PAOB EIGHT THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREOOK MONDAY. MAT "4. 1914. A Sweeping Sale of Women's and Misses' High-Grade Suits at Meyers SALEM'S STYLE STOREi Newest stunning suits in the most wanted colors and late weaves go in this immense sale of Ready-to-wear garments. Nowhere can you obtain such values as these. Every garment well-made and finished and ; of superior quality. Just note the prices The savings are extremely large for such garments as are of fered in this event. Y ou'll agree that every suit is a great bargain when you see therm - Visit Meyers ready-to-wear section tomorrow Here is how the prices run: Oar Regular $18.50 Women's and Misses Suits, Specilal Sale Price, $ 9.25 Oar Regular 20.00 Women's and Misses' Suits, Special Sale Price, 10.00 Oar Regular 22.50 Women's and Misses' Suits, Special Sale Price, 11.25 Oar Regular 25.00 Women's and Misses' Suits, Special Sale Price, 12.50 Oar Regular 27.50 Women's and Misses' Suits, Special Sale Price, 13.75 Our Regular 30.00 Women's and Misses' Suits, Special Sale Price, 15.00 Oar Regular 40.00 Women's and Misses' Suits, Special Sale Price, 20.00 Oar Regular 45.00 Women's and Misses' Suits, Special Sale Price, 22.50 THE HOUSE OF QUALITY MooLODieoops culturist, is a busy man. He expects to visit tba school of Marion ouuty wo days this week and make a one day's visit into Polk co'unty in the interests of his clubs. He says ho Inula the gills much interested in the can ning club proposition and the boys more authiisicstie than ever over tho torn growing business. o 'Don't forget track meet given by Omega class at Leslie M. K church Tuesday evening, May 5, at 8 o'clock. Admission 10c. Candy and ico cream will be on salo.' 4. Ed. . Blessing, former Salemite bu now a resident of Dallas, was bere to day attending to business matters. Chas. A. Johns, Bepublican candidate for governor, was the first to show up today preparatory to the gubernatorial and political meeting night. 0 The Parent-Teachers' association of Uia Zena school district gave a suc cessful basket social at their school house. Saturday eveuing. Nearly 100 persons were in atttndance from Sa- lorn and the surrounding territory. About $47 was realised from the sale of boxes, whicluwill be used ?"r prizes to ba given in con -eats at the' Zena Spring Volley school picnic on Friday, May 9.- The winners in the different classes exhibiting their work at the Dallas county fair, which will be held lator in the summer. At last night's entertainment Co. ,. liofer, of Salem talked ou good roads and central edu cational topics, and was followed by a literary and musical program, o E. J. Finnearan, editor and publisher of the Eugene Guard, is in tho city to day on business. Mr. and Mrs. A. Southwick, motored down to Oregon City, yesterday in their new five-passongor Studebakor, and spent the day with friends. Mr. Southwick is one of tho most success ful and progressive fruit growers ot folk county. o- FIGURE IT OUT FOR YOURSELF, You enn buy sugar in 100 pound lots cheaper than by tho pound, can't youf Chief Bros, are 100-pound buyers. They buy home furnishings for a chain of stores in Oregon and Washington and are able to soli accordingly. Will you talCo advantage of the 100-pound prices or are you eonig to buy from tho one pound store! Figuro it out for yourself. . DO YOUR EYES TIRE EASILY? DO YOUR EYES SMART AND BURN? IS YOUR VISION BLURRED? Remember all these troubles anl many more can be done away with by wearing Correctly Fitted Classes. Let us examine your eyes and fit you with proper lensesthen you will see . with ease. . MISS A. McCULLOCH OPTOMETRIST 201 N. Commercial St. Phone 925 'lours, 0 to 5 Ground Floor -J v : Try Scott's 16c meals. Mark Savage Salom's ex-fire chief, who underwent an operation for ap pendicitis Inst woek, is reported to be getting along very nicely. Mr. Savage was quite low for a time, but his re covery is assured now, Four export watchmakers. Best of work. No delays. Burr's. 1 o Mrs. Ella Hunter, field organized of tho Christian Woman s board of mis sions, will give an nddrcss at tho Chris tian church pnrlors Tuesday afternoon nt 2:30, All Indies of tho Christian hurch are requested to be present. Following tiio address a reception will bo given Mrs. lluntor. o Dr. F. L. Uttor, dentist, Masonic bldg. The United States civil service com mission announces that the schedule of examination for four-class poHtnuirter in the Ptnto of Oregon will no held in Juno of this year, and that the date for Salom has been set for June 20. An oxeeutivo order by tho president in May, till 3, requires a competitive ex amination for all fourth-class post of fices at whii'h tho present incumbent was not appointed under the civil ser vice regulations. We guarantee saf return of watches for repnir sent us by mail. Quulity counts in jewclery. Barr's. o The water U too hlgti and cold for good trout fishing, according to the anglers who left this city yesterday to try their luck. A few fairly good catches wero made, but in the majority of cases Cue trout refuso to take the bait. Another week of fair, warm weather will bo sufficient time for the apecklod beauties to get in a biting mood, and ns there are several million of them waiting to be caught, some lino breakfasts will bo had in Snlom ere long. Muss fishing in tho sloughs south of the city is good, and especial ly so iu the many lakes iu tho countv. GRAND OPERA HOUSE Tuesday May 5 One Day Only Matinee at 2:30. Evening at 7:30 and 0:00 HARRY LAUDER (HIMSELF) The World's Greatest Comedian. IN SINCIINQ AND TALKING PICTURES. (Sitae Invention) DIRECTION WILLIAM MORRIS Portraying Mr Lauder as ho appears on tho stage iu his lat est and greatest song and comedy sueceses. Prices 18 and 25 cent. Fine printing; Fuller Printing Con cern. Phono Main 2170. C. A. Wallace, of 50 Summer street, has just returned from n visit to K. P. : Thurston, a cousin of his, who lives on a farm near Moscow, Mnho, whom he had not seen for 3d years. While on tho trip Mr. Wallace' visited Pullman, Wash; Moscow, Idaho, and Garfield, Wash. Ho reports that although the season is somewhat later east of the . mountains that crops arc looking fino. A lato frost liotiien d somewhat, but did little actual damage. Apple trees are beginning to "bust" unto bloom. Ono uoticoablo feature of the trip was the fine school buildings aud beautiful grounds seou everywhere. Piano tuning, repairing, first-class work. Phone 1465, leavo orders at O. C. Will or It. F. Peters. J. K. Hockett. Remember, ladies, all hats at half j , price. 407 North Hifch street. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. j i Wo wish to announce to our patrons I that wo are heie to stay, and those who ! I have been induced to part with tlieir . coupons niny "nave them returned free 'of charge by calliig at tho Studio' du Luxo, 117 North Commercial. i o Tho Salem fire dopartment saved the S dwelling belonging to 1'inkney brothers, 1 tho proprietors of tho Clover Leaf ' dairy iu West Salem, yesterday, short ly after 12 o'clock. Fire had broken out in tho roof mid wns being fanned by a strong west wind when 1'inkney brothers telephoned to the Salem fire men. Although tho houso is loitited acrog.i tiie Willamette river near the end of tho bridge and out of the city limits, the lire boys would not stand by and seo tho dairymen's property go up in smoke and they sped across the bridge with tho big a ito chemical in time to put out the flames. JInd the department not responded to tho cell, the house and several largo barns would have burned to the ground for the reason West Salem is not equipped; with fire fighting machines aud a' bucket parade would have boon worse than useless owing to the wind. I'in-i kney brothers maiio the firo lads a present of 12 quarts of milk and con-'j siderod themselves most fortunate in having such generous service from tho ' Sulem folks. Cucumber and Cabbage contracts; wanted: Experienced growers wanted1 to plant cucumbers for pickling pur-1 poses, two to t'iire acre contracts, bot-' torn land preferred, (toll or write did-: eon Stol. Co., pickle factory, Salem,-' Oregon. Also 25 acres cabbage for sauerkraut. If you appreciate good bartering, try I. Milder & Smith's barber shop, 337.. Stnto street. r Mr' and Mrs. Donald J. Upjohn have . moved to this city to make their home. They have located at 1258 Chcmckcta street. Mr. I'p.johu linn' entered the ; newspaper field here and will issue his; first paper next Thursday. - . o Have a cigar and boost a Uve Salem j industry. It's, easy. Jusf call for a: Tashmoo (12 lie.) ' j Clifford Anderson left this afternoon' for Seattle where he will take a steam-1 er for Nome, Alaska. Mr. Anderson' is a veteran miner but is planning to engago in the grocery busiuess in tho far north. You don't buy a purse vory often, but when yon do, get it of Shnfcr, where you always rind the best in leathcrwnre; 1S7 South Commercial st. Hal D. Patton, Republican candidate! for the Railroad Commissioner, was in Portland this morning. Mr. Patton,! according to his Saem friends, willl be among tho principal speakers at tho armory this evening and will set forth ; some new things iu the form of plat-! form. i Rave you see the latest in sheet mu sic 1 All the popular hits here. The Wiley II. Allen Co., K. F. Peters, Mgr., 521 Court. , After the show look for the red, white and blue lights. Fred's Night Lunch, corner Liberty and State sts. Steve Burton and his troupe of players who havo been on tho bill at the' Wexfonl theatre, have gone to Astoria where they will fill a three weeks' engagement in one of tho lead ing theatres. The Rex amusement company afforded much entertoiument for the Salem theater-goers aiid gave good satisfaction according to the gen eral comment heard. Melvin P. Baldwin, iormer agent for the Oregon City Transportation Co., in Salem, and retired grocerynian, leaves tonight for Atlanta, Georgia, where he will attend tho National convention of the Shriners. Mr. Baldwin is intending to spend several weeks in the souta and meet the prominent Shriners in ' America who will attend the annual 1 meeting. r . mmtmmmmmmmtmmmummm This will Inform my Republican friends and supporters that I am a can didate for re-nomiaatioa to the office j the justice of the peace for the Saienv district at the primary election of May; 13, 1914. DANIEL WEBSTER MONEY TO LOAN . On Good Baal Estate Security, TH08 K. TORI) Over Ladd Bush Bank; Salem, Oregos Where Tou Always Sea the BEST PICTURES Ye Liberty TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY. . LUBEN PRESENTS The Lion and the Mouse The Photoplay Success of the Year. Admission 10c Always GLOBE Salem's Model Photoplay House presents Today and Tuesday TAINT OF AN ALIEN Drama featuring Edwin August. CAPTURED BY MEXICANS 2-Reel Kalem drama taken from a trip niado by the Ridgeleys from lew York to California, showing inci dents of the trip. HI8 WEDDING DAY Sterling; comedy featuring Ford Sterling, tha greatest comedian in pictures. Miss Alice Rooney, Popular Soprano, COMING Wednesday and Thursday first of the series. Lucille Love, The Girl of Mystery. The biggest fiction story ever written, Thrilling events in every reel. REMEMBER Lucille Love will be shown exclusively at the Globe every Wednes day and Thursday. Don't miss the first ne. Same Price . "Pictures appear better with Pipe Organ." Chas. E. Wilson spent Sunday with his family in Salom. Mr. Wilson, for merly iu tho state insurance, commis sioner's of ice, is practicing law with Oscar liayter in Dallas. o ABE RUEF WANTS PAROLE. Snn Francisco, Alny 4. That Abo Iluef's petition for parole is on the state prison board's calendar for hear ing Saturday leaked out today. o A. G. Wagers, Al Thomas and Dr. Harry went to Yaquina Sunday ami put in the day trolling. They caught as fino a Btring of "big river" trout as ever camo out of tho Yaquina river. The total catch was 75 and they aver aged about 19 Inches in longth." o Addison Bennett, special correspond ent for the Portland Oregonian, is in Sulem in tho interest of tho Good Roads proposition. Mr. Bennett de clares that tho peoplo all over tho state aro greatly interested in good roads ami that news pertaining to tho ques tion is very much in demand. o Tommy Caufield, raiser of pure-bred stock .and generally known as the "Sage of Rickreall", was in the city today tinkering about with business matters. Mr. Caufield states that his stock is waxing fat and handsomo at present and that ho hopes to reap a Biiuill fortune just as soon as his bogs are in proper condition. - o Leonard B. Judson, whose homo is in South Soli cm, who has been spending the past three months in Lexington, Morrow county, returned Saturday to this city, .ludson is a sergeant in M company and while in Eastern Oregon was momentarily expecting a telegram that would announce the call to arms. Ho says that the crops in Morrow are better this year thau they have been for years past. It is more thin likely that the deg ordinance, which provides that pups, innocent or vicious must not run at large in tho city, will be up for con i sideration tonight. Alderman Spaulil- ing is chairman or tno committee which has the dog question in hand and it is belioveil that several new ideas will be propounded in tho bill for the ordinance which will curtail pup freedom in Salem. In attending to his Girls' Canning clubs and Boys' Com clubs about the ounty, Luther J. Chaptn. county agri- NEW TODAY. When In SALEM, OREGON, stop at BLIGH HOTEL Strictly Modern. Free and Private Baths. Eoth Phones. Tree Auto Bus. RATES 75c, $1.00, $1.50 PER DAY The only hotel in the business district. Nearest to all Depots. Theatres and Capitol Buildings. A Home Away from Home. T. G. BLIGH, Prop. NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY BUBGHARDT & MEREDITH Rosidant Agents. 38S StUo Street Good Buys si ' in Real Estate WANTED Teams to haul wood. M. J'crry, Rt. 0. WANTED Girl for general housework, $ per week. 100 North 17th st. WANTED To do your washing nt my home. Rough dry a specialty. Phono Fnrmers 0!H. ' EOlt SALE Comer lot, 50x100, on i State and 17th. Address John i Hin-ton, Hoquiam, Wash. fOUND Purse. Owner can secure snmo at this office by paying for ad and identifying purse. HIOTIEST Cash prico paid for eggs. Marion Creamery & Produce Co., Liborty and Ferry streets. WANTED Four or. five young men to deliver directories. Must know city. Apply at telephone office. . FOR RENT G room house on Fif teenth st., between Court and Cbem sketa. Apply to 1417 Court st. Phone 1131. SEWING MACHINES aro going to be sold at once; g"od drop-head ma chines from $10.00 up; you will miss a big bargain if you don't come at mice, ns they must go at once. 640 Stnto street. WEXFORD Three Days beginning Tomor row, A finely balanced pro gram of licensed photoplays. "The Vanity Case" A stirring Vitigraph Detec tive story in two parts. "A Race With The Limited" "A Chance In Life" "High Life Hits Slip- ' pery Slim" FOR SALE Modern sixiroom anil two lota, each o.'ixlOOj 18 fruit trees, bearing bcerries and i'lsebushes, good garden, beaut'ful residonee property. Ownor leaving city. Household goods for salo. Will sell at sacrifii o price. Main 1597, 2o6 North Twentieth st. 107 acres of timber eloso to Station on Oregon Electric railroad. Will take city property as part payment. I'rico :f 00.00 per acre. Xft nei-ea of irnnil land nenrlv all un der cultivation, Good house and barn, xnrimf. f.imilv orchard, some timber. -1 oi j ' , ' good road, 3!,i miles from Salem. Price $io0; ono timd casnt, uui.uiee to sun. o . A..rn t.i-ni.ta lust, nutaiilfl nf tho eitv limits, good location, all in orchard. Will sell on very easy terms. Jt you are looking for an acre tract investi gate this. 10 acres of cood land all under culti vation, siimll house, barn, chicken house and well, '- acre in strawberries, !i acre in loganberries ami some young family orchard set out. Price $2:i00; $S.)0 cash, balanco two years at 6 per cent interest. o Wo havo some very good' buys in building lots in nil partu of the city. If you arc looking for lot drop in and let us show them to you. o Fivo acres all in cherries just com inginto bearing. Good road and just 4 miles south of Salom. Price 41,230; one-half cash, balance to suit at 1 percent interest. This is a very good buy. Conio in and seo us about it. o 10 acres of first class land, all tin der cultivation, good fruit or berry soil. Good road. Price $1,600. FOR SALE $700 equity for $300 easa in mouorn o-room Dungnlow, line lo cation, four blocks from Capitol; plenty of roses und cherry trees, etc.; balance payable monthly. Will leaso from buyer for ono year at $13 per month rent, or will trade for lot in or out of city limits. Phone 1040 R. FOR TRADE 100 acres wheat land in Sherman county,, Oregon; 223 in cnl tivntion.and in fall wheat. Purchas er will receive J-10 or tno crop in warehouse. Fair buildings, good wa ter, 2 miles from R. R. statiou. Price $25 per aero. Will take in good im proved acreage close to Salem. Ad dress .'?ox !S2t La Grande, (ire. Farm Bargains Beautiful 81 chre farm, fi" acres tin dor cultivation, 13 acres of timber ami pasture; small house, large and well built barn, spring anil well water windmill, orchard. On main traveled road, close to school and Oregon Elec tric. Price $123 per acre; terms. S and 10 Acre Tracts. Wc have some choice five nnd ten aero tracts all under cultivation. Price $125 per acre; terms. Bungalow Bargain. I?p to date bungalow 5-rooms, bath. toilet, stationary wash tubs, wood shed. Price $1,630; terms. Lots. We have choice vacant lots in all I rarts of the city. Price $200 and up. ' Tor Rent. Store buildings. Houses in all parts of the city. Money to loan, Insurance Bonds. We bny, sell, rent and ex change properties. . New fivo room bungalow, modern, street improvement paid, full base ment, one-half block to carline and not far out. Price $2,400. 0 If you aro looking to buy, trade or sell, see us. W. H. Grabenhorst&Co. Boom 2, Bush Bank Bldg. Admission, 5c-10c I Bechtel & Bynon ! 347 Stats Street. Investigate 26'i acres, near Liberty, all culti vated, $123 per acre. Take good Salom property. 2 acres bearing fruit, 7 room house, ono mile out, $2,300; terms. Large lot and house, close in, $6000. 26 U acres bearing fruit, improved, $16,000. 10 acres 3 4 mile out, $3000. Hop, prune and stock ranches, right prices. List your bargains and trades with us. We are agents for Canadian Pacific lands, $11 per acre up, 20 years to pay. Close In hotel, 30 rooms, $1300, snap. 70 acres, 50 acres fruit, house, barn and dryer, 7 milca out, $18,500. 13 acres, Rosedale, 7 acres fruit, buildings, $3,000; terms. Acme Investment Company Thone: Office, Slain 477. Opposite Court House. 540 State St. Employment Bureau in Connection. T i I V