Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 02, 1914, Image 1

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Leased Wire
Today's News
Printed Today
vV f I
PRICE TWO CENTS stand3, nvE cents i
II III jfA W II I I jlYT IIAtAi W 'w-i
- V-, .fcP
I -
Regular Troops Will Take Up
Collection and Give Receipts
in Return.
Two Strikebreakers Cremated
in Fire Which Destroyed
Washington, May 2. President Y.'ii
sou today ordered the complete dis
arantcnt of all civilians iu the Colorado
strike districts.
The order was issued through Secre
tary of War Garrison, who issued u
proclamation summoning everyone ia
Ithe strike zone who possesses a run or
mmmiuitiou to surrender them to the
federal troops there. N
The proclamation was couched in im
perative military language. Jt was
taken to apply to strikers and miiio
guards but not to the militia. The!
actual wording was: "All persons not j
belonging to the military forces."
Receipts were promised for the aruiSj
find munition surrendered and tliiSj
mid ammunition surrendered nnd this
plied that they would ever be returned.!
It was stated that a time limit will
be set within which the order nmt be
complied with and places will be desig
nated where the regulars will receive
weapons and munitions.
Two Miners Lose Lives.
Denver, Colo,, Hay 2. Advices le
ceived here shortly before noon by
Governor Amnions said that Judson
Snow and Bob Doggett were cremattd
early today in a tire which destroy-!
two frame buildings at Oak (.reel:, in
lioutt county. Snow and Doggett were
employed as strikebreakers.
Commenting ou the proclamation
from Washington ordering all Colorado
civilians to lay down their" arns,
'Frank Grove, one of the operators' at
torneys, said:
"Secretary Garrison's proclamation
was very welcome. We offered to dis
arm -the guards yesterday. We have
never wauted to kill anybody."
District President John McLennan
of the United Mine Workers of Ameri
ca Raid:
"We are more tha.n pleased with the
proclamation. We have always con
tended that if the guards were unarmed
wo would never need any arms. We
are ready to surrender all of our
weapons "when the guards are."
- Square Deal Promised.
Trinidad, Colo., May 2. "Xow we'll
get a square deal," was an expression
. frequently heard here today.
' Striking coal miners and representa
tives of the owners alike use it. One
of the most hopeful things about the
(situation was that both sdies seemod
(Continued on page 2.)
acrjrs"-r-r - " .
San Diego, Cal., May 2. Amazed j
because the people of the United j
States are displaying so little excite
ment over the Mexican situation and
severe in their criticism of the govern-'
ment for its failure to rush troops in
to Mexico, the 259 American refugees1
who arrived here yesterday from Giia-'
(ialajara were either seeking employ-,
ment in San Diego today .or leaving
for cities where they have relatives
or friends. !
It was the busiest day in the his- j
tory of the San Diego chapter of the
American National Ked Cross. Few of;
the refugees, who were driven hurried- i
ly out of Gnadatajira and forced to
leave their homes and business inter-.
- oi-ts, had money upon" their arrival
liere. The Hed'Cruss at once volun
teered to furnish transportation to all
who cared to leave the city am! to
find work for those who preferred to;
stay. !
"We are financially ruined," said
one refugee after another at the Red
Cross headquarters. "They have tak
en everything we had in the world,
except our lives. Ov.r hands are tied.:
We can do uothing. I'ccle Sam olone
can help us. He can go into Mexico'
nd force the Mexicans to return, our
homes ami money."
In a corner of the room a score of
little children, juven-le refugees, were
huddle, 1 together. One of those who
applied for transportation today wi
J. II. Kipp. who owned th. largest
hardware store in Western Mexico,
ranviug an $).nOO stock.
"They came into my t and gave
m an hour and a half to get out of
West's Memory
Shames Records
Governor West's luck is as good as
his memory, and that is phenomenal in
some respects. The governor has a
fashion, or habit, of storing little
gems of thought, especially on finance
and politics, away in 'his think tank,
and je has also developed the faculty
of calling these littlo things to mind
just when he needs them. This was
illustrated in Portland Friday, when
he spoke before the Jackson Club of
that city. Incidentally ho spoke of
Mr. Johns boing interested ju a lum
ber company in eastern Oregon, and
he Btated that this company had pur
chased from the state a tract of land
in eastern Oregon, paying one-third
of the price down, and after cutting
the timber off it, allowed it to re
vert to the state.
This morning this statement was
questioned, and an examination of the
books in the land office failed to show
any index of such a transaction, but
the governor backed his memory
against the index, and insisted there
was -such a transaction, and even
named the section in which the land
lay. Getting the book of records of
the year, he threw it down on the
.-1.1.. V.nl. ,.A,,n,l n . tlia nnrTf
limit! UUtl I HQ uuun i'I'cuui i ." I'ft i
he wanted. There it was staring upf
at him from the page Tie opened the 1
book nt, and the povornor's memory I
was a winner. The land was 100 acres
in scctioTi 10, townbliip 10 south of
range o'i oast. The record also showed
that, the lands were sold to the com
pany in which Mr. Johns was inter
ested in 1S93, that 8 whs paid, and
that tho entry wan cancelled 10 fears
Inter with no other payments having !
been made, and the timber had been
cut off.
- "Report:', from the various deputy, as-:
aessors of Marion county are being re- j
ceived by Hen F. West, county assess-;
or. J. lit. Watson and L. E. Henuies, !
of Tumor, both deputy nssessors, have i
completed the work in their districts .
and turned in their roturns jtliis. niorm ;
ing. r.. van iuys, oi AuniBvuie, .
was in the city yesterday and report-
ed that he would have his district ;
completed by tho first of next week.
George Beach, of Woodbnrn, reported i
hi district yesterday. The following
aio yet to report: A. E. Adkins, of
Seotts Mills; K. K. Matten, of East of j
Snlcm; George Keedi, of Stayton;!
Frank Kaylor, of alarian; .Matthew
Gibfion, of Sublimity.
Albert and Summer lakos, in eastern
Oregon, are still in demand. This
morning State Treasurer Kay, a mem
ber of tho board, received an offer
for a lease of the lakes, which doubles
the amount heretofore offered for
their use. John II. Haak, of Portland,
proposes to pay the state $2,000,000
for tho right to remove the sale from
the lakes, the payments to be 25 per
cent of the profits which are "guar
anteed ' ' to give the state not less
than $50,000 a year. . The lease to run
40 years. The guarantee, however, is
of the warm ozone character, and no
chock or other tangible thing accom
panied the offer.
Guadalajara,' said Kipp. "It meant
death if I didn't. . They "dido 1 even
givo me time to get a few dollars to
gether. I don't know that I will ever
go back."
The opinion is strong here among
the refugees' that the 75 Americans
who could not be notified in time to
catch the train from Guadalajara are
deal. Their feeling against the Am
ericans was so strong when the train
pulled out that the refugees here are
certain that the Mexicans would -not
have stoped at murder.
The refugees had expected to find
the people in the United States wild
ly excited over Mexicnn conditions,
but in this they were disappointed.
Many of them insisted that there have
lieeu thousands of outrages below the
line, any one of which would justify
As the season for indoor athletic
games is over, the business men of the
city, who have been holding a series
of biff-ar.d-volleyball games, yester
day evening organized a tennis asso
ciation. Plans for the summer searon
weie diseutsed. The following offi
corn were cle.ted: President, Li D.
Iiowcll; vice-president. J. B. Yonng:
secretary, K. M. Hoffnell. These of
ficers will constitute an executive
committeo to co-oiate with Physical
Director Gingrich to promote the gen
eral welfare of the association.
Mrs. Ijera Meek, of Arlington, Kan
ra. is a Riit at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. V. W. Moore.
General Carranza Still Refuses
to Agree to Proposed
O'Shaughnessy Angered by
Reports Is On His Way to
Washington, May 2. The mediators
between the United StnJtes anil MeTii.'O
were hopeful today of a peaceful set
tlement. General "Carranza still re
fused to agreo to an armistice but it
was stated this need not provent an
agreement between Washington nnl
Mexico City. At the same time that
the powers' representatives in Wash
ington were hinting at the desirability
of eliminating the " Huerta must go"
Item of President Wilson's demands,
their representatives in Mexico City
were urging tho dictator to resign.
. Plans were made for a nntional fun
eral for the Americans killed at Vera
Cruz. Refugees at San Diego worn
pressing for American armed intervv'i
tiou am! expressing the opinion that
75 Americans who failed to catch the
refugee train out of Guadalajara had
been killed.
Chargo d' Affaires O'Shaughnessy,
angered by reports that President Wi!
son had criticised the wn(v in which he
handled his duties in Mexico, was on
his way to the United States for on
Sir Lionel Carden, who is still acting
as British miuister there though ho is
under orders transferring bin to.
Brazily'lias .- proved a surpris to the
administration here. For some lime
following Huerta 's assumption of the
presidency he was unquestionably
strongly ' anti-American in his views
and seriously interfered with The suc
cess of President Wilson'? Mexican
policy. In tho prerent crises, however,
he has seemed entirely to have changed
his views and rendered tho United
States valuable assistance at tho Mex
ican capital.
Huerta, however, was reported virH
balky as to suggestions that he retire.
He was. said to have maintained that
his attitude has been perfect hv cor
rect, that he apologized for the Tam
pica incident, that the demand that he
salute the flag was unwarranted, that
he nevertheless acceded to it with a
few modifications, that he has pro
tected Americans and that there is no
reason whv ho should yield further.
Will Not Delay Plan.
Brazilian Ambassador Da Gama as
sured Secretary of State Bryan today
.that even should General Carranza rc
fuse to agree to an armistice in Mexi
1 co, the mediators do not consider that
plans for an amicable settlement be
' tu-onn hA 'Tiirifn Ciiv nnrt Washington
governments need be upset. He agreed
that their work was yet in the pre
liminary stage and admitted that they
were delaying in the hope of hearing
furhter and more favorably from Car
ranza. Then he went into conference
again with the other envoys.
Secretary of State Bryan today an
nounced that the danger of interna
tional complications growing from the
4 threatened destruction of Tampico ail
'properties had been averted. lie snid
nn.l f..l...l. y.ni arvr.-wt.l
UC Jd la null i.'Kiaia net uui.i ug.u-
to avoid damaging them.
Official news that Estavo Ruiz had
k... n r.r..l ...n.l Cnraicn minicitDi lit
i uircu HljlVlllWll .............
. Mexico, succeeding Jose Rojas, re
i signed at President Huerta's request
' was received here today at hte Spanish"
j embassy, which is- reprseenting the
I Mexican government in Washington
! during the cuspension of regular diplo-
matic relations.
Funeral S"ip Due Saturday,
j New York, May 2 The funeral ship
j Montana,, bringing the American bluo-
jackets and marines killed at Vera
i i'rnz. will sail from that port Monday
j and is due here the Saturday following.
J Services of a national character
probablv will be arranged. Secretary
' of the Xavy Deniels has asked tho war
! departments co-operation and every
martial honor will be shown to the
I dead. A mammoth military and naval
parade is planned in New York.
-.. . , ! 1 Ml 1 1.-1.1
Juemonai services aiw win uv uri'i
in Chicago, Mobile and elsewhere the
slain lived.
There was a big crowd at tho Ore
I gon Klectric depot this morning to
take the limited for Wilsonville, where
ithe train will be met by the up-river
boat and passengers taken to Cham
' poeg to attend the celebration, the
jlltb under the auspices of the pio-
i Heers. anil tne iiii anniversary oi
the famous meeting there.' The cele
bration today will have special fea-
turen in honor of the grand old pio
j neer, F. X. Matthieu, who died last
winter. There was a number went
; down on tbe earlier trains, and besides
: these quite s number made the trip in
I autos.
Types of Mexican
I ;
I , " " ' r r-'Jt ' vs .
Photos by American Treaa Assoclatloa
N view of tbe activities of the Cnlted States against Mexico Interest Tes
ters In tbe persutinul nud character of the Mexican soldiers. In the Illus
tration a typlcnl group of Mexicans who fought under General Villa, the
famous rebel lender, la shown. In tbe lower view ma; be seen a regl
ment of Uiiertn'g federals on their way
194,134 Ready
to Cast Ballots
BY ABOUT 93,000.
Secretary of Stato Olcott this morn
ing issued a statement of registra
tion up to May first. This shows tho
total to be 194,132, and of these 110,
277 aro republicans, 51,000 democrats,
5,fi.')5 progressives, 9,319 prohibition
ists, 5,365 socialists and 7,313, of no
party affiliation.
Marion linn a total of 11,583, and of
theso there are republicans, 7,099;
democrats, 2,074: progressives. 199
prohibitionists, 345; socialist, 240; auditive by Mr. Katclift'e.
miscellaneous, 520. j
The total registration before the'
primaries two years ago was 131.8S0. i
Mr. Kozer estimates the number still
to come at about 25,000, 'which would
make tho total about 20,000.
Permits for new cottages that wile. ., . ' . . . . ,... ,,:
. . ., - , -,,-A letter was read rro.n I ounty superin
cost in the neighborhood- of (5,950
wero issued by tho city recorder this
week. J. Pemherton will build a story
and a half structure at 1455 South
Commercial street, which is to cost
$2,500, and W. II. 'iogors will put up
a 2,250 one-story residence at 370
Richmond avenue. Mrs. E. Ostrandor
has taken out a permit to erect a one
story frame dwelling at 425 North
Twentieth street, to cost $1,200.
Vera Cruz, Mexico, May 2. Five
hi.ndred federals, trying to cut the
Vera Cruz water supply, attacked Am
trica.j troops on the government plant
thu cr'tcrnoon. General Funston rush
ed a detachment from headquarters to
reiufi rce them.
How would it do to provide pen
sions for voters who register!
The Weather
Oregon i Fair
ton! ght and
8unkay; west
erly winds.
Against America
through Mexico City.
The Parojit-Tcac'iier association 'of
Highland held a meeting at tho High
land school Friday night, which was
largely nttendod. Tho following pro
gram was given: Song, Pour and Pif tit
grade boys; song, Fourth and Fifth
grade girhi and boys; prayer, Rev.
Ervinc; song, Mrs. Jasper.
Tbo program was followed by a de
bate: "Kesolved, That Marion Coun
ty Ought to Pass the $S50,000 Road
Bond." The affirmative side was rep
resented by Mr. Krvino and the nega-
Mr. Scott was
to have upheld thj affirmative side
with Mr. Ervine, biit was not present,
In his absonco Joseph Smith was ask-
ed fill tne vacancy, but owing to some
technical point his speech was-not rec
ognized. The negative side won, at
u-Kof won nntiaiilnroil liv mtnV tn ttll I
an unfair decision, owing to the in
correct reading of the resolve.
A.n .l. kn.l Un ,rl.,An n
tendent Smith regarding the proposed
school trip to be made to the Oregon
Agricultural school at Corvallis on
May 16. i
Portland, Or., May 2. A shower df
rocks thrown from the Broadway
bridge onto a launch load of non-union
men being taken to work today was
the first violence in the strike of long
shoremen ngninst the American Ha
waiian Steampship company because
the recently organized freight checkers
union has not been recognized, une i
man was struck but only slightly in- , r"J1 TJ 7 .n,.
. , . i....k ly satisfied with explanations of the
jured. The non-unionists were brought i
to work yesterday in tancaus but on
l account of the threatening attitude of
the crowd of men about the Albers
docks, it was deemed advisable to use
a launch.
The steamer Navajo was being un
loaded today with a non-union crew
and C. D. Kennedy, local agent of the
American Hawaiian compnny hoped by
working Sunday to have the ship ready
for sea by Monday night.
At the San Francisco and Portland
Steamship company's dock, the other I
comnany involved in the disagreement,
the issue will be met late today with
the arrival of the steamer Bear.
Representatives of longshoremen
have notified G. L. Blair, general man-
aeer of the eomoany. that the caruo of
the Bear will not be touched unless
the checkers' union is recognized.
Learns Identity .
After 25 Years
Pendleton, Or., May S For 25 yeara
Floyd S. Eerslake lived as Floyd Grif
fith, under which . name ha married
Hattio J. Taylor, a popular Fendleton
girl, a fow months ago, only to learn
ten tyg ago that hia mother had
taken him when a baby from his
fat h or, who is a wealthy farmer re
siding near Salem, Or., and had given
him the name of hia stepfather. Recent
communication between ftither and son
established the identity of the latter,
which ho, had never had cause to ques
tion. Young Mr. Kerslake then ob
tained a new marriage license and a
second marriage was performed. News
of this leaked out today, friends who
aided the pair admitting the proceed
ings, which are verified by the mar
riago license records in the office of
the Umatilla county clork. '
The young Knrslnkes have gone to
Snlcin to meet the father of the bride
groom at the latter 's request, which
was accompanied by a liberal chock
to make sure of no delays.
Mr. Kerslake, as Floyd Griffith, was
omployed in a local music store.
With both Judgo telly of Depart
ment So. 1 and Judge Galloway of
Depndtment No. 2 out of the city, the
circuit' court for Marion county was a
quiet placo today. No trials were on
nnd no decrees rondcrcd. There is,
however, plenty of --ork for tho
judges when tltoy got back to thoir
desks, nnd next weok the mill will be
gin to grind again.
A licentious t(S tho effect that the
pluhuiLf in tho uuinBge suit" brought
in thr circuit court or Marion min
ty by J. W. Taylor against the Port
land, Kugene and Eastern railway and
the Arenz Construction company failed
to look or listen for the approach of
the company's car and that hd care
lesfly backed his body against it are
made in nn answer filed this morning
by tho defendant compnny. The ans
wer, lifter denying tho allegations made
i'l the complaint, goes on to say that
Taylor was in a position to see and
hear the approach r cars and thnt
hU injuries resulted from his own ne
glect. The compnny states that tho
rar was not going more than four
miles per hour. N
I.ondon, May" 2. As a result of tho
intervention of tho home offico, the
scheduled 20-round fighl hero June 30
between Gunboat Smith and Snm Lnng
ford has been called off. The author
ities interfered becauso of tho strong
feeling hero ngninst a white man fight
ing a negro owing to tho color ques
tion being raised thereby. The fight
may bo transferred to Paris.
San Francisco, May 2. Officials ol
the Pacific Mail Steamship company
wero gladder than they eould express
today, of course, that thoir big liner,
Siberia, was not a wreck off the south
coast of Formosa.
Their gladness was tempered, how
ever, by some other emotions. They
'ipent a norverackirg day yesterday,
and were quite conscious that the rel
atives of the Siberia's passengers and
of the members of its erow must have
dona tho name thing. Reports of the
liner's loss were not the kind of ad
vertising thoy cared for, either.
Moreovor, the mistake cost them a
good many hundreds of dollars in ca
ble tolls and for provisions for salvage
and rescuo work.
error. Jt they had Had the authority
to arrange it, there was - no doubt
there would have been a position open
for a new wireless oierator at the
Ogezakai station in Japan, whence the
story of the Siberia's calls foe aid
The explanation that tho operator
must have mistaken an "M. B. 8."
call, which was simply the Siberia's
private rignal to the Persia, another
Pacific Mail liner, for "8. O, 8.,"
which means "save our ship," or
i words to that effect, was all very well
as far as it went. It did not account,
! however, for the Ogezakai atatioa's
announcement that the message had
ncen picaea op on ins.rormosan eoasi
; also and by thipt iu Formosan waters.
' Neither dird it make it clear how the
oporator got the Siberia's position
Huerta's Cabinet Disrupted by
. Difference of Opinion in
Farmers Near City Ask that
American Lines be Extended ;
in Country.
Vera Cruz, Mex., May 2. Announce- -ment
thnt-Foreign Minister Rojas has
resigned irom Prosident Huerta's cabi
net was taken here today as confirma
tion of report that formidable opposi
tion to the dictator is developing in
Moxico City.
It was understood that Rojas thought
the American flng ought to be saluted
nnd favored sending a commission to
Washington to endeavor to settle bis
country's difference with tho United
States. Apparently ho was so insifct
ent on this that he angered Huerta. At
any rate, the latter asked for his resig
nation yesterday afternoon.
In accordance with Secretary of War
Garrison's order, General Funston was
in absolute charge here today, Civil
Governor Kerr and tho other civil au
thorities retiring. '
Tho Mexican city council last night
suggested tho prohibition of bull fights
and the signing of an order to that
effect was Korr's last oft'iciul act.
Farmers surrounding Vera C'ma have
asked Fuuston to extend his lines as
they have found the Americans excel
lent customers fur their products rand
want to - eantintie supplying thein but
Ard harassed" by .''raipers'' except
witlfln.' tho 'laouo under AmeruMM' eun,
trol. -V '
Charge d' Affaires O'Shrtnrtnessy
sailed for Galveston, today ou the ten
der Yankton.
Food Problem Seriou.
Tho food problem was becoming sori
ous here this afternoon. Even at tho
hotels neither fruit, milk nor butter
wero to bo had. It was suggested that
supplies could bo shipped from Tampico
if tho rebels enptured it but the fight
ing thero was dragging. The Vera Crua
bcuiks wore doing 'practically nothing.
A rumor was current horn today that
Mrs. Clara Bockmeyer, a Gorman: wo
man, was niistnkou for an American
and killed' in Mexico City April 27.
The report was without confirmation '
and ninny disbelieved it.
Evacuation 8tories Unfounded.
El Paso, Texas, May 2. Reports that
tho federals had set Saltillo on fire
and evacuated it proved unfounded
Stories of the evacuation were at
tributed to tho transfer, said to have
taken place, of a detachment of the
garrison to reinforce the federal force
(Continued on page two.
irosumnbly a wrong position, too, for
t was out of the regular course be
'wenn Nagasaki and Manila.
All theso thingH the Pacific Mail
officials wanted to know more about.
They promised a thorough investiga
tion. First announcement that tha Siberia
was in distress was sent out from Oge
zakai early Friday. Other signals
were said to have followed until final
ly the messages beenmo indistinct and
finally ceased altogether. -
The last news the Pacific Mail re
ceived until kite in the afternoon ar
rived at 11 a. m. Friday.
Then there was an iutorvnl of si
lence and agonized waiting. After
throe in the afternoon there arrived a
Corregidor Island message to the ef
fect that a wireless had just been re
ceived from tho Siberia saying there
was nothing tho matter with the ves
sel and that it would be in Manila on
schedule time. .
This message was communicated to
the Pacific Mail's Snn Francisco of
fice by the United Press, but officials
there were still pessimistic. The mes
sage might have been sent out-before
the ship met disaster, they said. Late
in tho evening thore arrived another
message by way of Manila in which
Captain Zeeder was quoted as saying
the Siberia was iu no trouble what
ever. At U:10 Saturday morning the last
doubt was set at rest by the ship's
actual arrival at Manila. A dozen
ships were cruising about the south
end of Formosa at the time looking
for its wreck. ,