ft-ft.'-f -r-''i in.wstfWii fMfnT.f tmum nun . m il ii n" n t t ii "" "'" " " " " .. - f..., x sf.., .f '" .: ' 4 "..sSsWir -- s:- '"v rAliti TEN ino JJA-LLi 1 ArnVU bvwiim, "" " wm ps - An Interesting and Timely Sale of New and Dainty Neckwear for Women Lot 1-take your !u.r59c choice for Oar 688th Wednesday Surprise Sale Petticoats, Special Price at Hpocinl meeting of Pacific lodge No. 50, A. F. anil A. M., tliiH evening. Work in the Y. C. degree. Visiting breth ren welcome. ' Try Scott's 16c meals. A music roll makes a flue birthday present. Tho best place to Rot them iH nt Hhnfer's, 1H7 r4out.li Commercial street. Any good smoke shop will sell you a Hon Ton for five cents. Remember it is n Hnlom made cigar und the bout you can get for tho money. Do you have music in your home? Jf you io you should get neiuuinted with our storo uml our methods. Wo enn help you. The Wiley H. Allen Co., K. F. Peters, 521 Court. Attention, Moose I Big initiation Tuesday evening nt 8 o'clock. Organiza tion of uniform rank. All members re quested to be present. Uncial lunch and good time. Como nut and join in the fun. 0 Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Blessing of Dallas 1$ returned to their home this morning Mr. and Mrs. Will Lucas, accom ' after spending Sunday with friends pntiiod by Grandma K. B. Lucus, arrived and relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Mess-, in Snlem Inst fMiturdny from llnrtline, ing nro former ISalemites, having moved j Wash., and are visiting nt he homo of to Dallas but recently. I Dr. F. L. Utter, dentist, bldg. Masonic : The Ogle Mountain Mining Company is represented at tho Blight hotel this week by (ieo. W. Mason and 1. I,. For rester. They will gladly give full par ticulars ns to tho niiuo and offer 10,0(10 shares of stock the only stock left that is offered for sale. Cucumber and cabbage contracts wanted: Experienced growers wanted to plant cucumbers for pickling pur poses, two to throe acre contracts, hot torn land preferred. Call or write (lid-, nemg nruiiK and disorderly. Uion con Stola Co., picklo factory, Salem, ' taken into cour this morning Crook de Oregon. Also 25 acres cabbage for "ied tha he was drunk. Ho told Judgo sauerkraut. i K.lgiit that he had not tasted a drop of N0TICE. Property holders on North Fifth street, now called Rose avenue, from Church street to Highland avenue are going to meet Tuesday evening, April 2Sth, at 7:30. to discuss paving and to select type of pavement wunted. Meet at J. F. I'nruh's, 1505 North Fifth and Norway streets. . 1 H. O. Coursey, the barber who con ducts a shop on South Commercial street, is suffering with a badly sprained wrist. Mr. Coursey was rid ing his bicycle on Commercial street last Saturday when the machine struck k street car rail aud turned turtle. Coursey struck the pavement with his left arm, and as a result the wrist was all but dislocated. J J .! . T Program Today and Tomorrow 10c- 10c ANY SEAT NO HIGHER THE PEOPLE DEMAND IT WE ABE GOING TO GIVE IT 4 MUTUAL MOVIES i The Highest Priced Picture on the Market. 1 HIGH-CLASS VAUDEVILLE ACT 1 , BIO SHOW SMALL PRICES Jy THEATRE QUANTITY AND QUALITY - -" r . I EMGET IT AT MEYERS "i The new styles of collars, neck pieces, chemisettes, etc., are represented in this special sale, including the much-wanted Icily effects. You positively cannot afford to let this offering go by Lot 2-take your if you want neckwear, the greatest sale of its kind this season. Two big lots. See the window ami counter displays . better select early. A sale of neat, well-made white petticoats for next Wednesday onlyembroidered flounces in a number of pretty designs 'garment are generously fashioned and a very unusual value at this price. Take your choice from the lot Wednesday at 98c each. 1 v ilcoipplooop s THE HOUSE OF QUALITY; II ) Dt. Mendelsohn fits eyes correctly. V. 8. Bank building. Walter Buchner, the well-known busi ness nuin and capitalist of South Sn lem, is Buliieicntly well to bo on the streets again after nn illness of two weeks with u severe cold. Mr. Buchner contracted a slight old three weeks ago, which gradually grew worse until finally he vius compelled to go to bed. Although rather white under the eyes he is side to be about and attend to business ugnln. o Pour expert watchmakers. Best of work. No delays. Burr's. H. L. Burt, of the mechanical donart ment of tho Albany ,, Herald, and for several years linotype mucbinist of the Kugene II uard, bus become foreman of the Capital Journal composing room. Jerry Wynnt, who has held the position for a long time, resigned Saturday in order to take a much-needed vacation. K. K. Itookledgo of Aurora hns ulso taken a position as linotypo operator in the Capital Journal office. Try Ilibler & Smith's barber shop, 337 Mute. New," clean, attractive. the latter 'son, Onirics U. Lucas, at Mis- I Minn nnil Smith ( nni mnrm ill utriiiitu Urnndmu Ulcus is neuring her With ! j birthday, nad is tho wife of the late i Ctiptin Lucus, a (1. A. It. veteran. It is the intention of the new nrrivals to make their homo here. Mr. I.ucas has been-ta business in Kurtline for a num ber of years and was formerly editor of the Uaitliuo standard. Olobo, pool and billiards, basement Hubbard building, under Oregon Elec tric depot. Calvin Crook was arrested last Satur day night by special Officer Phillips for either whiskey or beer last Saturday. Ho admitted, howevr, that ho had hiid several drinks of eider and said that the fruit juice might have been a lit- TODAY and TUESDAY ONLY 8th Series. Adventures of i Kathlyn and a Sterling 2 Comedy- Reel scream from Finish. tart to Globel 10c 89c choice for Women's Maslin 98c Each tin hard nt tho timo. Crook pleaded not guilty to tho harge in the com plaint and his trial will take place this afternoon. 0 We guarantee, safa return of watches for repair sent us by mail, (futility counts in jewelery. Bnrr's. o The residents of Alsea valley are ar ranging for a celebration during the week of Juno 8 to 13 for the purpose of bringing the resources of that sec tion to the nttentio" of the people of the state. They havn culled on Gover nor West to give his aid, anil ho has promised to be with hem and help the cause along if it is possible to do so. 0 A most unfortunate accident wag met with yesterday by tho little son of llr. und Mrs. Fniiik Schramm, who reside at 733 North 20th. street. Tho baby, while toddling about the kitchen, chanced to spy a tea kettlu sitting on the range and, reaching up and grasping the re ceptacle, pulled it off the stove. ' The hot water spilled over the child's face and burned it badly. A physician wns culled as soon as possible, and tho little sufferer wns soon relieved. Although burned quite seriously, tho child will soon recover. Mr. Schramm is n clerk in the Weller Brothers' grocery store. o Piano tuning, repairing, first-class work, rhonc 1405, leave orders nt O. 0. Will or It. F. l'eters. J. K. Hockett. May 5 at Astoria bids for the grad ing of the road and building of the culverts of the Columbia river highway will bo opened. Tho stretch of road in Clatsop county is 2S miles long. .May (I ut S. Helens bids for the same work on tho Columbia county portion of the highway will bo opened. Thero are 40 mi led in that county, milking n total of OS miles. Tho state engineer says this will, if bids are let, be a contract for tho longest piece of rond ever let at ""I ,Um" n the I nited States. The total cost will be 1500,000. o Col. W. II. Burghardt at his place, 023 North Winter street, is growing some of the finest mushrooms ever seen anywhere. He brought a Binnll basket of them down town this morn ing and made every lover of that deli cate edible think of a generous porter house garnished with tho big fat fel lows, diino up with a touch of butter. Some of them were six inches across, with snow whito tops and pink gills. and certainly looked "good enough to eat." llio colonel grows lots of them and from his rotundity and general good nature evidently eats plenty of tnem, too. o The Trover-Welgel studio onnoslte Bligh theater, for kodnk finishing and. enlargements, .notice our new prices ror mis worji. . .The Eastern Oregon Light and Pow or company, which has taken posses sion of eastern Oregon, has applied to the railroad commission, asking it to compel the Kngle River Electric Tower company to raise its rates, claiming they are too low nnd that it cannot compete with them. The Kngle Kiver, company is a Baker City orcniiizatinu. and although small it seems is able "to supply light and power ut much lower rates than its big competitor. It would now be in order for the consumers to nsk the railroad commission to comncl tho larger company to reduce its rates to meet those of the littlo local com- ' pany. Night Officer White and Special Offl cer Phillips last Saturday night ar- fesieu Mini luung on the charge of nl lowing minors to loaf in his noodle joint on Ferry strew t between Liberty and High after noe o'clock. Chung put up iu as security to appear before Judge f.igtn at 8 o'clock this morning, hut tho- Chinaman failed to put in an appearance. According to 'several men who were in the noodle joint before the arrest was made, tw young men enter ed the plnce ami the proprietor asked them if they were 21 years of age. They said they were but Chung did not be lieve them and told the boys to go out. Then, deelure witnesses, the young men began turning over tables and making a great fuss. A short irae afterward the officers arrested Chung. Mary Lewis, the 7-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. GVorge W. Lewis, who reside at 12th and Lee streets, was run down and painfully injured by a de livery auto belonging to be I okohama j Tea company yesterday afternoon. The mmir TATTDWAT. fliTTAt APmAV MONDAY. APRIL 27. 1914. I . . i . . AM... r II V Pn PE MA P N A IK AMAKh I UUUL MMIUJil niUU ,iyuu,uuu unumut uuu YOUNG PKPLE 10 ID To make a bastry trip from one stafo to another, to search through the hotels of this city in search of a sweetheart, and 'hen through the kind offices of a oge friend to find her and be happily reunited is the rom ance of Mary Dutton, known here as Mary Aufranee, and Orson Stillman, son of Rev. O. A. Stillman, former pas tor of the Salem Central Congregation al church, that culminated this morn ing in the marriage of the two at the pasonage of Rev. A. A. Winter on Win ter street. Mary Dutton is an orphan and was born and raised on the Garden road. Or son Stillman is a logger and timber man of Clear Lake, Washington. Sat urday he received a note from Mary stating that she was at a certain hotel in tlua eity. They bad corresponded for some time, but without waiting-to answer he took a train for this city. He arrived Sunday and started to look for her but could not find her. He sought the city over in vain, and, anxious hearted, turned to Police. Matron Lynch, who is a friend of his. There is a little connecting incident in the acquaintance of Mrs. Lynch and Orson Stillman that has a bearing on this romance About a year and a half ago Mrs. Lynch was driving a fiery horso that was inclined to run away on the least provocation. She was driving down a certain street when the horse started and a line broke, leaving the horse, unamanngeablo. It started . to run. But just then Stillman stepped in front of the animal and stopped it. From thnt day until Sunday Mrs. Lynch never saw him again. So when he came to ask her to help him find his sweetheart she readily con sented, and together they mado a search of tho town and finally got trace of the girl. A note wns left at the White H oiuo restaurant for Mary stat ing thnt there wns a message for her at the police matron's ollice. Mrs. Lynch had young btillman write a messnge for Mary. Sunday afternoon she arrived nt Mrs. Lynch 's ofliee. Just then Mrs. Lynch Ilt-Ulll llt'UVV lOUlHCOH irOUllMK UOWIl IMl! u.,ii i ii i . I hall nnd a moment later Stillman burst 1 M : .1- il. in upon her and Mary. Mr. Lynch was resent, nnd suddenly ho declared that he did not think he was needed in the room at that moment. Rev. Winter married tho couiilo at II o'clock this morning, nnd they left this afternoon on the 2 o'clock Oregon Elec tric for Clear Lake, Washington, where they will make their home. Mary Dutton 's mother was Miss Au franee before she married. Later her husband died and sho married auother man by the name of Aufranee. Ttvo years ugo sho died," leaving Mary an orphan. Mary is ft niece of County Re corder Etigen Aufranee. child, in company with two other chil dren, had been to a motion picture show in tne city, nrtil hail taken tho Yew Park car for home. She stepped from the car on the right hand side of the street, and, passing around to tho end of the cur, she failed to observe the approaching nuto. Before Miss Lewis could dodge back the nuto struck her. Ihe girl was thrown to tho pavement, nnd for a time it was thought that was'; seriously injured, but nn examination made by Dr. W. H. Byrd proved that the injuries merely consisted of bruises about he body, She- is getting alomr nicely, according to reports this morn ing. Donald N. Tonbnch of Sacramento. Cnl., arrived in this city this morn ing. Mr. Tonbach is n painter and is litre for the purpose of looking for n location. He has a family in Sacra mento and he hopes to find something suitable here and make Salem his home. The new arrival declares that the Sac ramento volley is either too hot or too wet to suit him nnd he thinks ho will like this territory much better, espec ially the climate. - Salem Heights was the scene of a benefit musicale-Sunday .afternoon, in wnicn a numoer or Miiem musicians took part. The program consisted of vocal solos, instrumental solos, duets, (uiartet, quintet work and a reading. Salem Heights hall was well filled with an appreciative audience. The musi- cnle was given under the direction of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Frickev. When the silver offering was taken it was found thnt $1.50 had been collected. o Because he had taken aboard too many intoxicants last Saturday night, James Eastwood was arrestod and placed behind the bnrs. Having all day Sunday in which to sober nn East wood appeared before Judge Elgin in the police court this morning and pleaded guilty to the charge. He told the court that while he was sure drunk he did not think ho was raising any dis turbance, or molesting anyone. Tho man was fined $0, which he could not pay, having but $2.70 on him nt the time of his arrest, and consequently he will have to work for the city for the next three dav: . - - ., A juvenile row on State street near the I'nited States National Bank build ing occured yesterday afternoon. Two youngsters about 11 years old each found an old pipe laying on the sidc- i j i j i...i.A.iiiiiiii... i i . 'TTTTTTTTTTtTTtTTTTTtTTtT 4 GLOBE Monday and Tuesday Only Adventures of I Kathlyn Francisco men considering start R, O. Freeman, a Logger, Values Eye and Use of Limbs at Large Sum. COMPANY SAYS PASSENGERS MUST ALIGHT AT DEPOT Other Cases Cleared From Docket Circuit Court and New Cases rued. in Trial of the suit for $30,000 damages for the loss of an eye aud tho partial paralysis of the left arm, side, and leg, brought in the! circuit court for Marion county by R. C. Freeman against the Hammond Lumber company, was sched uled to beiiin this afternoon. Free man was employed as a timber feller I and logger and entered a shack belong ing to the company in which saws were set and filed. As he entered the door a pieco of saw-tooth broke and struck him in tho right eye, destroying the sight. - - Freeman alleges that the accident was tho result of carelessness on the part of the comiany in not providing i a safe place lu which to worK. lie asks general damages of $50,000 and special damages for hospital fees, etc., in the sum of $571). - Allegations to tho effoct that the plaintiff in tho case of Oeorgo L. Rose against the Oregon Electric Railway company, an action in the circuit' court for Marion county tor damages, was careless and negligent in alighting from the train when in motion, the defen dant company this morning filed an answer to the complaint. Tho answer goes on to state thnt tho train stopped at tho corner of State and High streets bueauso of an intersecting ear line and not to allow passengers to alight. The injuries of the plaintiff were caused by his own negligence, the company alleged. It admits that a ticket was . , . , . , ,i , bought for passage irom Purt ami to ..i , .if.. . ... , Salem and that Hose was received as a passenger. A reply to the answer, de nying the allegations muMe, was also filed by the pluintii'f. After continuing over 'from Saturday i llio I HSU Ul -11. in. I'lIU aim vuiiijanv against Louis Lachn.iinil, an action for money alleged to bo duo on an account which the defendant guaranteed for Robert Glisan, occupied the attention of tho court this morning and went to the jury at 1:45 this afternoon.,- Afcr tho ease of II. S. Gile against Louis Lachmund was cleared from the circuit court room toilay tho action brought by D. A. Madson against Shel ly II. Cornell for tho collection of money alleged to be duo on notes wns considered. Tho first note involved was given July 27, 1.M2, to tho plaintiff for the sum of $108.50; the second was niven on April 1, 1012, to G. M. Stutcs maii for $100 and assigned to the plain tiff; tho third cause of action alleged is "that from Januaiy IS, 1012. to July 30, 1012, G. M. Statesman loaned de fendant $250, uo pail of which is paid. Six indictments stand against Lewis Johnson, a druggist of Silvertoh, who is clifirgeil with selling liquor contrary to the local option law. He will be tried in the circuit court for Marion county Tuesday morning on one of the indictments. The others will follow in succession. Judgo Kelly this morning sustained the demurrer of the defendant in the case of Dan Brumicr against W. H. Holder, an action for $3:17.50 alleged to bo duo for services rendered, regarding interlimvttious of tho complaint. George Thomas, 15 years of age, de clared to be incorrigible by his mother, Mrs. Ella Penturf, was arrested this morning by Sheriff Esch and taken be fore County Judge William Bnshey and sentenced to the Oregon stato reform school. Young Thomas is said to be more thpn his mother could handle and it wns determined to commit him to the reform school. An action in Juslico Webster's court Saturday afternoon for the-collection of $30 rent, brought by I. B. Goodrich against B. Dykepian, resulted in the judge holding in favor of tho plaintiff, it was clearly shown thnt the $30 were due and owing und the court ordered it paid.' County Clerk Ma Gehlhar issued a marriage license this morning to Oison A. Stillman, a lumberman of Clcarlakc, Washington, aud Mjry I. Dutton, Sa lem, a housekeeper. walk. One grabbed it and tho other also made a dash for the smoking arti cle. The first 4ad succeeded in getting a good hold on the' bowl of the pipe when the other youngster snatched away the stem. A rough-and-tumble scrap took plnce immediately, much to tho amusment or several who were waiting for tho cars nt the intersec tion of Stute nnd Commercial streets. The fight ended, however, when a man walked up, and, pulling the lads apart, gave them each a penny. One threw nway the bowl nnd made a bee line for the nearest candy store, while the other dropped tho stem and cut for home. o : The Woman's Alliance of the Uni tarian church will meet with Mrs. Gid eon Steiner, of 1 IS North Twelfth j street, Friday at 2:30 o'clock. All i members and friends are invited. The i Unitarian Girls' club will meet Thnrs ! day. All members should be present. 0 I I 1 rumored on the streets today ; that a new cafeteria is to be in - stalled in tho building formerly oe - cupied by the Elite Cafe on North Commercial street. - W. A. Irvine, who conducted restaurant in the build- ; ing has moved out all of the fixtures i and, according to statements heard on) Ji the street this morning, there aro two) NEW TODAY. LOST Gold U. 8. pin. office. , Leave Journul DRY WOOD for sale. O. K. Bolter, 201U Trado St. Phono 22UB-W. WANTED Janitor at Willumetto San atorium. Apply in basement. FOR RENT 2 houses, ono new and modern on 15th near State. I'hone 2054-J. FOB RENT 8-roorn house, barn, gar den and fruit on car lino. I'hone Main Vm. WANTED Delivery boy with bicycle at Avenue Meat Market. Phono Main 1007. HIGHEST Cash prico paid for eggs. Marion Creamery & Produce Co., Liberty and Ferry streets. WANTED First-class man on a dairy farm. Take care 15 head of Jersey cows. This is a steady job. ' Phono Main 1431 or 491. yoa SALE Heavy farm or dray horse in good condition, cheap. Works double or single. W. O; Radkey, be lem, Route 0, Box 04. FOB SALE 7 acres, 4 miles from Salem, 3 blocks from station, large home, barn, other buildings, well, fruit. Goes for $1,800; cost $3,000. Terms. M. K. Dctrick, Turner. Ore. SEWING MACHINES are going to be sold at once; g"od drop-head ma- ' chines from $10.00 up; you will miss a big bargain if yon don't come nt once ns they must go at once. 040 State street. FOR SALE This offers you twenty acres of fine lu nil for grain or fruit within five miles of Sulem, south, nonr a rock road, all in cultivation. Prico $100 per aero, one half cash, balance within 8 mouths. Phone Mnin 470. CALL TOR CITY WARRANT. N'otico is hereby givon thnt thero aro fundson hand and applicablo to the payment of nil warrants drnwn on the general and street funds and endorsed, 'Not paid for want of funds." Hold ers of these wnrra,rs will pleaso pre sent them for payment to tbo City Trensurer, ns intorest will ceaso after thfB date, April 20th, 1014. R. A. CltOSSAN, City Treasurer. Nnnwirw union piRP I1MCI IP AMrr SnPIFTV BURGHARDT & MEREDITH Resident Agents. 383 State Stroet Sacrifice Sale For salo at a ronl tacriflco tho bost and cheapest lO nero Jrirct thut is of fered for sale. Seven acres under cul tivation, threo acres Oak timber and pasture; 150 young bearing fruit trees; less than one-quarter of a mile from electric car station; good ronfl; close to school. Soil is deep rich, black loam. Beautiful view of the moutuins, liver and valley. Prico for next, ton days, $1,225; terms of ten per cent discount fur cash. Bechtel & Bynon 347 State Street. Where You Always See tho BEST PICTURES YeLiberty Last Day of 'Dolly cf the Dailies' With Beautiful Mary Puller and the Best Program In the City Evelyn DeTove A Heal Entertainer HERE TOMORROW Another "Sonny Jiia" Picture and the - Edison Feature, "A Question of Hats and Gowns." BUsmi .'-MfflWt MM . n 'fMi m ing up a modern enfetcria in the room. Morris Klinger who owns tho build ing stated this morning that it has not been rented, but thai there has been ecrveral strangers looking over the premises of late. REFUGEES ARE LEAVING (Continued on page 10). refugees from the west coast of ilex- ico. Will Transfer Federals. San Antonio, Texas, April 27. Gen eral Bliss recived orders today to raw fer 5,000 Mexican federals soldiers hitherto held at Fort Bliss to Fort Wineate. N. M. i Tho prisoners were driven across the (border by the rebels following the int- jter's victories at Juarez nnd in ether j engagements. An attempt wns made j recently to secure their release through i tho federal counts. It failed, nun gu, i ernment officials feared physical force might be resorted to. Two troops of the Twelfth eavulary - 1 will make the transfer, IV THE DISTRICT COURT OF TI1K I NITED STATES FOR THE DIS TRICT OF OKEUON. In the matter of Sunset Grocery Co., Bunkrupt. Request for bids. I will receive sealed bids for a stock uf merchandise consisting of groceries neps, sundries, etc., of the inventoried vnltc of $2,843.98, fixtures pertaining to the same of tho inventoried value or f SOn.GO, and wagons, horses and harness of the inventoried value of $223.00. !ur .nerly belonging to J. F. Day and O. A. Day. partners trading as Sunset tiro eery Co., Bunkrtipt, in the store for merly occupied by said bankrupt at Si lem, Oregon, up to nnd until 12:00 o'clock noon on Mondny, May 4, 1014. (V tilled check for 10 per cent o tho amount offered must accompany o-vh bid. hale subject to the approval of i'.ui court. - Inventory mny be seen at my ofr'ici, ir.d ulso at Snlem, Oregon, where the piopeity mny be inspected. R. L. SARIN, 740 Morgan Bldg., Portland, Oregon. Dated April 24, 1014. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids will be received by tho County Court of Marion County, Ore gon, for tho improvement of certain roods in Road District No. 23 near Sub limity, Oregon, by grading and macad amising tho sumc, und the improvement of certain rouds in Road District No. 52 near Snlem, O-egon, by draining, grading and gravelling the same, hs will moro fully appear by the plans and specifications of tho sumo now on lilij in this ollice. All bids must be accom panied by a certiiled check of live, per cent. (5 per cent.) of the amount of such bid nnd must be liled in this office on or before ho 1st day of Mny, 1011, nt 1 o'clock p. m. Tho Court re serves tho right to reject any or all bids. MAX GEHLHAR. Countv Clerk. We must either ivo grouches or our friends. up our STOP : when in Salem at the HOTEL BLIGH Tho only hotel in tho business district; nearest to all depots, theatres aud Capi tol buildings. It is strictly ninilern nml "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" with reasonable rates. . u m n n 11 i.i m m m n u m m w m U m Wear Glasses When Needed For they prevent .head ache, wrinkles, squint ing and frowning; they preserve the vision and the appearance of youth rather than indicate age Our examinations are exact and thorough in every dciail glasses are not needed we so advise. Our ground floor loca tion is most convenient and accessible come in for consultation at any time. u M n u C5 a si ii n u u u u m K ii a MISS A. McCULLOCH OPTOMETRIST 91 N. Commercial St. Phone 926 Mours, 9 to 5 Ground Floor This will inform my Republicnn friends and supporters that I am n can didate for re-nomination to the office the justice of the peace for the Salem district at the primary election of May to, 1014. DANIEL WEBSTER Good nvestments 10 acres of bearing p'unes,$2,150. 2 acres bearing fruH, 7 room house, one mile out, $2,300; terms. Large lot and house, close in, $600fl. 26ij acres bearing fruitr improved, $16,000. 10 acres bearing fruit, improved $3500 17 acres, close in, improved, $4000. Several good buys in berry tracts. Hop, prune and stock ranches, right prices. List your bargains and trades with us. We are agents for Canadian Pacific lands, $11 per acre up, 20 years to pay. Close in hotel, 30 rooms, $1500. snap. Several good business chances and trades. We sell insurance of all kinds. Houses and furnished rooms to rent City lots, all parts of Salem. 15 acres. Kosedale, 7 acres fruit, bhildiiigs, $3,000; terms. - Acme Investment Company Phone: Office, Main 477. Opposite Court House. 540 State St. Employment Bureau In Connection.