THB DAILY CAPITAL JOTTRJf AI SALEM. O&ROONT, THTTESDAT, APRIL SO, 1914. PA OR ftvt; y WOMAN IN THE CASE" Captain Griffiths Still Betusea to Dlvulg Name or Misrerious Lady. JUDGE-ADVOCATE IN ' CONFERENCE WITH MAH Wonder Expressed If Washington mends WIU Brave Publicity . of Trial. San Francisco, April 30.--Captaja '.Dennis P. Quinlan, judge advocate oi tne i niteti estates army tniru un, was in conference at AIcatraK prison today with Captain J. II. Griffiths, who will be" coitrt-martialled May 4th on charges ." of embezzling government money, breach of arrest, desertion from the service and conduct generally un becoming an officer and a geutleman. There waa a great deal of mystery connected with Griffiths' ease. The pcrtsistout report still circulated that powerful interests were coneerned in an attempt to smuggle the officer out of tho country without a trial, as did also tho rumor thrrt a member of a foreign embassy hurried ,from the na tional capital to Seattle to holp him at the time of his original arrest. If thoy knew, the military authori ties here would not tell what these 3 reported interests were, who was the referred to or in what way he was connected with tho case. It iLnHLL nneilhU Vi I fflnta miuhf a come out at the captain's trial before the military court and the hearing was JWaitod. with corresponding impatience. There was also much speculation as to whether, since publicity Beemed in ovitnble, his Washington friends would .lnaai-ti it nfinnnoi np 4ifln him trt nut sjup a ngnt. from ail tne miormntion n was po aible to secure; Mrs. Virginia Barmhall, the rich' widow whose, name haa been meutioned in connectiou with the case was more a financial than a personal friend of tho prisoner. It wn con ceded by the authorities today, how- A Skin ot Beauty is a Joy Forevei 1 TL T. FEU eOCRAUB'S ORIENTAL I J. rrjpt fin iiicifu prnrrini:!. rrfrcklea. Moth-. PkIcIim Bub, nd hkia DUeiuwh tm bMiitf. width Dei detection. It bu itoorl lbs tea of to rnri ' It io hannlf w UftclttobamirtU is properly mw! Accept nooounipf ffil Of lllilLM nam. Dr. I A. 8tt ald to Unif of tho hir ttrt ( pal lent: " At f mi lull 1 rciimmD4 HnHrMMif O ' ttit lent bwrofm nf til tfa kin ore nftmi tooi.' KnrMlatrreltdnuirlitriMl Twrr fioudt iWtra in tb United tiutat, Ciu ui Kuiwj IDttT.HOPm tn. 17 Brat km Shut -W cause you are so fall of canals." lt A friend met Senator Martina of New Year day and asked bim bow he "Oh, fine, fine!" responded Martine. WW if 1 Lley Invited me tip to bare a real old fashioned Kentucky esgnog with blm and a party of friends. -' "I looked up bis- address and set blithely forth. Xhoy told me he had moved. I went to the next place, but be didn't live there. Some one suggested be lived at an other location. I tried that also without success. Hon estly, I've been chasing that eggnog for two days and ' baren't cough up with it yet!" ' 1 J s; Representative Robert of Nevada tells story about congressman and a colored attache to a legation In (WilNuington representing a colored nation. Tbe colored attache was- being shown through tbe committee rooms .when tbe congressman wandered in for bis overcoat "Here," thundered tbe congressman to the attache, "take this, coat and brush it and bold it for we!" Pnralyjsed into a state of coma, tha attache obeyed and then departed with frigid dignity. , "What's the matter with him?" asked the congressman. t ."That man." said the other as he baroa in hut own country ." "Huh; that's all right!" said the three kings and a pair of queens. "Five bartenders have told me toaay tnat I'm a prince.1 ' - I Representative Julius Kahn of California bas found his stee of some dis advantage in bis reward. In beauty and Is an bazaar. Strolling booth of a fair i Photo br American , Press Association. . ,a,i Jci.rcs) KAHJ., yf .. -"I nrgrted with him for two boors." said Representative Class. "1 laid nil -bo fact before him, but It was no use. He was obstinate, bovclessly obsti- : . nate - - ' ' j " Mr. Olaw frowned and shook his bead. Then be ended; I ' "An obstinate man, you know, does not hokl opinions; tboy bold him." ever, that it waH'o- Hramtull but another and younger woman Grif fiths was supposed to have, been .delay ing hit flight to be near.' - That there waa 'such a woman Grif fiths himself admitted by his denial that there was anything improper in his relations with her. U like her very much," he said, "but there is nothing between us; we are just 'friends. " ' He would -not reveal her name on- the ground that she was wholly inno cent and there wm no reason why she Should figure in his troubles... Whether the military authorities held this view too, could not be learned, hut for the time being, at any lite, ' they were reticent concerning the woman 'a iden tity. .- , T. Mrs. lriffith was .expected, in 8sn Francisco to do what' she eotrlir towards helping her husband. With al view tohe possibility of re covering for the government the .money the prisoner is accuBe'd of embezzling, an Investigation was being -made of the value of the properties tie. is interested in. . . ....... Aside from his timber interests, which he transferred to Mrs. Bramhall in settlement or nuvaiiPefrainr made to him to a total of about $17,000, he was said to own coral and mining prop erties tho South Sea Islands. It was to devfflop '-theni 'that .it wa be lieved ha would have' mitad -yesterday; hasl he not been- aretd opwtba steam ship Taihi. ' ... - . , HOW'S THIS? We of for One Hundred 'Dollars Bo ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh' Cure. F.' J. Cheney ft Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned,' have known F. J. Cheney for the last. 15 years, and believe jilm perfeetly honorable in tin business transactions -and. financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm." National Bank of Commorco, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Testi monials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottlo. Sold by all -Bruggists. '' Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. AMERICANS HELD f RISONERS IN MEXICAN DUNGEONS New Orluans, La., 'April 30. Bring ing fi cipher message front former Am erican Consul Lcishmnirxfit' Frontora, Mex., to Secretary of- State Bryan, tho steamer Livingstone, arrived here today from Mexico. -Loishman-Becording -to Captjnin James - Jackson, is held -by Mexican authorities, lis -asked-that a warship be sent--to -Frontcra at once. Thirteen American.; refugees .arrived on the Livingstone.. Thy alleged thnt 13 Americans were .confined in. Fron-. tera dungeons. ' v YOUTH HOLS UP STREET OAS. Los Angeles, - April -- 30. Detectives are searching for a 10 year old youth who, alone and unmasked, held up two street cars and robbed -tho .crews of small sums of money. Two other at tempted car holdups last .night failed NEW DIOCESS CREATED. Home, April 30. A -new diocess of ftpokane, comprising the', eastern half of Washington, v was. created today by Pope Plus. The Sc,tlW.e.lieess.Tetain the western half of the., state. '. Gossip From Washington , EPRESENTATIVH MOORE of Pennsylvania has become known througboot tba' country as the father of the waterways. Rivers and bnrbors. canals and dredging matters" aro 'uppermost to his mind. ' "Do you know, Moore," said bis colleague, Repre sentative Edmonds, recently, "why It Is that you remind mo of an Inhabitant of tne planet Mars?" - Mr. Moore avowed bis Inability to sea any relation between himself and tba aforesaid astronomical body. ' "Well," replied Edmonds, "the reason Is, Mooro, be t New Jersey on the street' the day after had enjoyed the holiday. V "I'll tell you about it Benator Brad 'OH Pnoto ty American ' Fraas Aseodatloa. SEX A TO A IIABTIKB. prepared to hurry after tba attache. Is member of congress, with the dignity of - . v foreign countries wnen 11 couies w me matter erf transportation. In various oriental countries the carriers charged him double. But In Japan be met Nippon fat Is regarded as a sign of object greatly to be wished for by the men. One evening Mr. Kahn and bis wife were at a about, tbef finally paused before the maiden. Tbe girl gazed with admiration on tbe imposing fig ure of the American representative and at last ran out from behind the table, threw her arms around bis neck and burst out Into exclamations of delight . "Ob, how nice.1" she cried in broken English. "Nice and fut! proceeding to bestow a series of most em phatic -bugs on tbe embarrassed gentleman from Cali fornia. K t v . representative Carter Glass was talking about a man who bad wrong ideas on finance. vTnnvnrTuuDet OlUill Ur IIIL D1DLL I Paster to:irs DraOps ; la En City of Sculh. FflXlIlH RnHF Fi.Fr-IT flaw I wn mmwM . i rmmm f a Sasrrriat ' TMt Par Naw ; VorWa nd Kyae MnanH uaar wm Mas. J saoa Pea ha fW What Has ' Bn Raoaraaa' aa a Cfwl Panatiwwn u- u . , Diviaalv kwWl Linn aa Thinoa ia Ciwi. Atkuta,G.', April k PaotorKustmll 1 pt'netel ' bia fa mous Pboto-Drama of Creation to a hlglily apnrecl- V stive audience la' the Atlanta The atre today. Tbetouchlngnlin of Abrahani'sgreat sacrlflce fnruisued the basis of thw Pastor's discourse. Hearts' Oiled and eyes became molirt as tbe Instructive message was delivered. What baa been regarded by many as a cruel fanaticimn was pointed out by the famous Mew Yorker as Divinely ar raitgd and as teaching a moot beauti ful and sigulneant lesson respecting tbe sacrlflce of the antt-typlcal Isaac namely, Christ and "tbe Church, which Is His Body." Pastor ItusseH's text was, "If ye ba Christ's, then are ye Abraham's Bead and heirs according to the Promise" (Unlntlans 830). The PoMtor began by demonstrating from Scripture that Ood calls our pres ent condition a cursed one, that man kind are under tbe curse of death, aud that tbe only-way by which the world can come under God's blessing, Is by the-bringing In of. a new condition. And so-wheo God said to Abraham, "In thy 8vd shall all tha families of tho earth be Messed,' He meant that tills Seed would roll away tbe curse of death nod roll In tbe blessing of life In the full seose upon humanity. Then the Pastor pointed out that the tiogos left the Heavenly courts aud became a human beinir taking a low er nature than He had before and was born j f the stock of Abraham. h order to- become tbe promised Seed, which was to roil away the curse of death He next showed why Jems, accord ing' to the flesh,, could net b Messiah. the promised Seed. ' Even In Hlrpor-' fection the Man-Jesus could have do nothing more for tbe world than to guklemeny lnte hnppier conditions. H could not have been the great DeHverv er wbo waa to bless all tbe families of firtb-the dead as well as tbe living. Hew Jaeae Sesame the Maaaiah. . The Pastor explained how Jesus be came the Messiah when He woe bap tised of John at Jordan. He showed that tbe water baptism was only tbe symbol of tbe real baptism which took place there; and to support his claim ho quoted tike prophetic statement re specting Jesus. "Lo, I come to do Thy will, O My Ood" everything written In the Book. (Hebrews 10:6-9.) This statement means that our Lord, by becoming our 1 Sacrifice, fulfilled tbe tyies and shadows of the Law Cove nant various things that were not commandments at all. bnt that were foresliadcwed by tbe Jewish sacrifices. For instance, tbe type showed that before there could be an atonement for sifl.' the bullock of the clu-olTering mnst Brat be offered. Our Lord came to be the1 anfitypienl Bln-offoring, to present Ills perfect human nnture-all that He had to give Himself In God's service as a sacrifice. The speaker threw, a -new. light on the Apostle's somewhat ambiguous statement, "He teketh awaythe flrst, that He may es tablish the second," declaring that the correct thought IS, He removes the type, that He may establish the anti-type. . Onr Lord came to set autde tbe type. This He did when He presented Him self a living Sacrlflce at Jordan to do unreservedly the Father's will. This mount, primarily, our Lord's death, for mankind were under tbe death sen tence pronounced upon their Father, Adam. Therefore, It was necessary that their Redeemer should taste death for mankind before He could have wherewith to sutisfy tbe claims of Justice on Adam's behalf and ask for the release of Admn and bis race. Next tbe Pastor explained that when our Lord cried on the cross, "It is fin ished!" He merely. nR'nnt that His own persona! work of the sacrifice of Him self was ended. Then came His resur rection and His manifestation to His disciples,-that they mlht know that ne bad risen from the dead. He ap peared and showed Himself under dif ferent conditions to prove two things: (1) That He was no longer dead; (2) That He was changed from who ne had been before. Tbe speaker dwelt at length niton our Lord's several mani festations after nis resurrection, ne pointed out that during the forty days befrjro our Lord's ascension Hs showed, niuiself only a. few minutes at a time, or perhaps an hour in all. and He ap peared and disappeared In a way that no cms but a spirit being onWl do. As St. Tetcr declared. "lie was put to - .-.'-v- i !Oesth la fkeh, bai qakcWwl la eefrir t made atlro a spirit tMtag r Why Jw A.s.wdsd m rMaK 0r Lord's Monalun. Um Poator W flroMKl, was aootlMr Step la Uta Lttvlos I'an for tbs aalvatiua of ii wotUL It was Daoeeaary, aa St. Paul dachtrad, that Jasoa should a4par In tha pooa anca ot God sod UMtka preaeototloa ot Uis blood, tha marit of His sacsuiaa, 'tha vatua of Uis aacfUk-Ul daatii, tbat tba Cbowb tuWht ba Jiutlflad thioutfh ilia merttv and tha tba Vatbar mittbt glv tba Chtirch tha twoaOt of tba slaanalut wbidi our Lord bad swaom pllabad far that ctass. liniiy have not Botload tost tha tcrlptarea UuH ur Lortfu work durlnu tha Qoanel Ajaa to ttrA ctaawUkh U blii sotect- , sd. or aiacted. from amotwrt nmahliML , By faith this clasa are leeoocUed to I God throngU tba otood of Christ. Tbvsa have an Advocate with the ' Father, j Jseas Ohriut tha Righteous, and may draw sear to God with oood coocaaw. navlug their hearts aprinklad ftotn any ( oonsclowineas of evil. The Pastor.tbea showed that after D'1 ascandad on High Ua was tlte Spiritual Bead of Abraham, who la to bless all tha families of tbe earth. Prtmarl!y, He became the Bead of awauam KMraia, wnen n reueivea UK? aiiotntuig aud to a certain exfctnt began the work of blessing. But when 1 He had rlen fmn tbe dead aad hod i asi aniled to the Father Ue was the Perfected. One, the compute Bead, so ' far as Ue Himself waa concerned. j The speaker want on to demonstrate from Scripture, however, that from the beginning Ood had purposed, nut only that Jesus should be the great Savior and Blesser of tbe world, but that He slrould bare a company of asnociutes, wbo are to be sharers with Him la the great work of human uplift These ate the Gospel Church, and are to be given glory, houor and Immortality In the First Resurrection. Thus they also will become members of Abraham's Spirit ual 8eed aud share with Christ lit His Millennial Kingdom. Tbe speaker re peatedly quoted from Galatiaua 8, wlik-h he claimed makes the matter very clear. Tha Development of the Church. Primarily, the Beed of Abraham, as God meant It was tbe Spiritual Seed Christ and the Church ou tbe Divine plane. Bnt there Is auother Beed of Abraham, according' to- the Aesb the Jews. These also will have a pert In the work of blessing. Thla fact the Pastor declared. Is set forth In Genesis 22:10-18, where God told Abraham that his seed would be as the stars of heaven and as the sand of the seashore. The Poetur then explained how some from both Jews and Gentiles have oon stltqted this Bplrltoal Beed of Abra ham. - He showed that Jesus, the pes fect Man, gave Himself a Sacrlflce, laying down HlA ourthly rights; and that God begot Him to a hlglier naturu. Being perfect. He needed no one to make good for Him. Bnt ': with the Church It Is different Every' member must come to mm as the pUi-ofterlng. the Due who would cover their blem ishes and Imperfections', and refireseut them as their Advocate. The early Church were In the main of Jewish origin.' ' These had 'found 'that they conkl not get everlasting Ufe'br keep- i ina the Law. Therefore, as Ht-Paul dckired. they must become dead to ' ft and accent Christ as their' Sin-offer- fug, and ' consecrate ' themselves, that through His merit they might become members of the Anointed. The Geutllos never were under tho Law Covenant, and therefore they came into Christ merely by tbe sur render of earthly things presenting themselves living sacrifices, as did the Jews. In return for this complete con secration, those who thus, present themselves by fa!tb--wbetber Jew or Gentile are begotten of tbe Holy ffplrit to Heavenly hopes, alms and am bitions. Those who. continue faithful to their covenant of sacrifice until death will receive a place In that Body of Christ which is tbe Church in glory. These walk by faith and not by sight Tbey develop tbe spirit of loyalty and obedience loyalty to God, to righteous ness and the brethren, and obedience to God and the Golden Rule. Of this Christ company Jesus was. the Head, the- Apostles were the first members of tho Cody, and the faithful In Christ Jesus throughout the Gospel Age-are members In particular. Tha Natural 8d of Abraham. The Pastor next discussed, the de scendants of Abraham through the Jews. Briefly reviewing tbo his tory of that remarkable people, tbe speaker showed bow God had blessed them in the past Their trying experi ences In Egypt, their Journey through the wilderness en route to Canaan, and tbe signs and wonders which accom panied them, taught the people valu able lessons and strengthened their fulth. For centuries they dwelt In tho Promised Land under God's special Anu. anmAlnui nhaatlaojl (1 nit flit m A. T n. TJ uiura UWODW. pui mo.s. v blessing sought under the terms of the Low Covenant everlasting life. Their experiences, be pointed out, helped to develop In Israel a special clasa posses sing the faith of Abraham, Isaac, Ja cob and all tbe Prophets, and others not so prominent , k. riZtaTr ' class, have received nothing but Gods. As yet. Uis speaker claimed, this promise that tbey shall have "a better resurrection.". This they will get, be asserted, after tbe entire Cliurch of Christ shall have been completed; for Ood bus ordained that In all tilings Christ shall , have the pre-eminence. After tbe Spiritual Seed of Abraham shall have been glorified, then somo- thing will begin to be done for the nat- ot tbe bmt beyond tbe veil, and the ural seed. . . j door to the High Calling wllllie shut The Pastor then showed that this ben will como the great tribulation class of Ancient Worthies will have mentioned In Ttevelntion 7. out of which much advantage over tba rest of tbe will gradually come the Great Corn world. The Bible teaches that tbey j nanv all overcotners, indeed, but iio t ! will come np to human perfection In tba reaurrecuou. iiikIvuU ul coining up Imperfect kunmu belnfrs, like the re-; nviliulor of DuinkliKt. Thfir vattstitntes thalr "licttar Insurrection." '''The rent! of tba world will require rvuturteti tu wbkb to attiln hunwu perfaiilvu. This Auctent Worthy rlnsw, lbioak er stated, will Iio iwixlutvd with lb coming- Kingdom of liod. as our Lord duclurel. anyliig. "Ye hIiuII pea Alini- in the Kinydoiu of 0od.H (iik i3:28. &int T. ,L SH ba IhvIhIIiIo to mm. The world will soa to mm. The world will sos Nit.wortuiw. wiw win be ! ii-gruiHi exnmi.ia of the : thoso Ancient perfect mr lump of God in the n.-siL They win ; constitute tho earthly phus sa of tuo : Klngilom. In that they will reprint 1 the invisible Henveniy KinHai. j how" the Biassina will Cam.. i the pastor then gve nn outline of; arrangement In the Kingdom of Hps- ; Skill. The Splrltuul Seed of AliruUnm will be In tho glory of the Klnedom- Tlplrft beings. Invislblo to uieit. Thenat- ; urn I seed of Abrubnm will ba "PrliHrs tin all thu eHrtli." as rsnlin 45-sets forth. When the Kingdom Is set up, God's blesslues will first -ao to all "Is- rnolltce ludcol." The first roprcsontu- tlves will be tho Ancient Worthies. with whom the speukcr thinks all the prouilavd earthly blcsMlngs will rest as renreSLMitntivps of Messiah on. entth. Only by coming Into relationship with this compnny will any get tho full blessing of the Millennial Kingdom. Tho PiiHtur Illustrated In tho caso of tho United States. There ure certain privileges nnd blessings to be secured by getting citizenship here; and ns n ivstilt people flock here from every where nnd become cltlnens. In order 1 thnt tliey nmy enjoy these blessings 1 iind privileges. This, ho declared, Is ex- ssetly tho picturo given In the Scrip-1 tni'cs. In tlio future nil the world will press for i-ltiKcunhtp lu the nation of Israel. The tentis of cttlxanslilp there will h full surrender ulMintloiiuipiit of ! -lu. consecration to Ood, fnltli mid I trust In Hlm. mid loyally and obedt ! lire to the greitt Mwslnnle Kingdom. ! The Pastor thinks that the Jews will he the first people to come Into the . Kingdom, for the reason thnt the offer 1 to uiuukliid will be more In line with ; what thnt people hnvc been expecting '! for ninny centuries. Tlie rromlse was ' inndo to their ancestor Abraham about ! four thousand years ngo that In his Reed nil the families of the earth iilioiiUl be blessed. Tlie Jew still has ft in mind, the Pastor believes,' that somehow MesHlah and His Kingdom me coming, and thnt tho blesslug of Abraham Is yet to come. - Tho Jew does not know what to make of all Unit has been going on for the past eighteen hundred years, the lcnker declared. Iio has been greatly puzzled to know why UiKarus should have been taken Into Abraham's bos urn ns Abraham's child, mid why he himself should rcililiiul," be rejected. outcaHt nnd In trouble; hut soon his eyes wlll ue oih-iicu. At Hie proper I moment God will pour upon. Israel the I Rplrit of prayer and xnitplimtton, nnd tlioy slmll look Umiii IIIiiv whom they I pierced ua-tlic Prophet Zecharlah fore j told.- (Zeclmrlah, 12:10.) Then they will begin to see something of Cop's j rit Mystery that it was necessary j Unit i:::!ii!;li;d I1 redeemed before they I ittukl be restored. They- will begin to eft the key to the Divlno Plan, which ! rests upon the Cross of Christ I Tlip next class to come Into line with I (lie Kingdom, tlie Tnstor thinks, will j lie ii clans of Christian people that I have ' been considerably misled . nnd eonftiKcd. As soon ns these begin to net tliclr eyes open n little, they will perceive thnt ethers liavo understood the Kcrlpture hotter than they luive. and llien lliey will liegln to study. The nihle Inllmntes thnt this will bo their course that Hie foolish rlrgliia will get the oil nnd will finally como Into harmony with Ood. Gradually the Uessogo will spread until all nations will realize that the Kingdom of God luis been established, and that by be coming Israelites they will get the blessings. To support this somewhat remarkable statement, tho Pastor quot ed several prophecies, among which was 14:1(1-21. The speaker believes that by tho end of the Millennial Age all evil-doers will , have been destroyed and all the re ' mnlnder of mankind will have become Abraham's seed n great number. ! which uo man can estimate. Theu will I tome a trial to determine who are loyal I at heart-- Ilavlng demonstrated that tlicy could be loyal during the favorable conditions of Christ's Messianic King dom, when every wrong act was pun ished and every good deed blessed, mankind will then . be tried to see whether they will do right when left to Uicmselvcs nnd the Kingdom with drawn. Satan will be loosed for a little while. Then there will be opportunity for sin to prcvull. The nice of Adam, then perfect; human beings, will bo tested In order to determine whether .'tbey really love God nnd whether they . , . I ., l , , 1 ..I ,. h ..,,,, j are luyui iw iuu iniu.iiii nesa. xnose wno are rouiia io ue ui! loyal to truth nnd righteousness mid God will be destroyed from amongst In concluding bis discourse, tho Pas- , . , tor declared that a tho test at he end oi uie juii.eiiinii. Hie " v. eTen 80 thls 18 1,10 tCSt "Pn C"li,tl'"' ,e Tfle Lor (lefircfI of those who merely fear to do wroug. but those who love to do right and hate to do wrong. lie claimed thnt there Is only a little more time in which Chris tians will hnvc tho opportunity to de velop character and to stand the test AH of those found worthy to walk with our Lord will be accepted- ns worthy "mow than conquerors." y I Big Stock of Fancy and Dry Goods We Make Up AH Kind3 White Pers Kimonas nd Drcssc3' 4, f"hi1rlrpn'o rnmnprc jjTp rcrirnl uaren s rompers, saie $1.5 children s suits; sale . . . . $7 50 ladies' fimirpd silk kimnnnar snip . wnr ij; r: , M j 1,: ia"lc xiKUicu tiepe Amiuxias, swjc loc a yard embroideries; sale, yard .9c Imported silk pongees, a yard 47c, 75c and$1.00 Serpentine and imported crepes? 18c, 20c, 22c and 23c a yd. o tn v, j v r A oo "V? "v1 J u'. u ircavj vvmte emoroiaered petticoats, eacn . .$i.z.) to Remember This Is the Store That Saves You Money. ! 325 N. COWL ST. Getting the Summer Home Ready Perhaps you have not made your plans yet the advertising in The Journal will help you.. ' Want some suggestions as to how to furnish it attractively and at the least expense ? Glance at the advertising in The Journal. Where can the best curtains bo had? Again we refer you to the advertising in The Journal. Can you get a piano for a moderate price? Where can you select the china and kitchen ware to best advantage? , These and every one of the scores of other ques tions that will suggest themselves. answered in our advertising from day to day Begin reading it today. ' JfW PW tnMPll sreaa The "Shopping Rensinder v Vill Make Your Shopping Easier Bend the retail store advertisements in this paper TODAY they nro full of money-saving opportunities. Mako a list of what you want on the ' 'Ka mi ndor" bolo. When your list is complete, place it' in your pockctbook and it will he ready when you Btart downtown, bo it NOW, or you may forget some of tho bargains offered today by tho' principal stores., i' Capita Journal Shopping Reminder ' Chuck off l :: " I ' Wed ARTrCLKa . AtiSed STORE ', v - e COTJNTT MAT KOT LOSE TAX ON 8. P. TIMBEE LAND - Fears expressed by George Paulus, county tax collector, that Marion county would lose this year $10,000 in taxes because the title held by tho Houthorn Pacific to 36,000 acres of tim ber kind in the roi'nty is being con ttwted in tho courts by tho govern ment, were allayed today when it wan discovorej that the supreme court of tho state, in an opinion written by Justice McN'ary recently, held that the fact the government is contenting tit Io to land is not sufficient ground to en join tho collection of the taxes, Tbe decision was rendered in the case of the Houthcrn Oregon company nn'tiinot Oeorgo E. Quine, sheriff and """ "l u..v. coniiiany had acquired a grant of land 1 whi.h y0iginaiiy "WM Rrlted t0 thei (;009 ay vVaeon Road company to aiil ! in tho construction of a military wagon ( rom tQ "A. lejiing that the conditions of the grant had not been complied with, the gov ernment instituted suit to annul it, and the company instituted suit to enjoin lho collection of the taxes on the lnnd pending the adjudication of its title. The circuit court refused to issue the injunction. B.EC0BD PRICE FOR WHEAT LAND WsJIn Walla, Wanh., April 30. With the sale here today of 2'Ml acres wteat land by , (Icorge McOuire Hrvm Kurmll for S'ifi.UOO the record price was approached. The land is Id thc foothills seven miles east of allo Walk. ' I Underwear, Waists, Wrap G Ladies Goods.. . .25c ..65c $6.23 . 1., $1.80 maiwugo, ocuc, ju wi, SALEM, ORE. Wffi WjJ 1PJ If W WW efcWifcM4NWaBMttsBMfcttes1aBsa4 I Land Credit Company T UH l'IVlL'l.V ,-VJ WMI First Real Estate Mortgages well secured and bearing a high rate of interest Titles perfect and interest collected free of cost to tho invoBtor. Phono Alain 3H5 abid wo will send a representative with list of giltedge investments for your inspection. Or call oa : Oregon Title & f Land Credit Co. ! 209 U. 8. National Bank Bid.. Salem, Oregon. Sj w a"B aw ' irwa n n u ti is U P li a ' Writo This Down on Tour -Calendar CfHUTAUQUA EIx Big Days Jans 29:-July 4 ii thJ to f ! f GafaajaBjSBBjBjajBi fjSB taj Bff f-aj fflm fJ .lll1Wf1--1'-,"L"J' a-Jl .u-.liia