PAGE SIX THE DAILY CAPI fAL JOURNAL, 8ALEM. OREGON. THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1914. HENRY PECK'S COUSIN SALLY - - - - By Gross Things WeNever See VEGETABLE'S Voolu THfJte twit Vouife rJ 3 yo?,THivi t0l , Leslie "VW6 BONett i 1 4 JOURNAL'S LIVE SPORT NEWS I TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTf TTTTTTTTTTTTTtTtTTtTTTT . . I MURRAY AND PETROSKEY CHIP SATISFACTORILY riri iiiiA nirt tiinniiniiT LArLAliio HoKNUU Champion Held at 10 to 8 In Wagers m to Outcome of Contest to Be Staged April 17. PLENTY OF RITCHIE MONEY IN SIGHT THIS WEEK Beating CommUaloners Predict Odda Will Length on to 2 to 1 Before Middle of Next Week. 8an Francisco, April 9. Bolting on th Tommy Murphy-Willio Kitchid flRht, to be staged here on the even ing of April 17, opened today nt 10 to 0, with liitcliio on thp long end. Al though botting so far bin boen light, there was plenty of Kitchio money in wifiht, Mid betting commisiiioiiers pre dicted the odds would lengthen to 2 to 1 before tha middle of next week. Despite yesterday's disngreeable weather, umiiflinlly largo crowds wero ou' hand to Bed Murphy and Ritchie go through their training stunts. Over at Kan linfael, Murphy performed before n number of sporting celebrities and nt the finish tho little scrapper Heomcd concerned about his wind. At the end of six rounds of boxing he turned to the spectators and asked: "Don't you people think my wind was all right tudnyf I can go ton rounds now in good shape, so far as my- wind is concerned, nud by next Monday everything will be all rijjlit with me. You see, I have been laying off quite a long time, tuid it will take a few days yet for ine to net into first class condition." At the present time Murphy weighs In the neighborhood of K1S pounds. He intcuds to box fix rounds every day un til next Tuesday, when ho will close that end of his training. At the end of his training yester day, Kitchie weighed 137 pounds, ac cording to Manager Hurry Foley. "I nlm going to hold Kitcliio nt the 1.17-pound mark for several days," said Foley. "Then the first of next week he can drop down to lor pounds, and be in good shape." TWENTY-BOUND MATCH LOOMS UP AS CERTAINTY, ACCORDING TO PROMOTER COFFBOTH. 8an Francisco, April 9. A 20-round match, either here or at Daly City, in May between "Fighting Billy" Mur ray and Sailor Ed. l'etroskey loomed up an a eortainty today. Promoter James W. (.'offroth is angling for the contest, and, he is certain today that tho fight articles will be signed be fore tho week's end. Jack Kearns, Murray's manager, called at Cofrfoth's office last night and announced that his man stood rcaily to meet auy middleweight in the world. "Murray is just as willing to meet retroskey as anyone else," he said. "Howover, the l'etroskey people havo been" doing so much tnlking that we have a few conditions to impose. First, they mutt agreo to give us a sido bet of 20U0 ami tho weight must be 153 pounds ringside. Manager Parente is quoted as saying that ho is ready to make a side bet, and now is his chance.' ' Collision With Floor and Not Walloo Sustained at Hands of McCoy - Lost Him Decision. EDGREN SUGGESTS NEW RULE FOB I ASEBALL GAME of the stock experiences of a baseball artist's career. A few years ago it was Jawn who read about slipping over the (doping potion. Has Mac lost his punch f Or is his judgment of time and istance a little off I" FAMOUS AUTOMOBILE SPEED KING WILL PARTICIPATE MUSSER BACK TO ANGELS. I.oi Angeles, Cul., April 9. Pitcher Paul Mii-iser, formerly a member of tho Los Angobs const league and Washing ton American league clubs, has been turned over to tho Angels again, ac cording to information received today by Manager Horry, Musser will join the Angeles at Fn Francisco next wock. lie was with the Des Moines Western league club last season. I WELSH TO CHALLENGE RITCHIE Liw Angeles, Cal., April 9. Freddie Weh-H will rise up and challenge Willie lfitchio from the ringside of the Hitch-ie-Tiimmy Murphy buttle in Hun Fran cin'o April 17. The Uritish lightweight decided today to show himself in per son mid demand a match. Welsh is training here for his nattle with Leach Cross nt Vernon April "i. He will tako three davs off for the San Francisco trip. GAME POSTPONED. Sacramento, t'nl., April 9. Oakland Sacrnmento game postponed; w, i prnuiiils. SALEM HIGH DEFEATED BY CHEMAWA IN CLOSE GAME C'honinwa defeated .Salem high school 1 ii 0 in a five-inning game played las toveuiug at Chemawa. The game was called in the fifth in order to per mit tho high team to takeV car to talent Would Make It Capital Offense for Any Ablebodled Playor to Hit Man ager John J. McGraw. BY HAL SHERIDAN. New York, April !). The explanation by George Chip that tho blow he re ceived whon his head struck tho floor and not tho wullup ho got on tho jaw was responsible for the knockout ho sustained at tho hands of Al McCoy, A Brooklyn novice, hero Tuesday night, was generally accepted by Is'ew York fans today. Chip was coming in when the punch went home and ho landed on his back. His head struck tho floor i with terrific force. "I am willing to bot $3,000 at oven money," said Chip todav, "that 1 can knock out McCoy in a ton round omit, llus is a splendid cbunce for McCoy. I gavo Frank Klaus another chance after I knocked him out first and repeated. If McCoy wants to play fair with me it's up to hi in to sign articles for another match." A new boxing club to be known as the Stadium Athletic club will open its doors next Saturdr.y night. It will bo managed by Billy Gibson, who re signed the management of tho Harden Athletic club because of interference of other officials. Canipl on Way to New York. Advices received here today say that Kddio Canipi is coining to New Y'ork to engage in a series of ten round bouts. George Kngel will manage K. Campi. Hob Kdgren, sporting editor of tho New York World, says a new rulo is needed iu baseball. He suggests that it should be a .capital offense for any nblebodied bnsebsilt-playor to hit John Mctiraw, manager of tho New York (.limits. "If you want to be in fashion," com ments Kdgren, "take a punch at Mu ll raw. Kverybody's doing it. A fe-, years from now a ball player who hrn not clipped dawn on the lower maxil lary nt least once will have missed one - Seattle, Wash., April 9. Barney Ol.lfield, Louis D. Disbrow, Ralph De Palma, Teddy Tetzlaff and other world famed automobile drivers, will com pete in the two-days' racing to be held Lore July 18 and 19 Twenty thousand dollars in prizes is offored by the Northwestern Speedway corporation, which will conduct the meet. The mile track at the Meadows will be enlarged to a mile and a quarter course with a concrete and asphalt sur face. Frank Lowry, prominent in the au tomobile, racing world, is vice-president and general manager of the company. He has left for the East, where he will attend the Indianapolis races in an ef fort to bring the winner of that event to Seattle for the July races. HELENA TEAM MAKES GREAT SHOWING IN GAME WITH COLTS WILL FLY FLAGS. Portlaad, Or., April 9. Iu a move ment of patriotic fervor, tho county com missioners ordered the American flag flown over election booths hereafter. The George Wright relief corps wi!l furnish the flags, however. FOB HEB HUSBAND'S SAKE. San Francisco, April 9. Fined $100 for having five cans of opium in her possesion, Mrs. Wong Y'ou said: "Me husban' likee smloke. Me likee hus ban '. Me buy him more oplium but next time heep careful." Portland, Or., April 9. Portland fans believe today that Manager Jess Gar rett's Helena team will be found well up toward tho top in the percentage column when the Union association sea son closes, as a result of the 7 to 1 victory over the Portland Northwest ern league team yesterday. One home run, a triple, a double and seven singles did ' the business for Helena. Pat Kastley pitched seven in nings for Portland and was reliovod by Battisto, the deaf and dumb Sioux In dian, who finished out tho game. SEATON WITH FEDERALS. Chicago, April 9. Pitcher Tom Sea-' ton, a former member of the Phila elphia National league club, consented today to play with the Brooklyn Fed erals. After talking with Walter Ward of the Broklyn club, at Gulfport, Miss., and over the long distance telephone with James A. liilinoro, the league's president, Seaton left for tho Brooklyn training camp nt Columbia, S. C. GRANDE TRAINING. Vallojo, (.'al., April 9. Sailor Charles Grande started training here today for his ten round bout in Oakland the latter part of hto mouth with Bob McAllister, Yon Can Cure That Backache 1'uin along the back, dizziness, head ache, and general languor. Get a pack age of Mother Gray's Aromatic-Leaf, the pleasant root and herb cure for all Kidney, Bladder and Urinary troubles. When you feel all run down, tired, weak and without energy use this rc ninrkahlo combination of nnturo's herbs and roots. As a tonic laxative it 1ms no equal. Mother Gray's Aromatic-Leaf is sold by Druggists or sent by mail for 50 cents. Sample sent free. Address, the Mother Gray Co., Le Roy, N.- Y. If yoa want Quality and a sani tary, clean loaf of bread, wrap ped in the finest waxed paper t T before leering the shop, ask for f J Salem Royal Bakery $ BREAD And If your grocer doee dot keep f it, let us know or call us up and T we will gladly deliver to yon dl ! '. rect. : Goldsmith & Theuer No. 340 South Commercial St. Salem, Oregon. Phone 378 MANY PEOPLE WILL TRAVEL THIS WAY TO EXPOSITION. Portland, Or., April 9. "There will bo more people traveling through the northewst during the 1915 exposition than the transportation companies will be able to handle. People who travel to see scenery will not go to San Fran cisco by the southern route." This was the statement of Louis Hill, prosident of the Groat Northern rail road, who, accompanied by his family, C. C, Lacey, marine superintendent of the Great Northern Steamship company and B. Budd, chief engineer of the Great Northern, arrived her yesterday from an outing in California. President Hill statod that the Great Northern will not develop a great sea port at Tillamook, as had been stated. During his stay in Oregon he will visit Astoria and inspect the docksites for the two big passenger steamers to. ply botween the. Columbia river and San Francisco in 1915. He expects to leave for St. Paul tomorrow or Friday. LOSES NEBRASKA BROTHER. H. C. ilalley, recently lost a brother at Lincoln, Nebraska. William Henry Halloy was born at Crawfordsville, Ind.. September 14, 1S50, and died March 20, 1914. He was a member of the Gideons, an organization of Christian traveling men, in which he took an active part. Ho also belonged to tho M. W. or A and the A. O. U. W. Mr. Halley's death was due to an attack of pneumonia. This will be a very good year for Oregon, but next year should be a big hummer. NIVTS BIOTERS HELD. Quincy, Or., April 9. Mrs. Flora I. Foreman, former teacher in the Quincy tchool, dismissed because she is alleged to have incvulcated socialist ideas into her pupils, and eight other socialists are bound over to the grand jury today on the charge of inciting to riot. They are alleged to have stormed the Quincy school house in an attempt to return Mrs. Foreman to her position as instructor. Owner Must Sell Modern 7-room house, 2 large lots 70x 350 feet, on paved street; all assess ments paid. Price 2600; worth $3600. Lota. We have some good bargains In va--eant lots in all parts of the city $200 Rind upward oa easy terms Now Is the time to buy before prices advance. Farms. We make a specialty in farm bar gains. We have anything youwant in the farm lino one-acre to 1500-acre farm. Come and see us. Suburban Home. ' We have a close-in suburban home, 7 acros of choice land; a real snap. Insurance. . Place your next insurance in a good company. Try Bechtel & Byuon. Money to ijoan. Rooming House. Close-in modern 14-roora house, for rent. List yur bargains with us. Bechtel & Bynon 847 State Street. 0 in M N U El t1 II II II n u El U u li U IJ n N 11 n ii n a si M M M U M ri II M I! i ! ( 1 u Electric Lamps REDUCED We are now selling Mazda Lamps at the following prices: 25 Watt - Old Price $ .35 40 Watt -60 Watt -100 Watt 150 Watt 250 Watt - Old Price Old Price Old Price Old Price Old Price .35 .45 .80 1.20 2.00 New Price $ .30 New Price .30 New Price .40 New Price .70 New Price 1.10 New Price 1,80 Call at our office and find out the saving by using G E. EDISON MAZDA LAMPS THE ELECTRIC COMPANY Main 85 H El n u a q n H E3 11 a 63 63 H D E! u li n n ii u H U I mm Au 2 mm mm HZ The Brand at . -the "Round Up" is "Bull" r THE cowboys of the West long ago discovered in "Bull" Durham tobacco "the Makings" of the most satisfying cigarettes in the world thekindthey rolled for themselves with their own hands, ' to suit their own taste, from this ripe, mellow tobacco. That homely Western term, 1 'the Makings," has become the most famous 6moke-phrase in the world. Today mtllions of men of all classes and occupations but of the same clean-cut, manly type find the same supreme the fresh, hand-made cigarettes they roll from genuine: AM SMOKING TOBACCO (Enough for forty hand-made cigarettes in each 5c sack) Ak for FREE bookofpapm" tvilh eocA 5c tack 11! Ill in, r bT t 'mm r The fresh fragrance and mellow flavorof "Bull" Durham hand-made s cigarettes always satisfy a smoker afford him complete, healthful en joyment. Get a sack of "Bull" today sold wherever good tobacco is sold and you can always get it fresh. PR EE n 'ustratC( Booklet, showing cor- " rcct way to "Roll Your Own" Ciga rettes, and a Book of cigarette papers, will both be mailed to you, free, on postal request. Address "Bull" Durham, Durham, N. C. THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY ll ill !- W imiwu i n in miW in i.imiiii i