Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 02, 1914, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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Salem's Greatest Sale of Women's
Wash Dresses Special at $6,98
Usual Grades up to $13.SO
Just at the beginning of warmer weather comes this
special offering of dainty summer wash dresses. A sale
that will be remembered on account of such unusual value
This immense special includes dozens of pretty styles
well made garments of . such popular fabrics as crepes,
voiles, marquisettes, linens, bedford cords, ripplettes, rice
cloth and all over embroideries in plain white, figured and
solid color effects. Salem women will be well pleased with
this offering and at these prices the dresses will sell rapid
ly, so we advise an early selection. Dozens to select from.
Priced to $13.50. Take your pick during this event. .$6.98
Other wash dress specials. Your choice $3.50 and $5.98
(See the Window Display.)
It 's Middy-Blouse
No garment can take
the place of the comfort
able middy for warm
weather, for coast or out
ing wear. You'll find the
most - wanted styles at
Meyer's in cotton, linen
and wool flannel. The
new popular middy ties
are also shown in both
plaid and plain colors.
Middy prices $1.25 to $3.00
Middy lace ties 10c
Done 4
Why Not Join the
Premier Club
and clean your homo thoroughly
with the aid of this wonderful elec
tric cleaner. It is not a thing for
annual house cleaning, but for ov
ery day use. Clean your rugs or car
pets once a week. Your homo is
then always clean.
No use to tnUe up carpets to be
cleaned, The Frnntr. Premier will
clean them. on the floor perfectly.
Ask tho woman who has one and
she will say that tho Premier is jflst
the thing you need.
Bold on Terms,
Veterinarian grad
uate McKillip Col
lege, Chicago, 111.,
which enjoys tho
largest practice in
the world, Latuo
ness, dentistry
and diseases of
the foot a spec- " 1
cialty. New vetorinary operating table
iust Installed. Phones: Residence.
JUC1; office, 278. Office and feed barn,
420 South Commercial Streot.
Tbia will inform ray Bopublicun
i.tAinla n n.1 liinriniitdiii
1 that I am a enn-
diduto for ro-uomiuation to the office
the ijust.ee o !the '"f
,IiRtri(-r at too ririmarv election or Alnv
. .
JO, ZJ1.
uaimcl, t.i!ir,n
M C T I i n K
MUllLl . IU LUlM
On Good Seal Estate Socurity,
Over Ladd usn nanK, Daiem, uregoa
rsnally, in a
both sides aro
labor vs. capital fight, ; ju,t returned from southern Oregon. Ho
partly Tight, partly i ' "e work on the Pacific highway
lis progressing satisfactorily. The pav
llug between Mcdford and Central
Try Scott's 15c inoala.
A flying trip was made to Salem yes
terday bv Will Eagles and W. A. Bar
rett of Albanv, who ran down to this
city in an automobile in n littlo over ;
an hour's time an, stilted that trie i
loads wero in fair condition. lhcy re
turned homo lust night.
The best meats money can buy at
Fitrriugton ', ISM Stato ,St. Phone
Mrs. No'ule and children, of West 1
Che'naleiu, Ore., are visiting with .Mr.
ami Mm, C. W. Train. Mrs. Noble is
a sinter of Mrs. Train. Mrs. Prosser
accompanied her.
Four expert watchmakors. Best of
work. No delays. Burr's.
O. R, Hammond, machinist. Electri
cal appliances repaired and automobile
work done, l'hono Main 21011. 200 N.
High St.
Alfred G. Armstrong of Hood River
is stopping in Huleni for a few days
on business. Mr. Armstrong declares
that the recent cold snaps have injured
the fruit in the Hood River valley to
extent, but that a bumper crop is ex
pected nevertheless.
Dr. Asaoln, Zahnarts, Steeves Bldg.
Ollvor Ford, who for years has beon
active in tho live stock business in tho
vicinity of Hosedulo, was in the city
this morning on business, Mr. Ford
stutes that the pastures are now in Al
condition in bis locality and that stock,
' II.. ......I.. .. .1 ...
vnju-f iuuj I'll, lie, luu UOlllg 11110.
Don't try to press, clean or repair
your suit, fend it to Spntilding and
have it done right. He's tho tailor
at 405 Court, near High.
The Salem police have made a new
record. For tho past five davs there
has not been an arrest made, Accord
ing to the chief this morning it is not
likely that the old bastilo will have
1 '" "''''"I'-int for five days more, im-
l,,,s "" stranger liiipnens to get
i wiimii mo pities vi our lair cuy in n
couditioa which wili not permit his
presenco on tho stroets.
IJr. 1. Ii. Utter. aCnUSt. maSOUC
H. . . ... .
t. .cJi..,,. -v. v.. v
ronductinC series of biblo study
..i t .. . v ir r i 1
eiunsen nt me muciu l. M. v. ii., iiuu
i intended do close the course Sundav,
I ilHV but n0.ount of the' funeral
services for Mrs. H. S. Gile, which nre
,'S.pected to be held that afternoon, the
uiblu e'n meeting is postponed.
Take your husband to Mrs. Bent's
for Sunday dinner.
301 N. Commercial.
State Highway Engineer Bowlby has
J I 1 MVt'lftUUIMI
May 6th, 1914
A Sale of Women's Fine
Summer Union Suits for
39c the Garment K
Here's a very timely offering of women's
warm weather underwear that will appeal
to economical shoppers. Excellent, fine
ribbed union suits, sleeveless and.; knee
length, two styles, tight knee and lace trim
med. They're a very unusual value at this
low price, so attend this sale Wednesday
and supply your needs.
Only 39c the Suit
Sale opens at 8:30.
Point has been laid and in a few days
another gang will be put ut work pav
ing between Mod ford and Ashland.
The roadway is 24 feet wide nnd the
mivincr. which is concrete, sixteen feet.
The cost of the paving is between $10,
uuu ana if i,uuu u nine.
Track meet given by the "Omega"
class at Leslie M. F,. church Tuesday
evening, May 5. Admission 10 cents.
According to last reports, Mark Sav
age, who underwent a serious opera
tion nt the Salem hospital last Monday,
is getting along nicely. rM. Savage's
wifo and daughter havo arrived from
..ong Bench, Cul., where they were vis-
iting nt tlio timo tne ex-tiro enier was
operand upon.
Sugar-cured breakfast bacon, cash
price, ISc per lb, regular 25c selier.
Farrington's Market, 1S23 State St.
Phone l!)2li.
We desire to thank the many
friends and neighbors who eamo
to our assistance at the death of
our dear littlo sob and grandson, and
for tho beautiful floral offerings which
they gave to him. Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Miles. Mr. and Mr. Wm. Kosten-
A Snail. Tor cash onlvlO-lb. Kross
pure lard, I.S5 per can. own make.
Farrington's Market, 1823 State St.
rl"mo JS,2li' 0
enn rvr TWAWTrn
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Young desire to. Viivo covovtl vnviprip!
thank the neighbors nnd friends wh0;e nave several aiieues
so kindlv assisted them during the ill- j that have Pl'OVen the DeSJ
1 .1 .1. V..,.'o m...l,.i - ... . . 1
r7.II b '
We guarantee taf return of watches
for repair sent us bv mail. Onality ! large settJCUUXl ui cuuicc sc; wnm is cu-cincum ....u --".-...-counts
in jewebjBnrr's. jlected C0m, including Early 1,11,11,8 cnteringjWJlooal business Held.
Piano tuning, first-class work. Phone ! Minnesota, Early White, G to Dr- Stone' ft trusses.
r"p IVteV'1 jViioe&tt0, ' C,ry StoWeJi'S Evergreen, I Seyeral .W" men are la
UUrs- 0 kott' ' Peep o'Day, Early and Late siem, but owing ot the tact that they
Mrs. Addie Cushlng and grandd- Mnmmnfh ptf have a kopeck or two with which ta
augh.er, Mia.. Ruth Simpson, of Spok-
11 it.,1. u Mii.l .11..1 A Yt V
friemU ami relntiveR.
Studio Da Luxe COUDons are Rood.
- - .
11,,,,'f .,,) lhm. Ttrinw them in when
j.'on i irmie mem. xjriu uit-iu iu nurii
I convenient. Date makes no difference.
V .... ..v. . .. "
j ,,. Main 1005. 23.1 Court.
Blod,ett, 'ire 'here for a visit with!fncfoJ fnl. rTmnatinn and,h"ve " CiC4! ".I.
Miss Blanch Blundell, who has been'1 "lutli
spending the winter in San Jose, Cali- attention,
fornia, has returned to Salem ajid will , -
again take up her work at the local , A
telephone office. JL TV lilvC
Kodak films left before 8 p. m. de- j
veloped tnd ready next morning. Open
evenings. Trover-Weigel Studio, oppos-1
ito Bligh 'a. - - . -
I Drs. Darby and Burton, dentists, sec-!
j ond floor, U. Hank building. ,
window displaj
Dr. W. long, the veteftm horse Bur
geon, made a trip to U nconda yester
day to give medical aid to a valuable
animal. Tho horse is'a blooded oue and
is Wing careully' treated.
Mr9. G. Stelner entertained the mem
bers of the Woman's Alliance of the
I'nitarian church yesterday afternoon,
at her home oa North Twelfth street.
Visit Gilson's attractive new barber
shop in Bligh building, State street.
Thos. J. Higgins was this morning
appointed by Governor AVest to the
place made vacant on the board of
health by tho resignation of Dr. C. J.
Smith. Mr. Higgins is a resident of
Baker county.
Now is the time of year
to commence to plant your
corn. We make a specialty
of handling the very best
grades of cbrn on the mar
ket. ' -
In Oregon Grown we
have some of the finest Yel
low Dent ever grown in this
valley. If you, want corn
.;il .tnw, onrl nm.
" iui,uic "
dllCe a large Crop plant QUr
I acclimated Seed.
T?nr TTneilorro nr Si n f nm
for this climate
Seed Corn
, 7 - I f "i.i"mV - m , . jrmanT .
"' V.
L U I 1 1 I I' I'lll II llV.
! b1-' "
I Qer what
Lu J" .aWvr?rQtin
S f 1 IV 1 Vllllll ITlllJlllUllUU,
" " o -
. 1
mi i n i i
, YOU Will always tina OUrj
1 BriCCS the lOWeSt OH
i market, quality COttSldered,
' .
1.Tn?lc .lrvK3 mvon nrnninr
& Sons
251-261 State street Phone Mala 160.
Salem, Oregon.
Oue of tiie most charming of the
visitors who have sdorned the gover
nor ' oft ice in many days was there
this morning, and the Capital Journal
representative bad the pleasure, and
it wns Idiiced that, ot few moment's
conversation with her. "A girl," you
say! Vei, a delightful girl, one who
crossed the plains with tiie first wag
on train that came to Oregon in 1H43.
She was a little gill thou, only five
years old, and now, despite the pass
ing of 70 years, just a girl still, of
charming presence, a delightful eon
vrrnatiotinlist. eraceful cs a child, nim
ble of foot, with a smile that makes
you smile in spite of yourself, and
a sunny disposition that shines ill eyes
as bright as when sho was just a
sweetheart in the ling ago. Yes, it
was "just a girl." A girl that with
the others who led tho way has en
dured the bardhips of the earlier
days, has .seen Oregou grow from a
wilderness ' six 'months distant from
tho whole world to a great state with
nearly a million population, and next
door neighbor to everybody.' The girl
in this caso is Mrs. c. M. Kirkwood,
of l'ortland, and her youngest daugh
ter is the wife of that hustling young
Oregoniun, C. (.'. Chapman. Ho brought
her" hero this morning, they coming oy
auto and making tho trip at a much
better speed than that at which she
caino to the stato.
As she said good-bye aiid passed out
of the governor's room on tho arm of
her proud son-in-law, sbo was just a
sweet, happy girl, one who will al
ways bo a girl, for it is not, after all,
tho years that mako us old.
Funeral services over tho body of
Mrs. H. t). Gile, wife jf H. tS. Gilo of
this city, who died in France April 9,
will be held from tho liigdoii and Itich
ardsoa undertaking parlors somo time
Sunday afternoon. The body of Mrs.
tlile, accompanied by Mr. Gile, is duo
to arrive in Portland this evening on
its return journey from France. Rev.
H. E. Marshall, who will conduct tho
services, left Salem this morning ut
10 o'clock for l'ortland to meet Mr.
Olio nnd confer w'th him. Althoutih
no definite announcements can bo mado
at present it is expected that the body
will arrive here tomorrow afternoon.
As soon us the wishes of Mr. Gile
are ascertained tho undertakers will
bo advised by wire.
Mr. uile left ;his city several
months ago with tho ostensible iatea
tion of attending a business meeting in
New York city, but surprised his
friends by marrying. The couple went
to Europe on the honeymoon and vis
ited several of tho largo watering
places of the' continent. But the
wedding trip wns cut short on Aprl 0
by the death of the bride.
Tho "Willamette university baseball
team turned out for the gamo with
Oregon this afternoon in splendid new
baseball unifornis. Tho new suits nre
a whito w ith navy stripo and cardinal
tiimming. They nre ofr tho very best
maTorial and are right up to the min-'
uto in every particular. They were
made by Spalding brothers, being
procured through Tlauser brothers,
their local representatives.
published in tho San Joso Times-Star
his afternoon said that newspaper had
been purchased by a stock company,
ui.. i i... n (,.,m,.
lv with the Portland (Ore.) Kvening
Telegram. Cannon, it was eaid, will
take over the Times-War Monday.
Mrs. Clara Mould en, who has been
connected with the locating 'nnd erec
tion of the mausoleum here, leaves Mon
day morning for Chicago and her old
home, Lincoln, Illinois. the is an ex
cellent business woman a;id made many
friends here during her stay of several
months. She expects to return to the
Studio Do Luxe is not leaving town
May 1 r.or Juno J- All coupons good
until Juno 10.
Members of the Picriean class of tho
First Methodist Kpiseopul church meC
Friday evening nt the home of Miss
Rodgers at 4SI) North Eighteenth
street on the invitation of Miss Bertha
! r.uwanis. ine event was , u cu.ss j..iy.
, c,ame8 0f various kinds formed tho en-
tertifi anient of the evening.
Try mbler & SnUth's barber shop,
i ooi State. New, clean, attractive.
The following item from the Pendle
ton Daily East Oregonian will interest
Salem people: Mr. nnd Mrs. L. L.
Schell and daughter, , Miss Estella
' 1,11 mini.-, ...v ..
tnem in juu or escorv uirm um ui
; town. Twelve of these "tired "gentle -
n were driven out of Salem last
muisuu.t i ".' i.n r,.
1 TL.I., h...... ...... .h.,.. ......(.f IKinn
...... J , A
nsKing citizens for money and Inst
night they were reported to nave been
trying totet on the goetl side or tne
.aioany people.
m.t. ii, .. wA
XllCK l Ullttuu, lUOll UJJU uvi
raiser of Polk county, was here this
morning on business r.nd incidentally
shaking hands with his old cronies. Mr.
Williams declares that the weather nt
present could not be more favorable
for the beer berries, while his flock of
hogs, some 40 odd in number, are get -
tine alone nicely and will soon hnvij
' gome, of them ready for the market.
Mr. Williams is an old exhibitor at the
' state fair and hopes to bring in a few
' samples of his stock this season.
FOR KENT Six-room
four-room house, $5.
house. Aleo
Phono 047. '
WANTED Position as stenographer;
experienced; references. W. A., Jour
nal. ,
WANTED An experienced maid. In
quire 1110 Mission afreet. Phone
Main 80.
STAMPING neatly done. Any urtiele
stamped for 15. Mrs. Peary, 200
Hubbard Bldg.
HIGHEST Cash price paid for eggs.
Marion Creamery & Produce Co.,
Liberty and Perry streets.
FOB RENT Neatly furnised room;
phone, hot and Cold bath; close in;
board if desired; private family. R.
-.0., Journal.
TO LEASE About four blocks from
ear, three acres legan berries; small
furnished house; poultry house;
small fruit; fine gurden plot. In
quire, lloyt.and Jligh streets.
SEWING MACHINES are going to be
sold at once; good drop-head ma
chines from 10.00 up; you will misf
a big bargain if you don't come at
once as they must go at once. 040
State street.
EXCHANGE Farm in Minnesota.
Dakota, Nebraska, Colorado, Cali
fornia, Washington and Alberta. 5
room bungalow, new, paved street,
$1,200, U)0 cush. Money to loan.
F. L. Wood, Bayne Bldg.
DID YOU HEAR Tho knock? If Op
portunity pounds vn your door nre
you rcadyt Have you cash enough
to "handle that dealt Do you need
help to tako advotitnuo of that busi
ness oiieninif l Then see us. We
havo money to lend. Lnller &
Bolinger, 4110 Hubbard building.
FOR SALE $700 equity for $500 cash
in modern u-room uunirulow, tine lo
cution, four blocks from Capitol;
plenty of roses and cherry trees,
etc.; balanco pnyablo monthly. Will
loese i'om buyer for ono year at
15 per ionth rent, or will trade for
lot in or out of city limits, l'lvlie
10-j(i K.
TO BUILDERS I have several good
lots well located as to street car and
paved street which I will civo in pay
ment to a relinblo person who will
furnish material and build tor me a
.good bungalow. Specifications and
plans to be furnished by inc. Call
on Squaro Deal Realty company, or
telephone Main 470.
Tho Waite fountain is being cleaned
up and put in shapo for tho summer,
and tho colored fountain will noon be
again a feature of the pleasure side
of Salem life.
William Jones, better known as plain
"Bill," of Jelferson, was iu Sulem yes
terday. Mr. Joaes was seen on the
street talking in a very suspicious
manner with Frank T. Wrightiwin, can
didate for stato senator from Marion
county. Politics vwis not the subject
of discussion, it was learned after
ward, the two well-known characters
being merely hatching up a scheme to
steal away into the wilds for a few
days on n fishing trip. Harry Minto,
sheriff of this county, has also been
nosing urounu tne sporting genus c.v
tablishmcnts of late nnd inspecting the
various makes of phoney baits, fishing
poles, etc.
Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Temnlar of Was-
co Idaho, arrived in the city this aft -
"noon and are visiting at the homo ot
M3-.Tlc'3 Bister, Mrs. Fred t apper
2-3 Ninth Cottage .tret. Mr and
I Mrs. Templar liopo to locate in Salem
! before long n,i are taking iidynntuKf
ot their present visit by looking lor
In the matter of Sunset Grocery Co.,
Bankrupt. Roouest for bids,
I will receivo sealed bids for a stock
if merchandise consisting of groceries,
sipps, sundries, etc., of tho inventoried
vali e of $2,8411.08, fixtures pertaining
to the samo of tho inventoried value m
f Si'o.00, and wagons, horses and harness
of the inventoried value of $22.).H0, for
merly belonging to J. F. Day and O. A.
Pay, partners trading as Sunset (Iro
cery Co., Bankrupt, in the store for
merly occupied by said bankrupt at Si
loin, Oregon, up to nnd until 12:00
o'clock noon on Aloud ay, May 1, 1U14.
(V tilled check for 10 per cent 0' the
amount offered must accompany eich
r-ale subject to the npproval bf ihe
Inventory may bo seen at my office,
r.d l.lso at Salem, Oregon, where the
piopeity may bo inspected.
740 Morgan Bldg.,
Portland, Oregon.
Dated April 21, 1914.
$80 Per Acre
I ?V ? .b.Ca?.tl 5? ,rear-
jxosi'nuie oistrici in tne Heart 01 tlio
; great Prune belt of the Willamette Val-
j ley, rich deep soil, .beautiful vk-w, 35
... 1..- I. I 1? 1 -
mm uiuier cuiinBlion
13 acres tim-,
ber and pasture.
Price $;0 per acre,
, part cash balance long time. The ad
: joining land sold at $125 per acre. Got
: to raise some money, therefore will sell
! at a sacrifice. See niv agents,
- r t " '
Bechtel & Bynon
347 State Street.
ML.rTT-rr via
Remember all . these
troubles anl many more
can be done away with by
wearing Correctly Fitted
Let us examine your eyes
and fit you with proper
lenses then you will see
with ease.
201 N. Commercial St. Phone 925
.'lours, 9 to 5 Ground Floor
When in SALEM, OREGON, stop at
Strictly Modern.
Free and Private Baths.
Both Phones, Freo Auto Bus.
RATES 75c, $1.00, .?1.50 PER DAY
The only hotel In the business district.
Nearest to all Depots. Theatres and
Capitol Buildings.
A Home Away from Home.
T. G. BLIGH, Prop.
Resident Agents. 385 SUto Street
Good Buys
in Real Estate
107 acres of timber close to Station
on Oregon Electric railroad. Will ta!(e
city property' as part payment. Price
iU0.t!0 per aero.
50 acres of good land nearly all un
der cultivation, tiood house aud bam,
spring, family orchard, some timber,
goo I ruiid, o'Jj miles from Salem. Price
$S750; one third casht, balance to suit.
Acre tracts just outside" of the city
limits, good location, " all iu orchard.'
Will sell on very easy terms. If you
are looking fur an aero tract investi
gate this.
10 acres of good land all under culti
vation, small house, bam, chicken
house and well, !j acre in strawberries,
i.. n ere in louanberries ami some young
j family orchard set out. Price $2.'H'0;
I $So0
ash, balance two years at 6 per
We have some very good buys in
' building lots in all parrn of the city
If you are looking tor lot drop in and
let us show them to you.
Five acres all in cherries just com
ing into benring, Good road and .iust
-I miles south of Salem. Price $1,2")0;
one-half cash, balance to suit at 0
percent interest. This is a very good
buy. Come in and seo us about it.
10 acres of first class land, all nn-
I dor cultivation, good fruit or berry
soil. Good road. Prico $1,600,
N'e'.v fivo room bungalow, modern, -street
improvement paid, full base
ment, one-half block to carline and
not far out. Trico $2,400.
. If you aro looking to buy, trade or
sell, see us.
W. H. Grabenhorst & Co.
Room 2, Bush Bank Bldg.
20C nores, near Liberty, all culti
vated, $123 per acres Take good Salem
2 acres boa.riiig fruit, 7 room house,
one mile out, $2,300; terms.
Large lot and house, close in, $0000.
2(5'j acres bearing fruit, improved,
$1(5,000. 1
10 acres 3-4 mile out, $.'100Q.
Hop, prune aud stock ranches, right
List your bargains and trades with
We are agents for Canadian
Pacific lands, $11 per acre up,
20 years to pay.
Close in hotel, 30 rooms, $loOO, snap.
TO acres, 50 acres fruit, house, barn
aiid dryer, 7 miles out, $13,500.
13 acres, Rosedale, 7
buildings, (3,000; terms.
aeres fruit,
Acme Investment Company
" Phone: Office, Main 477.
j Oppete Court House. 540 State St.
i Ecplcyment Bureau In Connection.
...."."--'-Hi' tTWflwtiWiiW1f