fAQB EIGHT THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, BALEM, OREGON; FBrDAx, may 8, itfl4. - . I : : ' li 1CAHAKTHAK 3 1 ROAD MEETINGS HELD w $10.00 COUPON This coupon will be ac cepted a cash on the purchase of any $25.00 Suit, May 9th and 11th. COUPON $10.00 Coupon Offer for Saturday and Mon day to all men who are in need of a suit . We are positively retiring! from the men's clothing business. Every suit and overcoat must be sold, as we must rearrange the interior of our store. We've planned this event to move a great many suits. We positively haven't con sidered profits, as the coupons will show. We will accept only one coupon on each suit, and this offer is for on ly two days--Saturday and Monday, May 9th and 11th. If you need a suit now or if you can use an extra one, here is your chance to save a great amount on your purchase. Your choice of Hart Schaff ner & Marx, Ederhei mer Stein and Cloth craft Clothes. All good makes. Cut out the coupon now. $7.50 COUPON This coupon will be ac cepted as cash on the purchase of any $20.00 Suit, May 9th and 11th. COUPON $7.50 $6.00 COUPON This coupon will be ac cepted as cash on the purchase of any $18.00 Suit, May 9th and 11th. COUPON $6.00 $5.00 COUPON This coupon will be ac cepted as cash on the purchase of any $15.00 Suit, May 9th and 11th. COUPON $5.00 $3.00 COUPON This coupon will be ac cepted as cash on the purchase of any $10.00 Suit, May 9th and 11th. COUPON $3.00 FITFORM Nettleton Shoes forParticular Men THE HOUSE OF QUALITY OOODlOOODG American. At Boston H. II. E. New York 0 3 2 Boston : : .. 3 7 2 Keating an J Sweeney; Leonard and Carrigan. National. At Philadelphia Krooklyn J.fadel pbia game postponed; wet grounds. At Pittsburg ; Chicago . Pittsburg game postponed; wet grounds. At New York Boston-New York game postponed; rain. Federal. . At Chicago Brooklyn-Chicago game postponed; rain. At Indianaf)lis 'Baltimore-Indianapolis game postponed; rain. BECKER JURY COMPLETED. New York, May 8. Tho jury which is to consider the evidence in the second trial of former Police Lieutenant Char les F. Becker for the murder of Her man Rosenthal was completed just be fore 4 O'clock this afternon. Governor West is in Corvallis,' at tending inspection of tho cadets at O. A. C. . o . See the special reduction on eloctric fixtures at Pcttingcll's. o Your choice of the world's greatest pianos placed in your own home to night if you say the word. Kasy pay ments. The Wiley B. Allen Co., H. F. Peters, Manager, 521 Court. Get that electric fixture at Pettin gell 's, while the price is cut. (Continued from page one.) What ever excels in leathorcraft you will find at Shafer's. His skill, his experience, bis goods make him the leader. For many years at 187, South Commercial. o Pettingell helps you save money on electric fixtures. 0 An appropriate window display is being made by tho Barr Jewelry Com pany. It consists of an advertisement for the "Big Ben" alarm clock. Sev eral of tho slumber-disturbers have been 1 set up in the show window ou South Liberty street ami around them aro a number of little chickens. Tho .chicks are artificial, however, but they recall the old time saying that "the early bird gets tho worm." 0 Millinery bargains. Twenty per cent off on all trimmed hats, Saturday at "The Maples." In spite of tho fact that the bicycle of D. L. Smith was locked by a heavy padlock, it was stolon lust night from whom it had been left standing in front of D'Arcy hall while the owner was attending a meeting of carpenters. Mr. Smith notified tho police at once, but the machine has not yet been lo cated. Tho bicycle is of peculiar make and is said to be the only, ouo of its kind in Salem. It is an Kaglo. The Salem school board held a spe cial meeting in the high school last night and tho members talked over several subjects of interest to the var ions institutions. Tho matter 1 the voluminous remarks of tie next speaker,. Mr. Rodgers. Mr, Kodgors talked long and loudly to tho few assembled (25) but trotted around in a "half bushel" and only hashed and rehashed the fow argu ments the bond advocators havo been enabled to produce, and most of these arguments are" like an overdriven horse,- they begin to show evidence of lameness. It is useless to go into detail and tell here his feeble story, because ev ery Tranier in Marion county has heard it so often that ho knows what they all will say beforo-they begin. He spent considerable ti'no telling the peo ple assembled what a beautiful fertile place West Staytou is. He went through the usual list of compliments used to speakeis, except that he forgot to say how many unusually pretty girls there were here, as most of them do. Towards the last he ondeavcred to answer questions, and while his efforts were commendable, he was getting in deeper and deeper, but was finally saved by a bevy of young men and girls, who were waiting for them to vacate the hall so thty could dance. It seems that someway dates got mixed. and the Yeoman and good roads people were both billod to use the same hall the same. night; so nad it not been for this fact, it is doubtful whether the good roans people would nave had even the 25 that were present. Mr. Byuon, of Salem, entertained those present with li is usual Chineso ancedotes, and while thoy were a re spite from tho dry remarks proceeding, stijl it is doubtful whether they got any votes for t'ie bond issue. Mr. Ruby spoke for a short time in favor of the bond issue, and then the hall was given over to the dancers. TUMULTY SAYS NO DANGER OF A MEXICAN ATTACK Washington, May 8. Presidential Private Secretary Tumulty held a con ference this morning with President Wilson and then gave out tho follow ing: "Reports that an attack is imminent on tho American forces at Vera Cruz or that a- serious crisis has arisen there aro without foundations. "General - Funston has reported to Secrctnry of War Garrison tho stories brought by refugees concerning condi tions in Mexico City. They ure mere ly confirmatory of what was alreday known. "There is no intention of sending additional forces to Vera Cruz." Tumulty did not comment on the fuct that Secretary Garrison and the army general staff were in conference until early this morning. A low iron fence has been placed a'ouiiil the pool at the wt"r fountain. This was dono as a matter of precau tion and safety, as recently on two oc casions S'nnll children havo fallen into' It, ono of the being nearly drowned, beforo discovered and rescued. See Pettingell 's ad. '. o Only One "BROMO QUININE." To t;et tho genuine, call for full name,' ! Kr.nli..r. nt tfca Vnnman Lodge with wnuuv.a w - - - their families and friends attended an open meeting of the Stayton lodge last night. Tonight an entertainment will be given by the local lodge. FARM LOANS OREGON TITLE AND LAND CREDIT COMPANY 209 U. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg., Salem, Oregon. MONEY 'TO LOAN On Good Real Estate Security, THOSE. FORD Over Ladd So Bush Bank, Salem, Oregon NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY BUROHARST a MEREDITH Resident Agents. 385 StM Street. Good Buys in Real Estate 22'j acres of good land, good new six room plastered house, barn, chicken house and other out buildings; Id acres cleared and mostly in fruit, balance timber and pasture, (loed macadam road, 3 miles from Salem. This is a good buy. Price (.5,500. 30 acres of good land, good house and fine new barn; family orchard, 2 acres bearing prunes, o acres set out, two years ago. Running water, some timber. Located on inoiin macadam road and just l',4 miles front city street car line. Price $9,000; terms. Acre tracts just outside of the city limits, good location, all in orchard. Will sell on easy tonus, if you are look ing for an aero tract, investigate this. 1.52 acres of land, SO acres under cultivation, balance timber and pasture, running water through pasture, good spring, lair house and barn, and family orchard. Price $0.5.00 per acre. 3 acres all tinder cultivation, small house, 3'i miles from Salem. Price $10.5(1; $300 cash, balance $10 per month at 0 per cent interest. -10 acres of land, 20 acres under cul tivation, 10 of which- was planted to ltiilian prunes last year, balance tim ber aud pasture, email house and good barn; fine spring, running- water. Price $3,750. .", acres of good bind nil under culti vation, miles from Salem ou good road. Price $1,000; $.17.5 cash, balance 3 years at (5 per cent interest. If you aro looking to trade, buy or sell, see us. W. H. Grabenhorst&Co. Room 2, Bush Bank Bldg. a " J-,"- i in in , mil vi i. ii ii iic UL I'UIll r AY ATIVI' DIJAAiA nirivivi' T pleting tho appointments ot teachers i in , ,B1,a,nre -of E. Grove. Cures I M . ' a Cold in One Day. Ill it 111 tier lrFinirii wna .iixtxn Th, ao- ! J COW FOR SALE Test 5'i. Kith Bt. I Saturday Night, the Antlers Stock Company Will open their engagement at the WEXFORD . in the popular dramatic success The Senator's Daughter Ten People with the Favorites JANE GREY LEOTA HOWARD JACK SINCLAIR t People's Prices 10c and 20c siou was hold simply to talk over city ! school matters and no action wasj o ' j NEW TODAY. D. O. Paterson and wife, of Tacoma, ! Wash., passed through Salom this aft ernoon en route for points in Califor nia. Mr. Paterson is a farmer near Tacoma, and stated today that he was not sure but he would come back to this city and take a look about the i territory for tho purpose of buying sonic of the uncultivated lands in tho vicinity.. "Salem is sure a peach of a little city," said Mr. Paterson, "and I would like to lhc somewhere closo here." o- Bungalow Bargains 4 1321 N. WAITRESS WANTED At Scotts, 170 South Commercial. CIGAR STORE Must sell at onco. Ad dress S. v., Journal. Look this up; only a chance in a life time to" get a modern bungalow that is well worth $2,000, for $1,400, on easy terms; 5 large rooms, bath toilet, stationary wash tubs, electricity, con crete foundation, lot 50x100; near State street. This week only. Cut out the rent habit and buy a homo with your rent money do it now. FARM BARGAINS. If vou aro looking for a farm. WANTED To buy a second-hand bug- whether largo or-small, we can suit .1 p''t n!so cattle of all kinds. Phono von. Let us know vour wants. 1137. i 1 Tine printing; Fuller Printing Con cern. Phono Main 17!). o Joe Woolory, ex-patrolman of Salem, has returned from Ins old homo in Hoi lister, Cal. Mr. Woolory stntes that just as soon as he (an dispose of his property in this city he is going to move to somo town in the southern state where ho will mako his home in tho future. ARK YOU WISE? H"r'. white t"d blue lights mean Fred's Night Luncii, ,,:3iBlHI;aIg?iasa FOR RENT Well furnished frort room. Inquire evenings, 371) North Capitol. Candidates for state and county of fices galore appeared in Salem today. In fact, it appeared as though this was the last chance city in tho state in which tho vote cotters enn ciniri-,.,.!itn j Marion candidates 'tre making cxten- w,i, q , . ... . u rouguout the comity .. .. - ,. ,, ,no misv lltUe b0 jg bu7illg to HIGHEST Cash nrice tmid for ppits lshed next morning. Open evenings. ; beat the band in t'np hnt nf ...,! i V? V price paw lor eggs. Trover-Weimd Studio, opposite Bliuh 's. ' !-i.J ."s " ",e ' :cr.01 non Creamery & Produce Co., a ' uvuifc lug.-vi iu uecouie liiiie--0 ' 1 pendent racers for a piece of tho pic. After mr.V.ng a close examination of , o tho ninchine which went oven an em bankment near Thomas creek last Wed FOR RENT. We havo the largest list of vacant houses aud Btoro bifildings for rent. Liberty and Ferry streets. Hugh Robertson, Four expert watchmakers. Best of work. No delays. Burr 's. - o fanner, lawyer. newspaper man and capitalist, who has ...... t.. :u CJ 4 H'MI Q(,..l ' . .i ... - jit-sun mm ctiui .auim'11, in eiiuns- iuniiniy rcsmcu in WIO WIU13 01 north- , , man and HarrV Ralnh. Mr. Adolnh dis-! orn Montana, cnmnmnlv krva ... i, WANTED Girls covered that the steering gear was bad lauds," and who for years has broken off when' the front wheel of been looking after over a hundred head : the auto collided with the boulder of milch cows near Tillamook City, was : which caused the wild flight down tho here today visiting friends and' look- hill. Taking a second thought of the ing over the records at tho eourt house.. LOST Iugersol Jr. watch with small chain and Boyal Arch charm. W. T. Davis. Phono Farmers 301. GRAND OPERA HOUSE Saturday, May. 9. One Night Only THE SCARLET LETTER OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY-A DRAMATIC AND SOCIAL EARTHQUAKE. "The Traffic" Th original play depicting the naked truth on White Slavery by Rachael Marshall and Oliver Bailey. AN EXCELLENT CAST OF FOURTEEN PEOPLE. CAR LOAD OF SCENERY AND EFFECTS. SWEEPING THROUGH THE COUNTRY LIKE WILD FIRE THE STRONGEST, CLEANEST AND MOST DARINO DISCLOSURE OF MIGHTY TRUTH 'EVER PROJECTED FROM ANY STAGE. IT EVADES NOTHING IT CONCEALS NOTHING IT DISTORTS NOTHING . STAGED WITH EVERY TRUTHFUL DETAIL. 4 weeks In Seattle, 7 weeks In San Francisco, 8 weeks in Los Angeles, Over 200 nights in Chicago and still turning people away. PRICES: Reserved SeaU 50c, 75c, $1.00 or women at the glove factory, 1455 Oak street. Only those wishing steady work need ap- piy- FOR SALK A comfortable cottage I "r 7 7" nouse., with four rooms, south 14th street, accident. Mr. Adolnh. who was drivincr Mr. Robertson stares t m ha . ha...; . '. oimi. A deal has been consummated where-' the car at the time, states that he now ing creat success w.th his dairy cattle '. io wr Int t Z-n rT!r" by N. K. Gregg, of Balaton, Polk eoun-! remembers of spinning the wheel in. Tillamook county and that he hoped ! Del Ronltv Co Telenh'aTn nas moved to Salem and now owns around at a great rate while the ma- before long to establish a cheese fae- - - the fine homo formerly belonging to ' chine continued to go straight for theitory in that locality. SEWING MACHINES are going to be I Walter F. Hucliiier on outh ommer-1 ridge. Will Stutesnian says that when1 o sold at once; god 'drop-head ma- cial street, and .Mr. l.udiner and family the auto started down the hill he tried i The chief of police was called to the i chines from $10.00 tin: vou will miss MONEY TO LOAN. We write Insurance. We buy, sell and rent or exchange properties. Bechtel & Bynon : 347 State Street Try tho Journal want ads, for you can always stato your case as fully as you wish through them. i- , iuvu t)Y Hunn, un x.uSl io juinp out, Din wnen ne jumped as riwnirnre or i.iiam Anderson on State street. I high and far as he could he landed West Court street this morning to view O riilif buck in ttiA fh'afc I a idle of oltl lnp nn.l . nthoi. 'nnlr ! If you appreciate good bartering, ! o . which had been placed in tho allev near State street.- j Tye gnarantee safe return of watches 'I1. Anderson residence by a family re-, for repair sent us br mail. Quality "l-ar " -vr. Anderson told counts in jcwelery. Barr's. 1 the offieor that he wanted the rubbish : was aud to' have hen seeu floatina 'r., ,:.,.. tv, . ti,;,.i tr.,,,.!, chief of nolim ne.-n-lim.lv nn;fio.i I Generation" is the subject of the lee- owners of tho matoiinl that it was' tore at the Public Library this even- against tho city oidinance to allow' ing at 8 o'clock. The lecture is illus-' inflammable articles to collect on prop-' Crtv within tho fin limits, nn.l ha I i ootiy, ana leicpuone coinmunica tions from people at Lincoln and fiutte- try Hibler & Smith, 3:1 o So far nothing has been heard re garding the body of a woman which down the Willamette river. Severs! , boatmen made nj). inspection of the I river from tho railroad bridue several mues uown sireai i out could not locate ; trated with beautiful pictures of some of ..the grand parts of our country, the a rug bargain if vou don t come at once as they must go at once. 640 State street. FOR SALE Modern sij-room and two lots, each 5;ixl00; 13 fruit trees, bearing beerries and rosebushes, good garden, beautiful residence property; Owner leaving city. Household goods for falo. Will sell at sacrifice price. Main .1597, 236 North Twentieth st vile are to the effect no body has been seeu floating by those places. o grand canyon of the Colorado and gla cier national park. Professor Stafford will deliver the lecture, which is free. Special Introductory sale on all mil linery next week at the Bon Ton. New location opposite I.add & Bush bank, o Someone evidently greatly in need of feminiuo wearing apparel made a ..... .. r.si,,e..ce at nanus avenue on th(, li8la m.eived this morning, and and Seventeen h streets yesterday and , pamphlets g0 out to these at once, earned off 10 drcrses, several pairs - or snoes and other articles of clothing. ! stuff was removed. This will inform my Republic, j I uiuuio lor re-nomination to the office the justice of the peace for the Salem 1 . , Investigate ; 261!. acres, near Liberty, all cnlti i vated, $123 per acre. Take good Salem property. 2 acres bearing fruit, 7 room house, one mile out, $2,300; terms. Largo lot and house, close in, $6000. 2(1'-. acres bearing fruit, improved. $16,000. - 10 acres 3-4 mile out, $3000. Hop, pruno and sfock ranches, right prices. List your bargains and trades with a norse oe.ongmg ro lorn curtner, a di(trirt at lhe primary cIcction o M farmer resldinir nenr thft Ktntrt Tn.lna. . J trial School, ran into another horse on ! Registration list were received this ; North Liberty street this afternoon. 15, 1914, morning from Linn, Lake, Douglas, Wasco and Jackson counties, and from ' Multnomah g compb'ie list was filed. It shows the county hns 74,875 regis tered voters. "About 12,000 names were lull ,, l.lii'lul j We are agents for Canadian Pacific lands, $11 per acre up, 20 years to pay. The dwelling as broken itito while the owners were away and the thieves showed that they were exceedingly fond of women's apparel .nd modern shoes. The police were notified but so far the culprits have not been apprehended. .ur. tuirner was driving east on I nun street while Victor Manning, also a When in SALEM, OREGON, stop atjC,ose in notc, 30 room 1300, 8ngp, city, was driving a team south. An! OS-lOrl MUILL auto passed by Mr. Cuffner's horse Strictly Modftn. 1 lU. - 1 . .!... . v uuiiuui, t tut till t ucnr i ii v rtw x nil m var Kiini i n i that he could outstrip the "gas wag"", 1 Both Phones, Tree Auto Bus. : buildings, $3 000- tml started out. The foolish brute could RATES 75c 81.00. SL50 PES DAY; g ' ' U' terms- Picture lovers. should take advantage not be held back by Mr. Cuffner. The The only hotel in the business district.! 70 acres, iiO acres fruit, house, barn and dryer, 7 miles oat, $13,500. acres fruit, ins oniv nou( in in. niiwrftR. n umrr . m - of the $1.00 sale of framed pictures, ' result was he collided with tho team Nearest to all Depots. Theatres and i ACIDS lOYSSlulSnt CfllTllinV Saturday only, at The Frame Shop, 27 belonging to Mr. Manning. There was ' Capitol Buildings. I p. .... . r al,J ortn tommereial. see wiudow. la Dig mixup for a short time, but the A Home Away from Home. 0 ' horses were finally untangled and it " T. G. BLIGH, Prop. Saturday special at retungeu's. i was found that they were uninjured. ' 1'hone: Office. Main 477 Ovvwite Court House. 540 State St. Employment Burean in Connection,