Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 31, 1914, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Children In German Gily Show
Deep Interest.
Moat of City's Refute Carted Away
- While Town It Asleep Specially
Trained Men Look After Asphalt
Regular Fores of Nearly a Thousand
With almost every city and town la
the United States preparing for Its
spring cleaning, attention lias been nt
1 traded to the methods of eleuulng
liouse adopted by the Important cities
of Europe.
in no European town perhaps are
the methods more Interesting than In
the thriving German city of Hamburg,
where carefully trained children help
to keep the city beautiful. Writing
from that place, United States Consul
Robert I'. Skinner says that the mayor
of one of the large cities of Ohio who
visited Hamburg was much impressed
with the important part performed by
the children In keeping the city clean.
He departed from the city, Mr. Skin
ner says, convinced that the cleaning
of streets and sidewalks in Germany
3s a much lighter task tliun In cities
of the same size in the United States
because of the orderly habits of the
people themselves.
"Suction street sweeping devices,"
continues Mr. Skinner, "are practical
3y unknown In Germany. Hamburg
Itself owns horse drawn sweepers only,
.although for about nine mouths two
electric motor sweepers have been lu
use. These, however, do not yet be
long to the city and are being employ
ed experimentally. They have not giv
en satisfaction and have been under
repair more than three months. These
imotor driven sweepers fall to work
well in this city because the pave
ments, as a rule, are not very smooth,
Jiml the mechanism of the sweepers Is
deranged by the shnklng It receives.
Recently the front wheels of these
sweepers have been provided with rub
ber tires, and they have worked more
Cleans 1,290 8trsets.
"'The Hamburg street cleaning de
partment cleans and when necessary
sprinkles all city streets, makes re
pairs, maintains relief stations, re
moves dust, garbage and waste mat
ter generally from streets, houses,
wharves, ships and markets and op
erates also a gnrbage burning plant.
At present the department cleans 1,200
streets, with their adjacent sidewalks,
'having a length of 21)1.4 miles. The
:roadways cleaned cover fully 6,050,970
square jnrds and the sidewalks about
4,177,000 square yards. Tlio work is
carried on under the supervision of
twelve superintending establishments.
Thirty main thoroughfares nre cleaned
fllx times weekly nt night by means of
rotary brooms and all other streets,
wltji few exceptions, twice weekly. In
the center of the city the streets are
also cleaned kIx times weekly during
the day and In other parts of the city
four times weekly during the day.
"AspUnlt street surfaces require
more attention than others, as they be
cnine slippery nnd nre looked after by
specially trained men. They nre swept
nnd drenched with water and In ley
weather nre sprinkled with pebbles. Of
D. D. D. Opens
in Cure
Professor Tludlong's case of ecioma
-Wns known to almost every hoopliul
find physician of reputation throughout
tho suite of Connecticut. His letter Is
(mother Interesting demonstration of
what Is being accomplished by tho
famous specttlc D. D. ., Prescription.
"It may be of Interest to you to know
thut your lll'o-Klvinir preparation, U
X. V. Prescription has been of Incal
culable value to me. I was covered
with eczema from head to foot when
I botran using your remedies. I could
Eot no relief, although I tried a thou
nnd means, I applied but two bot
tles of tho Prescription; a euro was
effected In a' very short time, in luus
STKiite TOErA T'lu
Mock tue -sFbTs off
tew complaints have been made by the
owners of motorcars that these peb
bles damage the tires of their vehicles,
so that now this material is strewn
only when strictly necessary. The peb
bles used are mud free und from oue
flfth to two-tiftlis inch In diameter. In
1010 80.).S3 cubic yards of these peb
bles were utilized. The Hamburg street
cleanini department owns r0 clean
ing machines, 54 snowplows. 101 wa- J
ter wagons. HW garbage carts for
waste from private bouses, GO garbage
carts for waste from ships, quays,
etc., 8o0 snow wheelbarrows and 321
garbage wheelbarrows.
"Night work begins at midnight and
ends when the streets are in order.
Twelve squads work under the direc
tion of twelve different posts. Thesa
posts are in charge of an inspector for
day work and n siiblnsnector for night
work. ..The Jurisdiction-of each post is j
divided into ten subdivisions, so that in :
the event of emergency work can be
taken up simultaneously at a moment's
notice at 120 different points. First
the broom machines, of which there
are twenty-six. sweep the roadways,
while the sidewalks are cleaned at the
same time by special men. Another
squad follows the sweepers to heap up
the dirt swept to the roadside, and
finally carts and garbage wagons fol
low. The night work never lasts more
than eight horn's. Householders are
required to burn up all garbage possi
ble and to store the rest in sheet Iron
cans with covers, which are deposited
at the edge of the sidewalk twice a
week, not before 9 p. n. The cans are
emptied by the garbage gatherers nnd
must be taken lu from the sidewalk by
the householders before 8 n. m.
Roadways Are Scoured.
"Day work begins at 0 a. m. and con
tinues until 0 p. in., except with the
men who work on the asphalt streets,
who remain on duty until 7 p. m. A
two hour Intermission Is allowed at
noon. Recently ten small iron boxes
nnd ten wire netting paper boxes have
been plnced on trial In different parts
of the city to facilitate the work of
the street cleaning department. If
they answer the purpose satisfactorily
a large number will be provided here
after. "On some streets it is also the prac
tice, where there Is a sufficient grade
to enable the water to carry off the
waste matter through the gutters, sim
ply to scour the roadway with a strong
stream of water.
"At the garbage burning plant of the
city In 1910 the following quantities of
material were burned: House garbage.
73,170 tons; wharf garbage, 4,210 tons;
Rhlp garbage, 3,300 tons: market -waste.
080 tons; waste delivered by private
persons and public institutions, 1,541
tons; total, 82.073 tons. From these
quantities of waste matter the city ob
tained 44,087 tons of cinders and 075
tons of oldetal, nil of which had o
substantial commercial value.
"The regular namliurg street clean
ing force consists of 800 to 900 men.
but it is often necessary tn increase
tho force to as many as 3,500 men with
the utmost celerity. A situation of this
kind is met In the following manner:
Not later than the month jof October
the street cleaning department dis
tributes to nil laborers applying for
them at tho proper registry office cards
stating where the applicants nre to
report for work In tho event of a heavy
snowfall. When tho need presents
Itself men holding cards of this kind
obtain employment first. They nre paid
as much as $2.50 per day, tho stand
ard rate being 2.4 cents per barrow
load of snow removed. However, those
who fill tho barrows are paid nt tho
rate of 8 cents per hour. Barrows
are used If snow hns to bo transported
not more than 820 feet. In other cases
carts of 2.01 cubic yards capacity are
New Era
of Skin Disease
than one month." Pruf. C. J. Budlonsr,
South Lyme, Conn,
Ask any druKKlnt today for D D. D.
Prescription. He'll tell you It allays
the Itch lnstantlj and soon there are
signs of cure.
Wo havo handled the remedy for
years and reKurcl It as the specific fur
skin troubles of all kinds. Come In or
nk us about D. D. IX Prescription,
also about D. D. I), soap especially
lor tender skins.
Wo offer tho first full slxe bottlo
on tho guarantee that unless It stops
the Itch at once, it costs you not a
UutCRAY, T SFVlrltrO.'
I The "CbBc Does SWcJo.l
Bub Rheumatism Away ith a Small
Trial Bottle of Penetrating Old
St Jacobs Oil.
Rheumatism is "pain only."
Not one case in fifty requires inter
nal treatment. Stop drugging! Rub
the misery right away! Apply sooth
ing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil" di
rectly upon the "tender spot" and re- i
ltul nrtmaa inolantlv ' ' Sf Tannlia !
Oil" conquers pain. It is harmless
rheumatism cure which never disap
points aad cann ot burn or discolor
tho skin.
Limber up! Quit complnining! Get
a smalltrial bottle of "St. Jacobs Oil"
and in just a moment you'll bo as free
from rheumatic pain, soreness and
stiffness as a new-born baby. Don't
suffer! Relief and a cure awaits you.
Get it! "St. Jacobs Oil" is just as
good for sciatica, neralgia, lumbago,
backache, sprains and swellings. Keep
it haady!
Los Angeles, Cal., March 31. With
out recovering his memory, Emil Gail
lard a Frenchman wandering in a field
March 20 with five bullet wounds in
his head, died late yesterday. Gaillard
was a hermit and lived near Artcsia.
No clew to his murderer has been found.
Each "Pape's Diapepsln" Digests
3,000 Orains of Food, Ending All
Stomach Misery in Five Minutes.
Time it! Pape's Diapepsin will di
gest anything you eat aad overcomo a
sour, gassy or out-of-order stomach
surely ia five minutes.
If your meals don't fit comfortably,
or what you eat lies like a lump of
lead in your stomach, or if you havo
heartburn, that is a sign of indiges
tion. Get from your pharmacist a 50-cent
case of Pape's Diapepsin and take a
dose just as soon as you can. There
will be no sour risings, no belching of
undigested food mixed with acid, no
stomach gas or heartburn, fullness
or heavy feeling in the stomach, nau
sea, debilitating headaches, dizziness
or intestinal griping. This will all go,
nnd, besides, there will be no Bour
food left over in the stomach to poisoa
your breath with nauseous odors.
Pape's Diapepsin is a certnia cure
for out-of-order stomachs, becauso it
takes hold of your food and digests it
just tho same as if your stomach
wasn't there.
Relief in five minutes from all Bto
mach misery is waiting for you at any
drug store.
These largo 50-cent cases contain
enough "Pape's Diapepsin" to keep
the entiro family free from stomach
disorders nnd indigestion for many
months. It belongs in your home.
New York, March 81. Frank Moran,
of i'ittslmr, who will clr.sh in Paris la'o
in Juno with Jack Johnson, tho world's
heavyweight champion, will sail for
England on tho steamer Olympic May 0.
Al Kuhiak and Frank Kennedy will
act as Moraa's sparring patners.
It's Up To You
What's tho size of your payf
Couldn't you do much better
honost, couldn't you, if you
tried f Well, you know what
thoy say, and it's true: "A lot
easier to get another job when
you've got one, than when you
haven 't."
Rut just remember, no rcnl
first-class job is going to chase
around finding you out, You've
got to do a bit of tall hunting
Start a little Want Ad to work
for you at once. Mnlio one or
two per cent of your present
weekly smlnry into these efficient
littlo job-hunters for a few weeks.
Think this over ami you will
get there through a Want Ad.
( B
nimmrr in nm nrrrn
uuiiuutonui HULK
Wires to Los Angeles Kept Hot Ever
Since Victory of Englishman
Over Rivers and $5,000 Offered.
Tells How Gus Ruhlin Hammered Ma
laria Out of Him In Scrap They Had
In New York Many Years Ago.
Now York, March 31. Johnny Du.i
doe is hot on the trail of Freddie Welsh.
Ever since he heard of the Euglish
maa's victory in Los Angeles over Joe
Rivors, Dundee, through his manager,
Scotty Monteith, has kept tho wires to
Los Angeles hot with challenges to
Welsh. ,
"There is one man, "said Dundee to
day, "that I know I can lick.' I am so
confident of my ability to trim Welsh
that I have offered repeatedly to bet
him $5,000 at even money that I can
stop him within 20 rounds. There is
nothing I would like bettor than to mix
it with Welsh in a 20 round bout either
in Los Angeles or San Francisco. I
don't believe, howevor, that Welsh
wants any of my game."
Hammered Malaria Out of Him.
Bob Edgron, sporting editor of the
Now York Evening World, says Bob
Fitzsimmons is developing into a good
storry teller. Fitz, Edgren Bays, !b now
tolling a mirth provoker about a ma
laria cure which the fighter tells some
thing like this:
"When I fought Gus Ruhlin, just be
fore tho Ilorton law in New York went
out, I had a fierce attack of malaria.
Gus gave me a tough time until 1 land
ed that first knockdown. Ho cut me
up and bruised mo so badly that half
an hour after I left the ring both of
my eyes were closed tight," When I wns
brought back to the ilartholdi hotel I
told tho boys not to go to my apart
ment with me. 'Just lend mo to tho top
of tho stjiirs and turn mo around head
ing down tho corridor to tho left,' I told
thorn. 'My room's the first door to tho
right. I'll find it.'
"Tiosc, my wife, met mo in the hall.
They Love to Take Tt and It Doesn't
Harm the Tender Little Stomach,
Liver and BowoIb.
If your little ono's tongue is coated,
it is a sure sgin tho stomach, liver nnd
bowels need a gentle, thorough cleans
ing at once. When your child is cross,
peevish, listless, pale, doesn't sleep, eat
or act naturally; if breath is bad, the
stomach sour, system full of cold,
throat soro, or if feverish, give a tea
spoonful "California Syrup of Figs"
and In a few hours all the clogged-up,
constipnted wnste, Bour bile and undi
gested food will gently move out of
the bowels, and you havo a well, play
ful child again.
Hick children needn't be ronxed to
take this harmless "fruit laxative."
Millions of mothers keep it handy be
cause they know Its action on the stom
ach, liver and bowels is prompt and
sure. They also knw a little given
today saves a sick child tomorrow.
Ask your druggist for a fid-rent bot
tle of "California Syrup of Figs,"
which contains dirc.lions for babies,
children of till ages nnd for grown-ups,
plainly on the bottle. Howiire of
counterfeits sold here, (let the genu
ine, made by "nlifornin ig Hyrup teen
t.iuiv." Don't be tooled!
HMD- "pRifi50'
..iJArt I
iii j
' Lead me to a mirror Rose,' I said. She
did. I pulled one eye open, and I began
to laugh. I never saw myself with both
eyes puffed up like that before, and it
looked awful funny. I got into a tub
of water as 'ot as I could stand and
'ad a big raw steak tied across my two
eyes. When I was pretty near boiled
I got out and went to bed. Next nioru
ing there was not a trace of malaria in
me, and it never came back. I guess
Gus 'amniered it clean out of me."
Kentucky Allows Boring.
The state of Kentucky' has fallen in
line with states where boxing ia now
permitted. Its assembly recently passcl
a bill permitting ten rounds no decision
contests. It also provides for a state
board of athletic control.
Seattle, Wash., March 31. Washing
ton 's varsity and freshman crows may
not row at Berkeloy April 11 with the
crews of California and Stanford.
The race has been set for 2:30 o'clo"k
Saturday afternoon instead of at 3v
o'c'ock as in previous years, which
would not give the Washington party
of 25 time tp board the return steamer
nt 5 o'clock in tho afternoon.
"Tho faculty will not let us go if
we miss more than two days college
work," said the indignant coach, Cou
ibear, "and if wo can't make the 5
o'clock boat wo will have to wait until
T'.t'day for a boat nnd that will get
us home Friday, a wook late.
"I wired the California people the
race must be held at 10 o'clock or tha.
we would bo umiblo to enter, but thoy
nfi'so to change the hour. It lookB to
me as if they do not want us dowa
tl ere because wo beat them so badly
a ; ear ago April.
Atlanta, Ga., March 31. Leaving the
spring training camp at Athens, Ga,,
because of poor food and bad weattar,
the Cleveland American league team
arrived hero yesterday afternoon with
several players suffering from slight
attacks of ptomaine poisoning.
"Athena la tho poorost place I have
ever seen for spring training," said
Manager Birmingham. "The food and
othor accomodations wore misorablo."
Houston, Texus, March 31. Close
friends of Managor McGraw, of the
Now York Giants, intimated yesterday
afternoon that Fred Bnodrnss probably
would bo a bench warmer this osuson.
His early training "pep" hns entirely
disappeared, and it is practically a cer
tainty that ho will net be seen nt third
base, tho place left vacant by tho re
tirement, of Art Hliater.
Lbs Angeles, Cal., March 31. Whut
boxing experts expect to bo one of the
most evenly matched bout" seen hero in
ninny moons is billed for Vernon arena
tonight in tho 20 round go between Joe
Welling of Chicago and liabo Picnto of
Los Angeles, lightweights. Welling, b
cause of physicul advantages, is a 10
to H favorite.
"I havo beaten much better boys
than I'lcato," said Welling today, "an I
COLLAR 2for2i
CluH Vnthniy fCVW. Mr
- - - By Gross
Children Cry
The Kind You Ilave Always
use ir uvcr on years,
fyfajfy, Bonftl
All f!mmf nrfolf ImttaflAna
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castorla Is a harmless snbstltnte for Castor Oil, Pare
gorlo, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Horphine nor other Uarcotio
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. for more than thirty years it
lias been In constant use for the relief of Constipation.
-Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and
Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Dowels,
assimilates the Food, giving healthy nnd natural Bleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
I regard hint moroly as a stopping stone
to better matches."
"Welling looks clover," said Ticato,
"but I expect to stop him well within
tho limit."
The winner Is to be matched with Joj
San Francisco, March 31. It was up
to old Jupiter l'luvius this morning
whether tho Hnn Francisco nnd Venice
clubs opened tho 19 H baseball sensoa
here today as planned in President Al
llnum's playing schedule. Tho players
were right on edge, but cloudy uiiil
threatening weather prevailed. Mo
rain, however, had fallen up to H
o'clock and unless a downpour conies
the gnino wil be played.
It seemed prolmlilo mat tho follow
ing would bo ho line-up of tho two
(San Francisco Charles, cf; O'I.enry,
.'lb; Schaller, If; Downs, 'Jl; fnit-wi-ight,
lb; Mundorff, rf; Corlian, ss;
Schmidt, c; Funning, p.
Venice Carlisle, If; Kane, cf; Hny
less, rf; llosp, ss; oltrtcm, lb, l.itclii,
.lb; l.enrd lib, Klliott, cj Hitt, Klepl'er
or White, p.
All arrangements were completed
early today for tho opening ceremonies.
Tho automobile parade will leave the
grounds nt 12:,'!l) p. m. nnd will whiz
about tho city's principal streets for
nn hour and a half. Tho gamo ia
scheduled to start at 3 'oclock and
Mayor Holph will bo on hand to twirl
the first ball.
Owners of tho Heals predicted a
crowd of 12,(100 would seo the first
The most aged fnco will look years
younger niter the use of ordinary mer
coli.ed wax for from ten days to two
weeks. This remarkable substance, be
cause of Its peculiar absorptive power,
actually removes the thin veil of faded,
or withered outer cuticle, a little nt a
time. (Irndually the fresher, mure
youthful skin underneath is revealed.
This obsorptioa process being a purely
hygienic one, un entirely natural com
plexion is nciiiired quite different
from the artificial complexion, which
api'piirs anything but girlish, though
often bearing painful evidence of child
ishness, An ounce of meri'illi.eil wax,
obtainable lit any drug store, is suffi
cient to rejuvenate any complexion, It
is put on like cold creuiu at bed time,
ii nd removed mornings with warm
To eradicate such nge marks ns the
wrinkles nnd furrows, make a wnh
met a )
2 a
' ft ,
for Fletcher's
Bought, and which has been,
lias Dornetne signature oi
iuis uecn niaue under bis per-
supervision since its Infancy.
4t T.,D0 t i .
Signature of
lotion by dissolving 1 oz. powdered
saxolite in Vj pint witch hazel. This
hns wonderful astringent and tonio
proporties. It quickly effnees all kinds
of wrinkles, no matter how caused,
making tho skin firm, smooth and
young looking.
Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Days.
Druggists refund money if PAZO
OINTMENT fails to cure itching, blind
Bleeding or Protruding Piles. First
application givoB relief. ISOc.
for Lumbago!
It's amazingly quick reliof. And
it's so easy to use.
You just rub MU8TEROLE In brisk
ly, and presto, the pain is gone a de
licious, soothing comfort cornea to take
its place,
M USTEliOLE is a clean, whito oint
ment, mndo with oil of mustard. Use
it instead of mustard plaster. Will
not blister.
Doctors and nurses use MUSTER
OLE nnd recommodd it to thoir pa-
They will gladly tell you what roliof
it givos from ttoro Throat, Bronchitis,
("roup, Stiff Neck, Asthma, Nouralgia, V
Congestion, Pleurisy, Rheumatism,
Lumbago, Tains and Aches of the
Hack or Joints, Sprains, Sore Muscles,
Hrnises, Chilblains, Frosted Foot,
Colds of tho Chest (it prevents pneu
monia). At your druggist's, in 2'io and 00o
jars, and a special largo hospital size
Kor 2.S0.
Accept no substitute. If your drug
gist, ciiiimot supply you, send 2;1c or 30a
to the ML'HTEIiOLE Company, Clove,
hind, Ohio, and wo will mnil you a jar,
postage prepnld, (57)
Dr, J. J. Gordon, a well-known De
troit physician, says: "Mustorole is in
valitoolo In my practice and my home."
Any time you
feel tired drink
a cup of
Refreshing, invigorating and
Things WeNever See