f" 'WIUM THE DAILY CAPITAL JOTJBNAL,' BALEM, OBEQOW, SATURDAY, APRIL i, 19H. AGS TWO (MMIMHMM TOO MANY PETTY CASES i We 5e for Less Because Our Expenses Are Lowest Forger Will Be Sentenced April 11 for Crime Committed Several Weeks - Ago In Salem Heltzel Also Lambaste Useless Commis sions and Says Big Salmon Inter ests Backed One Big One. OSCAB KELSAYS PLEADS NOT GUILTY TO CHARGE INSISTS PEOPLE OVEEBTJBDENED WITH TAXES AND LICENSES Wheeler County Man Denies He Give Liquor to Minor and Trial Set for Tuesday, April 7. KITCHEN ! jTii Si wsM i OTE IN CASCADE RANGE It has polinlicd top, 18-inch oven, thermometer, nickelplnted base, with finest nickel obtainablo Bnd perfectly pliiin mndo throughout of heaviest Bessemer steel. Regular li5.0(), special, one week $17.00 Others from 25-0 to $55.00 Kozy Kitchen Kobinets top and bottom complete, regular 12.00; BPbil for one week (several styles to select from) $8.50 riuin 42-inch Kitchen tables, $1.50; with ono drawer $1.65 Floor Oil Cloth, regular 45c yard, for ono week, per yard 35c Best print Linoloum, regular 75c per pard, for ono week, per yard ..50c Best iuluid Linoleum, regular 1.50 yard, for ono week, per yard $1.00 ( SEE OUB WEST WINDOW Used Furniture taken in exchnngo and best prices allowed for it. i E. L. STIFF & SON Corner Court "Where your dollar does its duty." Satisfaction That Satisfies When you buy of us you get the full worth of every dollar you spend. There is a satisfaction in that which will outwear the years themselves. We not only sell the very best of everything in muscial instruments, but we sell at a money-saving price for the buyer. Ik,'-.'... I i i'i SB B. F. PETEH.3, Mgr. 521 Court Street BON Millinery Ueduced Prices on all lints continued next week. Wo have left a few of the bent shapes in fine Milan, Tagnl, Leghorn und Hemp and somo extra nien IMPORTED BHAPE8 A largo lint of Puttorn Hats will be on sale Today und Monday only. Bocond Floor, Hubbard Building. Ihe balem Vulcanizing Works W. M. HUGHES, Mgr. New and up to-Juto and ready to h andlo tho repair trade of Salem and vicinity. All first-class w.c and guaranteed. Auto and motorcycle tires repaired promptly, Ue-trcsd work a specialty. 468 Ferry St, J. Ii. Abler et ux to A. A, Culgert duo, part 'of block til), Halcin, Sill, V. J. Cooley et nx to Mike llopfor t al, land iu sec. It and 13, tp. U K It 1 W, il.TDO. 1). Mudgett e u to I S. Murdick, Irt acres, tp. tl H 1( 2 W, Sl.tWO. 1. M. Heverwiu rt nx to Waldo Millet et ux, lot l.'l, I'lk. 4, Willamette add. J. ('. Parnen et ux to A. Niblor, lots fl n 8, Mk. S2 llervais, 1,UKI. Willis K. Folks et ux to W. W. Van-j pv et ux, acres, sec. X, tp. 8 H Ui IK, tlO. I II. V. Hurst to W. V. Irvine, .M j fiertn, e. li! tp. 4 H K 1 W, SL , Quit Claim. 1 I. 1. Wallace et ux to Slate Hank of Ilublrfird, tract ti, Dliumick llomo- rtcad Trscts, 1. RE! ESTATE TRANSFERS Oregon-made Stove and Liberty. Moose Building TON Removal Sale Phone 645 CARD OF THANKS. W'e desire to thauk our many friends and acquaintance for their 'kiml.icss and sympathy and floral offerings shown in our great sorrow in the loss of our beloved husbniid and father. M US. O. KANTK1.1IKIU) nnd FAMILY. Harvard Is after two million dollars for a new gymnasium. The first actual contribution was made recently, wheu the undergraduates turned in tho tweu ly five thousand dollars they had prom ised, tufts from wealthy Harvard alumni are expected and as soon as suf ficient capital Is collected the work of drawing up plans will be begun. II. D. St. Helen, piano and organ tuning, Mivin 1U05; ZM Court. In Judge Kelly's department of-, tho circuit court today tho following busi ness was transacted: H. 8. Hill Grocery company vs. Louis Lachniund, motion to strike out part of amended answer sustained. T. B. Potter against F. N. Derby, ac tion on default iu contract, argued and submitted. State against J. J. Penny, indicted for forgery, defendant entered a plea of guilty, and will be sentenced April 11. Btuto against J. W. Miller, defendant, pleads not guilty. Htato vs. Albert Enave and W. M. Dairy, jointly charged with selling in toxicating liquors on Hunday; Enave pleaded not guilty, and Dairy entered a plea of former conviction and not guil ty. State vs. Oscar Kelsey, sheriff of Wheeler county, charged with giving in toxicating liquor to a minor, a idea of not guilty was entered, and the ease was set for trial Tuesday, April 7. Personal Mention T. H. Howard of Eugene rs in the city A. O. Hicks of Seattle was a Salem visitor this morning. Miss Ella l'owell a teacher from Prat urn, is in the city for the day. C, .1. MVNaiightou of Chin, California is in tho capital city on business K. K. ltlanchnr,l left this morning for Grants I'ass after transacting business here. It. W. Gill, B. Q. Dnnloy and T. L. Sims are 1'ortlaud people registered at the Bligh. ' Charles Chambers, representing tho Fairbanks, Morse Co., in this territory, will move his family here from Port land to reside. Ho has secured a home on Fourteenth street. Hubert Cnples, well known Portland politician, is iu the c ity today in the interest of tho candidacy of John Man ning, who aspires to be governor on the democratic ticket. George Pogue, a veteran of the civil war returned last evening from the east and Arizona, where he spent the winter, and after a brief visit with his nephew, Attorney K. AT, Pogue, left for a visit to Poitinnd friends. He will return to Salem te reside. CITY NEWS. A call for holp was put In at The'i.:,,!, i,.i tnr B,,.ii ,.,. of ned-1 one of the innmtgerB of tho Willamette i.j.in.i ..ni...... .....n. n .-, Sanitorium. The hospital advertised for a janitor in last, night's Capital Journal an, the institution phoned in nt l o'clock this morning that ;I0 np- locaurs urn m, ,.,T.,. r u." j.. . 'liat you want you get, when iimcnising in J. no upniii .luinum. Dnnco tonight at tho armory. The month of March was tho health I".1 "u n'i ' ' M ! 'i (ity Health Olticer Miles Dr. Miles states that contagious disease i were , do n to the m.n.niuin last month and ; sickness in general was hardly worf. mentioning. ndertakers in Salem also report a very low death rate for March Wanted to borrow $2,000. Journal, B. H. F. 0 Candidates for nomination by politl-1 cal parties will have to hurry. The law I re-quires that the petitions shall be filed . 35 days before the time set for the primaries, which this year is May I'i, and April 10 will be the last day, though some hold that April 11 is the day. However to he on the safe aide it is better tor candidates to get their petitions in by the evening of April 10. Lawn mowers sharpened, oiled and put in good condtitiou. Hnuser Bros. GoTernor Went left on the 11 o'clock electric for Portland and will leave that place for Denver tonight. Ho will le joiucd at Spokane by Governor Lis ter, of Washington. Le Chapeau Farisien. Over 200 hats of the most chic French styles for vour Faster selection, French Shop. iUle. M. Buff, Th0iOff , 8ivorfl,n Friday, .April S, 0 There . was a democratic meeUn held , M1, (,hur,h , oVlotk in the M...eng,'r oltiee this afternoon, I thj, mrllill(t. ,tpv. Mr. All.iu official lit as democrats genemllywTre not in-'pa T, lntmmMlt took ,,,w.c in th v.ted it was proba dy pist one branch of M hy Mniolwv. tltilt livi.llf... ...ttttl.tkl Cunillw n.i.tl.i. get her for some one or more candidates for the nominations. Dan Fry was not seen mounting the stairs which shows that it was not a free for all democratic meeting. Tha most charming and exclusive hats nt popular prices. Over 200 for your selection. The French Shop. A roaring four-act comedy at the Wexford, com inclining with matinee tomorrow. Continuing the fly campaign, th com mercial club has arranged a moving picture show at the tiraud llpora House Moinlay evening, line film is devoted to flies eiclusively and another Is a humorous one. la addition to this a lecture will lo delivered on the flv I question bv lr. T. J, Hodge of the I uivcr.nty of Oregon, who has a na tiennl reputation as a fly exterminator, having rid the city of (lev eland, Ohio,' of the pest. The lecture and picture show are f'.ee aud all ralriultea are urged to atteud. La FoUette Thinks It Is High Time Re publicans Wake Up or Democrats Will Control Everything. Live wires of the Republican party in this city met in the promotion de partment of the Salem Commercial club lt night, and the government, both state and national, was discussed at length by candidates for state and coun ty offices. The first speaker on tho program was Attorney James Heltzel, a candi date for the Republican nomination for the state senate from Marion county. Attorney Heltzel lambasted useless commissions and laid1 especial stress up on the present method of prosecuting petty cases in the state courts. Attor ney Heltzel gave an explanation why our criminal laws should bo changed and whv the eauitv courts should not bo overburdened with matters which could' be satisfactorily settled without putting tho taxpayers to the expense of paying tho many fees resulting from BUch liti gation. The speaker pointed out that a largo perecntngo of the petty cases coming lieforo the local courts result in com paratively enormous expense with noth ing to show for them other than an oc casional light sentence for tho "offend er.'' Mr. Heltzel also stnted that the courts should not be burdened with that class of civil suits which are brought simply to go down as record and to cither enhance or advertise the value of certain properties belonging to the litigants. Game Commission B.oasted. Attorney Heltzel hurled a harpoon in to tho law which created tho fish and game commission, and he received a lib eral npplause following his arraignment of the institution. He said that tho big corporations backing the salmon in dustry and tho big dealers in fish pushed the expense of conducting the fish commission upon the taxpayers for personal pain. Ho stnted that the fish ami game commisfinn is a useless and expensive institution, which should be either altered to a great extent or nbolishcil altogether. He declared that tho ordinary sportsman even the inno cent youngster who don't know any thing about law, and who would not know if ho was violating it, was subject to vigorous prosecution if he failed to obey a hundred n:mt one provisions, in the fish nnd gnme Inws License for this, and license for thnb is being worked overtime, stated Attorney Helt zel, and with every license goes an ex pense which the taxpayer must dig up lor The expense, he said, is for an ex tra clerk, a deputy clerk, a deputy game warden, and, when the whole expense is figured up, it consists ot some mighty pie, who either want to prosecuto and punish the people who feed them, or a hunch who thinks the state owes them a living. La Follctte Ashamed. A. M. La Follctte took the floor fol :,.; j,r Model's talk, and made ft ,w mafkt whi(.h W(,r( ilim.t ,0 the point, lie said that he was ashamed of tho fact that the Democratic party him been allowed to rule in both stnte nnd national politics for so ninny recent venrs. Mr, T,n FoUette said that It was high time that the- liepnblicans h om t hJ of ,he Iw,rntl) .',,, hlm, evi.rvthinR i b A Mn((, Mr , ,,outn, h R ,,,,;,,, for ,10minntinn of pntor from Mll. . . f. ,,.,..,,,.. ti,kl.t. Bolng Lawed to Death. The K'ople of Oregon are being lawed t death stated B. J. Miles, candidate for (),,, Honnto on the Republican ticket, wh,. lp ,.Rle, ,, to siM-nk. Mr. Mi,,, .j timt ti1(,rp w(,re too manv wg n, i,, enforcement, and he wilt.if elected, be in favor of bringing the statute down to a normal stage, at least Among the other candidates who tulked last night were Sam II uuhex, Can didate for the senates Geo. W. Weeks, senatorial candidate: 8am Hrewn, au as pirant for representative;; Dana H. Al ien, another candidate for the senate; Thomas Krown, a representative candi date and Thomas B. Kay, candidate to succeed himself as state treasurer. Wanted to borrow $2,000. Journal. B. h. r. OBITUARY BALLABD. llll I, Hnidee Hallard, agM S3 years. L'itn-..nl ..ix-i..Aa wan, hi.lit from BIBTHS BODEKEB. To Mr. and Mrs, li. F. llodeker, at their home in Albany, Oregon, April 1, HM4. a fine babv cirl (Margaret Joan tut 1. Mrs. Hodeker was Miss Mabel Wilson, of this city, and a sister of Mra. U t . lirotherton. Wanted to borrow tXOOO. Journal. b. n. r. A selected licensed program at Ye Liberty tomorrow. The best pictures, as usual. riauts. The kind that grow and bloom, at Avenue llrcenhouse. Pifteenth 'and Center streets. Phone SOU. Dressmaking, tailoring, fancy street and evening gowns fitted by an et- pert, lately from th east. Scial In trodiietrv prices for this week only. Mrs. I., li. Hall, Mil South Commercial. All Next Week at Oevoes A bona fide discount of 10 per cent will be given on all goods sold during the week, begin ning MONDAY, to introduce the new store to the Public. A 344 State Street SALEM Tucs., April THESHowmni?m?m 3 RinVYild Animal ALL NEW SHOW 350 WILD ANIMAL ACTORS More Than All Other Shows Combined ! FINEST A'OiSIS ARTH TWo. Performances I Nov Street PaimdeIITAH READY . Our April number is now off tho press. Vou who are looking for something in the real etnte lii.o can call at our ofice and get a freJ copy of "OUT OF THE RUT" an 1 iave the coinmisison. Koom 11 Hush Kenk llldg. 14 Isii.liM I'-f InJ. 1 H Vi New Shoe Store 244 State Street C. Devoe Two Stores 263 N. tllOOMMH Survival Qualities of our Teas, Coffees and Spices is ono of the secrets of our largo increase of Satisfied Customers. Quulity, Service, Honest Purpose and Ability muko our Coffee different and better, WUilara Yokohoma Crockery & Tea Co. 171 North Commercial Street. 4-4-44 tTTTtttTT TTT TTtTtTTtTTtttTTT i SEPTEJfBEE APEIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST Six months of warm weather t GAS RANGE will be a real comfo rt Regarding the cost of cooking with gas: Call Main 85 and our representative will call on you. THE GAS Commercial S'reet "TTTT TT7TTT THE Qahlsdorf -. - t-M"---4-M- in which a COMPANY A A A A A A AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA