THE DAILY CAPITAL JOTTSNAL, BALEM. ORFOON. THURSDAY, APRIL 9. 1914. PAGE FIVE y ,1 ll if Saturday Only 10c Percales, Mill 7 F.nrlc Ppr Yard J1 anssnnnnESBsasaQnasancasasQassH Saturday Only TO Hill Declares Great Northern Cannot Afford to Operate Its Big Steam ships for Nothing. ALSO IT IS WOBTH SOMETHING " TO SEE THIS COAST SECTION Believes Travelers Will Be Willing to Pay for Making Trip Over the Southern Pacific Lines. PortlanJ, Or., April 9. Louis W. Hill, president of the Great .Northern, denied today that his line will smash rates wten the two new steamships, connect ing with the Hill road at Astoria, arc placed in operation to San .Francisco during the exposition. .. . . -. "Neither are we going to absorb tb9 Southern Pacific 'a ' arbitrnrj ' on the Portland-San Francisco haul. It i9 worth something to see this northwest ern country, and travelers will be will ing to pay for it. It is worth some thing to carry people between Portland end San Francisco, and tho Southern Pacific is entitled to its revenue." Hill stated that the two steamers to run between Astoria and San Francisco will cost $5,000,000 and that " the Great Northern could not afford to operate for nothing." FATALLY WOUNDS WOMAN AND STABS SELF AFTER QUARREL Seattle, Wash., April 9. As the tho result of what the police term a tragic misunderstanding, Mrs. Carl Tengreen, aged 22, lies unconscious in tho Noble hospital here today, suffering from bill He wounds which probably will result fatally, and Victor Hammer, a cook in the Savoy hotel, is in the city hospital with a stab wound in the left breast. Statements of Mrs. Tengreen during lucid intervals at the hospital accuse Hammer as the man who fired five shots at her as she hurried up a narrow trail to her home at 1:30 o'clock this morning, after leaving a Westlake car. The police declare that Hammer at tempted suicido after the shooting. Bleeding from a stab wound in the breast hp was found two hours after the shooting, on the porch of G. K. Wood, a contractor. A blood 8tuinod knifo was found on the lawn, bearing out the suicide the ory. The injured woman told the police the man sprang out at her without a word of warning, and, after shooting her, choked her as she fell to the ground. MILLION DOLLARS DAMAGE RESULT OF COLD WEATHER Dallas, Texas, April 9. The damage to the peach crop and other small fruits as a result of the coldest April weather in 20 years, was fixed todav at $1,000,000. The temperature at Abi lene today was 26 degrees above zero. MAY RELEASE "MOTHER" JONES. Denver, Colo., April 9. A writ of ha beas corpus for the release of "Moth er" Jones, the famous strike leader was issued today by the supreme court It is returnable in ten days. I a grass! ; Blushing is likely to strain widow's complexion. There is Only One That Is Laxative Bromo Quinine USED THE WORLD OVER TO CURE A OOLO IK OKE DAY. Always remember the full name, for this signature on every box. I PAGE INCIDENT CLOSED. Washington, April 9. That the speech of American Ambassador Page, at London, in which reference to the Panama canal were maid that aroused much discussion and criticism of the ambassador, is a closed incident, was the statement of members of both the .house and senate foreign committees today. WILL HOLD NIGHT COURT. Los Angeles, Cal., Apiil 9. Superior Judge Monroe hns announced today that he will hold night sessions of h s department for the benefit of working women who wish to tile complaints against husbands who fail to provide for their children. The night court will be open only to women who are em ployed in the day time. The first ses sion will begin tomorrow evening at 7 o'clock. There is but littlo hope for an old bachelor who can't induce a spinster on the shadv side of 40 to mam' him. HOW TZ" GLADDENS TIRED. ACHING FEET "O, Girls," Don't Have Sore Puf fed up, Sweaty, Calloused Feet or Corns Just try "TIZ." ! Ah, what relief. No more tired feet; I no more burning feet; no more swollen, , uain in corns, callouses or bunions. No matter whit ails vour feet or what nn" i rr e Tun vou'vo tried reUe M?rt M- 'm" ttvV II is the only remedj that draws , out ell the ponous exudat.ons , Pu" uP.the fe.rt! J!1?. .!? roag; i "TIZ" ia grand; "TIZ will cure your foot troubles so you'll never limp or draw up your face in pain. You shoos won't seem tight and your feet will never, never hurt or get soro, swollen or tired. Think of it, no more foot mis ery; no more burning corns, callouses or bunions. Get a 2o-cent box at any ding store AM t t nL innlnut i" will cure your; f- . Vl: . ." .' r " 'iV-;. only 25 cents. Think of it! SENATE REFUSES TO CONFIRM NOMINATION OF M'NALLY. Washington, April P. Bv a vote of 20 to 24, the senato refused yesterday my foot V ) hut dune." H upF( J afterftoon to confirm the nomination oats and vetch, $10(o M; cheat, (lOfttll; of James C. McNally to be consul at valley grain hay, $1C til3.50. Nuremburg, Germany. McXally had Oats No. 1, white, fof525.50 per been accused of "holding back" part ton. " of the price of a piece of property ha Barley Feed, 22.50 per ton; brew held for a friend in China when ho ine, nominal, rolled. (25. was consul there. He was acquitted j of the charge, however, by the state' department after two separate- trials. Look 25c. HURLED DOGS AT HERIiREAL ESTATE TRANSFERS ! IT ; Mia. Lswler Admit Shot Went Wild, However, and Her Pet Dog's Ufa i Was Sashed Out On Wall. BULLDOG ALSO MISSED HER f BOX STRUCK HEB FEIEND Shower of Caiiina Missiles Descended On Her Because She Laughed at His Appearance In Bathrobe. Los Angeles, Cal., April 9. Mrj. Teresa Kelly Lawler, daughter of th late Mike Kelly, Illinois coal baron an. I I friends of "Untie Joe" Cannon, is sn ' nig William E. Lawler for divorce in the superior court here today. Lawlo. ' has filed an answer containing general denials of his wife's charges. J Among other things, Mrs. Lawler al leged that her husband hurled her per i dog at her head, but the shot was wild and the animal's life was dashed out against the wall, fche claims that mi : another occasion he hurled a bull dog 'at her but missed again, the dog hitting ; her friend, Miss Moore. I The shower of canine missiles was i thorwn upon her, Mrs. Lawler alleged, i because she laughed at the apoearauec , her spouse made when lashed inside a bathrobe. KILLED BY TRIBESMEN. Rabat, -Morocco, April 9. Their motor becoming disabled while they were making an aeroplane flight near Zenmour yesterday, Captain Herve, a French military aviator, and a lieu tenant who accompanied him made a successful glide to the desert, where tribesmen captured them, tortured thera frightfully and finally cut them to pieces. THRIFTY LOGGER WILL WED. "Aberdeen, Wash., April 9. After ac cumulating $10,000 through hard work and thrift, Victor Johnson, a logger, is en route to Hlosingfors, Finland, to claim the bride who has been waiting for him for 20 years. He had prom ised to return, for her at the end of that timo with a fortune. RECALL ELECTION ASSURED. Everett, Wash., April 9. Containing 16S7 names, or more than required by law, petitions for the recall of Mayor Christensen and Alexander Thompson, commissioner of public works, have to- j money order from $7 to $70, H. A. day been filed with the city clerk, I Hartuache, 8si6tant postmaster hero, who today commenced to check the I for the past five years, was placed un siguatures with the registration lists, i dnr arrest today. Easter Will Soon Be Here No time left to delay for Fashion says we must don our new attire by Easter. Save time by shopping with a definite purpose. Shop through the advertising columns of your newspaper. Sco what is being advertised and where it is to be found. Pick out the offers hat seem to suit your desires and buy accordingly. Time is saved and money is saved. Certainly you have the satisfaction of knowing you are dealing with a live, "daylight" man when you patronize one who advertises. The Markets Wheat is dead so lar as movement is concerned but prices are unchanged. Goat shearing is progressing rapidly and will soon be completed. Groweis are not anxious to sell and 2" cents fail to tempt most of them to let go. A car load of strawberries will arrive in rortuiuu Jrruiav morning, anu wi'i bo placed on the market at $1.75 th.i cmte. Hood River is supplying tho "T ," , V, V,-" 7 , . Z E'; the e'oa. En , , , lt. i i dcn,an:1 ;,ca'""S P the surplus when Little is doing in hops, and such sales h;ve been made show prices at t (J A pool of 5371 bales js) , California for the purposj 0f hiostir, ..rices. Mutter l at n- . ,, ... . , ; J ccnis iui 1'iims ami iui tuueo. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Track prices: Club 93 cents. rsiuosiera, xonyioiu, wic; ilea Hussion, 92; Valley. Viz. Millstuffs Bran, 23.65 I shorts $26: middlings, $31 per t lour Patents, $4.0 per barrel; valley, wheat straights, $4.20; exports, $3.S0 4.80: graham, $4.t!0: whole $5.00. Corn ton. -Whole, $24; cracked, $35 per Hay Fancy Idaho timothy, $16.50: fancy eastern Oregon timothy, $14.00, timothy and clover, $14(Wlo; timothy and alfalfa, $1315; clover, (3.50 10: Groceries, Dried Fruits, Etc. Dried Fruits Apples, 10c per lb.; currants, 10c; apricots, 12o14c; peach es, Sttille; prunos, UalianrsffllOc: sil ver, 18c; figs, white and black, 6'a(i? 7c; raisins, loose Muscatel, 64 7Vjc; bleached Thompson, HVic; un bleached Sultanas, 8'sc; seeded7'ii 8',ie. Fruits and Vegetables. ureen rruit Apples, 75to.2.Z3 per ooxj grapes, Malagas, tiwav per keg; Emperors, $4 per keg; cranberries, (12 (a?12.50 per barrel; poors, (11.50. Potatoes Oregon, 7o per ewt; sweets, fl.i per crate. unoins uregon, S3.Zo(aS3.S0 per SCK. Dairy and Conn try Produce. Butter Creamery prints, extra, Z5i pr pound; cubes, 22e, J. E. Scott et ux to Fred Scottt et us, half interest in I. 44, 45, 74 and 73 in Sunnyside F. F. No. 3. 10. Pacific Mates Security Co., to A. S. Fisher, L 3 and 4 B 10 Kiverview Park Add. 10. F. S. Lawrence et nx to W. V. John son et ux, 5 A in Claim No. 42, T 7 8 R 3 W. 5,0UO. H. L. Rose et ux to J. W. Gerber et ux, 30.75 A in sec 31 and 6 T 7 and S. K 3 W. $1,5000. H. L. Bight et ux to I E Linnville, 5 A T 8 S B 1 W. 11,000. C. H. West et ux to G. II. Alexander, 1.09 A in T 8 8 B 2 V. 325. F, W. Waters et ux to Capital Jour nal Printing Co., L 6 B 4 Card well Add. $10. Ai Porter by sdmr to John Tgchnnta et ux, 200 A in see Hi T 7 8 K 1 K. $li,500. J. M. Porter to John Tschantz et ux, 200 A is Bee 10 T 7 8 R 1 E. $10. O. A. Lee et ux to Cyrus Cole 0 acres in Marion Co., Oregon, $000. W. H. James et ux to J. Palmer One half interest in 20.S0 acres in H. C. Bicker's D. L. C.TU8R2 W. $1,050. K. Babcock to O. T. Larson Fart block 12, Myers Ad., $10. M .U. Payne et ux to H. E. King et al Lots 5 and 6, block 10, J. Myers Add. $975. A. Nibler et ux to T. J. Hall Lots 1 and 2, block 51, Ocrvais, $300. M. Kohn et ux to P. Prantl et ux 10 aciv D. L. C. of Felix Coonse et ux T 5 S R 1 W. $1,000. P. Prantl et ux to M. Kohn et ux 100 acres A. F. Conse D. L. C. T 3 8 E 1 and 2 W. $7,000. J. W. Ebncr et ux to J. J. Kcbcr 0.15 acres, section 4 T 6 8 S 1 W. $1. J. W. Ebner et ux to J. Hufnngel 1.00 acres. Sec 3 T 3 b H 1 W. $10. John Prantl, widower, to P. I'rantl et ux 40 acres, Sec 12 T 0 8 R 1 W. $1. ' HEIRESS ACCUSES TWO MEN OF HAVING MISTREATED HER. San Francisco, April 9. Samuel I.iebman, a tuilor, aged 31, and Charles Anderson, aged 23, a taxicab driver, were arrested here yesterday on com plaint of Heluen Hume, aged 17 years, and daughter of the late Joseph Hume, one time millionaire salmon packer Tho men are charged with an offense, similar to that with which Maury I. Diggs and Walter Gilligan stand ac cused by Miss Ida Pearring. Miss Hume will come into a con siderable fortune, left her by her father, on her 18th birthday. Iu addi tion, alio has an income of about $100 a month. RAISES MONEY ORDER. Port Townsend, Wash., April 9. On a warrant charging him with raising a Eggs Oregon ranch, 19c per dozen. Cheese Oregon Triplets, 21c; Dai sies, 17c; Young America, ISc. Veal Fancy, 10U 11c ior pound. Pork Fancy, 11c, per pound. Provisions. Hams 10 to 12 pounds, 181!)?: 14 lbs, 19((V20c; picnics, li'.'.c; cottage roll, 17ic. Ilacou ancy, "U (a) 27c; standard, "ffiiw;, L'ue. LnIT, ' ,!e C'"- xiuys, worn,, t,zc. Hops-1913 crop, prime, 17t8c; 1914 contracts, 15c " ' Wool-Eastern Orcgr TUSc per lb; vallev, 17 18c. Mohair-Choice 2W-1e ' ' LOCAL WHOLESALE MARKET . , nay, Timothy ...$15.00 ! Clover, per ton $10fall j Oats and vetch JUJO ! Wheat, per bushel H0c : Bran, per ton 25.00 'Short.n. tnn oV'n.i ",:OaU, per bushel 32 t hittim Bark, per lb 4Va(H5c Cheat, per ton $13.00 Potatoes, per cwt 50W Onions ......$3.25 sack Butter and Eggs. Buttcrfat, per lb., f. o. b. Salem....23c Creamery butter, per lb 25c Eggs - 17c Poultry. Hens, per lb 14 ; Roosters, per lb ' .8-; Steers. Steers Ttfjgo Cows, per cwt 5(S)Hc. Hogs, fat, per lb . 8g!l: Mock hogs, per lb 7w7',j Ewes, por lb Spring Iambs, per lb 8(aP': Veal, according to quality Il(?l3c Pelts. Dry, por lb 8c Salted country pelts, each ....C3c$I Lamb pelts, each 25: BOY KILLS ANOTHER. Ban Francisco, April 9. While play ing with a revolver at his home here yesterday afternoon, Raymond Crowlev, aged nine, shot and probably fatally wounded Frank Rojat, aged five. A mother not only thinks her children popular with the neighbors, but ilw imagines them so smart that all her acquaintances envy tbem. How Did He KnowT I l, ;4 l I I 1 tl I I ire ii Dad (meaningly) Who Is the laziest boy hi your class, Wlille? Wlllie-I don't know. I:id 1 should think you would know. Who Is It sits Idly lu his Kent and watches the rest instead of working himself? WllllcThe teacher.-St Paul News. Plain Sailing. "Don't you find that rising In tho army Is rather slow?" "Xot In my cuse. I belong to the aviation corps." St Louis Globe-Democrat Where It Pains Most. Mamma Remember, Willie, this hurts uiammu more thnu'it does yon. T. Willie Ves, mnybe, but it doesn't leave blisters on you. Philadelphia Ledger. SICK, SOUR SIOiCH Time It! "Pape's Diapepsln" Makes Your Upset, Eloated Stomach Feel Fine in Five Minutes. "Really docs" put bud stomachs in order "really does" overcome indi gestion, dyspepsia, gns, heartburn and sourness in five minutes thnt just that makes Pnpo's Dinpepsin the lar gest selling stomach regulator in the world. I what you cat ferments into Htulihnm linmiq. vmi belch rrnu 11 mi eructate sour, undigested food and acid; j head is dizzy and aches; breath foul;, tongue coated; your insiiles filled with I bile nnu indigestiblo waste, renieuiober the moment "l'npe 's Dinpepsin" conies in contact, with the sttmiucli all such distress vanishes. It's truly astonish ing almost marvelous, n;;d tho joy is its hnrmlessiicss. A large 50-cent case of I'upe's Diu pepsin will give you a hundred dollars' worth of satisfaction or your druggist hands you your money back. It's worth its weight in gold to men and women who can't get their stom achs regulated. tl belongs in your home should ahvny be kept handy in case of a sick, sour, up'-et stomach dur ing the day or at night. It 's the qnick- rst, surest and most harmless stomach doctor in tho world. PROPOSES GOVERNMENT EN GAGE IN COASTWISE TRADE. Washington, April S. A bill propos- ling that the govcrnmentd engage coastwise trade, in a limited way, by ; extending the route of government ves sels, now plying between New York and Colon, to the principal ports on 1 the Pacific coast, was introduced iu the house yesterday afternoon by Rep resentative Church of California. It also provided that mails, parcel post packages, pussengers and government freight be carried on this line as a subsidiary of the Panama railroad com pany, now controlled by the govern men. A SURE REMEDY. "What's the matter, . Bill?" said one friends to another tho other day, "you look terribly blue and worried?" "I'm only worried because my wife is without help again and ul though she expected new girls yesterday they failed to show up," replied .Bill. "That 's unfortunate," (aid his friend, "but it's mighty lucky you can find others so quickly through a little Want Ad. My wife had the same trouble once, then a friend told her of the Journal Want Ads and she has never allowed the servant ques tion to bother her since." Read and use the Journal Want Ads and forget your troubles. (fS n R 1 . For Good Friday. Send us your orders now in order to insure prompt delivery. The demand is greater than the supply. BcassQaaaasaasszzassESSQSQ Per Dozen Delivered Friday and Saturday. Watch this space for Easter delicacies. oth Grocery Phones 1885-1886. flPWRSI FRTJITLAND CORNERS. Fine prospect for fruit. Fred Honey mado a trip to Polk' county Inst week.' Fred Gerig has been helping Fred DcVreis clear luud nith his grubbing mnchine. F. B. Alvord hns with his family, moved to falem. Ho is employed at the Spaulding lumber mill. William Donaldson has recently pur chased another team of horseu. School is progressing finely under tho euro of Professor Boyi.igton, who has charge of the higher grades and Miss I.ias, who has tho primary depart ment. Mrs. C. A. Bake has removed from Salem to her farm cast of tho school house. Mr. Anderson hns lately purchased some timber lund of William Mclhvuin north of the church. Aug. Doney is planning to go to Cali fornia to tnko up mining, that being his former occupation. . - A basket social is to be held at Bethel school house on the evening of April 18, suys an announcement on tho boards. When a man in a small town brings homo a bride from tho city, all th-j native women find fault with her clothes. f--f-4 . A WIDE WINDOW. 4 The Want Ad pnges of this 1 paper give you a daily view of f u big market place. There you T seo tho buyer and the seller, I those who seek and those who 4 have, meeting on common ground 1 supplying each other's needs at a X minimum of expenso and effort. You nro a member of this ex- 1 change in which there are no en- franco fees, or annual dues and then only when you have some I special want to express and then the cost is n matter of a few cents only. " Cultivate tlio profitable habit of reading and using the Jour- t mil Want Ads. m j X EASTER This is headquarters for millinery. Nice up to the min ute Headpieces. Sure to please. Best of materials Low Prices Little Hats for Little Tots We e Showing a big display of children's hats. Nice new creations. Little hats at little prices We sell trimmings and flowers in great variety. New fancy ribbons; direct from the silk mills. Ycu save the middleman's profits here. Easter Gloves Big assortment of Fabric Gloves. Ladies' Gloves from 25c pair up. Ladies' Long Si!k Lisle Gloves at 50c pair. Ladies' Long Chamois Suede Gloves, 50c, 38c pr. Ladies' Long Silk Gloves at $1 and 75c pair. . Lots of New Dry Goods Rostein & Greenbaum 240, 246 Commercial St. Co 410 State Street SALEM Tues., April 3 Rin Wild Animal Ml NEW SHOW 250 WUD ANIMAL . ACTORS Mere Than Al! Othsr Shows Combined ! FINEST HORSfS wfMTf TiVOiPertormances! New Street Parade KM. HATS 14