Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 09, 1914, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Mrs. A. N. Bush gave a beautifully
appointed 1 o'clock luncheon at hor j
home on Capital street yesterday in
honor of the visiting seeretariot of the j
Young Women's Christian asoeiation
who have been ""doing Mich excellent
work in organizing iu this city. Thc
centerpiece was an exquisite cluster of I
Killarney roses and ferns, while the
atraettiva-'place canls were "in keeping,
with the color scheme, each being at- j
tachedto a dainty boutonuiere of roses:
and lillies of the valley. Covers were
laid for Miss Elizabeth Fox. Miss Oracej
Maxwell and Miss Eliza Bhees Butler,
the visiting secretaries, Mrs. C A. Park,i
3Irs. C. H. Robertson, Mrs. John H. Al-j
lert, Mrs. Z F. Moody, Miss Stoughtpn,!
Mrs. John H. Lewis and the hostess. i
Fo lowing the delightful affair, the i
guests were shown over the city andj
for a couutry drive, returning in time
to board a late afternoon train for th?
east, with the exception of Miss Grace
Maxwell who remains as the miest of!
Mrs. C. H. Robertson, to further as
sist in the local "Y' movement,
With all preparations made for the
convention of the Rebekah's in this city
tomorrow, the event promises to be a
memorable one in lodge circles. The
meeting will o;en at 1 o'clock p. m. at
I. 0. O. F. hall and continuing through
out the afternoon will close in the
evening with a reception. Lunch will
"be served at the lodge rooms at noon,
proceeding the sessions.' The following
is the program arranged for the day:
Opening session, 1 p. m., Address
of welcome, Ruth Anderson, P. 0. N,
Salem. Response, Tryphena Lodge, Sil
verton. Music. . Address by Charlotte
Woodman, president of Rebekah assent
lily. Reading, Blanche Liston. School
if Instruction, Grand Officers. Muoic,
home lodge, Woodburn. Exemplication
of unwritten work, Past Noble Grands.
Needs of the I. O. O. F. home, Jose
7'hiue Childers. Question Box. Sym
posium, A Rebekah When, Where and
How. Doviiling place of holding next
convention. Election of officers. Music.
Adjournment until 7 p. m.
Evening session Music, .by Conven
tion. Instrumental solo, Frank Church
ill. Competitive Drill of Degree Staffs
of Home Lodge, No. 58, of Woodburn,
Kirk Lodge, No. 124, lanby, and Trv
Jihcna Lodge, No. 38, Silverton, Music.
ft w
The Yeoman have planned a soehl
for Friday evening and Lady Rowena
lias arranged a short musical program,
card party and refreshments for the
members from 9 to 11 o'clock. A very
jilcnsant evening is anticipated.
. , , j r- , -After
twenty-five vears of success
ful entering to the public in Saleni, the
tSpa confectionery establishment yester
day gave a reception to its patrons,
tiunfbering over 2,000 during the after
noon and evening. Applo blossoms de
corated the entrance and windows,
while the mnrble-topped tables were
licautified with clusters of fragrant
crimson carnations and ferns. The
young ladies serving were uniformly j
gowned in pink, with white aprons,
licing not unlike apple blossoms them-1
eelves. The rich green carpet carried j
out the idea of woodland, while in the
Tear of the parlors the Peerless or-
.i: .1 l : ii l.
v-wicsim uiajjfiiBtru music llirougll-
out the afternoon. Miss Stege played
the violin and Miss Booth, piano; Mr.
Hk'mner, clarinet; H. N. Stoudemeyer,
director of the Salem military band,
the cornet; no fixed program was
played but throughout the afternoon
and evening the orchestra played the ;
latest music in concert waltzes, comic i
operas, etc. There were numerous new !
creations in the way of sweetsuffs
served, end the guests of Messrs. Stolz '
nnd Myers included practically all of
the society women and business men of i
,the town. Dnintv Easter souvenir i
pictures were the favors.
Mrs. Henry Muscott, of Dallas, has
been visiting her daughter, Mrs. L. G.
Chapin, this week.
Miss Jennie Muscott, librarian of the
Carnegie library of Dallas, was a guest
m .it - ii -.-
-5 . 1 -
' 6
1 - t ,r . Vif'i f vivify
S ' 1 , , f -i . I ft f
A PLEASING decoration is shown here. It la a simple one that might be
followed In whole oi port In any old fashioned house. The window
seat with Its cretonne cushions and the high old fashioned settee are
both quaint and comfortable. The bookshelf on the wide wicker chair
is a convenient touch that might be added to any cn.ilr of this type. Alto
gether it is a sitting room of both originality and charm.
at the homo of her sister, Mrs. L. G.
Chapin, several days this week. '
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Savoda, of he
mawa, have been visiting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Asa Bower, at 3s5
Mission street.
Mrs. J. L. Sweeny, of Dallas, aacom
panied by her son, John, has been the
guest of her niece, Mrs. John R. Mills,
during the week.
Pasadena, Cal., April 9. William A.
Scripps, veteran newspaper man, who
is seriously ill nt his Altadena home,
passed a comfortable night. Early to
day he was believed to be in no im
mediate danger, and it was stated that
so far as acute pneumonia is concerned,
the crisis is safely parsed. On account
of his prolonged ill-health, preceding
the attack of pneumonia, Scripps' com
plete recovery is gravely doubted,
Mrs. Scripps and two daughters, Mrs.
O. O. Ellis, of Detroit, and Mrs. F. W.
Kellogg, of Altadena, have been con
stantly in attendance upon the sick
Among the many friends inquiring as
to the condition of the aged publisher,
none has been more solicitous, than the
inmates of the William A. Scripps
home for aged people, an institution
founded two years ago by Scripps, and
which is considered one of the model
homes of'its kind, because of the num
berless snva.ll pleasures Afforded its
members through the generosity of the
founder, and other wealthy persons
who halve taken an interest in its wel
Skagway, AlnHka, April 9. Women
participating, for the first time, in an
election here, carried off the honors
by electing the entire non-partisan
union ticket against the taxpayers'
ticket, and defeating J. M. Tanner and
his cohorts who have dominated the
city council for years.
The women passed around cigars,
called with cabs to take the voters to
the polls, and carried sample ballots.
Reports from all over Alaska were
to the same effcrt that the women took
an exceedingly active part in tho elec
tions, and in Ketchikan a complete re
form ticket was chosen.
Paris, April 9. With Senator Mas
ouraud presiding, the republican, senate
committee on commerce and industry
adopted today a resolution urging the
government to apropriato funds for a
French exhibit at the Panama-Pacific
exposition in San Francisco. The reso
lution said in part:
"By reason of the growing import
ance of transactions with America, it is
most important that France participate
in tho industrial and commercial mani
festation to be staged in San Francisco.
It is our desire that parliament vote the
monjy necessary for official participa
tion.'"' i SMcf Beauty is a Joy t-orevei
Removes Tan, Pimp!,
Freckle. M'tu P-ttcliee.
Rasb, and hkio D:wpa?,
an every Diermio
on beauty, ainl de
fle iletittltm. It
bai stood tlie teat
of Co yesr", and
',3 cd harmlcsa we
Uitelt tobefure
la properly made.
Accept no counter
feit of ioitE.tr
r.ame. Dr. L. Jl
yre laid to a t
lady of ttie h&uU I
ton (A patient!: I
''As you ladlei j
will ue tu-m.
I recomroenl
i(l.ai.i rrnm the leatt harmful of all tha
kin preparationa." 'or aale by all drueKitti and Fancy.
Oooda Dealers iu the United Stales, fjanada ac t Europe.
CEB1T.HQPK1N5. Frco. 37 Gr-at Jena Street Mai
Daddy's Bedtime;
Peter' Trip
With the Man
HERE was once," said daddy,
ways longed to see tho ninu u the moon. Every night wlieu thero
wns a full moon be would sit nt bis wiudow nnd look nt the funny,
jolly face of the old tuuu until lie became ao sleepy be would have
to go to bed.
"One night be sat wnteblng so long tlmt bo fell sound asleep by the win
dow. It wns not loug before be saw the strangest thing. The moon seemed
to be growing larger nnd larger, nnd noou It was back of a tree near Ills win-'
duw. lie could see quite plainly tho jolly old face of Ills beloved man lu tho
moon looking jollier aud fatter than ever. The old man grinned from car to
ear at Peter, aud lu a moment or two bo spoke.
"'Well, Teter, hero I am. Now bow do you llko me?' And as he spoke
be chuckled and laughed.
'"Ob, I tuluk you're wonderful:' said Teter, with wild enthusiasm nnd Joy.
"'So you think I'm wonderful, do you? Ha, ba! Well, that Is a joke!
But there certnluly Isn't any one else Just llko me, that's true euougb. So
maybe I'm wouderful because I'm so queer. What about that?'
"'Ob, no, said Peter; 'you're wonderful because you're so fat and Jolly
and because you're always laughing aud seeming to have a good time.'
"At that the old tuuu In the moon laughed some more and said: 'Well,
you're a funny little chap too. All folks don't think It's such a compliment
to be fat, but I do. It's tbe way 1 am, you sec, nnd It's best to be satisfied
with the way you are, Isu't it? If you reully like me then I'll tnke you off lu
my chariot of mist to visit tbe stars, nnd you'll cull on all the bright queens of
the stars, who spurkle so you can see them from dowu on tbe earth.'
"So off went Peter with the man In tbe moon for tbe most gorgeous trip.
They visited all tbe stars, saw the bright fnlry queens who llvo In tbem and
nil the little elves and brownies. And then the man In the moon showed Peter
where in the sky be stayed and how be moved every week so that all tbe
little boys aud girls In the world could see a full moon every month. ' And
Peter could see down below all the wee little bouses (they looked so guin.ll
from where Peter was) nnd the earth, which looked very funny aud small, too,
from up In tbe moon. Peter felt a little afraid at first that he'd fall, but ns
lie'd never beard of the mnu In the moon having a tumble to earth he felt
comforted. Alas, all too soon the Journey bad to end, for Peter benrd tbe dis
tant sound of a breakfast bell.
"As be yawned be realized he'd been sleeping all nlgbt by tbe window.
But, oh, sucb a gorgeous sleep as It had been I" . .
The Dalles, Or., April 9. It was be
lieved today- that the six men injured
in the explosion of dynamite yester
day near Big Eddy on The Dlnllcs-C'elilo
caniil in which four others lost their
lives will recover, although two of them
were frightfully cut and bruised. Tho
explosion was caused by a steam shovel
striking a "missed fire." First reports
were that seven men had been killed.
The dend were: Edward Kemllo,
steam shovel engineer; Alex Liud, Ed
Ryan and C. Oldrieb, p't men.
The force of the explosion was ter
rific, partially destroying the nearby
surface works anil almost demolishing
the huge steam shovel.
Kendler, the engineer was thrown in
to the cogs of a big wheel by the forco
of tho explosion and his body ground
to bits.
Nearly every bone in the body of
Oldrich was broken when a rock car
was lifted bodily and dropped on him.
Arthur Eckerson, a powder man was
the most seriously injured. A stone
driven by the blast struck his nose and
left it hanging by slender threads of
flesh. Physicians removed the nose en
A distinctive feature of the Al G.
Barnes big 3-ring wild animal circus,
and one to which the attention of the
public is respectfully directed, is the
large ami extremely valuable troupe of
horses exhibited by the show.
There are 550 of these animals and
nowhere, can more bcfiutiful, better
bred or better trained horses be found.
One hundred uniformly sized and col
ored dapple grays are said by expert
horsemen to bo absolutely unrivalled,
twelve of the lot having been exhibited
as prize winners in many different parts
of the world. Fifty blooded riding and
driving horses ore members of the
troupe, each ono a blue ribbon animal
and an actor of marked ability. Fu'l
blooded Percherons,' Normans, Clydes
and Cleveland. Ba's are nmong the lot
The pony section contains 2(i0 finely
bred Arabians and Shetlands. In size
these jionies range from Tot ami Tiny,
the world's smallest horses, to Omaha,
a stately 1600, pound Arabian stallion.
These ponies have been trained to do
eoine very remarkable acting. Brilliant
military drills, posing, fancy dancing
and comedy tricks are a part of their
work. Among the lot is the quartette
of Arabian stallions, Denver, Borneo,
Cuba and Marcus, eaid to be the most
beautiful and best educated ponies
known. s
These animals are exhibited free to
the public in the big street parade at
10:30, and it is well to remember that
the display represents the greatest
showing of educated horses ever seen
in one collection. Later in the dav,
tbey all appear on the program given by
the show a remarKable exhibition of
what horses can be trained to do.
Muny other animals, including 60
lions, tigers, leopards;, jaugars and pu
mas, 30 bears, herds of elephants, cam
els, zebras, zubus, goats, dogs, monkeys,
seals and sea lions are offered in dif
ferent features by nun and women
A genuinely funny comedy section is
presided over by forty comedy-clown
animals. Performances are given at. "
and 8 p. m. The Salem date is Tucsdav,
April H.
Corporation Commissioner Balp Wat
ton has today notified district at
torneys throughout the state to proceed
against corporations which have failed
to pay their license fees, from W0 to
$200 being due from each. A penulty
of 100, with interest, is provided for
failure to pay. Wntson proposes to
make every corporation in the state
comply with the lw. The following
is a list of the corporations to be sued:
the Moon. Psltr Saw the Man In
th Moon.
"a llttlo noy named Peter who hnd al
Clackamas Power Irrigation com
pany, Oregon City; American Arcadia
Land company, Portland; Beaumont
Land company, Portland; Blazier It
vestment company, Portland; The
Chambers Lumber company, Borcnn,
Lane county; The Art Amusement com
pany, Portland; Blazier Timber com
pany, Portland; The Coast Wire Fence
company, Portland; Coast Supply &
Manufacturing company, Portland; Co
operative Trading company, Richlaud,
Baker county; Tho T..J. Thorpe Manu
facturing company, Corvallis; Swiss
American Milk Products company,
Portland; Yamhill Sanitary Public
Market company, -Portland; Washing
ton Northern Railroad company, Port
land; Wild wood Springs company,
Portland; Wilson Bed Spring company,
Talent; Snginaw Orchard & Timber
compnny, Portland; The Tillamook
Power company, Portland; Umpqun
Coal company, Roscburg; . I'mntilla
Electric Pow-otrx company, Weston;
Seeley-Anderson Logging company,
Coquille; Wheeler Lumber company,
Wheeler; Sumpson company, Limited,
Bourne; Tho, Waterfront company,
New York, April 0. Attorney Joseph
.Shay, representing former Police Lieu
tenant Charles F. Becker, recently
granted a retrial following his convic
tion on a chare of murdering Ilermnn
Rosenthal, tho gambler, announced to
duy that ho was prepared to file an
order before the state supreme court,
asking District Attorney Whitman to
chow cause why a commisison should
not bo appointed to take tho. deposi
tions of the four New York gunmen
sentenced to die April 13 for Rosen
thal's murder. If any justice of the
court receives such an order it was be
lieved here that tho execution of the
four men would be delayed.
Marvelous Home Treatment Does It.
Try This Tree Prescription.
Do your eyes aclief Do they itch and
burn Would you like to dispense with
your glasses? Are you troubled with
headaches? If so, here's a free pro
scription for you.
A New York physician comes forth
with the edict that glasses must go.
These windows are, in mr.ny cases,
merely crutches, nnd you might just as
well expect crutches to euro rheuma
tism as to expect tall eye trouble to be
cured by glasses. Many wear glasses
who would not reqtiiro them if they
took proper euro of their eyes.
This simple homo remedy will aston
ishyou after a few applications. It
is absolutely harmless in every way.
You may use it in baby's eyes with
out the slightest fear of injury. The
eyeB need a bath just as do other orgnns.
Tjie eyes are constantly throwing off
poisonous matter, and, unless it is
washed away, weak, inflamed eyes are
apt to result.
We publish this prescription so the
readers of this paper mny reap benefit.
Persons having granulated lids will ap
preciate the comfort and relief this pre
scription gives. Inflamed, -watery eyes,
or eyes which look dull and glassy, will
be greatly improved after a reasonable
triul of this remarkable remedy.
Do not become a victim of neglect.
Cut out this prescription and go to your
nearest drug store and get a box of
Optona tablets; dissolve one in a two
ounce bottle., of pure water and apply
four times daily. Note how your eyes
will clear up and how refreshed they
will feel. Headaches due to tired eyes
quickly disappear.
You will then thank us tot callinf
yonr attention to this valuable pre
scription. In the package you will find
a valuable, instructive booklet, which
gives a vast amount of intensely in
teresting information pertaining to eye
disorders. It should be in every home.
Many who are hopelessly blind put off
eye protection until it was too late.
Fond mothers perjietuate many of
the o-oalierl smart sayings of children.
Coirniittea Named to Stage Cherry Fast
and Several Enthusiastic Talks
Are i Made.
R. R. Ryan Of fors His Big Now Build
ing and it is Probable That the
Fair Will Bo Held In It.
With Ex-Mayor i.c
president, J. K. Linn, secretary, and
Ernest Anderson, treasurer, of a com
mittee authorized; to appoint sub-committees
to assist in tho work of prep
aration, it was finally decided last1
night at the meeting of an enthusiastic
bunch, of local business men to hoi I
another Cherry festival this season. Mr.
Lachmund' took the lead last night,
after teveral . others bucked at bein
named as a member of tho pmcipnl
committee, and uj'on being nominated
by Graham P. Taper and elected amid
loud aplause, the ex mayor of this pity ;
suid that he would servo providing Mr.!
Linn was compelled to get in the hat- i
ness with him. Mr. I.iiin was inclined
to talk for a tiulo but tho crowd in-!
sisted so strenuously that he act that
the popular hopnign ami booster at last j
joined Mr. Lachmund. K. Anderson was
unanimously chosen treasurer of the
committee and the three gentlemen
will now start the boll rolling for the
1.1114 Cherry fair.
Funds Big Question..
The matter of funds with which to
carry on tho annual show was discussed
thoroughly. Harley O. White, who wns
a member of the finance committeo of
last year's fair, reported that it will
be up to the committeo this year to
raise over 600 Which was given last
year by the saloonmcn and the Salem
Brewery association. Ho stated that
A. O. Magers conducted tho campaign
for funds last year and did fine work
and that It will be a difficult matter
to raise tho necejsnry $1200 in pledges
this season.
Mr. Linn declared that if tho church
es will give as much as tho saloonmen
did formerly that a fair could be held
He stated that he did not wish to ho
understood as speaking sarcastically
but that it was a business proposition
and one which must be given consider
ate attention if tho people want to raise
sufiecifnt funds.
Ryan Offers Proposition.
R. R. Ryan made the Cherry fair
boosters a good jiroposition lust night.
Ho ?aid that ho will soon have his bi;'
market building completed and the cher
ry exhibits can have all tho space re
quired in his place this senson. Mr.
Kyan suggested that thero bo made n
general display of Marion county pro
duce and that there would be no charg
es made for the use 01 the building.
Mr. Hyan's offer; was given enthusiastic'
consideration by1 the business men and
he was heartily thanked for the offer.
It is more than likely that tho liyan
building will bo tho scene of tho noxt
festival as it is large nail roomy and
will niako an ideal show place for tho
fruit, it is said.
Growers Should Help.
It was the general opinion last night
that the cherry growers should give,
some financial (issitance to tho fai.
Henry Meyers believed that inasmuch j
as the cherry growers -.would realize
most of tho benefit, or a great deal,
at least, they should offer some heln
in arranging for tho coming, festival.
It was contended that the fruitmen are
given a great opportunity of adverth
ing their farms and receive liberal re
ward for their exhibits mid for this
reason they should make some effort
to boost, the show along both financial
ly and otherwise:.
"Got tho people," said Frank Mere-
rith, who is conceded to bo tho best in
formed public showman in tho country.
Mr. Meredith 1i:i!h beon-the wheel Uotri
at the state fair1 for a number of yca'-.
and stated last night that the people of
alem have got to bring strnngers into
the city if they desire to make a success
of the cherry festival Get the crowd,
he said, was the main solution to the
question of hclding sucressful public
affairs.. Mr. Meredith declared that
while it will ho an up-hill proposition
to -aim funds, the people could do it
nevertheless ami could make the annual
event greater juid better than jver this
Carnival Man Talks. .
Henry C. Wilbur, an amusement innn
ager, gave tho, men, a good, rousing
ffiTk. Ho pointed out why Haleni should
not let the festival drop, saying that
every city of any size now days have
one and sometimes two features which
they i-pring on the public each year and
Ijialem should get busy and go out uf
ter the funds with a jump.
The managers of the Brownin''
Why Do French Women
I Always Look Young?
In France mothers and daughters
look like sisters. How are the women
there able to retain their youthful looks
until long past; middle agct Is it be
cause they aro much given to the use
of mercolized wax? This wax possesses
a remarkable absorbent property which
quickly removes tha fine particles of
cuticle which aro constantly dying and
which are the immediate cause of an
old-looking complexion. Thus tho Jive-;
lier, healthier, younger skin beneath is ;
given a chance to breathe and show it-1
Belf. Most liltely t will not require :
two weeks to mnke your complexion as
clear, soft ami beautiful as a young
girl's. Just elne ounce of mercolized
wax (all American druggists have it)
usually docs thm work. The wnx is put
on nights like cold cream and washed
off mornings, j !
Another valuable secret with which
the French aio familiar is how to '.
quickly removfe wrinkles. One ounco ; I
of powdered snxolito dissolved in a half
pint witch hazel, makes a marvelously j
effective astringent lotion. The face j
should be bathed in this daily until:
even the deepest lines aro affected. -
IThe Store That Saves You Money ' ' ' . I
H T w'niir a i ill MtW ffey
Bit t ii allTJtef
alt Seamless Velvet f B BV ffflj'
Axmlnster 9x12 $22.50
Velvet Seamless 9x12 u.85
Brussels Seamless 9x12 13.75
Brussols Print 9x12 8.05
Oregon and
We Sell tor Less, Because We Buy tor Less
Amusement coniany stated that they
will be on hand this season also.
Mayor Steeves declared that he could
almost assuro thoso boosting the cherry
festival that his church will do its part
in furnishing funds and assistance to
tho affair and said that htera is not
much doubt but what all tho churches
will lend a hand. In any event, ho stat
ed, tho keys of Salem will be turue.l
oyer to the peoplo aud tho city officers
will do everything in their power to
make the purposed tair a success,
Hal 1). 1'atton suid that tho churches
must co-operate this season and tlu.t
everybody should get in their best
work right now and try and givo the
11)14 event some -rousing support 'in
every way. 1
Charles II. Fisher was called upon to
talk and he explained that whilo ho
was a new comer and was not acquaint
ed with the work as yet, ho thought
that a cherry fair should ho held this
season as before.
As usual, Dr. II. (J. Epley was en
tiihiHstic. over the plan to hold another
festival and gave'assuranco thac he will
do all he can to further the proposition.
.lohn H. Scott believed that tho com
mittees should try out tho people ami
sco just how much they were willing to
givo toward tlio expenso of conducting
tho fair. ,
W. M. Hamilton was of the opinioi
that another fair can be held eucces.v
fully vihilo H. L. (lark spoke enthus
iastically in favor ot the festival.
Richardson speaks.
Tom liiehrrdson, tho well known civ
ic. booster, addressed tho meeting. At
his invitation several representative-biiIn-:s8
men of tho city met Mr. liich
ardson at tho Hotel Marion nt noon
toilay and talked over a proposition
to build up n stroiicar commercial club.
Instantly Clears Air Passages; You
Breathe Freely, Nasty Discharge
Stops Head Colds end Dull Hoadacho
Get a small bottle anyway, just to try
it apply a little in the nostrils nnd in
stantly ynnr clogjred nose nnd stopped
up air passages of the head will open;
you will breathe freely; dullness nnd
heade.cho disappear. By morning! tho
catarrh, eold in-hend or cutarhul sore
throat will bo gone.
End such misery now! Get tho small
bottle of "Ely's Cream Bolm" nt any
drug store. This sweet, frngrnnt balm
dissolves by the heat of the nostrils;
Need not be spotted to bo dirty. On every carpet, there
aro sticky accumulations of dirt which adhere tu tho pile
or nup, and w hich neither sweeping nor vacuum will remove.
The only effect! -injurious way to remove this dirt, and
by far tho best, quickest and cheapest way, is to use I3H-2A-BISBLE"
the "Perfect Cleansor" 100 per cent effi
cient. .
A Money Back Product
Geo. E. Wightman Co.
Oregon's Leading specialists in Sanitation.
00 Eleventh streot. Portland, Oregon.
Phono Main 8534.
i '
Oregon and
Chicago, April 9. As a result of
their sweeping victories in Tuesday's,
elections, prohibitionists today were
predicting ,a dry Chicago in the near
future. Though somewhat gloomy over
their losses at tho polls, "antis"
laughed nt this suggestion. Complcto
returns showed that 22 counties went
dry Tuesday, giving the prohibitionists
52 out of 102 touutiea.
Pasadena, Cal., April 9. Charged
with beating his 14 year old adopted
son witJt a sardeu hose. Rev. Fred R.
, Matthews will be arrested today on a
I warrant sworn out by officers of tha
1 humane society.
j Neighbors ascrt that Matthews, who
j is a retired minister, flogged the boy
uui-aiiBe nu rciiiscu 10 suy ins prnvers.
The illustrated lecture on the Pan
ama canal at eight o'clock this oven-.
ing tit tlio piUilic library will be do
jlivcred by Professor William F. Alli
son. Mr. Allison has some very goo I
j slides of tho canal ami tho lecture will
bu very interesting. It will be in tho
j auditorium of the library (entrance 0:1
! Winter street) a'ld is free. Dr. Carl
jH. Elliott, who hns lived in Tannin..
;for a number of yours, will introduce,
; the speaker of tho evening.
1 Lecture bv I
j Professor William F. Allison
Public Library Auditorium
8 o'clock tonight
penetrates and heals the inflamed, nnd
swollen membrane which lines the nose,
head and throat; clears the air passages
Btnjis misty discharges and a feeling cf
cleansing, soothing relief comes imme
diately. Don't lay nwako tonight struggling
for breath, vtith head stuffed; imstiilH
closed, hawking and blowing. Catarrh
or a cold, with its running nose, foul
mucous dropping into tho throat, and
raw dryness is distressing but truly
Put your faith just once in "Ely's
Cream Bnlin" and your cold or catarrh
will Burely disappear.