Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 18, 1914, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Things We Never See
VoJis: &"ti) oac To Be-
ifMER THE" !PeA(?l
1?oWDiES Art' GerW rMEfcs I
TRYiW Tt lie our OF IT
BY fAYitf6 Vou GoT -MlT
WiT wiTH ABAu-j h-L 7EU-
Otecy's OUST T3ACIC TRbn
i 5oT ir'
Organized Baseball finds New Danger
In Outlaw Organizations That Ap
pear Early la Season.
Present Wilson Will Pitch First
Ball Iii Opening Contest at tlia
Nation's Capital,
New York, April 18. Organize!
baveball magnates are losing sleep
the.e nights over tho Federal league.
iot inHi. wiu ouuuwd are limiting m
romls on their playing talent but on
account of the drawing powers of Hi"
l)Rby organization. In cities where I
playing date have conflicted the out
laws have had the crowds. The ra
tional, league is playing to empty
brnrhea, especially iu St. Louis.
Thirty thousand persons witnesel
the opening ame " Unltimore last
Monday between tho lluffalo Federals
and Haltimore. Thin ai by far the
largest crowd to lever attend a base'
ball game In the Maryland metropolis.
Manager ICnahe has gathered together
a clussv team aim, according to base
ball critics, it lays all over Jack
Dunn's liitematioi al league team,
representing tho samo city.
Tho Federal.-) opened in St. Louis
Thursday before 2r,(H)0 perso.is. The
National leaguer played before 500.
"Hut", say big leaguo magnates,
"I'urioMty U the magnet which has
drawn the crowd to tho Federal
league parks up to date. Organized
baseball team have the class and as
soon as the season gets well under
way tho crowd will start flocking
bac k to the old standby.!
Federal officials merely grin at this
a.'imrtiou. , " Woll, wo will just wait
ami too" is thoir only comment.
Tho Washington baseball club has
given 'resilient Wilson annual pa
number 1. The president also prom
ised to tc's out the first ball when
Manager Griffith 'a team opens the
season iii Washington on April 23.
Walter Johnson is going to pitch the
opener and this fact, coupled with tb.'
presence of tho president is expected
to draw a record breaking crowd.
Away back in the winter of 1011
roveinl Pacific, Coast baseball mag-1
nates visited Chicago and informed I
Charles Comiskoy that Infiolder Duck
Weaver would not rcniaiu long in fast
coin any, ' I
"llerger will do", they said, "buti
Weaver inn 't thero. He is a fair '
shortstop though' eratire. He couldn't
hit a barndoor with a bass fiddle." -
('omit key was commenting ou the
above predictions tne other day.
"Weaver," hq said, "j one of the
host shortstops in either league.
Twenty five thousand dollars couldn't
buy him. Anil ho js one of the best
hitter on my team. Maybe he was
a lemon on the Coast but ho certainly
is a peach in this here league."
T 4 ft I ' "
I nc ureaiesc roeca in cne Larc
of Your Eyes
Is that they bo treated by a painstaking eye specialist, who not
only has tfca ability to cars for tlie-n as they should be cared for,
tut wiio also is willing to give his personal attention to every t
last detail.
I believe meat sincerely in turning the white light of publicity
upon doctcrs of the eyo. Tho public c?nnot kiuw too much about
this all Important subject When I ask you to Investigate fully
my methods, my experience ati mv snccei3, I do so with tho
; hepe that it will enable yu to obtain tho'bost possible service.
Tor over thlrty-oue years I have niado a special study of tho
eye. During this long poiiod of tln'e I have mads a success in
the treatment of the eye, ,ind in complete substantiation of this
assertion I can refer you to OVEE FIVE TiIOUSAND SATI
I'iED I ATIENTS in Marlou and Pol'i counties. The relief of
dofectivu eyesight is constantly becoming a more ana more im
proved fccieuce, requiring tho closest application on Uio prrt of
the specialist who would Ki&Lter it. for almost a third of a
century T have kept apace with the progre of science aa it
relates to the care and treatment cf the human eye, and as a
result of my long experience and continued study, I am iu a
position to give you the advantage of the very latest discoverie.
DANGER. If you do not need glasses I will tell you do. I make
no extra charge for these examinations. I change your lenses for
one year, if necessary, fref charge. All broken lenses replaced
wlille you wait. Charges leasonable.
People have asked me why I advertise. Let. me tell you. I
regard advertising as the strongest guarantee, to' the public. The
man who advertises and backs up his written claims with good
work la Insuring the pubic the utmost safety. No matter whether
It is in business or politics or anything elre, for that matter,
whatever can flourish in th9 bright light of honest publicity ma;
well be regarded as safe for the general public.
Rooms 210-211 U. S. National Bank Building. Salem, Ore.
The fast Haleiji high niuo shut out
the Columbia University baseball
tossers to the tuna cf 3 to 0 in a last
contest staged on tho Columbia dia
mond in Portland yestordny afternoon.
The high school boys plnyed almost
perfect ball, and at no stage of the
game did they find themselves in dan
ger. Keene pitched big league ball
for Salem, and was ably supported at
all stages of tho game.
The local high tee.m is much obove
the average this season, and stands an
excellent chance to land the state
Portland, Or., April 18. Responding
to an alarm early today an automobile
hook and ladder wagon smashed into
an excavation in the downtown dis
trist .and II. J. Hutton, a lndderman,
was thrown off and painfully hurt.
The $12,500 rig was smashed consider
ably. 1 Weven other firemen were on
tho wagon, but, warned by Chauffeur
Watts, clung tightly" to the handrails,
went into the ditch with tho machine
and escaped injury.
Yreka, Cal., April 18. Tom Kupulo
ienis, a Greek was iound guilty here
today of manslaughter for killing Den
nis Trousis at Weed, near here, on
March B. The jury recommended
mercy. Kupulolenis will be sentenced
Farm Bargains
$80 Per Acre
There is only one chance in a life
time to get a choice 50-ncre tract in
the heart of the great prune belt for
SO per aero, adjoining lnnd held at
$150 per acre and not as well located.
Business Property Cheap.
How does this look to your A choice
piece of business property on Court
near Liberty Btreet, for 8,200; in two
years will doublo in value.
Dairy and Stock Farm.
Tho best, the cheapest stock farm in
the valley; 859 acres" at $25 per acre,
Why Pay Rent?
We can sell cottages, bungalows and
houses small payment down, balance
like rent, one for $500; another ono
for $1,200, and one for $1,650 that is
a dandy modern, 5 rooms, bath, toilet,1
stationary wash trays, large lot.
Have You Seen the Famous Howell
Prairie, the cream of all Oregon Lands?
Bechtel & Bynon
347 State Street.
A Winner the World Around
Wherever pianos are known the famous PACKARD is known and liked.
Designed right, built right and sold right, it has won the admiration of
the people of every civilised nation, You need one in your home.
The Wiley B. Allen Co.
B21 Court
B. T. PETERS, Manager.
Moose Building.
Jim Willson
i Somo fine 100-acre farm, well lo
cated, running water, one-third clear,
on main road, fine soil, 3H' miles' from
good town. The best for stock and
dairy. Only $35 per aero. Think of
geitting good land in the Wil'.l.mette
valley at that price.
Also some nice 40-acre dairy farm
from. $"0 to $70 per acre. One-half
Hash, balance on or boforo 10 years
at 6 per cent.
22 acres at Shaw, new house and
barn, 3 acres cherries, land all clear;
' worth $200 per acre, but ran be had
1 for a short time for $3,200.
Jim Willson
-141 N. High St. - The Bargain Dealer.
Murphy Shows Himself to Be One of
the Gamest Fighter In the
Champion Has Best of 17 Out of 20
Round Contest Two Were
San , Francisco, April 18. Willie
Ritchie still retains his title as light
weight champion of the world today.
Ho defenlded it last night agaiiisut
Harlom Tommy Murphy in one of the
fastest 20-round contests ever seen in
Suu Francisco. N
Charges thab tho champion was
afraid of the ehallengor were fully
disprovod. It is also true that Mur
phy is one of the gamest scrappers
that the game has ever known. A less
courageous mfin would hve gone
down from the terrific hammering the
challenger received. His ability to as
similate punishment was marvelous.
Ritchie outclassed and outfought
Murphy at every; anglo of the game.
Seventeen of the 20 rounds belonged
to Ritchie. The other throe wore prac
tically even. The champion 's victory
was dociaive. In' the closing rounds
he hammered tho New Yorker all over
the ring. Tommy was all but out
whon the gong clanged the end of the
twentieth round. Had the battle gone
another round it lscertain that Ritchie
would have won by ai knockout.
The champion loft the ring un
marked. Tommy was covered with
cuts and bruises. His left eye was bad
ly puffed aud bleeding. When the
final gong sounded he staggered to his
cornor, hardly hearing the words of
praise voiced by the champion. Only
bulldog determination, backed by won
derful grit, enabled Murphy to go
through the battle to a finish.
Ritehio played for the body through
out the contest' and this attack grad
ually wore tho challenger down.' Time
and agem he sent terrific rights and
lofts into Murphy's mid-section until ,
the spectators marveled that ho stood
up under it.
San Franciscans were convinced that
the local boy is a real champion. He
fought a heady fight and Bhowed thatj
ho is splondid two-handed scrapper.
And that Ritchie failed to knock out;
the challenger was due entirely to the
letter's wonderful condition and game- j
Closo students of the game say that'
last night's mauling will tell on the;
llarlemite in tho future. He is no,
longer a youngster, and Jt will bej
weeks beforo the soreness leaves his;
After the battle the champion
walked over to Murphy's corner and
put his arm about his shoulder. ' ' Tom
my," he said, "you made a great:
fight. No gamer boxer ever entered!
the ring." -
Whilo Murphy felt his defeat keen- j
ly, he admitted frankly and volun-1
tarily that the champion had won. j
"I don't want to be a sore loser,";
ho said, "but I feel confident that I'
can do better than I did lost night. I
went agminst a real fighter and a real
champion, and I did the best that 1 1
could for my friends. I would like j
another chance." '
Ritchie took his victory as a matter!
of course. " I
"I never met such a game man in
all my life," he said. "I hit Tommy:
tra hard as I ever hit any man in mv,
life, and he stood up under it. Both
of my hands are sore. Tommy punches
did not bother me, and, after we had ;
gone a couple of rounds I thought it
would only be a matter of my waiting
for the chanco to lrlnd the knockout'
wtallop. Murphy covers up in such
stylo, however, that it hard to hit him
arid he has great powers of reeovery.
I hope Y never have to hit as many ;
stomach blows as I gave him last
night, I have the greatest Admiration-
for Tommy, and I can almost say
that I am sorry that it had to be so.",
"Roferee Jim Orififn said: I
"Ritchie won all the way. He has1
improved wonderfully since his last
apiwaraaco here. Hard righto and;
lefts to the stomach weakened the :
challenger, and Murphy took enough i
punishment to put half a doieu ordin- j
ary fighters to sleep. It was a clean
battle from start to finish.!' , j
Weather conditions for night fight
were perfect and. the big arena waa
packed. ' i
Luther J. Chapin, U. 8. agricultural
export for Marion county, returned
this morning from Eugene, where he
spent Thursday and Friday in per
fecting plans for girls' canning clubs
to take part in a vegetable canning
contest to be held at the Oregon statfl
fair in September. The Eugene Daily
Guard of Friday's issue has the fol
lowing to' say of the work done in
Lane county:
Plans for an intor-couuty fruit and
vegetable canning contest between
sixty Lane and Marion county girls
at the Oregon state fair in Septem
ber were comploted in a eonferenco
between F. W. Rader and Luther J.
Chapin, county agriculturalists of Lane
and Marion county respectively. The
contests are arranged for the purpose
of introducing modern methods of
steam pressure canning in the rural
homes of the state. It is one attempt
to aid the rural housewife with scien
tific kitchen machinery, and the pro
posal is to demonstrate canning nv
chinery in the schools and in the home.
The contest- at Salem will be made
one of the most important features of
the fair. Arrangements have been
made for motion pictures of the girls
at work for display over the nation,
and tbo canning demonstration will be
continuous throughout the six days of
the fair. Two contests will be held
ach day between teams of five girls
each. For the three highest, prizes
of $10, $7.50 and $5 wUl be offered.
The Eugene teams will be selected
by similar contents hold during tho
throe days of the Lane county fair
tho week previous to the state fair.
The winning teams of the contests
here will have the expenses of a trip
to tho state fair paid for. The Mar
ion county teams will be selected in
some different manner, but represen
tative teams will be taken from the
Chemawa Indian school, the Salem
high school and the Marion county
rural schools.
The plans for the contest include
tho growing of products for canning
at home before the fair. Fach team '
will have its time divided into two
periods, and during the first of these
periods they will can products of their
own growing, and the second period,
hat for whicU they will be timed for
speed, is that on which the prizes will
be granted. Efficiency and appear
ance will also bo counted in the award
ing of prise. The two counties aro
the only ones in the state that will
participate in these demonstrations.
I According to tho county agricultur
; ist home canniifg machines, winch can
be purchased for ouly a few dollars,
will revolutionize the canning process
of the housewife. The cpnning un
der steam pressure permits a moro
perfect sterilization of the fruit, it s
claimed, and it permits the use of t'td
cans and saves the housewife time.
At an all-day agricultural rally to
be held at Thurston, early in May,
and at which 11. T. French, stata
agriculturist, L. J. Chapin and F. W.
Rader will bo present, demonstrations
of mechanical canning for the house
wife will be mado. To this meeting
farmers aro planning to como for
miles around, and the affair will bs
ono of the most unique rural educa
tional picnics ever held in the state.
At the conference of the two agri
agriculturalists today plans were alsa
laid for inter-county competition at
corn show to be. hold at Salem in
November. Farmers from both coun
ties will .competo for prizes for dis
plays of exhibits of corn.
Mr. Rader and Mr. Chapin today
went to Pleasant Hill to make experi
ments in the inoculation of soil and
the use of time to neutralize acid
Baby bye, here's a fly; let us swat
him, you and I.
hi c& mm
s a
A Practical Demonstration of
"The World's Greatest Fuel Savers"
will be given at our store all next week, April 20th. Everybody . attending will be
shown how the wonderful Laurel Range is operated and how the Laurel Fuel Saving
Flue Construction saves you actual money yes enough in one year to pay for your
range. Don't stay away because you are not interested in buying a range at present.
You will want one some day, and may never again have as good an opportunity to learn
why all ranges do not bake and cook as quickly and economically nor with the same imi-.
f ormly successful results which any Laurel Range will give.
This demonstration which we will conduct ia given to convince you that the stove is of
as much, if not more, importance than the cook. , , (
You will notice in the illustration shown above that the lids of the stove are numbered.
In other ranges than the Laurels the heat passes only under Nos. 1, 2 and 3 when the di
rect draft is opened. Laurel Twin-Flue Ranges are built differently; they heat the
entire stove top; they use less fuel; they heat the entire pyen to a uniform temperature
when you want it, but do not heat the oven at all when you don't want it. This saves
fuel and makes the kitchen more comfortable. The special Laurel Twin-Flue Construc
tion which makes this possible will be explained, with many, other desirable Laurel fea
tures .during each day. of this demonstration. L L-Li UlIuUtiU uiau,
1 APril 20th to 25Av inclusive, imE0IEK!OT3