HIE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREOON. MONDAY, MAT 11, 1914. PAGE BEVEJX ri l -- WOMEN'S SUITS BELOW COST. Women's . and Misses Coats $3.75 and Up. All at reduced prices. Children's Dresses 65c dresses 56c 75c Dresses .'. 68c " $1.00 Dresses ..: 89c $1.25 Dresses 99c $1.50 Dresses $1.29 $1.75 Dresses .'. ,$1.49 $2.25 Dresses $1.99 $3.00 Dresses $2.49 Women's Dresses Women's Dresses, all above $15.00, in silk and wool, now 207c Less. Bed Spreads $1.50 Bed Spreads.. $1.29 $1.75 Bed Spreads.. $1.49 $2.50 Bed Spreads.. $1.99 $3.00 Bed Spreads.. $2.25 $4.00 Mercerized Middy Dresses, now .......... $3.00 50c Silk Boot Hosiery White, Tan and Black, Now 38c Pair. $1.00 Dress Shirts For Men black and white stripes, Now 79c. i a tttt , $2.50 Work Pants $2.10 $2.00 Work Pants $1.65 a Shoes Shoes values from $3.00 to $5.00 (not the latest) Now 95c per pair. 4 $35,000,000 Invested by Hop Growers, - Who Stand to b Ruined by "Dry" State. SALEM MEN TAKE VAST AT PORTLAND MEETING) Oregon Hops . Will Be Boycotted In East If Prohibition Is Carried In Oregon. )MMtMMMMMMMfMMMMMMMMMl The Markets LOCAL WHOLESALE MARKET. Hay, Timothy $15.00 Clover, per ton $1011 Oats and vetch $13 Wheat, per bushol , ...90e Bran, per ton . $27.00 Shorts, per ton . $29.00 Oats, per bushel .. .32 Chittim Bark, per lb 4j5c Cheat, per ton $13.00 Potatoes, per cwt Onions ....... . $3.25 sack Butter and Eggs. Butterfat, per lb., I. o. b. Salcm....23e Creamery butter, per lb. . 25c Eggs ..... 17c Poultry, Veal, according to quality......llllii Pelts. Dry, per lb a Salted country pelts, each .. Lamb pelts, each ... . , .03c$l . 25j PORTLAND MARKET REPORT. Portland, Or., May 11. Wheat ...4050c ! club 90(; blucstein, Oic. gray, $22. Barley Brewing. $21.50; feed, $20. ' Hogs Bost live, $8.40. Prime steers, $S; iancy cows, $6."o; best caive9, Ss.oUfo 0. Hens, per lb U '. , .50 Sj.ring lambs, $(i.o0; yearling lambs,ltion of six.weeks Boosters, per lb Steers, Steers Cows, per cwt Hogs, fat, per Stock hogs, per lb Ewes, per lb Spring lambs, per t .8c 7Vi 5fia 7(S'8c ,6ViIt)7e ...... 5c 6c Butter city creamery, 23c. 201 Hens, 15lGc; broilers, 2o27c. Geese 12c- turkeys, nominal. ! Wool 1914 clip, Wilainette valley," ii(a.uc; eastern Ui"gon, llrwiyi-ie, Hops Choice, 14 13c. " DENMARK'S P.TJLEBS ROYALLY RECEIVED incognito with Queen Marborough house. Alexandra at SAYS LIBERALS ARE GREAT LIFE-SAVERS Believing that if Oregon goes dry the hop industry of the state will be wiped out, and the 2000 growers, with their $25,000,000 capital invested, ruined, an organization of growers and dealers was formed in Portland Satur day to work against prohibition. More than 100 men engaged in the growing and selling of hops were pres ent at sessions held in the Morgan building in the morning and afternoon. Of the 13 counties in Western Oregon that produce hops, ten wero repre sented. The name selected for the organiza tion is the hopgrowers' and Dealers' Association of Oregon. The officers selected are: A. J. Ray, of Portland, president; T. A. Livesley, of Salem, first vice-president; F. W. Durbin, of Salem, treasurer) Harry L. Hart, of Portland, secretary; Hal V. Bolam, of Salem, assistant secretary; E. C". Kirk Patrick, of Dallas; J. C. Wold, of Sil- verton, Oeorgo W. Lewis, of Salem, Joseph Harris, of Salem, George L. ; Rose, of Independence, and Julius Pin j cus, of Portland, executive committee. County organizations will be formed, and the president of each couuty asso I ciation will be a vice-president of the state body. This work will be taken i up at an adjourned meeting in the In j dependence Opera-house Saturday, May i 23. It is proposed to hold meetings I each Saturday at some point 'in tno hop-growing districts. I It was declared at the meeting that, i should state prphibition carry in Ore ! son, the hops of this state will cei- I taiuly be boycotted by Eastern brew- ers to the advantage of the California land Washington' producers. ' ' Not only will the farmers that grow ! hops suffer, but hoppickers will be de 1 prived oi the opportunity ot earning i much money" in the Fall months," saidi toue of the speakers. "In many cases' these hoppieKing wages iurnisii tne cash for Winter schooling and clothing in farmers' families, ami with this resource cut off no similar occupation will be afforded by other agricultural lines." . "Hop land now : .planted will de preciate 50 per cent in value if plowed up' said lfresident Kay, and the hop houses and extensive machinery used solely in the-handling and drying of hops will become i total loss. Country merchants in the hop belt, implement doalers and many, others will bo af fected by the elimination of the hop- I growing industry.'- "The hop crop, "in proportion to its into the state than any other farming," another speaker declared. "Tho value of the Oregon crop tangos from about $3,U00,0i.0 to $3,0' '0,000 a year. It is practically all sold in tho Eastern states aud in Great Britain. I,, j. .. j i tru i. 1 ?ince lain, wiicu jicbuu "u and do not intend to do so. The Un , nJe a , pr0(!lKer about $35,000,000 federated German Societies will later of Kastern and toreiga money has been make roeommendartions to its own . . . . ,.. )hi Kfst. Bm members, and these recommendations; , t of h aiJ out for hop. will be mailed to every German-speak- . ki othcr ,ubor nig voter in the state. ,The recom- 1The g pf the newly-formed meudations will not be published. a9sociatio1n u to htig these tacts be Oregoniau. . fore i-oPKrowcrs, hoppickers nd others August kehrbergcr, treasurer of the whose livelihood depends 'in any mens lwal German society banded in he ure on h ro(lKtion Hn(, . that above cupping witn tne statement t int manlier 0ffsPt the efforts of ma . rA"v i ,D i rr ' rw Wash Fabrics ! Like These Are Eagerly Sought by Women Because they are the most suitable materials for the present style summer dresses. These gooda combine style aud util ity, which should make their economic yalue apparent to all thrifty women. They now occupy the highest plateau lu styledom 27-IN. RATINE, heavy quality for skirta or dresses; lacn dr, white, pink and blue; yard ...23c 27 IN. IMPORTED FLAKE CREPE, blue, green, lavender, click designs and colored flake; yard r. ,. ,60c RAflNE SUITING. 27-IN. IMPORTED CREPE, striped in cord effect, grey and white, blue and white, rose and white, yd 40c WOMEWS HOSIERY Broken Lot Bargains 4Ih5 and 50c Black Gauze Lisle SOc Lisle, pink, champagne; pair -....35c 50e Lisle, pink, champagne, sky blue, lavender, pair 35c 33e Black Gauze Cobweb Lislo high spliced heel and double gnrter top; pair . .25c 27-IN. PLAID rich combination or colors, such ai laveneder and grey, grey and blue, brown and green, brown and blue, can be used with plain colors to match for combination suits, yd 50c 32117. PLATO EPONOE, In combina tion eolors of bluo and black, green and black, yellow and blnck, whito and black, flukes of yellow interwo ven; used for either dress or Nor folk suits, yard GOc 36-IK. RATINE, heavy quality, light blue, lavender, pink, dull blue, white a very durable wash fab ric suitable for two-pieco suits; per yard 60c 38-IN. EPONOE SUTTINO, in plaid combination colors, such na bluo nnd green, brown and blue, green and lavender may be used with plain eolor to mutch, irhich we are showing in 40 in. widths; yd. ..51.00 38-IN. DICE CHECK EPONOE, black and white, a very notable fabric for its texture and beauty , $1.25 10 IN. EPONOE STJITINO, in brown cheek effect; veiy beautiful, lust rous fnbria for smart suits, in shad lugs of orphca red, sunterclla green. J sae bluo : 81.45 v 42-IN. "BROCADE RATINE CRETE, very soft, high quality fabric for J tho drapo suits or conts, in colors of Bleriot blue, tomato, light tan $1.75 T 42 IN. PEA0 DE PICIIE CREPE, X very closely woven fabric, but cf soft texture; eolcrs, lilac and tan; J yard .81.00 f 36-IN. MATELASSE SILK EPONOE, very beautiful drapo fabric for J summer coats; Copenhagen, blue t and rose; yurd ,.$1.25 t Our Shirts for Men at $1.15 aro extremely pcpul&r becauso they embody the goodness of higher priced shirts. Strlpea ore very strou g this seasou. One of the now things U tho ideated tosom with stripes running crosswtae. This gives a most unique and pleasing effect. Soft shirts with nUUtary collar; Trench ruffs r.ro i:lso vcxy popular. CONKLIN'S HORSEHIDE GLOVE Tho standard for 40 years; nek nowledged by worSmen tho best for hard service. CROWN OVERALLS are bettor by actual comparison than other makes; sold nt $1.00 NOT IN ORGANIZATION 'DER DEUTSCHE BUND" IS NOT CONNECTED WITH CONFEDER ATED GERMAN SOCIETIES. "Dor Deutsche Bund, whose in dorsement of candidates has been pub lished in tho papers, is not connected in any way with the Confederated Germnu Societies o Oregon and its in dorsement should not be confused with auy recommendation made by these societies," said Dr. F. H. Damniasch, president of the Confederated German toU, valuebring8 more 0llt8ide capital "Dcr Deutsche Bund, as its organ- j izers call it, ig a purely local orgahiza- viutage. Jt has no tho Confederated : We have not made IN CHILDREN'S STYLES Beaten Promises to Revert to Novel . ties Popular in Dio'rona' Times. I serves quite as much credit, for all of I her dainty picture laddies were dressed ! that way. poihnps it is a safer thin-' to call tho new child fashions '"'char! or "period" suits, as a well nown department rtore, one of the llStt fltiniiunrt n 9 tWn nam ft'ld ta j doing by way of solving tho" difficulty lot bestowing credit where credit is due. representation . in German Societies. Ecus-Selected candled, local, extras. any P11BI1C indorsement, or canuiuaies PAUL DOMBEY SUITS ARE LIKE PRESENT MIDDY BLOUSES Close Resemblance of Little Dorrit Frocks Appears in Dress Parade. tho Saltern society is affiliated with the Confederated German Societies of Ore gon nnd that "Der Deutsche Bund' is porliibi- London, May 11. The king and queen of Denmark were kept busy this IIIUrUUIL.' 1 t'l-t-I lllii Uim ivil.llllllll un' T -. .-. .... ' cial calls. The. royal visitors lunched"! on"ou,1 la-' . 1 .I""?80?1 Ilbera! : merely a 'local society in Portland and P0PE POSTPONES IS"'"" Ul urt!" ""lain is one or : .. Im nnno,.tinn whptever with the I r-nxraTsiTnTiv AriiTV , By Margaret Mason. Said Willie dones to To umy Smith, "My goodness! gracious nic! Our styles aro simply going to The Dickens, don't you sec." K'civ York, May 1 1 There's the very Dickens of a revolution in children 's styles nnd Dickens novelties fiutorially bid fair to become popular ns Dickens' novels. The David Copperfield suits aro the best in the field nnd nro as practically comfortable and senribh) for Another cunning stylo nas ' tho straight knee, length pants and a wnist cut liko a coat with a front of white pique to stimulate a little waistcoat. This model is particularly satisfactory developed in chambrny, Even romp ers hnve undergone a complete nieto morphosis and in their newest state nreiittlo one-pieco suits, short kimono sleeve, square low neck and ending in trunk length straight pants instend of the full bloomers of the rompers of yes terday. Nothing cooler or in nro at tractive and comofrtnble for the woo summer ninn could be imagined. In striped and checked ginghams or chain brays, banded in solid culors, they are too cuto for anything except ,ut what they aro made for tho partial cover ing of a pudgy boy. Cunning washable kid gloves for the kiddies is another iunovntion bound to bring joy not only to the small ninn ami little woman but to their respected and long-suffering ;nrent:i. who must hand out the price of those expensive infantile dress uccersories. Of white and clininois toned tlooskiu, tl:ov are tionists. Eevond this, the association will take no' part in political matters. ! the smnll" boy as they are qinint and I ,ili0 mother's, tfnsiiubto gloves, WM; P. LORD :.''-yww r ' s S A ( ' - hospital with , nle"l0er ot lne oalllnt't and president i of the? board of trade. In tho past! gon. .. f.rt ..:. l.ot,nn on1 ia..MVO,l l deputation representing the Danish I j10 Wt lifo-saying institutions in i Confederated German Societies of Ore- r a m.i nin.l in f Im nffortinnn (111 UP 11 " ",,u""";i muui j.tn no, Alexau-lrm visited " ! hPVPn vpucm. Hiiw-n it nna fionit in nrtrt. Tonight they will attend tho gala he ,lcciare,, a spPe,h &i JSollth' performance at Covent Garden opera shiel,,3i it has saved the lives of more house. Stringent police precautions , ,han ha,f a mil,ion pcr90ng- xhi3 is have been taken to prevent mterfer-; the wav he workg it 0Kt. ence by suffragettes, and all persons Th(J Veduction in the deata rate favored with a ticked for tonight's howj tha(. 545j000 person8 aro aiivc performance nave had to satisfy theit0,av wh0i aocorilin(. to the ratio for "NO TREAT" SIGNS IN TACOMA SALOONS " Rome, May 11. I'rom the highest ! vatii an sources it wa today learned jthat Pope Pius has postponed until the ; latter part of May the calling of a consistory in order to permit the at ari it;tie. The favorite combination of a white ii'.cn or cotton poplin waist with the ankle length trousers of n contrasting color fastening to it with largo pearl buttons nnd collsns and cuffs to match tho trousers, nro charming in color schemes of delft blue, leaf green, pink, tan and old rose with white. A model and can be popped into soapsuds black as snioll grubby hnnda ran make 'em nnd come out again ns immaculate ns a brand new pair. Ilei co a wn.-h in time will save buying a new pair of gloves nine times out of teu. tendance of the firee American princes , that brin(, jov ns miimjrv Sihten of the church. Cardinal Gibfions, Car-j er however, is an all dark bronu cot- Lord Chamberlain that they are in no ; tne ,rece,ling MVen vear3 renlIy ouht way connected with the milita-it votes : to i,e (jPail Tnis as(.ribP8 to thfl for women movement. Detectives by improvement nou3ln(ft blic health the. score have been warned for duty , anJ other COI1(litions of life trount bTnsh'visitorTtak8; lunch with the T'IMwS :! to allow patrons to purchase the lnl .,,, on.l rp..iv the freedom of ' . . ,TJ "1".":."" . . ""u : drinks for others. .- - ,ui aiou inai me loiai pauperism m , Th t.h At T nn.lnn Tho state visit , , iir-i.- '. ' ... . me ..... vi cuiai ends Wednesday, but tne Danisn Kiug C(1 bv linel Farl-'v and Cardinal O Council. The cnnsistnrv wns 10 have been held Anti-Liquor Element Hopes to Drive Bt Easter and' its postponement at that Baloons Out of Business in bound till,e callfeiX 0 little comment, as there l0fton the waitti ari, fashioned of white - City by Drastic Ordinances. are now (i vacancies iu the sacred col-1 cfoth strii.ed in the tame color as the ; lege aca inc iiuuicuiaTe creutiou- ui ton poplin relieved only by the big I whito pearl buttons and frills of thin! white batiste at the neck and wrists. ! ORDER TO DISARM GOES INTO EFFECT Tacoma, Wash., May 11. It is once more unwise for any bartender in Ta- anti-treating ordinance, put tugiana ami aics nas Deen diminish- ti.,,.,,,,1, ti, Pr,,.nii hv fnv,.r A. V. n.i nnopn wil tav a counle of davs' i-i Ji i , . xawcett prior to his recall three years and queen wil stay a couple ot dajs 178ooo fewer persons subsisting . anwhi,i. ha. iain dormant al- A SPRING, TONIC Old Reliable Hood's Sarsaparilla Pleasant and Efteotive. jf the Pese of tl.6 taxpayers than mB't ever gince i8 agaiQ in effect t0. j 1 ThPra rear a Airrhf VAira o nr . TRY A MEGAPHONE Xo matter which side of the market you are on, whether as a buyer, -or a day, following Fawcett's return to power. "Ne treat" legends are being dis played in nearly all saloons and propn seller, your advantage obviously lies in e'ors are Preparn-g . maue a snow or reachine the largest possible audience beymg the law. : journal want Lolumns. Ltter your j need through them and they will mul j tiply your voice ten thousand times. I Xo matter what you have to offer I n. hmme. vnur uriippfl a &itnntinn fn I some special kind of worker justj All singing and music in cafes where , make known the details through the : l"or 13 8old ,as already been stopped 1 Want Ad meiranlinnn and vnur nW by order of Chief of Police Loomis, and will carry far. some restauranteurs profess to believe , i i that this, with the revival of the no Tour close confinement indoors and heavy living during the winter, and the torpid condition of your system brought about by cold weather, have made your blood im pure and weak, so that now erup tions appear on your face and body, you lack vitality, strensth.and animation, your appetite is poor and you feel all tired out. From any druggist get Hood's Sarsaparilla. It combines just the roots, barks, herbs and other sub stances that yon, need. It purifies and strengthens the blood makes the rich red blood that you must have to feel well, look well, eat and killed. Bleep well. Hood's Sarsaparilla is not simply a spring medicine it is an all-the-year-round blood purifier and tonie but it is the best spring medicine. Remember it has stood the test of Bead and iu tie Journal waat ads Xorty years. Be sure to get Hood a. land forget your trouble. in the briefest possible time and at the ! 1 aon t, intena to narass tne sa smallest possible expense. , lo-;n people unnecessarily, " said Mayor Thesn th no am nil enmh no.l n xuwccii iuun , uui i uu mieuu iv new cardinals is 'l.vmea most urgent. Pope Pius' deference to the wishes, however, of the three American car dinals was influenced, it is stated, also largely by his own d: 'sire to have them present at the consistory. The latter wero obliged to come to Rome this year to make. their "ad liniina" visits to the pope, and having arranged to do this in May, Pope, Pius decided that a month's postponement of the consistory should take place for their benefit. The presence of the three American princes, together with the large num ber of cardinals to be created, is ex pected to give the consistory almost the same importance and interest as at tached to that of nil, when Cardin als Farley, Faleonio and O'Connell see that the treating ordinance is lived up to. Those who fail to do so will' were elevated to tho purple. likely find difficulty In securing re newal of their liquor licenses when they make application. ' IT'S SENATOR UNDERWOOD NOW. Montgomery, Ala., May 11. Ala bamans today went to the polU to rati fy the choice of Oscar W. Underwood, democratic floor leader of the house of representatives, and framer of the tar- trousers, Far more elaborate and dressy oc casions conies the Copperfield suits evolved witH1 waists of corded or china r.ilk and trousers of black rutin, and for the little Hollos and Percys who never, never soil their pretty clothes, are suits of palC blue satin or nil white corded silk. The Paul Dombey suits are not un like the middy blouse suits of last .ca non. In fact, tho waist is cut exactly like a middy, sans the sailor collar. Th-y are best when developed in c-JJjr- S'rikors Surrender 1150 Rifles and Revolvers and Mine Guards Will Fol low Example In Near Future. Trinidad, Colo., May 11. Colonel I.ockctt 's order to striking coal miners, mine guards and tit her civilians to dis arm went into effect at 9 o'clock. At 1 o'clock this ufternoon it was esti mated that the strikers had surrend ered 1.10 rifles ami revolvers. Military oflicers refused to state how many arms had been deposited altogether. Tho weapons of the mine guards were said to havo been deposited with I CANDIDATE FOB REPUBLICAN NOMINATION FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL. T aunuimco my candidacy for this office on a deiiilito platform in' the interest of tlio people, nod if I am" elected to tho oltice, I shall conduct the siiuiu in a business liko manner. The office will be open lit all times to the people and legislators to furnish, every nx.-i.-.tiuice in forming legiluti"ii for the reduction of taxation, and tha abolition ot useless commissions; 1 will prosecute suits to regain t'uo vast tracts of public lauds wrested from tho people; 1 shall enforce Olid protect the riulits of settlers On public and arid lands; I will promptly ftraighteu out rights of the estate- in cunnl and locks at Oregon City, fo ns to insuro tho speed v completion of this project . These pledges 1 will faithfully ful fill. (Paid Adv.) J. J. JOHNSON for ATTORNEY GENERAL Republican STORMS FATAL IN WISCONSIN... ' treat ordinance, will force them to,1" w -nited States senator. Ln I uit business. ' - Iderwood is chosen to fill out the uncx- Madison. Wis.. May 11. One person! ' - pired term of the late Senator Joseph wu killed and four iniured in a trriiic BUXUiliiMJ AMU CUTTEKB BLEET. F. Johnson, He was nominated over ed lineh with the straight knee length ! tno oportttorSf wh0 will surrender them trousers of the same, although the two- a jn ou0 )t. Crowds this morning colored scheme is employed in these j gathered at every designated deposi suits also to suit one's taste. tory an,i matched tho surrender. The - ' . ! lamest crowd was at the strikers' camp Dresses for the small Iars called Lit-' outside tho town of tan Rafael. Men1, tie Dorrit Jrocks, are exactly like the ! carrving weapons of all kinds, from David Copperfield suits of her small ; the oldest fashioned carbines to the lat brother, except that in lieu of trousers CFt ,j,,h power rifles, trudged into tho they have a pleated skirt of colored i camp. cotton poplin that fastens with the! William Diamond, strike leader, de quaint white pearl buttons high up ou j elared this afternoon that alt strikers the little waist of white. I rofUsing to surrender their arms would ! ho stricken from the union's relief The nueer little tam-o Vhanter shaped : t;. in.i Arllii from the I'nitcd hats of straw with a visor and two , Mino Workers of America. He insisted , and has practiced law in Fqrtlaud tor dinky ribbon ends hanging down be-! the union leaders were acting in good i -5 years. During all of this time ha hind like David Copperfield and Paul i raith and were anxious to surrender; 3. J. rain, hail and windstorm which struck this section of the state todav. A Miss Olson of Klevinville was instantly ! former Representative Iiichard Pearson Detroit, May 11. The. Amalgamated ; Hobsos at a special primarv election Meat-cutters and Butcher Workmen of on April 6. The actual election of a North America .convened here today in j United States senator for the long term Fifty barna throughout the country ; annual session Better eo-operation j beginning March 4, 1!15, and of state were demolished and the Cupola of thelith tne public in the sale of the goods, and county officers will bo held next McFarland school house was blown i they handle, wag one of the matters ! November. down. The damage done by the storm I to be discussed at length, according to was estimated at 1 00,000. the scheduled program. Borne men who nave their pictures BMHHHHt.a.HM.M..M U f Utt . 111 HVI C. V U ' . O IUQU VU J" Cut the corners deal direct by the : tain of a scow baa to become an ad Journal want ad method. jtniral. Johnson is a native of Oregon In. K.inu nliv. in 4hA ti wtyn fr Irtn'i I Dombey affected aro the eorre.-t things CVery weapon. Speculation was rife as worn oi me rran(; .iu us ueeu vi in the hat line for joung hopefuls to-1 to the number of weapons that would , fwtive' in aiding organization among day. Little inverted butterbowl shapes bfl gllrrendered, but army officers -he farmers. of tho state. He has been of' straw are also good. I privately admitted they do not expect successful as a lawyer, and his record Lire than 50 per cent of the total , guarantees efficient service as attor- t . v.i ;. w ni..L.n.' .- .i ney general. Johnson's neighbors and ak pi-THin MUtusr '"'""' IIIinUtT IV IIO IUI-H IM- ahniilil hn tr'ivpn all tho rlit far thcrtfl I charming styles for children Whjn it ' V. B. SUPREME COUBT ADJOURNS, is the inimitable illustrator of his; Washington, May 11. The United works, George Cruikshanks, who pic-; States supreme court adjourned si 1:13 tured the Dickens children thus attire.L ! o'clock this afternoon without deciding For that matter Kate Oreenaway de-1 the pending important railroad cases. Personal friends are the strongest sup- ' porters of his candidacy, because they I know him well. He is fitted by ex ; perience, training and temperament for the job he seeks. Give him your jvote. . ., (Paid Adv.)