paqe fotjb THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALF.M. OREGON, SATTJKDAY, APRIL 25, 1911. Editorial Page of The Daily Capital Journal SATURDAY APRIL 25, 1914 1 : I TIO'MLY Gltm JOURNAI PVrll.lSiI Kl' bY CAPITAL JOURNAL PRINTING CO., Inc. CHARLES II. F13UEB, EDITOR PUBLISHED EVERY EYE NINO EXCEPT BPKDAY. BALEM. OREGON SUBSCRIPTION' BATES: Daily, by Carrier, pc, year J 3.20 Per mouth Daily, by Mail, per ye.r Weekly, by Mail, ter year 100 ' " 800 FULL LEASED WIRE TELEGRAPH REPORT The Capital Journal carrier bojn are Instructed t pot the paper en tit poKh. II to carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the paper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, a tbia is tht only way we can determine whether or not the carrier are following Instructions. Pbone Main 82. ' HUERTA'S METHODS OF RECRUITING. NOW that a war with Mexico seems a certainty, the character of the Mexican army and the manner in which it is recruited are matters of interest m this country. Correspondents at Mexico City tell of Dic tator Huerta's methods for keeping up the strength of his military forces, some of which are as follows: t Three months ago the national agricultural school, in the suburbs of the capital, was a quiet, easy going institu tion with its thousand students, gathered from the farms all over the land, paying attention to nothing else than agriculture. Today it looks like a barracks. The profes sors have been converted into captains, majors and lieu tenants, and they wear military unitforms in the class rooms. The students have all been put into soldiers uni forms and have been supplied with rifles, which they are forced to use in pratcice. Life in the dormitories has been put on a military basis and day and night the big school farm is patrolled by farmer boy sentinels. The boys in the night schools, business colleges and even private schools are being drilled by orders of the "presi dent." Not a few of the professors in those schools have resigned their positions rather than become officers in the army. The professors who remain may often be seen in the boulevards of the capital drilling, under the instruc tion of a real army instructor,' their boy students. Little chaps as tender in years as 10 may be seen in these groups 'learning how to carry their rifles and how to maneuver at the orders of a professor captain. The law students have been formed into a brigade of their own. Two or three of the leading law instructors ' in Mexico have resigned their positions because they felt they had been, humiliated by the demand that they be come a part of the Mexican army. - The medical students medical students are alike the 'world over were too much even for Huerta. At a time when no one in the capital dared to raise his voice against . Huerta these medical students astuonded the government : and the populace my making a demonstration against the removal of the head of the national school by Huerta, and the substitution of a military-'head. This demonstration occured on a visiting day when several members of " Huerta's cabinet were present. ' The police were called and the doors of the school were closed. Huerta, who usually knows what action to take against the slightest sign of "opposition to his plans, was puzzled in this case. He hesitated to order the execution of the ringleaders; for the same reason, he hesitated to cause their arrest on the grounds of treason. Finally, he solved the whole thing by closing the school' for two months. Whereupon the irrespressible medical students held another demonstration of joy because "school was out." If President Wilson were to order that all the clerks and secretaries in the postoffiee department, for instance, be formed into a military company and were to be drilled he would cause similar consternation to that which fol lowed such an order by Huerta the other day. Huerta's order extended to every government office in the capital and every day on some of the many drill grounds around the capital some company of w hite-handeu, tender-looted 'young clerks may be seen hiking or swinging guns in the hot sun. Harry Thaw has accumulated the finest and probably the largest collection of writs of mandamus, habeas cor pus, and assortment of court orders ever gotten together by a private citizen. They have cost him a fortune, and, while they have done everything to him, except some thing he paid for, he is still behind the bars. The attor neys who have had a chance at his case have so conducted it as to make their acts the prideof the profession, for never has he been given the least chance to get out of the clutches of the law and the lawyers. When his money gives out he will get something, and that will probably be his liberty. It is always dangerous to get in your neighbor's yard and take part in a family row no matter how big a nuis- Lapp & Bush, Bankers Transact a General Banking Business Safety Deposit Boxes Traveler's Checks GRAHAM P. TABEB, MANAGER ance it may be. However, it quarrel gets to- be of such a decent citizen cannot refuse He can not sit idly by and neighbor, and this is the position the united States now finds itself in toward Mexico. It is a family row, but we cannot in common decency permit it to continue indefinitely. There is no use to talk now about what ought to have been done in the Mexican affair. We can thresh that out later. It is a condition, not a theory, that now con fronts us, and the hundred million Americans are a unit behind the administration in seeing that the American flag is respected and American lives protected. There is no difference of opinion along that line. The candidate is up against it in trying to get recogni tion from his constituency. Thus does Huerta butt in and cause trouble to the great army of patriots. The worst part of it is that Huerta put the war off so long that none of the candidates had a chance to get a declaration of war in his platform. .TCTfliWaTltYfill Now the recalled mayor of Tacoma has been re-elected to that office. This proves that either the people or the mayor have changed their minds. It may also have dem onstrated that "it is better to bear the ills we have than fly to those we know not of." A film illustrating a play called "The World, the Flesh and the Devil" has been placed under the ban by the Brit ish censors. Strangely enough they did not object to the World or the Devil but drew the line on the Flesh. There should be no trouble in raising a troop of cav alry at Pendleton and still leave enough rough riders to carry on the "Round Up" this fall. So far there has been only one report from the Oregon National Guard wherever stationed and that is "Ready!" - THE ROUND UP. James Forsarl. npcimpil nf Llllimri John Kelley at Hcnryville was indicted oy mo grand jiry or Coos couuty Tburhday. Fifty delegate! from points in the Willamette vullnv attemlml thn nn. vvntion of Kuiirhta of 1'vthiaa at En- geuo Wednesday. Tho city marshal! and night watch man were deposed by the Lebanon citv council Wednesday night, and this wiu no complaints made against thorn. The session wag a Btorniy one and it was jfter midnight when the officers were fired and others elected in their plates. The house of Will lirown, lustiee of the iieace of Roseburji, was robbed by A couple of transients from California, ana a wedding suit and some jewelry wiut taKen. They were tracked by blood hounds and arrested, and the plunder recovered. They were taken before Brown in his capacity of jus tice of the pcaco and bound over to tho Hr-iud jury. A man believed to bo John Sclilein. a tramp wn killed by an 8. P. train at I'liickamns station' Thursday, llis ooiiy was badly nuuiijled. Six hundred tnxpnycis of tho Conch school district in Portland have peti tioned tho director to rescind their action locating the new school on Twentieth nnd tllisnn streets, bocing tnoir objections on tho inet thnt a double-tisiek car Hue runs bv tho site and thnt it would not only be danger ous but tho noise would interfere with school work. II. A, Stewart, the deposed Copper field mayor, was tried at Baker City on a chureo of irivinir honor to a minor nt tho time a saloon burned in tint place, and which was tho cniiBo of tho Copperi'ield fiasco, the trial end ing Monday. I'oth the prosecuting at torney and tho defendant s lawyer ac cused West of being the greatest violator of the law in tho Btnte. The Save Time For Industrial Training by Omitting Nonessential Studies By L. EL WOLFE, Former Superintendent of Schools, Memphis, Tenn. A 8 A GENERAL RULE, IT IS THE FARMER BOY WHO IS TAKIN3 THE HONORS AT OUR COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES. BE CAUSE ON THE FARM THE CROPS ENGAGE THE ATTENTION DURING THE SUMMER AND THE FARM CHORES ARE UNUSUALLY HEAVY ON SATURDAYS IS NO REASON WHY 8CH00LS SHOULD NOT CONTINUE ON 8ATURDAYS AND DURING THE SUMMER IN CITIES, TOWNS AND VILLAGES. AGAIN, TIME CAN BE 8AVED FOR INDUS TRIAL TRAINING BY OMITTING FROM THE COURSE 0I-STUDY MUCH THAT IS NONESSENTIAL AND BY TRAINING OUR TEACHERS IN EF FICIENCY. THE TEACHING OF HABITS OF THRIFT AND INDUSTRY, A3 HAS BEEN DEMONSTRATED AQAIN AND AGAIN, SO QUICKENS AND STRENGTHENS THE INTELLECT AS TO ENABLE THE LEARNER TO MAKE MUCH GREATER PROGRESS IN A GlvEN TIME. n k ' A prcnt improvement could be made by INSTALLING AN INDUSTRIAL-TL ANT , IN EVEttY COUNTRY SCHOOL, purchas ing at least a twenty aero tract near tho school, building tho teacher home upon this tract and employing tho teacher the. year around tliut ho might train the farm boys to make repairs to machinery and demon strate the best methods in ncriculturo and horticulture. However, to CONFINE SCHOOL WOltK IN CITIES, TOWNS AND VILLAGES TO BOOKS is quite as stupid a to carry a rock in one end of a sack and tbe grain in the other because it was dona by a parent sometimes happens that the dangerous character that a to take a hand and stop it. see. murder committed by his Chickens "n w muff mina tnrth nn.i m.Va. fiia gardou, a hard and painful grind'; and XI .L. -. 1 v- ineu me crime u& yond a 1 1 pardon dostroys his peace of mind. His neigh bor keeps a string A f nHi.tlrai.a n l thoy, inflamed with 1 greed, come o er and Bcratch to beat tho dickens, and dig up all the seed. And then tho man whoso wasted labor has set him seeing red, walks o'er to see that hennish floi fprittni. anil man.. cure his bead. Thig village feuds are uiwu eianed, sua people raiHe the llttU(t. Aflii mnn .lom B.A h.Ab.. , . , - uuiii-j9 aiiy It I Vrx VT.I hearted because some hens ran loose. I in any town where leggy chickens rui loose, in scorn of law, you may be sure that trouble thickens, and hearts are sore and raw. Old hens and roosters have created more .trouble, caused more tears, than could in seven weeks be stated by seven auctioneers. If yon mint keep a herd of Uorkiugs or other brands of owls, on, take them where their frantic workings won't stir up grief and howls. To some lono wilder ness escort them, some desert far away; there yon may cuddle them and port them, and watch tho blamed fools lav. fODrrljM, 114 hf AiUrua .Dfii.wr Strife fh -five jury brought in a verdict of not guilty, in five minutes. The Clatsop county court Thursday rejected all bids for grading tho Columbia highway. C. H. Stewart,, for several years manage of the Commercial club of Al bany, has been reelected unanimously for Another year's service. rondletou East Oregonian: Bert Kelley was the first hero of the Hound-up and oue of our pluckiest and 1 1 i I fcAsA'S.. mil DID CHILD IKE UP Look Mother! If tongue is coated gW "California Syrup of Figs" to clean the bowels. Mother! Your ehild isn't naturally cross and peevish. See if , tongue ii -outed; this ia a sure sign its little stomach, liver and bowels need a eleaosing at once. When listless, pale, feverish, full of ?old, breath bad, throat lore, doesn 't eat, slep or act naturally, a gentle liver and bowel cleansing should always be the first treatment given. Nothing equals "California Syrup of Figs" for children's ills; give a tea spoonful, ana in a few hours all the foul waste, sour bile and fermenting food which Is cloggod in the bowels passes out of the system, and you have a well and playful child again. All children love this harmless, delicious "fruit laxative," and it never fails to effect a good "inside" cleansing. Di rections for babies, children of nil ages and grown ups are plainly on the bot tle. Keep it handy in your home. A lit tle givon today saves a sick child to morrow, but get the genuine. Ask your druggist for a 60-cent bottle of "Cali fornia (Syrup of Figs," then look and see that it is made by the "California Fig Syrup Company." Counterfeits are being sold here. Don't be fooled! most skillful riders. All who knew him or saw him ride will regret bis untimely end. The Wasco county fair will bo held this year on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, September 3, 21 and 25, just in advance of the state fair at Halem. City and country schools in Wasco county are making preparations for big UXU1U11S. How 'a This? Wo offer One Hundred Dollars He ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. h. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned have known F. I Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially ablo to carry out auy obligations made by bis firm. National Bank of Commerce, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Tako Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. A recall election is on in .Los An geles, the first one for more than a month. AND STOMACH SOURS "Papa's Diapepsin" ends Indigestion, Gas, Dyspepsia and Stomach Mis ery in five minutes. If what you just ate is souring on your stomach or lies like a lump of lead, refusing to digest, or you belch gns and eructate sour, undigested food, or have a feeling of dizziness, heartburn, fullness, nausea, bad taste in mouth and stomach headache, you can get blessed relief in five minutes. Ask your pharmacist to show you the formula, plainly printed on these fifty-cent cases of Pape's Dinpcpsin, then you will understand why "dys peptic troubles of all kinds must go, and why they relieve sour, out-of-order stomachs or indigestion in five min utes. "Tape's Diapepsin" is harmless; tustes -like candy, though each dose will digest and prepare for assimila tion in the blood all the food you cat; besides, it makes you- go to the table with a healthy appetite; but, what will pleaso you most, is thnt you will feel that your stomach and intes tines are clean and fresh, and you will not need to resort to lointives or liver pills for bilionsnes or constipation. This city will have many "Pope's Diapepsin" cranks, as some people will call them, but you will be enthusiastic about this splendid stomach prepara tion, too, if you ever take it for indi gestion, gases, heartburn, sourness, dyspepsia, or any stomach misery. Got somo now, this minute, nnd rid yourself of stomach trouble and indi gestion in fivo minutes. "THE OLD RELIABLE" AT DHUu9:0Tt.0RTHIAL BOX BV h'AlLOg FKOMHANTEM 03 HKNSYSr. fiSOUrrLYN.H.Y. SalemFence Works E. B. FLEMING, Fro;. Headquarters American Win Fence, Morley'i Patent Hop Bas ket. Send yonr orders In now. Big stock of bop and loganbery wire, . Kubber roofing, 91.50 up per square. Elastic roof paint, cant' be baat Stock of paints and varnishes at 20 par cent ductlon, three brands. Cedar fence posts and wood and Iron walk and drive gaten. 250 Court St Phone 124 P. a Box 355. Back of ChUit Slate. THE SOZONIAN A Burial Vault or Shipping Case that is not equaled on tbe market today. It is the only hot-zinc coated non-rusting vault made. Positive ly guaranteed to be air and water tight. For sale only by Cottage Undertaking Parlors Open Day and Night Salem, Oregon. Telephone 724 There9 s a Time to Dance And a time to sing and you can do either if you have; a. Victrola to furnish the music. No other single invention has done so much to add culture and enjoyment to the homo life. Easy terms to all. i m 'I 'eim Sj T 1'WT'- r-Erl B. r. Peters, Mgr. S21 Court Street. How Many Soaps Can You Name Offhand? This is not a new Btory, but it is worth repeating. A friend went to a large soap manufacturer and said to him: "See hore, yon aro spending a fortune in advertising. Why do you waste your money?" "How many soaps can you nsfrief" asked the soap manufacturer. The friend studied and named six all advertised brands. "That's the answer," replied the soap manufacturer. Out of the hundreds of soaps made, you can name only six, and mine beads the list. "I CAN'T AFFORD NOT TO ADVERTISE.' ' That soap manufacturer was a large user of space in the daily newspapers. Ho died the other day leaving an immense fortune, and a name known from one end of tbe country to the other. Home Made Candies, nuts, fruits, bread and pastry. Delivered at All Times Hot and cold drinks, cigars and town, when you can call up 22Stf t We solicit your patronage and Capital Confectionery Store I 19th and State Streets. MtttTtTTTTTTtTTTTTTTTTTtttTVffTTr DESEBTED HUSBAND KILLS WIFE AND ATTEMPTS SUICIDE Seattle, "April 2,1. Armed withy a 30-30 rifle, Boyd T. Head, motorman pn tho Phinney avenue street car, went to tho homo of his father-in-law, Arn bjornsou Thorgen, at 11 o'clock last night, and shot his wife, Angelina, killing her instantly, with a bullet through tho heart, then he attempted suicide with the -same weapon. Within a few days after marriage the couple quarreled and Mrs. Read re turned to her father's home. Friends of the couple are unable to throw any light on the cause of tho trouble which led to the separation. CHILDREN WHO ARE SICKLY Mothers who value their own com fort and the welfare of their children should never be without n box of Moth er Grny's Sweet Powders for Children, for nse throughoutt he season. They Break up Colds, Relieve Feverish ness, Constipation, Teething Disorders, Head ache, and stomach Troubles. Used bv V..thcrs for 2-4 rears. THESE POW--DERfi NEVER FAIL. Sold by all Diug Stores, 25c. Don't accept any substitute. Sample mailed FREE. Ad dress, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. IN THEY COME AND OUT THEY GO. They come into our office at Room 11, Busn Bank Bldg.. and get a copy of "Out of the Rut," and go out and buy real estate from our advertisers and pay no commission. House of Half a Como and see the biggest wonder in the history of Salem. ' We bnv and sell everything from a needle to a piece of gold. We pay the highest eash price for everything. H. Steinbock Junk Co. 233 State Street. Salem, Oregon. paon9 Main 22i f .,I,M,,,,mmMmtimtH)M)tt Marion Secondhand Store New locution. FntfiroAd mima v j j - v ,-," '" ui new ana seeona- hand goods. We buy, sell and exchange clothing, .hoes, musical in strnmenta, all kinds of toota, household furnishings, trunks, auit cases, stoves, ranges, men's funieUaga, garden tools, etc wTalsa seU all kinds of guodj on eonuniastoo. Marion Second Hand Store isrry ana uoerty ttmeU. mm ' X Moose Building. tTM4tMTV4TTT- Ice Cream t tobacco. Why carry your eats from X and have thom delivered! appreciate the same. Yours Salem, Oregon. The primary political race is on; few will run well, many slowly. Household Worry Is 99 Per Cent Wash Day Good Riddance by the Laundry Remedy. Linen, blankets, curtains ap parelall come back beautiful when we do your work. Salem Steam Laundry 136 South Liberty Street ' Phone 25 Dry Cleaning. Ask the Driver. GOLD DUST FLOUR Mado by tbe SYDNEY POWER COMPANY Sydney, Oregon Made for Family Use. Ask yonr grocer for It Bran and shorts always on band. P. B. WALLACE, Agent Million Bargains n...i. - : t . . . , Phone-Main 2329. MMMH t t t