Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 11, 1914, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    fAOB TWO r, .. .,, THB DAILY CAPI TAT. JOUBWAL, B A I.EM. PRFOOW. SATURDAY, APRIL 11 1914. " ' I " r " rr ' ""
i . mm mmdmmmmmK wm mi mi
Many Salem Mercantile Bonaea Arc
Now Doing Business In New PUCM,
ha Which Axe K?m?4eled.
Tinal Work Is Being Done on Practic
ally New Structure on Corner of
State and Commercial.
The stage settings for tlio big spring
trail, looked forward to by local biwi
nesa meu this year, are about all com
pleted now and pntne of the finest
mercantile homes in the country have
been cither remodeled or rebuilt com
pletely. The business movement taking place
here slore lent November, can be sum
me up as follows: Zinn Confectionery
company, from tlio Cross building on
Htate street to the Huchnor building on
South Commercial; The Capital Journal
1'ublishing Co., from the building on
the corner of Kerry and Commercial to
the Thomas Burrows building threo
doors south of the I.add & Bush, bank;
the Gray Belle Confectionery compnny,
now in newly remodeled quarters in the
Cros buiMing on Htate street; Mosher,
the tailor, from the Opera House block
to the room east of 1'atton's book
store on Htnto street; Roberts, grocery
man, from quarters on Court to Opera
House block; New England Restaurant
from room In Hamilton building to old
Board of Trade rooms; California
Bakery to new building recently erect
ed next to old staud on Court street;
Ilibler k Smith, barbers, from Hotel
Marion to remodeled quarters west of
Western Union Telegraph office on
State street; Al. (lardnder, jvwclpr,
now in remodeled quarters formerly oc
cupied by tho Johnson renlty firm next
to The Spa confectionery; The John
eon Henlty Co., to new quarters west of
Postal Telegraph company's office on
State street; Will 1J, Gilsnn from the
Fatton building 1o quarters formerly
occupied by Frank Collins' snloon in
the fillgh building on State; the In
dependent Afoot Market from Kerry
treet to building formerly occupied by
Swartx ft James, snlooninen, on (South
Commercial street; Walter L. Toor.e, re
moved from Hotel Marion billinnl hall
to George N. l'attcrson'a building next
to White House restaurant; Dr. Hurry
E. Clav, from offices now occupied by
Dr. Oillls to separnte offices across the
hall east In the Hush bank building;
Scotch Woolen Mill store, from old
loom to building formerly occupied by
the Court suluou on Statu street.
. Improvements Proceeding.
Tho improvement rush in Snuem hns
not started on any decline ns yet do
pito the fact that the Inst five months
havo-sccn a great amount of activity
along this line.
Tho White House restaurant is mak
ing so mo extensive improvements and
getting in shape to give its patrons
better and a larger service. A fine
new range hns been instnlled; modern
storngo cabinets purchased and a gen
eral remodeling is now taking place in
the kitchen. Tho proprietors assert
that they will have one of tho finest
places in. the city when the work has
been completed.
Tho fine new homo which hns been
under construction for some tiino and
which is to be occupied by Mr. and Mrs.
Hurley Pugh on Belmont street, North
Snlom, is nearly finished and the
young couplo wil soon move in.
R. It. Ityan announces that his build
ing on South Commercial street will
bo ready for occupancy within a month
or so whilo the Adolph-Wnters building
on tho corner of Stuto and Commercial
is receiving the final touches to com
plcto it for permanent use.
Business Good. ,
Local business houses reported a
fnirly good week so far. Rusinoss men
in general are looking forward to a
rush within u short time, saying that
there is every indication that trades
in all lines will show up finer than
over before, Inter cm in the season.
Although quiet nt present, there is
miid to lie no danger of the local hop
market losing its grip on the trade.
Joseph Harris, a, reliable local mer
chant who is associated with Louis
Time Will
Your eyes can tell you only what is on the surface.
You have often seen in a shop window a garment which left
you with the impression "it-looks good-for-the-money." Perhaps
you were tempted and swapped your dollars for the garment.
Time told the true story.
The story which time will tell a long time of
G. W. Johnson &Co.'s
Correct Clothes
for Men
$10 to $30
will be a story that justifies
your judgment and not merely ,:
your impressionsa story that
will earn your good will for us.
We know that in service, you
will find our garments to be
good, not only in fabric and
stitches, but through and be
cause of the character and dis
tinction which master-tailoring
and authoritative designing in- . ,
sure. - .
' The Old Stand v
I.achmund, another prominent mer
chant and grower, states that whilo
transactions are not as brisk as they
might be under other circumstances,
the general trend of the hop market is
for the best in every way and that the
business is not dead by any means.
Fruit Men Joyous.
Fruit men in Salem are looking with
glee toward the futuro condition of the
market in their line. A monster crop
of the very best quality is generally
predicted by wel-known growers and
fruit experts and it is stated thnt
Marion county will top tho record this
year in fruit.
The Hunt Brothers' cannery building
has been completed and tho machinery
is now being instnlled. Fruit men are
being assured that the big new plant
will be in tip top shape to receive
this season's crop.
Epplcy's Perfection Brand of Baking
Powder hns been used in Salem for JO
yenrs. If you hnvo not used it, ask your
neighbor about it. For sale by nil
Knock the tiuht skirts all you please.
Eiut there isn't a chance for a man to
step on the hem of one on a crowded
o ' . .
Ask your grocer for Eppley's "Per
fection Brand " of baking powder made
in Snlem.
Do you remember Miss Florence Law
rence in "The Girl of the Woods," re
leased several month) ago? If yon srm
it yon undoubtedly remember it very
well. Miss Lawreuce was at her best in
that role in fact' she was tupreme.
There is not a girl on the screen today
who approaches this little actress
"The Maude Adams of tho Screen"
in essaying the - peit of a hoyden, n
scampering, laughing yoiing creature ot
the back woods. And bo the Universal
has provided Miss Lawrence with an
other play similar in atmosphere ami
tono to "The Girl o' the Woods" in
"Tho Little Mail Carrier."
Jt is from the pen of Donald I
Buchannn and has been directed and
staged by the peerless director, Hair,"
L. Solter, who has directed all of Miss
Lawrence V greatest successes. The
play is vivacious, dashing affair, full
of action, delicious humor, cleverly
wrought sitisitions, and more than all
it has a grent, big, .vital heart interest;
it is primarily-, at romance, jniverini)
with the pathos reflected in a little
back-woodsi grl 'si seemingly hopeless
love for a city ('map. But the ending
is a happy ne, human and direct, leav
ing one with tbecjjNviction that one
has seen a ;pagi''&JX life in 'the real
Good Buys in
Real Estate
10 acres, all in bearing fruit, apples,
pears, loganberries,, prunes, nnd some
cherries, all in full bearing; fair build
ings, house, barn, , apple cellur, and
other outbuildings; macadam road, just
threo miles from Sa'em, price $5,000.00
Vi cash, balunce to ruit.
25 acres of good land nil under cul
tivation, good house and barn and other
outbuildings; family orchard; this
would make a good dairy or fruit
ranch; macadam road, four miles from
Salem; price $5,000.00. Onc-hnlf cash,
balunce three years, 6 per cent interest.
Three-acre suburban home tract, new
5-Toom cottage, good well, woodshed,
barn, chicken hous, some fruit, just
outside of the city limits, and three
blocks from stree car line. Price
$2,050.00. One-half cash, balance 6
per cent interest,
New 5-room modern bungalow, full
cement basement, treet improvement
paid; lot, size 50x100 feet; 3 block to
cnrline; this is a very good buy. Price
$2,400.00. ;
10 acres of good land all under cul
tivation, smnll house and barn, chicken
house, well; 4 acre in loganberries and
2 acre in strawberries, some young
fruit trees set two years ago, good road,
sightly location; this is a good buy;
just 3Vi miles from Salem; price $2,300.
150 cash, balance 2 years, 6 per cent
152-aere farm, 80 acre under culti
vation, balance in good timber and
pasture, fair house and barn, family
orchard, running water fine spring,
Price $05 per acre.
Five aerei all tinder cultivation,
house and barn, well; drainage good;
good road. This is - first-class fruit
land, just four miles south of Salem;
price $1,500.00. $250 cash, balance
$200 per year.
Acre tracts just outside of the city
limits, all in orchard just coming into
bearing, good location; price $HOO.O0
per acre, $30 cash, balance $5.00 per
month, interest 6 per cent.
- -.,, . - .-
If yon want to Boy,' Trade or SeU,
see us.
W. H. Grabenhorst
and Co.
Room 2 Bash Bank Bid?. Phone 2315.
j - j: ' -': - : -
Easter Specials in Ftstnitatc
Good, substantial ranges $55 down to $25. Second-hand ranges as low as $10; stoves down
to $3.50. Fine quartered oak 6 and 8-foot tables $26 down to $7.50. About 30 second-hand
tables, extension and kitchen, $5 to 50c. Rockers, both new and second-hand, $14 to 25c.
Rugs, all kinds and sizes, $30 to 50c. Iron, wood and brass beds, $25 down to 75c. Dressers
of all kinds, new and second-hand, $25 to $3. Good oak chairs, $13 to $1.50. Maple chairs
low as 40c. Linoleum, matting, portiers, lace curtains galore at the best prices in town.
- : ' , s See popular priced line of sulkies and go-carts. They are bound to please you.
"We Sell for Less Because Our Expenses are Lowest" Court and Liberty Streets
interpreted by the greatest femalo act
ress on the screen.
Of course, Miss Lawrence plays tho
rolo of the Little Mail Carrier. Know
ing nothing of propriety and desiring
only to facilitate movement, Flo dresses
as a boy. In this garb she first meets
the man she afterwards learns to love;
he supposes her to bo a boy. The dit
covery of his mistake sounds the awak
ening of love.
John arrives in mountain home, anx
ious to hunt. He has left his fiance in
the city.
Flo, old Jim's daughter, dressed as a
boy, carries the mail over tho moun
tains. Ned, a rough man, is in love
with her. She isr indifferent to bin.
While going down a i-teep hill, Flo
flails in the snow and strains her ankle.
! She is found unconscious by John, lie
mistaking her for a boy, tarries her
I to his lodge. His guide comes in anil
j tells John that the supposed boy is a
I girl. John is embarrassed. Sho calls
iJohn in when her ankle is bandaged
j and asks him to carry the mail for her.
j .John agrees, to tho surprise of all who
: seo him. Ned comes and tries to mnkj
Flo go homo by force, lie is prevented
i by the guide, who orders him off the
Flo later discovers writing on tho
back of a photo of Huth which show.
thnt John is enfiaued. Disappointed,
she determines to go home. The guide,
looking out of t ie window, observes
Ned setting n bear imp. Tho guide h
about to shoot, when John interfere.!.
Xed is severely beaten by John who
warns him to stay away.
John helps Flo home". Ho starts to
embrace her when he thinks of his
fiancee. He is thanked by the old innn.
"I think this summer is going to be long and hot, and I
believe it would be a good plan to get a Gas Range and
COOK WITH GAS. It's surely cooler and more convenient
and wouldn't be half the work for you. I don't believe it
will cost any more for surely the Gas Company can't make
the claim that it is cheaper than wood without some founda
tion, and, besides, they sell any of their appliances on small
payments down. We can have the pipe put in by just using
the gas, and I think it is a good thing to do. They'll have
their representative call, if you phone
Main 85.
3 st!
N'cd comes in. Ned and John glare nt
each other. Flo calls Ned ami tatkj
'ricndly to him to John's disgust. John
leases disappointed. As soon ns he ii
none, Flo tells Ned she does not lovj
him. In the meantime, John's fiancee
hns fallen in love with another, and
has written him to break their engage
ment. John gets this letter en his re
turn home. Suddenly realizing his love
for Flo, he turns back to the moun
tains. Flo is dreaming of him. John
comes in and gently wakes her from n
hopeless dream to a happy reality.
Matt Moore plays tho part of John.
It is a Victor two-reel drama, released
April 10th.
Ask your grocer for Eppley's "Per
fection Brand" of baking powder made
in Salem.
We arp malting a lot of progress in
safeguarding bichloride of mercury tab
lets. Hut nature ought to kick in and
help out by growing coffin-shaped toad
stools so we can cat our mushrooms in
Ask your grocer for Eppley's "Per
fection Hrund" of bilking powder made
in Salem.
Mere man may bo able to construct
Panama canals.. But be couldn't, tell
silk shadow laco fiom the leu-ecnt-storo
Ask your grocer for Eppley's -"Perfection
Urand" of bukir.g powder made
iu Salem.
Ask your grocer for Eppley's "Per
fection Brand" of baking powder made
in Suleiu.
est 5
Cherrian Cherringo, April 24 and
7 fct a-3 -JrV
We know that if we relieve
eyestrain, any bodily disturb
ance that may be caused by
such strain will be relieved also.
Eyestrain relieved by properly
fitted glasses.
91 N. Commercial St. Phone 925 ;
Hours, 9 to 5 Ground Floor
1 tbeJsystem f-F)