PAGE EIGHT THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 3, 1914. 11: " t t - i : n I! - 1 11 U . , 552.00 GOUPON $2.00 to coupon is good for two dollars on the sale price of any suit or over' coat in our men's section, if presented , before Saturday, April 4, at 9 p.m. $2.00COUPON$2.00 ' " '"- " rTi mm twi sfart iiiii ai hw m in iMn lit ii SiitlumtmimktimM'dmMtAkm Tomorrow Your Last Chance to Use the Coupon On(y One Coupon will oe accepted on each Suit or Overcoat purchased li 14 h ti il n ji s: ri m u n n n is Mr. Man-if You Need a Suit, get it THIS WEEK here's our offer: W'r positively going out of the Men's Clothing Business. We must sell every suit just as soon as possible. You have jour pick of hundreds of suits and at prices that mean distinct bargains. The present low prices quoted on suits and overcoats are creating much interest but to promote More rapid selling for this week we offer the coupon as a special induce ment to get you here. . We want you to see these unusual suit values. , i i We know you'll be glad that you heeded this ad. The amount of this coupon is reduced from the already attractive sale prices so take advantage now buy that new suit this week cut out the coupon. . Remember you fun no chances when you purchase here. Our reputation of 34 years' sue- , cessful merchandising in Salem is sufficient evidence as to the quality of goods we sell. Don't forget W bring the coupon, this offer expires Saturday the 4th, at 9 p. m .,1 ,11,,. , i,, i New Spring Assortments of High Grade Men's Togs are now ready THE HOUSE OF QUALITY ISiSSiLiiuluSkti!!!!!! IRIS) 4 tj.-.,'.r.. Secretary Olcott lias issued a warning Jim McDonald, a local horticulturist t(K candidates that lio will accept no has mndo several experiments of lut in filings of nominating petitions where ! grafting roue bmdios on oak trees Ho tho petition wan circulated before tho states that tlio proposition works out declaration of camliiliu'y wan filed, on fine, and that thero will li several erub whoro iiioro Hum oiio sheet lit attached to a Bingle dei'liirut ion of candidacy, or where them are signatures ou a sheet oaks uround Bulom bearing pretty rows this summer. Huleni nn lu rtmu fruit growers aro taking more than ordinary from more than ono precinct. When: interest in the irrnftiair mntliml t im.u. Ihoro aro such signatures on ono Bhcotjent and many of the cherry IrccH are they will not ho permitted to bo trans-1 being changed no that two und three ported to another sheet. The law pro-1 kinds of cherries will grow on 'ono tree. villi's that each sheet must have a dec- o Inratiiin of candidacy nttaijied, but Fruit men smiled broadly today when each sheet "must have only signatures apronohed and asked what, the fog from one precinct, ami the petition which prevailed this morning would do must not be circulated before ileelwia-1 to tho crops. It Boms' that tho fog, tion is tiled. while not plcnsnnt to look at,, Is a 0 j friend of the tender buds und tho grow- Dr. Moudolsohn fits eyed correctly. U. nr" ,,ln w,",'"o tlica is fog there . mil. m. iMiniuiy uo inmr. rrovn mir H, Bank building. Wlllamotte University will cloeo its doors for spring vacation this after noon at 3 : :!.. Classen will meet again for tho first time following vcatiou on Tuesday, the -Ith. The noon trains were crowded with students leaving to upend tho holidays at home. Tim Pott land students ht this afternoon in t body, occupviii'4 il sopxinlo ,-ar on the Oregon Fleet ric, While nil ot ihe stu dents will not go homo for tho vaca tion, ns they lie so fur awov vet it i "dimmed that over .'(Oil students will! have left the city before the afternoon I is over to spend the avnt'oa with tin; j folks at heme. I Eon Ton luminary store to soon, price. Kverv hut goes ut sacrifice (Second floor llubanl building. tog is also almost a sure sion that there wll Ibe little or no rain and the truitnien state that they have en joyed about all the wet weather thiit is needed at this time. - o Good dreBsuiakers make money. You can develop your talent and be inde pendent by taking a course In .Mrs. Hall's school of expert instruction, 807 South Commercial, The art of canulng fruits and vege tables wil be studied by the girls at the Salem high school tliis summer. A meeting was held in the school yester day afternoon by the irirls ami 'it wn decided to form a big club, l.uther move ! '. ,'Bllini the government farm expert. Tli or o has novnr boen a season in tho history of Knlem when gicrdening was so popular as it is now at Ihe present time, according to 1) A. White & Sons, tho feed and seed merchants, on State street. 11. . White, a member of the firm, stated this morning (list the seed business transacted by his firm during the piiMt month Ima been enormous, and the business in geneial for the month of March outstripped any for the name period In the history of the store. Chop sue? and noodles. City retttan taut, Ferry street, near Liberty, Tlie cafe of tns Btato of Oregon ox til (lovenier West and Secretary of Slate Okolt againut State Treasurer Kay, brought for the purpose of hav ing the o idciiccs of Indebtedness be longing to the state school fund turned is lending all the cncoiiriiucinont mm. Bible to tho high school girls' plan nnd hopes to see a busy organization per fected by tho time fruit is in season, Drs. Dsrby and Burton, denttBta, sec ond floor, U. a Hunk building.' Balera high school students sra mak ing elaborate preparations to pliint shrubs and prasses in the parking on Marlon street north of the school. The Portland Seed company Ims notified the school authorities that it will fur nish spin-its, pampas grass und several other decorative plants while the state ! supplying the students with several different classes of plants. Wseo In Albany don't fail to stop at the 8t. (Tiarle. hotel; completely re modeled and refurnished, J. Htalev, proprietor. ThA fcili-lr frn 4Iia -,i i m.r to the clerk of the land board by Poiv,,, witl, Zn . "ViT j,., ,,m, ,,.11,,- , niiMi- inn,, it ti.ii, rnll.,1, i , incut, it is expected, Siitiinlay before Judge (ialolwuy. 0 Lnd.'os now la your cfiioce 8co those perfect dress forms, s"4 Marion street, l'hons' lfi12. From the maimer In which the hop primers ill Million nnd Polk counties lire "dolling up" their fields this ycur it c.ppi'urs us thouiili n eoatest is being eorrieil on n ml en eflort is lieing mad to win first pii'e. .Many vhirli biive resembled a bnmible pntch beretifore at this time of the year, timv are sightly nnd clean of -seeds and 'lnf seasiin's vines. Local growers vtute that the avenge lmpinnn is realis ing the fact now that Wee-Is and rub Well on the land nr.-'nnt only mislghtly l-ot retard the development of the hop to a gre-it extent, render picking diffi cult -and lias proven A nuisance gem Yiillv, pspci-iully duriug harvest time. They sill ita that there is less likli boa.j i,f vermin when the bind is per-iVi-i,ly clean, ruuliles and tribu lations as the result of litigation in the local courts over a transaction he niiulo recently here. Mr, ltln k has retired to his i-li-e little farm m-ar Silver-leu and declares there where he will re main from now on, Dr. I L. Utter, dsuUst, Masoido bldg. V o . Friends of Attorney Ooorga O, Bing ham any that well known fisherman and barrister is Weikimr overtime now old yards ""'l "'alung poaderm-s preparations to ami try ins limt I rmea , Prdll -12 3 hie himself out along suine likely stream and try his luck, Attorney Bingham, Hurry Mintu Und 1scut Honers aro surely gifting the fever now and it will out he l,,g l.,.fri, the trio will be nceii going niotir.tnln: ward with polo in hand nnd with gieut eipectntions. Visit Oilsou'g atuactlva new burbot hop lu lSllgh building, State street, Bon Ton boet flvo-ccnt cigar, The fly market at the promotion de partment quarters of tho Salem Com mercial dub today dropped down to 10 cents per hundred. -Halpli Moorca, th-3 Kecretary of the fly committee, stilted this ufternoon that since tho sun has como out again tho fly swatters in this city aro making up for lost time and yesterday afternoon the promotion department was conniollod to raiso $1.50 for tho festive flics that were brought in by youthful swatters. The warmer tho weather in Salem the lower the nuu-ket. is tho standard now being j adopted by the fly committee and in the event Old Sol continues to warm things up tho local fly market will I drop down to a minimum in a very i-hoit while. Attorney Grant Corby has returned I from Woodburn where he spent yester- j duy looking after a suit in which he i represents tho pluintiff. Tho case is i that of Clerk against tho city of Wood burn and Attorney Corby is preparing an amended complaint in it, Bon Ton boat five-cent cigar. Mrs. Eoeina Foitla-Evans, department president of the Woman's Keliof Corps, arrived in the city this morning from Oregon City, and will address the local corps Saturday afternoon, after which a social hour will bo enjoyed at Moo'o hall. Bon Ton beat five-cent cigar. o The funeral" of " MraTIiUcy A. LTck was held yesterday at her home at Ojiinaby, conducted by Klder Thurston of the Seventh lny Adrentist v-huroh. A largo number of friends gaUiered to I my tho last tribute of respect, at the home, ami ulso at the Claggott i cau tery, whoro interemnt was made. Save your health, save your shoes save your money by using the .wonder ful waterproof shoe dressing that Sha for sells at 1S7 8. Cominorciul street. Bon Ton best five-cent cigar. Have you hoard our now talking ma chine records t Come in nnd let us play them fur vou. The Wiley 11. Allen Co., II. F. Vetera, Mgr., 5iH Court St. You can tango all day If you wear the remarkable cushion sole shoe made by Dr. Heed nnd sold in Salem by Jacob Vogt, fi-ll North Couiiiierciai. Farmers, Attention. W, A. Bchtrmer, proprietor of the Avenue Meat Market wants to buy fine dressed pork. Phone hiei, Main UiOT or cull ut 1(121 Center street. , Trompt service is one of the special features that have made the Capital City Laundry so popular. Phone Maiu; 1H3 and your clothes will soon be back, , nicely laundered, all ready for wear. n.ino tuniug, repairing, first class j work. Phone 1-Uio, leave orders ut i (teorge C. Will or li. V. Peters. J. K. Hockctt-. Answering an iuipilry tvom tin Conn-1 try club of linker lily Tax loiuniis ! sinner llnllowny lliis inorning held that said club, and - similar orgaui;-.:-,t ions, formed for the purpose of pleasure, were not exempt from luxation, i Meaner, tailor to men and women, ' is now in bis new location, .'HI State street, next door o Patten's buok- ! store, I xraiiK n caiawcu of Nowoerg a member of tho State Hoard of Phar macy, Is here on lusim-M mid is the guest of Prank Waul, Special meeting of Pacific Lodge No. 5D, A, K. & A. M Siunlny afternoon at 1 oVl.ick " air-Mil ine runcnii or mir xv i? ''r"""'r- Pri-enuin Van iV-X-A Patten. Visitiair lirethrpn welciun-f. The attorney-general tills morning advised Joseph Putnam of Monument, that betting on horse races playing cards for drinks and conducting or "tak ing part in a turkey rattle was gam bling within tho meaning of the stat utes. This may bo gooil law as to the two latter pastimes, blit Mt has been held in Nevada that a faro gamo and a horse race were not gambling be cause tho dealer in tho one and the jockeys in the other hnd so framed un that neither had any of tho elements of chance both being a dead sure win ner for tho manipulators. , Lawn mowers sharpened, oiled and put in good condition. Mouser Bros. T. Elmoro, Lucoy 'gave an interest ing entertainment at tho First Christian church lust evening. Although thsj nudience was not huge, it was appro-! ciativo. James R. Neer this morning filed suit against tho city of Salem, or to be exact, hnd his suit 'placed on the dock et, lie alleges that ho has paid the city of Salem the sum of 1 S,i)7 for his asessmiMit for the construction cf tho North Salem sewer system, and as his property is now suhjoct to taxation for the payment of 1he boiuls.issoed to cover the building of anid sewer system he niitii'iilly wants his money retumo I, John Tschantz filed suit today against John Willy to quiet title to certain farm property. In tho suit of C. F. Moulton against the city of Silverton the plaintiff thir morning filed a demurrer to the de fendant's answer on the ground that it did not state facts sufficient to constitute n defense or counterclaim. At the Installation of tho new officers nr tne r.ius loilge Thorn. lav evening Carl Schwab contributed two splendi I fblos nnd the well known baritoiu lieorge Curtis Lee Snyder, added much to the program by a couple of solos. Judge Huriiott, Judge D'Arcy nnd re tiring Kxhulted Kuloi lluckestein de livered nddresies, and as all officers nppmrcl in dress suits the affair as sumed the dimensions of n social func tion. The hall was brilliantly deeornt ed for the oecnion, potted plants an I carnations appiaring at each station, while flags were draped effectively about the walls. A bampiet closed the affair. Sheriff Kelssy, the Wheeler county man who stands indu-ted by the Marion county grand jury for the ciini" of gi' ing a minor intoxicating liquors, is i l the city prepared to fact his accusers, sheriff Kelsay is under bonds amount ing to t"00 ami intends to appear bo ot Judge Kelly just as soon as Or court Is ready. The new California bakery and dairy lunch, under the ownership and man ngement of .1. E. S.iafter, will be opened to tho public tomorrow at ol-T l onrt street, one door west of the old California bakery, destroyed by fire some mouths ago. Mr, Schaffer has spent a great deal of money and time in tilting up the new building, and when it is fully completed he say he will have one of the finest places ot the kind ou the Pacific coast .Cleanli ness in eeiy detail and ipuility in ev ery article sold aro to bo important features of the new place. A red hot meeting of the Kopublb can cnailiilatex tor both county and state offices will be hold in the promo tin department of the Salem Commer cial Club this evening, beginning at ! o'clock, Seveial prominent candidate are ou the program to speak nu I some good talkeis who mo not out fo.- of lice will nKo say a few woids. Unitarian ladiei hold a food sals at Prices Aro Two Cents Illsher Than Huron & lluiniltou'a tomorrow. Uncle John Gray, the pioneer car penter, old line republican and at) aroung loyal" Salcmite is now in th heyday of his life. While Unele Johi has always been an active member of the political circles in Marion county, he is now taking mire real enjoyment out of the game than ever before ac cording to his statements this mori ing. In fact, Uncle John is only sorry that lie is not young enough to get in the midst of the present political battle with the rest of the boys and "campaign to be beat thunder," as ho puts it. Jn any event, Mr. Gray is keeping a line on all of the many can didates for office and says he will go right down tho line With the best num bers in the sine manner as he did yea ib ago. . Unitarian ladies will hold one of their food sales at Buren & Hamilton's tomorrow. - The local lumber business is picking up considerably according to Grniit iiolt, an official of the Spauhliug Log ging company, here. Mr. Holt declares that while thero is plenty of room fo. imporvement ' in his business, indica tions are that everything will be on the hum within a short time. Salem trade is fair, ho states, and the company is receiving a good many orders from the eastern Btates. Thero are many prospec tivo home builders in tho city at th present time and, just as soon as thf; weather clears up permanently, lumber sales will be 'made thick and fast, says tho well known lumberman. A gang of workmen aro busy today refacing a certain portion of the pave ment on State street betweln Liberty and High which has becomo rounh with- the latter is to keep Ihe streets in firnt burned olf ind new matorial then laid. The city has a mintainenco clause in tho contract entered into with the Warren Construction company in which the Tatter is o keep he streets in find class condition for a number of years longer and, on account of there being several weak spots in the pavement, fresh material has becomo necessary in eoveral different sections of State S. For a costume made to your indivi dual taste, priced to meet your purse, see our selection of silks, riitint-B, crepe, for nil styles of fancy suits. A. S. Kazmarek, Indies' tailor, 2-J Brewer building. "Le Chapcau Parlesien." Opening of the smartest models. See tho fam ous Watteau hats. Tho French .Shop. The largest selection of exclusive styles. Easter opening. Mile M. Buffe, The French Shop. C?ANAL TOLLS NOT UP. Washington, April 3. An' executive session of the sennit) today prevented considerntioa of th- canal tolls reso lution. Members of the senate were not inclined to discuss the resolution until after tho senate canals committee meets. NEW TODAY. FOB SALE $1,500 propertyplastered ! house, fruit, barn, on car line; $1,300 terms. Phone 13S0W. j HELP WANTED Man to work on farm. Must also be able to milkj Call at Tinckney Bros. Dairy, west! end of steel bridge. I argains TVAJsTED Experienced bouse maid; general house work, no washing. Must be good plain cook, and' capable of managing and ordering for house. Good wages, permanent position. Phone Main 1883. Used FOR RENT Modern bungalow, North Cottngo street. Phone Carey F. Martin. in Furniture FOB SALE CHEAP at $375.00 ma chine lathe. Phono 1687. YOUNG LADY Wanted for general housowork; apply at onco, 1301 Court . street. FOB SALE Traction engine, l(i h. p. nearly as good as new; nlso hay press; will sell ehenp, part cash, part on time. J. S. Jayds, 1410 8. Cottage. FOR HALE A clean, well-paying down town business; reasonable for cash; address Capital Journal, F. A. I. , LOST Near state house grounds, open i I face gold watch. Return to Capital Journal office and receive reward, j ! WANTED Janitor lit Willamette j j Sanatorium. Apply to present jani- j I tor in basement. i LAWN MOWERS sharpened, oiled and put in good condition. JIauser Bro.' WANTED Large boy for porter work. Model Shaving pcrlors. PS , , i '"v S i $(i5 Universal Range, good as new, 525 j FOB RENT Furnished five-room flat. I 694 North Commercial. Phono 2454W. 1 HOUSE ELIMINATES PLAN ! TO ABOLISH EILEAGE GRAFT Washington, April 3. On a technical objection, tho house eliminated from the budget bill this afternoon the plan to abolish senators' ami representatives ' "mileage graft." Tho vote was 08 !o 27 agniust repealing the 20 cents a nii'e provision of the old law. Othor Stoves and Ranges,. .. .$3 to 530 One $12.50 Dresser now 56 Two $9.50 Dressers now $5 Thirty good used Extension Tables priced at 51.50 to S7.50 Chairs ? 25c to 35c Rockers at 1-3 price of now. Snni inl.TTii ml T?!ir-a Im, nimi.ii-mia In IHCItllOU UUO UP. Three Quartered Oak Hall Trees priced ., t- Sinn in na UU ....................H'M.WU ,U Second Hand Washing Machines, Baby Carriages, Bicycles, Uurdon Tools too j numerous to mention. MONEY.. TO LOAN On Good Real Estate Security, THOS E. FORD Over Ladd & Bush Bank, Salem, Oregon I 0 Q I '-Teas Sk dF&K INDICTED FOR INVADING ROOMS OF UNION LEADER, JAPANESE LAUNDRY AND DEY CLEANING WORKS. No machinory to tear and wear out delicate fabrics Work called for and delivered promptly. 145 Ferry Street. Phone Main 552 Court and Liberty. . We Sell for Less Because Our Expenses Are Lowest. NORWICH UNION Terro Hauto, Ind., April' 3. David FTRF INS! IR A NfC c.nrirTV ttPri,'T0FCr!vi:r'feTr i BTOOHT llia man, and l. r. urovor, general man ager of tho Terro Himte, Indiannpolis Bidont Agents. 385 State Street. & Eastern Traction compn.iy, were jointly indicted hero today on u charge - In IXtSot.nt'V? SEE3E2S2SEBZ2HEE2SS23 men's union, and removing books,! papers and corespomlence. I nion lead ers here charge Oruvor sought to get possession of tho union's charter and roll book. READY Our April number is now off the press.. You who are looking for something in the real estato lino can call at our ofico and get a fres copy of "OUT OF THE RUT" an I save the comiuisisou, Room 11 Bush Bank Bldg. TT T tttttt tttt"t - Where you nlwnys see tho BEST PICTURES VeLiberty Toduy nnd ynturduy. LEAH BAIRD The universal favorite in The Silver Loving Cup The story of a woman's wenkness. Threo other best pictures. COMING SUNDAY Another selected licensed program. ' I -- pect&l Changes in Time Schedules Effective Sunday, April 5, 191 1. Oregon Electric Railway Traia 17 southbound, will leave five minutes earlier, at ti-,15 p. ni.; No. 22 northbound, will leave five minutes liner, nt 7:50; No. 13, limited, n ill ar rive at 0:35, Folders containing complete details, at ticket offices, Saturday, April 4, 1914. - C. K. ALBIN,, Suleni, Ore. 144 acres river bottom lands, $0000. 00 acres, 17 acres prunes, $123 acre. 38 acres improved, hsOO, snnp buy. Lnrge lot and house, close in, itOOno. Efl'-j acres bearing fruit, improved, $10,000. 10 acres bearing fruit, improved t'i'jOO 17 acres, close in, improved, $4000. Several good buys in berry tracts. Hop, pruno and Btock ranches, riyht prices. List your bargains and trades with us. i We are agents for Canadian Pacific lands, $11 per acre up, ; 20 years to pay. Close in hotel, 30 rooms, $1."00, snap. . Several good business chances and trades.- J Wo sell iiisurnneo of all kinds. I Houses and furnished rooms to rent. , City lots, a.11 parts of Salem. Acme Investment Company A. B. COOK, Manager.' Phone: Office, Main 477. Opposite Court II01150. 540 State St. Fjnpioymcnt Bureau in Connection. The Store That Saves You Money 1-4 Sawed Oak Library Table V Sawed Oak Library Table di A or Just as Illustrated pll.OJ One 36x43 in. top Mission Wax Table only $18.00 One 23x45 1-4 Oak Library Table with book shelf extension $13.50 Others from $4.95 to $40.00 Stores in Oregon and Washington .-5 , uuRT&imHsrs. Stores in Oregon and Washington X 4- -t Wo Sel1 for Lc" Because Wc Buy for Lets