PAGE FOUB THE DAILY CAPITA!. JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1914. Editorial Page of The Daily Capital Journal WEDNESDAY APRIL 29, 1914 TIIEEMLY (WflTSLJOURNXL CAPITAL JOURNAL CHARLES II. FISHER, EDITOR PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING EXCEPT BDNDAyTbALEM, OBEOON SUBSCRIPT I Daily, by Carrier, per year Daily by Mail, er ,.r Week y, by Mail, per FULL LEASED WIRE The Capital Journal carrier boy. art instructed to put the paper, on the porch. If the carrier doe. not do this, ml., you, or Mglects gtUuj the paper to yon on time, kindly phono the circulation manager, u this U the only waV w. can determine whether or not the culler, aro following instruction Phone Main 82. WHO ARE THE GUNMEN? HE life stories of the gunmen who killed Rosenthal and were recently execuieu at oiu& i'";A,c sketched by Winthrop D. Lane in The Survey. They u crc tha hicfni-ipa nf four voune men whom the world has stamped as 'hardened criminals, but beyond whose connection with a single crime the world has not cared to look. "A number of facts stand out. First, there is no rec ord of law-breaking against the parents of any ot them. Brothers of Gyp and Whitey have been convicted of of fenses, but their waywardness came later, so that no one of the four can be explained on the ground that he came from a long line of criminals, or that family example and encouragement is responsible tor ms undoing. . "The' early years of each seem quite clearly to have been normal and straight-forward, giving no hint of the direction later conduct was to take. One by one, through disease, going to school, or going to work, they came into ' contact with the abnormal street life of a crowded and heterogeneous community. Their yoiith demanded play and excitement and they sought these where they were easiest to find. "Gradually, but with seeming inevitableness they made the acquaintance of older boys and men who had mas tered the trick of turning an easy dollar. - : "Their own entrances into crime were gradual, begin ning, in every case but that of Dago Frank, with petty at tempts to get spending money easily. Yet no attempt was made to' give them the benefit cf a sympathetic under standing. Whatever help there may be in probation and suspended sentence was not extended to them. "This is not a plea of leniency toward murderers. It is the mere putting of a question. No people is without its machinery of punishment. Is it noUunportant also to know why those punished come to such a pass? Must the obtaining ot mat Knowledge ue leit to me ranuom explora tions nf an occasional ioiimalist?" IT IS MURDER TO UCY A. ROSE MALLORY, who edits the "World's Advance Thought, which is published, in Fortland advances the idea that it is wrong to kill anything. She carries this to the extent of saying: "It is mur der to swat flies. It is just as real murder as swatting a member of the human family would be. Of course, there is a difference of opinion about most things. We even differ with ourself as to the lady editor. We do not know whether she values the life of a fly as highly as she does that of a human being, or places a value on human life as low as that she places on a fly. Then one naturally wonders if she carries this idea of the sacredness of life to its ultimate conclusions? Would Lucy A. Rose Mallory say it was wicked, cruel and in ef fect murder to destroy yellow fever germs? Would she think it a crime to kill the moths and bugs that infest and destroy orchards and gardens? Where would or could she draw the line? If she spits she ejects living animal she draw the line? If she spits she eject living animal culae or buglets from their home, her mouth and throat. There are some faddists that never reason because nature did not give them anything to reason with, and other open their fad volumes only when they close their thinkers. We wonder if Lucy A. Rose Mallory ever planted a garden and grew therein a greater variety of slugs than vegetables? If she ever planted and tended a rose bush and saw it covered with aphis? If but what's the use? If she did and'still holds that it is murder to take life of any kind she is not of this world, for she is entirely too good or too silly, or too something for it. And to think that Colonel Roosevelt has probably not even heard of the Mexican "war"! Fate surely cuts some queer capers with even the greatest of mortals. Why don't the militant suffragettes invade Mexico? Lapp & Bush, Bankers Transact a General Banking Business ' Safety Deposit Boxes Traveler's Checks PRINTING CO., Inc. GRAHAM P. TABER, MANAGER ON" BATK8: 0B)J1 - ?tr mCBtvh - - BU months...... ..... 45o noe TELKGRAPU REPORT "SWAT" A FLY? The Weils Fargo Messenger, a publication devoted to the interest of the express companies, is fighting hard against any further extension of the parcel post. This is to be expected and its arguments will nave little effect up on the public because of the course pursued before these common carriers were forced to meet government compe tition. Had the express companies reduced rates and treated their patrons with the consideration they are now showing the feeling toward them in time of trouble would have been very much different from what it is today. Real ly, the people care very little what happens to such cor porations as the Wells Fargo Express company, and their tales of woe fall on ears that are deaf to their com plaints. . - Colorado seems to have the biggest war show. It has chased the Mexican incident off the front pages of the newspapers. ' . Villa likes us Americans so much that he has decided not to give us the licking we deserve. Good, kind Villa ! The warrior editors expect every headline to do its duty. ! J THE ROUND UP. ! Snow fell to the ilepth of sir inches at Kaniela- tho Hiinimit of the Blue m (Hi lit airis, will tho hillsides near La Uramlo were covered with snow Sun day night, -lee formed in .hallow troiijjhH but tho fruit is reported as undamaged. George Drown, republican candidate for attorney general has only been in .office i district attorney 18 years, but wants more. The mineral springs at Ashland have been analyzed and the waters found superior to any lithiated waters ou the itfMi dt A nini'niiiank in r n fnnf ti VaV""1 iiiv i mi n icr via luvii bVj financo a projuce for bringing the waters into tho eitv. I V. II. Smith, of JicMinnville, met with an accident in his saw mill on I'uiitlier I'reek Mundnv, His coat caught on tho shnfting and before he could bo rescued his left arm was twisted off. lie ordered the mill shut down, and unassisted got into his auto and went to Mc.Miniiville where he wiillied to the operating table and the arm was amputated above tho elbow. Tn the last five years Portland lias spent olio third as much for improve ment a was spent in the construction of tho I'nnnlinii cahul says the city's auditor, Mr. Barhur. Ho gives ihe : jures as .fll.",73i),141. , T?. P, f'nnnon, for eight years city editor of the 1'ortlnnd Evening Tele gritm, hus severed his relations with that paper and will fill the sftinc posi tion on tho Snn .lose Times. Acting on complaint, tho city at torney of Albany has ordered the clos ing1 of bowling alloys nt 10 o'clock p. in., because the rumble disturbed the teposo of residents near by. ft "And ('arrenn ran also,1' in the opinion of tbnt eminent military authority, Colonel Clark Wood, of the Wislou f.cader, will soon bo the tenor of dispatches from tho sent of war. . ft Kev. Merle Williams, who recently helil a revival meeting nt tho Buiptist church in Cottage Orove, has been called to the pastorate there ami will outer on the work nt once. Remarking that Governor West has volunteered to fight Mexico, the Myr tle Crook Mail observes thati "if lluer ta, Villa and others could only know what happened to Coppcrficld the",- would make for tho tall timber." "Union county" reports tho La Grande Observer, "is out of debt, and there is in tho county and road funds $1)0,01)0. All warrants of whatever .de scription hnve been paid and the money now in the treasury of the count v is drawing interest at a local bank.'" Pendletou East Oregoninn: John Undue Pressure Applied In Forcing Mental Development of School Children By Dr. ARTHUR A. KNOCH of Wa-W Hills High School Cincinnati FOOTBALL, basketball and long distance races in grammar and high schools ar& almost criminal. Our public officials ought to know that such strenuous physical exertion exhausts almost all' organs find that a D1L.ATKD HEAKT IS THE NATUKAL RESULT OF THE UNREASONABLY PROLONGED TENSION INCIDENT TO SUCH : GAMES? Our ideal should not culminate in tho training of young athletes, but in tho education of mentally and physically sound and harmoniously developed men and womon, whoso gait, posture and bodily movements would arouse the admiration of all. THE GENERAL OPINION OF PROGRESSIVE PEDAGOGUES AND PHYSICIANS IS RAPIDLY DEVELOPING INTO A CONVICTION THAT UNDUE 'PRESSURE IS APPLIED, AND APPLIED PREMATURELY, IN FORCING THE MENTAL DEVELOPMENT OF SCHOOL CHILDREN. IT IS CRUEL TO DEMAND THAT CHILDREN FROM SIX TO TEN YEARS SHOULD REMAIN IN A COMPLETELY PASSIVE POSITION FIVE HOURS DAILY IN A MUSTY, GENERALLY OVERHEATED 8CHOOLROOM WHEN EVERY FIBER IMPELS THEM TO RUN INTO THE FREE AND BEAUTI FUL OUT OF DOORS. Wo overburden our pupils mcntallt at too early en age, and thia ia ono of tlio reasons why such lamentable results jir .obtained during tho first four school years. Carroll, w.ell known local 0. A. B. veteran, is enthused over the idea of a troop of cavalry from Pendleton and is stroug in declaring that not only could; a troop be raised here but pos sibly a whole squi'klron, officers as well as men. lie declares it would not bo necessary to import officers for a troop should one bo formed here. The largest individual wool sale made in the Northwest this season wan consummated at Pendleton Monday evening when ChaHes II. Carter, representing the Portland Woolen Mills, purchased the coarse wool half of the Hinytho Bros', clip, at Arling ton, amounting to 175,000 pounds. The price paid was IS 3-4 cents, an in crease of 3 V4 eents over last year's price for the same clip. Snakes These sunny days bring forth tho snakes from holes in quarries, cliffs - and brakes. The go n tie bidlsnake, mild and meek, Bets forth his proper prey to seek; of all good snakes he is the best, with high ambitious in his brenst; he is the farmer's truest friend, because ho daily puts an end toiice and ,other beasts which prey, uiiou that frff f&v . J farmer's crops and " bay. JIo is moist happy when he Agists on gophers and nidi mensly beasts; and, being six or eight feet high, when stood on end, you can't deny that forty bullsnakes on a farm are bound to do the vermin harm. Tho Imllsnake never hurts a thing; he doesn't- bite, he doesn't sting, or wrap you in his slimy folds, ami squeeze you till he busts all holds. As harmless as a bale of hay, he does his useful work all day, and when at night he goes to rest, he's killed off many a wretched pest. And yet the farmers always take a chance to kill this grand old snako. They's ehnse three miles or more to end the labors of their truest friend. They'll hobble forth from beds of pain to hack a bull snake's form in twain, and leave him mangled, torn and raw which shows there ought to bo a law. Ornmlf ht. mh h ilk i - 4 Allan Newspaper Strrlca J(JQMI i J. PARADE TO BEGIN MAY DAY EXERCISES There will Uo a May Day parade by Willamette University students tomor row evening to advertise the events of the coming two days. Floats will represent the more im portant numbers on tho big program while individual stunts of different characters will be presented by the dif ferent classes and organizations. Tho procession will - have many of the features of a rally and will be full of college clowns, bands amd serpentines. The procession will leave tho cam pus about 8 o'clock. SALTS FINE FOR ACHING-KIDNEYS We eat too much meat -which clogi Kidneys then Back hurts and Bladder Bothers you. Most folics forget that tho kidneys, like the bowels, get sluggish and clog ged and need a flushing occasionally, else we have backache and dull mis ery in the kidney region, severe head aches, rheumatic twinges, torpid liver, acid stomach, sleeplessness and all sorts of bladder disorders. You simply most keep your kidneys active and clean, and the moment yon feel an ache or pail ia the kiuney region, got about four ounces of Jad Salts from any- good drug store here, take a tablespoonful in a glass of wa ter before breakfast for a few dnys and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts U made from tho acid of grapes and Vernon juice, com- bined with lithia, and is harmless to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate , them to normal activity. It also neu- j tralizes tho acids in the urine so it no longer irritates, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts-is harmless; inexpensive; I makes a delightful effervescent lithin water drink which everybody should take now and then to keep their kid- neys clean, thus avoiding serious com- j plications. j A well-known local drnggist says ho sells lots of Jad Malts to folks who be lieve in overcoming kidney trouble whilo it is only trouble. '" I , j TO TEST CONSTITUTIONALITY ' OF OREGON "BLUE SKY" LAW Portland, April 29. Following tho denial by Federal Judge Wolverton of a petition by the National Mercantile Company of Vancouver, B. C., for a temporary injunction against the oper ation of the Oregon "blue sky" law, a hearing on the constitutionality of the law before three federal judges will be held June 8th. Circuit Judge Gilbert and District, Judges Wolverton and Bean will sit en banc and hour the arguments. . In denying tho petition for injunc tion Judge Wilverton tnid: "I am convinced thnt the National Mercantile Company, even if it does uot fall within tho jurisdiction of the 'blue sky' buw, should qualify under the general laws of tho state." IH SAGE TEA Grandma kept her locks dark, glossy and thick with a simple mixture ot Sage Tea and Sulphur. The old-timo mixture of Sngc Tea and .Sulphur for darkening gray, streaked and faded hnir is grand mother's treatment, and folks are again using it to keep their hair a good, even color, whlcii Is quite sen sible, as we are liv'ng in an ago wucn a youthful appearance is of the great est advantage. Nowndays. though wo don't hnve the troublesome task of gathering the sage and the mussy mixing at home. All drug stores sell the ready-to-use prod uct called "Wyetb's inge and sul phur Hair Kemedv" for about 50 cents a bottle. It is very popular be cause nobody can discover it has been applied, himply moisten your comb or a soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking ono small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair disiippenrs, but what delights the ladies with Wyeth's tinge and iSulphur is that, besides beautifully darkening tho hair alter a few applications, it also produces that soft lustre and ap pearance ot nbundance which is so at tractive; besides, prevents dandruff, itching sculp and lulling hair. .Local agent, J. C. Perry. WHO ABE THE GUNMEN. The life stories of the gunmen who killed Rosenthal and were recently executed at Sing King prison, are sketched by Winthrop 1). Lane in The furrey. ''They are," he says, "the histories of four young men whom the world hn stamped as 'hardoned crim inals,' but beyond whose connection with a single' crime the world has not cared to look. "A number of facts stand out. First, there is no record of law-breaking against the parent of any of them. Brothers of Gyp and Whitney harve been convicted of offenses, but their waywardness came later, so that THB WANTS Contain the- appeals of employers for employes and of buy ers for sellers, and vivo versa. THE IXEXPKNS1VENESS Of the Wants is surpassed ouly by the far reach of their influence. . There is no substitute for tht Journal Want Ad. SalemFence Works B. B. FLEMING, Prop. Esadqaartors American Wirt Fence, Morley's Patent Bop Bas ket. Send your orders la now. Big stock of hop and loganbery wire. Bobber roofiag, $1.60 np per future. Elastic roof paint, ant' be beat Stock of paints and varnishes at SO per cent daetion, tare brands. Cedar tea oo posta amd weed and Irea walk and drive gate. 9M Court Bl Phots 134 P. O. Box 555. Baek ef tn1i SUxa 9 to 16 inch Embroideries at 15c a yd. 45-inch Voile Embroidery 65c a yd. Men's Oxfords 2 good lines n and $1.75 a pr. filLLIIilY This is where you get the best at the least price. We have the newest of the new. Nice trimmings at little prices. Little hats for little tots. Nice assort ment of girls' hats the kind you want the hard to get. See us for flowers, ribbons, laces and shapes. ROSTEIN & GREEfJBAUM 240 and 246 Commercial Street. 1 V ..,1--: -L. -h-i-V-,, TfJ- nin ijiin-ff" ,n i,h - -liH-' ' r M-inViUn'ii- J tiT 1 THE SOZONIAN A Burial Vault or Mapping Case that is not cquled on the market today. It is the only hot-zinc coated non-rusting vault made. Positive ly guaranteed to be nir and water tight. For salo only by " Cottage Undertaking Parlors Open Day and Night. Salem, no ono of the four can be explained on tho ground that he came from a long line of criminals, or that family example and encouragement is respon sible for his undoing. "The early years of each seem quite clearly to have been normal and straight-forward, giving no hint of the direction later conduct was to lake. One by one, through disease, going to school; or going to work, they calme into contact with tho abnormal street life of a crowded and heterogen eous community. Their vouth demand ed play and excitement and they sought these where they were easiest to find. "Gradually, but with scciHing in evitableness. they mado tho acquaint wee of older boys and men who had mastered the trick of turning an easy dollar. ; - "Their own entrance into crime were gradual, beginning, in every case but that of Pago Frank, with petty attempts while they were still in their teens to pet spending money easily. Vet no attempt was made to cive them I GOLD DUST FLOUR Made by tha 8TDNET POWEB COMPANY Sydney, Oregon Mado for Tamily. rut. Ask you grocer for it and shorts always on Bn P. B. WALLACE, AgsnW A -tl-fifl t it S fcfcl House of Half a Million Bargains cash price for everything. Mo.rter stock of all kinds of grain mkv H. Steinbock Junk Co. 233 State Street Salem, Or. Fhov UHn 224- 1"M : Marion Second: Hand Store ii'"l t-nTT- y n aad second- t. T Mum, Taagea, sea's tiiku er gedi ea Maricin fiaAond Hand. Start I : Forrraad Eiberrjr street, 19-inch Embroideries at 25c a yd. Children's Oxfords: Good Quality $1.00 a pair. Ladies' Oxfords Good Quality $1.25 a pair. ., Oregon. Telephone 72i. the benefit of a sympathetic under standing. Whatever help there may lie in proabtion and suspended sen tence was not extended to them. "This is not a pleai for leniency to ward murderers. It is the mere put ting of a question. No people is with out its machinery of punishment, la it not important also to know why those punished come to such a pass? Must the obtaining of that knowledge be left to the raudom explorations of an occasional journalist," IN THET COME AND OUT i THEY GO. They come into our i- office at Room II, Busu Bank Bldg., and get a copy of "Out of the Hut," and go out and buy real estate from our advertisers and pay no commission. a. Household Worry Is 99 Per Cent Wash Day ! Good Riddance by the Laundry Remedy. t Linen, blankets, curtains ap i parel all come back hnt;fnl t when we do your work. Salem Steam Laundry ' 13S South Liberty Street Phone 25 Dry Cleaning. Ask the Drirer i gaadesk taeCv etet We alae m, sell all, , FkesmiUi., S32fc A a j T T ' immi r