4 PAOE EIGHT THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 1911. Yburilnterests Are Best Served - Neltleton Shoes for Men Remember the "Cherringo, An action for the collection of two 730 promissory notes was be,un yes terday in tho fircuit court for Marion county by .1. L. Mimicr acii'mst Ada K. Vest and Mae II. Pitts. The first note was given on February 21, liM2 to ('has. Hicks, who, on October !IS, 1012, trans ferred it to Guy Johnson; and on Febru ary 4, 11113, .luhtisnii endorsed the nolo to tho plaintiff. A mortgage was given in security. Tho second notn wns exi eittcd on May tt, 11)10 to Henry K. Brown and Meda Brown of Hilverton and delivered to John F. Fishwood. On i March 2(1, 1DU Fishwood transferred ' the noto to tho plaintiff. The complaint statej t hat the defendants gave a mort gage, bh security which, by certain con veyances, beennio the property of Ada K. Vct. Judgment is asked of tho court. ' H. F. Baro, professor of research at the Oregon Agricultural collego, and O. H. Godfrey, assistant professor of r-s-search, wero in HbImii yesterday morn lug and went to Kosedale to look over some experiment work they aro con ducting on the Lone Maple prune ranch. County Fruit Inspector ('. O. Constable, whn U i nrl nurnnr nf tl.o n,-nl,n,.l I eompumoil the two investigators. Can ker, or what is known as winter injury, was wlvit they were looking for in this particular case. This disease of th- pruno trees caused somo damage threo yenrs ago and it was decided to investi gate as It was believed hncrcrin. was the cause. However, they found no tie-1 velopments that would confirm the lief. Dr. Mendelsohn fits eyes correctly. TJ. 8. Bank building. o . County Clerk Max Oehlhar Is pun ling over tho matter oi how to arrange the names of the candidates at the primary election May 15, according ,to the requirements of Lord's Oregon laws. In his opinion the question is like the solution of a jig-saw purzle. The law says that tho names must be arranged in ulphubetieul order accord ing to surnames if there sro five or more candidates for one office. In a case like Tom Kay nnd T. B. Kay, who were both expected to bo on the prim ary ballot, he asks, ".Which Kay comes first t" o Visit GUson's attractive new Barbae shop in Bligh building, State street. ' Constable E. E. Cooper said yesterday that only one Brrost has beon made ov him in the mouth of April. The crim inal docket in Justice Webster's court is dry and in sharp contrast to last month. Constable t ooper attribute this state of affairs to the "dry" state of Salem. Piano tuning, repairing, first-class work. Phone 1465, leave orders at O. C. Will or R. F. Peters. J. E. Hockett. It Is expected that as today Is th last chance for candidate to file their completed nominating petitions for thi county offices there will be a grand rush at tho closing hour. . Yesterduy afternoon a number i f candidates filed their petitions. Among them are E. M...Gillingham, of Turner, who is run ning for county recorder; W. H. Ooulet, of Woodbnrn, candidate for e-election as county commissioner; J. 11. drier, of Stayton, out for justice -of -the peaeo for the Stayton district; and Henr Smith, of Srcvvton,' caudidato for con stable from the Htuyton district. All are republicans. When You Buy We're POSITIVELY GOING TO DIS CONTINUE the selling of Men's Suits and Overcoats when the present stock is disposed of. If you need a suit, or even if you don't just now, ' it will pay you to step into our Men's Section and pick one out at such LOW CLOSING-OUT PRICES. OOODiGOODS April 24th and 25th, at the Armory. The chief of police made a careful In-: spection of the Barnes circus yesterdny and states that ho found everything strictly right and proper. The chief received a letter from a "citizen" of Texas recently iii which it was said ' thnt the Barnes' circus was moral mud that it was not ? rM:.!Ln.: jii, iu iiinjr in a decent community. Bank dances, nasty jokes, etc., made up tho many demoralizing features of tho show, the writer stated, and Salem should nol nl low it to appear here. The chief found nothing whatever of this character go ing on ami tui'thermore ho stated thnt . ...ii.. ..:...! ..u- i'""'i'"".' wns the rlcinest ho lias ever seen, the ' animals being exceedingly moral As a result of a decree and judgment ' individual measure and made right hero Tvci S. Bynon, secretary of the pro rendered yesterday in tho action on n in Snlcin, for $25. Call nnd exnmine , moti0n department of the Salem Corn promissory noto in the circuit court for i the goods. D. H. Mosher, tailor to J mer(.ipl club, this morning received .''0 Marion county brought by G. T. Par- men and women. applications from Beaverton for mem sons and Sara V. Parsons vs. Martin. o bership in the loganberry association and K. II. Whiteside, et al to recover; About 20 students from the Oregon tbot was formed here recently. Several -T-iMiu wnn lntoresc, .-Mientr w iiiiam ; r.scn win seiiinemorigagea property to satisfy the claim, A turther de cree was rendered against Anue Nelson, "..limuil, ill luior Ul 1110 .-Hicm IJ'llll. and Tnwt Co., also a defendant, in t!w sum of $:!7., principal and iutercst eu a note. Many members of the Salem Com mercial club attended the circus last I niirlit. If iu eni, I thn, tlta I 'lint-;) na w,'rt! looking for pointers that might ba-l''0"10 '" lmndy at the "Cherringo" so- ciety circus which is to be held -ere pn tho 2-lth and 25th of this month. Oi-o! of tho Cherrians even admitted that there were a few things in nniiiml ' training that was lacking in the inako- up of the Cherringo, such as twisting ' the lion's tail, kissing tho saber-tooth tiger and playing, pussy-waiits n-corner , with the elephants. J. J. McCormick, proprietor of tho Club billiard parlors and an enthusiast ic Hportsinm.il of Kugene is in Salem for a few days. He says that tho trout are biting good ou the Mclvenzie xjver now but that the -upper Willamette is too niurkey for fishing as yet. Kugene sportsmen he says are making weekly trips to the haunts of the festive redside aud are landing good strings. o The Men's Liberal club meets at tha I'nitarian church tomorrow. Wednesdnv . night. L. H. McMnhon will make the ' principal address, his subject being ; "laxation, and witn it he will al?o discuss some phases of legislative ap propriations, aihc is one of the finest speakers in the state and whether you agree with him or not you will certuinly enjoy hearing hira. On account of the lecent rains in the south end of the valley the Willamet:o river has begun to rise again. Sunday the river stood at the 6-foot nnrk. Monday It be.au to fall., but Tuesday ......:. . u 1 1 r . in mv' "l CUV, WBS 1U U1C CUT tOOUy Bna IZTl rm 5-f'0.5-9-1Th,Vttes that the hop. re looking fine, mormug there was an additional nsc , Mr w HM that the crops due to an increased flood iu the San- , .,, K .i.:. ..... 1 ti,, The chief of police Is figuring upon engaging an expert dog catcher. He states that there is a man in eastern t Oregon who is considered to bo the all when it comes to rapturing. unliceusel pnps. 'lae expert nog catcher has a system all his own, it is said, and can corral stray dogs with rase,- and dis patch, and dispatch them thc same way. Smoke a La Corona 10-cent cigar and boost the Cherriaa Cherringo. a Suit Here 'Extra Good' Clothe3 for Boys Six fine rainbow trout were on dis- j jilqy in the llauscr Bros.' gun store yes- 1 terday. They wero caught by A. G. Crossan in tho MeKenzie river and aro the best specimens seen in Salem so far this season. Mr. C'rossnn is a i thoroughbred fisherman and has made , many such catches heretofore. j A window worth seeiug. Go hy ! Mosher's Stuto street store and seo his I"y """est suitings ana you wm be convinced that Salem has a live ! tailor. , . cWf of Follc Sedeck has been "'lvise.l by the Hungarian consul at :Z H ,S : the arrest and conviction of two men who aro supposed to have committed a n - triple murder in tho tar eastern ifjwn. Tho police in Debreezen also offer $3000 for even a clow that will lead i tL. .a : e . 1 m ii- nf thn itiiinlMfors. Tli min nrn lliflt nsii ecvici ivnrnrew. ni as i ainrnin. . . . ,. ... Vr' V i-- i .i -i ' , "'u i'1"""" ine:uw, nnuo unu u I will sell you a suit, cut to fit your Agru - ultural Collego will arrive id Sa-1 iPm Friday morning, and will spend : the day visiting the stuto institutions ! and manufacturing plants, among which ) will be the woolen mill. Later they will go to Oregon City for ft brief j visit to the paper mills. J. A. Bexell, ; of the school of commerce, will con- j diicnno party. o I YOU Should hear Some Of thO UD-tO- the-niinute plnyer pianos thut we are showing. Tho Wiley B. Allen Co., K. F. Peters, Mgr., 521 Court. 0 Tho Northwestern Typographical con- ferenee wns held in Portland Mondav i and Tuesday. Delegated were present ! from Oregon, Washington, Idaho and British Columbia, and matters pertain-1 ing to the craft were discussed and the kinks strnightened out. Charles Brant and B. C. Van Slyka of this city were in attendance, arriving home last night. 0 Why use a ready-made suit case or sample case when you can get one made to order of Slinfer, the reliable leather- wuro dealer; 1S7 South Commercial. o cir K M Cherrin8 10mt b ,M lo . Local druggists are druggists are displaying in their show, windows various forms of poison onk remedies. With the coming of gentle spring come also the fresh t " I r. . 1. n .. X. poison oak leas and several cases of n,,h poisoning ha' already been re ported by folks who have ventured out after wild flowers o W. E. Trultt, who for three years has been a guard at the penitentiary, resigned last evening. Mr. Truitt has employment in Portland and will make his home in tho Rose City. Bud Statesman, the manager of tho " 7 ?a?i ""T'',; i 1-!.- I L I . . . I i A new steam stationary engine la being installed at the Oregon Training school. T. -M. Barr "o., local con- tractors, ere furnishing the smoke tacka for the new power equipment. " Special meeting of Salem Lodge No. 4, A. F. A A. M., this evening. Work in the K. A. degree. Visiting brethren welcome. i - la the ii aU t, court la Lake county, Tuesday, luiti were brought by the at-torney-gnneial to annul the charters of two companies were decided in favor. ' of the athiti, a nib the eompaaiea were deprived ot their right to do business , aa suclu Wear-Erer demonstration Thursday, a Pot Roast without water. Kverybod must see this all are welcome. Buren & Hamilton. " " ' ' 0 According to close friends, notch Long, tho meat cutter in the Cross ment market, is the coming "white hope" of Salem. It is current rumor that Mr. Long, while not posing aa a 1 fighter, is some handy with his fists ' and that he enjoyed a little bout in the alley back of the shop recently with a man about his own age who wanted to start ft row. Mr. Long denies that he is a pugilist, however, but states ' that he is a mighty good manager for , a good fighting man. The Wear-Ever man will show yon how to moke a I'ot l(onnt without wnter tomorrow all day. Buren & Hamilton. o I Wlllard Wirti. county attorney for Crook county was in tho city for a few hours todny,' going to I'ortlnnd on an afternoon train. Ho snrs Crook is all ! right, and that Bennett will poll a big vote for the democratic nomination for governor there, as that is one of his old stamping grounds, and everybody knows and likes him. E. C. Cross, who has been seriously 111 for n number of days, is nblo to be out of doors agnin. He was down town in his auto last Monday for a short time. o Workmen are busy at present finish ing tho cecond floor of the remodeled circuit court room. As a result of the : improvement, mere aro now ten large rooms where there were only threo be-j fore. On the floor of the old court-1 room, in which all trials wero held, j there are now separate rooms forjudges Kelly, of the law department, and Gal- loway, of the equity department, and alfO a courtroom for the Marion county j court. On tho second floor there are seven smaller rooms adopted for offices. o Eight anglers hare been given pet-! mite to fish in the streams of Oregon so tar tnis week by county Herk Gelil-I har. On account of tho fact that thojsan G. Cosgrove, aged 74 years, daugh,. weather has not been favorable for tcr of Huuh and Marv Cosirrove, all obi i angling few licenses have becu issued I during mo past ween. I o I The Cherrians have erected a banner across State street at the intersection of Liberty that is it'onee a greeting and j nn announcement or the coming t her- ringo at the Armorv, April 2iih and 23th. The Men's Liberal club at the Uni tarian church will bo addressed this evening by L. H. M'cMahon, tho pro gressive (jandidato for governor, who will. Bpeak on the subject of "Tax ation." Mi3i Martha Randall, formerly a nurse of Salem who has been polieo mnrron or mi gene ror tne past year ana ? h8lf. ie ot duty yesterday oy nctiou or t) the Kugene city council in making reductions in tho police force., Police Officers Hendershott and Long- owrth were also relieved of duty for the ; same reason. Folic Matron Lela Lynch of this city said this morning chc di l nt think the action of tho Lugenc ...... iiuiiiivii in iM-oiiiiiiiiinLi iu uuiicn ...... . 1 . - matron lepartment. She things tha ! the care of cirls in tho eitv is of mora wmportance than, the expense involved. I o- - , applications also came from Sheridan trom growers who are anxious to re- eeive the benefit organization in' marketing their produce. Secretary Bynon was much pleased to note the ! interest taken in the work of promoting the growth of this industry that is be- KimiiK to receive more and more ser-; loua attention in this part of the Wil-: lamette vallev. Secretary Bvnon re-: npiv-pil an invitntinn tn writn nn articl.T ou the loganberry industry in the Wil-; ITIEb, a claim that should DO ex lamette valley foV tho "Fruit and Pro-!crciscd with lliudl discretion until (luce Distributor," a publication of ' ,lPfnu,d. It is pxeccd- Portland. It is the plan of the publica tion tod evote the Mav number tot he loiranberrv industry. o- As the result of the recent rains, part of North Commercial street, op posite the Y, M. C. A. was flooded this t')' urging them ltd attend tho stock south from Chemeketa street on the west side or Commercial aud hair aH htn-lr woof nn (ha unnth i,ln nt I'lintn.i eket street. The storm sewer was dogged up and the water piled up until MORE THICKLY POPULATED THE j jt flowed over the sidewalk. Cluster L, . , .,. . lampposts stood surrounded. Pedestrians NATIONAL LAND HUNGER WILL Uook to tho center of the street. INCREASE, AND THE OVERFLOW ! ' I OF THE POPULATION MAY SEEK Inely as a peanut shell tossing on,fjEW FIELDS IN SOUTH AMERICA. thA vnvm nf tha Pnitii ninnn wna Hi wearv. htMi-aed umblella that leaned against a fire hydrant at the corner of S(flte , Liberty Htret.ts yesterday - - during the rain. C rowds passed aad re-passed but no one took any notice of it. Its sodden, dripping folds flapped lit was forWken-bauseit had broken ' DOCTRINE WHICH WILL ENCOUR ribs and could not support itself. I AGE AND NOT DISCOURAGE THE 0 " 1 COMMERCIAL GROWTH OF THAT une marriage license was issuea yes-: terday by the Marion county clerk. The j couple receiving the permit to wed was 'Paul Louis Schmidt, a brewmaster of i Salem, and Clara F.ffie Ncedham. . housekeeper of this city. .' 10 c NO HIGHER QUANTITY . AND QUALITY .WATCH THIS SPACE. I Personal Mention I i! j . I - Mr.- and Mrs. A.- M. Alexander, of j Eugene, are in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Lute Allen, of Dallas, were Salem visitors yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rodders, of Sil verton, visited Salem, friends yestenlay. Mrs. Mildred li. Brooks, candidate for county recorder, will visit the Chc nmwa and Hazel Green neighborhoods today. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McCormick, of Eugene, are in the city to attend tho funeral of Mrs. McCormick's mother, Mrs. Kmily Smith. Miss llda Jones, of Labish Meadows, is visiting her sister, Mrs. George, Gray, having come up for the opening of the Gray-Belle confectionary. '' DEATH NOTICES. 4 SMITH. After an illness whieh' has lasted for some time, Mrs. Kmily Smith, a well known Moeal pioneer, pnssed away at her home ot State aud Twelfth streets yesterday afternoon at 12:110 o'elock. She wos the wifo of the lato Hiram J. Smith, known nil over Oregon for his activities in horticulture and agricul ture. She was 70 years old ami was tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. McAlpino, who crossed the plains . when Mrs. Smith was a mero girl. She was a member of the First Congregational church and was devoted to religious work. I She leaves threo daughters, Mrs. Ida Henderson of San Luis Obispo, (Jul.; Mrs, B. C. Houghton of Mount Angel; : mid Airs. J. .T. McCormick it Enirpnn. Wie l80 leaves two sisters, Mrs. Milton steen, of Milton, Or., and Mrs. Koxnnna Gilbert of this city; two brothers, rj!lvi(i McAlpin of Tacomn, and B. M. McAlpin of Eugene, uro also left to mourn their loss. Tho funeral will bo held from tho family homo nt 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon and Kcv. P. S. Knight will conduct tho services. Interment will be in City View cemetery. . COSGROVE. Passed away in Portland, Oregon, on the evening of 'April !), 11)14, Miss Su- pioneers of Oregon of 1847. Miss Cos- grovo leaves many dear rneuiis and relatives, and loved by all. She is survived by an only sister, Mrs. D. F. WaKeri of Suleni, anil a brother, Hugh fosgrove, of St. Paul, Mariou county, "regou. Blessed aro the pure of heart for I they shall seo God. . A RELATIVE. Mary Savaneara, aged 2S years, died at a local hospital, yesterday afternoon I at & o-'cloek. 1 Sho was the wifo of V.-J. Suviincarn. of Silver Creek Fulls. The remains ore I at the undertaking parlors of Kigdo.i & i Kichardson and funeral announcements I wil bo made Inter. . STOP I LOOil LI3T.EH! Thi3 will inform mr Eepublican friends and suI)Portcrs that I am a can. diduto for re-nominution to tho offico the iustico of tho peace for tho Salem district at the primary election of May 1j, 1914. DANIEL WEBSTER South America Doesn't Like Our Playing Policeman By HENRY CLEWS, New York Banker 1 Sn nntinn uo oro rvrWIIrKrlv A sonsitivr. nl.nnf tho Arnnr,,,-. f senMtne aUOUt tilt JlOllloc doctrine, the lnclelllllto claims of which are always a source of possible international difliculty. Thc Monroe doctrine is a CLAIM np irur'ti v riTUWad AVn J ,n,n inlcrnn MANY DAAuLKOuS rOSSlBUj- indv unpopular with all nations in South America, who naturally do not relish our l'LAYINO THE r.ICr POLICEMAN without their consent. NOR DO SOME OF THE GREAT POWERS LIKE OUR STANDING IN WAY OF THEIR COLONIAL AM8ITI0NS, AS THEY BECOME ' SUCH A DEVELOPMENT IS OF ; MUCH ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE TO THE UNITED STATES. HENCE THE NECESSITY OF AN INTER THE MONROE ' PRETATION OF -VAST AND RICH TERRITORY. HOW'S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case -of Catarrh that can not be cured by HaU's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him. perfectly honorablo in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made uj Alia I ii iu. i National Bank of Commerce, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the 'system. ' Testi monials sent free.' Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family mils for constipation. NEW TODAY. HIGHEST Cash price paid for eggs. Marion Creamery .Produce i-o., Liberty and Ferry streets. SEWING MACHINES are going to be sold at once; god drop-head ma chines from $10.00 up; you will miss a big bargain if you don't come at once as they must go at once. 640 State street. . FOB SALE Hurley Davidson motor cycle. Address H. V. care Journal. WANTED Experienced housemaid. Mrs. L. S. Barnes, 1925 State street, Phono 1U05. WANTED Gills for Uodgers Paper Co. Bindery work. FOR SALE Two cows. Inquire Nob Hill grocery. Main 2251. N FOB SALE 1 Jersey eow 0 years old, calf by side; 1 yearling Jersey heifer; rubber-tired surrey two houses north of fuir grounds store. Mrs. E. Buthbun. FOB SAI.K Six-room house and lot. 50x100; $850; bargain; -135 North Twenty-third. ' FOB SALE Chenp Queen incubator, nearly new; E. N. Batty, 2105 Laurel avenue, phone 1H51-B. FOUND Umbrella on Twelfth street; owner can secure somo at 454 Ferry street by identifying same and pay ing for ad. Salem's Model Photoplay Houso . Presents TODAY AND THURSDAY Pathe's Weekly With latest events including: Paris Fashions for Women The Recent Flood In Los Angeles, Return of the New York Team from a Tour of the World, the Vandorbilt Cup Auto Races held at Santa Monica, Cal., last month, Rnlp Do Palma winning; The MooSe build the largest Sanitarium in the world at Las Vegas, N. M., for their white Plague sufferers. Seventh Sories Adventures of Kathljn Entitled "GARDUN OF BRIDES." Moro Thrilling than ever, featuring Miss Kathlyn Williams. "Winter Sports In Switzerland" A beautiful scenic of the wonderful Alps. "A, Boarding House Romance,," Edison Comedy. Miss Alice Rooney Portland's popular soprano in new gong "All Aboard for Dixie Land." 10c ''Follow the Crowd." Good Investments 10 acres of bearing prunes,$2,150. 2 acres bearing fruit, 7 room house, one mile out, $2,300; terms. Large lot and house, close in, $0000. acres bearing fruit, improved. 116,000. ' 10 acres bearing fruit, improved $3500 17 acres, close in, improved, $1000. Several good buys in berry tracts. Hop, prune and stock ranches, right prices. List your bargains and trades with us. Ve are agents for Canadian Pacific lands, $11 per acre up. j 20 years to pay. Close in hotel, 30 rooms, $1500, snap. Several good business chances and trades. We sell insurance of all kinds. Houses and furnished rooms to rent City lots, all parts of Salem. 15 acres, Bosedale. 7 acres fruit. buildings, $3,000; terms. Acme la vestment Company Fhone: Office, Main 477. Opposite Court House. " 5-10 State St Employment Bureau In Connection. C I fin V ILi j sJ Ha ur-0n OUR TIME, ENERGY-AND EFFORT ARE DEVOTED EXCLUSIVELY TO THE EYES. We kntfvv that if we relieve eyestrain, any bodily disturb ance that may be caused by such strain will be relieved also. Eyestrain relieved by properly fitted glasses. MISS A. McCULLOCH OPTOMETBIST 291 N. Commercial St. Phone 92S Hours, 9 to 5 Ground Floor ASK TOB SHURON The DR. STONE'S Heave Drops For tho cure of heaves; a liquid inediciuo given iu the toed, which tho most farfticlioun horse will not re fuse. From onu to six bottles will cure the inc.-t stubborn case. Price .l.i!0 per bottle, or 0 bot tles for $). Fcr tale by nil drug gists and at DR. STONE'S Drugstore The only cash drug store in Orogon, owes no ono, and ho ouo owes it; cur ries largo stock; its shelves, counters and show cases are loaded with drugs, medicines, notions, toilet articles, wines aud liquors of all kinds for medicinal purposes. Dr. Stone is a regular gradu ate in medicine and has had many years of experience iu the practice. Consultations are free. Prescriptions are free and only regular price for medicine. Dr. Stono can be found at his drug store, Sulcm, Oregon, from (1:10 in the morning until 8 nt night. Pice delivery to Ell parts of the city and within a radius of 100 miles. New Today ' ' Sucfishness Succes3' ' "The , Janitor" ""Trua Western Hearts" "School Days" A dandy Comedy. 1 Mutual Movies 1 KINGSLEY tc ROBERTS Tho Creole and tho Coon in Comedy Singing and Talking IfS THEATRE Coming Friday and Saturday PETER PAN, Tho most wonderful educated horse in the world. Farm Bargains 13(i-acre farm in tho heart of great prune belt, $80 per acre. Snap. 50 acres, 35 acres unuer cultivation, $0.00 per acre. Srip. l(i acres of beaver-dum land, the best iu the state; well improved; sold over $4,000 worth of onions last year; piico $11,000.00. Terms. 50 acres rich, black loam soil on tho famous Howell prairie; $115 per aero. Snap. 00 acres well improved; $9,000.00. Terms; beautiful Waldo hills. Snap. Suburban Home Cheap. Close in suburban home, 6 acres, well improved; price $2S00; terms. House Bargain. Cozy -J-room house, $100 down, balance, $10 per month; just like rent. Modern 7-Eoom House. On a paved street, $2,050.00. Terms. Snap. . Five-Boom Bungalow. A dandy 5-room bungalow, $1,000, Xear Stato street; on easy terms. Choice Lots. We havo choice vacant, lots in all parts of the city, some real' bargains. Money to Loan. We can place your money on good real estate security. . Houses for Bent. Insurance. -We write Fire, Life, Automobile, Ac cident, Liability and Surety bonds best old-line companies. - LIST YOTJB BARGAINS WITH Bechtel & Bynon '347 Stato Street." ' ..... :: - ,.;