PAGE TIGHT TEE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1914. Swatters Given Free at Meyers Tomorrow M u ti ti u ii ti ii ii M ti ti tl ti ri ti 11 ii ii ii ii SWAT THE FLY Now is the time to get busy and we are going to make it easy for you. Co-operating with the Salem Commercial Club and the City Board of Health in the Fly Extermination Campaign we have procured 5000 excellent, all metal "Fly Swatters" which we shall give free, tomorrow Friday to any person visiting our store. See the person in charge of distribution in the Womens'JReady-to-Wear Section and get a Swatter free tomorrow Fridayonly FICKLE YOUTH AND II OFFICERS ARE PUPPY LOVE CAUSE ; CHARGED IH MUHDER NEW TODAY. FOR RENT CHEAP House barn, , 2'j acres of outs, iruit or mi mi. ! Silt'O Kim street. ' Denver, Colo., May ll.-Mur.1er In-! LENTY oF MONEY to loan on firt tl?. wortguge-. Call .413 Salem uuunov of h mi i a iv anuii w j t .-. i 'T ni i , ! the district board of t..e minors' union, Bain; una Ipon the recommendation of County ini, i.B,.nn. a tncinher of the same : ... . ,m,.r. it....... ..i.,.,,,:,,, nnMhinir Attorney Ringo, Justice of the Peace ! hoar,,L Soi,rc,ary W.lliam Hiekey, of;V; j or hour. lu.iuiro for Mrs. . comer una morning onro.iu . . tho gtute federation of Labor, ami, Churchill, the young man, or boy ru-.,. , niillor ..,;,,, ; connection! tner, wno iorgea two cnccus mo at:: ith th(, . ent ..,.. fiL,i,tinir between i ifiriHEST Cash price paid for eggs. Marion Creamery rroauce to,, Liberty and Ferry streets. OF YOUTHS DISGRACE; . .. i . t ,T ..I Josselyn, at uepoi noiei. tempted to cash them at the United umng mlnet3 mino guards and mil- Vnt Annl nr1 tia I ml1 Mr Mil uh . " ' . ... States National and the Ladd & Bush banks recently. Churchill was ordered to report to the county attorney every month. Young Churchill's tender ago and his good family are all that saved him from being sent to tho penitentiary. Judge Webster gave C'nurcliill a good itiamen at the Hccla mine, Louisville. The indictments were returned last night but were not made public until this afternoon. Besides those making murder charges 100 others were return ed chanting conspiracy to commit mur der and attempted murder. There have been threats tor some BAKER First-cluss, all round man, wishes steady position in country town married; no boozer; good Tof crenee8. H. A., care. Journul. Tomorrow is REMNANT FRIDAY. JL7U GOODIGOODS Remnants of all kinds at Half Price lecture. He told the youth that it was i tl tha, offkial8 bI t;l0 labor or(,an izatious concerned in the miners' strike would be proceeded against on murder charges "and to the30 the union lead ers have replied that, in case such a course wero adopted, they would make similar accusations against the Rocke fellers and other mine owners. All Around Town is a farmofand used to the' heat, and he was seen button-holing an tuifor- ; tunate voter right out in the street in tne tun glare or out ooi. o Kodak films left before 8 p. m. fin ished next morning. Open evenings. t County Recorder-Mildred R. Brooks, Republican candidate. Vote X, No. 78. (Paid adv.) o Now is just the Ume to get that sum mer suit made at Spaulding's. Only $15 for the very suit you've been look ing for. Shop 495 Court, near High. The contract for the inside wood- ..t flverfrolil bov ' had Jieon lost work for the new 10,000 residence of i f or R00j, The lad was staying at the Mrs. R. J. Hendricks has been let o ;npitol hotel with his mother, Mrs. tho Charles K. fclpnulding planing mill. I ooorg0 McLean, of Los Angeles, and 0 ! mult it liiin Mm heuil to aa v ii till tr Trover-Weigel Studio, opposite Bligh'a. o Driver Cooper, of the big auto chem ical truck, is engaged at present in giv ing the other fire lads a- few lessons on running the machine. Tho East Sa lem station men had a try-out yester day afternoon and tho green hands hnd good success in manipulating the truck, it is tho intention of Chief Phillips to have three firemen from the Cen tral and Kast Salem stations learn how For a time yesterdayjt was though?, to operate the chemical In order that goles, " said a wondering South Sa lem man as ho caught a glimpse of the outfit as it shattered the air in going up the street. ' o Tour expert watchmakers. Best of work. No delays. Barr's. A marriage license was limned this his parent stenned out of the morning to Arthur A. Hnynes, of : roolu. ir0 WUll none about four hours Brownsville, and Hazel Jano Glass, a Bm the city was searched. No boy housekeeper of Mnlem. Mr. Hnynes is ! 0Weriiig tho discription could be lo- a barber. Made Newport Famous A promi nent minister of Salem says of Mrs. Mildred Robertson Brooks: "The mush , rolls for breakfast that Mrs. Brooks made And sold made Newport famous," Vote X, No. 71). (Paid adv.) Two players In the Y. M. 0. A. handi cap handball tournament have quali- iiel lor tne second round. Last night cnted and the lnd was not seen again until he finally walked into the hotel office with the utmost unconcern. Ho had just been out taking in the big parks and enjoying himself. o We guarantee sofa return of watches for ropnir sent us by mail. Quality counts in jewelery. Barr's. Yesterday was the warmest day of the season, according to the records Bishop defeated Duffy two out of three I which are kept at the Oregon Tity .Minton won two straight from : Transportation company's dock at the foot of Trndo street. The mercury went up to the 82 mark. The fat man and slim fellows alike wero mopping and hunting cool phecj yesterday aft ernoon and tho bitulitiiic, pavement fairly smoked. Such weather is Just the kind for tho candidates. They are during the heat of tho, day and Howell o Y. M. 0. A. summer membership: Five months, $5.00; boys, five months, $2.50. Tennis, handball, swimming pool, showers and hikes and camps. A monster touring car. loaded with tnablud young mon, startled people, on South to corral the voters along the shady Commercial street tote Inst, night. It sido of tho streets and pour them full eamo from tho north "somewhere ami j of arguments while they are helpless, sped out south with tho speed of a ' Tho sun did not make much difference Jittssenger train. ' 'J Gosh, if they keep "nowover to Alex Lafollette, candidate that lick they will soon bo in Los An-1 for the state senate. Mr. .Lafollette there will be plenty if experienced men on duty by the time tie new auto pumper arrives. The new machine is expected to arrive here by the middle of next month. Vote for Albert E. Zimmerman (tho farmer) for County Treasurer. (Paid adv.) o The river boat, City of Eugene, wag tied up to the dock when it arrived at Sulem yesterday noon, and the boil ers will be inspected, by Inspector W. E. Edwards, of the Portland custom house, tomorrow. The boat will be back on tho regular run as soon as the inspection has been mndo and the boil ers passed, which will bo early next week. o 1 Vote for Albert E. Ssmmerman (the fanrrer) for County Treasurer. ' (Paid adv.) Festival In Swedish Church A liter ary and social entertainment will be held in the Hwedish thurch, corner 8. 15th and Mill streets, tomorrow even ing, Friday, the 15th, at 8 o'clock. A program of high order will bo render ed. Refreshments served. All ore most cordially invited to attend. Vote for Albert E. Zimmorman (tho farmer) for County Treasurer. (Paid adv.) Two or three hundred patients from tho asylum for the insane wero brought into the city this morning to see the circus parade. They marched down Court street, and wero seated on tho curb opposite the Capitol annex. They seemed to enjoy it greatly and were as happy apparently as so many child ren. Dr. Asseln, Zahnartx, Steeves Bldg. o There Is much building going on south of the city along tho Jefferson road. Sovernl teams have been haul ing lumber from the Salem and Falls City yards for a couple of weeks and the end is not in sight. In a few years that section will be one vast or chard, dotted with pleasant homes and fair as "a garden of the Lord." o mere good fortune on his part that he will not be sent to prison and that hereafter he must always remember that by committing an act like tho one which got him into trouble, that not only the boy is injured but that his parents are grieved and heart-broken. . 1'liurchill stood before the court crestfallen. He did not say a word after the justice finished, but it could be pluinly seen that he was greatly af fected by the court's remnrks. Justice Webster sizes up the whole affair as being a case of a fickle youth and a case of puppy-love. FIRE DOES BIG DAMAGE. W. G. MOREHOUSE, D. V. M. Coun ty veterinarian. Prompt attention, day or night. Office, Jack Darr'g feed burn, 544. Ferry street. Phone 21!)i). Manila, May 14. Fivo hundred thous and dollars damage was done today by a fire which destroyed -0 business houses in Jloilo. Reserved seat sale for "The Wed ding of Jones" is now on at the Grand Opera House. o The Cherrians will attend "The Wedding of Jones" in a body, at .the Grand Opera House tomorrow night. -. 0 Born Williams To Mr. aud Mrs. W. Williams, Thursday, May 11, 1914, a son. The Williams ' rcsido about nine miles north of !Sale:n. q The Cherrians have bought 60 tick ets for "The Wedding of Jones," at the Grand Opera House tomorrow night. Better get your scats at. once. Mica Marguerite Mers, stenographer for the state water board, at the state house, is in Baker City taking testi mony for the board. She will probably return some time next week. 0 . G. W. Farris, republican candidate for the nomination for representative, who is a farmer and lives at Turner, is in the city getting in touch with the voters, of whom there is an abundance on account of tho circus. o A. G. Magerg has purchased a fine new Overland tourkig car. Mr. Magers declares that he can climb any hill in the country on the "high" with his new car. . HINGES' BIG AUCT ION POSITIVELY CLOSES SATURDAY, MAY 16th Only two days left to take advantage of the greatest Slaughter Sale ever held in Salem. There is still on hand and to go at any price the following merchandise: DIAMONDS Magnificent gems set in Rings, Brooches, Sleeve Buttons, Lock ets, etc. Watches Finest Americaii makes, principally Hamiltons, in both ladies' and gents' sizes. GOLD JEWELRY Endless varieties Chains, Necklaces, Lockets, Brooches, Rings big assortment; all styles; Sleeve Buttons, Tie Pins, Lodge Pins, Charms, etc. . ::::-v OTIft Also a few choice pieces of Sterling Silver and Cut Glass and 23 Alarm Clocks. All these must go, at any old price. Come and see the slaughter. j Two Big Sales Daily r-2 and 7 p. m. Fifty Chairs Reserved for Ladies By J. A. SINCLAIR Auctioneer Try Scott's 15c meals. Do not be misled. You do not pay one cent more when Dr. Mendelsohn fits you with glasses than you would be required to pay elsewhere. Besides you get tho best possible service from one who has had 31 vears' practical exneri- , ence, and can refer you to over 5000 satisfied patients. Dr. M. P. Mendel sohn, U. 8. National Bank building. o Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn, eye specialist, fits eyes correctly. U. S, Bank bldg. o You can safely rely upon my ability to give you eyeglasses or spectacles that will absolutely benefit -your sight, at absolutely fair prices. The strongest possiblo recomiiieHdation is tho volun tary testimoniaWof satisfied pntrous a very largo shnnVof my business comes to mo through the recommendations of tho thousands 1 have served in this vi cinity. Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn, U. S. National Bank building. Visit Gilson's attractive new barber hop in Bligh building, State street. o Way Ahead Latest reports from all over the county show that Maey for Recorder has a safe lend. He does not follow, nor copy other candidates' slogans. He has served tho city faith fully and well as councilman. He is eminently qualified for tho office of recorder. He keeps his promises. Watch his record, ho will prove it. Everybody should vote for him. (Paid Adv.) A. M. Clough, the present coroner of Marion comity, wishes his friends and Republican voters in general, to learn that it is not essential that a coroner in order to be ssfui. his Ve ! to Kluckawan, Alaska When of continued economy will i.rnve hn h, i th" b.est " wnntcd' t ""variably turns BASEBALL TODAY. Natioual. E. II. E. New York 1 5 2 Pittsburg 3 10 2 . Demareo and Meyers; Adams and Gibson. R.H.E. Brooklyn " '. 0 14 Chicago 5 10 0 Ragou.aud McCaity; Vaughn and Brcshaban. R.H.E. Boston 0 4 3 Cincinnati 6 8 2 Tyler and Whaling; Benton and Clarke. Federal. R. H. E. St. Louis .: 1 8 4 Brooklyn 4 9 0 Willett and Hartley; Seaton and Land. R. II. E. Kansas City 2 15 Pittsburg (i t) 2 Henniiig and Easterly; Walker aud Berry. R. H. E. Chicago 4 7 3 Buffalo 5 6 4 Lange and Wilson: Krapp and Blair. . R. H. E. Indianapolis 0 13 1 Baltimore .'. 9 13 5 Mullin and Karidan; Quinn and Jack litsch. American, St. Louis 0 4 1 Boston 1 1 7 I WILL EXCHANGE my acre tract . with improvements on South Com mercial street car lino for house and lot nearer in of equal value, jr sell on installments for price. See my agents, Betchcl & Bynon. SEWING MACHINES are going to be sold at once; grod drop-head ma chines from $10.00 up; you will miss a big bargain if you don't come at once as they must go at once. 640 State street. NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY BTJBGHARDT & MEREDITH Resident Agents. 385 Smo Street This will inform my Republican friends and supporters that I am a can didate for re-nomination to tho office the justice of the peace for the Salem district at the primary election of May 15, 1014. - DANIEL WEBSTER FARM LOANS OREGON TITLE AND LAND CREDIT COMPANY 209 U. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg., Salem, Oregon. Members of the Cherrlan city, are planning to atte ! bIiow, entitled "Tho Wedding of I Jones," which is coming to Salonk-psg-I ontly. The Cherrians will go in a ' body dressed up in their natty whito I uniforms. o . A man bearing the euphonious cog nomen of Lucicn Frnnccis Louis Marie Buzit filed an application at the coun ty clerk's office this morning to bo como a naturalized citizen of the Unit ed States, but desired to retain in full the nomenclature handicap under which he has struggled for 18 years. Buzit wns born in Lnndivisian, Finis terre, France, and arrived in Portland Oregon, on June Bti, 1911. Ho is a farm hand and is at present residing near Stayton. ' o Foisal & Shaw, the wide-awake gro cers of South Commercial, will send by express today 13 full-blood White Rock Hamilton and Agucw; Leonard and Carrigan. R.IT.E. Chicago 0 3 2 Washington 12 2 Scott and Schalk; Ayrcs and Henry. . R.H.E. Detroit 3 0 1 New York 12 0 Dubuc aud Stanagc; Kcalting and Sweeney. R.II.E. Cleveland .: :0 5 2 n club, of this J'hi'a.lolphia 1 7 2 nd tho Elks' I H"Kcrlllan anJ C.arischj Plank and Lapp. MONEY TO LOAN On Good Beal Estate Security, THOSK.FOED 1 1 Over Ladd & Bush Bank, Salem, Oregon saved the taxpayers of Marion county thousands of dollairs by not holding inquests unless absolutely necessary, and if re-elected he will continue to conduct the office as effi economically ns he woul own business. (Paid Adv.) out that the wu liters Iooa to Sulcin to get it. o- It is just as well that the polling ffieientlv and ' place ln Precinct ls. Boilth has d conduct his ' ')een cuanRelI from its old location on tinier si reel, just duck or xoisai Shaw 's store, to the basement of tho "Now just look at that," said a by-! church on the corner of Commercial stnnder on tho streets this morning as j ""J Washington. Over the old polling one of the big circus elephnnts passed ! I,lllce doors is n big advertising sign along in the parade with a candidate's j t,lnt rends: "Preferred Stock." It sign upon him. "Wouldn't that jar may be that fear that some of the ean youf" Now that poor, unoffending '.didates could not get under that sign beast is trving to do the best he enn j nll(i nothing to do with the change, but YESTERDAY'S SCORES. American. At Boston St. Louis 0, Boston 7. At New York Detroit 4, New York 0. At Philadelphia Cleveland 12, Phil adelphia 4. At Washington Chicago 2, Washing ton 3. The Oregon Realty and Trust Com pany today filed a suit against S. G. Sargent, superintendent of banks of the State of Oregon and A. M. Crawford, attorney general of tho State of Oregon. The company desires to continue to uso tho name Oregon Realty and Trust com pany which was declared illegal at tho last session of the legislature in the uso of the word ' ' Trust " in a title. 0 The Salon Board of Trade is a busy (dace once again as Fred S. Bynon hn? rotmard from a two day's trip to Port land where he has been on business. Ralph Moores who has been ill at his home is back at his desk toilav. Bungalow Bargains Look this up; only a chance in a life timo to get a modern bungalow that is' well worth $2,000, for $1,400, on easy terms; 5 large rooms, bath toilet, stationary wash tubs, electricity, con crete foundation, lot 50x100; near Stato street. This week only. Cut out tho rent habit and buy a home with your rent money do- it now. FARM BARGAINS. If you aro looking for a farm, ; whether largo or small, wo can suit you. Let us know your wants. FOB BENT. . Wo have tho largest list of vacant houses and store buildings for rent. to earn an honest living and be respect able, and to have some unfeeling candi date abuse him like that is shameful." "Ah, well, some folks like to mistreat dumb animals, anyway," said the vot er, as he began an inspection of some elk teeth which dottea a vest worn by one of the Indian maidens. - (i Governor West left this morning for Portlnnd, and from there will go to i Astoria to cast his ballot. He will bo back probably Saturday afternoon. Piano tuning, first-class work. Phone 1405, leave orders with G. C. Will or R. F. Peters. . J. E. Hockett. Only one special officer was placed on the police force today. This morn ing the Chief of police and the sheriff mndo an inspection of the circus grounds and . people While Deputy Health Officer Hartwell, Day Officer Gaines and Patrolmen Phillips kept things nuu'ing in the City. 0 " C. B. Hammond, machinist. Electri cal appliances repaired and automobile work. done. High st. Phone Main 2409. 200 N. Today is moving day at County Clerk Gehlhar's office and the county clerk is laboring in his new quarters today amid the Indy deputies and the smell of paint. Most of the filing cab inets have been moved into the vaults and the arrangement of the multitude it looks suspicious. The Portland, - Eugene and Eastern Railway company has been running a 12-minute car service to the show grounds on 1th and D streets today and will continue the service for the evening's performance. The cars will be run in sections of five cars each, and one section will leave the cornor of State and Commercial streets every 12 minutes until the entire crowd is handled. o At a meeting of the city council of West Salem Monday night au on ti nance was passed limiting the speed of auto mobiles and .motorcycles to 15 miles per hour inside city limits, A special election was called for June 11 to vote oh the question. of issuing bonds for $10,000 for tho construction of a sewer system. f ' t .i Ivan G; Martin FOB BEPBESENTATrVE ' " MARION COUNTY Vote 64 X Taxpayer, lawyer and old time resident of Salei. (Paid adv.) ' Ivan G. Martin, candidate for ttte legislature, is one of the strongest in the race, and also one of tho best-equipped. Bom, raised aud educated here in Marion county, he knows, none bet ter, what - the best interests of the county as well as tho state require. He is a practising lawyer and has had a wide experience for his age, 32, hav ing been a farmer, city editor of the Captain Journal, and filled before that positions in the mercantile line. Ivan ravs taxes in three counties aud is an industrious, energetic, hustling citizen, j Ir. ? ,of tne niaaz" r ;.i;.,.:.,. v., ;n T that brings the buyer and sell of papers is being completed. The old i those who will ocenpy a "seat in hc ! "tate tSe'a 0t A w i in j ' A.,v. ; . !T commission. cy bounty Assessor Ben West. Be wm mi it. - . Address a postal card to OUT OF THE BUT, Salem, Ore., and get a free copy of the magazine ler MONEY TO LOAN. ' We write Insurance. We buy, sell and rent. or exchange properties. Bechtel & Bynon 347 State Street. CONSIDER THESE 262 acres, near Liberty, a'l culti vated, $1.25 per acre. Take good Salem property. 2 acres bearing fruit, 7 room house, ono milo out, $2,300; terms. 40 acres 5 miles out, improved, $4,500. Want income property. 5 room bungalow modern, $1,300. - 210 head of stock, 4 year lease on 2000 acres paid, good buildings; fine opening for stock inaai. We are agents for Canadian Pacific lands, $11 per acre up, 20 years to pay. Close in hotel, 30 rooms, $1,500, snap. "0 acres, 50 acres fruit, house, barn and dryer, 7 miles out $18,500, 15 acres, Rosedale, 7 buildings, $3,000;' terms. acres fniit, Acme Investment Company Phone: Office, Main 477. Opposite Court. House. 540 State St. 1 Employment Bureau in Connection. When in SALEM, OREGON, stop at BLIGH HOTEL Strictly Modern. Free and Private Baths. Both Phones. Free Auto Bus. j BATES 75c, $1.00, $L50 PEB DAY j The only hotel in the business district, i Nearest to all Depots. Theatres and Capitol Buildings. A Home Away from Home, T. G. BLIGH, Prop.