Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 16, 1914, Image 1

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Leased Wire
Today's News
Printed To lay
Tr rrr rrr m rm rrr t--- 4
fi m i! !U 111
Miyuus. jj
: : -
OF mo 10 ONE
Strength of Withycombe One
of Surprises of Election
in This County
Goulet Leads for County Com
missioner; Allen Leads for
House Representatives
The returns are not all counted, but
enough are in to settle prnctically all
doubts. This was known last night,
to far as the road bonds wero concern
ed, when the first leport was flashed
in from Victor Point, 122 against 2 for.
From that time everything wns against
bonds until returns from tlio north
end of tho county began to coins in,
which were goncrally strongly in their
favor. i
Tho count today with 59 ptocincts
complete was for bonds 2,682, against
6,377, or a little more than 2 to 1.
The surprise of the election was the
Htrength developed by Withycombe for
governor, he miming ahead of Craw-'
ford in.thh county, and having a strong
had throughout the state over all other
candidates. He is the republican nom
inee, nnd will probably face the demo
crat, Judge Bennett, who was another
surprise to many who had not kept in
eloso touch with tho votors. Smith's
weakness in Portland and in his home
county was also a surprise. Tho indi
cations are at present time that Ben
nett has carried almost every county
with tho possible exception of Mult
nomah and Umatilla.
The republican senatorial nominees
nre Bishop nnd LaFollette, though there
is a baro possibility of Heltzcl pulling
through. The republican nominees for
the legislature are Allen, S. Brown,
Tho3. Brown, Weeks and Martin.
The county commissioners are in
doubt, with Goulet in tho load with 771
nnd Simmons a closo second, his vote
It is impossible to give the names of
the democratic possibilities for state
senator and the legislature for the
names are written and every voter
wrote at ranJlom.
The returns from St. Paul" that came
in this afternoon gave Bonnett 6(1,
Bmith 13, Manning 24, Cobb and Miller
nothing. They also increasod Hollis
Icr's lead in the county) ne getting 42
to Meredith's 27.
The nomination of Mrs.. Brooks by a
handsome majority was a feature, and
indicates the ladies will Bave to be
reckoned with as candidates as well as
Two ballot boxes were returned, one
to Mill City and the other to Elkhorn,
they havang been locked up with the
l;eys inside and the keyholes poured
full of wax.
Fof Supreme Judge.
Fifty-two precincts complete aro as
Jiean ....2801
Benson - - 246
Cleeton -1504
D'Arcy 2311
liarris - -.2247
McBride 2422
McNary 4023
Clough for Coroner.
Sixty-four precincts gave Clough 3,
207; Van Winkle 2,243.
Latest on Treasurer.
Drager 1,949, who is 536 more than
his nearest competitor.
Latest on Governor.
Sixty-two precincts give for gover
nor, Withycombe 1,715, Johns 378,
Moser 340, Geer 401. DimicK
Crawford 1,402, Carter 331.
Late Democratic Figures.
Sixty-four precincts in Marion eoun
. ty, complete:
National committeeman Cannon,
E85; Esterly, 1,060.
Congressman hollister, 8.19; Mere
rVtli, 725. ,
Bryan Hotly Denounced
for His
Washington, May 10. Red hot de- hue because Bryan now favors the re
... - 0 en. IJ...J peal of the exemption clause."
nundat.on of Secretary of State Bryan I ,w f the
for his stand on tho tolls question was
voiced from the floor of the senate to
day by Senator Walsh of Montana.
"Walsh flatly charged that Bryan, as a
member of the sub-committee on reso
lutions at the Baltimore convention, de
liberately approved the tolls exemption
plank of the democratic piauorm
"As for mvsell" said Senator Walsh,
'its moral aspect assumes no different
Governor- ..nett 879, Cobb 83.
Manning 454, Miller 523, Smith 699.
Returns on the republican tiekot from
25 prcynets tabulated up to 11 o'clock
gave jertain indications as to the ulti
mata results in the county. The pre
cincts are Quinaby, Liberty, Salem
Heights, Riverside, Englewood, Bid
nev, Central Point, Croisan Donald, and
Salem 3, 4, 5, fi, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14,
16 and '18. The totals for these are
: Nntional eommittoomau, Ae.kerman,
761; Williams, 981. United States sen,
ator: Booth, 1648. Concress: Hawlcy,
1543; Jones. 470. Governor: Brownell,
73; C'Brter, 107; Crawford, 583; Diroick,
277; Gear, 12; Johns, 118; Moser, 142;
Withycombe, 641. Supreme court jus
tices; Bean, 034; Bennett, 864; C'leeton,
479; D'Arcy, 883; Harris, 812; Mc
Bride, 823; McNary, 1477; Richardson,
658. Attornov general: Brown, 741;
Farrin, 140; Grant, S13; Johnson, 204;'
Lord, 529. State engineer: Lewis, 1385;
Stockman 420. Lnbor commissioner:
Bynon, 913; Hoff, 645; Madson, 125;
Miller, 224. Railroad commissioner:
Miller, 1118; Tatton, 840.
Republicans In Marlon County.
Thirty-nino. precincts complete, in
Marion county, republican, give results
as follows:
National committeeman: Ackerson,
1,226; WilliamB, 1,492. Congress: Haw
ley, 2,583; Jones, 682. Oovornor:
Brownell, 117; Carter, 178; Crawford,
861; Dimiek, 5!8; 'Goer, 207; Johns,
14; Moser, 207, Withvcombe, 949.
Suprome court justices. Bean. 1,530;
Benson, 1,317; (Hoc ton, 848; D'Arcy,
1,324; Harris, 1,244; McBrido, 1,292;
McNarv, 2,225; Richardson, 1,040. At
torney poneral: Brown, 1,084; Farrin,
248; Grant, 554; Johnson, 332; Lord,
784. . Stato engineer: Lewis, 8,233 j
Stockman, fill. Labor commissioner,
Bvnon, 1 333; Hoff, 1,050; Madsen,
209; Miller, 389. Rnilroad commission
er: Miller, 1,736; Pntton, 1,270. State
senate: Bishop, 1,1 !5; Holtzel, 1,095,
Heches. 558; LaFollette, 1,112; Miles,
819; Wrightman, 870. Representatives
in lor ishiture: Allen, 1,729; llonney,
873; Brant, 805; Sam Brown, 1,392;
Thos. Brown, 1,223; Cronise, 877; Den
ton, 94; Farri:', 859; Libby, 899 Mar
tin, 1,073; Thorns, 989; Ulvin, 710;
Weeks, 1,172.
Fifty-one precincts gave county of
ficers votes as follows: Recorder: An
frane, 622: Mrs. Brooks, 1,220; Giiling
ham, 642; Maey, 923; Squier, 512.
Treaurer: Dinger, 1,473; Harding, 60";
Pooler. P98; Schellberg, 609; Zimmer
man, 643. Coroner: Clough, 2,452; Vau
Winkle, 1,592. Justice of the peace:
Salem precinct, Via, 1,305; Webster,
Marion County Democrats.
Fifty-tight prceincts complete, dem
ocratic, give totals as follows: Nation
al committoomtn: Cannon, 551; Estorly,
1,049. I'nited States Benator: Cham
borlain, 1,582. Congress: Hollister, 712;
Meredith, 675. Governor: Bennett,
788; Cobl), 80; Manning, 431; Miller,
48; Smith 021. Supremo court: Gal
loway, 1,283; Ramse;-, 911.
James Linn and Henry Downing for
state senators had no opposition.
Precinct Nomination.
In the Salem justice district, Daniel
Webster wns renominated for justice,
and E. E. Cooper for constable, defeat
ed Benjamin S. Via, who was endorsed
by tho prohibitionists.
San Francisco, May 16. Master in
Chclncery Harry M. Wright today up
held the legality of tho 75 cent gas
rate fixed by the supervisors in an ordi
nance parsed last July. ,
The Pacific Gas and Eloctric com
pany's present rate was 85 cents and
has been collecting at this rate Bince
the ordinance pnBscd, under an injunc
tion issued by Federal Judge Van
Fleet preventing the enforcement of
tlie now regulation.
Judge Van Fleet turned tho matter
over to the mastor in chancery to decide
and the latter 's ruling will compel the
company to refund about $300,000.
Tho master reduced the company's
valuation on its jilant ironi $19,937,267'
to- $12,042,590 refused to include for
rate-fixing purposes the valuo of the
company's franchis which it had
placed at $1,482,641 and albO struck out
its $2 918,107 item for pood will.
San Francisco, May 16. The "Air
maid" Silas Christofferson's aerial
li241!San Francisco-Oakland ferry, encoun
tered engine trouble over the bay 100
yards off the San Francisco side to
day, made a band landing on tic sur
face of tho water and had to be towed
ashore. The "Airniaid" was carry
ing a man and a woman p?s?nger at
the timo.
Stand on Tolls
i r'
, plank wa3 approved, Bryan and henator
O 'Gorman wero asked to put the plat
form in appropriate language and that
they invited Senator Iibiuercne and him
self to assist.
- " Aj open repudiation of a solmn cov
enant by a political party," said Walsh,
"would cause all to recoil from it with
! horror, wore it proposed by any man
other than the r resident of the United
. States."
for ration
Republicans Give Hun a Plur
ality Estimated at 5,000
Throughout the State
Hawley Leads 2 to 1; George
M. Brown Nominated for
Attorney General
Portland, Or., May 16. Election re
turns from abroad in the state indicate
a neck and neck race lotwccn Dr. C.
J. Smith of Portland and Judge A. 8.
Bennett of The Dalles for the demo
cratic nomination for governor with a
margin in favor of Smith.
For the republicans Dr. James Withy
combe leads in the state by a comfort
able plurality while tins C. Mosor of
Portland carried Multnomah county.
John Manning of Portland is a poor
third in the democratic gubernatorial
contest, while Colonel Kobort A. Miller
and G. A. Cobb trail far iu the rear.
Dr. Smithcarried Multnomah county
by over 100votes, but with reports do
layed from the state at large the ro
sult apparently will be uncertain until
the last county reports are in.
The republican stato tickot exclus
ive of governor will undoubtedly have
George M, Brown of Roseburg as the
nominee for aitorney goneral. Al
though Brown was bested in Multno
mah county by Frank S. Grant, former
city attorney of Portland, by at least
2,000 votes, he is running 2 to 1 ahead
of Grant in the rest of the state. Grant
is about tied with William r. ijorrt as
far as reports that have reached Port
land thus far can indicate.,'
Thore is keen competition for the
four nominations for tho supreme bench
with Chief Justice McBrido loading the
fiold. He is nearly 800 ahead of his
closest competitor in multnomah coun
ty. Justices Bean ana McNary, who
aro candidates for le-eloction, follow
him in the state generally, although
both, are topped by Circuit Judge T. J.
Cleeton in Multnomah county.
Judge Inwrence T. Harris apparently
has the bcBt of Judge Cleeton in the
state voting districts, but several hun
dred bch'Mid him in Multnomah county.
Samuel T. Richardson of Salem and P.
H. D'Arcy are noi in tho running,
while Judge Henry L. Benson is leader
in Multnomah county but has not poll
ed a large vote in the state.
John H. Lewis, the present state en
gineer, has defeated L. It. Stockman
at letst four or five to one, while the
vote on labor commissioner indicates
the de nomination of Commissioner O.
P. Hoff, with Fred S. Bynon running
second in the state, and Andy Madsen,
head of the longshoremen in Portland,
second in tho county.
Frank J. Millor is easily re-nominated
as ra'lrond commissioner.
Tom' B. Kay, state treasurer; J. A,
Churchill, superintendent of public in
struction, and James T. Chinnock, su-
perintendent of water district number
one, in winch Multnomah county is lo
cated, were re-nominated witnout op
All democratic candidates for Btate
offices were nominated without op
position with the exception of the gov
. Later State Kotunvs.
Portland, Or., May 10. Although ro-
turns were very incomplete, indica
tions early today w.re that Dr. James
Witiiycombe, of Corvallis, had received
the republican gubernatorial nomina
tion with a plurality roughly estimated
at 5,000. Gus C. Moser, or Portland,
has a substantial leading in Multno
mab, a smail lead in Clatsop, Colum
bia and Tillamook counties, but this
was overcome in other parts of the
state. Outside of Multnomah county
A. M. Crawford had a slight lead over
I he democratic returns were very
meagre and left tho gubernatorial re
sult in doubt. John Aianuing, of Port
land, was funning ahead in Multnomah
county, with Dr. C. J. Smith, of Port
hind, and Judge Bennett, of The Dalles,
rontcsting closely for second place.
Scattering returns from 16 upstate
counties give Smith a majority of 224
over Bennett with Manning a poor
In the first congressional district,
W. C. Haule.v, incumbent, wa nomi
rated on the republican ticket by prob
ably a 2 to 1 vote.
A. W. Lafferty, incumbent, was
leading C. N. McArthur by a small
margin for the republican nomination
for congress in the Third district.
A. J. Sinnott, incumbent, was not
epposed for the republican nomination
for congress in the second district.
Henry J. Bean, H. L. Benson, Law
rence .T. Harris and Thomas A. Me-
(Continued on page 7.)
Strikers Tent City, Ludlow, Colo.,
And View After Fire Swept It
. - t f t
I" f f
V -
4 ,-T'
Photos copyright, 1914, by American Presa Association.
One of the worst labor disturbances in the history of the country lias set
the stato of Colorado in a turmoil. At Trinidad and otner points, copper
miners rose against the operators because nonunion men were given work,
and many lives have been lost. Finally the Cnitod States troops were or
dered on the scene by President Wilson. Firo swept the union minors' set
tlement, and it,ia claimed that the stato militia stnrtod tho flames. Tho il
lustration show "the tent city-of Ludlow destroyed by the olaie and a viow
of the desolated section after the conflagration was stopped. Many womon
and .children were suffocntod in the firo.
Prisoner Is Wanted In Portland Foi
Similar Offense Under Name of
Deputy Sheriff W. I. Noedham re
turned last night from Ashlaind whero
he went to taKe charge of 11. 11. Uilman,
wanted in this city on a charge of ob
taining monoy under false pretenses,
and turned his prisoner over to tho safe
keoninir of Shonff William Kseti. Word
has boen received by Sheriff Esch that
imilur charge under the name or 1.
Giiman is wanted in Portland on a
similar charge under the name f
i-l. Brown and after ho has satisited
tho legal demands of the courts in this
city he will answer the charge in Port
Gilnian's wife, a bride of four weeks,
has returned to the home of her parents
near Gaston pending tho outcome ot
tho charges against her nusoanci. un
man admits that he is guilty or pass
ing worthless paper but claims that it
is the result of a family difficulty and
that he should have had $600 to his
credit in the Seattle National bank.
The stubs of his check book however,
show a model system of bookkeeping as
he checked out over $100 in small
amounts through the Willamette val
lay and the last amount brought for
ward wae $590.
Papers which ho carried with him
show him to bo a mechanic and he says
that he has also been a deputy sheriff
and deputy marshal in the city of Los
Portland, May 16. Two hun
dred and forty procincts out of
326 in Multnomah county at 3:30
this afternoon gave Bennett
2,056; Smith 2,502.
But will all tbo defeated ones "fall
in lino" and "stand shoulilcr to snoui- Laf f erty 'g 8,404, witn Georjjo 8. Shep
lerf" peril a poor third. .
The Weather
Fair tonight;
cooler east por
tion with light
frost. Sunday
fair, warrner,
except near the
coast; northerly
'-..4 . -.n, '' -
Smith Leads Bennett by Thousand
But Latter la Gaining In Willamette
Portland, May 18. Incomploto re
turns from all but four countios indi
cate that Dr. C. J. Smith is the demo
cratic nominee and James Withycombe
tho republican noniinco for govornor.
The race for the democratic nomina
tion iB exceedingly clowfl, however, but
botween Smith and Judgo Bennett.
Smith 's apparent lend is about 1000 and
thore is a possibility that his may bo
overcome by later returns from the
Willamotto valley esKScially Marion
and Lane counties, whoro Bonnett is
Dr. Smith carried Multnomah county
by approximately 600 plurality over
Bennett, John Manning being third.
Umatilla, Smith's home county, gave
him a big plurality and Jackson Coos,
Union and Beveral other counties polled
up a big vote for hini.
Committeemen Chosen.
Portland. Ore.. May lfi.H. M. Eas
terly and Ralph E. Williams, both of
Portland, will be the next national
committeemen for Oregon Of the dem
ocratic and republican parties respec
tively. In Multnomah county Easterly
ran ahead of his rival, W. II. Canon of
Med ford, by a large majority. Ralph
Williams, the present republican com
mitoeman, ran some distance uheud of
his opponent, Charles W. Ackorson.
Dr. Henry Waldo Coe is retained as
tho progressive national committeeman,
having no opposition for the position.
McArthur In Lead.
PortlanJ, Or., May 16. Complete re
ports from 235 of Multnomah counties
230 precincts clearly indicated that O.
N. McArthur, speaker of the last house
of legislature, will be the republican
nominee for congress from the Third
Oregon district by a largo plurality
over A. W. Lafferty, incumbent. In
I tho "T; nrxcincta McArthur is leading
by 1,506 votns, having 9,910 votes to
i Reports from ZU1 democratic: pre
cincts show a surprisingly close race
I between A. F. Flegel ancM1!. L. Van
Drosar for the democratic" nomination
for congress, with Flegel loading by a
littlo less than 100 votes. Dr. Klor
Hedlund is running about 600 votes
behind the leader. FlegeJJ'lias 1,880
votes to VanUresar's l,7tf.
Incomplete returns from a number
of precincts indicate that Arthur I.
Moulton will 1)0 the progressive nomi
nee Tor congress over David Gross.
Vera Cruz, Mex., May lO.iOIiver M.
Huoffcr, an Englishman and correspon
dent for the London Daily Kxpress, ar
rived hero on a refugee train today, ex
pelled from Mexico City.
Washington, May 16.' Evon if Pri
vate Parks, the infantryman missing
from the American garrison of Vera
Cruz, was murdered by General Maas'
Me'cans, there will be no reprisal at
present, it was mode plain on high
administration authority today. . .
The war department, to bo sure, was
furious and Secretary"! Garrison was
privately doelaring the situation ex
tremely grave. Seerotary of State
Bryan, however, insisted that the-re
ported outrage was simply another of
the series to be charged up against
President Iluerta for sottlomeut at the
final accounting.
Wilson Supports Bryan.
President Wilson whs known to be
supporting Bryan in the tatter's de
termination that nothing bo pormitted
to interfere with mediation of the
American-Mexican difficulty. The
Niagara Falls conforenco was expected
to suggest a plan for Huorta's elimina
tion .and the permanent re-nstablish-ment
of peace In Mexico and the presi
dent was said to consider that ouo more
fatality suposedly past and therefore
unpreventablo should not be permitted
to force his administration'! baud.
Mob Kule Threatened. .
Pi spate km' from Mtrxic City - dwelt
on tho critical nature, of tho situation
there. Mob rule was said to bo threat
ened. Unloss fuorta eliminated.'. him
self it was declared the people would
sneedilv eliminate him. .
Tho dictator' was understood to be
ignoring government - affairs. War
Minister Blniiquet was reported the
renl head of tho government and it was
prodietod that as soon as tho opportuni
ty offered the Jattor would seine Huor
ta's post for himself.
Tho Mexican envoys to the "A. B.
' " mediation conforenco wore due
here this afternoon and had boon in
vited to bo the Spanish ambassador's
noHts over night.
It wns said tho American envoys had
boen instructed to insist on Huorta's
elimination as tho first condition of a
Orders Change In Ports.
Officialdom wns not much perturbed
by nows that Preaidont Huorta had
ordered Mexican importors and ex
porters to handle tho cast coast ship
ments through Piiorta-Mexico. With
Vera Cruz in tho Americans' and Tam
pico in the rebels' hands and Tuxpnn
likely to fall at any time, this was to
have been expected, it was said. By
prohibiting transactions through eithor
of the captured ports it was thought he
might add somewhat to Puerto-Mexico's
customs receipts but It was doubted
if tho increase would be material, witn
tho country's commerce in its present
Confirmation woe rccoived of the
arrival of A. J. Sutton, the Washing
ton Post's photographor, at Vera Cruz,
after a scries of alarming experiences,
and according to his own account re-
poatod threats or execution wnue unuor
arrest in Mexico City and Cordova.
Ho attributed his rolease at Mexico City
to tho efforts of the English and
Brazilian legations and at Cordova to
that of the English consulate at Vera
Vera Cruz messages said it was the
IHief there that tho federal gunboats
Zaragoza and Bravo, which loft Tam
pico when the rebels took tho city and
passed ho re southbound, wore noaueu
for Progrosso. They wore followed
though not intorforod with by tho
American cruiser Chester.
SUliman Is Safe.
Washington, May 16. The Brazilian
minister in Mexico City notified tho
Mellen Pat Up Big Deal
to Former Estimate Board
Now Tork, May 10. The $1,200,000
New Haven deal with the Now York,
Westchester and Boston railroad was
put up to a former New York board
of estimate by Charles 8. Mellen, for
mer president of the New York, Now
Haven and Hartford railroad, in his
noccnt sonsational testimony in Wash
ington and the members of the board,
in existence at that time, said today
that former Mayor Goorgo B. McClel
nn was the man to see about it. Mc
Clellan is in Kurope.
The membera of the board of esti
mate at the time referred to by Mel
state department today that John Hilli-
man, United Mateo consul at Saltillo, -
who has been unaccounted for since the
American landing at Vera Cruz, was
safe and due in the rapital today. T'.i -
minister expressed the opinion that
Silliman's delay was due to destruction
of the-railroad truck between Saltillo
and Mexico City.
llis messago, filed yesterday, said the
minister, was informal that Silliman
left Saltillo May 14, which would mean '
he would reach tho capital tho night of
May 15 or the morning of May 16 un
less there were unusual interruptions
on the line. That there were such in
terruptions, howevor, was thought tiore
than likoly.
'I have not yet been able to locate
Correspondent Poster", the miniBtor
added, "but am still inquiring".
Consul Canada cabled from Vera
Cruz today that Spanish refugees from
Mexico City assured him of tho capture
of Tuxpan Thursday by rebels funder .
Generals Aguila and Blanco. ,
A report from tho United Siatos con
sul at Tnmplco said Gonornl Gonzales,
tho robel commander thore, had given
assurances that all consideration would
be shown to Amrican and other foreign
resides. . Th city, tho consul nd.led, .
wasclm and orderly.
Consul Bonney of San Luis Pq'osi, on
board tho.. Morro Cnntle on his way to
Galvestuu. notified the state' itcpart-
finciit that no Americans had been killed
in his district up to the time ho left.
He said railroad traffic was paralyzed,
however, owing to tho. lack of fuel.'
Today's indications wen that' the
administration had decided to allow
be shown to American and othor foreign
Tampico and it was hinted that nothing,
would be done to prevent American
manufacturers from supplying thew.
Secretary Daniels referred to the
navy's present attitude as "passive.'
Vera Cruz, May 36. The Mexican
federal gunboats Zarapoza and Rravo,
which loft Tampico when the rebels
captured tho city, reached Puorto-Mcx-ic
i today. News of thorn was received
l-v w'-. leis from tho A.miitn s.ont
cru'srr Cluster, which was keeping them
under cbri r etion.
Washington, May 16. Spanish Am
bassador Hiano received a message to-
Inv from tho Mexican foroign office
saying a thorough investigation nan
been started into the disappearance oi
I'rivnto Parks from Vera Cruz.
The Brazilian minister in Mexico said
ho ";itiioritntiveTy understood" Parks
was dead.
Ro-pcinding to pressing demands for
information concerning the 1'arks case,
the Mexican foreign office announced
a thorough investigation had been be
gun. Consul Silliman was said to be only
delayed on his trip from galtillo to
Mexico City by the destruction of the
A.. J. Sutton, the Amorican photog
rnpher arrested in Mexico City and
Cordova, was finally safely located in
Vera Cruz. ,
Another American, the correspondent
Poster, was still missing.
Mob rule was Baid to threaten in
Mexico City.
Mexican War Minister Jllanquet
rntW'r than President Iluerta was un
derstood to be the real ruler in Mex-
- . .. t -
ico City, aim inera were reports no
would seize t'ne presidency II he saw a
gooil chaTnce.
Having occupied Mouclova, the re-
Continued on page 7.)
lon were: Mayor George B. McClel
Inn, Comptroller Herman A. Metz, Pet
rick A. McGownn, president of tho
board of aldermen; John F. Ahren,
president of Manhattan Borough; Bird
H. Color, president of Brooklyn
Borough; Louis F. Haffen, president
of the Bronx; Lawrence Gresscr, presi
dent of Queens, and George Cromwell,
president of Richmond Borough. Me
Oowan is dead, but Ahren and Haffen
when seen today said:
"See McClellan." The records of
tho bonrd of estimate show the fran
chise changes wore made as stated by
Mellen. v