Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 14, 1914, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    J' - -V;,1tl..-wrtM THJ5 PAJLT CAPITAL JQTJXKAL, iW 0KE60W, TUESDAY. APRIL 14. 1911. .
Our Wednesday Surprise: Sale i
' Number 686. .. . . . : . .
If a friend 'i contidecce In
snee la a ball I
the penitentiary
teim could win games
aggregation of ball tossers Could beat
The bent team in the world.
It seems
. that Walter Thompson, ono
guards at the pen and a thoroughly con
vertod fan, has bocome so wrapped up
with the prison toam that every mem
ber of the organization is either a
MatthewBon or a Ty Cobb. Mr. Thorns-
son vehemently assorts that the lads
are ball players of the first water anil
ran lick anything in spiked shoes from
Tillamook to New York.
Eight applications for literature con
cerning the city of rlnlera were re
ceived by the promotion department of
the Salem Commercial club yesterday.
These letters cam from Iowa, Mich
igan, California, Montana, and Con
necticut. Secretary Bynon said thia
morning that there la a general desire
: on the part of the people to learn more
of thia part of Oregon.
Sr. Mendelsohn fit eyea correctly, U.
8. Bank building. '
. o-
The horse business in and aroind
Balem is on tho boom at the present
time according to the number of sales
which are being made of - late. Work
horses seem to be in demand, and the
stock has never been looking better
than now. Excellent pasture and the
exceptionally careful manner in which
horse owners are looking after their
atock la largely responsible for these
conditions, . .
Visit Giisoa'i attractive new barber
shop;in Blighbuilding, State street. '
Justice of the Peace Webster has
received a communication from a col
lection agency in Springfield, Missouri,
in which it is claimed that a Springfleld
man holds a note against one H. '.
Hansen of Salem, Ore., and is unable to
locate the man. Judge Webster has
no record of any man of that name nor
does he know of any such person re
siding in this city.
Plana tuning, repairing, first-class
work. Phone HW, leave orders at U.
C. Will or R. F. Petera. J. E. Hockett.
O. O. Constable, the county frnit to
Rnni'tnr. doellired VfWterilnv thn Iia -n
having the time of his life' trying tj
keep the weeds down sufficiently on hW
farm near nere to plunt some corn. Mr.
Constable says thnt tho reeont warn
rains have caused the weeds to grow
surprisingly fant and that the pests are
very hard to get rid of.
County Clerk Max Gehlbar completed
mailing out the primary election notices
and the notices for the special road
bond election that will be held on Mav
15th. Clerk Gehlhar and his corps of ,
deputies were busy all day Saturday in !
an endeavor to got the notices out. :T
i-if teen hundred notices of each elec
tion were sent ont;
Mrs. Ada Strong, who underwent an 4
operation at the Salem hospital seversljT
days ago, is aide to sit up and takelX
noiiiiNhnient now according to her phys
ician, Dr. H. E. Clay. Mrs. Strong
boro up bravely under the serious ordeal
and is exppeeted to be about again
within a comparatively short time.
- O. P. HoS, candidate en the Republi
can ticket for -re-election- to the of
fice of labor commissioner, is confident
that he will succeed, in securing the
nomination. - He left, for Portland this
morning to look over the political bat
tle Hold in the Rose City.
, - o
-E. L. Cannon,-state secretary of the
Socialist party, has purchased a resi
dence at 113ti Fair mount avenue, and
expect to make this city hia perman
ent home. - He has his office at his
Keys duplicated. ' Hauser Bros.
. -
An action for tie collection of a
nmmiunr ant. w . t.. .., n 1 4 k . :
ruit court for Marion eounty y enter day
by O. A. Anderson against A. H. Trin
- die and William H. Trindle. - The note
war made at. Lovelaad,. Colorado, on
September 30, 1911,. for the sum of $90,
and it is alleged, that, no part is paid
except $10. .Judgment is. asked of the
Lisle Hosiery -19c
- A groat sale of Wprsen's fin hose for tomorrow eely.-. Such a ,
;, sale of high grade how doe not, ocour very.. oten.-.This lot ..
;' comprises hundreds of fine pairs of fine lisle thread, fart black
hosiery;-with a strong,- long-wearing linen heel and too, garter -top,
an excellent article for general wear. -Ton U be delighted
with the unusual vnlue-ronly. 19e a pair.. Sole opens at 8:30.
. Sea Window display. . v . ; " '
Hon. Frauk Waters, former mayor of :
Salem, came up from Portland thi !
morning. Mr. Waters has jurt returned
frntn a business trip to Oakland, and
of thtimva that, ha ia much imnreaeed with
the wonderful pomibilitiea. of Oregon a
untouched resource, citing aa a special
instance the fact that while at Oaklnud
he. saw a man buying four carloads of
sheep to bring to Marion county's s
ture lands. Mr. Watera ia of the opin
ion that the financial depression so
frequently spoken of does in reality af
fect only a few people, but others fear
ing it rsthor magnify and create un-
iluHirable conditions by conducting their
business as if they were already hit. !
Locally, be said the recent report from i
the fruit union should be a matter of
congratulation, especially as the present
year promises to eclipse that of the past
season in the matter of fruit production
Lawn Mowers repaired, oiled and put
in good condition. Hanser Bros. We
will call for and deliver. Phone M 410.
...... o
Announcement was made this morn
ing that the members of the citv Y.
W. 0. A. will meet Thur.lfty afternoon I
at 2:30 in the Carnegie library, at the short of it is, Mr. Roberta is sole
which time the board of 21 directors I owner of about 1,000 head of cattle on
will be elected. From noon until 9 p. j I,;, ranf h near Billingf. and he is look
m. the membership committee will bo I ng for a location. As he and his wife
in the auditorium, so that members ' stepped on the train for. Portland, Mr.
may sign the constitution and pay I Roberts snid:. "Just give me some of
lues. After Thursday tho membership
books will be at tho rest room on Lib-1
erty street. Anyone signing during tno'you how to raise stock."
week will be considered a charter mem-1 n
ber. It is il wired bv the women in I
charge of this work that aa many as'whom a Cecoanan operation was per-
possible attend the meeting on 'lUurs-
day. .
o I
. Pr. Harry Clay reported last night
i . i ...
mat !n. huck, wno was operated
on here recently, left the hospital yes
terday for her home in Fratuin.
Jadge William
Galloway yesterday j
granted a decree of divorce to True
Howry from Luther C. Howry on the
grounds of wilful desertion. The couple
was married at Vnionville, Iowa, Oc-
tnlwtr 127. n rhililt-en nr real I
propertv was involved. A decree of
separation was also granted to Eval
May Porter from William Hem v Porter !
- . ... .
on the grounds of cruel and inhuman
treatmeut. They were married August
IP, 1911, in Linn county, aud have no
childreu or property.
One marriage license was issued yea-
l iT ttT j
erday by tho Marion coutny c
Archie W. Schiedel, a logger of Donald,
and Bertha lone Schwadcr, ahousekeep
er, of Aurora.
Where You Always See 1
the Be$t Pictures
For three days, commencing to
day, we have selected the strong
est picture program that has ever
been seen in Salem for many a
day. The two-part special feat
ure is especially strong, and is
a vivid portrayal of the fight of
a young girl to save herself from
the lures of the white slavers.
T Drawn from life, and wonderfully
X presented with
J playing tho part of "Nance" in
tne play, which is tilled
A picture which alone ia worth
the price of admission ia a Vita-
graph and ia called
Bobby Connelly, Tefft Johnson,
Bose Tapley and Dorothy Kelly
play the Leading Parts.
1 he comedy, is also a Vitagraph filand, and Lulu Strickland, an action
A eauea : . j ; z
-ouriHi '5 BUlilMii- , ror money allege,! to e due for gwxla ; nit eonrt for Marion eountr this; monr
1 oh and. Tlor are Ut it as Wai T!old and detivere!. this mornimr file 1 inr..- He tImJ4 not.- eiiilrr to the
" MME nwnftTV '"X
The soprano who-scored an t' -
two nambers on this ' perfectly
Balanced program. .
i v George Paulas, who baa chaise of
the tar collecting for Marion county, i
yewtcr.lay turned over a total of $60,- j
191.97 to" tho various road, funds, school
districts and cities-of-thevoffnty.' Of!
this aum Salem receives-e2t.(i2. Thoi . H. Wolf, et al.,vs. A. P. Eppenstein,
next largest sums go to Silverton; et al., appellants; appealed from Mult
$rU'2.2(' and -Woodlwrn, $512.51. The! nomeh; suit - to recover money, af
total to date of the niue turn-overs, is: firmed.. - .....
$13i04.ui. .There ia about $300,000. on-1 - N. MoMUlau, npjicllant, vs.- County
hand yet to be turned over. The two Court of Tillamook county; appealed
night crews that have been employed
during; the rush have been discharged, !
an,if for tho first time since the mid ';
die of January, the tax collector did
not work on Sunday.
Many complaints were overhead y ea
ten! ii y coming from business men in re
gard to the great amount of dust and
dirt which waa picked up by the wind
and distributed in both grocery stores
and other eatablishmcnta alike. It is
said tkyit the street department is crip
pled on account of there being not
enough horses and other equipment
with which to properly sweep the thor
oughfares. Great elomls of dust and
dirt, which had been allowed to lie. on
the pavement .and. dry, were blown
helter - skelter yesterday afternoon and
proved offensive to everyone.
Lawn Mowers repaired, ollod and put
in good condition. Hanser Bros. We
will call for and deliver. Phone M 410.
Mr. and Mrs. Clair Roberts of Bill
ings, Mont., paid a short visit to ISnleiu
yesterday evening. They left for Port
land on tho night train to visit relatives
but Mr. Roberts intends to come back
Bnj visit several davs. The lone and
this land you people have cot hiving
around idle in this vsllev, and I'll show ,
Vrs. A. f! Rtaod. of TJkhom. noon I
formed last week, atetndant upon the
birth of a girl Uby, is reported to be
practicaly out of danger. Unless some
unforseen complications nrrse, it is b.
. . ......
iip-iiieved sno win soon De-out or tne nos-1
pita I. Dr.
K. E. Fisher, who performed
ion, save he is well pleased!
.',,' . m.' i
the oierat
with the results attained. The baby
was taken to Elkhorn Sunday.
Bee the beautiful feature dances at
the Children's Carnival next Friday
night. .
Sf the fine selection of ratines,
crepe, etc., for high class suits tailored
'"r individual preference, at a
A- .......... t U T. -.
price to meet you purse. A. 8. Kax
marek, Indies' tailor, 2-3 Brewer build
. .The Almeda consolidated Mining com
lany. which has been hnvinir trouble
eiiotiKh. for a whole family of mining
n court at Grants Pavs
recently to settlo a dispute as to the re
moval of tho receiver. Somo of th
stockholders wanted this done, but th-
majoruy oujwiw, an.i me judge tie-,
cided they, should control and so re
fused to discharge the receiver. Many
Salem people were tt one time inter
iwted in this miue, and somo are prob
ably still so interested.
At Cove few nays ago a rod ana j At Boston Washington- and Boston,
gun club was orgaUxed, and it wa National.
unanimously voted to name it the" Fern At Brooklvn Boston and Brooklvn.
Hobbs" club. Miss Hobbs has been At St. Louis Fittsburg and St,
notified of the honor and also that the ; Louia.
freedom of the same and all that, is, At Philadelphia New York and
hers to commaud. ! Philadelphia.
r-o 'Federal.
Tom Thumb wedding, Grand Opera i At Tittsburg Brooklyn : and Pitts
house, Friday night, prices 75c, 50c, 25c. . burg.
o . . Coast.
Reserved seat sale for Tom Thumb At San Francisco Los Angeles and
redding opens Friday morning, at 9 ; San Francieco.
'clock, Grand Opera house. ! At Portlands-Oakland and Portland,
o I At Los Anceles Sacramento anS
a iiuiuiauuii vuaiucKi wu auue or.
Sn'cni restaurants today, as many eoun-1
try people who came to attend the
circus an dha.l provided themselves
with a eold lunch concluded tn natron-
Iz the dispensers of warm food, when
me snowers drove, tnem rrom the
sirceis. . ,- t . f 1
i uwenaant i.um Btnetuw ..in tke
t.case cf J. F. Day and G. A. Iay as the
IiSunst Orcx-ery airaint W. H. Striek-irant
; in we circuit court 'or Marion county
n ' waif she denies the allu
it"on "nsd ' the convjdajut because
t'r f"'r ot h! s demands.
I th scion be dismissed, j
l 0rrt ffraning. weather Utely.
mm wmiim m mt
An even dozen opinioni were' hand
ed down by the supreme court this
morning. Outside of a mandamus pro
ceeding against Insurance Conimimon
er Ferguson, they were all of a private
i)brSA-ter and of no general public in
terest. ' The mandamus suit referred to
was an original writ issued by the su
premo court,, commanding ' Insurance
Commissioner Ferguson to either issue
a certificate of authority to do bnei'
neM, or show cause why he did not do
so. .
"We cannot reasonably infer,"-seys
the court, "that the legislature left or
intended to leave anything to the dis
cretion of the insurance commissioner
in thia matter. On the other hand, it
seems the legislature has described ev
ery step to be takeu by, or demanded
of the applicant to eutitle it to a cer
tificate of authority."
The other opinions follow:
America Ann Catherine Leonard, et
el.,, vs. John P. Leonard, et al., appel
lants;, appealed from Multnomah; suit
to partition' real eetate, .reversed. '
William Kuckeaberg vs.- Wilma W.
Dnrkee, et al., .appellants; appealed
from Multnomah; suit to cancel eon
tract for sale of real estate, a firmed.
. . Albert .. Kern, appellant, vs. Fran
I cis Feller; appealed from Multnomah
an action to recover mouey, affirmed.
Ueorge a.. Tate, appellant, v North
Pacific college: appealed from Multno
mah; suit in equity for decree requir-,
ing . the. defendant .to issue to the plain-
tiff a diploma: affirmed.
trom Tillamook county; involving lo-
cation of cunt.y rod, reversed,
Alliertina H. Rugenstein vi
vs. J. Hen-
ty Ottenheimwr, apcpllant; Appealed
frm Multnomah; suit for damages for
personal injuries, reversed.
v Mat vs. J. Jensen, appellant; ap
pealed from Multnomah; convicted of
a statutory offense against a 4-year-old
girl, reversed.
R. E, Thurman, et al., vs. City of St.
Johns, et ah; appellants; appealed from
Multnomah-, suit' to quiet title to prop
erty, affirmed. -
L. A- Williams, et al.,' vs. A. O. Rob
erts, appellant; appealed from Marion;
petition for rehearing denied.
- rtrlotta A. O'Connor, appellant, vs.
Mary Towey.e ,et al.; appealed from
Multnomah; motion to' dismiss appeal
denied. .
(Continued from page 1.)
agers, Hank O'lJoy at Chicago; Herzog
at Cincinnati and Wilbert Robinson at
In the American league the Maekian
forces were expected to again lead the
procession but Manager Griffith of the
Washingtsn . club - asserted his team
would hnvo to be reckoned with. He
declared he had picked, up several
pitching marvels and expected these to
! v "aXv .. r Z V V , v
i aid Walter Johnson in twirling the elub
. mi n-L'. u -i t..j
to a pennant. The White Sox, if Ed
! . , . a , . . a , . .,,
Walsh hns rdtfndcd into form, will
l'"' ' "S11""11' '
' ,T 6""
j horlA,n'H.,,s nluc l'"01''-
L w "PnH
Baltimore yesterday before 30,000 P" -
I annit. flirt Inrcrent ernwrl thnr iivnr wit-
ncssed a game in tho Maryland metropo-
' v,nl-v "j10 ,W8S BCJhd"'ed 10
the Federal league today and that was
to be played at Pittsburg, where the
Pittsburg Stogies will slash with the
prooi.y. ii.p lypa. vammrx ami uerry,
iKt i v, i.-i u ,!
iniauui w.w
Owens were scheduled to work for
Brooklvn -
Ideal weather also prevailed at Chi-
cago, whero the Cleveland Naps wero
tobofen with the White Sox. Charles
prnt elnh vtnA fnnnoep .TnA Tinlrr
j c. .
bought reserved seats for the game. Judge A. S. Bennett, democratic can
Tinker and his club will leave after didate for the nomination for governor,
this afternoon 's game for Kansas City '08 in the city for a short time this
to open the Federal league season there, morning and left for Albany at noon.
Tho Pirates and Cardinals were ache-
duled to open tho National league sea
son in St. Louis this afternoon. The
fans, however, were manifesting little
interest in tho' affair.
The foi0winir eamea are scheduled
today: . . .
At Chicago Cleveland and Chicago.
At New York Philadelphia and New
At Detroit Rt. T.nuin and Detroit
Venice. .
.. i r- .-
:' Anticipating a continuance of the
. warm weather that prevailed last month
i thm nvnr nf mAnv floolcs tf nhwn and
ffoats sheared a few davs aim. and. are
; now fearing some toss if the rains .ton -
M. W. Northnn, arrested Sunday by I
j Sheriff Wililam Esch on a. bench war -
rharirinir him with criminal as -
' seult upon RettaBnrree, committed An -
gust 20, 1913, as arraigned in the eir-
; eharge. --His hiiV .was fix4 ' at $lS0.i
H did not furnidh any bondsmen sndi
; - :V ' .
t Robert Savage
.up m
retmtl to X- A.
I vorraiiis-yrsieruav 4i-r uruiimif
taster with his parents in this eity. -
New York, April U.--Diatriet Attor
ney Whitman expressed the opinion to
day that the statement "Dago" Frank
Cirofici made just before his electro
cution in Hin Sing prison Monday will
aid materially in re convicting Poliee
Lientenant'Beeker at hia coming sec
ond trial on. tho eharge of instigating
the murder of Herman Rosenthal, the
gambler... .....
"It waa ttue, of course," Whitman
remarked, "that Ci'ofiei said r 'So far
aa i Know ticcaer, una notmng to do
with this ease.'" But he pointed out
that circumstantially, the dying gun
man's statement contradicts no essent
part of "Bridgie" Webber's and
Harry Vallon 'a stories on tho witness
stand at Becker's first trial and that it
positively confirms "Jack" Bose'a ver
sion. The district attorney added that he
did not intend to-art against Vallon,
despite Cirofici 'a statement that he
"had been told" he was oho of the
men who shot Rosenthal. Ho consid
ered the assertion entirely too vague
to warrant an arrest Whitman's per
sonal opinion, in view 'of Cirofici '
story, ho said, wns that "Gyp the
Blood" Horowita and "Lefty Louie"
Roseherg did the actual killing.
Whitman was cxpeeted to move to
morrow for the setting of Becker's sec
ond trial for May 4.
Beeker himself, would not diseuse the
gunmen's electrocution. lie said he
was too busy going through the
deneo in his case in search -of o
thing that might help him when it
cornea up for retrial.
It seemed likely today that Becker's
lawyer, Joseph Shay, would withdraw
from the, case. . He had an jnterviow
with his client in the Tombs yesterday
and afterward said that "certain
things have occurred which are not to
my liking."
Personal Mention
Labor Commissioner Hopf is in Port
land on business. -,
E. G. Given, of Silvcrton, is regis
tered at the Bligh.
George Hibbard, of Silverton, was a
Salem visitor yesterday.
W. E. Kurtz, of Dallas, was in the
city yesterday on business.
. Mrs. Ray Perkins and little son are
up from Quinaliy for the day.
Harold Nygcnt has returned to his
home at Newport, after a business trip
to this city.
Clyde R. Seitz, one of Oregon 's forest
supervisors, was in tho city yesterday
on business. v
C. D. Babcock is in Baker on busi
ness connected , with the state indus
trial and accident commission, of which
he is a member.
E. C. Roberts, of Monroe, has been in
Salem on a brief visit to his family
who are located here.
Mrs. Mark E. Elliott went to Port
land yesterday for week's visit with
her sister, Mrs. F. I'. Short.
The attorney-general this morning
told D. T. Harding, recorder of New
port, that ' a peddler bringing goods
into a community after the first' of
into a community after
, .,.,, ., ,
March, must report the
' ...,..'. ,, iX.;t :.;.
assessor ana that officii
same to the
cial must then
assess it. A penalty is provided by law
for failure to make sueh report to tho
assessor. Another opinion was given
out to the effect that Chapter 170 of
1 provides that correspondence schools
: 1 . . . . ' .
raust nave a residence Bchool some
place. Similar provisions- in other
states' laws have been declared uncon
stitutional by tho United States su
preme conrt.
Governor West arrived home from
Denver this morning, and has been busy
Udeahng up accumulated business. He
I .,. ... . '
will tnortly have something in the way
. . v i-
, ,, f ,, j. ,. .
?"foJk.,1 Tl .e!Icc,aI1y rtose hviD
ase a trip irom mere to
Klamath eounty, and incidentally visit
other sections of the southern Oregon.
Two-Reel Keystone Comely
Eighth Reel of Series
Lovelanl Brothers
Special Musical Act. .
Any Seat, 15c
1 f
1 Free Souvenirs Tonight y RX FO P H
Handsome Portrait of Mr. Steve Burton to every lady
The ;Rex Players
i.-t " -vr- In. Daniel Sully's Greatest success . , ,
We PaTrish Priest
roua keels or selected licensed pictttbes TONIGHT
ONLY ..."
; t
' I
! ft
j 7
T .T
4 .
HIGHEST Cash' priee paid for eggs.
Marion Creamery Produce Co.,
Liberty and Ferry streets.
SEWING MACHINES are going t be
sold at once; ga arop-nesa m-
ehines from 4)10.00 up; you will miss
a big bargain if you don't come at
ones aa rney mast go bi once.
State street.
FOR SALE Harley Davidson motor
cycle. Address H. D. care Journal.
W A N T B D Experienced housemaid.
Mrs. L. 8. Barnes, 192S State street,
Phone 1605.
WANTED Middle aged housekeeper.
Phone Farmers 495. '
LOST Auto erank. Finder phone 1477.
A. N. Skaife. -
FOR RENT One furnished and one
unfurnished room. Steusloff build
ing. Enquire at market.
FOR SALE Cheap; good single buggy,
auto scat, and harness; phone 1153.
WANTED Girls for - Bindery work.
Rodgers Paper Co.
the homestead law, May 9 unti
7, 1914, inclusive; correct list.
gethcr ith a map of tho state
other information desirable . for
settler ean be obtained for 1. Will
also furnish blue prints of any of the
townships for 50 cents each. Do not
do any locating. .Matt Clark, 528 520
Railway Exchange . building, . Port
land, Or.
This will inform my Republican
friends and supporters that I am a can
didate for re-nomination to the office
the justico of the peace for the Salem
district at the primary election of May
15, 1914.
Salem's Model Photoplay House
With latest events, including tho
Paris fashions, also the recent
Vandcrbilt cup auto races ncld at .
Santa Monica, Cal.
Seventh Series
Adventures of Kathlyn
More thrilling than ever, featur
ing. Selig's most popular nctress,
Miss Kathlyn Williams.
. Also
Special engagement of
In latest rag song,
'All Aboard for Dixie Land.'
Home of Best Pictures and Music
10 acres of bearing prunoslSO.
2 acres bearing fruit, 7 room house,
one mile out, $2,300; terms.
Large lot and bouse, close in, $C00O.
26 acres bearing fruit, improved,
10 acres bearing fruit, improved $3500
17 acres, close in, improved, $1000.
' Several good buys in berry tracts. .
Hop, prune and stock ranches, right
List your bargains and trades with
us. -
We are agents for Canadian
Pacific lands, $11 per acre up,
20 years to pay.
Close in hotel, 30 rooms, $1500, snap.
Several good business chancel
and trades.
We sell insurance of all kinds.
Houses and furnished rooms to rent.
City lots, all parts of Salem.
15 acres, Rosedale, 7 acres fruit.
buildings, $3,000; terms.
Acme Investment Company
Phone: Office, Main 477.
Onoosite Conrt ITohml K4H St, st
, V-i
I Muiyvuivuh U1WU IU VUUHBCQU1L -
Having decided to movo to
. Washington, -1 will sell to the
L highest bidder at the second
, houso north or tno tuir grounds
store all of my household goods,
-r i
farm implements, 1 Jersey cow, . I
; calf by aide, 1 ncifcr, chicKens, i
rubber tiro surrey and other arti
cles too numcrons to mention.
Terms Cash.
Mrs. E. Eathhun, Proprietor,
H. E. Voorhies, Auctioneer.
Lnuer , .... ..: ......
glFarm Bargains
. 136-acre fnrm in the heurt of greet
prune belt, $80 per acre: Snap.
- 50 acres, 35 acres under cultivation,
$SO.00 per nere. Scnp.
, lfl acres of beaver-dam land, the bent
in tho state; well improved; sold over
$,000 worth of onions last year; prieo
$11,000.00. Terms. ,
50 acres rich, black loom soil ori tho
famous Howell prairio; $115 per acre.
Snap. ; , '
; 00 iicres well improved ; $9,000.fl0.
Terms; beautitul Waldo hills. Snap.
Suburban Home Cheap.
..Closo.in suburban home, 7',-j acres,
well improved; price $3,000. Terms.
House Bargain.
Cozy . 4-rooin house, $100 down,
balance, $10 per month; just liko rent.
Modern 7-Roora Houso.
On a paved street, $2,050.00. TeV y
Snap. '
Five-Room Bungalow.
A dandy 5-room bungalow, '61,600,
Near Stato street; on easy terms.
Choice Lots.
We have choice vacant lots in nil
parts of the city, somo real bargains.
Money to Loan.
Wo can place your money on good
real estnto security.
' Houses for Rent.
Insurance. - -
: We write Fire, Life, Automobile, Ac
cident, Liability arid Surety bonds
best old-line companies.
Bechtel & Bynon
347 State Street.
j 1 1 ""
Good Buys in
Real Estate
; ; j 10 acres, all in bearing fruit, apples,
,,J pears, loganberries, prunes, and some
j cherries, all in full bearing; fair build-
injr, noiise, Darn, apple cellar, and
other outbuildings; macadam road, just
three miles from Salem, price $5,000.00
li cash, balance to uit.
25 acres of "good land all under cul
tivation, good house and barn and other
outbuildings; family orchard; this
would make a good dairy or fruit
ranch; macadam rond, tour miles troi.i
TSalem; price $5,000.00. One-half cash,
balance thrco years, 0 per cent interest.
Three-aero suburban homo tract, now
5-room cottage, good well, woodshed,
barn, chicken house, somo fruit, just
outside of the city limits, and three
blocks from stree car line. Price
$2,050.00. - One-hulf cash, balance i
per cent interest.
New 5-room modern bungalow, full
cement basement, street improvement
raid; lot. size 50x100 feet; -, block to
cnrline; this is a very good buy. Price
- 10 ceres of good land all under cul
tivation, small llOUSO and burn ehielten
I house, well; Vi acre in loganberries and
j Vi nero in strawtiernes,..somo young'
fruit trees set two vears niro. trnod ronil.
sightly location; this is a good buv;
just 3Vi miles from Salem; priee $2,300.
$S50 cash, bnlanco 2 years, 0 per cent
152-acre farm, 80 acres under culti
vation, bnlanco ia 'good timber and
pasture, fair house and barn, family
orchard, running water fine spring,
Price $05 per acre.
I I'ivp acres all under cultivation,
i 'Bn,i' '',"!t fonr milcs south of Salem;
! V? $1,500.00. $250 cash, balance
-uv lxr car-
Acre traets just outside of the eity
limits, all in orchard just coming into
bearing, good locution; price $S00.00
per acre, $U0 cash, balance $5.00 per
month, interest 6 per cent. "
i I If you want to Buy, Trade or Sell,
1 1 see us.
jW. H. Grabenhorst
1l and Co.
J ; Boom 2 Bush Bank Bldg. Phone 2315.