Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 25, 1914, Image 1

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Leased Wire
Today's News
Printed Today
PRICE TWO CENTS stands five cents
Four Americans Reported a
Killed by Infuriated Hu
ertaists in Riot. .
All Dispatches From Interior
Are Censored and Reports
Are Unreliable.
Washington, April 25. Four Ameri
cans were reported killed in Mexico
City today.
This news was unconfirmed. It ap
peared .in El Dicta nion, a Vera Cruz
newspaper. If true, it was deemed
certain it meant an immediate move
ment against the Mexican capital.
The situation th?re was terrifying
at best.
Secretary of State Bryan admitted
he had received a telegram from Consul
Canada at A'era Cruz saying 19 Ameri
cans and Englishmen ha been arrested
at the capital anil that "they may be
Bryan enid he had no official con
firmation of the news that J. Starr
limit and his family were arrested and
taken from the train on which Charge
i' Affaires 0 'Shaughnessy, Consul
General Shanklin, their families, and
staffs were leaving Mexico City ht
midnight Thursday, or of the story that
Jturton Wilson was tiken from the
tiamo train in the Mexico City suburb
of Ln villa. There are other informa
tion, however, bearing out this news.
Refugeo Trains in Danger.
There was no question, however, that
tho:e on the refugee trains were in
danger until they actually got within
the American lines at Vera Cruz. Th-r!
O 'Shaughnessy party was delivered
nafely but many other were stopped on
the road.
Hryan had received word that 2 )
railroad men were arrested on a train
running from Tierra Blnuca as they
were on their way to the coast and
tal:en to Orizaba.
From a train running between Yri
pataand San Juan Del Kio 125 men,
women and children were taken an I
dotained despite their pleas that they
be allowed to go on to Vera Cruz.
The state department notified British
Ambassador Sir Cecil Spring-Rice of
the reported arrest of an Englishman,
and the Brazilian embassy in Mexico
City, acting for the United States, was
naked to investigate and make all
necessary representations to President
Jluerta concerning steps for the pro
tection of foreigners.
No Means of Defense.
It was feared, however, that not
much would be accomplished. Ameri
cans in Mexico City had been dis
firmeil and had no means of defending
themselves if attacked. Even the
stores of arms at the United States
embassy were seized by the dictator
before Charge d' Affaires 0 'Shaugh
nessy 's departure.
That foreigners of all nationalities
iu Mexico City were concentrated in
a singlo zone to make a combined re
sistance if attacked by the Mexicans
was the news brought to Vera Cruz by
arriving refugees, according to a dis--
paten tne state department received:
this afternoon from Consul Canada.
Canada's message was confusing in!
some respects. It did not explain howl
more refugees reached the coast but it '
Was thought possible they were not ;
Americans and therefore no objection !
was raised to their departure from the
capital. It was not specifically stated,
either, that the Americans had joine 1
other nationalities to make a joint
defense but it was taken for granted
here that this was the case.
May Have Secured Anns.
Canada's version was too that the'
foreign colonists were Well armed, I
which puzzled state department of
ficials, inasmuch- as they had it on the'
highest authority that President Huert j
had deprived the Americans of their i
weapons. Still, it was thought possibbj
they had been supplied afresh from'
some of the other embassies. j
These conflicts and eontraditions:
were not considered surprising, how-j
ver, in view or tne fact that tele
graphic communication with the Mexi
can capital was cut off and that the
news of all sorts wns mixed with humor j
and surmise. I
All accounts agreed that Mexico City '.
is in the grip of ,a veritable reign of i
terror. Washington's statue there, it;
was stated, was dragged through the!
city after it had been knocked from'
its pedestal and dragged through tbei
streets followed by a hooting, jeering
mob. ;
The rioters also entered Porters
hotel, where Americans congregat.;,.
umashing the windows, insulting the
guests and threatening all sorts of
Governor West Bends Out Blanks to
Valley Towns to Get Name) of
Young Men.
Coast 'Guard Has Been Trained As
Infantry and Should Have Chance
Says West.
Governor West this morning sent out
the following letter to the mayors of
Oregon cities, and others who have in
quired concerning the proposed cavalry
So many letters are coming to this
office from those who are anxious to
join the Cavalry Regiment now being
organized by Lieutenant Hennessey,
I am triking the liberty of sending you
herewith several petitions for the
signatures of those in your community
who wish to organize a troop.
Should these blanks be returned bv
those interested with a reasonable
number of signatures steps will be
taken to get in touch with the parties
and aid them in perfecting an organ
ization. I would appreciate anything you may
do to bring this matter to the atten
tion of the young men in your com
munity. Yours sincerely,
Oswald West.
Speaking of tho coast artillery the
governor continued ,' While the organ
isation of tho proposed cavalry regi
ment is progressing nicelyw nothing is
being dono which will interfere with
the recruiting to full strength of tho
other branches of the service.
Iu event troops are called tho Ore
gon National Guard as now organized
will be the first to go. This is as it
should be, as thoso who have been as
aithful iu their work as the officers
d men of the oragnized militia
should bo given their opportunity when
troops are needed.
"When the call is made for troops
I earnestly hope all of the officers and
men may be able to qualify and the
Guard go to the front as now organ
ized excopt that it is my earnest desire
to see the Coast Artillery Corps sent
to as another regiment of Infantry,
aud I am putting forth my best efforts
to bring this about.
"Captain Welch's Battery, owing to
its splendid efficiency, is bound to
make a name lor itself should it get
to the front."
Seattle, Wash.,- April 25. Students
in tho department of journalism of the
University of Washington edited to
day's editions of the Seattle Star.
Students, under the direction of the
regular Star force and Professor
Frank G. Kane, head of the journalism
department, handled every phase of
the nows and editorial work of the
Star. .
This is part of a policy in the uni
versity of giving the students all the
practical work possible, and of coop
eration between the newspapers of the
state and tho department of journal
ism. Washington was the first university
in tho country to have a school for
the preparation of newspaper men and
women. ' '
Fort Stevens, Or., April 25. The
hospital corps stationed here is en j
duty. One thousand rounds of loaded
shells were also forwarded by fast
freight. The express company refused
to handle the Shipment, which con
sisted of 600 shrapnel shells and 400
three inch field gun time explosion
Target practice was begun in earn
est today- and the artillery men aro
eagerly awaiting orders to entrain for
the border.
Washington, April- 25. President
Wilson this afternoon signed the
militia re-organization measure, or
army volunteer bill, as it is also called.
John Coppo, of Independence, at-1
tended tho play at the Grand last night j
He stated this morning thai he, was
disappointed, and was going to stay
over tonight in order to see a good
show, meaning the Cherriugo.
violence. 8everal other hotels were iu
vaded in the same way. The American
club windows were broken and the
club itself wis sacked. Several Ameri
can stores also were looted.
The total loss was estimated at 50 -000
Practically ' all business was sus
pended and riotous throngs filled the
streets at latest accounts.
While it was said the foreigners
were in a good position to defend them
selves for a time they were to heavily
outnumbered that it was doubted if
they could stand a prolonged series of
rushes. y
Rebel General Says if Block
- ade is Maintained He is
Assured of Success.
Huerta Sends Out Report That
His Army Has Captured
Texas Towns.
Juarez, Mexico, April- 23. Goneral
Francisco Villa, next in command to
General Carranza of the Mexican con
stitutionalist forces, this afternoon sent
tne following message to the American
people through the United Press:
".My personal wish is that America
will continue to blockade Vera Cruz
and all other Huerta points. If Amer
ica does this we are sure to have the
i consqiDuuonausi array in jsiexico uiTy
sooa,i and I solmenW promise Amorica
that I will see to it that drunken
Huerta offers a fll and satisfactory
apology for various insults to the great
friend of the masses of tho Mexican
people the United States."
; Carranza Favors Uniting.
Madrid, April 25. Tho Madrid
Press association received today the
following message from Gcnoral Car
ranza, head of tho Mexican rebel
"I protest most energetically against
I the Invasion of the Americans, Mexi
jcansjwill unite and fight the invaders
j withi their last breath. Seventeen
: thousand resident Spaniards will co-op-
1-prntfl with iiq "
Negotiations Opened.
- I.ds Angeles, Cal., April 25. A tele
gram was received here today from
Senor Faleba, minister of foreign rela
tions, in the Carranza cabinet, stating
that Carranza is negotiating with the
Washington administration and has of-
! fereu to guaranteo neutrality on the
part or tne constitutionalists during
the trouble with Huerta. Thi) message
was addressed to Eudolfo Carrillo, con
stitutionalist consul.
Huerta Sends Out Reports.
London, April 25. A Mexico City
disptch today to the London Daily
Telegraph said:
"I'rejsident Huerta is circulating re
ports that Mexican federals have cap
tured several Texas cities, including
Brownsville and thnt General Villa has
joined General Velnsco. It was also
I said that onv armv of 50.(111(1 men wan
marching toward the American bor
der." I Heavy Desertions Reported.
Washington, April 25. Heavy deser
tiong from the rebel ranks at
Maytorona, Mexico, were reported to
Secretary of State Bryan today. The
mesjage said:
"Yaquis to the umber of 1,000 de
serted the constitutionalists at May
torenn and aro retiring to tho hills.
"The federal commander at Guaya
mas, General Joaquin Tolles, is said to
have made overtures to General Obre
gon,j a rebel chieftain, that their forces
be joined against tho United States.
"A number of Hucrtistas 8ro said
to have offered their services to the
consitutionalists in Sonora but were re
fused." 2,000 MEN OBSERVE DAT
Portland, Ore., April 25. Special
trains carrying 2,000 men with picks
and, shovels ashoulder left here early
today for Oneonta, where the day will
be Spent working on the Columbia
nighway in observance of Good Roads
dayj set aside -by proclamation of Gov
ernor West. The march to the situa
tion and entraining process was punctu
ated by ho whirr of moving picture
machines and the click of cameras.
0ie of the gangs was composed ex
clusively of candidates for office, who
included good roads planks in their
Redding, Cal., April 25. Four car
loads of ammunition from the army
bnrfscks at Vancouver, Wash., passed
through here this afternoon on a spec
ial train for San Francisco. No stops
were made anywhere, the train having
thelright of way. -
Washington, April 25. It was an
nounced at the White Hmiiut this ut.
ernion that an important statement on
thejMexiean situation might be ex
pected at 0 p. m. today. Presidential
Secretary Tumulty refused to give any
hint as to its nature.
Laredo, Texas, April 25. Mayor Me
Corm today ordered the seizure of the
plai)t of El Guardo Del Bravo, a Mexi
can! newspaper, because of inflamma
tory utterances against America. P.
Ahlama, the publisher, was not ar
rested. the
liquor was given Mm,
70,000 Rifles are
Landed for Use of
Ulster Volunteers
Belfast, April 25. Outwitting tho
authorities,' who had prohibited arms
importations into Ireland, it was
learned toJ-y that anti-home, rulers
succeeded Friday night in landing
70,000 rifles and are now distributing
them among the Ulster Orangemen.
Ulatormen were asserting on the
strength of this successful piece of
"gun running" that they sre in a
position to resist home rule to tho
limit. The shipment was said to have
loft Hamburg a month ago on the
steamer Fanny. It waa - landed in
throe consignments at Larne, Bangor
and Donaghade. -
This morning 100 fast automobiles
were in readiness and 30,000 volunteers
began distributing the weapons. The
Information regarding what the
farmers about Salem think of the city
is beginning to come into the' promo
tion department of the Salem commer
cial club through the serios of ques
tions and information sheets that have
been sent out. When the majority of
the blanks have been filled and re
turned, it is expected that the promo
tion dertment will have on ban 1
some valuable information concerning
what is the matter with Salem, what
ought to be done to make it better,
how the merchants treat customers, etc.
Out of seven answers taken at ran
dom from those which have come in
the following are taken:
In what town do ,.-ou-do your trad
ing! Answer, Salem. '
iu what town do you soil most of
your produce f Answer, Portland,
Salem Fruit Union, and Salem. How
frequently do do you come to tnwnf
Answor, every day, weekly? and twico-a-wcek.
How do Salem prices for farm pro
duco compare Answer, modorate,
Salem jvoorest market town I ever
knew, good, not extra, very low rate.
How do prices asked by Salem
merchants compare Answers, about
same, high, good, pretty high.
Are your roads intp Hfilem good, fair,
or bad! Answers, fair, good in sum
mer and bad in winter, rango from
good to bad, fair, good.
All did their oanking in Salem, In
answer to the queinn regarding the
accommodations for money, they said
it was poor, good, interest too high,
good, all right, good. Only two be
longed to any fraternal, order. ,
Do you usually get good sorvice and
consideration in the Salem stores f
Answers, yes, pretty good, yes, good,
Regarding what was the rnfitter with
Salem, they had tho following to say:
Want a place to take' tho produce right
to consumer from producer, Iopsidod
production anil not enough consumers,
Salem's all right and growing bettor,
it needs more factories, too many mid
dlemen. There are some frank statements re
garding what is the matter with Salem,
and the accommodations in getting
money. One man wrote concerning
tho money question: "Good if one can
put up the security and is willing to
pay 10 per cent interest and 8 per
cent for letting one have it."
The following are the answers to
"What is the matter with Salemf":
"It's all right in' most ways."
"They have no places to hitch horses
to." "People aro tnxod too high."
"It is dry." "Think Salom a pretty,
clean, and attractive town." "Gosh,
you know. Salem wants too much anil
is not willing to divide with the fann
ers.!' "No convenient place to tie the
horses while trading." "It needs
good general market." "We want a
place' to take the produce right to the
consumer from the producer."
"Motfs; Hpray with lime and blue
vitrol Politicians, use the balllot ef
fectively and there will not be so manv
after May 15th.
Defendant Helen O. Hurst ln te
caso of Ed. Ogle and L. J. Ogle, action
for damages on a covenant of warran
ty, brought in the circuit court for
Marion county, was granted further
time in which to answer the complaint
of the plaintiffs.
The Weather
Oregon, tonight
and Sunday, fair
except showers
Jioth west p r-
tion, winds most
ly southerly.
authorities thought the gathering of
the volunteers was merely a mobiliza
tion test and were astounded -when the
automobiles rushed sway as they did.
The Fanny had transshipped it8
qargo at sea. The landings at Bangor
and Donaghade were by motorboat.
At Iarne the proceedings were dis
tinctly sensational. The Ulstermen
had completely cordoned the town and
cut all wires, so that the authorities,
who were heavily outnumbered, were
helpless. Sixty three thousand rifles
were inded there, the work being
finished about 3 a, m.
In the meantime, as a blind, a largo
force of orangonion had assembled
about the Belfast docks with wagons.
They were closely watched by the
Tomorrow morning 32 members of
the Catholic church of this city will
receive their first communion at St.
Joseph's Catholic church. Special mu
sic will be furnished by members of
the Sacred Heart Academy orchestra,
and the services will bo conducted
with elaborate ceremonies. The ladios
of the St. Monica Altar society will
serve breakfast to the communicants.
The names of the firHt communi
cants follow: Eva Albrich, Victor
Barr, Joe Bellinger, Evelyn Barr, Mar
garet Breitenstein, Ada Brill, Thclma
(loffdy, Cathoriuo Finney, Theresa
Ficst, Clara GruenBiifoliler, Theo.
Hnibetz, Francis Hrubotz, Dennis Hoc
nan, John Irons, Henry Jnirl Jobr-
Kirsch, Walter Klceman, Emery lie
bold, Pauline Marnnch, Joseph Nus
bauni, Frances O'Hrion, Florence
Phillips, Margret rhilllps, Eliza Peer
enboom, Mildred Swing, Arthur Trom
bley, David Tromblcy, Nellie Snokel
berg, Clara Stitz, Mary FnJlon, Ber
nard Nash, Elmre Vauderjiocki
The attorney genoral told a Corval
lis enquirer yesterday that a perso'i
registering as a republican, and who
kter accepted the chairmanship of tho
progressive party or any other, could
vote at tho republican primaries, but
if challenged the fact would be a mat
ter which the election . board might
take into consideration as evidence,
as then the party challenged would
have to take and schscribe an oc.th
that he was a bona fide republican,
and the board could take the act as
evidence, and might fail to accept his
statement, that being up to it to
J. Ooplorud, of Silverton, was told
that a voter at the coming bond elec
tion need not be a taxpayer.
E. Z. Ferguson, of Portland, was told
that whoro tho state deeded land to
one, and afterward it proved tho Btatc
ha no title from the government and
tho land had been sold for taxes lovio
against it that the person applying to
the land board for a return of the pur
chase puree need not show that the tax
had been paid though he hold under
a tax title.
Bulletin Vera Cruz, April 25. An
aeroplane ascended from the battleship
Mississippi in the harbor here this
afternoon. After getting the positin.i
and defenses of the Mexican federal
troojw, commanded by General Mnas,
the aviator returned to the Missippi.
Portland, April 25. The, five mem
berg of the graduating clans in trained
nursing at the Hollwood General hos
pital has today decided to volunteer in
a body for service in Mexico.
Selection of the jury to try the case
of H. S. Gile Grocery company against
Louis Lacbmund, an action in tho cir
cuit court for the collection of money,
occupied the attention of the court
this morning. Tho evidence is being
taken this afternoon. The plaintiff al
leges that it sold goods and merchan
dise to Robert Glison to tho amount of
6061.38 between January 4, 1912 au.l
June 12. 1912. an, I that onlv filll!)!l
h D a Knnib nai.l 1m r.lu i 11 u I fi i
that the defendant guaranteed the ac
count of Glisan to the sum of A250.
Laclinuind derlares that before this
beg:4n he withdrew his guarantee, and
therefore is not liable.
Five more days are left for voters to
register before the books close at the
court house for the primaries on May
15. Friday at 5 o'clock the books
close. Registration is slow yet, ac
cording to the clerk having cbalrge of
that department, and it ia expected
there will be a grand rush at the last
Strikers Carry Out Their Fart of Trace
Agreement Under John
Demand Is Made That Mine Guards
and Gunmen Be Compelled to
Leave State.
Washington, April 25. Government
troops will not be sent into the Colo
rado strike district. There is no prece
dent, said government officials to war
ant such action. It was also said that
me strike had raised no federal ques
tions. These conclusions wore reached at the
cabinet meeting today and were com
municated to Representative Taylor of
Colorado by Secretary of Labor Wilson.
Taylor said he was unable to offer any
solution of the atriko troubles.
Strikers Enter Into Truce.
Trinidad, Colo., April 25. Three
hundred arnjd strikers, led by District
President John McLennan of the Uni
ted Mine Workers of America, marched
into Trinidad this morning, thereby
carrying out their part of a truca en
tered into Inst night at Denver between
Lieutenant Governor Fitzgerald and
Horace Hawkins, the minors' attorney.
Other strikers agree to cease hostilities
pending further conferences. The sol
diers will not change their position and
they will not be attacked by the min
ors. The strikers voluntarily loft positions
of vantage and McLennan announced
the truce would continue only on the
terms thnt the mine guards and gun
men would loavo tho state. These terms
will be proposed at a conference this
afternoon between General Chase and
McLennan to bo held at a point be
tween Ludlow and Trinidad.
AInny of the strikers wore growing
impntient todny, chnrging the truce wag
merely a trick to give the militia more
time to prepare for an attack.
Women Enter Protest
Denvor, Colo., April 25. Eieht hun
dred vnmen cnl'ed npoo ''.overnor Am
nion here tnduy and protested against
further bloodshed In the strike zone,
The governor said if yesterday's dis
patches saying President Wilson would
send federal troops if asked were
authentic he would make such an ap
plication within an hour.
Snn Diego, Cal., April 25. You have
to hand it to tne Mexicans for a ccr
tuin kind of consideration, any way.
One of the federals at the garrison at
Tijuana died last night. He was buried
today. The federol commander this
morning called up Captain Cluronco
Condon, in charge of the American
troops opposite the Mexican village, in
formed him of the death and explained
they would have to blast out a grave.
"And don't think the blasts mean that
hostilities have commenced," Baid the
Captain Condon laughed and prom
An answer to the alternative writ
of( mandamus filed in tho circuit court
for Marion county by the state of Ore
gon in rolntion. to Oswald West and
Secretary of State Ben Olcott against
Stato Treasurer T. B. Kaiy was filed
this morning by the treasurer in which
ho asks that the action be dismissed.
Ho admits that since November 13,
191.1, ho has had possession of the
notes and mortgnges representing the
irreducible school fund, and that de
mand was made for them by tho clerk
of the state land board. Ho admits
ho refused to deliver them, and says
that ho has physical possession, as the
state treasurer and as a member of
the land board.
- In tho case of D. O. Dinger, as
trustee in bankruptcy of tho Stayton
Woolen Mills company, against S. and
E. D. Philippi, and the Stayton Water
Power company,' an action in the cir
cuit court for Marion county, the de
fendant, Yi. D. Philippi, this morning
filed an answer in which ho says that
he is the owner of 15 shares of the
capital stock of the Stayton Water
Power company, and that he paid for
it without notice of alleged prior
rights or pretended equity of the In
solvent corporation. He asks that the
court declare that he is the ownor of
tho stock in question.
Nogales, Ariz., April 23. A
message to Nogales from F.nv
pa line, Moxico, over railroad
wire, said that American
marines took possession of Oauy-
mas and Einpalnte today with-
out firing a shot. The message 4
contained no details.
Huerta Refuses to Permit Cit
izens of U. S. to Leave
Mexico City .
British Consul Doing All ia
His Power to Protect Per
secuted Refugees.
Vera Cruz, April 25. Every Interior
city in federally-controlled Mexico .
where there are Americans waa holding
them, today as hostages.
Except Chargo d' Aff aires O 'Shaugh
nessy, every member of the diplomatic
Ifvrty which arrived here Inst night
from the capital privately expressed
the opinion that only the early advent
of United States troops and President
overthrow can save these marooned'
At nearly every town from Vera,
Cruz to Mexico City there are Ameri
can prisoners. I learned this on meet
ing O Sliaughnossy and his party four
miles out from Vera Cruz, where the .
refugees wore transferred from tha
special train furnished them by Huerta
to the train sent from the coast lo
bring them into Vera Cruz.
From start to finish the trip was A
dramatic avf. ., .
U'Shaughuessy, hid wife, their son,
tho members of the embassy staff and
Consul General Shanklin left the capi-
tal at midnight Thursday. At that
time there wus a mob in front of the
embussy. ' '
All Arms Are Seized.-
Before their deartu Huerta Bent '
200 soldiers to the emlmssy to seize
the 275. rifles and two machine guns
which had been stored there for the
American colonics' use in tho event of
an uprising against them. O'Shaugh
nessy advised the volunteer guard) '
over the einhnssy to surrender the "
wonpons without resistance.
At the. railroad station the member!
of the diplomatic party were besieged
by- Americans pleading for permission
to accompany them to the coast. .
Colonel Ramon Caroiw, in command of
the party's Mexican military escort,
refused all theso pleas,
On tho road Americans crowded the
stations at Orizaba, Cordova and Jala
pa, pleading to be taken on board tho
train. O'Shaughnessy was helpless.
These stranded Americans bad been
taken from trains bound from the
capital to Vera Cruz.
At Cordova an American wearing tho
British colors in his button hole handed '
a note to one of tho employes at the
consulate general saying: (
"Blisser, Forford, Whitcomb and !"
good many othor Americans aro boing ,
held in jail here. They were t&kea
from their train and held as hostages '
in caso the Americans attack the town.
Thoy wiant to know if you can't help '
Bog to Be Taken On Train.
At Tejoria soveral other Amoricans
who had boon takon from a refugo
train which left Mexico City Thursday .
morning begged pitcously to be taken
with tho diplomatic party. They said
some of their own pfirty were sent all ;
the way back to tho capital.
When O 'Shaughnessy's train pullol
out from Moxico City Huerta issued an
order prohibiting any more Americans
from either leaving or entering. This
was a blow to the members of tho
American colony in the city but it was
an even severer one to the unprotected
Americans in tho smaller towns in the
vicinity, Binco it deprived of what pro
toctiou they might have hoped for by
Keeking refuge in tho capital.
Thursday night tho dictator ordered
all Americans' homes searched for
arms ind they were left entirely
defenseless. Sir Lionel Carden, the
Knglish minister, was doing everything"
in his power to protect citizens of th
United St nt cs but he could accomplibh
littlo despite the fact that he and
Huerta havo been close frionds. The
president was determined to leave
Americans no means of defense in the
event of an uprising.
Newspapers Are Radical.
The Mexico City newspapors wore
issuing the wildest extra editions. One
advised the Mexicans to "chop tho
dogs up."
The diplomatic party's transfor from
the Mexican to the American train
was mn.de along a railroad embankment
through a tropical swamp between .
kylines marked by huge cocoauut
trees. About a milo of torn up track
separated the two trains.
Captain IL McL Huso, crossed this
interval alone. Approaching the Mex
ican train, he waived a white flag and
(Continued on page 10).