THB DAILY CAPI TAI. JOITONAL, 8ALBM, OREGON. MONDAY, MAY 4, 1914. PAOB TTIEEB . . . .. ....... .... .4 BY MOLLIS BTJNCOBN. At the regular meeting of the Sa lem 'a Woman 's club next Saturday aft ernoon, at the city library, will take lace the nominating of officers for tho ensuing rear, the regular eleetion taking place in June. . - Mrs. A. II. Dodd . will apeak : on "Art." . The club at this time is also closing its year's . work ' in the various classes. Excellent progress has been made in these, ' composed of two been made in these, composed of two art classes in charge of Mrs. Dodd; two classes in "Drama," conducted by Mrs. Kirk and Mrs. A. 8. Kazm&rek. The political study class, under Mrs. B. C. Cartwright, and the current liter ature class, in charge of Mrs. Elliott. . Present officers are: Mrs. Richard Cartwright, president; Mrs. F. A. El liott, vice-president;. Mrs. Clarence Hamilton, corresponding secretary; Mrs. S. 0. Sargent, treasurer; Mrs. A. 8. Kazmarek, financial secretary, with Mrs. 0. P. Bishop, Mrs. W. C. Knighton and Miss Mattie Beaty, directors. Through the efforts of the club, in young violinist, has been asked to ap pear on the program of a musicale to be given by George Iloskiss Street, next Wednesday night, at Calvary Presbytenaa church, in Portland. This will be Miss ScbulU's third ap OLNEY MAY HEAD BOARD tV ' - ., ' , ' PERSONNEL TO BE MADS PUBLIC - WHEN AN8WEH IS B-ECEIVED BY PRESIDENT. Wwhington. Mar 4. President Wit SOU was understood todsv to be awm it- men t, and Captain. Cleonard MeLaugh-l lin; U. 8. A., stationed at Fort Vau-i courer. Details 'for mobilization of the Oregon troops should they be called oui for service were "discussed. Plans for military maneuvers to be held in this city by the Third battalion some, time in May or June ' were ' also : broached and discussed. ! The officers present were: Company ; I, Woodburn, Capt. Eugene Marshberg-1 er, First Lieutenant Grover Todd ami Second Lieutenant P. A. Liveslev; in n in from oin n Company K, Corvallis, Capt. Chas. A. his offer of the chairmanship of ths 1 Murphy, First Lieutenant Trask and federal reserve bank board created by efon'1 , Lje"tnut Kulifson; Company the new currency law ! Jv Dallas' T,CP,in ftaffr.n, First As soon as he hears from Olney, tt lieutenant Fred W. Zeller and Second was said, he would mke public his1 Lieutenant Harold Rich; Company .M, choice of selections to the board. That!lcra' tal.t- Majx Gehlbar, Iirst the offer was made was known posi- j Lieutenant James R. Neer and Second tively. It was thought more than like- Lieutenant Lewis 13. JiW, Colonel ly, however, that Olney would decline.' .l". t'oman.i; captain iucLiiKnim, pearance in Portland during the pres- ..I ..;.ol ..onr. 11. .11 tvnu'iiuil ' . 1 occasions her work has met with tho . ri f hnrsda the nrei,lent mn.t Salem; Second Lleutcannt Phil Finzer, most enthusiastic approval, of large f& theane. of he Clokins, and First Lieutenant L. H. mxtrnnn tan m nrL Hiinn.tiit no ' ine senate me names or tne th- fVt tTrt;h:u ;nt:i; .i;,lir've who, with the secretary of."!. eefebrity. The approaching concert is one of a popular series which are being given to inspire a greater degree of interest in higher class music the treasury and the comptroller of the CHILDREN PLAYING WITH MATCHES STABT BAD ITEE Kocklin, Cal., May 4. Children play- currency, will constitute ' the board. Their speedy confirmation was ex- limit A.l Presidential Private Secretary Turn-! ,nK w'th nuUe "rted uly would not say who hud been yesterday- that swept the business dis chnwn hut h. .11.1 nnt .lonv th.t ff..r. ; trct and resulted in a property loss of Coming aa very delightful new to a! had been made to Olney and to Paul ; ;(0j000-. Warburg of Kuhn, Leob & Co. V' V u ,Be , r 01 ...2 It was understood that a Chicago I "J" . Por.ter b,m'd,n and a...B,'.ff m lnj nn frnm ih. P-oifi,. '. " "ina lanneu me names unui tne host of Salem friends is the announce ment that Miss Bessie Schultz, is ex pected to .arrive home the latter part of this month. Misa Schultz is a daughter of Mr. , The law prohibits tho appointment 0f;furnBce' Clothes Are Only as Good as They Prove to Be But if at the start, they embody the bst fabric, tailoring and fashion, tho end is certain to prove all that ono could wish for or expect. All standard made clothing, wherever sold, possess ' tho'o qualities, but not all are sold by tho Cash Selling plan, which is a salient feature that economical men should bear In mind. Try us on this point the suits will prove all right. . will be included among the appointees, i nlire bu8incsa BCCtion w taring and Mrs. Henry C. Schultz, and with two members from the same reserve the exception of the past two years has! district. " always made her home in Salem. Dur- i' - - ing her absence she has taken uplOFFTCEBS MEET FOB I'lniy ground Instruction work, and it TOBACCO KINO'S EX-WIFE . MABBIED TO PASADENA MAN T .rt InimlAa fnv A A n. n n n terest was awakened which secured for was owing to her wish to personally "" license was issued here today to Mrs. Salem its city library, and also its secure her diploma in this work that " ... . Ntiry Agnes Duke, 49 years old, and public rest room. Plans for work fori she postponed her home coming until "'cers f Ti"r'' b't1"n. 0. , Frauk May, agod C5 years, of Pasadena, the followinir vear will be alonir the this latter date N. G. met in the Armory Saturday Mrs. Duke is the divorced wife of She tale to lines of general civic improvement. Mihn Vera MpAfillnn Antnrfninerl hpt fr!An1. ITrl.lav rnin nn ,h. nB. I but will probably henceforth be CX' ion of her birthday. " I cluslvcly identified with child welfare - Guests were Mr. Ellis McMillan and daugnter, Juno, recently of Ban Jose, t al.; Mr. and Mrs. J. (Josser, Mr, and he is a young woman of unusual i ",Kh.t for 'nstruction in mihtwy field, nU and ability, 'and has qualified ! '8cU's umler th?- direction of Colonel do efficient work in many lines, j Martin' com'nan'ltng the Third reg-1 Brodie L. Duke, one of the tobacco magnates of that name. . May is a contractor of Pasadena. 1 1 work. Mrs.. C. Thompson, Miss Gladys Scott, Miss Laura Cornons, Mifs Anna Gib son, Misa Grace Craig, Miss Lena Struce, Miss Lottie Uigler; Messrs. Cyril, Boy and. Adrin Nadon, Fred I Cline, Clonny Smith, Floyd Davis, Vic tor Swarta and Edward Moyer. The Friendly Fortnigiitly club met Thursday at the homo of Mrs. Amos Vass on South Commercial street. An informal afternoon was snjoyet', an in teresting feature being a guessing con test. The prize, a beautiful '"May . Basket" of forget-me-nots and roses, going to Mrs. Spencer, of South Salem. The rooms were artistically lecorated in wisteria, and i. dainty two-coursee luncheon. served, the hostoss being as sisted by her sister, Mrs. . Sander, and little niece, Clema. -Tho guests present were Mrs. Spen cer, Mrs. ' Hobson, Mrs.' Beno, Mrs. Bishop, Mr3. Rutherford, Miss Sandor and her little daughter Clema. The club membership comprises the following: ' Mrs. M. S. Joncs,- Mrs.' H. Fawkj Mrs. 0. Dixon, Mips. M.' Hiinf, Mrs. Amos Vass, Mrs. D. flholson, Mrs. Ferguson, Mrs. 0. Unruh, Miss M. Ruth erford. ... Tho Elite Embroidery club" met tin Thursday afternoon, April 23, at tlie home of Mrs. Fred Prince, North Com mercial street. The rooms were deco rated with purple lilac. The hostess" was assisted by Mrs. Ray Clark in serv ing. Those present wore: Mrs.---A. M. Clough, Mrs. Fred Barker, Mrs. C. O. Given, Mrs. Cla'ud Lu-as, Mrs. F. N. Stewart, Mrs. Mary, M rs. -Eld- ridgc Ryder, Mrs. J. A. Bernardi, Mrs. Harlev Pugh, Mrs. P. J. Frazier, Mrs. W.- W. Hill,' Mrs. Nellie Knox, Mrs. O. G. Schellberg, Mrs. II. St. Helen. . The next meeting tf the club will be Jield on May 7 at the home of Mrs. Mary. Rogers, Winter and-Oak streets. K . - . . Miss Mary Schultz, Salem's brilliant . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hoagg are re ceiving felicitations, upon the arrival of a little daughter, Saturday morn ing, at the home of Mr. and ' Mrs. Thomas Maplethorpe in Eaiet Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Hoagg reside neatr Scotts Mills. " The marriage of Miss Blanche Lis ton to Mr. Charles Wm. Neimyer of Edmonton, Canada, was solomonized at All Saints church, in Edmonton, April 28th, Rev. Canon Webb reading the service. Mrs. Kiemyer is the youngest daugh ter of Mr. and MrsW. A. Liston of this city. She is a young woman of many charming accomplishments, . and was popular with a large , circle of young people. . . ' Mr. Neimyer is secretary and man ager of the Peace River Mercantile Company of Edmonton, where tbey will make their future home. . Miss Gladys Turner of McCoy was a week-end guest of the 8. A. Biggs' on Center street. . Mrs. Victoria Lunn,"of San Francisco, is being entertained by her sister, Mr . H; G.. Meyer, for several days. : Daddy's Bedtime kLui y How the Newsboy' Dog Won a license. ' I I Oxfords and Pumps That Compel Admiration Women's 6 button Suede Ox fords $3.65 Women's Kid Oxfords, $2.35 and $2.75. Women 's babv doll rumps, $2.35 and $3.20. Women's Suede Pumps, $3.20. Women's - patent leather Pump, hand turned, new kidney heel, dull buckle, a swell colonial, $3.20 Girls and Misses Oxfords. Pumps in the wanted styles and at buyable prices. . ClOTHIL 1-3 Off Ono lot Lace Coat Collars, ecru ami white, assorted sizes and shapes, One-third off regular prices. The Dog Stood by His Master. POTATO CROP BECOMING AN IMPORTANT PRODUCT ADDY knew that Jaci and Evelyn were never tired of hearing nbont dogs. And he had a true story for them. When they heard tbey were to hear a true dog story they were so happy. "There was once," began daddy, "a little dog who was allowed to live without a license. You know that every city dog has to have, a yearly license. His master or mistress has to pay $2 for this license. "The master of this little dog was lame. He bud no dnddy and only a mother who wag not strong and who was growing old. Upon tho wnster depended the food and living of his mother and himself. For a living he sold newspapers. One day he was at his usual place selling newspapers when along came a little brown dog who greeted him so cheerfully and jumped up bo affectionately that be at once becamo an addition to the family. "Every morning after that the little dog would stand by his master at the corner and burk a 'Good mornlngl' to the people who bought newspapers from his master. "As his master was poor, be bad never been able to buy his little dog n license, and, as the dog had come to him of his own free wUL, be thought per haps It would not be necessary. inn-"'. "But, alas, the authorities of the town did not think So! They insisted that the dog must have a license or they must take him away. "The boy told them that be bad to support bis mother and that the money didn't come In so very fast selling the newspapers and that he didn't know when he would ever have $2 to spare. ' "Then the authorities said that tbey would have to tnke the dog. and at this the boy could not keep buck the great big tours. The little brown dog crept nearer to his master, not knowing what tho men were talking about, hut seeing that his master was unhappy and wishing to comfort hlin In his little dog way, for dogs, more than any other anlmnls, understand vbon their be loved masters or mistresses are sad and do all they can to comfort tuem. "Then tho boy told the men how bis little dog hud come to him. lie said Oregon Agricultural College, Corral lis, Ore., May 4. From 500,000 bushels in 1869, the potato crop of Oregon has grown to almost nine millions in 1914. ThA nnfivieat-. flncrnnaft flnrinir the last five years, averaging more DO one had ever greeted him nnd wanted to come to blm as this i little dog had. than a half million bushels per year, The money value of the crop grew from (00,000 in 1869 to almost $8,000,000 last-year. - The market for good pota toes has held fairly steady and there has been but one really disastrous year, and that was 1912, according to Profes sor H. D. Scudder, who has issued a new bulletin - on growing the potato crop. And, oh, he had been so faithful! "The boy could not believe that the men would take nWny Ids little com panion, the only playmate he hnd. "Some kind people overheard the conversation. They told the men that tbey had plenty of money and quickly paid for the license of the little brown dog. The boy then almost cried for Joy. "So the little dog wagged bis tall when bis-miiRter told, blm to thank tbo kind people, for be saw quickly that his master once more was happy." Black Moire Silk COATING, quality, . . $1.75. 36-in., heavy just roecived, Black Laces This is a season of black - laces. We are showing many beautiful patterns ' in Chantilly laces, 3, 6 and 7 in. wide, also 24 in, width with narrow edges to match. " Boys' Shirts A broken lot of 43c to "oc grades in sizes IOVj, 11, ll'i, 1.1, 13'i and 14. A few of them left at tho reduced price 35c Children's Straw Hats An enormous variety from the 15a Mexican to a fine braid straw at $1.00 THE LANCASHIRE MOORS. And rj', Ml Women's Suits at Half Price Every Suit in the House Goes i A quick sale of every suit is our aim, along with our pol icy of not carrying a single Suit from one season to the next. Pannier, Tunic and plain styles, best of materials, arid the season's latest colors. An opportunity like this is rare, so get in. on this before the rush. 1-2 Price SUITS SPECIAL 1-2 Price Blouses , Just received a big shipment of Crepe de Chine Blouses in the latest models. Navy, white, mahog any, corn, delft and assorted shades. PRICED AT $4.95 Dresses Dainty, cool, Summer Dresses in a variety of pleasing styles. Linen, voiles, figured crepe and rice cloth. We can suit the most fastidious. PRICED $3.50 TO $25.00 Sing, hey for the moorlands, wild, lone some and stern. Where the moss creopeth softly all un der tho fern, Where tho hentlier-flowcr sweetens tho lone highland lent, . the mountain wind whistles so fresh and so freel I've wandered' o'er landscapes em broidered with flowers The richest, the rarest, in greenest of bowers, Where the threstle's sweet vesper at summer day's close. Shook the coronal dews on tho rim of t,he rose; But, oh, on the hills where the heather cock springs From his nest in tho bracken, with dew on his wiiijjs! I've lingered by stercamlets that water green plains. I've mused in tho sunlight of shady old la'jies, Where the mild breath of evening came sweetly and Blow From the green rocks where blue bells and primroses grow; But, oh, the wild hills that look up at " the skies, Where the green brakers wave to the wind as it flics! Edwin Waugh. . THE ENGINEER. Oft, when I feel my engine swerve As o'er Btrango rails we fare, I strain my eyes around the curve For whnt rtwits me there. When swift and free she carries me Through yards unknown at night, I look along the line to see That all the lamps are white. The Hue light marks tho crippled car, The green light signals slow; The red light is a danger light, Tho white light; "Let her go,' Again the open fields we ronlm, And when tho night is fair I look up in the starry dome And wonder what is there. For who can speak of those who dwell Behind tho curving skyt No man has ever lived to tell Just w-hat it means to die. Swift toward life's terminal I trend, The run seems short tonight; God only' knows what's at the end I hope the lamps are white. Cy, Warman. NEW SCHOOL HOUSE AT ST. PAUL IS FINE U 313 PLEY LIBERTY STREET St. Paul, Or., May 4. St. Tanl 's new $(5,000 school building was dedicated last Monday in the presence of almost tho entire population of the town. The pupils assembled in tho old building, marching to the front of the building, Wiiere tho program was given. State Superintendent Churchill, Coun ty Superintendent W. M. Smith and District Supervisor W. L. Smith were present and made addresses congratu lating the school honrd and the district upon their enterprise in erecting tho most modern ami c-impletely equipped school building in Marion county. Tho structure was designed and built by Clcmmens & Hansen, of St. Paul and Newherg, and is complete in ' apiointments:, from the heating plant in the basement to the automatic windows anil adjustable desks in the class rooms. ' FBIGHTENED BY BACK FIEING Portland, Or., May 4 Priiihtened by tho back-firing of the automobile in which she and her husband were riding at about 15 miles an ur, Mrs. Frauk I). Butter jumped from the machine and is today suffering from a broken arm and broken jawbone. She feared j the machine had caught fire. Was $5.00 Now $2.50 Was $5.00 Now $2.50 EL GLOSTOVO To Introduce the New Glowing Electric Stove, it will be sold at HALF PRICE one week only, May 11 to 16 Salem Electric Co. Masonic Temple. Phone 1200. "If It's Electric, Come to Us" ' 's SPECULATION often masquerades in the garb of Philanthropy. "All that glitters is not gold." Represen tations of big "returns" are made every day to those who have a little money laid away. The small investor will do well to follow in the footsteps of many larger ones who have found that an account in this strong bank with positive safety of the principal is much better than promises and great risk. United States National Bank of Salem, Oregon fx i - j l . . Timl 'HI Miir--- f y O x J 1 1 I