PAGE TEN THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREOON, SATURDAY, APRIL J I, 1911. The House of Quality gg W. and La Vida Corsets Munsing and Merode Underwear The Store of Service i Quality Always... Low price inducements, unless coupled with reliability and sterling worth, are of littlo interest to tho pro dent buyer, but standard grade articles priced on a value-giving basis, such as we now quoto, are extremely gratify ing. Honesty in adverting mid in tin merchandise we Roll, largest assort ments, lowest prices and the utmost f.f Berviee to our customers are the rea sons for the continued growth of Sal em's biggest and best store. Easter New Season Is An unequalled displny of the most wanted models in Women's Fine Footwear Street I'll mpa nro shown with the now heel and toe styles in nil the populur leathers. In fancy slippers, tho popular ligl-t solo and recede toe, Louis Cuban heels and stylish buckles are unusually dainty. A most aried showing it dress shoes in tho newest lasts and heel styles, button or lace models. Bring your feet to us and we will shoe them correctly, stylishly, comfortably and in price moderately. Sale of Women's a Fashionable Wearing Af Stylish Suits and Dresses to $3S-Special, $19.85 Get the new suit or dress from this splendid assortment at a tremendous saving from usual prices. The new fabrics and colorings are represented in the showing. Suits of Crepe, Serge, Silk, Poplins, Novelty Checks and Ratines in the popular greens, blues, terra cotta and black. Dresses of Crepe De Chine, Poplin, Foulard, Taffeta and Marquisette in checks and want ed colors. Take your choice from this assortment. Regularly priced to $35.00. idWl parel tsses . Vj Easter Season New, Nifty Coats for Women and Misses to $15 grade?, Easter Sea son Sale--$8.85 The newest popular models are included in this lot golf, sport and Balmacaan in golfine, checks and mixtures take your pick from the lot. Price, $19.85 A Sale of Children's Coats. Prices reduced 33 1-3 to 50 per cent No belter time to buy the child a coat an 'excellent variety to . select from checks, coverts and 1 plain colors sizes 2 to 14 years. Take your pick at these great re ductions. - , Special sale of All Silk Gowns for afternoon and street wear. Let Your Child Compete in the Great Painting Book Contest For boys, girls and young Btudents J, 250 prizes to tho value of $5,000.00 to be given for skill i u coloring pictures in Tuck' Paintbox Books and Painting Albums, in tho great painting contest which la TREE TO ALL. Prizes to the Value of $5,000.00 , Will bo "warded and tho prize-winners will be decided upon by this committor, of eminent . judges: Philip Boileau, Nell Brinkley, Howard Chandler Christy, Harrison Fisher, James Montgomery Plagg. There is nothing difficult or complicated all you have to do is to got a 25c or 50c, Tuck's Paintbox Book or Painting Album and ask. for a free copy of the Contest Rules. Seo about this NOW and begin painting up your book. Think how great It vril be if you win one of the prizes! . . . , . See the window display Book for sale in Salem's Toyland (second floor). Have you seen the new ''Thermo Enginof" No o'ectric no steam it's a wondor Toyland. Wednesday Surprise Sale No. 686. Aprill5 Women's Lisle Hosiery , Special 1 Q . v ... , . .. Per Pr A great sale, of Women's fine hose for next Wed nesday only. Skuch a sale of high grade hose does not occur very often.. This lot comprises hundreds of fine pairs of iine lisle thread, fast black hosiery, with a strong long wearing linen heel and toe, gar ter top, an excellent article for general wear. You'll be delighted with the unusual value- only 19c a pair, Sale .opens at 8:30. ', See window display. Next Wednesday, April 15th. L jJxpOODieToon s Just received an excellent assort ment of now Perfection Pillows Housekeepers will bo well pleased with this new showing of high-grado feiithcr pillows tho kind that absorb the cares of tho day cud givo a good night's rest. Pretty fancy ticking and the ever populur stripe patterns are shown in several grades. You'll like, tho quality of tkeso soft, fluffy head rests priced Per pair, $1.19, $1.25, $1.50, $2.50, $4.00, $5.00. 3eo Window Display Liberty Street. JiVvf !lY I 1 8 in Over 34 Years of Sue - cessful Merchandising in Salem Kngrce Shoes for Women & Drncker Trunks-Lilly Suit Cases Nettleton Shoes for Men g "Extragood" Clothes for Boys uNDSl LAEO .. www !ev. V. 8. Kuight will hold Easter . At st3rt0n Monday night there will lorning sirvices, and will return in I 0 a lcba, tho subject, "Resolved: he evening for an S o'clock service s.t!T,lat ,he 'S"0.D)0 bond issue would bo tural chapel. Both of these churches' !"ore economical for huildiiiK hi(fhways fere built by Mr. Knight and he served i in Mario" county that tho present ays he former many year.t, and the latter tem-" Tho affirmative sido will be up ince its erection last year. i np,'l 'y Oint. Keech, J. R. Oardner, J. I T- K'rns, W. R. Jejdicott, K. &. Olm- PUno tuninit renalrlnir ' ".t'", sml Jal'0,, Kl'aniol, while tho negn- . Win or B. Factors. J. KUL' P' WU" wor C ine --latest styles" aro uppermost1 ...... rramo y man. e ouaranteo tier anf m. At the meeting of the Salem Bhriners last nipht in the Commercial club, 10 members of the order agreed to go to Portland in a bodv neit Wednesday and attend the Shriners' circus. A committee composed of Frank B. Mere dith, Fred M. Bynon and Frank Lovell was chosen to cull upon all of the local bhriners and have them join the band. Tell us about that furniture used until you are tired of it.- Let in take it and Rive you something new and tip-io-uate in exenange. I'eetu f urni ture Co., 247 N. Commercial. 0 Buford's News depot, 149 N. High. - Trade your old furniture for some thing new at Peetz Furniture Co., 247 N. Commercial. Some great bargains in new and usid furniture at Peetz Furniture Co., 247 N. Commercial. NEW TODAY. HIGHEST-Cash nrica naid for eires Marion Creamery & Produce Co., . j,ioeny anu ierry streets. - . FOR SALE Twin Excelsior motor cycle. Inquire Roth Grocery. WANTED Oirl to nssist with general nouseworK. Address L, Care Journal, turn. Burr's Jewelry store. , --. ..on. iiiit r rain.) Miop for the latest in picture frames. 1 I"e new "tapestry inset" frainesf 27i jN. Coin'l. Visit OUson'g attractive new barber , dlples of Walton are waiting Shop in Iiligh building. State street . the ,ri'"is to run clear, and those, O wno nre l'Sf'ieular about their cigars All Wallace Nutting pictures will be " w liung ror a Taslunoo. reduced one-third. This reduction is for one week only. We must nmlco room for our new stock new coming in. The Dr. Mendolsoha fit eyes correctly. U. B. Bank building. Tho Ministerial union will not hold it regular meeting Monday. 'It was voted I tO disneilSO With tlm nm,l ono;.. account of tho county drv conferetiec, Monday at 2;:i0 in the W. C. T. U. hall. I Thos.. J.. Woodcock, secretary.. ... . TT No matter what the result of tlvs uaf taste , r. lTd t0.,0Ur 'ndivid-' Panama canal question may be in co- for H Ttvlil ,i ?' """' ""-'"M. wi. ona' Rs goutlemnn's smoke, will bo S.M.a' Il;Vwrn,8"i,ai",", oealer for it. j lu,1,hD8- i Tho Bon Ton. a ciaar of niimv o ! ! you will enjoy. At your dealers. j , n Buford's News depot, 149 N. High, j For VOUr hon or nmnn ntn n!1 AM jNnthmnn ft Hill, (143 N. High street, I You can iim . 1 ur 'nono l c . . . "luusiry in - o Wad oVZTing,,twder,1T;,i0n''L Th-W '" " ou. crocer for it powder- A"k you' I kl'ing suite located at 1405 N. SSixth K tor it. . (street, which will be a few Four DTniir idnys. All modern conveniences, hot work roTluv. mV- ,BWt 0f d f011 at" b'h d toilet, woric, no delays. Barr'i Jewelry store. The building is newly constructed, and " ? ! on a car line. Other suites in building o- , . I""Y "cupieu ov a very Uesirn.b e class LodZ V , TJT of ten"n,'' HeJJwty'i cash groce v A d!irp vi ? ln '"('' tho corner store room, and is a welcome """ convenience to the tenants. Our itrona- noint u .... - . vwv, nun RUU i prompt delivery. Burr's Jewelry store 0 . F. E. RolUns, the watchmaker, moved m tfm vuurt. Members and friends of the Centen ary M. E. church of Fortlnnd, were ad dressed lust night by Dr. Human, of Willamette University. City Attorney Van Valkenburg of Silverton, is in the city. Mrs. Van Valkenburg is also hero visiting her many friends. Buford's News depot, 149 N. High. CaU un Nathman k Hill RJ9 w niirh street for nil kinds of tinning. Phone KitHI. - Some local women met at the First Christian vhurdch yesterny afternoon and talked over a plan for fighting tho cigarette in .Salem. The women would abolish the use of cigarettes among minors and will work toward this end in the future. o Buford's. News depot, 149 N. High. The Cottage Grove school superin tendent, J. h Dunston, is visiting iSnlem at present. Mr, Dunston has been superintending schools for a num ber of years in Cottage drove and is well known by teachers and school authorities throughout the state. 0 There is no better time thau now to begin the study of shorthand. A new class at the Capital Business College next Monday, April 13. Prepare now to share in tho benefits incident to the revival of business that has already set in. ' FOR SALE OR TBADE Hotel, mod- em, 30 rooms, furnished, doing good business in Willamette -valley town, J. A. Cooper, . 470 North Church, i iunin 44D. SEWING MACHINES are going to be sold at once; good drop-head ma chines from $10.00 up; you will miss a wg narguin if you don't come at once as they must go at once. 040 Wate street. FOR HALE Hurley Davidson motor cycle. Address H. D. care Journal. WANTED Delivery boy; 005 North Capitol street. W ANTE D Experienced housemaid. Mrs. L. S. Barnes, 1925 Stuto street, l'lione lbT5. FOR RENT Five, three nnd two fur nished housekeeping rooms. !W4 X. Commercial street. Phone 2454W. O T m . . Tr Pr" Turnit rcT" N Coin- cooking; 391 Jonu Commercial. Imercial. Everything new. New management, new improvements, new skilled em ployes. Phone 105, Capital City Steam Laundry, Buford's News depot, 149 N. High. I HAVE several o and 10-acro tracts, nlso farm property to exchange for city property, nlso several good ap plications for loaus. Come in at once and get first choice. John H. JScott, over Chicago Store. FOR SALE OR TRADE Eight acres laud four miles from iSulem; 430 Court Rtreet, Sulem, Oregon. M Bargains rFOR SALE Twin Excelsior motor cycle. Inquire Roth Grocery. Wanted The services of 20 experi enced salesladies are required. Apply to the Chicago Storo Monday, sido door. shire. Dexter Field has been seriously ; ill for some time and his wife, who has been visiting in tho south, hus, also ar i rived to bo with Mr. Field. I o ft) Bo Molny Commandery jno. a, K. f ., Attention 24 acres, miles from alom, small house, well; S acres under cultivation; balance, timber aud pasture ; for quick sale, OS per acre; terms on part. Equity in 5-room modern, house .to trade for lots. List your houses for rent. If you want to buy,, sell or trade, i seo me; I can get you a deal. j - Over 30 years ln tho watch and jewelry repairing business. Barr's Jewelry store. 0 ' For guaranteed plumbing have Nath man & Hill do tho job. CaU 642 N. High street, or phone Ki9(i. - - 0 Dance tonight at the Armory. o Nathman & Hill. 642 N. HI ah street. i'houe iuuo, will furnish you with a furnace or will repair tho'old ono. Sat isfaction guaranteed. It's different we roast nnr turn coffee, steel cut, no chaff, fresh every day.' Foster & Baker, Phone 259. It's different. We roast coffee, steel cut, no chuff, fresh every day. Foster & Baker, Phone 259. H. D. St Holen. Diana ani n??. tuning, Main 1005, 235 Court. o Dance tonight at the Armory. Will do sewing by tho dav at S2.nfi: hours 8:30 to 5:30. Phone r, Bryngelson. ' 0 Miss Veda Huston, a nurse formerly of Salem, is dead at Hurrisburg, Or. Miss Huston graduated from the -Salem hospital aud was well known in tlus city. Old furniture taken in exchance for new at Peetz Furniture Co., 247 N. Commercial. O Bargains in second hand eooda as well as new at Peetz Furniture Co.. 2J X. Commercial. o Circassian Walnut chiffoniers at greatly reduced prices at Peetz Furni ture Co., 247 X. Commercial. Dance tonight at the Armory. Plain maple and birdseye maple bei room suites at rockbottom prices at Peetz Furniture Co., 247 N. Commercial street. Easter service at tho First Congregational church, Sunday, April 12, at 11 o'clock. Sir Knights will meet at our temple from .10 to 10:30 o'clock. Sojourning ; CHAMPION IS DEAD. Walla Walla, Wash.,-April 11. Bert Kelly, 28 years old, twice winner of the bucking championship at the Penilletu:i Roundup is dead at 1'heonix, Ariz., ai ponling to news reaching here today. Kelly's prowess cost his life, as in juries he . received while liding-causid his death. . J.E." Scott 124 South Liberty. Main 937. Three more prospective residents of Salem have arrived. They are Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Wills nnd son, of Linton, Ind. The visitors like the Cherry City very much and are casting about" for a permanent location. Ambri Field, son of Dexter Field, ar rived home yesterday from New Hamp- Christian Science. First Church of Christ. .440 Chemek- ! Knights are invited to join with us. eta street. Services Sunday at 11 a, , The Indies will report to Sir Knight in. and at 7.30 p. m., subject of Bibio : George G. Brown, at the church from ' lesson, "Are Sin, Jisease and Dealh llO.lK m.AK A',.ln..l, E (J 1 L I . iv. .W iu jv,. iu v vium. fm ; omuiu scqooi ac y;4i) a.- m- 5Tnpt TDDKI TTSTFVt Wednesday qvening testimonial mer:- Ti.- mi ? UT ,r inR at 7:30 o'clock. Reading room in This will inform m v Renubhcan .l" .. . j j v 7. ' . T cnurcn open every aitemoon excel' friends nnd suoDorters that I am a can- o i ., J ... . . ... . .. . ., oinniav ami noiiiiays. ah ari .. a .. ,, , lUMtcu to our services, the justice of the peace for tho Salem distrkt at the primary election of Mav - 15, 1914.,li WJSliSltiB 0 Ask your grocer for Eppley's "Per fection Brand" of baking powder made in Sulem. are eordiall s pecia Farm Bargains Bargains 13ti-aere farm in the heart of ereat Jf 13ti-aere farm in the heart of great prune belt, itSO per acre. Snap. 50 acres, 35 acres unuer cultivution, $S0.0O per acre. Snnp. Hi acres of beaver-dam land, the best in the'state; well improved; sold over $4,000 worth of onions last year; price $11,000.00. Terms. 50 acres rich, black loam soil on the famous Howell prairie; $115 per acre. Snap. 00 acres well improved; $9,000.00. Terms; beautiful Wuldo hills. Snap. Suburban Home Cheap. Close in suburban home, 713 acres, well improved; prico $3,000. Terms. House Bargain. Cozy- 4-rooin house, $100 down. balance, $10 per month; just like reiit. Modern 7-Room House. On-n paved street, $2,050.00. Terms. Snap. ive-Koom Bungalow. A dandy 5-room bungalow, $1,000, Near State street; on easy terms. Choice Lots. Wo have choice vacant lots in all parts of the city, some real bargains. J money to iioan. We can place your money on uood real estate security. Houses for Rent Insurance. We write Fire, Uf. Automobile. Ac cident, Liability and Surety bonds- best oll-line companies. LIST YOUR BARGAINS WITH Bechtel & Bynon 347 State Street 144 acres river bottom lands, $6000. 00 acres, 17 acres prunes, $128 acre. 38 acres improved, $3S0O, snap buy. Largo lot and house, close in, $6000. 26',i acres bearing fruit, improved, $10,000.' 10 acres bearing fruit, improved $3300 17 acres, close in, improved, $4000. Several good buys in berry tracts. Hop, prune and stock ranches, right prices. List your bargains and trades with us. We are agents for Canadian Pacific lands, $11 per acre up, 20 years to pay. Close in hotel, 30 rooms, $1500, snap. Several good business chances and trades. We sell insurance of all kinds. Houses and furnished rooms to rent City lots, all parts of Salem. Acme Investment Company A. B. COOK, Manager. Phone: Office, Main 477. Opposite Court House. - 540 State St ' Employment Bureau in Connection. t 'f'i