PAGE EIGHT - THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 1911. 34 years of successful merchan dising; in Salem. ISSgBni SaWs Big Store. ' BgjBEia The Home of Satisfaction Bflg3"3 Salem's Big Store. ' r""m Easter Sale of UTBTISB rade wearing urc nases a High Awaits n Who Eve ry Ma 7 Stylish Suits and Dresses to $35 Special, $19. 85 Get the new suit or dress from this splendid assortment you can .have-it for Easter and at a tremendous saving from usual prices. . .: The. new fabrics and colorings are represented in the eho wing. - Suits . of . .Crepe,. Serge, Silk, Poplins, Novelty Checks and Ratines in the ipopular-reenB,-, blues, terra . cotta and black. ' ,. , , ' Dresses of Crepe De Chine, Poplin, Foulard, Taffeta and Marguisette in checks and want ed colors. Take your choice from this assortment. -Regularly priced. to $35.00. Pre-Easter Price, $19.85 New, Nifty Coats for Women and Misses to $15 grades, Pre-Easter Sale-$8.85 The newest popular models are included in this lot golf, sport and Balmacaan in golfine, checks and mixtures take your pick from the lot. mm GOOP1GOODS A Sale of Children's Coats. Prices reduced 33 1-3 to 50 per cent No better time to buy the child a coat an excellent variety to select from-ihecks, coverts and . plain colors sizes 2 to 14 years. Take your pick at these great reductions. The House of Quality Vf r in Our Men's Section this Week .Were' going out of the Men's Clothing business.'. -W6 'must sell every garment as soon as possible prices are unusually low purchase this week at the clos ing out . prices, . and . you'll be agreeably surprised with what we have planned, for you. It will pay you to investigate. . . Cut This Ad Out and Present It When Buying a Suit JUL- .ilooosAGdoKfc V. B. t'orsets. Butterick Patterns. 'Wmm Nettleton Shoes for Men KESSSHmSi High-Grade Togs for- Men and Boys. v. 1 The students In the salesmanship class of the high school yesterday nl'tcrnno'i were adresscd liy Max (), Burcii. Mr. Buron's tulk on salesmanship was lo the point and the students wore advised along many linen in regard to what in necessary lo tho making of n vtood sale:',- 1111). Piano tuning, repairing, first-class work, Phono HrtS, leave orders at (I. C. Will or K. F. Peters. J. K. llnckott. On April 25 tho graduates of the WU- Inmottn university law school will lioli! ft ban.piot In Portland nt which nil if the old students will lie Invited, in eluding their wives. .Indue ('. I,, Mc Navy, former dean of tho college of law, will ii Ixo attend. Over 30 yoari tn the watch and jewelry repairing business. Burr's Jewelry at ore. ' Try Bcott'i 115c moaU. Local niembors of the National Aaso elation of stationary Engineers No. .2 entertained members. ' of tho Portland Uraiii'h hern yesterday, A fine biinipi"t wnri held in the Hotel Marion after which tho engine drivers went to Hurst Mall where u. general good time was H'ld. Til o Portland and Salem engineers visit hack and forth regularly and th-J orders always have n high time. Watches for repair may bo sent uo liy mail, V guurantee their sufo re turn, llnrr's Jewelry store. Some section hands working on tho Southern Pacific track near the stn'o faiigrniiiuls yestenlmy Ht'ternoon dis covered three hand sawn and several other tools hid in a tie pile, The tools were drought, to Hie police station and were found to lie a pint of the property stolen from W, II. Dalrviuplo, the cai pouter, recently. Mr. Dnlryiuplo Iden tified the saws as lieing the ones which KC1 I ISH-KA-BIBBLE CARPET RENOVATOR Maheg the dirt fly 1811 KA B1HBLE Is another way of saying, "I should worry,", and suggests tho attitude of any housewife who knows tho enso with which her carpels, rugs, draperies and other fabrics may bo kept spotlessly eVnn by the Use of this wonderful compound. CLEANB INSTANTLY all manner of spots and stains, rven of tho most obstinate character, restoring the fabric to Its original ruler and beauty. THE ONLY CLEANSER of Its kind on the market. .No need to remow your carpets from the floor. No labor, no exertion so simple and easy n child run una II. I8U KA BIBBI.E U sold under the positive guarantee that. If It Is not absolutely natisfacotry In every way, your money will he chcorfully refunded. Positively uou .Injurious. ASK YOUR GROCER MADE IN OREOON . BY Geo. E. Wightman Co. wore, stolen from his tool chest which was located on tho high school ball grounds. I At tho Passion Woek services in the First Methodist church tonight, nt 7:30 o'clock, Dr, .1. ii. Patterson, of Willam ette University, will speak. The pub lic ia cordially invited. There will bo I special! music, in charge of A. A.' Kchrani. . Motorcycle Officer Stanton last night J arrested 1. H. M. Tierce, tho tailor for' riding his wheel on the streets after night without n light. Judgo Klgin Ins' nssesscd i'ierco with a ifJ.-'K) fine. j Artisans, Attention Open meeting ' edncsdny eve. Among the many clever articles boing made by the .Salem high school students in the uinuiial training department, is now a first class umbrella, handle. Tin; handle was turned out by Kidney Hor sey. Young Horsey shows romnrlijihlo ability in wood work and has ir.nnufnc t ii rod many useful and unique articles Pour export watchmakors. Beat of work, no delays, llarr's Jewelry store. It will be up to the citizens of Saloir to decide whether or not a Cherry fair will be held here this year and if so, upon whnt dale. The meeting to be hebl in the 'promotion department audi torium tins evening will be largely for that purpose and everyone interested in tho cherry festival is asked to come out and make their desires known. The cherry festival is an aiinnnl event 'in Salem, us everybody here knows and the comemrcial club is anxious to have the opople make a ipiick decision. - - t Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Mason, of 6271 While thera has been a bis lot of North Capitol street, left this morning' nominating declarations filed, there has for Condon, where Mrs. Mason's niece, .Miss tiertrudo H jprtes, lost her lire in a firo that destroyed the Oregon Ho tel early yesterday morning. The young woman was. employed an a wait ress. ."; t Our strong point is good work and prompt delivery. Burr's Jewelry store. Tho old Cumberland Probyteriav. church is on its way from its old loca tion on Marion street to its new oue on the south side of Mill creek und tho west side of Conmiorninl. It is causing considerable trouble ' to the streetcar service, compelling a transfer on Com mercial and nlso some work with the wi res. Sr. Mondolsohn,flts eyes correctly. TJ 3. Bank building. Miles A, Simpson this afternoon filed his declaration tor the nomination as been but nbout 100 petitions left with tho secretary of state. As Friday at 5 o'clock is the latest date' which peti tions van be f iled, and as corrected pe George Gray, oue of the Gray-Bello ; HORSE, Buggy and harness for sulo Confectionery company proprietors, hasi ' cheap, $75; Call at C70 Mill street. purchased a camera which is double cli'iin lightening itself. Mr, tlray can take a view of a oasoball shooting through the atmosphere, of a ball play- titions will have to be filed in many er in tho air after a ball and can get cases, some ono is going to get lelt it they do not get u hurry-up. After 5 o'clock Friday these corrected petitions cannot be filed, and if they are not in in time to be corrected some of those who think they arc running for ol'tice will discover that they are not even "nlso raiis. '' FOR (SAt.K OB KXCHANGE Thirteen and one-half acres of choice land l'j miles from tho Southern Pacific R. R. a line pliotognaph or most anything from a bullet sailing to the murk to n steam bout in still water. Dave Yantis, "The Toggery Man," jumped into the lime light yesterday by pieporing what is conceded to bo ono of the finest Easter show windows seen 0 ; here for some time. The spacious win According to Dr. J. N. Smith this dows are so ararnged that togs for morning,, Captain E. T. Smith, one of Easter season aro shown off to a splen the most prominent men in the county, : did ndvantngo while the general iiiakc is seriously n,U at his home near Liber- ' up of tho display is worthy of much ty. The old pioneer is about MS years, praise for both beauty ami originality. old now. nnd was formerly an officer in o ....'.... i too uregon luii.i i.o. The New-England restaurant Is now ' 0 open for business in its new quarters in Miss lieien Aspinwau, wno resides tlH, old Hoard of Trado building, on oil Oak street, had tho misfortune to i West State street. Tho place has boon fall and break her arm last eveniiii' greatly improved both inside and out. o 8 acres in cultivation, fair house, bam, plenty of fruit nnd fine well of water; price if'2,500, will accept $1,500 as first payment, bulunce eiiHy, or will tuke that amount in good city property. Square Deal Realty Co., 1'lione 470. FOR N.H.H New No. 4 Underwood typewriter; Address N. T. enro of Journal. LEHMAN &, CI.OUIU (I. B. Webb, A. M. Clough, morticians und funeral directors. Latest modern methods known to tho profession employed, -lio Court street. Main 120. Main OSS. a republican for the office of member! while roller skating near her home. Dr, ot the legislative assembly lrom t oot Harry t lay was caneii, wno set tne in- "Daddy" Walker oue of Oregon's county. Mured member, and Miss Aspiiiwall is ollU,,ti ,,,,,.,, aml )io resides on the reportct to ue uoing very nicely to.iaiy. ' ,,, Walker place near this city, visited j ViBit Gllson's attractive new barber, j shop in liligh building, State street. j ' Tin registration of votors continues I slow and with nearly half still to reg j ister the showing will bo light unless voters get. u sudden move on. There I are, according to estimates, about 8,000 'yet 'o register, and only 1!) clays for it to be done in in time to vote at the ' prinnrios, They will have to get on ' the books now at the rate of 1-0 a day ! ii ud tho registration is hardly one- fourth that. It was roported this morning that Mrs. M. 1'. Mendelsohn, wife of the well-known specialist here, is doing nicely now, following ipiitie u severe operation which she underwent recent ly. When you smoke a 12' a-c.cnt cigar, be sure it is a Tushmoo, for that means that you will get tho best that the dealer can sell for the money. NEW SHOW TODAY here this morning on business. While in the city .Mr. Walker shook hands with several of the other "boys" such as t'nele Hill Ilrown, John limy an I1 others. Mr. Wnlker also made his usual trip to the seed stores ad states he is going to lila nt lots of stuff this year. THEATRE Hand Eye- l Oregon'! Ledlug specialists la S.uiltatiou. V l.ievntli street. Portland. Ore Phone Main W3-I. -gen. YOU CANNOT SHOW GREATER CONSIDERA. TION for your eye$ than by having them examined now and then by a competent optometrist, just aa many have their teeth examined before the ache come. There't latsifaction in know ing that your eyes are rght. We will give you our honest opinion. MISS A. McCULLOCH OPTOMETKIST C91 N. Comnierclal St. Thou. 925 Jiourt, 8 to B Ground Floor w ASK roa L SHUR-ON W. D. McFntlden, an old-time minor, who has lived here for a couple of j years, making bis homo at the White iiuuiM- I iv i ii u I ii ii i , wim niiiiiw'ii nun paralysis Tuesday afternoon about 4 o'clock. He was in his room nt the time. The secretary of the local lodge of Elks was notified, Mr. McKinlilen be ing a life member of Denver lodge, au l he was sent to the Willuiuet.te sanator ium. This is his second attack, the first coming about two mouths ago, ami lie is in a very dangerous condition. He is, n bachelor, and has no relatives in this part of the country. o Boports from the bedside of E. O. Cross this afternoon are to tho effect ho is very low and that his condition Iocs not seem to be improving notice- Mr. I ross was attacked with f, paralyetic stroke during the fore part of the week and the shock was so ser ious recovery is bring very difficult. English ITot Cross Buns at Women's Exchange, Friday and Saturday. You get our guarantee backed by I 2SS3HISi3SISnnSZ2S2El are well laundered for nny occasion if you have your work done at the Cirpital . City Laundry. Phono Main 105. j , ' WilIinm H- oi Jlui""oi'c is ' i Li Li I w9 In :r7. n C A rUnll NEW TODAY. WANTED Tn buy a team of young Four uirrhts beinnninir tnnletif wUli u 4 I StlliletilH ' Mutimt.i Kiitur.l.ii' THE REX PLAYERS mtires weighing not less thiin 1,250 ; pounds. Address B., care Capital ;r j,,,,,,,,, j,.ffcrson 's immortal play. Journal, giving nil information. There wore but two lonosomo filings : i for liominntion for office this morning, j W. W. Cm-dwell, lU'publicBii, of loun- las county, wants a seat ni tho lower house of the legislature. C. M. Hurl burt, Republican, files lot represent!!-, five for Multnomah and Clackamas i counties. I Dr.- Clay reports this afternoon that Mrs. Ada Strong, who underwent 'in operation nt the Salem 'hospital a, few days ago, is getting along fine at pres ent and complete recoveiy is assured. You'r. robbing yoursoir every timo you fail to take advantage of the bar gain specials we have on sale. See them In the show window. The Sunset Grocery, South Commercial nt 1-1. Dana II. Allen, republican candidal Rip Van Winkle i for erpresentative in t no legislature, to- Walt Thompson, the well-known pen- day tiled his completed petition. Mr. Iteutinry guaul and ex ol'ticer of this; Allen has many mure sihiiaturcs on his , city, went lishing yesterday out along petition than necessary. Battle creek, six miles south of this o 'city. Thompson succeeded in captur Au excavation Is being made beneath j Inir an even dor.en trout, but declared the Scluiber building, formerly oc- this morning that he would not work so copied bv the Annex soloon, where a hard acniu as he did to i atch the mcas- bowling allev will be established by PLANTS The kind thnt grow and' bloom, nt Avenue Greenhouse, Fit'-, tecnth nnd Center streets, phono ".007. 1 ; : ; ; , Not a child in all Salem should miss AN 1 1.1) Small, unturnished bouse, this splendid production. Fofir reels cheap rent, water, toilet. Mrs. Hazel of selected licensed pictures featuring, Cinder, 507 X. Twenty-first street, i " Tbo BattlO of Elderbush Gulch," HIGHEST Cash price paid for eg's. Vl',?!' v"; UU,h ."-'"t spec ... 1 . 1 ,, , 7f tuc e und hu icy Drew in the Yitn- Marion I reiunery 4 Produce lo h , ' Liberty and lerry streets. " 1 ' W. O. MOREHOUSE, D. V. M. Conn- j ty veterinarian. Trompt attention,) day or night. Office, Jack Parr's ' feed barn, 544 Ferry street. Phone i 2101). "A Model Young Man." TILS BEST SHOW IN TOWN. 1 M3sas:aa2aaan222i lv little handful of fish, Siecial nieetnig of Be T'V Molar Coiniiinnderv. No. "i. H. K. T.. tenik!ht at S oVHtrk. York in the Order of the Red Cross. A full attend ance Is requested. By order of the E. i I'. YWitiug Sir Kniuhls are welcome. Klett & Kalph on State treet. You get your gnarautec backed by ' over 40 years' experience with every, musical instrument vou buv of us. The Wiley 11. Allen Co., H. F.'lVtors, Mgr, 5L'l Court street. Tick out those auto glores right now at Skater's, where vou run wt everr- 1 ' Get u pair of those Bnby Dull Pumps that everybody is wearing for Kasti r, So:eo new Satin l'umps from SJ.50 Hp. Tan and White Oxfords and iiarv .lane Pumps. Come and see us. We cun please you. Jacob Vot N. COMMERCIAL STREET? 1 .. I -uM...... t t,i &ll,nV (Kla tlii.,.. in fin.l l.,n I It., pu- ... fr . I.IIHIr MIVHI1. IV ..... , Ml,,,, ... 1,11V 1 ,1 I Ul U MUBUII' morning, j able price; 17 South Commcricial St n 11 XX XX