Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 03, 1914, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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CIofo Students of Fi.thtlns Game Un
willing to Concede Jimmy Clabby
Will Surely Win.
Bcltovo There Is No Question Tlioy Will
So Wmiiors and Olaboy Bays Ho
Has Trained Hard.
San Francisco, April 3 A light dri:- j
o.ln .-i.rlv tn.li.v. which threatened to !
develop into a ilon-nimur, iiihv reanlt. i
in (ho postponement, of the scheduled
round hunt at Daly nty tonight lu
tweeu .lim C'laldiy of Hammond, Ind.,
ami I.ylly .Murray of Hacrmnento. 'Hun
Hliiue .1 i in ' ('(iffrotli, however, wis ce
tain that the bout would bo staged. Ilo
jircilieJed tlio weather would, dear up
thin afternoon, t(nd that tonii.'ht would
he ideal tor tho ft7;iK of an out
door ht.
lioth Murriiv and labby were on
eduo for tho content. They have trained
taithfullv, and neither can consistent-,10
ly ndvanco lack of condition as au ex
'.use iu tho event, of defeat. Kai h nmn,
too, was confident of victory, and pre
dicted a knockout would cud the but
tle. The betting public, however, favored
Clubby. Ili:: speed, cleverness and ex
imrlonco, the fans believed, would morn
t li it ii offset Murray's stamina and his
pum-hiiig power, ami they installed tlio
Indiauiiii a 2 to 1 favorite. The short
end boys, were tdriup,iug with Murray,
nnd it, was regarded ns not improbable
that, the ringside prices would bo about
10 to .
Murray Una OutHldo Choice.
Close students of tho game figured i
Murray Inn a good outside chance to,
win. 1 hey point to tile way in Wlncn
he gradually wore down l,eo llou. k ,,f
riiilinlelpliia recently; his coolness, his
uliility to take a hnr, wallop and then
hold enough strength iu reserve to put
over a knockout.
' I have no inure fear of C'lnbby than
1 had of llouck," said Mttriav today.
"lie may be there with the speed and ;
fancy stuff, but that lets him out, It's;
the bnv with the punch hut wins, t
am willing to take five blows froni
Clnbbv to get lu one. He r tin 't hurt .
but I can put hint out. with ono
punch. I
"Thcv hnve niatle Clabby a 2 to 1 !
Ppy ttecic ,t I HfE fly" WA IT I I UET: &eer HoW,nom. vcufc' i ' f TT'S loo. aaU? I I T OH) 1 FOKSoT ABcxjJ . J ' I ' pBtfl?- RRi?- 6cbM , ITS I j SV, SWM C" rlliX
OOU ftV.WM5 "Be id 6V5, A'U) I OU(2 ATS 6o. TTyATS . .vteLU MKfe 0T fceairr-OOT. ' fASTrM)OF
wis; I - gq. ' ptoLT5grgee j 62.2 ALTo&BTtee 7 ' Li N'Sr- I BeiVmT
'e . . ...... ys
- - 1 ' II I I
say Mummy has good ih ball team ed walsh is w
favorite, The late Stanley Ketchcl laud .1
was a rank outsider in his earlier bouts,1 At Onl.bin 1 Venice 0, San .Francisco
hut, he invariably howled over his men,! I,
I feel licit 1 have it in me to beat1 At I.os Angeles -Urn Angeles 7, Oak
Clubby and I am going right after land (I
him from the first tali of the gong." I 1 1
t labbv taid he didn t fer Murrav'j WILLIE RITCHIE LEAVES FOR
),il,iv 1,110,1, lie ,l,mtle,l. how.1 SANFRACISOO TONIGHT
ever, that he had trained liMir for
H,; I ikiin fnr i.hv .olier be n. -i,! !
on tho coast. ' Lightweight Champion Willie Hitchto
Clabby Not Afraid. ' phinnetl to leave for San 1'raneiseo to-
"Thcv tell me," sniil Clnbbv, "that ' "'K'it prepare for his scheduled 21)
Murttv'is a fust boxer with' a hard"111"1 ,l,''ri 011 lht' evening ftf
punch,' J think 1 havo enough spool ' April K with Harlem Tommy, lie ex-
. 1 .. M . I ' I.. .... I 1 tHH'1 bill fil ktlllt tfwiliillif ItjtVt TllitUiltlV
.iped 'systeniatieally to beat him down
Itiul tlten put over ine rnilsiier. .ii'sroe-.'"
.mi.,, 1 ,),,! not knock out Sailor l'e'.-!lhi
roskev many people think I don't utrrv:
much' of a 'punch. Thev nre wrong. !
Thcv should remember Frank K Inn t, 1
one.' of the hardest hitting niliblU-.
weights in the game, was unable to put
the railor aav. 1'etroskev ha an!
ir0 I
The preliminaries will be put on bo
fore the main bunt. All will be sW
round affairs, as follows: j
t luirllo l.ivens vs. i net, 0.011; i-.ihw
James vs. Voting ImbUco und Satninv
(lood vs. F.ildiu Heatty.
Jim Ciilifin will referee the luaia'
San Francisco, April 3. The ma-i
"f'1 "'' ,, . L I, , ' j.
and (lilbe.t (lalln.it of Ho.toii will i.ee
. .. . 1 .... ft 1
..,.. , ler.gue season 111 Forlland. The school , not lie.
ilny, and it s almost, certain that "' ; bwUll (,.,lm.( tt half holldav. I Keep ltltandy iu your home. A lit-
two boys will be seen in a return iiint di : iV(, ,ll(,uv R ((.k rVM
.ilher the Itilter psrt cl the month or, M1STAREN FOR DLER, I moron , but get the genuiae. Ask rear
early in May. Coffroth !nn to tnj-c Tort Orfitrd, Or., April 3.- Mistaken , druggist for a fill cent bottle of "i'nll
the bunt ill Fitly City. J for a deer while hunlinu nfar arret, j forum Syrup of Figs." then look and
Watson sud viHllni'l met iu t 20 rounl jfc u,, was shot by a eouipntnnii I ,,, that it is made by the, "California
(,,utoi here a few wc ks ugo, Ahioh,nn, H ,l-n.l today as the result ef hi ; Fig Syrup Companr." Oonntrrfeits r
wuS culled a draw. iujurits. ' being sold here, l'leu 't be fooledl
"rw-f r'1'"'!!
According to the present indii-atioiiH
Sulcui high school will inalio a strong
bid for tUc? baseball (hu itii u nsli i j of the
state this season, Practically till of last
year's hum! iiro buck, and, with tlm add
ed experience of last season, should
imJdi an excellent record thin year.
While 1 hi ii weather has prevented 4rao
tiee of late, the team is again busy,
working out with tint 'varsity Biiiud on
V illaim Itn Held liint evening.
Tlio Infield in especially strong for a
high school nine. "Chuck" Low in
holding down tho initial nark in good
B,1"1'0 - 11,1 H - especially runny, hut
excellent, eontrul of himself, and
t't up in tlio air after thu hili oneit
in a man iter that would uladdeu the
heart of uny manager.
I'loctor, wdio iu working at the second
station, in romin along iu fair form.
Ij"i.'k of practice, is bothering him just
at present, but. ho should bo able to
round in (jood form boforo long.
Tavto, who is covering tlio tiiird bag,
w jilaying his position the best of any
of tho Inlielders, ilia fielding is right
up to par, anil ho has an awful whip.
culler, who is playing short, appears
nln . 111 "w" r prnctiei. no lias
the si til I' iu him, and, with u little more
work nnd brushing up on form will have
no difficulty in filling tho bill,
The gnrden contingent, Tucker, lihiue
hart and Taylor, are all working in nice
form. A litlo more work will enablo '
them to comply with all requirements,
Inn pitching statf is exceptionally I
strong tor a high school team. Keeno,
lust canon 's famous ttrirler, is working i
in old -time. form, lie hiW good bpoed
nnd is geltin; plenty of stuff on the
hull. Ilo has au exceptionally strong i
wing for a high school pitcher, llaco,
a new protege, is also showing nice
form. Ilo has fair control and uses his
111 11,0 llm"' 1,111 ' j
""! llvl'm,1R 11 old-time style, lie j
" '" "' -""i- ""i "'
a grcar peg it) se.'ori.i
ino varsity unti ui;n hciiooi liuys win
probably practice together until the
'varsity men leave for spring vnealion.
raciflc Coait Loaguo
I. PP.
I .I'll"
1 .fill"
1 .till"
2 ,3113
1! .;t;i:i
l-o Angeles .
Kan 1'raneiM'o
Oakland 1
Yesterday's Rowilta,
At Sacraiuento Sacramento
(1'eiiwood Springs, Colo., April 3
I .rv w ns in better condltbo,
h "v
elmmpiuii toila.v, "The Imths here
''re just what 1 needed, and they have
d'"' 'n" 11 w',rl'l K"'l- If H wore
neoos-ary 1 could go Into the ring to-
nigltt and give a good account of my-
Kansas t tty, Mo April ,1,-A clml-,
longn to the winner -of the Jimmy
1. lani.y nniy .Mnrpliy light 111 Niiyi
, City, Oil , tonight was Issued here t-1
'day by Jack Dillon, of Indianapolis,
PiPon is matched to box llattllng he
vinsl.y 12 rounds in Unite, Mont.,
ft ..-1 m - .
JT1 ll'l,
Poi-tland, Or. April 3. The school
.kids won't hav to plav bookev Apnl
u u h ,, -llil)lt,Ki;nl)l f v
"r?Y" - r' fr,f y .t Mvtyrt tM-f ffwisi. p.
Ecports From Coach Gleasoa Iudicata
Chicago White Sox Man Is Back
la Excolleut Sbape.
Stick Work In Said to Have Improved
m:d His FloldlnR Was Noyer Bettor
and Bodle Also Hits.
New York, April II. " llig Moose"'
Kd Walsh "is right" again, according
to reports received liero from Coach Kid
(llcason. If the "big reel'' really lias
the old break on his npitter, coupled
with the saino old speed of several seat',
ons ago, then watch out for tho Chicago
White Hox.
"Just take it from Your Uncle Wil
liam," said (lleason in a letter to a
friend, "that the big boy is right again.
Von may .just gamble on that, fur 1 am
willing to." J have had my eyes glued
on ltig Kd ever since we started on our
training tour, and 1 have watched h'm
improve day by day. lie will he ready
to take his turn with tho other flingers
at the oK'iiing of the season, nnd, what
Is better, he will be tliero with the old
..it :t...i .... .... ..I.:....
s'iim I nil um'u uji unit j ii wuiniu
Kneournging reports also were r-
eeived regarding linM 'base. Ilia at id;
work is said" to have improved ami his
fielding never was better. "Ting"
I to, lie also is said to be hitting like a
fiend and if all tho reports reached here
nre 'true. Cnllnhan'a men will certuin
y bear watching.
LovlnAy Wanta Return,
The defeat he sustained here at. tho
hands of Hob McAllister is still rang-
ling in the bosom of liattliug I.evinsky
nun no is nuimeiing lor u reitiru iniiicn
w ith I lie Califoniinn,
"1 am going to write Jim Coffroth
to give Leviusky a return mn(eh on
the coast,"' said Dan Morgan, "What
we want is n "0 round bout anil we
won't, ask for the world either if ho
decides to stage nitch a match. Levin-
sky is the best light heavyweight in the
world and he is improving all the time.
I believe Pacific coast fans wolud lik.i
.to sen him iu action.
BY U. A. V, AUUftiiltATlUH
The linker TriStato league club,
which Itns been training here, was de
feated 1.1 to 4 in a game with the O. A.
('. team at t.'orvall'm yesterday. Pitcher
lililard neieplaned, and was touched lu
the find inning fur a homer, triple, two
doubles nnd two singles, issued one ass
and hit one man with a pitched ball.
Nine 0. A, ('. men r 'ured iu that inning.
Dillnrd isMict throe passes In the first
l. . I.... 1 1 1 l... I I... I
n;i'iii(, mil im.o t'n op turn milieu u ii'i-
tor game during the rest of the game.
U, H. R
O. A, V 12 3
linker 4 5
Ll o VS'
GWo "California 8 Trap of rigs
to Clean tha Bowels.
Mother! Your child Isn't naturally
cross and peevish, Soo if tongue is
coated; this is a sure sign its little
stomach, liver nnd bowels need a
cleansing nt once.
When listless, pule, feverish, full of
cold, breath bad, threat sore, doesn't
eat, si, -ell, or act nnturallv, has stomach
nolle, diarrhoea, remember, a gentle
,jvi,f nm, UinA cifMna should nl-
t ways he the first treatment given.
N,,i,lt p,,,,,,!, . .lxlifrnia Nyrnp of
v:,.," fr dtildreu' ills- irive a tea-
spoonful, nnd in a few hours all th
f,tiil witste. ,eir biln nml ferment in it
: f.,,,,1 i,ich U d.,., ,1 In tho honel.
1 . .
passes out of the system, nnd you have
a well nnd plnvful child again, All
children love this harmless, delicious
"fruit laxative, and it never fnils
to effect a good "'inside" cleansing
' Infections for babte,, children of all
,,, Rm, Krilwn.u, ,r0 vni,ty tho
Marital Frankness.
Mra. SpltjterWliou you murrlml mo
ycni didn't know I could cook, did yon,
Mr. S. No, dear, and I'm not sure
yet Chicago News. ,
Circumstance Alter Cases.
"A bird lu the hand Is worth two In
tho bush," observed tho man who was
stopping Into tho political Job.
"Not wheu you nro called upon to
eat crow," said tho man who was itep
pliiff out of tha political Job. Philadel
phia Prows,
8lilng His Chances.
Jtiilfo You are charged with whip
ping your wife. Why did you do It?
Pi'luoner Why. Judge, who's sick
nbed. I have to Hole her wbou I caul"
-Chli'iigo Newu.
Stomach Troubles Due 'Mtt.y.
S o c a MTTuiimuiX! ' o'u 0 h "as
Indigestion, wind, stomach ache and
inability to retain food, are lu probably
ninu cases out of ten simply evidence
that fermentation Is taking plnco in the
food contents of the stomach, pausing
the formation of gas and acids. Wind
distends the stomach, sud causes that
full, oppressive feeling sometimes
known as hesrtburu, while the acid irri
tates and inflames the delicate lining
ef the stomach, The ttpublr lies en
tirely in the fermenting food. Such
fermentation is unnatural, but mar in
volve innsj serious consequences if not
corrected. To stop or prevent fermen
tation of the food contents of the
stomach snd to neutralise the add, and
rentier it bland and harmless, a tea
spoonful of bisurated magnesia, prob
ably the best and most effective cor
rector of acid stomach known, should
be taken in a quarter of a glass of
hot or cold water Immediately nfter
eating, or whenever wind or acidity la
felt. This stopi the fermentation, and
neutralises tho aridity in a few mo
ments. Fermentation, wind and acidity
are dangerous and unnecessary. Stop
or prevent them by the use of a proper
antacid, such at bisurated magnesia,
which can be obtaiued from any drug
gist and thus enable the stontnch to do
its work properly without being hind
ered by poisonous yas and dangerous
acids. M. F. P.
No, ai usual, tha fruit crou
Hopes for early adjournment of on
gress ara vanishing,
Kach year supplies th sam Inspira
tion to spring poels.
ir.. imm-.
- By Gross
Rub Backache and Lumbago Bight Out
With a Small Bottle of Old St.
s Jacobs Oil.
Back hurt youf Can't Btraighten up
without feeling sudden pains, sharp
aches nnd twinges? Now listen! That's
lumbago, sciatica or may be from a
strain, and you'll get blessed relief tho
moment you rub your back with sooth
ing, penetrating- "St. Jacobs Oil."
Nothing else takes out soreness, lame
ness nnd stiffness so quickly. You
Bimply rub it on and out comes tho
Saiu. It is perfectly harmless and it
ocsn't burn or discolor the skin.
Limber up! Don't suffer! Get a Binnl'
trial bottle from any drug stern, and
after using it just onco, you'll forget
thut you ever -had backache, lumbago
or sciatica, because your back will
never hurt or cause any more misery.
It never diaapopint nnd has been re
commended for lilt years.
Local Druggist Says: "Take Only Ono
Wo want to tell thoso in Salem suf
fering from stomach or bowel trouble
that wo are agents for tho simplo mix
ture of buckthorn bark, glycerino, etc.,
known as Adlor-i-ka, tho remedy which
became famous by curing appendicitis.
This is the most thorough bowel
cleanser known and JUST ON"K DOSE
roliovos sour stomach, gas on the stom
ach and constipation almost 1MMEDI
Perry, druggist. .
Puerto Plata, San Domingo, April 3,
That tho United States cruiser Nash-
-villo nlnno will be in adequate to keep
peaco Hero long between the govern
ment and the revolutionary factions
was generally predicted today by For
eign residents. Peace negotiations be
tween President Hordns and General
Arias havo fallen through completely,
despite the Washington administra
tion's efforts to briug tho two to an
agremnt, luid fighting was looked for
any day. Arias w'as said to havo a
strong following.
Mothers who vnluo their own com
fort and tho welfare of their children,
should never bo without a box of
Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Chil
dren, for use throughout the season.
They break up Colds, relievo Feverish
nose, Constipation, Teething Disorders,
Headache nnd Stomach Troubles, l'sed
bv Mothers for 24 vears. TnESE
all Drug stores. 25c. Don't acept any
substitute. Sample mailed FKLK.
Address Allen S. Olmsled, Ix) Kov, N,
Y. '
Salt Rheum is one of tho worst nnd
unfortunately one of the most common
of all diseases. Uow it reddens the
skin, Itches, oor.es, dries ami scnles.
then does this all over n gain I Some
times it rovers tho whole body with
Inflamed, burning patches Bad causes
intense suffering.
Salt rheum comes from humors in the
blood. This is why locnl aplications
do so little good. It will continue
to exist, annoy, pnin ami perhaps
agonize, until these humors have bcea
For Sick Hsadache, Bour Stomach,
SlnggHh Liver and Bowels They
Work While on Sleep,
Get a liVoent box.
Take a Cascaret tonight to cleanse
your l iver, Stomach and Howels, and
you will surely feel great by morning.
1011 men and women who havo head
ache, coated tongue, can't sleep, are
bilious, nervous, upset, bothered with
a sick, gassy, disordered stomach, ot
have backache and feel all worn out.
Are you keeping your bowels clean
with Cnscarets or merely forcing a
passageway every few days with salts,
rainsriifl pills or castor oil.
Cnscarets immediately cleanse a.id
regulate the stomach, remove the sour,
undigested and fermenting food and
foul gases; take the excess Idle from
the liver and carry off the fonstip.-.ted
intestines and bowels.
Hrmoiuber, a Cascaret tonight will
straighten yon out by morning. A
10-crnt hex. from your druggist means
healthy bowel action; a clear head
and cheerfulness for months. Don't
forgtt the children.
Today's Short Story
I The Derelict j
WAS first uinte of the Mary Good
win of Pliilndolpblu wbuu the
strangest thing In all my seafaring
life happened. Wo were ou the bonks
of Newfoundland, the home of the fog
king, and the mist hud come down on
us thicker than I bad ever seen It. One
night the watch beard the sound of n
distant bell. For nn hour It tolled
faintly, then very slowly became more
distinct. It was evidently coming to
ward us. It must be drifting, for ttrere
wns no wind to Qll Bails, and we eonld
hear no sound of steam. At hut the
bell tolled dismally within a cable's
length of us.
We begun to bo anxious and rang our
own bell to let -the stranger know that
wo were in her course.
Our signal excited no reply, except
the tolling of the bell, which continued
We were on a terrible stmln for
awhile, fenrlng thnt we would clash
with the stranger; then wo caught a
glimpse of her stern under our bow
sprit. She had evidently passed lis.
At eight bells tho next morning the
fog lifted. There was no sign of land,
but ou our starboard quarter was a
bnrkentlne without sails, her foremast
gone, rolling with the waves. The cap
tain sent a boat's crow to Investigate.
Wo found n derelict thnt had evident
ly been flouting a long while. The only
thing nbonrd that bad ever bad life in
It wns tho body of a woman, anl we
had to stave In tho door of the cap
tain's cabin to find that It wns lying
In a berth, and, notwithstanding the
many tosslngs the vessel had received,
It had not rolled out We looked on
the log book for the last entry. It was
dated eighteen months before, Not. 10,
Wo rend tbe entry, and went back
further for an explnnntjon. No port of
tho log made mention of anything nn
In order to demonstrate that "any
thing will grow in Salem," W, H, Hurg
lianit, Sr., b23 North Wiuter street, be
gan experimenting with mushrooms,
about two months ugo, with tho result
thut bo h.is raised some of tho finest
swimens of this edible fungus that
were" ever seen in this part of 'the
country. Three of tho largest so far
grown weighing H ounces, the largest
of the three beiug five inches across
and weighing seven ounces.
Mr. llurghardt snys ho has six varie
ties of the plant, tho most popular
which are tho White Alaska and tho
liaising mushrooms is very Interest
ing work, ns the plants, when properly
cared for from planting, apparently
spring into full growth over night.
Great care, must be exorcised, .however,
in tho making of beds ami the quality
of tlio different ingn ilients used. Tha
manure used must be haudl.tl from 8
to 12 times so as to reduce tho tem
perature from ISO degrees, to about!
Til .1.
iv I-,.. ,
The bods are then filled and left to
stand for about 10 days when the simwn,;;
is planted and left for about .12 davs.il!
when they are topped, or covered with
ft thin layer of earth. From tho timo
the spawn is planted until a crop is
ready to pick is about 0 to eiirht weeks.
I Mr. Hurghardt has, at present, 7 beds
and is planning to put iu some more
sunn, lie has loa filling orders for
j the st. two weeks ami says ha expect
to havo plenty for all In a short time.
I Any one interested in inuhroonn
should call an. see these beds ns Mr.
! llurghardt is one w ho, whatever he
j dor , he docs well.
! Olympia, Wash., April 3. "Shot by
a coat" was the unique report of an
I accident made to the industrial innur
anoe commission today by Mrs. P, f.
! Kutlor of Wrifto River, in asking for
compensation. Mrs. Fuller, who is the
I housekeeisr for a imwer rornunnv. al
leges she threw a enstoff garment into'I
a siove ana an explmion followed which
injure.i her about the fact, arm and
Things We Never See
usual occurring aboard. Nevertheless
we traced what must have been some
thing of the story. A bundle ot love
letters from n woman to the captain,
tho last dated not long before the los
begun, told as that he and his wifa
must have made the voyage a wedding
trip. The last observation showed lati
tude 23 degrees 3o minutes north, longi
tude 18.20 eaiit, or about 300 miles
south of tho Canary Inlands and off tho
coast of Africa. The ship's boats were
;one. which led us to believe that ev
ery ono 011 board except the wonnm had
left the veeseJ ami mudo for tho land.
The period. 1H54, wns when the
slavers were running tho last cargoes
of negroes from tho African coast to
tbo United State. In the forecastle
we found a scrap of paper ou which
was written: 'The old uiuu won t con
sent Do the Joh- we interpreted
this to mean that they had wished to
force the captain to take the crew'
ashore to secure a cargo of slaves. H
declined, and they were to kill him.
All this accounts for tho captain's wife
being locked in bis cabin. The port
anchor was gone. This Indicated that
tbo ship was at anchor wbou the crew
left ber. Probably while tbo men were
ashore after negroes a storm came up
and broke the cable. UWoly the cap
tain was killed on tho ship, and dur
ing tho melee his wlfo wont to the
cabin and locked herself In, Possibly
she may have lain 011 the berth, fit In t
from fright aud died there.
And bo It was that this woman's
bier floated no one know where. The
rope to tbo bell rotted away, nud the
waves tolled with it a requiem for this
brido whose happiness wns so short
But It was destined to float no longer.
Such a derelict so near the Hue of At
Inntlc steamers between Europe nnd
America wns a menace to life. Fortu
nately we had ou board plenty of com
bustibles to destroy her, nud after giv
ing Uie body of the brido n sea burial
we placed a large quantity of gunpow
der In the hold, fixed a slow match.
then, getting Into our boats, pulled
nwny, tho bell stilt tolling Its requiem.
Presently a Same shot up, theVoterss
trembled, and the last of the slayers
sank to the bottom,
Salem Fen ce
B. B. FLEMING, Prop,
Hoadiiuftrtera. American Wlra
Fwwe, Msrtey'g Patient Hop Bas
kat. 0aod 7ur orders In now.
Big itck of hop and logaabery
wire. Rubber roofing, $1.50 up
per sonars. Elastic roof point,
ma? be beat Stock of paints
n4 Tarnishes at 20 pec ootit jo
ttoUon, three bran. Oodar
faoce posts aud wood and Iron
walk and drlTO gates.
350 Oenrt Bt Fuooa 124
P. 0. Box 3C5.
Back of vuivbgt Ken.
Mad by Uu
Sydney, Oregon
Made for Family Use.
Ank your grocer foe It Bran
and aborts always on hand.
P. B, WALLACE, Agent
It makes no difference whnt
klud of efficient help you must
hnve, clerks, bookkeepers, stenog
raphers, collectors, or any ono of
the thousand other occupations, a
Wnnt Ad in this paper will find
the proper person for tho place
before sundown tomorrow.
Everybody that is wido awake
and looking for a job knows that
tho only place to look for one is
in Tho Onpital Journal Want
Just, write your Want Ad now,
and you will find vour man.