Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 27, 1914, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Come in and see how
well we are .
to please you in
$15 to $30
and their high quality
it their biggest and best
to the murder of babies.''. The; also
! demanded that the lJ'ntsIature impeach;
i both officinls name,: or the people
(would teoall both "us false to their'
oaths and to Hod."
Miners Capture Chandler Coal
After All Day's Battle
CoprttiM Hin achuluf lc Mm
Today's Short Story
A Girl on the Box !
LOVE story In my HfeT said the
X ex-stage driver, "Yott bet It
happened on the last drive I
made, ond that drive was between Vir
ginia City and Sacramento. At that
time there was frequent stage robber
ies o' the Wells Fargo express treasure
owln' to the fact that some one con
nected with the company was passln'
word to ' the road agents whenever
gold dust was to be shipped.
"Well, one day a lot o' treasure boxes
was hoisted aboard the stage and the
inside was full of passengers when a
little scboolnia'am from New England
curae a-tripplu' along from the tavern,
mnliln' straight for us. When she come
(up I was on the box and told her the
coach was full." ' T
"Wbafd the little gal do i but climb
light up. beside me! The:exptess agent
'who was superintends' the losdln' of
the boxes told her she couldn't go on
I that conch.-' But 1 tipped the leaders on
the ears, and we were off. We'd- gone
.past the second relay when suddenly,
on mnktu turn around n bluff, n man
stepped out and snld good huturedly
" Til take your Wells Kargo freight;
If you please.'- - - "
"You'll llnd It In the boot.' I re
marked, pullln' In.
"The feller had no rltle, hut I knew
that bis pals was eoverln' nie from be
hind the biwhes. Ho went tp the boot,
unstrapped the cover, and ifiie by one
his backers joined him and helped him
off with the boxes. One )' tlietiiieu
came up front und siild bed take the
mall bag If I didn't mind. ' I reached
under my sent, pulled it out uud drop
ped it down to blui.
"By this time the boxes was un
loaded on the grass beside the conch
The robbers was tryln' to git off the
covers by rlppln' 'em up with their big
knives when all of a sudden there wan.
a crock-In' o' rifles from within the
coach. Four road agents toppled over.
one tried to crawl Into the bushes, nnd
three ran. The schoolmn'am threw her
arms around me.
"You see, the company had sent the
coach out for a decoy. A few days be
fore they had let It leek out that on
that date they would send $50,000
San Francisco, April 2". In re
sponse to a telegram sent him by an
eastern sporting editor asking that he
make a comparison between Willie
! Ritchie and the ehanipions of the past,
James W, ('of froth, fiht promoter,
LOSSES ESTIMATED AT . seut the following answer: .
FROM FOUR to SO DEAD "1 have seen lightweight champions
i MeAuliffe, Lavigne, r.rne, Cans, fel
Definite arrangements for the pro
posed traingular track and field meet
! between the talem Y. M. C. A., Wil
; lamette University, and I'hemawa will
be made Tuesday at a luncheon to be
held in the association rooms. It was
first planned to havo only races but
1 it has been decided to hold all tho
collegiate events, which include throw
ing the discuss, javelin, the jumps,
: etc. A movement is on foot to have
! the runners for these races before
, breakfast.
Heavy Explosions Heard But
: Are Cut and Details Missing.
Will Soon Complete Assessing.
Pnnntv Assessor lien F. West tutid
son and Wolgast, and of that brilliant this morning that tlirae-fourths of the
inrtnh 1 ,,taA .ina fltYia nt t),a Knail nf -. k..i I..... 1 . . ... I .... .
WJ v.iinu I""- " -..,...0 -v ...a., v. CUV OJ fUll'lIl .ICfll RtsrWl'U 111' IU
"eB;., .11 . . ! .,. .1.... I.. ...i
aiiuuk pin. ..... ime ireeut vun muii mr ne eApucici
r "I have seen Ritchie in all his big . the work to be completed shortly. In
toutcsts on the coast, and while I was the country district! he rain has hin
always "favorably impressed with his',i,red the work, ho said, but he ex-
Canon City, Colo., April 27. Two I work il remained for his masterly de-'fieeted te first week of May would see
hundred and fiftv state militiamen,! '-' o( Tommy Murphy to put him, iu everything cleaned, up. lie had plan
commanded by Adjutant General Johuim.v estimation, alongside of the peer- nd to have everything completed by
Chase, arrived here it 9 a. m. today and less l,ans- 1111,1 1 leusti nere witn May 1. ...
immediately started for Chandler to tke 'oll ster on ll 1 wo,lld 1)8 lnv
give battle to 800 miners, who have ""' to move Joe over a bit so that, HOUSEHOLD RECIPES
tats possession of the Victor-American j . rould hj' I ' FOR JOURNAL READERS
Fuel companv s rain" and are entrench-1 118 na9 lwo 'nl"Ks 'nt go o niaKei ,:
ed there. The strikers are heavily champion the punch and tho ability v., v t- . .
armed and bloodshed is almost certain to take one. In both of these at-j "He was a bold man who -first ate
to mark the meeting. tributes -he excels most of his predeees- an oyster." Swift.
Before the militiamen entrained here , sors- Add a groat head, gameness, a Oysters Saute,
they captured and disarmed E. Blatnik, fa'"1 demeanor under fire, and you . fc
a striker. He attempted to rim, but 1 bave J"""1 who h come naturally! and drain outers season with
the soldier, brought him down with a ' h top of his class and whose clean salt and pepper, roll in fine crumbs,
bullet in the ami. , living habits are likely to keen- him dip in beaten eggs, then roll in
Denver- and Rio Grande railroad, !her0 ,for m time i to como. j crumDg 8(;ain, put . ytlo olive in the
train men refused to man the train ''B'tehie would have beaten .. . .. , , , th ovstcr3
carrying the troops to Chandler, n.l'Auliffo handily, sloped Lavigne, prov : blazPr.. not lut "' the outers,
Assistant Suierintendcnt Grav ran the!' stronK tor fcrne. rough browning thorn on ono side then turn
engine. " ) time with the. battler, and you all know ing over and browning on tho other,
Vigilantes patrolled tho streets of!the roslllt of his coi'tt-sts with Vol- ...
Canyon City last night and a heavy KaKt- 1 nave purposely omitted uans.
guard also was thrown about the power ! between the twa I would rather have
and lighting plants. V0l J1"'8- .That n,y opinion of Wil-
Strikors were entrenching at C.'hand-lie Bitehie as lightweight champion."
ler, seven miles away, and 200 soldiers, ! ARBITERS IN SESSION
commanded by Adjutant General John
Chase, were enroute for that point to
day. Eight hundred striking coal mill
ers, heavily armed and with plenty of
"And ate at lobster, and sang, and
mighty merry." Pepy's diary.
Plain Lobster.
Tour 3 tablcspoonfuls of lemon juice
over the meat of one lobster and sea-
.. . t ! sou with salt and pepper. Put three
Washington,-. April 27. The diplo- tablcspoonfuls of butter in the blazer.
ammunition, were prepared to fight the tinB) Bnzll Rnd cbjle wer in eon8fer. , Whca it is melted 'add the
troiI,s- : enco this afternoon relative to their I lobster; Btir until hot and
'Ihe nuners captured the Chandler! proeedurc ln counCcion with the media-' once,
coal camp of the j Victor-American iluelltion of diffarence between the United . . . , ,
coniany yesterday after an all day states and Mexican governments. I ' . . .
battle. Estimates of the fatphties : Thouih it was known that both' Tako every creature in of every
ranged from four to 30. Those re- President Wilson and .Oenerul Huerta i kind." Pope. .' , ,.
servo at
This is the Store that Saves You Money
4;'3jf. Reaches to II
i ft Si 'I Top of Doors and ji '
Stores in Oregon and Wash
ington. Tour Credit Is Good Here
Floor corners, door corners, high mold
ings, stairway SQd other out-of-the-way
places all reached in a jiffy with the
Triangle Polish Mop
Th Mop that "CiU-in-thfComtn"
Flue for floors and woodwork. Easy
on the back and arms. No stooping.
Handle uow has a "human elbow." Mop
sets at any desired angle Instantly.
Comes already treated with Wizard Pol
ish. Price complete, $1.50.
'WIZARD Polish
Itfort than a furnltnra pollih. Dust with It
ConUlns a secret Oriental oil oar own dlscov
ery. Can't harm finishes. Saves your furniture.
All sites 25c up. Get a bottle and learn how to
obtain a splendid "Wtzzlkin" theatre, and tunny
jingle book for the children.
Name and Address
of Dealer
V, Gets la the
lrtgv7T Under Beds
$ZZt!k'-4l.. Tables
mllji 4' f,(!.T4l Ev.ryw1.er.
ported dead wore
Charles King, a gi-ard.
Engineer John Thomas.
Robert Prince.
Charles Diniih.
All the telephone and telegraph wires
worth o" dust over the road. Of course t the scene of the conflict were" cut ress, and doubted, in the second, if a
this was reported to the band, who lay
In wait to relieve us o the treasure.
The boxes were filled with sand, and
in every seat Inside the coach .sat n
man with a concealed gun. They bad
a lender, who watched till the agents
got careless, when he gave the word to
Are and scooped the party.
."The men ln the coach got out, ex
amlned the dead, took ln the only man
left and signaled me to drive on.
"'I was very "much mortified',' I snld
to. the gal, 'at what appeared the brtd
manners o' the men In the conch not
mivkln' way for you when you got on
But you see,' to havo had. a woman In
that party tvotild have' spoiled the
game. The express agent knew -whirl,
was a-goln' to happen and tried to stop
you goln' with us, but when you climbed-
up here so confident-like 1 hadn't
the heart to make you git down.'.
; "I dropped- her off at her station
When 1 got back to Virginia' City 'the
Weils Fnrgo superintendent. asked me
why I consented to let a gal go on such
an expedition. To throw tho rend
agents off their gunrd." 1 told him
Thoy'd never suspect danger with a
little chick like that perched on the
box.' The Idea struck lilm nil o' i
lump, and when the wounded rnldjet
snld that's whnt finished 't'lii the mi
perliiteudent drew mo n check foi
$1,000 hm ii reward for my foresight.
"1 entered n ipanrter section. Iioush
farmer's implements with the monej
and nmrried the wlKinliiiu'iira M .
eiu moi infill bi i ue ; ine vvasningion uuminisrrniion was Bnuu ot a lousier so as io Keep
ya! Gorge mines. It more hopeful and the youth "American 1 ghen 0f the body and tail intact,
i that the strikers had! "A. B. C." representatives said out-1. , , . , . ,
Chandler tripple and ' spokenly that while they realized their ,nd ar tho. shc11 antl rraaJfO 0"
Sometimes a married man dislikes
to visit people who try to make him
feel at home. -
After the big river is sufficiently im
proved, railroad feeders will be a ne
cessity, i
Living straight is like building a
railway (.here are a lot of cuts and
fills to be ma)e. '
A woman cays that the longer a
man studies the curves of a decanter
the closer he is apt to imitate them
on his homeward journey in the early
morn. ,-''.
PERHAPS you have some money liying idle
awaiting investment?
Did it ever decur to you that each day of
.idleness means a dead loss?. t
There is' noexcuse for idle funds when the
, safest and mqst convenient investment as
proven by many shrewd investors is obtain
able in a
4 percent
in this strong, conservative bank where the
interest is paid promptly and the principal
absolutely safe over any period of years.
"- !
United Slates National Bank
Paternal Wisdom.
auu ii ws nnpossioie rouay io get lie-1 basis of settlement could ever
tails of the exact rituation. Heavy j agreed on except by force of arms.
explosions were heard last night at the ; The Washington administration was
(.nanuier ana itoyai uorge mines.
was believed here
dynamited the Chandler tripple and spokenly
had attacked the Royal Gorge mine, j task was a hard one, they were confi,
A refugee arrived here today from ' dent of success.
Chandler. He chargod the strikers had
used the recent truce to gain points of
vantage and had then fired on the
guards and captured Chandler. The
strikers, he asserted,, were wearinsr. Red
Cross badges. '
Alozart Lewis, t boss at the Chand-J
mi- uiiun, n mo iriiarim"surrenierer
when they exhausted - their ammuni
tion. He declared eight mine "guards
were missing and also believed that a
number of strikers were slain.
' .Tiring Is' Keported. .
Trinidad, Colo., April 25. Telephon
ing to Trinidad from Soprise Camp,
Marshal Massengal announced that
strikers and guards exchanged shots
there today. The Urikers, he : said'.
started the firing, but withdrew when
the guards replied.
had accepted the" mediation proposals- Shrimps With Peas,
European aipiomaui in wnsningion A ;nt of ehrim ,n(1 of a
were not hopeflil 1 of a satisfactory oitt-!, . . -r
Bf,m fmm f i, n,,iiu. Thv i heated in a cup and a ha f of cream , i
afraid, in the first place, that overt sauce are particularly good,
acta would upset them while in- prog- - .
Lobster Salad.
Remove tho flesh carefully from tho I
shell of a lobster so as to keep the
nn Int.
" ' . . , .. i ir ; . 1 1 . ft 1 i
iuco leaves, luariuaie ine nesa, cuiix
into cubes, with'French dressing. After
Governor Called a Traitor. '
. Denver, Colo., April 27. That 20
men ' who started yesterday in auto
mobiles from Pueblo to inspect radium
deposits were attacked near Florence
by strikers entrenched in the hills and
500 shots exchanged, was reported here
today. Three automobilists were slight
ly injured.
Five thousand persons attended a
mass meeting on the state house lawn
here yesterday and adopted resolu
tions denouncing tho Ludlow massacre.
They branded (ioveruor Amnions and
Lieutenant Governor Fitzgerald as
"traitors to the people and accessories
IU - t -.1 B
an hour drain, mix with shredded let
tuce and replace in the shell. Garnish
with mayonnaise and lobster coral.
We Sell for Less Because We Buy for Less .
Watch the Newspapers, Mr. Merchant f
When you see advertised in the newspapers that reach t
your customers a product which you carry make up your t -mind
that there is going to be a demand for that f'
Help it along and share in the profits.
"Use your windows, your counters, every legitimate way
to let people know that you have the goods.
Mention the fact in your own advertising.
In a word, co-operate -for the more you increase the
sales of that particular article the more the manufactur
er is going to push it in your community.
salt and pepper. Method melt buttcs,
add cheese and sensonings and stir;
, ' Fruit Salad.
'; Prepare i o.rnges, , i bananas, jinlf
a ripe pineapple, and a pound of .straw
berries. '-Arrange the fruit in' a salad wafers;
bowl, making each Infer smaller than
the proceeding. Serve with a good
salad dressing and walnuts.
theq add beaten eggs, diluted, with j Mapleine.
Mapleiiie Sugar pounds white'
sugar; 't teacup water; 1 teaspoon '
Boil sugar and wnter lintel'
U-ream, also crumbs, and stir
slightly thickened. ' Servo on
Tommy Pa, whnj Is concentrated
lye? Mr. Tucker it's" the short nnd
ugly word. Tommy. Don't bother me.
St Louis fJ lobe-Democrat
."You must cat no cheese, it breeds
melancholy." B. Jonson.
Onohalf cup of Karo
until it Mini's in coll water, take from fir,)
salted and a, 1,1 tho Maplcino. Stir around
sides until it grains, pour in small patty .
tins and let stand until cold.
Divinity Candy 3 cups sugar; ?
cups Karo syrup; !s cup water; 1 cup
chopped walnuts; 1 teasoon Mapleine;
whites of .1 egg.s Boil sugar, syrup and
, water until it hardens when dropped in
corn syrup,
iwo anil ono-nnit cups or sugar, one-
nsit cup or water, "look until it.
tlierads. Havo the whites of two eggs!00'1' water. Remove from fire, an.l
beaten very stiff and stir tho mixture wh!'" b"1,1'tlt, l'I'l-ar add slowly tho
INGREDIENTS. info them. Add a cup of finely : , u"Z fJ" "7: ,
11 ..ll V..H 11 . ... . . ." n..... .
'it mi'itn uvns . xiui ui. uuiLt-n; i , ciiuniica wa nurs Rnii near.. i-mip mm ,,in ne i,i,.n.i .ni....ia ...... AH
- - . ' . ii - - ... i. j . .iiw..rii ni.iiiiiio null ,uiii uu
pound grated cheese; 1 cup cream; j buttered pUtes and when cool, cut in ' "uttered plates. When cod mark i i
four eggs; rriimblo bread or crecker; I squares. squares.
CONSULT THE Wants ; freipiently
and, if you don't Jind just what you
are most in search of listed under
any of the various headings, run a
want al of your own. . .
The Children Fell
Into the Water. -
Daddy's Bedtime
The Big Dog
That Won the
Bravery Medal.
ADDX bad never told Jack and Evelyn about the great, big dog who
had been awarded a medal for having rescued two children.- - When
daddy suggested telling them this story they were very eager to heor
it at once. '
"Yon see," commenced daddy, "this big dog saved the children's lives Is
the winter. Every night I've meant to tell you this story, and every night
some other story has come to my mind first " "
'The other day they gave the dog this medal, and so 1 decided 1 must
not put off telling you the story any longer.
"The mednl was made Just for the dog. It was of bronze, engraved with
bis name and the date when be saved the children. It hnd a clnsp on It, so
It could be attached to bis collar.
"And now I will tell you the story. Way back ln the winter two call
rtren were skating ou a pond. It was a blustery, snowy afternoon, and they
were the only ones on the Ice.
"This big dog I'm telling you about was taking a good run on this cold
winter's day when be spied the children on the pond. . -
"Fie went down to the pond and ran across It n little way, but the Ice ;
had a bad way of creaking, and he was sure It was not so very firm. lie de
elded that be hnd better stay around to see that nothing happened to flic i
, "He hod been there but a moment or two when n terrific crack In the Ice !
sounded. It gave way, ond the two children fell through. Tho sheet broke i
rapidly, and the water was soon clear for some distance around them. ' I
"Quickly the dog went to the rescue of the children and swam to the
shore with them. De saw some people drive by In a sleigh on the road above, i
and b barked so frantically that they stopped to see what ihe trouble was ;
Then, of course, tbey drove the two children to their home. The big dog j
went along too. I
- "Now, all that was In the winter, but the children never forgot who saved
their lives, and the mother and daddy of the children were, oh, so grateful!
The people in the sleigh never admired any animal as they did the dog who
had made them stop by bis wise barking, nnd so the other day a real recep
tion was held for him. At this he was given the mednl. nis friends wanted
him to buve something to wear on bis collar so that people might see it and
appreciate the bravery and presence of mind of the great big splendid dog
The hero simply snld 'Bow-wow T when they fastened the medal ou his collar
Be wanted to tell them that he thought tbey were being very good to blm.
and he thanked them, but at the same time he was so modest that be didn't
t think be bad been so brave. FT felt any other dog would have done Just the
'same, for, as be adored children and' they were always so good to blm."
Ph benix Hosiery
The Guaranteed Kind I
We have just put in a complete line of Phoenix Hos
iery in Silk and Lisle. In the $1.00 Silk we have put in
a full line of black, white, tango, coral, gold, bronze,
canary, delft resida, Taupe, lavender and emerald'.
Black only in ?5c and 50c Lisle. Also black Silk at 75c,
$1.00 and $1.50. This hose is guaranteed to give sat
isfaction, and if it does not do so, you can return it to
the Phoenix Knitting Co. and they will replace.
yJiA s
Phase" .
frll '' 11 1 BACK,D
ft At t'V ' I ,yTI"'
l l : t j 1 or so YtAnj
na. v.s. tAT. or r.
Carters Knit Underwear
Time to think of Spring Underwear, and "Carters"
answers the question. Fine, invisible ribbed garments
of quality. 50c to $6.50.
Every person calling at our Knit Underwear Dept.
next week will receive a dainty knitted sachet bag
free. Call and get one.
tt - V4--M-