Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 02, 1914, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    9AJVT CAriTtt,.JPtJTAT lUHt, OBSOOtv. SATTTRDAT, MAT 4; 1914.
page nvs
: Imported. Pets BometlmM Prove to be
Verittbl Fasts in Numbers of
.- Ort Portion. .
rou sciEimno purpose
. MongooM Catches Rata Also Chickens,
. Young Pigs, nut Certain Kindt
of Vegetable.
By Barton X. StandlaQ.
Washington, May 2. Uncle Sara is
keeping continuous guard against in
vasion. The enemies against which a
trained corps of men are fighting arc
animal, bird, insert and-vegetable pests.
Mrs. Charles W. Morse, whose pet ants
"were adjudged "undesirable" was the
' most recent sufferer by the regulation.
The most classic of all examples is the
English sparrow. But since 1905, the
Government has strong weapons in
- quarantine laws passed that year, to
prevent introduction of undesirable
living things. .
The most- destructive pest ever in
troduced into the United Btates is the
gypsy moth. - It was in 1809 that
Trouvelot, an astronomer at Harvard
University and an atoiateur Ontomolo-
fiist of note, . conceived the idea of'
breeding a . hardy worm which would,
' revolutionize the silk industry. He
fmnni4ail anmA nvnov mAtlia IrAm I
France exacting to eross them with
- some native species. One day he left
a winilow in his Medford home open.
When he returned a mass of eggs laid
by his gypsy visitors had disappeared
apparently it had blown out of the
At this point Trouvelot's experiments
. ceased. But their Results did not. They
are still with us and1 have cost the
eouofcry millions of dollars. New Eng
land hafs been the hardest sufferer.
For twenty yearn, the gypsy moth at
tracted no attention. People- of Med
ford, Mass., wondered at the destruc
tion of their trees, but the damage re
mained local. Then, suddenly, the pest
- spread: Since then bitter warfare has
been waged against it, and the victory
is not yet won. Tho New England
states alone spend thousands in the
A great many people innocently
bring home curios, plants and animals
that are active agents of mischief.
Hundreds of people have attempted to
bring into the country as a curiosity
tin Australian- flying fox. Unknown
in the United States these overgrown
pests which oftentimos measure 5 feet
across the wings are Australia's great-
- est pests. They ruin many orchards in
.their habitat. ' -.
The Cute Little Mongoose.
Tbo Mongoose is another creatnrj
. .w-hieh individuals persist in tTying to
import. Budyard Kipling wrote, inter
estiugly ' about Itikki-tiikki-taval.. in
"The, Jungle Book" but the animal
isn't by any means a charming, nice
Everybody Admires a
Mm tmnahamMmmk
Diseases and relieves Sunburn.
Patches. Rash, Freckles and Vulgar
a dellcdtely
:i S7lJJiti,- NvaK.i
lely clear and retlnen complexion wnien every woman uesircs.'
no. 11
For sale by Druggists
Ferd. T. Hopkins, Prop., 37
kaWsW ijw
Low round-trip rates Thursday and Friday,
May 7 and 8. Return limit Monday, 11th,
Oregon Electric Railway
See the Cadets in Drills and Maneuvers.
Inspection by Officers of U. S. Army
C. E. ALBIJJ, General Agent
mannered creature. .1Udi"he ii ,
valuable because 'ho'kitM snake. - But-I
ha i also partial to'cSiflima, young;
pigs, kids, lambs,, piippm kittens and j
certain vegeiauie -auoy iruiis.. mere
fore, he is banned -from 'America, "Once
ia a while, however, individuals suc
ceed in slipping one of the animals in.
A taiio Cod farmer who had lost scores
of chickens firialryttlled an 'animal
who was apparently responsible for the
damage. There was a great hue and
err about the new specie of shunk he
had discovered, but final1 It the author
ities identified the little beast as a
mongoose. How diegot"Wnobody" has
yet found out.""''""' -
Jamaca is alive with the pest, intro
duced by some misguided individual
who thought they would, rid the island
of rats which caused havoc in the sugar
can fields. It was in 1872 that four
males and five females were intro
duced. Their number increased amai
ingly rml in 1890 the government be
gan fighting them. SUM another iu
stance of pests -was -the. introduction
of rabbits in Australia.- They were
originally brought to- the island to
furnish early settlers-with sport.. How
expensive that sport, is didn't appear
until the bunnies had overrun tho ia-1
land. The goverunlentAhas spent mil-1
lions fighting the pestwithout having!
nipiarently reduced .the,.- number in the j
least. .v .. -- -
Environment Changes Nature. -
The sreat ' dauuer abmit -importinirl
any kind' of animal or bird or insect!
is that environment (hay change them
completely. They may ' bo perfectly
proper things in their native haunts
but horribly mischievous in' their new
surroundings. Biologists can't predict
their habits. "It is' a -Tart; ' however,
that a great majority of the pests in
troduced here 'have- been vastly more
destructive in AmericatRan'they were
abroad. They are freeir from, natural
enemies the 'natural ''"baltiiiee" is
lost they find longer-summer breed
ing season and "the 'larger scale 'on
which American agriculture is con
ducted does not 'permit-as-readily of
restrictive measurer as do the limited
holdings .and intensive cultivation of
Europe. Europe, it- .should be men
tioned, has Stlso suffered from pests
sent to its -shores, from -America, al
though for some curious- reason native
American pests do not-seem, to thrive.
in their transplanted state " abroad.
One notable exception, -bowever.-is the
phyllexera, a grape - vine disease, in
troduced in France :iri'185, which has
devastated vineyards there. The San
Jose scale, a pest of the first magni
tude, was brought -into California by
an ardent horticulturist: from China, on
some Chinese apple' trees.' ' Incidental
ly, it is curious to note that from Cali
fornia the pest recrosseir the Pacific
and in its invigorated 'form,' created
havoc in Japan, where' it had always
been present, but never had given real
trouble. '- .' '
Secretary Bryan found himself con
fronted with tho quarantine rule when
customs officials bRfrred - his llama,
which was excluded withsir others, be
cause they were suffering from the
mange and also because of the fenr
they might bring with him thera the
dread foot and mouth disease.
Each of the candidates' prospects
are "very encouraging." Happily it
doesn't take much to encourage a can
didate. Beautiful Complexion
Oriental Cream
Jin Indispensable and Delightful
Toilet Requisite ' N
for Fashionable Women.
A dally necessity for the ladles' toilet
whether at home or while traveling. It
protects the skin from Injurious effects
of the elements, gives a, wonderfully ef
fective beauty to the complexion. It Is a
perfect non-greasy Toilet Cream and pos
itively will not cause or encourage the
-u L. .. I -. 1. 1 . . V. l I ,, ,( t , ... -1, , 1 .1
- gruwui vi unii u"-ii " i Huiitw mi. li .
guard against when selecting- a toilet pre- w
paration. When dancing, bowling or oth- f
er exertions heat the skin, it prevents a
greasy appearance.
Gouraud1 Oriental Cream has been
highly recommended by physicians, act
resses, singers and women of fashion for
over half a century and cannot be sur
passed when preparing for dally or even
ing attire.
Gouraud'a Oriental Cream cures Skin
Removes Tan, Pimples, Blackheads, Moth
Redness, Yellow and Muddy Skin, giving
and Fancy Goods Dealers.
Great Jonet Street, New York.
.. a
Salem, Ore.
Bool ' Problem In- Hojn Cooking
' Preparation of Proper ' Poods
for Tabla
By Figuring Ahead Desirable Combina
tion Can Bt Mads with Littls
St. Louis, May 2. The real problem
of home rooking is the preparing of
appetizing and wholesome meals, with
due regard to expenditure of timo and
money. Meals should be planned sev
eral days ahead, each meal and the
program sor each day hinging on the
preceding one. In this way desirable
combination can be made with little or
no waste. If the meal is prepared
without planning the housekeeper must
use what she has on hand and a badly
balanced meal aud poor combinations
often result. If a market is near aud
the telephone is used in ordering she
ir apt to get an expensive piece of
meat which can be cooked nicely while
the meat and vegetables left over from
tho preceding day aire often wasted as
no thought had been' given on how to
combine them.
-.- Perfect Balance Not Necessary. .
It is not necessary to spend much
sime figuring perfect balance of food
principles in. family meals but it is
necessary - to have a general idea of
rompoistion of foods and to be careful
that not too much pretoin, fat, sugar,
or starch be served in a meal.--
The following examples, often served
in poorly "balanced" meals, will illus
trate this point:
Beef, macroni and cheese, peas-rtoo
high in protein.
Beef, cheese, . custard too high: . in
-Pork, fried potatoes, rich pudding
too high in tat.
. Light meat, potatoes, sweet" potatoes,
corn, rics pudding too high in stsrrch.
- Meta, candied sweet potatoes, jelly,
cake, preserves too high in sugar,
' The tendency in well-to-do American
families -is to serve meals containing
too high a proportion of fat and pra-
tein, also to serve TOO MUCH. The
total food value should depend chiefly
on the amount of ' physical acticity
taken by members of the fsmily. - The
menu for a farmer's family should con
tain more heavy, rich foods than that
of a family where occupations are
Appetite ta Best Banc.
That good digestion depends to
considerable extent on pleasurable
taste in eating, has been proven scien
tifically, as well as by experience of
the ages. "Appetite is the best
sauce," and outdoor exercise gives good
appetite'. . But not everyone can have
a keen appetite at all times, so pleas
ing combinations, are important from
a health standpoint. ,
Foods have tho following character
istics or contrasts: Heavy or light;
moist or dry. stronir or mild flavored:
crisp or soft; acid or sweet, hot or
cold. A meal phoulil have contrast or
variety, it should not bo composed all
of one kind of food as all heavy or all
strong flavored dishes. Mild flavored
foods like bread and potatoes can be
eaten in considerable quantities in a
meal, but the appetite rebels at large
nuiuitiitics of turnips, cauliflower, cau
bnge, came or cheese.
Iu simple combinations the strongly
flavored food should be much less in
quantity than ' mild edibles such as
bread and cheese, macaroni and toma
toes, bnked boans and ketchup.
Creamed potatoes should not bo
served when there is a grivvy; they
should be served with dry meat. Mpat
stews, etc., should be served With dry
vegetables. -Plain butter cakes, not
rich layer cakes with fruit or nut fill
ings, should be served1 'with ice cream
or whipped cream desserts. Acid sauce
should be served with rich puddings,
Tn a three course dinner, make two
courses moderately heavy and the third
As in the other arts it is not possible
to give dolinito rules for plannig suc
cessful meals, but with careful obser-J
vntion tne Housekeeper snoum Bucceea
in planning appetizing and wholesome
meals. ,
Oregon Agricultural ' College, Cor-
v'allis. Ore., April 30. The Cosmopoli
! tan Club is a student organization at
the Agricultural College which has
' fourteen nationalities represented in its
membership. The club was organized
to promote the doctrines of universal
peace and the brotherhood of men. The
nntions represented are Russia, Japan,
China, India, Sweden, Norway, Ilai
waii Palestine two small countries of
Southern Europe, and the United
States. More than halt t. its 60 mem
' bers are from foreign eountries. The
; members are mostly men students, but
; include a few women students and
a number of faculty men. The students
of both Boxes are unusually active, and
when they return to their homes their
influence for frienrship among the
nations will be a powerful factor in
abolishing war. Incidentally, the many
nations represented here show how
wid0 is the field from which the Col
lege draws its students.
Although far from being a wealthy
organization, the members' sVtivities
are largely benevolent. They held a
public entertainment recently in the
I city theater, - the proceeds of which
they gave to the Student Loan fund.gtudy "Heart Hunger for God and Hi"
ine ciuo president is u. k. Jioerner,
I. and the secretary George Hardman.
: 8. Via said yeeterday that he hod
secured quit a number of men to sign
j up for the formation of a cavalry troop
: should the situation in Mexico juntif
such sv rsiirae. He ssvs he finds the
; sentiment in favor of such an organ-1 season io to be held. Election of of
1 izat-on .but contingent oaly upon the I ficer and consideration of program
jlproepeet of-actual service. ! ' -
Caatls Chapel United Brethren.
Corner Seventeenth . aud Nebraska,
H. -B. , Porks, minister. Bible School,
ID a. m. morning worship, 11 a. m.;
V. P. 8. C. K. anniversary program.
7:30.- Bishop M. Castle, after whom
ths chapel 1s named, will speak at both
services. All official members are
urged to be present at the last official
board meeting of the rear, Friday
evening, 7:45.
Lutheran Church.
Eat State and Eighteenth ' streets,
Ooorge Kochler, pastor. Sunday
School at 0:30; preaching service at
10:.I0; evening service in English at
7:43. Strangors are welcome.
Jason Ls Memorial Msthodiit Church.
. North Winter and Jefferson streets,
J. . II. Irvine, pastor. Children's song
service, 0:4,"), a. in.; Humlay School, 10
o'clock,' (,'.- M. Huberts, . sujieriuten
dent; tjie Lord's Supper, 11:00; Ep-
worth A.eague, 0:JO p. . m., topic,
'.'Heart Hunger-for. God and Hi
House," leader, Miss Mary Paronna-
gian; loaventon echoes and r inspir
ations by several: seakars at .30.- .
International Bibl Students' Associa
'.The Salem class of the International
Bible Students' Association will hold
their regular wookly stndy ' at 435
C ourt street,' upstairs, at 10:00 a. ni.
Undenominational. All Bible students
welcome; no collections.
Women' Christian Temperance Union.
P. A. Shipley will deliver the Gospel
tomperarico address at tho Bamp me
morial hall, Sunday, at 4:30 o'clock;
also the regular W. C. T. IT. meeting
on Tuesday at 2:30 p. m. " The ludies
of Salem are requested to come aud
join us.
Highland Friends Church.
Corner of Highland and Kim, Jose
phine Hackett, pastor, phono Main
1405. Snbbath School, 10 a. m., Karl
Pruitt, superintendent preaching,, 11
s. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Christan Endea
vor, 6:15 p. m.; prayer mooting Thurs
day evening at fcj30. ,
Christian Science. .
First Church of Christ, Scientist, 440
Chemeketa streetr-tiervice Sunday at
11 a. m. and at 8 p. in.; subject of
Bible, losson,' "Evorlasting Punish
ment"; Sunday school at 9:4o a. m.;
Wednesday evpning testimonial meet
ing at 8. Beading room in the church
open every afternoon except Sundays
and holidays.. All. are cordally invited
to our sorvices.
.-- , First .PrjBbjrtsrtan.
The pastor, Carl II. Elliott, will
preach in the morning on "The Higher
(Learning," and in the evening on
"An All-Night Wrestle," the latter
being the third in the series on "The
Evolution of a Saint.'' Mrs. Gallo
way will sing in the morning and.Miss
Wilson in tho evening. Morning an
them is entitled' "The King of Love,
My Shepherd Is."
Firse Baptist Church.
Corner Marion and Liberty stroots.
Sunday School, 9:4.1 a. m.; moruiug
sermon," 11 o'clock, sermon subject,
"Take Ye Away the Stone"; evening
sermon, 7:4!5; sermon subject, "Eain
bowB. " Ministry ol music under di
rection of Miss Minetta Magers. Ser
mons by tho pastor, H. E. Marshall.
First Congregatonal Church.
Corner of Liberty .and Center itroets,
Perry Frederick Schrock, minister.
Biblo school at 10 a. in.; morning wor
ship at 11 a. m., Bubject of sermon,
"The Biblo's Greatest Lesson"; even
ing worship at 7:30 o'clock. This will
be a hymn service. "Tho Old Hymns
and Their Stories" will be tho theme
of the service. Stories connected with
the authors aud with the composition
and history of tho hymns will bo told.
Special music by the choir,
First Christian Church.
Cornor High ami Center streets, F.
T. Carter, minister. Bible School,
9:43 a. m., Dr. H. O. Eploy, director;
worship and sermon, 1 1 a, m., subject,
"The Restoration; C. E., 7 p. m., Eliz
abeth Jones, leader; evening sermon, 8
o'clock, subject, "The Far, Country."
Good music.
Unitarian Church.
Corner of Chemeketa and Cottage
streets, Richard F. Tischer, minister.
Sunday School, 10 a. m.; Bum lay ser
vice, 11 a. m., subject, "Turn on the
Light"; music by Miss Ada Miller.
All friends of liberal religion and of
progressive thought are cordially in
vited to onr services. Bring your
friends. The Men' Liberal Club will
moet Wednesday at 8 o'clock in Chan
ning hall at the Unitarian church. The
Unitarian Boys' Club meets Monday.
The Unitarian Girls' Club meets Thurs
day. Pint Methodist Episcopal Church.
Ktate and Church streets, Richard
N. Avison, minister. Sabbafh School,
9:45 a. m., Mr. H. C. Tillman, superin
tendent; sermon, 11 a. m., subject,
Invitation and Promise; class moet
Inirs. n. m. Meters Cnmminir. an.1
Stone will welcome all their members.
Rev James Lisle, D. D., will speak at
the Old Peoples' Home at 3 p. m. At
R..10 r. m thn Vnwnrth 1 .on m i A will
Hous"; Miss Grace Smith will. lead.
Evening sermon, 7:.i0 o'clock, Bubject,
"Our Dntv to Mexico." Mid-Woek
7:30 Thn"
Closing Meeting.
Monday at 2:30 p. m., in the Y. M.
C. A. building,-1 the last regular meet
ing of the Ministerial Union for the
1 are-to be considered,) so. ' full atUlf-
dancs 1s earnestly desired. Taos. J. :
Weodeorkr secretary.
; Central - Congregational Church. .
. Corner Ferry and Bouth Nineteenth
i a . n i ...ti , . .....
rtreets.-rdedB.ble School, 10:00 a.
iu.; iimmr womui , 1 1 -.mi a. ni., Slio-,
et, "Glimpses of the World Sun.tay u b vit Tn0 tfteet
Se-,0- Mov"'nl 5. hr,stian.Kndca !R fuhmity lip domestic, business
vor, mm p. m.; Song Serv-cee, .,:4j ,hould not pBrtiru!liriy g,rious.
p. m.; public worship, 8:00 p ni., sub-; Temporarily, it will act as a stimulus
ject, "A Proud Citizenship." upou certain industries. Its effect in
local financinl circles has already been
UniUd Evangelical Church. ' lurgely discounted. Ultimately it
North Cottage street, near Center., ! mn the opening of a Vast and rich
A. A. Winter, minister. Sunday Mntory, especially ,in the north of
Schoo' 10:00 a. ni., Prof. A. L. ' Mt11(,. Americana and foreign en
Schnialle, auperinteixlent; preaching, ! terpnae. Nevertneless a prolonged pe
11:00 a. nu, snbject, "The Joy of Self-i nid ' duorder and id eness will lie
Denial"; K. U of C,' E. meeting, erfO'""" to f ' ETAOINSHRDLUNI
p. m.; sermon, 7:30 p. m., subject,!""'
"The introduction to a Series of , or!l7- So it is premature to form any .
Short Sunday Evening Addresses on ! P08'!' eonvictions regarding the iin
the Epistle to the Kphesians." Spe-, medmt f utu;e, VB'ue ' '"'f P.'fi
ciai nniBiff and goo'l BinifinK at both
servicos. Vou are - cordially invited.
Auburn Sunday School, 2:30 p. m..
Mr. O. Fagg, superintendent; sermon,
3:30 p. m., by A. A. Wintor; K. L. of
C. E. nieetiug, 7:00 p. nu
ia i.axo DiAia i
J. W. Marksbury, of Eugene, prni- j millions, a goodly portion of which will
dent, and. G.. H. Sellers, of Salem, sec-. scattor tn the .mountains and keep up
retary-of th9 Retail Traveling Menus ' an indefinite guerrilla Warfnre, some
Association of Oregon, today submitted i what similnr possible to tho Boer war.
to Secretary ot State Oleott lor ap-! Unless favorable developments trans
proval, as to form, a bill which will I pire war with Mexico will likely be a
be iuitiated at the coming election pro-! long and costly struggle. London is
vidiug for the licensing by counties of ja more active market for Msxicnn so
itinerant peddlers. The bill provides euritics than New York, and the finnn
that any person who desires to ped lle cinl effect of a prolonged war will bo
in the counties shall give his name, 1 felt at that center as well as New
age, residence, character of goods lie . York. .
wishes to sell and other information to) Financing nf tho war would probably
the county, clerk. - The fees for their.be accomplished through stamp taxes
license would bo as follows: i and the issue to start with of 3 per
In counties having a population of cent short .treasury notes which could
10,000 or less Maximum, $25; mini-1 be readily marketed. Some other forms
mum, SUU.
In counties having a .population of
10,000 and not exceeding 18,000 Maxi
mum, $35; minimum, $-0.
In counties havinir a Donulation of
18,000 Maximum, .')0; minimum, $20. ; i the go.'ernment will make
It is provided that persons violating"1 liberal bond issue n a basis of 3 1-2
the law shall b guilty of a misdemenn-: Per Mnt- 14 I praettcally certain that
or and be subject to a fine of not less j 8n , , the line would be
than $5 nor more than 100, and in promptly absorbed. Of course a bond
default of payment shall be subject to 1 1MS"e would withdraw capital from
imprisonment iu jail for one day for : other and more productive directions,
each 3 of the fine and costs not to ex-
ceed 60 days.
Bawaro of Ointments for Catarrh That
Contain Mercury
as mercury will surely destroy the sense
of smell' and omplotoly derange the
wnoio system wnen entering it inrougn
the mucous surfaces. Such articles
should never "be used except on pre
scriptions from reputable physicians, as
the damage the will do is ten fold to
the good you can possibly derive from
them. Hall's Catnrraa Cure, manu
factured by F. J. Cheney ft Co., Toledo,
0., contains no mercury, and is taken
internally, acting directly upon the
blood and mucous surfaces of the sys
tem. In buying Hull's Catarrh Cure bo
sure you get the genuine. It is taken
internally and mado in Toledo, Ohio, by
F. J. Cheney ft Co. Testimonials free.
Sold by druggists. Price 75 per bot
tle. Toko Hall's Family Tills for consti
pation. -
Nearly 4,000 acres were reforested in
Montana and northern Idaho during
1913, at an avorage cost of $7.50 an
Tho best forested nrea of China ib
in Manchuria. The principal tree va
rieties are pine, cedar, larch, fir, yew,
oak, ash, elm, walnut and birch.
Two forest office-s, in Wadiingtou
and Oregon, are writing popular de
scriptions of tho trees on tho (.'rater
nnd Mt. Raininr national parks, for
the use of visitors to the parkB.
Ganett Peak, Wyoming, nearly 14,
000 feet in elevation, and tho highest
mountain in the state, is on the diviilo
between the Bonnoville nnd Bridger
national forests.
In northern Arizona, Utah, NevaYln,
southern Idaho and westorn Wyoming,
tho fires on national forests tet by
campers hnvo decreased in four years
from nearly a third to approximately
one-fifth. Lightning fires hove in
creased from iesa than ono-iourth to
nearly ono-half. Tho relatively larger
proportion from lightning, however, is
due partly to decrcaso in other cauuou.
J. D: Wnfring, who has charge of tho
sales dqiartment forio (juaker Nurs
eries, is one of the best posted men on
fruit conditions, in the county. In
conversation with him today ho said
it is no doubt truo that the fruit has
been more or less damaged by froats
and cold rains.
t 'SI think however," he said, "that
tho dunnage is confined largely to
prunes and cherries, the former suffer
ing the more, it will be found though,
I think, that the damage is not so bail
in the hill sectionc cs is now thought.
The Italian is the greatest tree to. do
its own thinning of any, and every
year it drops it fruit until it looks
like it would shed it all, and the
grower gets this Idea That the crop
will be short is certain becauso thero
has been considerable damage in tho
low Innds that can bo ceen, but Mr.
Waring is of the opinion the damage
will be far less than wa supposed fol
lowing the reports of frost.
pneriir William hseh received notice
yesterday from Sheriff A. Ocllatly, of'
Denton county, that a man who was;
dressed in brown overalls and a brown i nd learn how these ailments can be easily and surely conquered at home without
Blurt hail .tolen it hnrn fit 'nrvnlli nn.l 1 tho oangers and expense of an operation. When you ar cured, and able to enjo
snirt noil stolen a nnrse aM onailis an.l r w you CBn pMlt the g0xi wor(1 aonff to ,me other suierer. My homo treat-
started toward this city. The man mi nwnt Is for young or old. To Mothers of Dauuliters, I will explHin how to overcome
said to be about five feet nix iiiclies
in height. The horve is a bay, has a
white star on its forehead, one eve
partly blind, and weighs about 1000
Poor Hobsou; Jn;.uu
will remain
New York, April 30. -The long
dreaded clash with Mexico has come.
v v. . .v. -.-j m i. : - . - - - l.a
mini iuu cim mi ur iv hi uimjiiv w-
von(, ,.Jlnlia ,,.. A tw w.r
m w, ,!.. i. rf:ll k.: ..i
; ; "
one of extreme uncertainty, and a strict
parallel can hardly be found in our war
with Spain. That struggle from the
nature of the case was upon the high
seas and quickly settled. Cuba was an
island, easily approached in many di
rections. In a contest with Mexico our
rm-T my hllV0 C0VCr 8 lRrf!e er'
ritory( niountninous in character and
lufiuiniion muy nrau ue necessary, ine
Biignr duties might b restored or a tax
imposed upon Coffee nnd tea. In addi
tion to those proposals, some of which
: muy not prove ncccptable, the expecta
" '". " "j uuF.yoo .uo Bu
crnl bond market. There is, however,
no luck of capital seeking disernble in
vestment, and the grvernment bond is
sue for carrying on war with Mexico
would have little harmful effect. Mex-
ico wili bo ,nr.aui ,eur- anV con.
i siderablo amount of foreign capital for
i carrying on the war, a factor which
Would hasten prostration in Mexico
and tend to shorten tho period of hos
tilities, it is generally argued that be
cause the stock market made a sharp
rally after the opening of the Mpnn
ish war, similar results will follow the
opening of hostilities in Mexico. In
support of this srgueit it is said that
the Mexican difficulties have already
been fairly well discounted, and that
prices are already low owing to the
combination with other depressing fac
tors. Price of the active stocks ore
now down to about the low point of
November, JO 1.1, all of the advance ob
tained in Junuury hnving practically
Much as the Mexican outbreak is to
be deplored, it will have the effoct of
starting now activities and diverting
public attention from ills, upon which
it ha been brooding far too long. Tho
nntinn, it is true, has serious domestic
problems to solve. This has always
been tbo ense und always will be. Busi
ness, however, must go on. Food,
clothing pnd shelter must be provided
under nil circumstances, nnd whilo en
terprise and new development have
been temporarily restrained the regu
lar activities of lifo are going on
much as usual. It must be romembered
that tho mnrket hns very liberally dis
counted tho unfavornblo conditions,
and in case of favorable developments,
wo would see a general rocovery in
this market. President Wilson, it is to
bo noted, still insists at this writing
tluit our government has not as yet de
clared war against Mexico. Neverthe
less tho outlook is far from clear, and
iu view of our possibly drifting into
deeper difficulties wo repeat our for
mer udvice of caution in financinl
operation. HKNRY CLEWS.
Portland, Or., May 2. The registra
tion books for Multnomah county are
closed today with 74,832 voters, includ
ing 46,907 men and 27,925 women
qualified to participate in tho primar
ies May 15.
j . . J. '-. L.-L.i'j
SflSTER: Head my Free Offer!
!' .' ' , ' .'" t
' 'I , ' ' '' .: ' ; j
fear of something evil about to happen,
hot fliewts, weariness, sallow complexion
tho left breast, or a general feeling that
green sickness (chlorosis), Irregularities, heiulncnes, and lasnitude in younic women
and rwtore them to plumpness and health. Tell mo If you aro worried ubout your
daughter. Remember, tt cost you nothing to give my home treatment a ten days'
trial, and docs not lnterfero with dally -work. If health Is worth asking for, then
acoept my renerous offer and write for the free treatment. Including my illimtrHted
booklet, "Woman' Own Medical Adviser." I will end all In plain wrappers post
paid. To save time, you can cut cut this offer, mark ymir fucliiiga, and return to me.
Send teday, a you may not see this oiler again. Address,
Itls d'surrflndieMor of the conditio
of your Stomach, Liver and Bowels. If
it is poor, you shouid try
It creates a healthy appetite, aids di
gestion imd kv'rps the bowels rrtgulur;
Wart today.
0--t- mmm; . m . " J
Join me in a cup
of refreshing ,
England's favorite: for over
70 year , '
1 1
lt If
limilAaMBtK ii mm mm
j j wnco this oown on roar
-. ; Calendar '
Six Big Days -
Jta 2S--"July 4'
1 fl"sj 1"? T'ff ft
trsM rtis
We Teach REAL
by mail. . Under our system of cours
instrtiction you will become a pro
ficient real estate doaler, procure ready
buyers closo doala quickly and execute"
instruments without legal aid alf
from your home. We assist you to a
profitable rtalty business by co-operating
with you on your sales and1
derive our returns from 5 per cont of
your first year's commissions. .. In ad
dition to our free course instruction
we furnish you with a eomploto oflice
outfit of literature, books, forms,,
stationery, etc., at the actr.al eosti
price of $0.50 (express prepaid). Stark
your business and i nut rue Li on at, onre.
Now is the Boasou for buyers. Ovef
three million acres-sold in four years..
AddreBS Department D. T. ,
4147 North 'Hermitage Ave., Chicago,.
Republican Candidate for Staler;
Senator from Marion County '
Occupation Fruit Grower.
R. F. D. 3, Salem, Ore.
Never held a state or county clnctivai
office. Cut this out tuid tuke it to
tho pollB on May Jilt h, and vote for
me. If nominated and elected, X will'
in return faithfully endeavor to aonuro
such legislation as will result iu
1st Reduction of taxes.
2nd Kewer expensive commissions
and office holders.
3rd Enactment of fewer laws.
4th Revision of voters registration
nth" Scmi-anuuttl payment of taixew
without penalty. '
And any and all other measures
tending to lighten tho burdens of the;
taxpayer. : (Paid Adv.)
The Wants ore quick in action, fnox
pensive, comprehensive in scope, cover
ing almost ovory. line of human en
M )
I am a woman.
I know a woman's trials.
I know her need of sympathy and help, '
If you. my sister, are unhappy becauee of 111 -health,
if you feel unfit for household duties,
social pleasures, or daily employment, writo
and tell me just how you suffer, and auk for my
free ten days' trial of a horn treatment eulte'i
to your needs. Men cannot understand womtn'a
uttering. - What w women know from ex--perlence,
we know better than any man. I want
to tell you how to cure yoursoli at home at a
cost of about 12 cent a week.
If you suffer from women's peculiar aliments
causlnr pain in the head, back, or bowels, feel
ing of weight and drggina-down seniatloir.
falling or displacement of pelvlo organs, caualnr
kidney and bladder weakness or constlpatlors
and piles, painful or Irregular periods, catarrhal
condition and dischargee, extreme nervousness.
depressed spirit, melancholy, desire to cry.
creeping feeling along the spine, palpitation,.
witn aarx circle unaer tn eye, pain irs
I If Is not worth living,