Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 17, 1914, Image 6

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"I HENRY PECK'S COUSIN SALLY - - - - By Gross i lThinisWeNeverSee
I' ' i I ,i i ! i-ct w 'I
IVcf a Piece of Cloth'-
, In water -cheese clotl is lha
Wring fry-
ot until i: is just slishtl'
more than damp.
'our on O-Cedar Polish
. until lha c'olli contains as much f3
polish as it does water.
Champion Bitchie 10 to 4 Favorite
Over Harlem Tommy. Murphy in
Last Bout
Both Scrappers Fit As a Fiddle and
the Loser Will Hare no Excuse
to Offer.
"I have never been iu bettor condi
tion. I am 100 per cent bettor than
when I relieved WolnHt of his title. I
also have youth on my side. Toininv
Murphy in on the h,sdy side of hin
professional carper. This battle is like
ly to be brief."
Murphy Ik equally confident. v
"An ambition,", ho said, "which J
have cherished for years is about to
bo realized. My one ultimate? goal
since I entered the ring has been to bo
come lightweight champion. I uow
havo the chance, and the public may
rest assured that I will take ad
vr.utago of it. I was nover in better
condition and never more confident.
I am certain of victory, and victorv,
and victory may conio before the 20th
round if reached. I have mapped out
no plan of battle. I expect to moot
all emergencies as thoy arise."
Go Over the Surface
k' to be cleaned. Varnish nbsorts
fs O-CeJar but not wntei the fric
A lion removes the dirt and dust
and ihe surface
w-;j. fcv a cieanea.
Pan Francisco, April 17. Willi-?
Ritchio, champion lightweight will de
fend his worlds title here tonight at
C'offroths Kighth Street open air arena
against Harlem Tommy Murphy of Ncv
worn, iiotn iigniers worn pronounce!
to be as fit as the griud of training'
could make them, and a torrid battli
was oxpectod by tho fans. I
Ititchio will Ik) an almost prohibitive
favorite. Tha betting public is offering
10 to 4 that ho will be returned tin!
.. ........ k M.m.li'l
does not last 20 rounds.
Close followers of the game say that
Ritchio has everything that goes tc
make a champion. Ho is game, clever,
has plenty of stamina, a corking punch
ami pltulty of brains. In addition to
these, ho is young 23. Murphy has
oxpcrieuco and brains, but is said to
'lack a punch,
KiteM) has bIiowii that he can stnnd
up under fire. Ho took a terrifio beat
ing from Wolgiutt tor fifteen rounds'
and then had sufficient strength to,
put Wolgwit to tho mat. Joe Rivers
also made him look liko a novice in
tho enrly rounds of their July 4 fight,
but the champion rallied and knoc.kel
out tho Mexican.
Neither Ritchio or Murphy has had
any troubln regarding the woight. Tho
articles cnll for tho men to woigh in at
135 pounds ono hour before the buttle.
They have been within striking dis
tnuc.e of this figuro for several days.
"I was nover more confident of vic
tory in my lite," Kitchie said today.
"I am going into the bout with the
dctcrminiitinn to ond it as quickly as
possible. Charges that I am afraid of j
Murphy have gotten under my skin j
and I intend to show tho peoplo of mv
i homo towu that thoy wero unwarranted.
Taconia, April 17. As a boxer, Uat
tling Johneou of Los Angeles is a good
punching bag, according to the verdict
of the fight fans who saw Joe Bonds
of Tacoma wear himself out slamming
tho Johnson person around the ring iu
lost night's four rouml show at Kuglos
hull. Itomls won by several largo city!
blocks but couldn't put his man away.
The big collegian ri;ped vicious upper
ruts into tho I t tier's middle section,
peppered his .law with straight lefts and
connected with crashing right swings,
but tho Californian kept moving right
in and requesting some more.
Tho speed event of tho evening was
the four round affair between Paul
Steele and Eddie Shannon. Tho contest
was close and a draw decision gavo
satisfaction. ,
liomeo llagon, tho Seattle baker,
stopped Clarence Hunt, an army middle
weight, in thre.e rounds.
1'at Calhoun of Portland knocked out
Arthur Kenny of Australia in the first
Member of the Richmond and Kast
Salem base ball teams met yesterdav
afternoon on tho Richmond ball
ground and played an interesting
(rime that resulted in a victory for
Richmond by a score of 12 to 0.
Credit for tho victory bolongs in a
great part to the Richmond pitch r
who, when in the sixth inning there
were men on second and third banes,
hold the East Salem team down to no
runs. Tho line up of the Richmond
team follows, e, Poppo; p, Hulsey; lb,
Huttoj 2b, Cadwell; 3b, Cadwoll; ss,
Ferguson; If, Colesonj cf, H. Butte;
rf, Price. ,
Nine-Tenths of All Stomach Tronble
Said to Be Due to idlty A Phy
sician's Advice on Cause and Cure.
A famous physician whose successful
researches into the cause and cure of
stomach and intestinal diseases have
oarned for him an international reputa
tion, said in the course of a recent lec
turo that nearly all intestinal troubles,
as woll a many diseases of the vital
organs, were directly traceable to a de
ranged condition of the stomach which
in turn was due nine times out of ten
to excessive acidity, commonly termed
seur stomach or heartburn, which not
only irritated and inflamed the delicate
lining of the stomach, but also set up
gastritis and stomach ulcers. It is inter
esting to note that he condemns the use
of patent medicines as well as of
medical treatment for the stomach,
stating that he and his colleagues have
secured remarkable rosults by tho use
of ordinary bisuratcd magnesia, which
by neutralising the acidity of the food,
removes the source of the trouble. Ho
contends that it is as foolish to treat
the' stomach itself as it would be for
a man who stepped on a tack to rub
liniment on the foot without first re
moving the tnck. Remove the tack
and tho foot will heal itself neutralize
tho acid and tho'-stomach troubles will
disappear. Irritating medicines and
medical treatments are useless, so long
as the contents of the stomach remain
acid; remove the acidity, and there will
be no need for medicine the inflamed
lining of the stomach wil lthen heal
Itself. Sofferers from acidity, sour
stomach or heartburn should get a small
bottle of bisurated magnesia from their
druggist, and take a teaspoonful in a
quarter of a glass of not or cold water
after meals, repeating In 15 minutes, if
necessary, this being tho dose which the
doctor found most efficacious in all
ilt. a a
The Best Hats for $3
This Brand is made exclusively for iu and is abso
lutely the best hat for local requirements. JVe also
have exclusive agency for the "Mallory Cravenette"
Hat, $3.50.
Salem Woolen Milk Store
Come to the Cherringo April.. 2425.
An organization of Boy Scouts
among the boys classes of the Salem
Y. C. A., according to Physical
Director Gingrich, is expected to bo
completed within a short time. To
teach the boys the secret of .the out-
of-doors, and show them the fascina
tion it camping, fishing, hiking, etc.,
is the object of the organization. d
Tall man, boy's secretary, will prob
ably be designated to have charge of
the scout camp here.
It is also planned to organize a
Salem council among the businessmen
of the city, which will have the same
relation to the various scout com
panies as the congress has to the
stat oa of the Union. This council is
to have charge of everything in Salon
that will have to do with boys. Jt
will prescribe rulos and regulations
for the government of the scout camps
and take a general interost in the wel
fare of the boys.
Polish with a Drv Cloth
Slight rubbing will quickly pre- S
duce the desired lustre and finish.
'i',t.'v .r .y
P' The Beauty of the Grain
$ Is brought out warning blemialie div
i -i i
y. Fpw inn ma uriicw
V looks like new.
A Hard, Dry Lustre ijj
not gummy or sticky. A cam
brio handkerchief would not be f
soiled if placed on any article
polished theO-Cedar-'
Polish Way.
you always get
; arrousa
; tsm Si.OO Silt
At All DmW EvvrywUra
CkiiMll Ckralcil Ct., Olap
ChiiMll CMaittl &, III.
Twtilo, UuU : . j? -
. . .,y;ci?v -
Rostein & Greeobauni
Ths Popular Dry Goods House
Ladies' long silk lisle gloves, 50c pair.
Ladies' long chamosette gloves, 60c, 38c pair.
Ladies' long silk gloves at $1 and 75c pRir.
Best values that can be had. Shoes to fit everyone. Spe
cial, Children's Oxford's at $1.00 a pair. Special, Ladies'
Oxfords at $1.25 a pair. Worth double. Extra good val
ues in ladies' shoes.
I N This is the most popular department m balem.. .1 here is
reason for it always in the lead, with style, quality and
great variety, and low price. Visit this department. Sure
to please you.
With an average of 117.3 out of a
possible 125, tho Edgeno gun clu )
team is the .winner today of the silver
tijphiy ;of the Interstate Gun Club
Tournament which closed last Sunday.
I)osito tho fact that the Salem
Rod 4 O'un Club hss been organized
but a few months, . it succeeded in
winning fifth position in the tourna-
Iment. Veatch, who leads the - per
centage list in Salem, broke 120 blue
iroeka out of a possible 125, thus mak
ing what is believed here to be the
best individual score of any partici
pating in the shoot. Salem's total
was 111.3.
All of tho other gun clubs which
took part in the contest have been
organized for several years and conse
quently have had more opportunity ti
i practice the art of breaking the little
clay discts than the Salem men.
The members of the Salem club
whr took part in the Interstate Gun
Club Tournament are as follows:
Veatch, Siddall, Wilson, Worley, Dal
rymple, Hubbard, Herren, Stanton and
: brans.
Scores made by other teams were:
Uoseph 117; Grants Pass 116.3; Donald
i 115.2; Rend 106.3; Oorvallis 105.2;
Condon 105. At last Sunday's shoot
i Grants Pasa made the highest team
score with a total of 124 out of a
: possible 125. ,
suit sale
It's far easier for many a man .o
declare his opinion than to prove that
he resvlly has one.
' Jiuiire William Galloway yestrdav
afternoon granted ft decree of divoree
to Msxr C'lvmer from Alvin Clynier on
the grounds of 'cruel and inhuman
treatment. The eomplaint alleged that
Clymer, who is now held on a statu
tory Quftrge, was abusive and cruel.
246 Commercial Street
. Ther are just , two straight
roads to homelike eomfort ami, it
yon are looking for a pleasant
lodging, with or without board,
your search need not be long.
First read the "Rooms for
Beat" aad the "Rooms With
Board " ads in the Waat Columns
of this paper. Tea to one you
will fiad several offerings in the
locality yon prefer aad the
"right" oa among these, after
Bat if you are not quite auited
ia this way, tell the publio ex
Mtly what yon want and see
what a wide ekeiee you will then
A aaall Journal Want Ad wiU
aeeoatpUsa this for you.
suit sales are numerous, but
where has such an offer been
made as this? fresh, crisp, new
spring and summer suits all
standard grades in the very
smartest patterns, every man.
will surely grasp an oportunity
to purchase his season suit,
at the season's beginning at a
saving. ; ,
how does this strike you?
a $5 pair Florsheim shoes giv
en free with any $20 (or over)
a $3 hat given freeVith any
$15 to $18 suit
see the big display of neck
wear at four-bits.
r -
on com. it.
at 167 north