Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 24, 1914, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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t Only one more day of our MID-SEASON SALE
Everything is in readiness for the last day crowd. Our store will be open until 8 :30 p. m ,
... but don't wait until the last hour. If you have not attended this sale do so Saturday. . If you ' " '
have, you'll surely come again Saturday. ''i3f - , .;.
. . ,i
We have each day added fresh attractions to the list of unequaled bargains at first shown. Many
new goods that arrived during our sale we put on sale, where they were shown for the first
"- time. . i
Saturday we will play our trump card, for it is our
determination to make our last day the banner day
of our sale. Make an effort to be present tomorrow.
Nole a few of our closing day prices
One lot Ladies'
Shoes and Ox
fords, values to
$2.50, $3.00 and
$3.50, will go for
two days at
75c, 85c and $1
Lace Curtains in
white or ecru,
buttonhole finish
full standard size,
will go at
f f
Best 20c and 25c
Pillow cases, 45x
36 inch, half case
left, will . go for
two days at
Standard size
Safety Pins, sold
the world over a
5c ; rust proof, to
go for two days
at i
2c doz.
1000 yards A. F.
C. Dress Ging
hams, regular 12
l-2c and 15c, all
fast colors, will
go at
15c Huck Towels,
woven border,
hotel size, hem
med and ready
for use, will go
. for two days at
45c, 50c and COc
Camisole Laces,
19 inches wide,
latest patterns,
will go for two
days at
$4.00 and $5.00
Ladies' duck suits
come in white
and colors, will
go for 'two days
40c and 50c men's
Summer Balbrig
gan Underwear,
all sizes, will go
500 Straw Hats
for ladies and
children, values
50c, 75c and up to
$1, will go at
8 1 3c and 10c
Standard Spool
Silk, white and
colors, 100 yard
spools, will go for
two days at
50 doz. loom dice
napkins, 5-8 size,
regular 8 l-3c,
will go for two
days at
One lot shoes,
misses ind chil
dren's worth $1,
$1.25 and $1.50,
will go for two
days at
35c 39c
50c, 65c and 75c
Ladies' Black pet-
t , ticoats, will go
1 for two days, Fri-
J day and Satur
day, at
One lot Ladies'
wash skirts, pink,
blue, tan and lav
ender; $2.50 and
$3.00 values, will
go at
50 dozen ladies'
fine . hemstitched
lawn handker
chiefs, regular
10c values, will
go for two days
45c and 50c cor
set cover embroid
ery 18 in. wide,
good variety of
patterns, will go
85c and $1.00
bleached German
Damask, 68-inch
wide, extra heavy
latest ' pattern, '
will go at
15c and 18c la
dies' Swiss (rib
bed vests, lace
and ribbon trim-
med, will go at
75c and $1.00 la
dies' mercerized
satin underskirts
in all colors, will
t go at
One lot ladies'
shopping bags,
75c, $1 and $1.25
take your choice
for two days at
One lot child's
wash dresses, all
colors and white,
ages from 4 to 14
years, values to
$1.00. at
$2.50 and $3.00
emerald green
silk underskirts,
superb values,
will go for two
days at
49c 1 $1.98 f 18c
35c and 40c dot
etd silk mulls,
white and colors,
while they . last
will go at
38 inch black and
white Shepherd
Checks, extra
heavy, regular
65c, will go at
$2.50 and $3 la
dies' parasols, all
in one big lot,
take your choice
for two days at
1000 yards ail
silk ribbon.width
60, 80, 100 and
150, worth up to
35c, will go at
45c,- 50c French
veiling nets, dot
ted of plain,, new
est t designs, will
gO at :
$1.00 and $1.25
ladies' colored kid
gloves, take them
for. two days if
they fit you, at
75c and 85c tub
silks, full 36-inch
wide, good assort
ment of patterns,
will go for two
days at
Cut the above ad out and bring it with you. See for yourself how' far your money will go. -You'll
be surprised. Of particular interest are our millinery and ladies' ready-to-wear depart
ments. - hviti ' ;.' ki t
The art class under Ethel Merriain
are now making povter for the "Can
tolbury Pilgrim," the "Willamette
junior play which ii to be given at the
opera bouse on May 1st.
These posting are the original work
of the pupils and the one making the
most original anil beet one will he
given a ticket to the show.
C. V. Dynient, assistant professor of
journalism at the V. of O. wan unable
to Seak before the students interested
in journalism, yesterday afternoon.
The Clarion staff of the Salem High
fvhool had their picture takeu at
Bullocks' studio yesterday afternoon
after school Those in tho pictures
. were Henretti Wolfer, Ralph Mercer,
Helen Wood, Canning Swansen, Otto
Pnubes, Victor Hrndivcn, Helen Decke
bach, JN'annele Bloom, Marion Mould.
The teachers' training class of the
Balcm High School gave a surprise
party on Mrs. Hand at her home Fri
day evening. Everything had been
arefully plunued and a delightful
vetlng wan spent in playing (tames
Hid tolling utoriwi. Among thos-f
7rw(,nt were Catherine Fowle, Jennie
ilcVieker, Alma Baker, Dora Orav,
Hontrieo Crawford, May Uollier, Hener
ptii Wolfer, Lita Waters, Vesta Card
ner, Carolyn Hrobetz, Katie Mize,
Mary Clark, Khzabeth Downey, Theo
dosia Teel, Ami Miles, Laura Gain
jobst, Leda Hendersou, Elherta
Kobert, Lula Tompkins and Nellie
In the answer of the Portland
Migeue ami t-.astern railway company
to the enmnlainf fil.l In Ik. ;.;
court for Marion county by George
.!. linnet oy nm guariliaa, William
MvUilehriat, the defendaut company
allem-a that the laintiff in to blame
for hit injury because be did not wait
for the train to atop before alighting.
The anawer statm that. th tilnintlt'f
waa aware the train wna in motion and !
that it was dangerous to attempt to 1
light and that the responsibility for
the accident is on himself.
A Journal Want Ad is a business ex
pert. Hours and days of time are
saved by using pne of these biiMuess
Baits, Calomel and Pills act on Liver
and Bowels like pepper acta in
Nostrils Danger)
Oet a 10-ont box now.
Mnst old people must give to the
bowels some regular help, else they
suffer from const rpstion. The condi
tion is perfectly natural. It is just as
natural as it is for old people to walk
lowly. 'or age is never so active as
youth. The muscles are less clastic.
And the bowels are muscles.
to all old people need Casrarets. One
might as well refuse to aid weak eyes
with glasses as to. neglect this gentle
aid to wvnk bowels. The bowels must
be kept active. This is important at aU
ages, but never so much as at fifty. 4
Age is not a time for harsh physics.
Youth may occasionally whip the bow
els into activity. But a lash cant be
used every day. What the bowels of
the old need is a gentle and natural
tonic. One that can be constantly
used without barm. The only such tonic
is Cascnrets, and they eost only 10
cents per box at any drug store. They
work while you sleep.
Hudson, Wis., April 24. Johnnv
Tillman of Minneapolis holds a shade
decision here today over Ad -Wolgast
as a result of their ten round contest
last night. Five rounds were credited
to Tillman and the others were even.
The fightjing was fast and furiom
frAu the start. After the fourth round
Wolgast tried for a knockout but wat
unable to reach a vulnerable spot
Tillman pepered the former light
weight champion's bead with lefts an)
rights aud rushed him to the ropes
several times.
PettingdPs Electric fixture Sale Ends
Tomorrow Night
tlOC' KEDI7CTION-40--.',
Buy Now
San Francisco, April 24. Promoter
James W. Coffroth will leave here to
morrow night for loa Angeles to kike
in the Welsh-Crosi fight. If Welsh
I wins, Coffroth will get his signaturj
! to a contract for a match in Sat
BUy NOW ' rRnc'fC0 vrit'1 "i,r!e;n Tommy Murphy
Coerrian Cherrtiiio, April 24-25.
Says Suggestion Makes Him Want
(350,000 and That He Can
Get It.
Irrigation Froiiiotet Says His Credit
Is Better Than the State of
The desert land boaTd met at llhliO
this morning to take up the matter of
extending the time in 'w hich the some
what notorious ilorson bind reclama
tion project might be finished. Mr.
Alorson was present, and the mectjng
was ruther informal, as he got the
floor and held it most of the time un
til the noon recess. Mr. Morson has
good teeth apparently, as well as a flow
of language far superior to that of the
water on his irrigating project. The
result was that the -rag was thorough
ly masticated and the situation mi
nutely described.
It transpired thst the notification to
Mr. Morson was rMhcr indefinite, and
he did not bring the data the board
expected, hence the meeting in that
line was somewhat of a failure. Mr.
Morson talked to tho beard as though
he considered its members a lot of chil
dren and openly defied tho wholo
Governor Did Not Doubt It.
Among other things he said ho 'had
seen in tho newspapers that thogov
rnor had suggested that it was possi
ble for him under present arrange
ments to get away with $300,000.
"Now when I suggest candy to my
kid he always wants candy," he said,
"and as the governor suggested that
I can get away with $3(S0,0U0 makes mo
want to do it, and I think I am big
enough to do it. "
"Understand," broke in the gover
nor, "that I have never doubted for
a minute nor do I doubt now that you
Attorney General Crawford asked
.orsou if ho could get the money and
continuo and complete his contract, and
was answered that "my credit is bet
ter than that of the state at tho pres
ent time." vhich it is freely admit
ted is-"somo CTedit."
Nearly Ready for Patent.
Morson explained rather fully the
details of Cue two section, ono on the
east and the other on the west side of
the Deschutes, ana now ho had offered
those on the east side tho privilege of
taking lands on the west side in lieu
theroef if they cared to do so, but thnt
none had taken advantage of tho offer,
saying they were in no hurry, as they
did not expect to commence operations
until the railroad was completed. Ho
said on the west the compay's lands
and interests were worth a quarter: of a
million dollars.
Tho engineer's estimates show that
about $7,000 would put tho west sido
lands up for patent, would comploto
the muin canals and put water on the
highest part of each 20 acres in tho
whole tract.
"Did Not Care a Dam."
Morson claimed he had been held
up by the board, the governor, the sec
retary of the interior, or all combined,
and thnt the timo lost was about threo
years and three months. He said the
board was mistaken if it though ho was
asking it for an extension of time, for
he was not. Ho insisted his contract
provided for thnt and ho did not care
a dam, irrigation or any other kind,
what the board did.
He was asking the secretary of the
interior not to extend time, biit to re
store the three years and more of. which
he had been robbed. In conclusion,
and between chews on the dilapidated
linen, Morson hauled out tho contract
ho had with tho board. From this he
rend that "in case the work was not
begun within the stipulated timo or if
for any reason it was not completed
within the agreed time then tho board
must serv enotice on him to proceed
with the r.ork. and if he did not do so
within Bixty days it could begin pro
ceedings to foreclose on him."
Will Proceed to Proceed.
Besides the contract read that the
same should be undeT the 1901 statute,
and not under the later one which tho
board evidently thought governed it.
"Tho board has not served notice on
me," said the incessant vocabulary,
"and I wish it would." I am going
ahead with tho work for the simple
reason it is none of the board's busi
ness, was the' substance of tho further
remarks. Then he added, with a grin,
"If I am notified to proceed I will
proceed, and if I am not notified to
proceed I will proceed any way. In oth
er words, I will proceed regardless of
all proceedings." The noon hour having
artived the board preceded to the eat
ing districts, where Morson was fJr
gotten and trouble and irrigating
ditches and questions did not enter in.
The board will rake a further look
into the matter later, but so far as the
I -a Pine irrigation project is concerned
the settlers can expect Mr.' Morson to
do some exceeindgly rapid proceeding
in the near future; that is if Morson
said what he meant and meant what
he said. Anyway he seems to have the
whip hand so far the board is concern
ed for this one inning. How the game
will come out remains to be seen after
the board gets to bat again.
Portland. Or., April 24. Colonel C.
V. Gantenbein has announce,! today
that he will recommend to President
Wilson the appointment of the follow
ing men to field officers in the regi
ment he propose to raise, if more
troope are needed than the regular
army and national guard can furnish.
William E. Finzer, lieutenant-aolo-nel;
C. E.. McDowell, ouior first bat
talion: Cordon Vorhies, major second
lattaiion; Clenard McLaughlin, major
hifd battalion. Colonel Gantenbein
rill be commanding officer.
Most are Spanish, war veterans
Ready Tailored
Sell from $15 to $30 and are
guaranteed to give satisfaction
as to wear and fit, and as to
styles they are looked up to as
the correct thing in men's
wearing apparel.
Woolen Mills
Cherriau Cherringo, April 21-25.
Copyilghl Hut ScliaSbr Sc Mtm
Salem druggists have been much In
terested in following the case of Joseph
Riccn, of Portland, who was found
guilty yesterday of selling niorphino
without a prescription from a physician
and fined $500 and given a sentence of
100 days in jail. The jail sentence
was remitted on good behavior. The
punishment in this case was mado ex
ceptionally heavy as an example to
other druggists. to adhere strictly to
the law. sulem druggists, it is said,
have been careful along this line and
are conducting their places strictly in
accordance with the provisions of the
There was somewhat erf a surpriso
sprung last night in the Y. M. O. A.
gymnasium, when Chauncey Bishop and
Johnnie Farrar took two of three sets
in the handbnll contest and defeated
Oscar Gingrich and Paul Wallace, who
were supposed-to be invincible. The
causo of defoat on the part of Ging
rich and Wallace is laid to overconfi
dence. W. I. Htnley and William Ham
ilton also defeated Walter Winslow
and Mr. Marr.
Girls! Try this! Makes hair thick,
glossy, fluffy, beautiful No
more Itching scalp.
. W. M. Smith, county school superin
tendent, is in Woodburn today on
school business. He is expected back
in Salem lata this evening.
(Continued from page one.)
Within ten minutes after an applica
tion of Danderine you can not find a
single trace of dandruff or falling hair
and your scalp will not itch, but what
will "please you most will bo after a
few weeks' use, when you see now hair,
fine ni'i' downy at first yes but Ter
ly now I air growing all over the scalp.
A llttlo Dandcrino immediately
d'r.iWe tho beauty of your hair. No
difference how dull, faded, brittle and
scraggy, just moisten a cloth with Dnn
derine and carefully draw it through
your hair, taking ono small strand at
j a time. Tho effect is amazing your
hair will bo light, fluffy nnd wavy, and
have an nppeurnnco of abundance; an
incomparable lustre, softness and lux
uriance. Cict a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton's
Dnnderino from any drug store or
toilet counter, and prove thnt your hair
is us pretty and soft as any that it
has been neglected or injured by care
less rrei.tmeut that's all you surely
ca:i have beautiful hair and lots of it if
y will just try a little Danderine.
to worry about him, as he already bad
SO men, and that on short notice he
could pull out with the requisite 108.
M company reported 70 m?n this morn
ing. L company, of Dallas, has 78;
while K, of Corvallis, reported 06.
Applications from former members
of M company, who are desirous of
having a place in the alcm organiza
tion, are being received daily by Crep
tain Gchlhar. Letters came from Cor
poral Arthur Hoffman, of Portland,
and Privates Clarence Forbes, of Cot
tage Grove, and Raymond Lousignont,
of Portland.
Tatrol work, under the direction of
First Lieutenant Hoy Jfcer, farmed
tho work of M company last night. It
was the object of the three patrols
that wcre sent out to scour the coun
try east of the armory rind send back
messages giving information concern
ing the whereabouts of possible enemy.
Alter the patrols had traveled by de
vious ways out to Twelfth street, and
had sent back several messages to
Captain Gehlhar, they met anil talked
over the situations that developed
along the march, and then were given
a practical talk by the lieutenant in
Swearing in recruits said measuring
the members of the company for
marching shoes mado the armory a
busy scene last night. Crowds of visi
tors thronged tho hall. Tho following
are men who signed up last night:
Averill Branson, William Zoscl, Cur
tis Zeitnerj Curtis - Feltner, Elmer
Blnnk, Williaf Kendall and Fred Meyers.
Men Cannot Afford J
to Be Poorly
Good appearance is a strong
factor in business success, flood
clothes arc essential to good ap
pearance. But good clothing need not
mean extravagance. Tho making
of attire for men is now stand
ardized almost to an exact sci
ence. Prices are often quito moder
ate and seldom unduly high.
Glnuce through the advertising
iu Tho Journal from day to day
and notice the character of the
clothing the stores are offering.
Xot much trouble to dress
well if men are alert to their
The advertising in this news
paper is the guide-post to Op
portunity Street.
Baker, April 24. H. A. Stewart, de
.poCiL mayor of Copporfield whoso
taloon was closed by state militianici
under orders of Governor West, is nc
nuitted today of the charge of sellinj
liquor to minors. Tho charges grew
out of the governor's campaign to
close tip Copperfield. Tho jury de
liberated five minutes.
96 Out of 10O Dyspeptics Have Danger
ous Acid in Their Stomachs Which
Must Be Neutralized If Good Health
la to Be Maintained.
If you held a teaspoonfnl of hydro
chloric acid in year mouth for onlp a
second you wduldnot bo surprised at
its burning and inflaming all the tis
sues; yet an eminent specialist states
that 96 out of 100 dyspeptics go about
with a glassful or more of this pow
erful acid in their stomachs, and then
wonder what causes the burning and
rwhing and why they suffer the discom
fort after meals. To put wholesome
food into an acid stomach only in
creases the discomfort because the acid
mixes with the fresh food and turns it
sour making a lot more acid. The avid
condition causes food fermentation,
which irritates, distends and Inflames
the tender -stomach lining, and it is
not surprising that specialists say acid
stomachs arc dangerous. This decided
ly dangerons aud uncomfortable condi-"
tion can bo overcome either by follow
ing a strict diet or, and this is far
easier and more quickly -effective, by
taking a tea:-poonful of bisurated mag
nesia in a quarter glassful of water
after meals to neutrriize the acidity.
The latter course is much more satis
factory because it corrects tho acidity
anl banithes discomfort without any
need for diet.
PettingelFs Electric Fixture Sale Ends
Tomorrow Night
40 f- REDUCTION 40
Buy Now Buy New