Brewing, $21; feed, $20.
Hogs Best live, ip8.25.
Prime Btecrs, $7.65; fancy cows, $6.-
75; best calves, $8.50(aS.00; spring
lambs, $6; yearling rambs. $5.
Butter City creamery, 27e.
Eggs Selected candled, local extras,
Hens, 15c; broilers, 25c; geese, 12c.
Wool 1014 clip Willamette valley,
17(ff20c; eastern Oregon, ll(19e;
Hops Choice, 14(7? 15c.
(Continued, from page one.)
Bride were apparently nominated for
the jjupreme bench on the republican
ticket, but Charles L. McNary and T.
J. Clecton were running strongly.
George M. Bjown wos' apparently
nominated for attorney general en the
republican ticket, as were O. P. Hoff,
John L. Lewis and Frank J. Miller, all
incumbents, for labor commissioner,
state engineer and railroad commission
er, respectively.
Democratic leturns Tere so meagre
that no inkling could be hail on any
state or district offices, with the ex
ception of the governorship.
Koturns later in the day gave Dr.
C. J. Smith a lead over Judge Bennett,
which indicated his nomination by the
democrats for goverr.or, but this was
not assured.
)t -
At Half
May 11 to
Ifi nnfv
Kot Point !
216 North
Commercial Sf.
The Marion Billiard parlors, a new
venture promoted by E. V. Springer
and A. E. Holcomb, will bo opened to
night in the room ofi the main lo"bby
of the hotel formerly used as'a hot'l
barroom. The room has been remod
eled and refinished.. The posts have
been removed and ,iew brnss electrical
fixtures are being installed todav prep
aratory to the opening tonight" Two
poi net oniiard tablet have been put in
j and one new 5x10 billiard table. The
i interior is finished in mahogany and
j the place equipped to attract the most
: particular patrons.
A soft drink and cigar counter will
I be installed immediately, "and clear
havanas and coca colas will be dis
pensed by Mr. Burdick, who will man
age the placo. Both Mr. Holcomb and
Mr. Springer will retain their nosi-
tion with 'the hotel association and
have entcfad into this side venture as
a means of satisfying a popular de
mand. .The shotgun experts who have
made reservations at the Marion dur
ing the shoot in this city will probably
turn their attention from shooting blue
rocks to shooting ivory balls this even
ing, when the parlors are thrown open
to the public.
Denver, Colo., May 10. Having re
ceived a message from President Wil
son which he expected to submit to the
specinl session of the legislature here,
Governor Amnions today asked the
lawmakers to delay adjournment.
The session was originally scheduled
to end at noon. Later a resolution
was adopted fixing the hour at 2 p. m.
Om the strength of tne governor's re
quest, it too was allowrer to pass. The
state executive was preparing a state
ment at the time.
It was rumored the president's mes
sage was eritieal of th legislature for
failing to adopt a plan for ending the
coal miners' strike.
If most of the reports about Hnerta
are true, the man must be simply
1 era2y.
Rosults iu Lane County.
Eugene, Ore., May 10. In Lane
county incomplete returns outside of
Eugpne give Withyeonibe n lead of
nearly 3 to 1 over Crawford wit'n Geer
running third. Smith is ahead for the
democratic nomination for governor
with Bennett close and Manning fol
lowing third. Hawley leads Jones 2
to 1. For supreme court justices, Har
ris, Bean, Mc Bride and Benson lead in
order given. Brown has a 10 to 1 lead
over Grant. I. H. Bingham is nominat
ed by the republicans for state senator.
(Continued from page one.)
bels were chasing the routed garrison
of the town.
There was a report that the rebels
had captured Tuxpan.
Tampico, in rebel hands, was quiet
and orderly.
General Villa's men were concen
trating against Saltillo.
General Obrcgon, another rebel lead
er, was trying to eat off M'azatlan 's
ammunition supply as a means of has
tening its fall.
The federal gunboats the Znragoza
and Bravo, driven from Tampico, were
at Puerto-Mexico, watched by the Am
erican cruiser Chester.
It was generafly believed thn United
States would allow the rebels to im
port war munitions at Tampico and
that American manufacturers would be
permitted to" supply them.
There was beennnins to be much n-
iety for the steamship Cctriana, long
overdue in Ban Francisco bay with
about 150 refugees from Mexican west
coait ports.
The Mexican envoys to the "A. B.
C." mediation eonference arrived in
Los Angeles, Calif., May 10. Fbilip
Kilfoil completed today his testimony
in' iiclf . defenso tn ft chirge of com-
miriin; o sti.ti.1ory offenso against .Lil
lian liilucr, i'j.ei: If, who alleges that
ho is the father of her baby. Ho de
nied genernlly that he is guilty of mis
conduct with the little girl.
Kilfoil appeared to hold his own well
in Prosecutor Ford's examination. He
characterized his affection for Lillian
as solely fatherly. When he hnd con
cluded, ho. stepped from the stand and
embraced and kissed his sister, Miss
Julia Kilfoil, who bud heard his testimony.
Several character witnesses for Kil
foil were called. These wero still tes
tifying when adjournment was taken
until Monday.
Under Ford's questioning, Kilfoil
said flu.t he first lenrned that Lillian
had ruit-behaved when several boyB
enmc to his motion picture thentro and
told him thut "Punk" Hall, a neigh
borhood boy, was mistreating her in
the rear of the theatre.
"What did you dor" asked Ford.
"I told her," Kilfoil replied, "that
sho must cut thnt out, because every
one could see what she was doing."
"You were jealous?" insinuated tho
"Thank you," returned Kilfoil, bow
ing. Fcid insisted on an answer, but the
defense blocked his move.
"Ford then reviewed tho diary the
little girl hnd kept, fho entries, he
said, indicated that Lillian hud spent
with Kilfoil almost every day for a
certain period before the birth of her
baby. When he referred to the child,
Kilfoil demanded "what bnbyj"
"The baby that was born to Lillian
Palmer," Ford declared.
,"Do you want to see it?"
"Yes,'" Teplied Kilfoil, but tho ba
by was not produced.
Kilfoil then denied misconduct in
specific instances, when the girl ac
companied him to nearby cities.
The usual curious crowd of women,
high school girls and gray-haired men
filled the court room. Lillian Palmer
did not appear.
Peerless Bread and Pastry I
You would never eat any other kind of bakery goods if you tried
this kind once. It is niado from tho best puro milk, eggs, sugar, and
flour obtainable. X
Tho neatly-dressed bakers keep tho pans and kitchen clean and t
A trial loaf will convince you of this. You will think it is worth all
it costs and we will try to please you. "
Open from 7 a. m. to II p. ni. I
Orders delivered. 10th and State streets, Phono 22S9. T
When a man is cornered he im
agines that he did not get a square
Did you ever have a denier offer you
a largo bcttlo of something and toll
you it was it better remedy for tho
hair than Xewbro's Herpicide, and
cheaper because In a larger bottloJ
What) Certainly wo knew you hud.
Muny other people have, too.
What would you sny to thnt sumo
dealer were ho to tell you thnt a silver
dollar wero worth more than a five-dollar
gold piece because it is larger!
Such an attempt being a reflection
upon your good sense, you would prob
ably say some rather pointed things to
him. You would bo justified. Your
self-respect would demand it.
Well, thero are just as many good
reasons for tho difference in suo be
tween those bottles as there are for
the difference iu size between tho sil
ver dollar mid tho five-dollar gold
Tho truth is that the largo bottlo
isn't half largo enough.
There is moro virtue in a half pint
of Xewbro's Herpicide than in a gal
lon of somo of tho so-called hair pre
parations. Thoro is a dollnr's worth of results
in the bottle of Herpicide. but do you
know what Is in the other!
; Not Then why buy it "I Yonr judg
ment, intelligence, and the experience
of your friends, if not your own, ery
out against it.
j You know when you go into thnt
store thnt Herpicida is whtit you need
ami lvunt.
j You KNOW that Herpicido is "the
. original remedy that kills tho dandruff
! BP rill."
that Herpn ido criuii-
I catcs dandruff,
: fulling hair,
i You KNOW
thnt Herpicido stops
that Herpicido makes
thn hair light, fluffy mid beautiful,
j You know these things in the Funic,
way you know thnt the five-dollar gold
piece, notwithstanding its size, is nuiie
viilmitiUi tlinn the silver dollar.
Then insist on having genuiiio Her
picide. Newbro'g Herpicido in 50c nnd $1.( 0
sizes is sold by ell dealers who guar
antee it to do all that is. claimed. If
'you uro not satisfied, your'nioncy will'
bo refunded. ;:
Applications obtained nt tho best
barber shops and hnirdrcssing parlors.
Hond.lOe in postage or silver for
I sample and booklet to the Herpicide
i Co., Dept. it., Detroit, Alien.
Olympia, Wash., May 15. "I am
sorry that I ennnot answer that ques
tion. You see, I never had a pair of
$4 shoes in my life.'
Young, flaxen-haired Mrs. Hilda O'
Connor, of Seattle, one of the three
representative s of the laundry girls at
tho minimum wage conference now in
session here, hail been asked at Iut
night's session if one $4 pair of shoes
would not last as long as two $2.50
For that is the sort of discussion that
comes up in th"Si conferences.
On tow little can a working girl
How much is the least she can pay
for her lunches and not starve J
What is tho least expensive clothing
she can wear and not go ragged?
How many handkerchiefs does she
need f
How many corsets?
When the shoe question came up
Mrs. O'Connor said the laundry girls
required three pairs per year at $3 a
pair for stu'Pt mid shoo use, and one
pair at $3 for "drccr."
One of the three employers thought
'i shoes were good ono'igb.
Her Tiny Appstit.
Marie Dotty suys she eats no moro
(ban n bird.
Juek That's right I bad her out to
dinner the other evening, and ono am
vasbuck duck was oil gho could get
a way with.
t K
Prompt Settlement
A suspicious looking Individual en
tered n barber shop and while being
shaved casually remarked, "I suppose
a good ninny of your customers forget
to pnyr
"No, sir," the barber replied. "There
was a time when I used to give credit
but I never do now. In fucfc nobody
asks for It nny more."
"How's thatr
"Well, you see," said the barber, try
ing tho edge of bis razor on his UiuiuU
nail, "whenever I slinved a geiitleuiau
who nuked "io to mnrk It up I put u
nick In bis nose with my razor and
kept tally that way. They very soon
didn't want to run up bills."
There was a tremor In the customer's
voice as bo asked beneath the lather,
"Do you object to being paid in advance?"
What the '
Gloom Chasers
Have to Say
Mrs. Nagger Perhaps you reonll It
was ou a railway train that wo BisC
mot, iiud
Mr. Nagger Tes. but It's too In la
now for me to sue the coin puny toe
An Art Term. '
Drawing From the Nude.
To destroy cockroaches, cut up green
cucumbers at night and put them about
where the roaches ore troublesome.
Crumpled and moistened newspapers
are better for cleaulng windows tbnii
linty cloths. Polish with clean tissue
Fiber grass rugs are excellent for a
living room floor. Tbey can be scrub
bed with sonp and water as readily as
a bare floor.
A good kitchen table sbould be strong
nnd largo, with drawers for recipe
books, pad and pencil for orders, etc.
When you make bread, put a quan
tity of (lour In the bread pan and set
the sporigo in the middle of It There
will be no sticky, doughy pan to clean
In the morning, but one which needs
very little washing.
When You Make a Meat Loaf.
The next time- you prepare a meat
loaf place two or three bard boiled
eggs In the middle, end to end. When
the meat Is served a slice of egg la In
Uio center of each slice.
Flamboyant Locks May Be Blamed on
One or Both Parents.
If you know n red hatred father or
mother you will almost certainly Knit
that some of the children at leuyt
hni o mure or less milium locks. A hit
when, as sometimes hnppon. both par
ents aru red It Is almost n tnmhciiKti
icnl certainty that their children will
be red haired too.
The odd thing Is thnt this does not
hold good with the same persistence l i
brown, yellow, black or any other color
of uulr. lied is what peopleruo study
heredity call a "dominant" color. It H
strong enough to persist and triumph
over other colors.
In eyes the dominant color Is brown
The child of a brown eyed father am
a blue or gray eyed mother, or vlci
versa. Is almost certain to bare browi
Bat, oddly enough, If both parent?
are brown eyed the baby's eyes may be
and quite often are blue or. gray.
especially if there are blue or grny
eye among the grandparents on either
aide. ,