paoe riwjtM FORTY LEADING 'A' ERS 0 ENTER TODAY TODAY THE DAILY CAPITAL JOTTRWAI BAI.EM. OREQOV. SATTJHDAY, APRIL !1, 1914. T OiD A Y 4 - D O N CARLOS World-Famous Forty of the ledlin daily papers the; country over have contracted with tluv A. JP. Kobyn Syndicate of Chicago t! publish "Lucille Love, the Girl of I Mystery," the most -fascinating to- mauce that has ever been written. Thi; Universal Film Manufacturing corn- pany hat registered a smashing scoop i by eeeuring the exclusive right to pro ' duce in moving picture?, this 20th ccn tury literary, sensational masterpiece. , The author of this story is one of th best known fiction writers in the world.; His -versatility nnd marvelous descrip tive abilities have won for him the title I of the Master Pea. He has undoubted-1 lythe largest reading constituency of i any of the better known writers of the1 lay, but so closely has the secret been ' guarded on' this particular work that! his name will not be divulged until the story has almost been completed.' hvery chapter is fascinating every situation is tense. Cognizant of the deal beforehand thaf-the." master pen" had written tUj 1 story with an eye to its dramatizing1 fWVSHihihtlpfl thfl I nivamfll pntmmnv was on hand before the deal was hnrdlvi wild auimals, iieiun-ucrying uasnes in representing nearly e ery Known spec Dog, Monkey and Pony. Show, presenting the Big Laughing Act, The Monkey Hotel, Greatest show of its kind in the world. Matinee Price 15c, Any seat. Sign of Good Shows Bligh Theatre Where Every body Goes .V -1 f .it -h ... :"lvr;:;o: .1 ST 55 A,- fR-j, aw . m, Ji--..wiiiii iii ji..-, ' ,..,,,),,, , , , " the burning of ocean les. bixty-five instructive, amazing, amusing and thrilling acts are present consummated to bid for the rights of ' airships, and nietnrizinir thin stnrv. I Brev-houilds. Already the Universal has commenced ' "Lucille Love" will be released injed, one fhowing a groupe of twenty tie-spending of an enormous sum of: two-reel instalments every week for , four African lions monev in nrenaration Mr this meat : 13 lousecutive weeks. . The program is r.rie9...0lPLClU:!?:.,A :L.!l ""'KIEOMER CEOT SAH ON HIS . .s .p :.u,.mu... ...-, ABOUND THE WORLD hu 1 1 1 m h a u ... I tha nnmnanv'a "w v -' . v . zoo has been enlarged and special scouts havo been detailed to visit every corner of the country to stfarch out the best settings possible to secure, Homer Croy, the magazine humoris: who has joined tho Universal ranks, left St. Patrick's day on his trip Every scene that is spoken of in. this! around the world gathering humorous ftory will be seen in the films because ! pictures. With him went Uilbert ar the author has looked ahead of the mere writing of the story to tho point where it would be put in motion pic tures. It is the first time in the his- ronton, cinematographer. They are to film all the different countries that they pass through. Homer Croy is the best known or tho tory of motion pictures that a great younger American humorists. He has author and a great moving moving pic-in. lug audience through the magazines ture company have combined to enter ! each week, and by joining the i'niver tain the public on such a lavish scale, i sal he widens the scope of his field. i v " It J ..vv: 4 .00188 GLAUM ANO HEH PtT MONKSV 53. This thrilling story will be printel ly at least one of the leading news papers in the immediate neighborhood tf every exhibitor nnd along with tho ttory will be printed a list of the th I ters where this feature can be seen "ie same day or the day following. Mie public is going to. read the story sad the public with the weakness of aH humans to see a mind or word pic tare visualized is going to seek out the motion picture theater and swamp the box office in the clamorous desire t get in. It was said before that this story, aside from being a literary master jisece, was sensational. It is sensational sensational in the situations it evolves, the daring risks demanded to 18 taken by the players who will be saou in the story, in the spectacularism it will disclose, such lis adventures with concrouslv inter spersed with clean, clever comedy, pro vided by forty rib-tickling clown bears goats, ponies, dogs, monkeys, mules and elephants. Performances are given at 2 and p. m. and tho doors open at 1 and 7 p. m. A glittering, new feature parad) is presented to the public at 10:.I0. Tho date for Salem is Tuesday, April 14. MILLION DOLLAR PICTURE PLANT WILL BE ERECTED The purchase of a "oO-acre ranch just outside Los Angeles, and the in tention to tiegin immediate construction of a million-dollar moving picture plant, was announced recently by of ficials of the Universal Film company, whose Pacific (.'oast producing re sources are now divided among three studios in various parts of the Holly wood district. The new ranch stretches from tho Lankershim road to the Bur bank road, just across the Cahuenga pass from Hollywood. The property was purchased Jrom! M. J. Andersou and C. il. Boag, the announced price being $20,000. . "We will have one of tho largest plants in the world," taid Albert M. Norton, attorney and controller of the corporation, yesterday. "We have al ready retained Architects 8. Tilden Norton and Frederick II. Wallace, now designing the Greek theater for Gri1 tith park, to draw plans for reinforced concrete buildings to cost $1,000,000. "These will include the largest stauo in the world, 500 feet long by 200 f el-t wi'de, another stago 300 feet by 20.) feet, and three revolving stages for quick work in scenarios not rcqniririg extensive scenery. I;., by . . - . y - ' lT'S'V'i f,-- , " i f - ' v "-,," 3 . . . .."jv-v 1 : ' ' ''a ? " ' ' - , ' 1 L. 1 '.y r v. - i ?t- jjn 3 Ho also ventured th prediction that ill . ig about spending any of her huV Albany llennett would poll three to ouo hand's money. Hut it is wonderful more than any other democratic caiuli- how soon she gets over it. dnto for governor. The feminine desire to get her mon- t " l,y' worth never induces a wontnn to A ncn- bride alwavs h:is n oiieor feel- have her skirts mmle ton lnrpe. Special Easter Program r--44-f4--t H'MtMttMtt-H Miss Martha Florlne, principal woman wild animal trainer with the Barnes Circus, which exhibits here Tue sday, April 14. Miss Florlne performs a large roup of leopards, pumas and Ja guars. 'S JOURNALIST TELLS WHY PEOPLE STOP THEIR PAPERS THE PROBLEM OF After Trof. Rabouraud confirmed the Being tho original remedy, users ex germ origin of dandruff, scicnco wns pP(.t mur0 astonishing results from Her confronted by a new problem which j vce t,an ti,Py woulj j.k for f rom was not solved until tho discovery of ,,y other preparation nnd they usuallv Newbro's Hcrpiculc. llerpicido being.tgl.t them. So wonderful has been the the first successful preparation com- success of this germicide thut it is now pounded in harmony with this new ! recognized ns the standard hair remedy j uieory, inu ungmui remeu 10 liiil inu 0f world. Univtrsitv of Oregon, Eugene, April ; dandruff germ." Hcrpicide destroys tho dandruff, 7.-David II. Smith, for vear, circula- e, iU ""m"0"8, , Zre at' ' neets falling hair. It stops itching of . j "ii j.... 6otu n u,ruuD 1M seaip, nimost nisrnntiy. tion manager of the Oregon Journal, BAGOOTT PRODUCINO . - ANOTHER DETECTIVE PLAT (Continued from page 10.) Ho is known through the humorous articles he does for Collier's Weekly, through his page week in Judge, en titled "Watching Our Funny World Go by" and especially through Leslie' Weekly, which is advertising him as the new Mark Twain Mr. Croy also has a reputation as a writer of humor ous novels. The two tailed on the Toyo Kisen Kaisha from San Francisco. Thc'r first stop will be t Honolulu, wherfl Mr. Warrgnton will go to 'visit with his mother, Lulu Warrenton, who is a member of Henry MacRae's company. Lois Weber, Phillips Smalley and their troupe of Universal Rex players, will leave the Btudios at Hollywood, C'al., shortly for Laguna Beach, along the southern coast of California, whew they will remain two weeks and pro duce two Kcx dramas to be laid in the beautiful and peaceful scenery of that district. Lois Weber's fino" story "The Woman's Burden," was pro duced at Lagnna Beach. Among tbotie who will support Miss Weber and Mr. BinaJlcy in thk Laguna Beach productions are: -Dupert Julian, Fred Wood, William Brown and Ella Hall. was brought to Eugene recently to te'l the students in the department of jour nalism "Why People Stop the Paper." Mr. Smith gave five of the renson?, , havo been thrown npoa tho market; others have adopted llerpicido clp.ims, and without making any chango in their remedies, but nouo havo ever i-oni'linfl iho snmA rinrrrnn ttf Tirmnlnvi t V which he said were responsible in thrt , iprywn(.re this reme(y i recognised i ... . . t' ' ""'?'S.-""'1, . aa tho one genuine Unnurutt ernilicator. Imrbcr shops. Insist u c,.... J ojicviii luaivumu'.s As a result, Herpicide tins more satis- ; Hcrpicide. .ucnd 10c , . Ileu ua(.r9 xnan U1I omur nuir prcparu- pers, changes of location. He showed ' tiong combined. how tho wide-awake circulation man-1 : ager tries to hold the subscriber who ! .orders a stop" for any of these re, j CONDOUND T Recital of some of the troubles and respor.ribilites of the circulation man . Newbro's Hernieidn in f0c and 1.00 i sizes is sold by all dealers who gunr-! 9 nnteo u to uo an tnr.c is ciuuueu. it . you aro not satisfied your money wijl ! he refunded. Applications obtainable nt tho good ' on having real in postnge for sample and book to Tho llerpicido Co., ' Dept. K., Detroit, -Mich. looking exceptionally well nnd will soon bo in bloom, thus promising to come into bearing in Juno iistend of; July as in former years. At no time i With the opening of the apple bios aeer of a metropolitan dailv interested 1 soms a second round of spraying is tnk- ! for several years havo strawberries the students greatly. When the paper is ! ing place in the orchards in the Willn- I wintered in such excellent condition, late and the trains aro missed, the cir-jmette valley, ns many growers believo j coming through , vigorous nnd without1 culation denartment bears the burden that tho more serious damage is done "lc lot;s of leaves except whero they of complaint and the financial loss, al-l tho apple by tho B"ith depositing its were cut with a view to promoting new tnough some otner department is hi- ees at this season. Others hold that i b'""1" ways responsible for the lateness. Best I the fruit is stung when nbout tho-siy.c business results" are obtained when edit ' of a marble, but to he on the safe orial, circulation, advertisting and side tho up-to-dpt: horticulturist is mecltnnical departments co-operate j spraying early nnd often. , The excel closely, he said. i lent price for apples prevailing late in . ' ! the season has encurnged growers to HIRES SPECIALIST TO ! prune and spray carefully this spring, Less than tho usual amount of graft- ing bus been done this spring, owing to j the fuct that the season was so forward I that the rising sap oade the continu ance of tho work impractical. . is called in. .. He discovers, first, that te -dazed man had a mustache only recently this from tho fact that the man1 continues to brush his hnnd acrw 1 ' ifl liD. Following up a chain of clues! WOMEN TAKE PROMINENT PART King finally learns that tho man was .. ' . . . e 1.-1.:.. tut sailor, mil one or genieei nauii?, REVIEW OCCULT PLAY ' although some discouragement has been - a marked feature of this crop in the Allan Dwan, director of special f ea-! Willamette valley until last fall when tures at the Universal Pacific coast Prlces made the shipping of several car studios, recently employed two special-! . ? to ,.I,"me and othcr A,Bskft ists with expert knowledge in mental : P0'""' Prof',able- . telepathy and allied subjects, to review' . T'e l'h,"P ' pronounced prae with him and criticize his latest pro-1 tie ! of danger unless intensely are SATS BENNETT WILL GET BIO MAJORITY IN LINN IMEN TAKE PROMINENT PAST 7" .. " ", ui mTl' TnVhi I I. weather should prevail, as IN TRAINING WILD ANIMALS ;uctl0n, entitloJ, - The lorbidden , f . .. (..',,,.. Room," a three-reel story delving deep! 'into the fascinating field of the occult. -07r"uy"f"'! Men do not draw down all the honor, Mr. Dw(la exceedingly careful in Mtuned, and, teniwg .oi hi. .brother s tinerfI of the ttneim, wiM ani- wiling stories, the development and Bod JQrtune,.had sought to replace hire ; ,.,- elhibitl. h the- Al. (I. Barnes .v.i. ? ' i.:..u i..n . a i" 1 1 i ! 'uujci:v iiwiici ui nuitu juii'iica a stealing; hk identity. Wild Animal- circa. ,AittL.ny of -s-atifie i knowledge of established . y i ... 4 I the most thrilling and dangerous acts facts. W. H. Hornibrooko editor of tho Al bany Democrat was in the city Friday afternoon. Asked about the political situation in Linn, he said: "So far as the governorship is concerned Linn will give a big majority to Betrnett for tho democratic, nomination with Smith sec-: oud and Manninir third." Ho snid ha Kspnng coming-on, uu inure impwri-; are prnienieii aj young women. "The Forbidden Room " is, in a ant, Easter, King Baggot decided that' Mine Martha Florine, principal worn-1 rraenre a problem play. Mr. Dwan its wardrobe needed replenishing wvthan wild animal trainer with the circus, : I ha3 handled his subject in such a man &Rsh suits, hats? boots and shoes. Bntfgires a marvelous example of woman's ! Ber that the question arises and is dis thtfore this could be done it was neccs-: ability to successfully kandle-tboee dan-j posod'of as to whether or not a persou pary to clean out hundreds at pieces of ; gorous brutes, with a group- of lioni, j n a gtate of hvpnosis can be influenced dotting and what not that had served j leoparjlu, jaugara ar.d - punjas. ir!bytho hypnotist to Commit murder. if!ir usefulness. As a result fifty or Florine is a dainty little lady and looks M unlock MacQuarrie, William C iiore newsboys and street urchins added edible among the big cats, but she -puts I Dowland, Lou Chaney and Pauline Bush 4 their wardrobes considerably with ' the animals thrwigh - their act in a play the leailing parts, in th drama, tfbtbing that was "immense," though I frprlesa wanner. - ' " -""1 r m mewhat large. Howbeit, some of them I Miss Mahle-Starkf anothor-wjfficient 1 UNIVERSAL FILM COMPANY probably bad mothers who could use the trainer, presents . a ' group of Rofal GIVES EMPLOYES MEDALS a3d!e to advaptage. Bengal and -Siberian' tfgOs'in one- of y 1 ''' '' ' ' King came to his decision bctweci'the most .remarkatilfr exhibitions of . For "using the brains God gave fse taking of scenes of "Jim Webb,! trained man-eating oate ever shown. ' them" seven employees at the Puiver Sonator," a two-reel Imp feature, now j Miss Maine Sannders. is another wifJ-sal: Pacific Coast studios were awarded v course of" production: In going1 the coterie who risk their liree to en- gold medals for bravery-by the Uni through a mountain of clothes his hand; tertaiu the public. Miss Saunders BasJ venal Film Manufacturing company on lisaed over many, many pieces that : an envialble record as a trainer-of ! March i. The presentation of tho lit suddenly realized that he hsd not' hons and gives, most of her attention awards was made by Carl Laemmlo, v.aad jn, months. He realized that per- to their education. j president of that company, and for tips, someone else could use them to! Miss Bessie Harvey trains elephants , service rendered the company on the ttter purpose than be himself. Boys! perhaps the only one -of her -sex that j night of January 12, when the film Vs the neighborhood were notified and! has made a. thorough stndy .of these cutting and joining room took fire and tiy responded in goodly numbers. I great brntes. ,- - 1 $100,000 worth of film was threatenfed The articles given away had cost th ! ' These young women do not give ali ! with destruction, rrtor in assembling not less than two; their attention to the training of wild! n'T tlie prompt action and quick Ihoasand dollars. Soms of the pieces had ; animals, for in many places .on the I wittedness of these seven employees, fruit is well set on. Cherries. rapidly getting past the danger point nf front nnd tirune l' rowers arc care fully watching their prune orchards as , had -talked with leading democrats from tho price promises to bo good owing to Benton and Lane counties and they the fact that the first grade prunes were confident Bennett would lead al! throughout the country are practically ! opponents for the democratic nomiiKi cleaned up, the annual- heavy buying j tiou. by public institutions early in" the year I In Linn county, he stated, practically having done much to create a clean: all the leaders of tho party including slate if not a shortage. . j tho executive oficeis of the county cen- Smnll fruits, such as loganberries, I tral committee are a unit for Bennett., rme witn mm rrom tne legitimate years - before and bore trade-marks of t tores situated all over the United Staies: By Easter, King will have re ' stocked his wardrobe at considerable expense, but he is determined to nsskt a goodjob of it. - ' .... show's program they are seen working! for of them young women, saved the with dogs, goats, monkeys, - ponies, jeoetly. negatives from the flames. They horses and. other domestice animals. - put aside all personal consideration and The Barnes circus program is ieplt'Tisae their lives to perform their duty. with original and entirely new foal-j As a result of this intelligeut action, ures a program given entirely by edu I the lose from this fire was confined to V ; I Mini iniiain inn 4 miwwiiik jiii'Misaa. sy.w. i...mkm),u. M'jaui,wMiiii im jrvr I ..i ..; J I : ( I r ' ""' ' ' fiZ'- h- l' i-ci 4JIUTUAL MOVIES 4 Seventh real of series OUR MUTUAL GIRL Margaret meets America's fore most Suffragettes. A DANDY COMEDY LOVELAND BROS. Big Special Musical Act THEATRE Sign of tha Best Shotfs. si 13 s light' mm mm. w. v. . . . r .... .-. i "JLL With an "Insurance" National Gasoline Stove It does away with IhatJieat of a coal or wood stove. It is always ready for use. A touch of a match and you have your fire piping hot. The moment cooking is done, the flame is instantly, out no hot stove to cool off. An IN surance is a great labor saver. There is no fuel to lug, no ashes to carry out, no dust to clean up. Best of all, aa INSURANCE is so safe. Call end let us demonst rate it for you. Company (INCOEPOEATED) 120 North Commercial. Phone Main 172 Bay Telephone Main 0.13. liesideme phones, 2-1.14-J and 20-4-W. Office and warehouse, 161 8. Com '1 St. CapitalCity Transfer Co. Agents for Tacifie Coast Forwarding Co., and Rock Springs Coal. - Kcduced freight rates on household goods. Get our rates. 6 1