THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON. FHIDAT, APRIL 17, 1914. PAOB THREE HAS PLENTY OF CLASS - r- BT ELLA McMUNN. Miss Vida Young was hostess tt a pleasant surprise party given for" her bister, Miss Vivian Young, at their home on the Garden road, Friday even ing. The occasion was the birthday of Miss Vivian Yfung, who received many pleasant mementoes. Games were . played an refreshments served. Those asked were: The Misses Mary Rouse, Georgia Rouse, Ruth Weidmnn, Ellison Vernetta Riekett, Mabel Riekett, Edna Kustemborder, Barbara Livingstone, Nellie Pntchin and Messrs. Hay Cooper, Walter Snyder Boy Ellison, Lonzo Pntchin, Paul Grcggs, Earl Hunt and Harry -Huff ley. The Lincoln school Parent-Tenohers' associatioa met Tuesday evening, with Mrs. Luther J. Chapin presiding. Rev. Mr. Spencer, pastor of the Leslie Methodist church gnvo a talk on civic matters and urged that unsightly fences be removed and a back yard clean-up movement be inaugurated. Mrs. Hunter urged that the "Swat-tho-Fly'.' campaign bo continued, while Mrs. Snyder took up tho question of school playgrounds, with the result that $31.50 was subscribed for the purchased of swings and similar apparatus on the grounds. The many Salem friends of Mrs. Clara Waldo will be glad to know that she has returned from California, 'whero she spent the winter. During her ab sence, Mrs. Waldo was seriously ill, but she is now fully recovered. She is domiciled .at the Everett apartments, Portland. Wednesday Mrs. Waldo had as her guests, 30 of tho senior girls of the domestic science department of the state agricultural college. These young women went, up to Portland to visit the schools, stores, ten rooms, bakeries, etc., hoping to gain some practical knowl edge along the lines in which they are interested. In the afternoon Mrs. Waldo entertained the girls at tea and a theater party. Tho following program was presented Friday by the president and secretary 'of the Pringln Improvement league, Bernhard Hilfiker and Emma Fabry, at the Pringle school house: Song, "Happy. Greeting to All;" address, "Arbor Day," Sadie Smith; song, "Plant Blossoms," Miss Mize and E. Fabry; recitation, "My Tree," Lcona Drager; concert reading, "The Brook," girls; reading, "Woodman, Spare That Tree,' Keith Har; song, "Whero They Grow," little girls; quotntitons, ten girls; song, ."The Flag of Our Union, Forever," boys; rending, "Two Opin ions," two boys; song, "Day of Plant ing.'.' O, H. Carsou,fS. C Sberrilband Supervisor Cornelius gave short ad dresses. - . . Mrs. Arthur Goffin (nee Eva attending the opening of tho Gray lielle where refreshments were served. WHILE THE HEARTS OF NEW YORK FANS ARE WITH MURPHY THEIR POCKETBOOKS ABE WITH RITCHIE. j New York, April 17. Little old New York town is all smoked up over the scheduled 20 round fuss in San Fran cisco tonight between Willie Ritchie, lightweight champion, and Harlem Tom-1 my Murphy. Naturally New Yorkers would like to see Tommy bring homo the bacon but when it comes to betting : on him doing it, they are stringing with : Mrs. Elizabeth Case and Mrs. Seba i Ritchie. Murphy is given full credit Case Wall will be oer Sunday guests! for gamencas, aggressiveness and cx at the Hoter Seward in Portland. I perienee, hut the majority of the fans I do not think ha has even an outsid-3 Miss Emma Krame, who is teaching chance of relieving the champion of Gorman in the University of Oregon at. the titlo. Eugene, is visiting with Mr. and Mr ' Willie Ritchie is smothered in Johh Oremmels, of ia:5 Madison strceS'flas." s'l Billy Gibson. "He is until Monday. j there with tho wallop, stamina, clever- I ness and youth. He can tako a punch, Member of the Epworth League ud don't let anyone tell you that he Cabinet of tho First Methodist Episco- j cannot give one in icturn. When that pal church meet Thursday evening in! right cross of his lands flush on the the church parlors for their regular: jaw, coniething is Roing to drop ami monthlv meeting. After a lunch had; stay down for quite a spell. J don't been served, the business of the even- think Ritchie's title is in jeopardy." ing was transacted. As the result of; , the resignation of Eric P. Bolt as presi-l Al McCoy, conqueror of George ('hip, dont, Howard Jewetl. who was the has signed up for ten weeks of theatri treasurer, was elected to the presidency. 1 ! work at $1,000 a week. This means Leslie Hammond was eleoted treasurer. I that the return match he promised to The full cabinet, consisting of Howard ! K've -'hP here April 28 is off. Before Jewctt, Ehic. P. Bolt, Harold Jory, Miss: leaving for Pittsburg to open his eu- Simmons, Miss Laura Heist, Miss gagemem, iuc oy saiu Norma Harper, and Miss Evelyn Reigcl hian, was present. FRUITLAND CORNERS Thursday evening a social party was held at the pleasant home of Mr. and I ,. . r -r . . well Airs. Al. M. itansom. 1 ne young people enjoyed themselves" to the limit. Re freshments were served. "I cannot afford to pass up the road engagement when I cau draw down tO'i thousand iron men for ten weeks of work. I'll give Chip another' chance when my road tour is ended. "I am not going lo handle tho ban!: roll this time. I liko to shoot craps too I'm going to make either niv wife or mother the banker. It won't make much difference so long as I have a qttarter or so to iinulok in mv template purchasing property prob-j K'trh,e aPVn w""10r1 ,lke ", v y in or ne..r Sabm. t on this, Bob Edgren In. Val. Grig was taken to thj'EaiJ: ''(bamp.ons don't battle that em hospital a few davs ago. A',1' M yo? Bho"1',1, li!"ow- They 1 Massey) who has been critically ill for j the honl of Mr- aml Mrs- H- c- Bre Friends recently f rom Oklahoma and P0;., . , 1 . , , , , , , South Carolina visited with the family i," ,t0 a frl,en'1 here'.A,'l olgast of Wm. Donaldson this week. Thev!sa,J: . 1 ,n rea,'y contem ably M A family, Anderson by name new ! ta.k? n" or at least the,v Kp -comers are occupviug Mr. F. B. ' w'tnont fussing over sucha slight detail Alvord'a residence north of the churct.!89 "ee'i.g that the winner is properly Mr. Alvord is employed by the Spauld rewarded. ' ing Lumber Company, and has moved to HOMECOMING. Sa'pm- , . .., n . Dear Brother Bill: The' celebration Saturday evening Lldcr Porter, pas- 0f ttl8 Kightcenth Anniversary of Salem tor of the Chirstian church of Salem, ( uaf,0 No. 336j B. p. a F j,, be hell, gave an interesting oiscussion at thejon jhursdav, April twentv-third, nine Evangelical church. Mr. Porter is ;teen hllndreu fourteen, at 8:30 p. m. it good "pealicr and a Bible student. Ho . whU.h time our Bnnuai homecomin.'j had a full house. banquet will be in full swing. Sunday Henry Smith attended Eastor Tue. evening will b dovote.l to song services at the First M. h. church at ttn,, gtoryv anJ yo Bre rgently re Salem. He reports that the song serf ' quested to be present. If yon cannot tee was especially good. I com0j Iloas, wire or write 80 that w, . Easter passed quietly here. A few nriy have a Word from you when your eggs were meniced, but not enough to name j9 caed. ' . Committee, jolt the chicken market. I n Tuesday evening at the school meet ing N. J. Bowers waa elected clerk to fill out the unexpired term of'- S. Ralston who., has moved to. Talent- Fred Doney bought a $75 milk cov this week. This'evcning Wednesday the loth a musical rehearsal is being given at Factory guarantees it for ten years. It will last twenty-five -years. " Our Crescent Steel Range Is made of the best material that can be obtained; finished as de sired, such as ground top, black top, nickel base, black base, ther mometer, pouch feed, three sizes of oven. Price within the reach of everybody. Sec it on display here. Only $37.80 ; regular $50 value. x i dm p i : Special $11.85 - -; Regular $15.00 value. Solid oak. dining table, 42-inch top and six-foot extension; has an 8-inch square pedestal, with full Colonial foot; an excellent value. Special $17.85 Regular $22.00 value Combination book case and writing desk, similar to cut, made from solid oak through out. We carry the Gunn's Sec tional Book Case ; finished as de sired.. Prices reasonable. if . ' ! Special $24.85 Regular' $35.00 value This full quarter sawed oak buffet has one large drawer, three small ones and the double cupuoard compartment, full Colonial- design, finished in. the newest dull finish. Special $24.85 Regular $30.00 value Oircassian walnut chiffonier, just as illustrated; has four targe drawers and two small ones, with fine French plate mirror; an excellent value. " STORES IN OREGON AND WASHINGTON THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY. i 4 HOME FURNISHERS UJH. COURT&HIGHSTS. TTTaaai YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD HERE WE SELL FOR LESS BECAUSE WE BUY FOR LESS. Ire ' ' $ w . S Cherrian Cherringo", April 24-25. 4 u"r aeverat weens, is reported mucn im proved and will be able to leave the hospital in a short time and return to her home near Oervais. i sler. We have some of best looking girls and the honiliest men in the country, At least this is the opinion of April 15th. Docia Murr. Mrs. William O. Knighton left yes terday for Portland where she wi'.l spend several days visiting friends. On Only Ona "BROMO QUININE" That ii LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Mondy evening Mis Knighton enter- Look for tho signature of E. W. GROVE tained a number of Mrs. C. A. Gray's Cures cold in One Day. Cures Grip in friends at a Theatre party, afterwards Two Davs. 25c. Daddy's Bedtime Story- The Lizards Celebrate Spring .By Playing Cars. Everybody is Going to the Cherrian Cherringo Friday and Saturday, April 8I-25th. 'mmhIII II 11 We are here to assist this Boost ing Club to the extent of giving away REAL CHERRIAN JMjNEY, which yll admit you to any of the shows In the Armory. SATURDAY, APRIL 18TH , We will givo .way Two Kopecks -with each Fifty Cent cash purchase or Five Kopecks with each One Dollar cash purchase. , BUY YOJR SATURDAY grocer ies here and make enough money to TAKE in the entire Cherringo Cir cus. SPECIAL TGB. SATURDAY Extra Fine Ripe Bananas, 20c . and 25c per dosen. Sun Kist Oranges, 15c and 35c per dozen. Florida Grap Fruit, 15c and 2 for 25c. ' FROM THE GARDENS California Telephone peas,' 2 lbs. for 25c. - California Asparagus, fancy ' green, 10c. - ' , Artichokes, 10c each. Spinach, 10c lb. Leaf lettuce, Bermuda onions, 10c lb. FRESH GOLD DOLLAR BER RIES, 2 Boxes for 26c. SEND US Your Order EARLY and GET THE BEST. 4M Roth Grocery Go. They Cam Home With Flower. JACK and Evelyn wore spending all the nlco warm spring afternoons in the woods. They would come home, with all sorta of pretty little spring flowers and fix tnem lu little vuses around the' bouse. . They loved tho spring. But then they really loved all the seasons of the year. There was always plenty to do In the winter when the ground was overed with snow. In the spring there were so many things to find in tlo way of little Insects they had almost forgotten about, lovely songs to-hear by the birds who bad left their winter homes and, of course, all the flowers. And snmmer was nice, too, with the swimming and bonting and ball and many other out- door games. "Children," wild daddy, "the llttto red lizards and newts aie having the ! best times these days. They adore the soft, marshy earth In the woods. They . almont feel as If everything bad been arranged all for them, and they love tho greeu moss. ; - . - "Up on the mountain the red lizard and newts had settled themselves. They were feeling so eoergetlo and wide nwnke that they thought they'd do something exceptionally nice. So they told a great many of their friends ' about this mountain of theirs and had invited them to join them and spend tho snmmer there. "Of course they wanted to make the other lizard families, who bad con sented to Join their home, think as they did that It was the very nicest place In tho world. ' "When the visitors arrived they snld, 'Well, how do you llhw your new hole?' " 'Oti, we'vo never. been so satisfied in our lives with any borne! No other could possibly be so wonderful. It Is absolutely perfect, and we are all so. delighted. To celebrate your arrival, then, let s play cars. - That is such fun, and we want to do something in honor of you.' - - "Naturally the newcomers were very much pleased that something' was being done In their honor, nnd they nil certainly did feel fall of life ami en ergy. That Is rather unusual, too. for the lizards, as a rule, don't llbe to hurry too much. They prefer to tnkc things slowly. "But they did enjoy playing cars. Different bits of moss wee the sta tions, and they'd nil go along together and say: " .'Puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, cboo, choo!' "Ot course they didn't run any terrific express trains. Tbey bad plenty of stations and liked to stop often. Well, tbey played for a long, long time. Recipe Department By BETSY WADE. Pare Ice Cream 2 Quarts Pure Sweet Cramd. 1 I'ound Granulated Sugar. 2 Teaxpoonfuls Mnpleine. Mix sugar and cream together, beat well; then add tho Maplcine and freeze. ' Whipped Cream 1 quart pure sweet croam 24 hour old; 'i scant teaspoon Maplcine. Put cream in bowl on cracked ice, or snow' if any, and whip not too fast. When nearly finished add the Mapleine. Counter bowl contain ing ermm fbould bu kept on cracked ice. Mapleine Syrup 2 cups boiling water; 4 cups granulated sugar; 1 heap ing teaspoon Mapleine. Thoroughly dis solve the sugar in the water, stir in th-i Mapleine and strain through a dauiji cloth. This makes one nuart of - delicious When thoy were really tired oat they decided they'd pluy cars every Ony, for .tablo syrup, which is ready for use R3 the exercise made them feel splendid and tbey so enjoyed stopping and Mat ing at the beautiful mossy stations." ' nor of New York, and Miss Betsy T'l'age, daughter - of a rairfax, vs., X clergyman and niece of Thomas Nelson Page, ambassador to Italy, were mar 4 ried- w . Late, Yesterday At bianfu Ch.naovernment troops fc y Uftven Taihoeii ;ted defeated a big force of White Wolf bc eonlliieri pro')OSi,ion 0 bo bandits near b.anfu, and hemming the ; fc fc d f ttnew ization outlaw, in, were trying to exterminate 1 1 , Uld the Fe(lpratc(1 oani.n vt Railroad Brotherhoods, representing them. At Albany, N. Y. Governor Glyn signed a bill, aimed at Blakhanders, in-, ereasing the penalty for attempting to j blow up buildings from seven to Zo years' imprisonment. 2,000,000 railroad employes. BLOW WAS UNNECESSARY. j Police Officer Asa Fisher, who was ! relieved from duty for 30 days on ae- l At htaatsburg, I. Y. Owing to Vin- i count of having needlessly struck a eent Astor' illness, it was announced lrllnk man wnne taking him to the po- ' that his wedding with Miss Helen... ... ' , ,....,.: (Huntington, which was to have been tHon, .went on again last on April 30, ha been postponed inde-, night. The charge of brutality on the ; finitely. ' . ' Vart ' tBe policeman by several citi- . ' 0 zens who saw the affair led to an in- At Nome John Johnson, holder of ' vestigation, with the result that Fish : the record for the All-Alaska dog-team er waa givea a vacation. It was found 1 sweepstakes, won the 1BH raee, cover- from the testimony given th police Jing the 412 miles between Nome and ! committee that the blow given the in ! Candle and return in 81 hour and 3 j toxicated man was unneceansry. , minute. . - o i HaDinr aeainut h )p if too - much At Fairfax Courthouse, Va. Norman j like betting against another man ' J. Gaynor, son of the late Mayor Gay- - garner- . soon as cold. Mapleine Hard Sause cup sugar; 1 largo tablesjiooii butter. Cream these together well and add a few drops, of Mapleine to flavor. Mapleine Butter Two cups white ""(tar, cui, hot water, set where it will slowly 'dissolve heat to boiling: have tho yolks of 4 eggs well beaten ani stir into hot syrup. Cook until thick, about like snlad drcsning. add 1 teaspoon Maplcine, and stir or bout until cold and grainy, it will, in :l measure, tnko tho place of butter uutej with bread, Maplcine Frosting 2 cups granulated sugar; 1 cup milk; 1 small piece of butter; 2 teaspoons Mapleine. . Stir un til mixture bnil, then boil briskly jmtU it forms soft ball in cold water. Cool a little and beat until creamy. ' '-..?.. Cake Filling 2 cups granulated sugar; cup milk; 1 piece butter (size of walnut); I teaspoon Mapleine. Mi-; sugar, milk and butter together', boil for five minutes, take from firo, stir until thick. Their add "the Mapleine,' jtirring it in slowly. Caramel Filling 2 cups granulated sugar; 'j cup cream; 2-3 cup butter; 1 Vj teaspoons Maplcine. Mix tho sugar, butter and cream, boil ten minutes ami add tho Mapleine. Htat until .just right to spread. Enough for-two cakes. . Pudding Sauce 2 eggs (whites); l'i cups granulated sugar; 1 cup milk; ' teaspoon Mapleine. Cook the sugar and milk until it thickets a little, then add the egg whites, beaten stiff, and tire Maplcine. ' MAPLEINE CANDY RECIPES. Mapleine ..Plnocho 3 cups whit? sugar; 1 cup milk; I teaspoon butter. Hoil together, stirring constantly, until it will irako a soft bnll when dropped in cold water. Take from fire and beat. When, ready to pour on buttered plate, adil ten drops of Mapleine and one cup of broken nuts.. Fudge 3 cups sugar; 1 cup milk; 1 tablespoon butter. When sugar, is melted add 4 or 5 tablespoons cocoa. Stir and boil 15 minutes. Take from fire, add 1 teaspoon Mapleine, stir till creamy, pour on buttered plates, cut in squares. . Unccokcd Candy 1 egg; Vj teaspoon, Mapleine; 1 teaspoon cold mashed pota toes; 1 pound powdcrcil sugar. To tho egg ndil tho Maplcino and cold mashc.l potatoes, silt in the powdered sugar until it forms a thick paste, and nut, turn on breadboard and knead i.i pondered augur to proper stiffness. Ice Cream Candy 3 cups sugar, crushed or cut loaf; a little less thai -j cup vinegar; I'j cups cold water; pieco of butter tho size of a walnut; flavor with extract vanillu. Boil until it hardens, then pull until whit.'. The fcWH J dessert m - v j- -i - tempting 1 delicious ness Serves Them Right If you use our famous blend of fine eoffees you can be sure that your guests are always served right when it comes to this im portant part of the meal. Remember it is freshly roasted every day. 30c, 35c and 40c the pound Phone 93. C. M. EPPLEY 1800 East State Kpleine Is because it provides a new-found flavor und delightful variety to des serts, ices, cukes, candies, tasties and sugar syrup. SOLD BY" GBOCERS. " ' Send 2c stamp for recipe book. Crescent Mfg. Co. Seattle, Wash. Cream Candy 1 pound white sugary 3 teaspoon extract lemon; 1 teaspoon cream tartar. Add little water to moisten sugar, boil until brittle. Put in extract, then turn quickly out on buttered plates. When cool,' pull until whitjl .nil i.nt in .nii.M. xudpioiue vream inaj a cups wnito sugar; . cup milk; 1 teaspoon butter 1 heaping tension Mapleine. Boil sugar, milk and butler until it forms a soft ball when dropped in cold waiter. Take from fire, add the Mapleine and and cut to suit. Mapleine Fudge 2 cups granulated sugar; 1 cup milk; 1 piece butter (size of ecu : 1 hnAninir tMiniin. ri..l,: .... Cook about fifteen minutes. Take off ant! Dea nam until it grains, then pour in buttered plate. Chnnnoil nut tirrm MM 4Pr'il on ' the plate before pourirg ...r(.VUA .