VMV, T.TOHT THE DAILY CAPITAL JOTTKNAL, SALEM. OH.E0OW. SATURDAY, APBIL 11, 1914. SLEUTH KAY IS QUITTER SHERLOCK HOLME8 DP.OP3 OUT Or THE TKEA8UEEBB BACE BY FAILINO TO FILE. Secretary Oloott kjrf t'.i office force at work until midnight Inst night cleaning up the grist of it it ions, t'u t tluit hour tlia ti'lc.lii)ni) wires be t.veeu hnlem nnd Portland wire kept hot by candidates inquiring about "my petition. " Kven otter the secretary g't home he km called up by the irnntic one, who having a month or two to get their work dune put it off until the Inst day in tho evening. There 'Were only 10 who tajlej to get their petitions perfected ami most of these dropped out Intentionally. Tom Kay, the HherlocK holmes, failed to file his petition and this leaves Thomai B. Kay with no opponent of any party. Alfred I-. Pankhurst, James E. Ap pleby, Edward 1). I'hlrich; George A. Johnston and H. J. (Silverman, all re publican candidates for the lower house of the legislature from Multnomuk County, failed to file W. L. Kobb, candidate for national If you want Quality and a lani- - tary, clean loaf of bread, wrap- '. ped In the finest waxed paper ; ; before leaving the shop, ask for 4 I Salem Royal Bakery j BREAD And If your grocer does not keep T j It, let us know or call us up and J I we will gladly deliver to you di rect. I Goldsmith & Theuer X No. 40 South Commercial St. Balem, Oregon. Thone 873 eomm tteemnn and a republican, i out of tli raee. R. E. Bawl, republican candic lite for joint representative from Clackamas and Multnomah fell down. John (Merman, democrat from Coos county, and candidate for congress, drew put, and Fred E. Harrison, uemo ernt, inmlidate for rcprcsentntive from I.inn :ounty, will stay out of the race. '' DEATH NOTICES. GILE. Mrs. John Oile, who with her hus band has been spending the winter in Salem at tho home of her ueiee, Mrs. K. (!le at 53J North Winter street, died this morning following a stroke of paralysis of a mouth a 140. I'M dfeeased was about 70 years oli) ai'l, with Mr. liile, came to talem from Hmit h 'a Kails, Ontario, last Sep. tK'mbtjr to remain during tho winter. Mrs. Oile has heeu in ill, health for some' time and tho stroke of paralysis she received a few weeks ago proved too gtrat for her physical condition to withstand. Th. deceased was tin aunt of II. S. Oile. The funeral will be held from the home' of Mrs. R. Oile next Monday morning at 10 o'clock and the remains wtill j be laid to rest in City View Cemetery. OILE. News was received here last night to the effect that Mrs. II. S. Oile, wife of the well known local commission merchant who left some time ago after the marriage ceremony hail been per formed in Victoria, B. C, for a trip; abroad with his bride, has died in 1 Aecaithon, iraiico. .Mr. Oile married ! Miss TO E Margaret Clark, formerly of Suleuj, and left immediately for for eign I lands. Tuberculosis is stud to have caused Mrs. Oile s death. Yoa can build up an Industry In ! Snleirj by using Eppley's " Perfection " ; brand of buking powder. Ask your grocer for it. ! You can build up an Industry In Salem by using Kpplcy'a "Perfection" branuj of buking powder. Ask your grocer for it. j O Attorney William P. Lord, candidate for attorney general, is in Dallas trfday ' on business. TO BE PALACE....24Pt Hd The "Gray-BeHe,7 . Salem's . New Confectionery Will Open Next Monday Morn ing. Neat little eslrds have gone forth bearing the announcement of the open ing of the new confectionery, "The Gray Belle' which is to take place next Monday, April 13, when Oeorge W. Gray and Claude 8. Belie, the popular proprietors of the place will keep open house and welcome the pub lic to their new home. "The Oray Belle" is to be a verit ablo palace of sweets, where every thing this is delieable in reforsli mcnts will bo served in the most fastidious manner. The location is at 410 State street, and for weeks time, money, taste and skill have been spent with a lavish band to transform it into a minature dreamland of de light. The furnishings of "The Gray Belle" have been especially designed for it and will be rich in the extreme. The decorations are beautiful and uniquely suggestive of the name that has been chosen. The very latest ideas and inventions in equipment and ma chinery that will contribute to tho excellence of the service and the quality of the dainty wares of "The Gray Hello" havo been installed. Both Mr. Gray and Mr. Hello have hail long experience in the manage ments of high class confectioneries and they propose to make "The Gray Bcllo'' without a superior in Oregon. . ... t 1 FRANK WARD ENJOYS . GREAT SUCCESS WITH HIS NEW DRUG STORE W. 8. Low & Co., real estate operat ors, hnvo moved from their office in the Masonic tcmplo to a ground floor loention at 3a!) State street, where they are closer to the passing throngs. They aro now busy remodeling .tho in terior of the building and will soon have a well-arranged office especially adapted to their business. 0 J. L. Burton, of Lebanon, has been in the city for several days on busi-nee. BISHOP'S READY TAILORED CLOTHES $15 to $30. for twenty-five years have kept the leading place among lSalem men who are particular about dress, due to the large assortment we show, the cor- rect styles, and the htgh QUALITY Prices: 23 lb. box Italian Prunes 73c targe can new pack little neck I clams : 13c j Good seasoning bacon .... 14? j Ucst sugar cured hams, lb 20i ; Best sugar cured pick nick 14c j Best sugar cured backs, lb 20 ! 1 Best streaked heavy bacon, lb 20; j Dalles Patent (best flour) ....$1.33 Perfection ... $1.15 4 cans .Mangold milk Hoc j 4 pkg. Ann & Hammer soda 25c No. 10 Back Corn Meal 30c I No. 10 Hack Buckwheat 45c 3 cans String Beans 23c Best Creamery Butter 30c Try our 30e Coffee it's a hummer. 1 gal. extra choice peaches 35c 1 gal. extra choice apples . 30c 1 gal. extra choice pears ..... 33c 2 pkgs. fresh raisins 15c 1 pkg. fresh currants 10c 1 tart fi" tomatoes 2oc 3 cans tine tt.:3 . .r 25 1 can extra fine pineappi' - oe 5 cans Clearbrook peaches 50e 2 cans Clearbrook apricots 25c 2 cans Early June peas 25c 2 cans Libby sauerkraut 25e 2 cans prepared hominy 25c 5 cans Atlantic clams (very best) 50c 3 cans large fat oysters 25c 3 cans pink salmon ... 25c 2 cans Columbia river red salmon ....25c 1 can nice asparagus 15c Keg Pickles 90c 3 lb dried peaches 25c 5 lbs. choice dried nines. 25c Ms gal- choice symp 25c No. 10 pure la'rd - l-40 No. 5 pure lard 75c No. 5 Compound C5e Columbia oats .. 30c Columbia wheat 30c 5 lb. box niaccaroni 30e 3 pkgs. Poet Tosties. 25c 2 pkgs Krinkle Corn Flakes 15c 6 bars Royal White Soap 25c 6 bars Morris Best 25c 10 bars Elk Savon soap 25c lOOJh sack molasses alfclfa meal $1.25 100 lb. sack plain alfalfa meal $1.15 Sack bran 75c Sack shorts - .$1.15 Best rolled oats, sack 80c Land Plaster by the sack or ton. I carry a full lino of groceries and feed. Bring this ad with you. ' B. N. MORRIS, Corner Morris Avenue and Fairground Road. Phone Main 1407. AN EASTER REUNION IGH In the church, amphithea ter hung the choir loft, nnd at Its rail that bright Enster morning stood .the church luartet. The organ pealed forth the strains )f the opening nnthem one of thosa II vino compositions of Moxurt which iinke tho pulse of the righteous beat more quickly und cause the ungodly to ;blnk anew and after It had been sung the singers took tbelr seats, separat ing, the two higher voices to the right, lue two lower to the left sldo of the irgnu. 1 1 err Stelubuch, the organist, retired behind the organ, druwlug from bis pocket as be did 80 a copy of a Sun lay uewspnper. lie was musical editor of the sheet sud hastily scanned Its pages for an article, "The Decline of tho Fugue," which he bad written the Friday pre vious tolllug far Into the night that It might bo concluded In time for the Is sue of Sunday. The pastor began his Easter "Sermon, but the singers paid small beed; each was busy with his or her own thoughts. In the eyes of Mateel Stuart, the con tralto, came a faraway look as she sut beside her giant husband, the basso. She was thinking that but three short years before she bud gone from that church a bride, leaning proudly upon his arm. And now? Yes, she was linppy, she reasoned, though her stalwart husband had, unconsciously perhaps, dropped. of the fabrics. We have our own tailors to look after the fit. s Our stock of Shoes,, flats ..and Men's Furnishings are in keeping with these popular clothes. We also carry men's (dnd ladies") trunks, bags, and suit cases. ;The famous 'Pendleton Indian Robes" in our stock are the best made. "Highest quality" is our watch word. Come to the Cherringo April 24-25. Salem Woolen Mills Store See our Hat Advertisement." J3 mm lip Twins OIEL PROM THI3 8ECTIOM IS ACCUSED OF FRAUD. Modford, Or., April 11. Miss Nellie Mclntyre is In the county jail, having been bound over to the grand jury for passing bogus checks on tho First Na tional bank of Ashland. She presented sight drafts on her own account with the Hartman & Thompson bank in Port land, where it turned nut that she had no money. The drafts amounted to $25 and were presented on March 31 and April 2. She' was arrested at Grants Pass last Saturday. She was said to bo from Independence, Or., wher it is claimed she has well-to-do relatives. 8ho has brothers living near near Salem and a brother and sister in Atlantn, Ga., They failed to come to her resoue. Mrs. Homer Alle.nan of Woodburn recent ly entertained the Misses Mary Phillip and Ivan Miller of Salem. . eel tired drink a cup of Refreshing, invigorating and delicious ' Cua. n 11 M ii 11 11 11 11 El II ti ts . fa n n 11 11 11 11 1 1 11 11 1 1 Electric Lamps REDUCED fill 1111 Ml "Nothing succeeds like success.' This fact has been amply demonstrate! in the success which has attended the purchase by Frank U Ward of the drug store on State street, formerly owned by J. C. Perry. Mr. Ward had many friends in the city when he purchased the Perry drug store about two montl:i ago. He bad been secretary of tbf Klks' lodge, and this fact in connection with his wide acquaintance owing to the many years he was previously in the drug business in Salem gave Mr. Warl an excellent start. Br. Ward has held responsible positions with soma of tho foremost drug firms in this city, and he was at all times re garded as a most valuable and com petent employee. Ho has been a prac tical druggist for fourteen years, anl he has at all times been alive to all things modern or progressive in the drug storo line. Mr. Ward is a native Oregonian anil a graduate of the de partmcnt of pharmacy of the O. A. C. Governor West was quick to recog nize Mr. Ward's ability and appoiuteJ him a member of the State Board of Pharmacy, which position he has filled with much credit. The Ward drug atom presents a very neat appearance, Mr. Ward having made a number of im provements since he purchased th? place. The line of goods carried is most complete. Besides a full line of patent medicines, Mr. Ward has a nice line of stationery, candy and many other things not carried by only thr most modern of drug stores. Mr. Ward makes a specialty of prescriptions, and his free delivery of all orders has al ready mado his drug store most popu lar. On account of his location, his low rout, 'and because he does his ow.1 work Mr. Ward has been enabled to sell for less, and this fact has already been appreciated by all who have traded at his store and has aided ma terially in securing the largo patron age which his drug store enjoys. You can build up an Industry In Salem by using Epplcy's "Perfection" brand of baking powder. Ask your grocer for it. YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN GET THEIR START in life hundreds of times, through utilizing THE WANT COLUMNS OF THIS PAPER. BANISH SCROFULA Hood's Sarsaparilla Cleanses tha : Dlocd, Skin Troubles Vanish. Scrofula eruptions on the face and body are both annoyiug and . disfiguring:. The complexion would bo perfect if they were not present t This disease shows itself in other ways, as bunches in the neck, in flamed eyelids, sore ears, wasting of. the muscles, a form of dyspepsia, nnd general debility. "', Ask your druggist for Flood's Sarsaparilla'. This great medicine completely eradicates scrofula. It purifies and enriches the blood, re moves humors, aud builds up tho whole system. Scrofula is either inherited or ac quired. Better be sure yoa. are quite free from it. Get Hood's Sar" saparilla and begin taking it today. BUILDING PERMITS ISSUED BY RECORDER DURING WEES. The following building permits were Issued by the city recorder this week: J. R. Boyles, a two-story dwelling at 478 North Cottage street, price $3,500. B. Brothers, a one-story building at 1115 Twenty-second street, price $l,u'00. A. L. 8camster, a one-story' frame dwelling at 1010 Matteson street, price 1,200. O. J. Wilbut, a one-story residence at 1770 High street, price 500. Guy O. Smith, a one-story frame dwelling on North Church street, price (1,500. HOW'S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by HaU's Catarrh Cure. P. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 yenrs, and believe him perfectly honorablo in all business - transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. National Bank of Commerce, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of tho system. Testi monials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take HaU's Family Pills for constipation. t btUtttttUttUitttiitttitiiitttttttttti We are now selling Mazda Lamps at the following prices: 25 Watt - Old Price $ .35 40 Watt 60 Watt 100 Watt 150 Watt 250 Watt Old Price Old Price Old Price Old Price Old Price .35 .45 .80 1.20 2.00 New Price $ .30 New Price .30 New Price .40 New Price .70 New Price 1.10 New Price 1.80 Call at our G. u office and find out the saving by using E. EDISON MAZDA LAMPS THE ELEC TR I C C. o M p a m v Main 85 IK THE EYES OF THB OONTHAIiTO A BBIOHT LOVK I.1UHT BLKMBD. those little courtesies and attentions which usually play so delightful a port In newly wedded life. Not that Stunrt wns discontented, but his lack of appreciation of the con tralto was caused by a lack of thought, no doubt. Manlike, be was Hellish, though It must be said of Urn that he hod always proved what Is known as a "good husband," In the commonly ac cepted meaning of the term. For the first time In months Stuart thought that perhaps he did not place a sufficiently high value upon his wife when his attention wns attracted to the other side of the choir loft. Some thing unusual was going on there ap parently. John Crayton and Marian Griffin were seated together, and the soprano was so Interested In what Craytou was saying to her that she failed to note the gaze of the basso. Marian had known Crayton for a number of years, but had never looked upon him as a suitor. : And now as she felt his breath upon her cheek, beard bis earnest words, his appeal for a reply, sbe could only cast down her eyes until their long black lashes seemed to throw a shade over her face. The tenor seized her hand at the con clusion of his passionate entreaty and was rewarded by a slight a very slight pressure, which told him that he had not pleaded In vain. ' Then It was that Stuart placed bis great hand upon his wife's arm and, leaning toward her, whispered gently: "My darling. I realize now that 1 have been neglecting you, but I bav not meant to do so; It was ouly that I didn't think." In the eyes of the contralto a bright lore light burned, and she patted the band of the big basso with a loving touch. The dronlug of the minister suddenly ceased, and the rustling of the peopl? 'below as they turned In the pews told that the sermon was at an end. t The closing . hymn - waa announced, and when It was finished the singer walked from the orgau loft .arm In arm. while Herr Stelnbuch exclaimed petulantly: "Donnerwetter! The singers seem to be golug to the dogs. That last hymn was given atrociously!" But then perhaps Ilerr Stelnbuch was annoyed because he had been un able to find "The Decline of the Fugue" lu his Sunday newspaper. Vlrgiula Harned In Philadelphia Press. ft r - - v fa that everybody is wearing for Enster. Some new Satin Pumps from $2.50 up. Tan and White Oxfords and Mary Jane Pumps. Come and see us. Ve can please you. :i Jacob Vogt MIIIHHIH))IM)lllll)HimilMllllllltHltt FREE- ONE DOLLAR IN CASH Will be paid to every housewife who can tell us of a new use for "ISH-KA-BIBBLE." We are continually finding new uses to which "ISH-KA-BIBBLE" may be put. We know "ISH-KA-BIBBLE" to be unexcelled for cleaning all manner of stains, dirt and grease spots from all manner of fabrics for taking out rust and ink from your linens as well as from your carpets for cleaning the most delicate of fabrics Buch as laces, silks and satins absolutely without injury to either goods or color for removing the grease which is baked on your gas plate or kitchen ware and for many other purposes. We know it to be perfectly harmless, even to tho skin and the hair. THIS IS A BONA FIDE OFFER AH you must do is to eut this ad. out, show it to your grocer, and purchase a can of "ISH-KA-BIBBLE" end us the sales slip, signed by your gToeer, together with a letter telling us how you have used "ISH-KA-BIBBLE." ONE DOLLAR IN CASH WILL BE PAID. For each NEW purpose we find "ISH-KA-BIBBLE" has been used This offer expires April 20, 19H. Liv. and Enjoy Eaatar. Easter, glad feast of life, belongs nly to those who are alive lu soul and heart and mind. Hearts burled In graves have but little share lu Its ree- urrectlng thrill. IS&KA-BIBBLE FABRIC RENOVATOR Makes the dirt fly MADS IN OREGON BT . Geo. E. Wightman Co. Oregea't Leading specialists In Sanitation. 90 Hereatt . Portland, Oregon. . rkoae Main 8534. ZSSnZ3CZZ!:r!"r"-""-- MMMlMIMIMMMMMMMiMM SaiilH