PAOE EIGHT THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALBM, OKOOlf. MONDAY, APKXL 27, 1911. HENRY PECK'S COUSIN - - - - By Gross Things We Never See " , j j r-T rT7 fOH1 VWHV PortTl I r?Ol? SHE UMESPojJ 1 I pPSRDOOOG. I I I -fto rwcK- SPORT NEW! INDfAN HITTING THEM OUT IN MINOR LEAGUE Ty Cobb Experiences Reduction Enlargement of the Cranium. of FAMOUS STAR COACHES YOUNGER PLATERS Eddie Cicotte, Knuckle Ball ArtiB Puts Some Smoke ou Ilia Famous Bendors. By Hal rdicridan. New York, April 27. Since Jim Thorpe's relegation to ,th minor leagues lie hug boon sotting the cartn on firo with hi stick work. The In dian in now a member of thn Toronto ..lnh of Hie International league. He- E Will Use Young Twiilers In Coming Series to Rest His Old Men. COLD WEATHER IN NORTH MAKES GAMES TOO SLOW Los Angeles Team Gets More Than Even Break on Luck In Last Series. Portland, Or., April 27. After ail other had week during which thros out of the five gamea played were taken by tho Venetians, Manager Mc Credlo of the Portland Coast league, club is considering using his - three young pitcher, Martinoni, Frambacli and Hanson, against tho Stills iu tho PEI Convlce Baseball Toss era Win . Two Straight From University Team. Tho mcniorablo lfl-inning victory of Wiltametto University over tho I'oni tcntinry team on April 18 made the annual spring series between those two old rivals for baseball honors a tio. Dr. Swetland again brought his ball tossers out to the en on Saturday with thf firm purpose of taking the rubber. Un fortunately for him the Pen team had shareued up their batting eyes with the result that wheu the bell rang for supper tho pen boys not only had tin rubber but the Willamette goat as well. Tho rubber was n nine-inning game, 11 to 7 in favor of the Pen, while the goat was a five-inning affair which the Pen tucked away to the tune of 7 to 2. Johnson pitched for the Pen in tho first game and retired in the seventh inning with the score 11 ro 2 in his favor. Griggs, tho Pen's star cjntcher, assailed to piti'h with Tanner in the receiving end. In the ninth Griggs let up and with a couple of errors behind him allowed Willamette to pile up five runs. It was a swnt feat from tho Pen side for the first time this season. Kemp, the diminu tive second baseman for the1 Pen, play ed the bag in reguar miajor league fashion, in the second game the Pen famous old Indian Chief assailed . to enntlv Jim slammed out four hits in Hp.:,,, t,t 0miih here tomorrow, and i pitch for tho first time in three years five times up, aud two of them were KiVo tho old twirlors a rest. There was 1 The result proved that handling brick for extra bases. , . ,, f. Kddi'e Cicotte is now considered a real knuekle-hurlw since lie broke T wirier Steen's wrist with one of lib bonders. Tho White Hox management no ganio Hundny, rain interfering.. Last week's play wVis characterized by numerous hoots and weird base mil ium? bv thn Jiiinvcia. On the ' other bund Venice played in mid-season fonii"t rar iwninu nun iu iiiiung wxy. and hit like demons. Another sua',' from a spectacular point or view ine is a powertulf. stimulant ior a pitcninc arm, as Chief allowed but two hits. Iu this ' game Griggs whaled the ball for a home run while his comrades were always has considered Kddio tho best in iortan,r8 way was tho pitching or Ramos played on Saturday did not coni- lumckln ball artist In either league. and now tlyit he has proved it on Bill Mtcen, the Cleveland Naps admit it. Stoen will be out of the game for sev eral months. Tv Cobb is paid to he growing popu lar with his teammates because he li Coast league season openod, and th not so haughty and exclusive as he ouce cold has mudo the play rather slow anj was. uninteresting. "Tyros has changed a lot," said ft i A new record for home runs on the Detroit player recently. "Now he even Portland grounds was scored, deigns to impart helpful hints to thi Mut'rndip is still looking for pitch- Tiger youngsters, lie often eoaenea : ors, but his qnest has been fruitless the Hngan crew. On Thursday Doc ! pare to tho splendid 10-inning attair or White held them to three bits; and but four wore secured off Fleharty Hatur day. The players nro complaining bitterlv about the weather in 1'ortland. Scarcely a day hns tho sun shown since the tho .week boforo. Adams, who proved so effective in that game, was easy for the Pen on Saturday. Honifin, for Willamette, played his usual splendid game at socond baso and used his bat with telling effect. Tho Pen boys aro hoping for anothor game with the Sa lem high school ami ono with Cho mawa. Score by Innings. Willamette U... 20000000 57 Penitentiary .... 0 1 0 3 5 0 2 0 011 Batteries Adams and 1'efrer; Jonn Vdnica 15 10 .600 Los Angeles 12 13 .4S!) Oakland 10 13 .483 Portland 8 12 .4C0 Sacramento 9 14 .391 Northwestern League. W. h. Pet. Spokane '.. 11 2 .840 Vancouver 8 5 .61-5 Tacoma 7 6 .533 Seattle , 7 6 .538 Victoria 4 9 .303 Portland 2 11 .154 GALLANT AND Ri:D WATSON START TRAINING FOR BOUT San Francisco, April 27. Gilbeit Gallant of Boston and Red Watson of Los Angeles started tiaining here today for their scheduled 20-round clash at Daly City on the evening of May 8. Gallant is five pounds heavier than whan he started training for Watsoa last time, and Manager McLean thinks G&llant will show considerable! im provement over his former work. Wat son and Gallant box?d a 20-round draw here several weeks ago. WELSH SIGNS WITH MANDOT. Sna Francisco, April 27. A dispatch received here today from Chicago de clared that Freddie Welsh has signed for a 10-round bout against Joe Man dot in New Orldans May 25. ' Late Yesterday At New .YorK-John Hay's widow died after a short illness. At Philadelphia President George F. Baer of the Philadelphia and Read ing railroad died following an attack of acute indigestion. Venice, Cal. Lester Fabling, aged 14, wias struck and killed by an automobile. MAY LOSE TAX MONEY DISPUTE OVER OWNERSHIP OF S. P. TIMBERLAND DELAYS COL LECTION OF $10,000. Because the title to approximately 35,000 acres of Southern Pacific timber land in Marion county is held up in the supreme court on account of a dispute as to ownership the cuunty will prob ably lose $10,000 in -taxes, according to George Paulus, tax collector for Mar ion county. The Southern Pacific has been paying taxes on this timber land for years, under the impression that it held legal title to the properties. Re cently the manner in which the land was acquired was brought in court, and it is a question whether or not he tim ber land is railroad or government prop erty. The matter is pending in the su preme court and in the meantime the company is not paying the taxes on their holdings this year. Should the supreme court decide that the timberland belongs to the govern ment, the county will lose large sums in taxes. This loss, however, would be compensated fo by the fact that thou sands of acres would be thrown open to the settler and thereby improved and made more valuable, which would yield in the end better returns than under the -present ownership. Not only in iarion county is this the situation, but also all along the Southern Pacific lines in Oregon. There is a total sum of $996,807.44, in them in the middle of a game. It U n The Angeles and the Tigers hook up son, Griggs and Tanner. Umpire, Mar- treat to seo him give Navunnugh, tno hero this week. The first game wil now second baseman, pointers while at, be playod Wednesday, as tho Verfice liat on just what to hit and how to hit j payers will not arrive in Portland ftt it." early enough to get under way tomor I row. Manager Joe Birmingham is getting'. Angel fans arc sighing with relief le-porate over his club s continued liw j today, for their crippled pets, aided by ing streak. A switch In the lineup Is: T'in, horseshoo luck and surprise pitch planned bv tho Nap boss. Bislnnd, iK ' i h'Kh school kid, aro recupoc the shorts"top, who wined Cleveland , at ing today from the exertions of tak recently, will be given his chance soon., ing an abbreviated series from Sacra Ho mav break in at tenter field if not mento. Kain prevented two games and at short. i I' ",0 Angeles cripples tima To indicate how uespenite Joe is, it ' to rest between, might bo uotcd that he is out on tho Dolh squnds showed woefully weak coaching lines himself now in uniform, throughout tho series. Tho Los An taking a great chance of ieriuaiiiitly geles pitchers did poor work, the sav erimdini! himself. His right side is 'ing performance boing tho registering , completely bound up with tape and the 'or a win by Howard hhmke, a 1 -yeai-torn tigameuts pain him intensely when old boy Dillon plucked from the Glcn- he stuaiiis himself the lea-t bit". 'lain high school. JThe Augel infield PI ill in puut inn ui ni'iiv, mi iiuiii;.! some or the regulais aro getting iu:k into shape. Sacramento was a disappointment from every angle. While the pitching was fair, tho fielding was rotten. Young was tho worst offender through out the week, his aim toward first base i being on a par with that of the aver jage Mexican peon. Be was saved sev I erul additional errors through the leu- iency of the official scorer. tin. Second Game. Willamette U 0 0 0 2 02 Penitentiary 1 3 3 0 07 Batteries Shisler and Peffer; Chief Clnrk and Tanner. Umpire, Martin. YESTERDAY'S SCORES. At Vonice, Ca. Rose Arnold, 20 years old, dropped 2500 feet in a para chute from an aeroplane. ' At Los Angeles, Cal. A thief smash ed a jewolry store, window and escaped with diamonds worth $400. National League. At Cincinnati Cincinnati 5, St Louis In- WELSH A FAVORITE j OVER LEACH CROSS; Manager Howard Has Hopes of Taking Long End of aortea With Portland. H BEAVERS TO TRY SEALS San Francisco, April 27. The San Francisco coast leaguers were en routs to Portland today to tacklo the Beav- era after losing their first week s series of the season. Oakland took four games to tho Seals' three. Manage?: Howard felt sauguine of returning vic torious from the notth. He was con- j Both Mou In Good Condition and Rest vineed that "Skeets" Fanning is m! ing Before Bout Tomorrow form again and this will add much " Ni&M. strength to his pitching force. j Tim fans were convinced that Man-; Angeles, Cnl., April 27. Leach ager Devliu of Oakland has a club that , on and Freddie Welsh aro resting will bear watching. In Barreukamu ; to.'av, their preparatory work for their and Goyor, the Oaklauders have elaay i ...(.Jicilulwl 20-rouud bout at Vernon to twirlers, and Malarkey, by holding thn :,.,rw night completed. Welsh prob Seals to two bits in yesterday's ganw. at,lv will enter the ricg a slignt favor jrovod that be is right again. but -considerable Cross backing has After this week's .cries with Port-1 appeared during the last two davs, laud the Seals will visit Sacramento; uo(i, boys entertained largo crowds for tho first timo this season and t Hoi r- camps yesterday, when thev return homo. By that time Spider ; Wl,nt through their final workouts. Batuiv should lie on hand to help onr Fai'h appeared to be in good haie, l'ernoll, U-ifield and Fanuing. tt'nfts, particularly, showing up better Howard was willing to admit that than usual in a 'physical way. Devlin's Oaks gave him something of Willie Ritchie will be at the ringside a surprise. Jievun pin ners uuwpu , tomorrow night. Tom McCarey, pro- up ewll, and t win ue ur.ri.uK meter ir the. bout, has not given up another month doesn't tea the Oaks: hope of landing tho champion for a flirting with the leaaersmp. July bout here with the wmuer, ke the une jump back to .m. t AnmdM for this week's sties, and 1 TUB WANT ADS Have aided many Sacramento will bo here against Oak- prudent housewives in practising jan( f jj domestic economy, v At Indianapolis St. Louis dianapolis 5. American League. At St. Louis Detroit 1, St. Louis 4. At Cleveland Cleveland 4, Chiepgo 2. Pacific Coast League. At Portland Venice-Portland game postponed, rain. At Oakland Oakland 10, San Fran cisco 0-2. At Los Angeles Los Angeles 12-3, Sacramento 6-0. Northwestern League. At Spokane 4, Portland 1. At Seattle Vancouver 3, Seattle 0. At Tacoma Tacoma 11, Victoria 1. LEAGUE STANDING. National League. W. L. Pet. Pittsburg 8 At Los Angolcs The police arrested 17 boys and girls at a midnight rag party in Topango canyon. At Sawtelle, Cal. Earl Mondell, 24 voars old, was shot and kiled by L. J, Fivans during a quarrel in the engine room at the sodicrs home, tvans Baid he shot in self defense. SEARCH FOR ROBBERS. Portland, Or., April 27. Search is being made today for robbers who dy namited a safe in the dry goods store of L. Shanahan early Sunday and es- caed with $2,500 in cash and checks, mostly cash. REAL ESTATE ' TRANSFERS. H. Wclp, Sr, to Edw Welp, Lot 8 B 2 Gier s Add to Mt Angel. U. D P Trice, trustee to Charlie Knapp, half interest m 18.73 A in J B Uood oil D L C T 4 S R 2 W. $10. O W Love et ux to Chas Knapp, half interest in 18.75 A iu J B Goodcll D L C T 4 8 R 2 W. $10. B T Kumler et ux to C. E. Smith, .20 A in lot 1 Smith's Fruit Farms No. 2 T 7 S R 3 W. $10. C D Gabrielsou to R L Lewis et ux, part of lot 5 B 5 Willamette Addi tion. $10. taxes to be collected in Marion county, and so far $860,000 has been received. George Paulus made another tax turn over this morning in the sum of $101, 993,32. This is the next largest turn over made this year. - The largest was $118,706.79. Of the turnover today Sa lem receives $25,245.65, Silverton $1, 229.81, and Woodbnrn $1,071.10. CHAMPIONSHIP FLIGHT IN - GOLF TOURNAMENT ENDS San Francisw), April 27. The cham pionship flight, in the northern Cali fornia golf tournament, completed yes terday, resulted as follows: First round 0. F. Elliott defeated Dr. Don Hines, X up. - J. R. Bertholf defeated E. C La montague, 5 4 H. K. B. Davis defeated B, D Adam son, 2-fc il. W. Shonrood defeated F A Kales, 5-3 i C. A. Stewart defeated K. Mairk Don ald, Sr., 3-2. r 1. F. Neville defeated W. E. Code, 1 up. R. B. Hart defeated F. IL Beaver at 19th hole. R. Mi Eyre won from C E. Maud by default. Second round Bert Holf defeated Elliott, 4 3. Davis defoated Sherwood, 4 2. Beville dofeated Stewart at 20th hole. Eyre dofeated Hart at 20th hole. 'All workors, in erery line of endeav or, look to the Journal Want Columns when in search of employment. - MOTHcR G KAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN, A OtrtittiHhf for KnTrrUli ! CoiiHLipni Ion 1 1 r n il it liev Mi mat h 1 rouble, Tr thin I'iaonlerNt fd l rklroy Trait Mrk. n 14 hun. At !! Hitf u tt, 8, n't n.-CCpl HiupdIo piUfl 1TFK. d lr.-, MK--l(t, tt ft - - wr Investigation Ordered. Washington, April 27. Investigation of the financial affairs of "the Pera Marquette and Rock Island railroad was ordered today by tho interstate commerce commission. The .house com merce committee recommended that the probe start at the earliest possible moment. SENATE CONFIRMS NOMDSATIONS Washington, April 27. The senate confirmed today the fololwing nomina tions: J. W. Shaw, postmaster, Vancouver, Wash. Charles E. Harris, receiver of publia money at Flaxport, Idaho. William U. Howes, receiver of publlo moneys at Hailey, Idaho. John E. Williams, register of the) land office at Hailey, Idaho. Henry Heitfeld, register of the land office at Lewiston. Governor West will be the principal speaker at an open public meeting of the Jackson club in the rooms of the Portland Commercial club next Thurs day night. Governor West will speak on the subject, "Abolishing Useless Boards and Commissions." His address is expected to ake about an hour. 10ED1 First Thing in the Case the printer always picks is Dixie Queen. Not "Pi", Mr. Printer, but P-I-E. It's the real old toothsome pie for you, too, when you get hold of DIXIE QUEEN tobacco. You're never mussed iip when you've got DIXIE QUEEN. It's a rich, sweet, healthy smoke or chew; and the printer is glad of a chance to use printer's ink to tell the rest of the world how good it is. 1311 i Philadelphia 8 Brooklyn o Chicago 4 St. Louis 4 Cincinnati 4 New ork 2 New York 2 American League, .800 .71; .714 .41M .400 .400 .333 .333 Chicago Detroit New York . Washington Boston St. Louis ... Philudelphia Cleveland W. 7 L. Pet. 4 4 4 5 3 3 Federal League, W, St. Louis ...... Baltimore Buffalo (Brooklyn ' Chieagq Kansas City Indianapolis Pittsburg S 5 ..... 3 3 ...... i . 4 3 .030 .:to .571 .5')1 .500 .45"i .428 .273 ret. 8SW .71 .500 .42S .400 .400 .333 .333 GOVERNOR SAYS COAST ARTILLERY CORPS READY Governor West this morning sent the following telegram to the secretary of war: ' "Replying your telegram in refer ence to' coast artillery corps Oregon National Guard, while the officers and mon wquld prefer oeing sent to front in event call for trocps is mado, I can assure you they stand ready for per formance of any duty to which you mav find it necessary to assign them. "OSWALD WEST." San Pacific Coast Leagu. W. L. Pet. Francisco 17 9 .651 FIGHT FANS RUSH TO WELSH-CROSS CONTEST San Francisco, April 27. Promoter James W. Coffroth, Referee James Griffin and a party will leave tonight for Los Angeles to witness tomorrow evening's scheduled l:0-round clash be tween Freddie Welsh and Leach Cross. Champion Willie Ritchie will not make the trip as he. islsiff fering from a heavy sold contracted oa the night he boxed Tommy Murphy hero. , The Journal Want Ad is an argn meat. Onee used it need bo further proof. Plug Cut Tobacco is a prime favorite with printers and all live, hustling he-boys who know and like a smoke or chew of real man's tobacco. $ And DIXIE QUEEN is always the same always satisfying. We don't let DIXIE QUEEN go out of the factory until the tobacco has been aged from three to five years, so that all the rich, mellow sweetness of the pure old Burley leaf is at its best. When you're tobacco hungry, you want clean, honest, juicy tobacco with some backbone to it. Vou never see a DIXIE QUEEN user switch to some other brand. He knows nothing can compare with DIXIE QUEEN for down right satisfaction. A week's trial of DIXIE QUEEN will prove this to you will make you a per manent user of DIXIE QUtfEN. Sold everywhere in convenient 5c foil pack ages also in 10c pouches and 50c lunch boxes, THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPAXY mm