ft if 1 i 4 ' H3 DAILY CAPITA!. JOTTHVAL, SALEM, OREOON. KEBEKA8 OATHEa ' " ' PAOEJTT?ja', 7n" ? ""8- - L ."v, V!"n? "rv,"s' with eon MmmM. mi ii ti i i mm i iiiii ii iro i I FH mm m w: W m r m m V T T I T .SI i Easter Services Capital City Churches Easter music in the churches will bring out scores of persons not regular attendants, for the programs have been carefully arranged, and leading soloists in the city will assist the regular choirs in many instances. During the past year the choirs of the various city churches have been brought to a high degree of excellence, and new organs, and orchestras installed in many of th Dlaces of worshin. The fnllnwincr nm. grams will be given in some of tool cuy enurcnes tomorrow: The choir of the First Methodis: church, under the direction of Dean Frederick 8. Mendcnhall, will present the following Easter program: Sabbath Morning. "Now Is Christ Risen" West "Christ Our Passover". Schnecker "Thfl Besurrrection" .. Shelley '0ht Lift Your Joyful Hearts" . v. , ..Dressier Begina Coeli " C'avalleria Busti- cana" Mascagui Soloists. Miss Grace Smith, soprano. Miss Ava MeMflhon, alto. Mr. A. A. Schramm, tenor. Mr. R. R. Jones, baritone.. Mr. T. S. Roberts, organist. - Mr. F. 8. Mendenhall, director.. Sabbath Evening. A program of Easter music by th Sabbath school, consisting of solos duetts, and appropiate readings. A special feature of the program will b the orchestra under the direction of Mrs. Dr. VanWinkle. Easter Program at First M. E. Churca Orchestra. Processional, "Easter Carol." Scripture reading and prayer by Dr. Avison. Reading, "A Welcome," by Irene Valkner. Song, with recitation, by class of girls. Violin solo by Lawrence Simpson. Reading, "Tho Starless Crown," by Miss Edwards. Story and song by Mr. Deloy'a class of boys. Piano solo bv Eveline DeLong. Reading, '.'The Legend of tho Lily," TT IH anan Shoes i Guaranteed to wear as long as : two pairs of any other make. :i One hundred per cent comfort with every pair FREE. I Men's $6, Ladies' $5 and $5.50 I $4,00 Baby Shoes in Gun, Patent and Suede At $295 and $3.35 tt I Thousands of pairs of new shoes arriving daily and thrown into I:: This Great Sale of Bargains. T ' The Small Profit &QuickSale Store Unitarian church, corner of Chain eketa and Cottage streets; Richard F. Tischer, minister Sunday school at 10 a. m. Sunday service at 11 a. m. No evening service. Order of Service. Oregan prelude, "Pilgrim Chorus - Tannhause Mrs. Denton. Hymn . . .. . Scripturo "Calvary" .'. Rodney Miss Cartwtight. Prayer . Response, "Christ Is Risen "........Choir Notices . .......... Hymn J94 "Hosanna" . Qramer Miss Miller. Sermon, "The Joy and Significance of Easter" Chant Miss Miller. Offertoy Violin solo, "Consolation" Mise Stege. Hymn . 23 Benedection Postlude, "March Romane" ......... Mrs. Denton. First Congregational Church. Sunrise service at 7 a. m. Processional, "Christ the Lord Is Risen" ... St. Cecilia choir. Invocation hvmn, Mrs. Julia Bross ' Pinnell Carol, "Hail Thou Glorious Easter Morning" Schnecker St. Cecilia choir. Solo, "Hosanna" Granier Mits Isobel JleGilchrist. Knights' Templar service at 11 a. m. Organ prelude, "Festival Prelude" Dudley Buck Miss Bernice Clark. Processional, "Onward Christian Soldiers" Anthem, "Triumphant Strains Arise" Chipman quartette -Mrs. Cupper, Miss Hodge, Mr. Williams and Mr. Gille. Chant, "Bonem Est Confiteri" -.Quartette maut, "Bonem Est Confiteri" Quartctt'j Chant, "Deus Miserentur," Quartette utrertory, organ and piano, "Reverie" Tho Misses Bernice and Bertha Clark. Contralto solo, "Resurrexit" Tosti Miss Margaret Hodee. Postlude, "March" Alfred Wooler The Miss?? Clark. Highland Friends. Corner of Highland and Elm, Jose phine Hockett pastor, residence 22S3 N. Elm street, phone Main 1465. Sab bath school 10 a. m., most of the time will be taken by tho children with an Easter program. An Easter sermon by the pastor at 11 a. m. Special music. Christian Endeavor at 6:15 p. m. Tho evening service will be in charee of the choir with a program of songB. Como ana enjoy this glad Easter day with us. Church of God. . ' .' Preaching service at 11 a. m. by Elder A. Wilson; at 7:30 p. m. bv Eldor Sevanson. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Everybody welcome. 55 xfiSi I HiV i Ladd and It Phone 616 liU. t1 yy-9 Bush Bank tt V United Evangelical Church. North Cottage street near Center. A. A. Winter, minister 10 a. m.,- Sun day school, Prof. A. L. Schmolle, sup erintendent; 11 a. m., sermon, "The Resurrection of Christ"; 6:30 p. m., K. L, of C. E. meeting, Carl Mosou, president; 7:30 p. m., evening worship and sermon. Easter morning Violin duett, "Alpine's Farewell," Miss Tur i.er and Mr. Frickcy; evening, orchestra, "An Easter Flower"; a vocal solo .t each service. You are cordially in vited. Auburn 2 p. m., Sunday school, Mr. O. Fagg, superintendent; 3 p. m., Easter message by the pastir. South Salem Friends' Chuich. -Comer South Com.iiercial and Wash ington streets; Cha3. K. Scott, pastor Sabbath school, 10 a. m., Emmer N'ewbv i superintendent; preaching services, 11 a. m. and i :.i0 p. m.; morning sub.iecr, ! "Story of Easter"; evening sulijeci-, I "Easter Life." Strangers welcome. Central Congregational Church. Farry and South Nineteenth streets. ! Easter is to be observed by specinl I touches, but without marked" features at all services of the day. 10 a. m., ! graded Bible study; 11 a. m., public j worship, Easter sermon, and Lord' j supper with benevolent offering; 7 p. m..C. E., "A Lous Look Ahead;'' '7:45 p. m.. introductory song service; S n n El u a a & n u n ti tj N a 13 M tl n a El n B n ii n u a ii ii ra n ri n M I LUMBER II Eli International Bible Students tion. The Salem clas of the International Bible Students' association will hold their regular weekly study at 445 Court ftreet, upstairs, Sunday at 10:30 a. m. Indenonunational. All Bible rtudeut welcome. No collection. First M. E. Church. 11 a. m., Easter sermon, "Because i Lave, le Shall Live Alfo;" Sundav school at 9 a. m.; services at Old Peo ple's home at 3 p. m., leader. Herman Clark; Epwortb league fervice, 6:30 p. m.i cuuuay scnooi Easter service a; 7:30 p. m. Special music at all ser vices. W. C. "tT V. Mrs. James Wilsoa will deliver tho gospel temperance address at tho Ramp Memorial hall Sunday at 4 o'clock. Von are invited to be present. First Christian Church. Corner Cente. and Hich streets: K. T. Porter, minister 9:45 a. m., Biblo scnooi, vt. n. u. fcpley, director; 11 a. m., worship and sermon, subject, "Rolling Away the Stone;" 6:30 p. m, Christian Endeavor, Allen Beasley, leader; 7:30 p. m sermon, subject. "The Resurrection of Christ." Special Easter music, anthems, quartctts. duets and solos.. Luthertan Church. East State and Eighteenth streets, G. Koshler, pastor Sunday school at 9:30; preaching service and Holy com munion at 10:30; Lu.her league at 6:30 p. m.; evening service in English ac 7:30 p. m. Strangers are welcome. First Congregational Church. Corner of Liberty and Center; Perry Frederick Schrock, minister Easter sunrise service at 7 a. m., music by S. Cecilia vested choir, sermon topic, "The Angel's Message;" Bible school at M a. m.; Knights Templar Easter service at U a. m., sermon by the minister of. this church, sermon topic, "The Con queror of the World." Special music. Vesper communion gerviee at, 4:30 p. m. No evening service. Jason Lee Memorial Methodist Episco pal. North Winter and Jefferson Btreets; J. H. Irvine, pastoi 9:45 a. in., chil dren's song service; 10 a. m., Snnday school, O. M. Roberts, superintendent; 11 a. m Easter sermon, "Why Seek Ye the Living Among the Bead!" 6:30 p. m., Epworth league, topic, "The Jov of Easter in the Soul," leader, Averi'll Harris; 7:30 p. nu, sermon and revival service, "Jesus Is Here!" The Salvation Army. Hall in basement under Snlem Bank and Trust company, corner St.ito and Liberty streets; Captain and Mrs. N. H. Lorenzen, officers in charge. Meet ing every night at 8 p. m., except hTursday night. Sunday meetings Resurrection scrvic, ,7 'a. m.; holiness meetings at 11 a. m ; Sunday school at 1:30 p.. m..: Easter jervice at 3 n m younk people's meeting at 6:30 p. m.; sen ueniai service at a p. m. Lieut. Col. T. W. Scott from Seattle and Adjutant Alfread Whitney from Port land will conduct a special salvation meeting Monday night at 8 p. m. in the hail. All are invited to Bear these speakers. The Salvation Armv hall will bo the scene of a great missionary dem onstration tonight. The entertainment is oailed "An Evening in India." The program promises to be a good one. The entertainment is given under the auspices of the voune ueonle of the In- cal corps. An admission of ten pent will be asked, the proceeds of which are for the missionary work of the Sal vation Army. Commons Mission. Tho Rev. Cyrus Cook will preach at the Commons mission on Sunday, April 12, at 3 p. m. All are cordially in vited to attend. E. D. Black men, sup erintendent. . The Evangelical Association. C'henieketa street churc-h. inrmr 1 7t and ( hemeketa streets, resilience, 26 .. lilh street, taster services on Sun da v. Morninir services at 11. nveniiu services at S. Sunday school at 10 a. nf Yovinir peoples' liiectiuL' at 7 n. m speehl music. Prayer meeting on Thurs day at S p. m. A hearty welcome ti. all. Most other things will be pretty much forgotten when baseball first conies tu town. No amount of wealth can Death. brite Building Material, Moulding, Cement, Plaster, Lime, Shingles, Lath, Fence Posts, Land Plaster, Roofing, Nails, Roof Paint We can furnish anything used in house con struction. We figure estimates. THE SPAULDIFI LOGGING GO. I Front and Ferry Streets Telephone 1830 a a 11 El ri a u H ti ii ii ii n n ii ii n ii ti j wmwrfl m WE PUT UP OTTB FISH as the highest pocsible quality stand ard that the sea or stream can pos sibly produce. A variety as wide as the sounding sea. Sea food in season. It's the best; that's a reason ior your further patronage. Phone Ma'.u 2125. Salem Fish & Poultry Market H. C. Bybee, Prop. 173 South Commercial. W3 AN CASTER, POEM LANN!?HAYNES . nAKTiff Copyright, 1914, by American Press Aiso ' elation. ECitchenware A I SEPULCHER of J. I sodden earth, a pall of cold gray sky; A dreadful silence, save the dirge of the wail ing wind's last sigh; A dreary void, all colorless; no vibrant life doth thrill Across the widening wilder nessthe far dim stars are still. Beneath the bare, entombing earth a germ of life is pent In graveclothes, till an inward thrill, and cerements are rent, And groping roots reach out to grasp the bosom of the world, And upward springs a bud ding plant with leaves like wings unfurled, Upon its head a coronal of glittering rainbow hue, Like saint with fabled aure olea lily crowned with dew. TT ill I? Ua-li U 1i uiu iikqi i a a luuiU) ail pulseless, cold, Long hid beneath the silent mold Of Doubt and Vanity and Rate, And yet beneath this moun tain weight A spark divine with power untold. When from the tomb the stone is rolled From unseen roots of Faith there spring The leaves of Hope, fast blossoming, And then a wondrous flower in bloom The flower of Love and from the tomb The soul has risen. Thus re born, Dost doubt the resurrection morn? During March but .42 of an inche of rain foil at Mcdferd, which is 2..I3 inches below the nnrmol. This mnhes the deficiency from the first of the climatic year 10.71 inches, tut a wet and cool April is in forecast. Miya Hannomoyn, n young Japanese girl was awarded the W. C. T. U. tilvcr medal for tho beat temperance ricitu tion given at last Friday night's con test at the Christian church in Klamath Falls. She met five competitors. Engeae Guard: The city owes its peo ple entertainment as well as protection and administration, and every city of any size now recognizes it as an obliJ ration to provide a number of public band concerts each week in tho public park for the people. , Tho fumiahing of your kitchen should have your careful consideration. We carry many modern device and articles in kitch nware. Let us help you in your selection. Informa tion always cheerfully given. VVM. GAHLSDORFj Yokohama Crockery & Tea Co. Eft " .i.... : : Easter Greetings and Yours for Good Eats L M. Boggs & Co. Quality Grocers All thelParticuIarlPeopIe Patronize Pettinsell The Electrician He is thoroughly skilled, has had long experience and is competent to handle the most intricate work. lie employs the best work men. He is most reasonable in price. He Is Careful. He Is Prompt. Take the plans of that new house to him and get his -estimate & note the saving. Leave It to GtTitoGO THE ELECTRICIAN Phone Main 187 135 North Liberty 060 it