PAGE SIX . I, 111 1 .. jji li in ; I- HENRY- PECK'S COUSIN SALLY - - - - By Gross LOOK lSn;CT, 3y tj:a- -.v'.'jriiVl rti'aTWJ- 7' "Nai': . JOURNAL'S Season Opens Next Tuesday and There Is Usual Speculation as to the ' Strength of Big Teams. COLE WILL BE ONE OF BEST INSISTS MANAGER CHANCE Predicted Cub Pitcher Will Carry off Honors in Twirling in American League This. Season. BY HAL BHEPIDAN. New York, April" h. I'lio i.isciiiii! housou opens next Tuesday. In the Na tional league. Now York will open at Philadelphia: Titintoii at Brooklyn; Pittsburg ttt St. Louis, ami Chicago at Cincinnati. In the American league the team will pair off as follows: C)ve liui'l at Chicago; Washington at Boston; Philadelphia at New York, aiul St. Louis Ht Detroit. , Maronuj Will Not Play. lioporls received hero from Cinci'i niitl tiny that Armando Marians, tin' I'oiisntionnl Cnlan outfielder, lias In formed president Herrmann that he will not play with the Hods this yi'nr, ''1 inniiot get along with Manager Kcrzog," Muisaiis mill, "ami don't want to ntuy with a I ult where my re lation with tho manager would h; drained." Colo May Do Things. Manner Frank Chance believes that "King" Coli, th( former Culi twirler, will ti one of tho moct consistent, win ner in tho American league this season. "Colo in a euro enough comeback," hiM Chance, "anil 1 look for him to pitch th some article of bail tliut 1 1 1 n 1 him such a terror to National league l-aitPTK whi'ii ho was with mo In ( hioano," Uoporta that Jimmy t'olliiH ii about to return to tho jritmu i-auscl Manager ltoliiiiHon of tho llronklvn IIoiIth to hoihI tho followiun iiioimiko to .liinni'r M l'i! raw of tho liianlM "1 sco that Culllns In Kointi to lo a iiiiiu-lni--k (Hunt. You iiooil a lliii.l la-iurin to Inko ShnlVr'a plarp. Why don't you oil up n bit ami try for tho position Olllfl'lf (" Morgan Loses Ticket. Dumb Diin Morcun linn lout on of hU mini tii-kot. Kuoi'koot Urown, tho lightweight who wan i'on.iiii'ri'i a i'oiu or until his dolVut In Iioh Aii'i'lo-i by Itml AmlorHoii, Iiiik announri'il hit r t i ii' in 1 1 1 1 from tho riiic. lliowu nni'lo Hovoral nttomptu to couio bai-k roi-ontly, but wa hatteroil nil ovor tho riii unit ilrclilo'l to ipiit, Bvlttou Taken On WeiRht. Jni'k lliittou, tho lilitwoiht, In put ting on wi'itjht ho rapblly that he will noon niuilunto into the welterweight ilivixiou. Itritton lias niuiotinecil his in tention of inakiiiK a trip to tin I'a-'ifie i-oant for the purpose of meeting the best welters there. UNIVERSITY Of KOUTHLRN CALIFORNIA TO DROP RUGBY Los Angeles, Cab, April S. The I'nl orsily of Southern California will drop rugby football and return to tho Amor icnti game next fall, according to nil iioiiiiceineiit here today. This action was taken iu order that, the university illicit resuino athletic relations with oilier Southern California colleges. The Vnivomty will continue to meet Cult, fornini aiul Stanford in other branches of sport. HILL GIVES TO BIBLE SCHOOL. Fui'ene, dr., April K. The oifcr of ,1. J. Hill, the St. Paul railroad maiinC. to contribute fld.oihi to start, a "o.t ! rndowment fund for the Kugeiie Bible nchool, Yius the t'iuis,i of rejoicing to iluv, A campaign to raise tho addi tional ;OH,0(tl in the Pacific North west will bo launched Immediately, The field of the college, as allotted by the Christ.inii church Includes Oregon, Washington and Idaho. SPRINTER HAS NEW RECORD. loi Angeles, fal., April H. Howard IVrew, 11 S. I'., sprinter, lias another record opposite his name todav, hav ing run an exhibition IK) yards iu nine j.i'. iiuda. Tho former record was V l a (iviok1s, The now mark, however, prob ably will not ha allowed, a the moot 111 111 NATIONAL LEAGUE Will MIDDLEWEIGHT SURPRISE CLAIMS CLABBY RUNT SOON BE PLAIG BALL ,. held AW FROM MURRAY in w!il tt it was made was. not sane tinned by the A. A. U. authorities. uiCE ( ioestT.I LIVE SPORT NEWS M'COY, OF BEOOBXYN, HELD AS COMER BECAUSE OF VICTORY OVER CHIP. Nw York, April 8. Another mill illwailit champiouship claimant ap peare.l hern today in tho person of Al. MeCoy, of Itrooklyn. hitherto consid ered a ineio noviee, who knocked out !eor(;o Chip, of Newcastle, i'a., roard oil by inauy as tho kiii( of tho iniddlo einhtK, by virtuo of hi two victories over Frank Klaus, of Pittsburg. After lithtiiiK leas than two minutes in the fiit round of n siheduled ton round bout here, McCoy sent ai left hook to the jaw. ('hip dropped on Ilia back, and it was aeveral minutes bo lero he re-overed sufficiently to leave tho rinjf. 'It was a lucky punch, ' said Chip today, "McCoy caught mo coining in. It was a hard blow, but when 1 tell I si ruck my head on tho tloor, and it was this thai rendered me unconscious. All 1 nant is another chance. " AwkwardnoKs Responsible. McCoy 'a awkwardness was said by ninny to have been responsible for Chip 'a downfall. The lirooklynite lights with his rinht foot out and his riiht hand extended. This stylo com p.etely battled Chip, and the only solid punch landed Wilis the one that put the Neweu-ttln man to aloep. When the bout opened both men im mediately started to spar Then they clinched, As they broke, McCoy missed a wicked left for the head. Chip made a w.-ak Uy for McCoy's stomach, but his effort, were blocked. Then the llrooklyiiilu brought over his knockout. Chip's brolher, several weeks ano, nave McCoy a bound beating at the I'.roudway club. QUESTION OF WHETHER HIS EEER 13 INTOXICANT Kc.Ui 'no, Or., April S. Whether the sellinn of a canned powder, whi-h, when mixed with water, makes a real "alcoholic beer," Is A violation of the local option law is a ipiCNtiou that is puz.linij the authorities of Lane coun ty today. Aliened to have been attoinptinn to m'II some "dry beer," C K, Cook was arrested, but when arrainned in the police court was released by .Indue llry sou for lack of grounds on which to hold him. Cook is said to have admitted tlia.t he had been selling tho substance in l.uue county for three weeks, and had to agents in the field, but defied the of ficers to stop him. MATCH ARRANGED. San Francisco, April 8. Acting for Sailor I'M. Potroskey, Manager Louis Pareuto announced his acceptance to ilniy of an offer by Jack Kearns, man ager of Hilly Murphy, for a Potroskey Murray match. "I claim that Potroskev can whin Mnrrav anv time they start," I'nrente said, "and it necessary wo are readv to put up a $"000 side bet to clinch j the mutch. Wo are willing to fight Murry any number of rounds.'' BOWLING CONGRESS ENDS PRELIMINARY MATCHES Portland, dr., April 8. With priwtieJ ally all of tho preliminary matches out of the way, tho Northwest Howling fou l gross was expected to reach the games between teams representing loading cities of the north west tonight. Mrs. Pike to Portland was given the rank of " northwest V best woman bowl er," by rolling 353 pins. This was th: first women's tournament ever held In the northwest and was very successful. Thero were six contestants. TAOOMA TIGERS DEFEAT UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON Tacoma, Wash., April 8. Tho Univer sity of Washington baseball team was no match for tho Taeonui. Tigers yes- toMay, and 1 list leaguers won 7 to 2. away for a shutout, Itelford ensed up In tho ninth inning, when, with au er ror and a stolen base, eotipled with two hits, the collegians chased two men across tho pluto. Scorn: E. II. E. V. of W . ...JJ 4 4 Tacoma j. ...7 8 4 Batteries Morltt, Bryant and Ker ry; Kttufman, Uelmicko, Uolford and iiama. THE DAILY CAPITAL Promoter Coffroth Declares Sudden De parture for Australia Due to De sire to Avoid Battle. DECLARES NO SUCH OFTER AS $25,000 MADE TO CLABBY Innists That Snowy baker Probably Promised $10,000 to Fighter for Several Bouts. San Francisco, April 8. Hilly Mur ray of Sacramento, and not a ro(Orted offer of .t."),0tt0 for three fiu;ht.n in Austrnliit, was responsible fo- Jimmy Clubby 'a sudden departurn yesterday, according to Promoter James W. Cof- rroth. "Clubby knew that it was un to hioi to meet Murray nKain and dispose of him decisively before he could convince the public that his claim to the middle weight title wns-justii'ied," said Cof froth today. "And Clabby known that in Murray ho found a man who might put him away, After boxing Murray last Friday night, Clabby learned that ho was op against a man who could lake all Clabbv had and bo strong at the finish. 'In mv opinion It is a elovir ease of Clabby being afraid and running out. I am willing to stake my reputation that no such offer as Larney Lichen- stein, Clabby 's manager, announced was made to the lndianau by Snowy liaker, the Australian promoter. 'When I was in Mew York linker told mo ho had offered Clabby $10,000 tor live tights, lie also juid that he had advanced Clabbv $7.'il) in Los Ang eles. J not before he was ready to sail yesterday l.ichenstein called me up and tried to put through the bluff thut he was to receive JM.non. Finally ho ad mitted they were not to get that much. 1 argued that Clabby could get good money from me for a rotura match with Murray, and another bout with deorge hip. Finally 1 ottered to guarantee Clabby .fli),000 for the two bouts, Lichem-toin then wanted to know what would happen if Murray beat, flabby, and I told him, of course, that soeh a promii-o could not hold good. Then he reftiM-d to consider the matter. ' ' SEVENTEEN INNING GAME, Portland, dr., April S. "Some lws-v ball" was the declaration of fans to day who witnei-sed the 17 inning four to four tie game between tho ortlaml Northwestern league team and the Hel ena team of the I'nioti Association on the Vnugii street grounds yesterday. Helena made Its runs in the four sue cesive innings beginning with the fifth. I Portland tied it up in the eighth yrith one run. From then on it was an even j st niggle until darkness intervened, RACE MEETING DECLARED I OFF AS RESULT OF CRUSADE Norfolk, Va April 8. As a result of the determined attitude of tho au thorities to suppress betting, the race mooting of tho Jamestown Jockey club wns officially declared off today". An nouncement that such action would be taken was made last night. The book makers arrested yesterdaiy were still iu custody today, as a result of the ab sence of $'.'000 bnil demanded of each. The governor and nthortiey -general of Virginia are behind the movement to suppress betting, and the racing offi cials culled off the meet when they re alized the futility of further resistance. The meeting opened April 1 an I was to have ended April 17, Pacific Coast League. W. L. TV. ln Angeles 5 2 .714 Venice 4 .1 .571 San Francisco 4 3 ,571 i Portland .....3 3 .!O0 I Sacramento -.. 2 4 .333 0,k'and $ 5 .80 Yesterday ' Results, At San Francisco Ntn Francisco 5, i on land 4. At Sacramento Oakland 4, Sacra mento 2. - At U Angeles Venice 5, Los An- puea v, JOURNAL, SALEM. OF.EGON. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 8. 1914. (-"EFOft "We. uoveof RITCHIE IS WELL PLEASED CHAMPION SAYS AILMENTS WHEN HE LAST TRAINED ARB NOT IN SIGHT NOW. San Francisco, April 8. lightweight Champion Willie Ritchie was more than pleased today with his firs day of training for his scheduled 20-round bout hero Friday night, April 17, with Har lem Tommy Murphy. "The old ailmont aro things of tho past," he said. "I feel much better than when I was training for Murphy last January, and I am also certain that I will bo able to give a better ac count of myself than if we had fought then." Ritchio took on Kid Expositio and Willio Robinson for two rounds each, and put a lot of zip into his work. A handball game with Johnny O'Leary followed, and then a session of bag punching and work with tho pulleys. "I think Ritchie s bout with Wol- gast had a lot to do with giving him confidence and putting him back on his feet, ' said Manrfger Harry lolev. "Beforo that he had been laid up twice with his noso and ankle, and did not know just where ho stood. Tho Mil waukee bout convinced him, however, that ho is better than ever, and he shows it in tho way he punches and the ginger that he puts into his training." Murphv also had a busy dav at San Rafael. Ho boxed nino rounds three each with Ralph Orunan, Johnny day no and bddie Miller, ARMY AVIATOR KILLED. London, April 8. Sergeant Dean, of tho army aviation corps, was killed to day by a fall with his aeroplane while flying at llrooklands. ASQUITH NOT OPPOSED. Cupar, Hast Fife, Scotland, April 8. No candidate opposing him, Premier As- iiuith was returned to 'parliament auto matically hero todnv. llo will immo- liately resume the Irish homo rule fight in the house of commons. ORGANIST STILL MISSING. Whittier, Cnl., April 8. Search still was in progress todnv for Leonard Smith", a church organist who disappear- el last Friday after writing a note in timating that ho would tako his life. Smith is believed to be wandering in the hills near here. Several searching parties scoured the hills nil night. FRANK IE BURN3 HOLDS DECISION OVER MASON Oakliunl, Cab, April 8. Frankie Barns holds today a decision over George Mason, of Philadelphia, as a ro suit of their ten-round bout hero last night. Burns won all tho way, and, al though ho hiul Mason on tho defensive after tho second round, he seemed un able to put much force into his blows, and his showing was disappointing. Tho other bouts resulted as follows: Tom Niekola and Johnny-Sundberg boxed six rounds to a draw Frank Wal dorf won a four-round decision from Eddie Center and Jimmy Ross outpoint ed "Kate" Silva in four rounds. JEFFRIES FORCED TO WORK. San Bernardino, Cal., April 8. Jim " Jeffrie did some of the hardest road ; . . work of his ciueer yesterday. He was:; compelled to hike eight miles over'!! mountain trails in. Boar valley when his automobile broke down. SEEKS PAY FOR GOWN. Lo Angeles, Cal., April 8. Mrs. Blanche Gregg Laux is suing the Be kins Storage company for approximate ly $20110, because a warchouso fire de stroyed her wedding gown, which she had promised to tho first of her nieces to marry. WELLS COFFEY MATCH. New York, April 8. According to cable advices received here today ar-' rangenients have been completed for a "'.'.-round match in Ion tun between Bombardier Wells and Jim Coffey. The bout will be held at the National Sport-; lug club January 29. j CHARLES GANZEL DEAD. Qniney, Mass, April 8. Charles Gan ael, a former major league baseball catcher, is dead today at his home here. He was 54 years old. HONEST MAN FOUND. Portland, Or., Aril 8. Peter Doctor, a street sweeper, is being hailed as tho ma a Dingenea is searching for. Findirg $."00 worth of diamonds in the street. Doctor returned them to Mrs. V. C. Gib son, their owner. Ho was liberally rewarded. I cxweu-! iwp am. The? giCls 1 I j vetu, sqT ft 5 O. 1 m?e eoff To Parade cw ibe I -,1 Right To SIT 7 a l UNDERWOOD'S MAJORITY OVER HOBSON IS LARGE Birmingham, Ala., April 8. Returns were still coming in today on the pri mary vote for the senatorial toga sought both by Congressman Oscar W. Underwood, democratic floor leader in the house, and Congressman Richmond P. Hobson, whose chief campaign cry was "national prohibition." While ex act figures were unobtainable, it -was clear that Underwood s majonty would be very large, probably running well over 20,000. In Underwood's district it seomed un likely that any eaudidate bad a ma jority of the votes for the seat he will vacate in tho lower house, and it was expected a "runoff" primary would be necessary. As Hobson 's successor, William Oliv er defeated William Bankhead by a safe majority. WOMEN OF DEPARTMENT STORE ADMIT BIG THEFT Portland, Or., April 8. Three women employes of the Lipman, Wolfe & Co. dopartment store, and two women out side tho store, aro under arrest today, in connection with alleged series of thefts of goods estimated to bo value! at several thousand dollars. A third woman not employed by the store is un der surveillance. Those arrested from the store were Louise Entricksen, Mrs. Delia Rhudo and Mrs. Jurge Hall, The other two women were Mrs. Ruth Neil and Fran ces Zollander. Tho women on the outside aro alleged to have co-operated with the arrested employes in looting the store, and to have attended to the disposal of a large portion of the goods taken. Several of tho women have confessed, the police say. WILSON TO HAVE HOLIDAY. Washington, April 8 President Wil son and tho members of his family planned to leave Washington tomorrow for White Sulphur Springs, Va., on an taster vacation. Tho president will re turn Mondav. he Man of asodioiis taste Will find this the most satis factory store for the selection .of his Easter apparel. "The Toggery' styles are the styles the best dressed men in Salem will wear on Easter Day. A Great Easter Clothes Show Collegian, Kup penheimer and Stadium Clothes. Every suit is the product of a master tailor, the finest fab rics from foreign and domes tic looms. A multitude of handsome browns, grays, tans smart line stripes that will be worn more than ever this year, and priced at $15 $20 $25 FLORSHEIM SHOES $4, $4.50, $5, $6. Everything for the man who cares. WATCH OUR WINDOWS Commercial Strvet at No. 167 North. RIOTER IS PAROLED. Oregon City, Or , April 8. E. K "Blackie" lies, serving a six months' sentonee in th9 Clackamas county jail for being involved in the Oswego Hom3 Telephone strike riots last year was today paroled by 'Circuit Judge Campbell. lies .was - indicted along with 11 other men for rioting. He wns released-on $300-bail,' jumped, his bail and fled to Texas. In the meantime the other eleven were tried, laid all the blame on lies, and were, acquitted, lies was returned from Texas and was convicted. OPIUM BURNED. Portland, Or., April 8. Chief Cus toms Inspector McGrath today burned contraband opium worth $1,700. Wemores i Shoe Polishes FINEST QUALITY LARCtST VARIETY v-?,-,V' iM-l'TPf-Ji y4muai'l' ..-ir.r.-rr r-nf ill i-.?fj "GILT tune," uiu only Indies' mum drwslng that positively contains Oil. Blacks and rolislios Indies' aiidclilldrcn' Imots and slioes, shines without rnb klml.iSc. "FRENCH GLOSS." II r. "IMNDVcoinlmmtlou or cleaning nnd polishing all kindnaf rnssutor tun shoes, itfe. "STAKnsize,lic. "ELITE" combination for Kentlemcn who tako pride in harlng their shoes look A 1. Restores color and lustre to ail black allocs, Polish with a brusa or rlotli, n emits. "BABY ELITE" slice, 10 cents. "SUPERB PATENT LEATHER PASTE." a waterproof paste polish for aU kinds of black slioca. Contains oils and waxes to polish and preserve tho lentlier. Hoies open wllh a hey, 10c, "DANDY RUSSET PASTE" ssmo price. If jour dealer does not kwp the kind yoa want, send as the prlou I n stitmpii for full sln pnvkspc. rlmrues Mid, WHITTEMORE BROS. A CO., 20-26 Albany Slraal, Cambridge, Mass. The Oldest anit jlrtesi Manufacturers 0 Shoe Polithei i' the WorM, 8I mm -''I'lCLijikfiili mm Mm&'W Things We Never See E UNITARIAN CHURCH WILL USE IT FOR FIRST TIME AT EASTER SUNDAY SERVICES. A fine new organ arrived in Salenu yesterday and is now being installed in the Unitarian church to it can be used in the special Easter services. The organ is a Mason k Hamlin and was purchased from the Wiley B. Allen company, through R. F. Peters, local agent. . It will fill a long folt want in the church and the members of the congregation are more than pleased that it is here-in time to assist in properly celebrating Easter. It is a rood organ and is beau-tifuP- in tone and finish. A special Easter program will be given on it next Sundav. Owner Must Sell Modern 7-room house, 2 largo lots 70x 300 foot, on paved street; all assess ments paid. Price $2600; worth $3600. Lota. We have some good bargains in va cant lots in all parts of tho city $200 aud upward on easy terms Now is the tinig to buy beforo prices advance. Farms. We make a specialty in farm bar gains. We have anything you want in the farm line one-acre to 1500-acre farm. Como and see us. Suburban Home. Wo have a close-in suburban home, 7'j acres of choice land; a real snap. Insurance. Place your next insurance in a good compajny." Try Bechtel & Byuon. Money to Loan. Rooming House. . Close-in modern H-room house, for rout. List yur bargains with us. Bechtel & Bynon S47 State Street. will ."&-."4:Kt-s:5355S:.'-i, mmmrn r.u-.-jU,.''-..TF-.-,! i il"i:"iE?5siJj.V'-iSJ avisos' 6) I ' If Lb!) , M 1 EiH-:" S5.':'-v.:.!:i :-l 1 j il